Spider-Man X Pokimane. The Gi...

Por Mexican_TanQr

22.8K 247 115

Hello my name is Peter Parker and I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, but really I'm just an ordi... Más

Wish me luck Bois( Not a chapter update)
1k??? (Not a Chapter Update)
Chapter 1: The Raft
Chapter 2: Arriving to LA
Chapter 3: First Meet up
Chapter 4: Love?
Chapter 5: Conffesion
Chapter 6: Who?
Chapter 7:OTV
Chapter 8: My Fault
Chapter 9: Tragedy
Chapter 10: The End
For Now
(Season 2) Chapter 1: New Life style same old me!
(Season 2) Chapter 2: Intense Heat!
(Season 2) Chapter 3: New York
(Season 2) Chapter 4: Sonii
(Season 2) Chapter 5: The Lizard Strikes
(Season 2) Chapter 6: The message
(Season 2) Chapter 7: Back to LA
Season 2) Chapter 8: Taskmaster
Just a lil break ❤️
Have a great New years!!!
(Season 2) Chapter 10: Sonii why?
(Season 2) Chapter 11: My Powers?
(Season 2) Chapter 12: Im just Peter Parker
(Season 2) Chapter 13: Old habits.
Not a chapter update. More so an apology
New book

(Season 2) Chapter 9: Christmas!!

217 4 0
Por Mexican_TanQr

It's been two months since I last heard of taskmaster there have been no signs of him or anything at all. So I just focused on other things. Like the Christmas party the OTV house is throwing. They've been planning it for weeks and now that tomorrow is Christmas Eve they're setting everything up. Me and Miles on the other hand are stopping as much crime as we can so we don't have to leave the party so might as well get started.

(Imane POV)
Imane: Ok everything looks to be ok I'm giving it one more check just make sure.

Scarra: I'll check if we have enough drinks.

Toast: I'll double check who's coming.

It's been quite the stressful morning and afternoon. I mean sure we could've started setting everything up tomorrow but I like getting a head start, just so we don't have to do much tomorrow. Once I doubled checked everything I called Peter to make sure he's ok.

Peter: Hey babe.

Imane: Hi honey, just checking in. You ok?

Peter: Yeah I'm fine. We're just stopping last minute crimes around the city. Gotta tell ya, this is the only time of the month we're criminals are more common.

Imane: Ok well stay safe. Ok

Peter: Yep!

Imane: Alright, love you baby!

Peter: Love you too!

I hang up and head to my room. There was really nothing else to do other than just sit and wait till tomorrow. It was still pretty early in the afternoon so I just scrolled through my phone and just chilled.

(Peter POV)
Me and miles are taking a little break and having something to eat. It's been a really rough morning and afternoon. But no one said this was gonna be easy.

Miles: I'm tired man.

Peter: Same here, but we can risk having to many criminals out and about on Christmas Eve.

Miles: Yeah your right.

Miles:....... Hey Pete, did you ever catch that taskmaster guy?

Peter: Nope. Haven't been able to track him down.

Miles: Hm, I wonder were he could be?

Peter: Who knows but one things for sure. Taskmaster is a dangerous person. And we have to stay alert.

Miles: Yeah

Police radar: Crime in progress on south side of LA.

Peter: Well, let's get going.

We get up and swing away. We went all around the city. There was so so so much!!! Crime. Nonstop, it felt like forever. It was 4 am in the morning. All crime had finally been calmed down. Now all I wanted to do was just to lay down. And that's exactly what I did. Once I finally got home I got in bed with Imane. And I'm guessing she felt my presence because she turned around and cuddled me.

Imane: Why are you back home so late?!?!

She said in a soft voice.

Peter: I'm sorry, it's just been a long night. Every time I tried coming back home there was something happening. But everything finally calmed down.

Imane: We'll at least your back home and in my arms.

She cuddled closer to me and closed her eyes. And I did the same.

(Alright sorry for not posting this on Christmas but looks like it's time for a dark turn)
I opened my eyes as I look around me I'm in a pool of blood.

Peter: What the??

I see someone laying on pool of blood, when I got closer I horrified of what I saw.

Peter: Celine!!!


I backed away.

Imane: Pete!!!!

I hear Imane yell.

Peter: What!?!

Imane: Why weren't you there, you let her die. This all your fault.

Peter: No, wait pls don't leave!!!

She Fades always. When I turn around I see Rae.

Peter: Ah! Rae thank God it's you.

Rae: Don't talk to me!!!! You got Celine killed, this all your fault.

Peter: What no, pls I'm sorry.

I kept hearing all the voices of all my friends my girlfriend, they kept screaming, " It's all your Fault" I covered my ears but I kept hearing it. I just wanted it to end.

Peter: Pls stop. I'm sorry!!! Pls forgive me.

Then all my enemies appear. They all rushed towards me and I tried to get away, but I kept getting pulled back and slammed kicked and punched and thrown all over. Then Rhino with two fists slammed me and I went through the floor. As I was falling slowly I heard a very sinister voice.

???: Peter.....

Peter: Pls...... no.

???: Your struggling, to have everything you want, while the world tries to make you choose


Then I realized.

Peter: ...... Goblin!

Green Goblin: Hahahahahahah!!!!

Peter: You died!

Goblin: I'm very much alive Peter.... In here and out there.

Peter: How is this possible?! How did you get in my head!?!

Goblin: Amazing what technology can do these days Huh Parker.

I got tied down by vines.

Peter: What do you want!?! Why are you doing this!?

Goblin: Because I want you to die. My rage for you is the only thing keeping me going.

Goblin: But don't worry. I'll make sure your friend has a nice and quick death.

Me knowing who he meant I tried breaking out but the vines only grew tighter.

All I could hear now was my name being called out by everyone I knew.

Goblin: And when I kill your friend, I'll be sure to return the favor to you.

His glider pulled out the blades that he got impaled with, then the goblin with full acceleration headed towards me and the voices calling my name grew louder and as soon I was I about to be Impaled......

(Nightmare end)
Peter: Nooooooo!!

Imane: Pete! Oh thank, shshsh, it's ok.

Peter: He's alive, he's alive!

Imane: Ok baby, calm down take deep breaths.

Peter: Imane I can't calm down when the Goblin is still out there.

Imane: Didn't he die. How do you know that he's still alive, how do you know that this isn't all just some trick playing in your head?

Peter: Because it felt too real! Babe, I saw Celine. She died because of me.

Imane: What do you mean, she's alive!?

Peter: No, she was dead in my nightmare, she was covered in blood, and I couldn't save her!

She cupped my cheeks and made me face her.

Imane: Pete, look at me, and just take a deep breath and let it out.

I did what she asked me to do while she was rubbing my shoulders to calm me down.

Imane: That's it, calm down. Take deep breath's. It was just a nightmare. Okay.

I nod and she smiles. I finally managed to calm down fully and relax.

Imane: There you go, feel better?

Peter: A little. I'm sorry, it's just, The goblin has always been the main reason why bad things happen to me, but not only to me, but others close to me. Others in my life.

She looks at me trying to make sure I was still ok.

Peter: I don't wanna risk losing you or anyone else. I love you guys, I love you Imane. But sometimes I keep thinking to myself that I'm the reason why bad things happen to you guys.

Imane: Baby I understand your fear, your frustrations and all that. I can't imagine what seeing that monster again feels like. I know he's done terrible things to you.

I look up at her.

Imane: You know, before I even met you, I was the biggest Spider-Man Fan. And you can ask anyone.

I chuckled a bit.

Imane: One day, I saw you on the news. You fought every member of the Snister six. But then The Green Goblin gave you some trouble. Even after being so beat up. So bruised, you kept fighting, you kept getting up. I sat their in disbelief, wanting to know, how you felt with so much frustration and pain, and yet, still able to get back up.

Peter: Yeah, I remember that, fight. I remember feeling so weak, alone, tired, wanting to go home. But I knew that if I did that. This world would be in complete chaos. You know, At that time I was really into you. I always waited until you went live. And when you did it made me happy.

Imane: Awwwww, You had a cwush.

She said in a cute voice.

Peter: Don't start.

I said laughing a bit.

Imane: Awwwww Das cute. You were waiting on my stweam, Fan behavior.

She said while giggling.

Peter: Says the girl who was a big fan of Spider-Man.

She gives me a kiss and lays down.

Imane: Now Cmon, let's go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow. It's Christmas Eve and I plan not think about the Goblin Incident, I just want to be happy and just have a great time with friends and you, okay.

Peter: Yeah, alright.

We both cuddled closer to each other and I whispered something that got her attention quickly.

Peter: Oh by the way, I think your gonna like my gift.

Imane: What is it!?!?

Peter: Let's just say, that these past 2 years I'm still very much in love with you.

Imane: Awww, I love you very much too.

She gives me a kiss and then we both drift off to sleep.

(Next morning, Christmas Eve)
I wake up and look beside me to see Imane still asleep. She looked so comfortable, and warm. It felt nice knowing she feels comfy and warm. I laidback down and played with her hair for a bit until she took a deep breath and slowly opens her eyes.

Imane: Good morning.

She said still half asleep

Peter: Morning baby, how you feeling?

Imane: I feel great, you?

Peter: I feel great too.

She giggled a bit and snuggled in closer. I just love the scent she has In the morning. It's always so soothing.

Imane: You ready for the party?

Peter: Yea but, I'm gonna go out and do some last minute crime fighting.

Imane: Awww

She pouted.

Imane: Why?

Peter: Because I dont wanna leave the party. So I'll just do some crime fighting out in the city and I'll be good. Okay?

Imane: Okay.

She said while giving me a kiss.

Peter: Okay well I better get started now.

Imane: Okay, be safe okay baby.

Peter: Yep.

I get up and head into the shower. I closed my eyes and just let the hot water run down my body. I still here Goblins voice in head.

Goblin: Your weakness........ is morality......... it's chocking you....... Can't you feel it.........

I ignored it and moved on. After a while I was just out and about in the city. Crime after crime after crime, I was finally done. I left somewhere around 8 am. Now it's 6 in the afternoon. I made it home and saw everyone was already in the house. Friends and Families were already inside. Including my Aunt May. I crawled into my room and changed. I joined everyone else and was greeted.

May: Oh Peter!

Peter: Aunt May!

I gave her a hug.

May: It's so good to see you after all these years.

Peter: Glad to see you too Aunt May. How've things been?

May: Oh they've been quite alright.

Imane walks over towards me.

Peter: Oh yeah, May, I want you to meet Imane, My Girlfriend.

Imane: Hi!

May: Oh my dear! I'm so happy to see you.

May Hugs her. And Imane hugs her back.

Imane: I'm so happy to see you Too Mrs. Parker.

May: Oh, Pls Dear, call me, May.

They both hug and talk for a while. Until we all gathered into the living Room and just had a blast hanging out with each other. A bunch of streamers and friends were all in the living.

Rae: Hey Guys how about let's tell stories.

Everyone agreed.

Ninja: But let Peter tell some stories!

Brooke: Gasp* Omg Yes!!!

Celine: Definitely.

Peter: Ummm, Idk Guys.

Toast: Cmon, There's gotta be some really cool stories about You. I mean you are Spider-Man!

Out of nowhere everyone just shushed him.

Toast: What?

I looked confused.

Rae: Aunt May doesn't Know!

Peter: Oh! No! Guys, She knows.

Rae: Oh...

Imane: Wait really?

Peter: Yes, She's known longer than any of you guys did.

May: It's true. But other than that, cook up some good stories for us.

Everyone agreed.

Peter: Oh shoot?...... sigh* well, Any particular time you guys want to know?

Courage: How about the time You and Poki met?

Everyone agreed.

Peter: Uh, Ok.

I proceeded to tell the story and everything that happened. As time went by I told them about the Time I fought Captain America, and the time I first fought against the sinister six. Time went by until eventually we were 5 minutes away from Christmas.

Peter: No gonna lie, story telling was pretty fun.

Everyone agreed. And once we saw the clock hit Midnight we all yelled at the top of our lungs

Everyone: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

Everyone took a shot, well except me................................ I hate Alcohol....
But anyways after a bit we started the gift exchange. I got some cool web shooters Micheal custom made himself but know it was time for my gift.

Rae: Ok, Jake what you get for Imane.

Peter: My gift is actually in words.

Ninja: That's no fun?

Peter: Just trust me.

Peter: Ok..... sigh. Imane you and I have been together for almost three years now, and I've got to say, they have been the best three years of my life, I really wouldn't know where my mind set would be, if you weren't there by my side, which is why. You are no longer my Girlfriend.

Everyone: WHAT!!!

Imane: I'm sorry? What!? Wait! What did I do!!!

Peter: Hold up, let me finish. I don't want you to be my girlfriend, and for good reason.

I got In front of her and got on one knee. And everyone freaked out and sighed in relief.

Imane: Wait..... your not kidding right? Pls I'm actually crying.

I teard up a bit.

Peter: Will you Marry Me?

Imane: Yes!!!! Sniff* Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!

I put the ring on her finger and hugged her right.

Imane: I love you So so so much!!!

Peter: Told you you'd like my gift.

She giggled and hugged me closer.

We continue to celebrate Christmas until eventually we all just tired and just fell asleep.

(Next Morning)
Imane: Morning baby.

She says quietly why I'm still waking up.

Peter: Morning.

Imane: How'd you sleep?

Peter: I slept well, you?

Imane: I slept, very comfortably. It's always comfortable sleeping next to you.

I chuckled a bit.

Peter: What time is it?

Imane: It's 8:24am.

Peter: Oh, it's still pretty early.

Imane: Yup

Peter: You wanna get breakfast?

Imane: Sure.

We both got up and went downstairs to eat.

Rae: Hey!!!! Guys!!! How are my two engaged best friends doing?

Peter: Pretty Ok

Imane: We're doing fine.

Rae: Awsome!! You know I still can't believe you proposed!!!!!

Peter: I know! It really just felt like the right time.

Imane: Awwww.

Rae: So when's the baby coming.

Peter: Wow! Chill dude. Not yet.

Imane: What! Why not?!

Peter: I've got a lot of things going on. But I did say we're having a baby. Just not know, Ok?

Imane: Alright. Love you very much tho!!


Peter: Love you too.

Rae: Ugh* get a room.

Peter: Sorry.

We ate hung out and had a great throughout the whole day. We celebrated New Years. Poki finally introduced me to her audience. I think it's safe to say that everyone likes. Especially apparently because of the way I look? According to many people. I'm cute and Hot. Well anyways me an Poki have started the New year of right. And I can't wait what's in store for me and her.

Deadpool: Oh hello. Hi there. Umm we're an I!!!

Ignore that. There must have been a glitch. Anyways thank you for reading. I'm really sorry for not updating. This chapter should have came out on Christmas but....... I am far too late. Anyways thank for baring with me for my long absence. And I'll see you in a bit!!!!

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