All Alone (The Boys X Female...

By TheLostWr1t3r

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As Chaos take over the streets when the Government was overthrown by rebels, you, a 16 year old orphan, are l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

127 5 11
By TheLostWr1t3r

Hiro POV:

My sister was taking care of this guy named Josh, who got knocked out earlier. I noticed Stormie was at the end of the ship, sitting with another guy. Maybe her dad? I walked up to them and sat down by Stormie. "Hey Stormie." "Oh, Hey Hiro." She responded. "What are you guys doing up here?" I asked them. "Narrator wanted to apologize for something that happened earlier. It's alright now, though." Stormie told me. "I guess you're Narrator?" I asked the guy next to her. "Yep, I'm Narrator." He introduced himself. "I'm Hiro." I introduced myself.

"Where'd you come from?" Narrator asked me. "If you don't mind me asking." "Well, my sister, Regina, and I, lived with our abusive parents for so long. My sister was at work when everything fell apart. And I ran away from our parents." I explained. "I-I'm so sorry, Hiro. No kid should ever be abused by their parents." Narrator told me. "Th-Thank you." I told him, and I felt tears stinging my eyes. "You ok?" Narrator asked me. "Yeah, sorry. I'm just not used to anyone really caring about me." I explained. Stormie looked at me surprised. I raised an eyebrow at her, confused. "I know exactly how that feels." She told me. "Woah, really?" I asked her. She nodded. "I grew up in an orphanage my entire life. I never really had anyone care about me, and I never really cared about anyone." She explained. "But then these guys brought me to Lost Isle, where we're heading." She told me. "And then Josh, Mully, and Kristy let me stay in their treehouse. Since I still wasn't ready to actually live with other people." She told me, while pointing at the people she was talking about. "Lost Isle, you said? I never heard of that place. But then again, I really don't know much about the outside world." I told them. "How come?" Stormie asked me. "My parents never really let me leave the house. My parents hated me. They loved Regina, though. But even she got hurt by them sometimes." I explained.

Stormie wrapped her arm around me. I flinched when she did. I wasn't really comfortable with physical touch. Even though we held hands when we first met, I was hesitant about it. "Woah! You alright?" Stormie asked me. "Yeah, sorry. Just not used to gentle physical touch, that's all." I said. I scooted closer to Stormie, and we wrapped our arms around each other. And Narrator wrapped his arm around Stormie. We continued staring off into the sea together.

Stormie POV:

Hiro, Narrator, and I were staring out at the sea. I felt like the others should understand my past as well. They should know why I was upset earlier. "Um... Narrator, Hiro?" I asked them, and they turned to my direction. "I need to tell the others about my life. They deserve an explanation." I told them. "Do you want us to stand up there with you?" Hiro asked me. "Y-Yes. Please?" I replied.

I walked closer to the others, but still on the end of the ship. It was raised up from the rest of the deck. Narrator and Hiro followed. "H-Hey guys?" I called out to get everyone's attention. They all stopped talking and directed their attention at me. "You guys need an explanation, about everything... First off, I need to apologize to you, for running off from you guys earlier." I announced. "I didn't mean to put any of you in danger, or freak anyone out. I'm Sorry." I apologized. "And second, you should know about my past. Yes. I did grow up in the orphanage. My parents passed away when I was a baby. I grew up in the orphanage." I explained. I sat down on the end of the edge of the platform I was on. "And just to clarify... I never really cared for anyone growing up, and no one really cared about me. I actually learned to never get attached to anyone. I push people away, so that they can't hurt me." I clarified. "So... If you're wondering why I never really spoke with any of you guys, that's why." I told them. "Thank you for your time." I told them, and I walked back to the end of the ship.

(I swear, this could of been written/made 10x better, but I'm not sure how to change it)

Gaege POV:

"Thank you for your time." Stormie said, and she got up, and walked away from the edge. Eddie looked towards the stairs that lead to the end of the ship, and went up them. I followed him up the stairs as well. Hiro and Narrator were also up here. I walked up to Stormie. "Hey Stormie." "Hey, Gaege." "You said that you push people away before they hurt you. Is that why you didn't want to come with us at first?" I asked her. *sigh* "Yeah. That's why I never wanted to stay with anyone. People would always come and go back at the orphanage." She explained. "It's also why I learned not to get attached to anyone." She told me. I wrapped my arm around her. "We won't leave you. I promise." I told her.

She leaned into me, and she wrapped her arm around me. I felt another arm wrap around me. I looked to my right and saw Narrator right there. I wrapped my other arm around him, and he rested his head on my shoulder, while Eddie held his hand. Hiro also joined us and wrapped his arm around Stormie.

-Time Skip a few minutes later brought to you by a Hamburber-

The ships arrived back at Lost Isle. We got off, and Narrator got Josh onto the stretcher. Regina called for an ambulance on the way here. Her and Kristy also got in the ambulance, and they headed to the hospital.

I noticed Hiro was comforting Stormie. "You think he's gonna be ok?" Stormie asked Hiro. "I hope so." Hiro told her. Felix showed up and noticed we brought more people. "How many this time?" Felix asked me. "Three. Regina went with Josh to the hospital, since she's a doctor. And Hiro over there is her little brother. And the girl with the pink hair is Tannar." I told Felix.

Felix walked over to Tannar, and I distantly followed. "So you're Tannar? One of our new recruits?" Felix asked her. "Yeah, I got Mully out of a tight spot with some people I once knew." Tannar told him. "Well, I appreciate you helping my people." Felix told her. He eventually noticed the tattooed symbol on her arm. It was the letter A with a circle around it (the anarchy symbol ⏬).

"What's that for?" Felix asked her, and she tried to cover the symbol with her hand. She looked down in defeat. "Alright, there's some things you should know." She started explaining. "A ton of Raiders got together back in the U.S. They all get more psychotic by the day. Whether it be getting a bit more brutal with robberies, or blowing up buildings for fun." She explained. "I was one of them." She told us. "I don't want to hurt anyone, or cause any trouble. I just needed a place to live. And their hideout was my only option." Tannar explained herself. "I understand, but I unfortunately don't have any open apartments for you." Felix told her. "Tannar, you can move into my house. I just have to get permission from my house mates." Mully told her. "That'll work, thanks Mully!" Tannar answered. "You're welcome!" Mully responded. Mully and Tannar went back to their house.

We all headed home, but Ayden, Stormie, and Hiro came with us. Ayden had to pick up Reekid. And Regina was at the hospital, so we took Hiro in for now, and Stormie didn't want to leave him.

We got home and knocked on the door. Gabby opened the door. "GUYS!" She exclaimed excitedly and hugged all of us. "Hey Gabster." I greeted her. "Is dad home?" Reekid asked as he came to the door. "I'm right here, son." Ayden said as he came forward. "DAD!" Reekid yelled as he hugged him. "You're ok." Reekid told him. "Yes kiddo. I'm ok." Ayden told him while he was rubbing his back comfortingly. "Well Kiddo, we should get home." Ayden told him, and he nodded. "Alright, we'll see ya guys later." Gabby told him. "Thanks for babysitting him for me." Ayden told Gabby. "No problem! Anytime!" Gabby told him.

We all said goodbye and they left. Gabby let us inside, and we sat down in the living room.

"Did you bring him from the mainland?" Gabby asked us, gesturing towards Hiro. "Yep, my name's Hiro." He introduced himself. "I'm Gabby, and I guess you already know everyone else?" She asked him. "Yep! I met everyone on the ship." He explained.

"Hey, you guys wanna make some cookies?" I asked the others. "What are cookies?" Hiro asked us. We all looked at him wide eyed in surprise. "You've never had cookies before?" Narrator asked him. Hiro shook his head. "Well then, we'll show you what they are!" Stormie took his hand and she bolted to the kitchen, dragging Hiro behind her. The rest of us followed them to the kitchen, and we started baking cookies together.


Kristy POV:

Dr. Prescott (Regina) had made sure Josh would be alright. "He should be alright. Just a possible concussion. It might be a while before he wakes up, though." She told me.

That was a few hours ago, though. I refused to leave the hospital after visiting hours were over.

I don't want Josh to wake up, and be left alone. I got a couple of texts earlier, but it wasn't until now, that I decided to check them.

Narrator: Hey Kristy. Stormie's hanging out at our house for now. She wanted to hangout with Hiro so we're babysitting them in the meantime.

Kristy: Ok, thank you for the help, and for notifying me.

I also got a message from Mully.

Mully: Hey Kristy. I'm at home if you need me. I also have Tannar here.

Kristy: Ok, thank you. I'm still at the hospital with Josh. He's expected to be ok, but he might have a concussion. He still hasn't woke up yet. And Narrator, Eddie, and Gaege have Stormie and Hiro, by the way.

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued holding Josh's hand. "Please wake up Josh. We're in the hospital. We're safe now. No more raiders." I told him. "Josh?" I asked him. "Please?" Still unconscious.

My phone vibrated in my pocket again. I ignored it for now. All I can worry about is Josh. I just wish he would wake up. My phone vibrated once again. Maybe it was important? I took my phone out and checked my notifications. Mully texted me again.

Mully: I forgot to mention, they don't have any apartments for her.

Mully: Is it ok if she lives with us?

Kristy: Fine by me, but Josh is still knocked out. I'll ask him when he wakes up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and stayed with Josh.

*meanwhile 2: the sequel*

Hiro POV:

Everyone got some ingredients for some... Chocolate... Chip... What were they called? Biscuits? No... Oh- Cookies! That's what they're called. Yeah, we got some ingredients for some cookies.

Eddie grabbed some milk, Gabby got the eggs, Gaege got some Butter, Narrator got some flour, and Stormie got some sugar and Vanilla. "I now dubbeth thee Smol bean Hiro the honor of thine chocolate chips." Narrator said with some fancy accent, as he handed me some chocolate chips. "Thanks, Narrator!" I told him, and I put the chocolate chips in the bowl. I stirred the ingredients together, and we got some cookie scoops.

We scooped the dough on some trays, and we put them in the oven. Stormie started licking her cookie dough scoop (if you don't do that, you are whack and you are missing out. I said what I said). I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Try it. It's tasty as heck." Stormie told me. I tasted some of the cookie dough that was left on the scoop I used. "Oh gosh! Your face." Stormie said and laughed. I guess she saw my face light up when I tasted it. "This is the best thing I've ever tasted!" I told everyone. "Really?" Eddie asked me. "Yeah, back at home, my parents barely fed me. Even if I did cook, they wouldn't let me eat that much. And when they did feed me, it was usually just some rice or whatever." I explained to them. Narrator came and wrapped his arm around me. I hugged him and he held me in his arms. "I'm so sorry honey bunch. No child should ever live like that." Narrator told me, and he twirled his fingers around in my hair.

"Hiro, you're safe with us. We won't hurt you. Or starve you. Just so you know." Gaege told me. "Thanks, guys." I told them, and I kept hugging Narrator. Not wanting to leave his warm and comforting embrace.

The timer went off on the oven, and Gabby took the cookies out. "Man, they smell good!" Eddie commented. "Mmmm Can't wait to try them!" I told them.

We all got some napkins and some cookies. We gathered around in the living room.

"THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER TASTED!!!" I squealed. "Holy Macaroni, remind us to make cookies more often." Narrator said. "What's macaroni?" I asked them. They all gave me a confused look. "It's like a kind of pasta." Gaege told me. "Ohhh ok." I responded. We continued eating our cookies and we went downstairs to some... Viewing room?

Turns out we were watching something called... Bee... Movie? Yeah, Bee Movie. I sat by Stormie, and Gaege sat next to her. Gabby, Eddie, and Narrator sat behind us.

Kristy POV:

I was laying next to Josh on the gurney. He still hasn't woken up yet. "Josh? Please wake up." I felt tears stinging my eyes. "Please?" I asked him. And I held him in my arms and started crying.

- 2 minutes later -

I felt Josh slightly moving. I got up and saw he was awake! "JOSH! YOU'RE OK!" I cheered and hugged him tightly. "Oh, h-hey Kristy." He told me. He sounded like he was still out of it. "Are you ok? Does your head feel better?" I asked him. "Still dizzy... And... Tired... But I think... I'm ok." He told me. "Hold on, I should go get a nurse. Since you finally woke up." I told him. "Wait, we're... Not in the mainland anymore?" He asked me. "No, we left hours ago. We left just after you got knocked out." I explained, and Josh nodded in response.

I left the room and got a nurse. I told her that Josh finally woke up, and that he still felt dizzy. She followed me back to the room, and she did some basic tests. Basically just making sure Josh doesn't have any brain trauma or anything. "He's alright. He just has to take it easy the next couple of days." She told me. "Alright. Thank you." I told her.

We signed some papers, and I texted the others that Josh was ok, and we left the hospital. I called for a taxi and we headed back home. "Oh Josh. Just so you know. We brought a girl named Tannar back here, and Mully's hoping to let her live with us. If that's ok with you." I told him. "Yeah, that's fine. Just that 2 of us might have to get a room together." Josh responded. "Someone can move into my room with me, since my room's the biggest." He told me. "Oh, yeah, you could ask Mull-" "Actually, I was hoping you would move into my room with me." Josh said before I could finish my sentence. "Me? You want me? To move in with you?" I asked him. "If you don't want to, I underst-" "YES! I'LL MOVE IN WITH YOU!" I cheered as I hugged him tightly. "Well, I guess that works for everyone." Josh said.

We got back home and met with Mully and Tannar. "I guess your Tannar, then?" Josh asked her. "Yep, I'm Tannar. And you are?" "I'm Josh." They introduced themselves and they shook hands. "And you can live with us. Kristy already told me everything." Josh told Tannar,and she hugged him. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Tannar squealed. "No problem!" Josh responded.

We went inside, and we got my stuff moved into Josh's room. And Tannar moved into my old room. "Oh right! We need to pick up Stormie." Josh remembered. "I'll go get her." I told him. "You rest up, you need it." I told him and tucked him in. "Night Joshy, sleep tight." I told him. "Night Kristy, and Thank you." Josh told me. "You're welcome!" I told him and left the room. I told Mully and Tannar I was picking up Stormie, and I left.

Gaege POV:

The movie just ended, and we all headed back upstairs. I noticed that Eddie and Narrator were holding hands again. I tried brushing it off, but It physically hurt my heart seeing it for some reason.

We heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I told the others. I opened the door and Kristy was there. "Oh, hey Kristy." "Hey Gaege. I'm just here to pick up Stormie." She told me. "Ok, she's in here." I said and let her in. "Hey Stormie, I'm here to pick you up." Kristy told her. "Awww. But I was having fun." Stormie said. "You can come again soon." Eddie said. "Really!?" "Really." "Yay!" Stormie cheered. "Bye Stormie. I'll see you again soon." Hiro told her. "Bye Hiro. See ya soon buddy!" Stormie responded. "Bye everyone!" Stormie and Kristy yelled. "Bye girls!" We replied and they left.

"Oh, Hiro, where's your sister?" I asked him. "She's probably still at the hospital, she's a doctor." Hiro explained. "Do you know where's she's gonna live?" Narrator asked him. "Not sure, can we call the hospital and check?" Hiro asked us. "Sure, I'll call her." Eddie answered and he called the hospital.

I helped Gabby walk upstairs and into her room.

"Thank you Gaege." She told me. "You're welcome Gabster. Good night." "Good night." She said and I shut the door behind me. I went back downstairs and met with the others. "Regina said that she was living with her friend, Roxie." Eddie informed me. "W-Where am I gonna live?" Hiro asked us, sounding hopeless. "You can live with us, if you'd like." Narrator said. "Really!?" Hiro squealed. "Yep, but 2 of us are gonna have to share a room together." I reminded them. "Narrator, you wanna move into my room?" Eddie asked him. "Sure, honey bunch! I'd love to." Narrator answered. "And Hiro can take my room." Narrator told him. "Thanks, guys!" Hiro told us. We headed upstairs and got ready for bed.

Eddie POV:

I went into my room.

Narrator was getting some clothes and stuff from his old room, since he's moving into mine. I changed my shorts, and I took my shirt off. I started looking in one of my drawers for another shirt and found one.

Narrator came into the room as I closed the drawer. I noticed he was blushing while staring at me. I looked over at him. "You good, Narradór?" I asked him. "Oh... Y-Yeah. I'm good." He told me while blushing. "We-We should probably head to bed." Narrator said, and he went over to the bed. "Alright, yeah, let me get my shirt on." I said and put my T-Shirt on. I walked over to the bed and got under the covers. "Night Eddie." "Night Narrator." I said and he held me in his arms.

Gaege POV:

I got up to my room and closed the door quietly, and I slid down the door. I sat down with my knees to my chest and cried. I should of been the one to move in with Eddie! Or... Or... With Narrator. Alright, I think it's time that you guys finally found out. I love Eddie and Narrator. But I know that they love each other, and not me. I mean, they always hold hands, and make videos, and hangout all the time without me. I should of known that they didn't need me.

I realized that I left my phone in the kitchen. I got up and left my room to go to the kitchen again. I grabbed my phone and started heading back to my room. I looked into Eddie and Narrator's room, and saw him holding Eddie in his sleep. I knew it. They loved each other. They loved each other, and not me. Who am I kidding? They were meant for each other.

I got back to my room and cried again.

Told you they don't care about you.

They were always happier without you.

No one ever loved you.

They're way out of your league.

You're nothing to them, or anyone.

Those godd-mn voices again. I can't argue with them. They're right. No one loves me. And I'm just an annoying, stupid, pointless, crybaby femboy that just eats crayons and acts like a child. Why would anyone ever love me?

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is Chapter 10 of All Alone. Even more angsty stoofs for y'all, but I hope you liked it anyways. For real, it will get happier later on. Not sure when, but it will. Anywho, I hope you liked this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

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