Fast-through System: Villain...

By aruminzepo

467K 11.6K 609

Author: 秦原 Qin Yuan warning: The ML is a yandere. [1v1] [This is an MTLed novel, only edited to make sense]... More

Warning and Notes
001 System
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Dark Night BOSS 48 (Final)
Stay Away, Superstar! 1
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Dark Night BOSS Extra 1-3, Stay Away, Superstar! 36-38
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Stay Away, Superstar! 51
Stay Away, Superstar! 52-53
Stay Away, Superstar! 54-56
Stay Away, Superstar! 57-60
Stay Away, Superstar! 61-62
Stay Away, Superstar! 63-64
Stay Away, Superstar! 65-69
Stay Away, Superstar! 70
Stay Away, Superstar! 71-72
Stay Away, Superstar! 73-74(Final)
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 1
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 2
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 3
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 4
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 5
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 6
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 7
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 8
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 9
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 10
The Lord Regent Who Begged for Love 11

Stay Away, Superstar! 7

3.2K 82 0
By aruminzepo

From system 001's point of view, the previous world's mission of the was very dangerous for the host with a good luck value of 1, even if the mission of that world was extremely simple.
However, the host quickly completed the task by teaming up with the villain.
Since this method is so easy to use, why not continue to use it in this world?

Xuan Yunzhi wanted to ask a question ever since she saw Si Yunxie.
"001, why are the two ultimate villains in different worlds with the same name, same surname and appearance, and even their behaviors are so consistent? Is it possible that he is also a transmigrator?*"
001 replied, its voice was cold and there was no ups and downs.
"Host, the system doesn't know why this happened, maybe it's a coincidence between two parallel time and space."
Xuan Yunzhi curled her lips. She didn't accept this reason.
Zhao Man stood on the side with her head down, completely forgetting the teeth and claws she had just opened.
"Mr. Si, I'm sorry."
She had a panicked tone.
Xuan Yunzhi raised her eyelids and glanced at Zhao Man.
Apologising to Si Yunxie?
She lifted her eyes to look at Si Yunxie. His lazy and casual knitted sweater made him look more harmless.
His thin lips slowly pursed with a smile.
"Such news broke out on the Internet, doesn't the director have any plans to replace someone?"
The slightest unsparing face, the nonchalant voice, it pointed directly at Zhao Man.
The director on the side came over with a sincere tone

"Mr. Si has a point, and we are also discussing this matter."
Si Yunxie's danfeng eyes glanced over the director, and his casual smile became deeper.

"I mean, when discussing which actor should replace Zhao Man."

The faint glances of his  danfeng eyes swept over Xuan Yunzhi who was sitting on the chair.
Inexplicably, she had a not-so-good premonition.
"I think she fits well. "
He smiled, speaking in an agreeable manner.
Xuan Yunzhi raised her brows.
"What do you mean, Mr. Si?"

The director next to him was also taken aback when he heard it.

"Xuan Yunzhi is the female number one in this "Youth Time" and Zhao Man is the 'female #3' in this movie. Will this be done..."

Si Yunxie seemed to have not heard the director's words, suddenly bent down and narrow eyes narrowed, and looked at Xuan Yunzhi carefully,
"Miss Xuan couldn't hear what I mean? Compared to the 'female #1', you are more suitable for the role of 'female #3.' "

Xuan Yunzhi's heart was filled with irritation. He's retaliating. Is it because I attacked him that day and he's having revenge?
She closed her mouth and did not speak, but looked at the director.
The director was there after listening, he hesitated. According to Si Yunxie's words, then they are missing a 'female #1' now. Where do they have time to find a suitable female number one?
Si Yunxie straightened up and tilted his head,

"Tang Yi, Contact Qin Luo and ask her to come here to try a role. "

"Okay, sir."
There was a meticulous middle-aged man wearing a black suit, standing in a group of bodyguards, took out his mobile phone to make a call.
Xuan Yunzhi narrowed her eyes.
This person is also called Tang Yi.
Moreover, he was exactly the same as Tang Yi in the previous world.
Even his loyalty to Si Yunxie.
Don't tell her, this is also a coincidence.
While thinking, the director on the side heard Qin Luo's name and slapped his thigh happily.
"Mr. Si, will Qin Luo really come here to take over as the 'female #1' ? "
"It's really great! Well, all this is subject to Mr. Si's arrangements. Xuan Yunzhi, you go to change the 'female #3'."


*transmigrator - the old word was transcender but I thought this fit more.

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