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By goldenrai

469K 13.3K 6.5K

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7.1K 267 250
By goldenrai


Ayla was mad at herself. How could she be so reckless with people's feelings. It seemed like no matter what she'd done to avoid hurting someone, it still happens anyways. She didn't expect she'd lose someone she'd grown fond off and considered them as her friend, most especially on her birthday.

It wasn't like she planned on it happening, she just didn't think it would've happened in a blink of an eye. She has been non stop trying to persuade herself that maybe it was meant to happen but it didn't make her feel any better. 


"If I told you what I wished for, it won't come true." I stated, looking at Hayes who's been pestering me for quite a while after I blew out the candles on the cake.

He huffs, pouting. "I bet if I was Corpse, you'd tell me."

The both of us were currently sat on the couch while some were still outside just chatting or in the dining area, grabbing some food. A few left already but there were still some who stayed after I blew out the candles.

I shake my head at him, rolling my eyes. "I never tell my wishes to anyone." I tell him, "Besides why are you so insistent?" I asked as I raise a brow at him.

"Did you know grapes can catch on fire in microwaves?" He tells me switching the subject.

"No, I didn't know that. Also you suck at trying to change the subject."

He ignores my statement and continues, "When they're split into half or when two are touching, they can concentrate the energy of the microwave to the same point of the grapes touching. They are then able to warm them up so much that they don't hold onto their electrons, which then transforms into a plasma, in turn it creates a fireball." He finishes with a grin on his face.

I definitely didn't think I was gonna get a science lesson in the middle of our conversation. "How much have you drank Hayes?" I curiously ask him.

He thinks for a while, "I think, three?" He says while holding up 2 fingers, or maybe he was doing the peace sign, who knows.


He shakes his head, "Nope," he says popping the p, "bottles of soju."

"Oh god, and they say I'm the alcoholic." I mumbled to myself. I'm surprised he's still able to walk straight and not stumble on his feet.

"You still haven't told me why you wanna know what I wished for." I asked him.

He lets out a defeated sigh, "I may have talked to Emma about a bet."

"How is my life so entertaining to you guys." I asked rhetorically.

"Well, I'm a med student." He says like it was the most obvious thing ever. "Besides, I just wanna win against Emma for once."

"What's it about specifically anyways?"

"If you wished for something for you or someone else." He tells me.

I hummed, "It's the former one." I answered and his eyes lit up and he grinned widely.

"Fucking finally!" He exclaims, "I need to go and find Emma and tell her I won." He tells me before leaving me alone in the living room.

I haven't seen Dream for a while and I really needed to talk to him about what he saw. The longer that I haven't spoken to him the more anxious I've been feeling. I've look around every where and I haven't spotted him once.

He seemed to really do be good at hiding from me. I notice both Karl and Sapnap entering from the sliding door that led to the backyard.

I get up from the couch and walk towards them.

"Hey, have y'all seen Clay?" I asked as I approached both Karl and Sapnap.

The both shook their heads, "Not since he asked me where you were before you blew on your cake." Sapnap answers.

"Right, and I haven't seen him since he found me." I sighed, "Tell him to look for me if you spot him." I said as I walked away.

Where the hell could he possibly disappeared to. I let out a groan. "For someone who just turned 22, you don't look too happy."

"Gumi, hey!" I smiled just as I turned to see her standing there. "Thanks for the gift again." I said to her, thinking about what she gotten me earlier.

"It's no problem, but what's troubling you?" She tilts her head at me, worried.

I debated on telling her, but I knew she could be trusted. "Something happened before I went down for the candles. I'm just looking for someone who seems to be a great hider." I tell her.

"Wait, does the thing that happened have anything that got to do with Punz?" She asks.

"I mean he's somewhat the reason I'm looking for someone. Why?"

Her eyes widened, "Holy shit, did you guys kiss or something? He was blushing when he went to talk to Boomer and I after you blew the candles."

I hold back a smile, "I mean I don't kiss and tell."

"Holy shit... No shot he made the first move."

I let out a laugh, "Why do say that?"

"Did he?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Can't say."

"I'll love you forever Ayla." She begs, "Please, Ayla my beloved, tell me." She pouts, giving me puppy eyes.

"Why? It's not like there's an ongoing bet or something." I say to her. She smiles sheepishly at me, "No fucking way... There's a bet on that too?!" I exclaimed. "Seriously, what's with my friends betting about the things in my life." I muttered under my breath.

"Great source of income." She answers grinning. Which seemed like something Indi would say.

"Who's even a part of it?" I asked

"Just me, Boomer and Indi, then Hayes when he overheard us talking a while ago." She tells me.

"Oh god, Indi and Emma need to stop letting people bet on my life and not include me."

"Wouldn't that be unfair since you'd have an upper hand?"

I pout, "I wanna be included too." I added, "Although, I don't really need money, maybe I could get like favors instead."

"So...?" She trails off, waiting for my answer.

"Like I said, I don't kiss and tell." I smirked at her, "Anyways, have you seen Dream?" I asked.

She was about to answer when she caught herself. "An answer for an answer." She tells me, now it was her turn to grin widely at me.

"I have no way out of this, do I?"

"Nah." She grinned at me

I let out a sigh and gave in, "No." I answered.


I nodded, "So, have you seen Dream?" She grins at my answer and nods.

"Not since I saw him talking to Corpse like a few minutes ago. Seemed pretty heated to me, plus I think he's thinking of getting an uber to the hotel he's staying at." She informs me.

I felt like I was on a scavenger hunt, definitely not my favorite game to play when I was younger.

"Right, I guess he'll probably be out front by now."

She nods at me and gives be a small smile. Before she leaves she turns back towards me, "Hey Ayla, for whatever reason you're looking for Dream about, don't hurt Punz along the way."

"I would never, especially him." I answer her honestly, "At least I would never do it intentionally, I really like him a lot."

The grin on her face seemed to get wider, and gives me a nod before she leaves me to find for Dream.

And as if planned, my phone buzzes. I pull it out of my pocket and see a message from Sapnap saying that Dream was out front about to leave. Just like what Gumi told me.

I rush my way towards the front door, but before I could get out of the house, I hear Luke calling my name.

"Ayla! Do you know why Dream avoided me when I tried talking to him right after?" He asks me, confused.

I frowned, I didn't think that I'd be a reason as to why they might not talk anymore. They've known each other for so long, I didn't want to be why they broke a friendship. "He may have told me he liked me before he left, when he visited me in New York and but he told me that he wasn't expecting an answer."

"You knew he liked you and you still chose me instead of him? Why?" He stated at me confused and in shock. Like I should've picked Dream instead of him.

"Believe it or not, I actually really really like you." I answer him genuinely. "Look, I swear that I like you a lot, but right now I need to go find Dream and explain what happened."

He nods and sighs, letting me go. "I promise that I'll find you later okay?" I tell him and he gives a small smile as I left the out the front door.

I spot Dream who was stood by the curbside of the house. "Leaving without saying goodbye?" I spoke up as I approached him.

He turned to look at me briefly but turned away quickly when he saw me approaching. I tried to find the words of what to tell him but I just seemed to blank.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." It was the first sentence I could come up with as I stood beside him, sounding like a complete cliche, which I kinda despised.

He lets out a bitter laugh, "Kinda late for that don't you think?"


"You know, for a moment I thought I had a chance. You gave me signals that was pointing to one thing and the next thing I know I see you locking lips with him which is completely the opposite of what signals I was receiving." He scoffs, "I can't even bare looking at you, you literally had me wrapped around your finger."

"I was gonna tell you Clay, I just didn't know how to." I mumbled as I looked to the ground in shame.

Another bitter laugh came out of his mouth, "When? When you announce you're both dating?" I look up at him and see that he was already looking back at me, his eyes were glassy but the tears never fell.

"Why wait so fucking long just to tell me? Why make me think that I had an actual chance? Because I'm fucking tired of this cat and mouse game that we have going on." I've never seen him look at me with such hatred and I felt like throwing up.

He clenched his jaw and had his fists balled up, "I honestly feel like an idiot, because here I am close to fucking tears with a girl I really like that isn't even mine." He adds, looking at me completely dejected and I felt my heart break.

He was someone I considered a friend and now I didn't know if we could be in that way ever again, especially after this.

"We aren't dating yet, but I really like him Clay." I said softly, which would've barely been heard if we weren't standing in front of each other. "I didn't mean to lead you on. I just... I didn't want to hurt you right away when I was unsure about my answer in the beginning."

"Well it hurts now more than ever." He snaps at me and I flinched slightly at the tone of his voice. I began pulling at the end of the sleeves of the hoodie I've got on. He kept looking back at his phone, waiting for the uber he's gotten to arrive.

"How was I even supposed to know when you really actually liked me when you flirt with most your friends, for all I know it could've been all just a bit." I said looking at him.

He looks away and lets out a frustrated groan, "Could you be anymore dense? I came to visit you in New York, that didn't tip you off at all?" With the tone of his voice, I couldn't seem to speak up, afraid I'd just anger him more.

He runs his hand through his hair, "I told you I like you before I left and told you that you didn't have to give me an answer right away because the whole time I was there, you made me feel like you liked me back."

I frowned, I didn't actually think that he liked me that much. It makes me look like such an asshole and I can't help but blame myself for not telling him sooner.

"I know sorry might not mean much right now but I really am." I spoke up, trying not to let my voice crack.

"Hell Ayla, I don't fucking care about your apologies right now. I was waiting for you, I wanted you." He answers back, "I was wondering why it was taking you so long to tell me and I guess now I know why." He laughs bitterly, rolling his eyes at me and turns away from me.

I stood up straighter, getting sick of his attitude. "You know, if you really fucking like me like you say you do. You'd be fucking happy that I'm actually happy and not throw a temper tantrum like a fucking child." I finally snapped at him. "Besides, you don't think I don't fucking notice how you do shit on purpose? How you try and make shit look like something more? We were friends first and I don't get why you're acting like such a douche right now. Why can't you just be fucking happy for me?"

He doesn't say a word and just stood there, ignoring my presence, like we just didn't yell at each other. Like what happened a few minutes ago didn't happen. "You know what?" I began, "Fuck you Dream, you're exactly like my ex girlfriend and I'm so glad you're not the person I'm in love with." I was furious with him, all the sadness I felt for him was long gone.

"You already did." Was all he said.

My mouth drops open for a second and then glared at him while clenching my jaw. I pull on his shoulder turning him to look at me. I slapped him, loud enough that it echoed throughout the empty street.

I turned away and made my way back inside, hot tears falling down my face as I try and look for Luke. At this point, I didn't care if anyone saw me crying, there was barely anyone left anyways. Everything has died down at this point.

I didn't know how to feel at the moment. I just wanted to be able to explain myself yet it turned into a shouting fest.

Once I spot Luke, I made my way towards him. Indi and Emma seemed to be grilling him with questions. I wipe away the tears off my face as I approached them.

Indi notices me approaching and nudges Emma, "Who the fuck do we need to beat up?" Emma speaks up staring at me. Luke turns around with a worried expression on.

I shake my head at the both of them, giving them a small smile. "I'm just here to steal Luke from the both of you." I tell them.

A smirk appears on Indi's face. "We'll go along now then." She says, pulling Emma by the arm, "Don't forget what we talked about Punz!" She adds yelling out as they walked away, leaving me alone with Luke.



sorry for the late update, i was kinda
drinking like 2 nights in a row cuz i'm sad
and lonely lmao, plus ngl i've been playing
valo too much (but i'm not that great lol)
to avoid writing this chapter, lol oops

also wasn't edited much yet, but i wanted
it up already :))

anywayssss hope y'all are staying hydrated
and taking care of yourselves :))
hope you all had an amazing day or night

— rai

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