My Enemy, Draco

Oleh malfoysreader

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As a kid Daniella Tarnson, a pureblood, never believed in love, especially with Draco Malfoy. Why would she... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh malfoysreader

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against her body.


She yelled trying to push him away, but he held her tighter.

"No! Stop!"

15 Minutes Before

Draco's eyes were bloodshot. He felt as if Daniella would never wake up. Every hour of every day went by slower than ever. He had counted every day just waiting for the day Daniella would wake up. Draco had been studying the Obliviate charm. He had studied it more than anyone in class. He had a plan. Draco knew that when Daniella woke up and remembered how it happened, how Ginny nearly killed her, she would hate her. Draco gathered his wand, he took one last look at his notes he wrote, and headed to Daniella's room where she stayed asleep. Draco had planned to obliviate only parts of her memory, the part of where Ginny nearly killed her.

1 Minute Before

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against her body.


She yelled trying to push him away, but he held her tighter.

"No! Stop!"

With that Daniella's eyes shot open after weeks of being closed.

"Daniella!" Draco screamed.

Daniella's eyes were fluttering, adjusting to the light after being in the dark for so long. She never knew how sensitive her eyes could be after being asleep for only 4 weeks. After a moment of confusion, Daniella realized Draco was in the room with her.

"What'd you say?." Daniella said with a weak voice.

"What?" Draco said with a sense of confused shock on his face.

"You called me Daniella, you never call me that anymore."

Draco's face relaxed for a moment before his curiosity started drowning him.

"What's the last thing you remember?"


"Just answer the question Ella."

"Erhm okay. The last thing I remember was us walking back from Hogsmeade. After that everything's blank. It's like I know that's not the last thing that happened but it's the last thing I can remember. Would you mind telling me why I'm here?"

Draco's heart sank. Every bit of happiness he felt from Daniella waking up letting him and his eyes begin to emerge with tears. The tears rolled down his face and he immediately turned around and walked out of the hospital wing without saying a word.

"Draco where are you going, what's wrong?"

Draco kept walking towards the door because he knew he messed up the charm. Daniella had forgotten more than Draco intended for her to forget.

"Draco stop!"

Daniella jumped out of her bed in an attempt to grab Draco before he could leave. Instead her body fell to the floor. Daniella burst into tears and screamed at Draco.

Daniella wailed out to Draco to get him to stop. Draco snapped around as the last time he heard Daniella scream like that was when Ginny almost killed her.

Draco turned around with shock while Daniella was on the floor sobbing.

"My legs Draco, I can't feel my legs."

"Are you serious?"

"Go get Madame Pomfrey," Daniella shouted at Draco.

Draco couldn't hold in his rage anymore and kicked the wall. He didn't realize how strongly he kicked it and it made a spacious dent. Draco got Madame Pomfrey to Daniella's room as quickly as he could.

"What's wrong dear?" Madame Pomfrey said, trying to understand what is going on.

"I can't feel my legs, well I mean I can feel them, they hurt, but I can't use them they just won't move."

"I was afraid of that. You see when you were hit-"

Daniella cut her off. "What?"

Madame Pomfrey turned and looked at Draco with a suspicious look on her face.

"Draco step outside the door with me please."

Draco said nothing.

"Did you perform the obliviate charm on Daniella?" Madame Pomfrey asked when they were outside earshot of Daniella.

"Yes, but only because I didn't want her to hate Ginny."

"Draco you know how wrong it is to obliviate someone without their permission. Not to mention someone in a coma."

"I'm sorry I just wanted to help."

"I know you have been under stress lately so I won't take it up with Professor Snape."

"Are you going to tell her what happened?"

"No, as much as I disagree with what you did, you have a point. Now get down to the Great Hall while I examine Daniella. You can come back in an hour."

Draco said nothing and left. He knew exactly what he needed to do. As Ginny just got back from being suspended for nearly killing Daniella, Draco went to go find her. It didn't take much time at all as he knew she would be coming out of Dumbledore's office soon.

"Ginny!" Draco saw her turn the corner out of Dumbledore's office.

Ginny ignored him.

"Fine. I thought you would want to know that Ella doesn't remember what happened so don't mention the accident to her."

"Bloody hell Malfoy, who is Ella."

"I'm talking about Daniella."

Ginny turned around and snapped at Draco. "Who are you to tell me what I can and can't tell Daniella?"

"I mean go ahead but she'll hate you for it."

Ginny snared at Draco and left. In the time Draco had left before he could go back and see Daniella, he found everyone that knew about what had happened to Daniella and told them to never mention it to her or anyone else.

- - - - - - -

"So what is wrong with her?" Draco said with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm not sure but luckily I was able to reverse most of the effects she was feeling along  with the numbness in her legs. She might become weak in the legs for a few weeks so I will be advising you and all her friends to always make sure someone is walking with her.."

Although he knew that Daniella was fine, Draco began to feel the guilt again as he hadn't let go of the thought that everything that had happened was his fault. He left the room quickly without a sound so Daniella wouldn't notice.

- - - - - - -

"Oh my gosh Daniella." Ginny said as she stumbled into her room.

"It's no big deal, Madame Pomfrey said I'll be able to walk perfectly soon enough."

Ginny didn't say a word but only watched as Daniella fell on her bed.

"Oh my gosh I almost forgot I still have to give you your Christmas gift." Daniella reached into her pocket and pulled out the love potion.

"No way!" Ginny ran over to Daniella and grabbed the potion.

"Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding?! I love it, thank you."

"Do you want to go get dinner now?" Daniela asked Ginny.

"Is that even a question?"

Ginny then walked over to Daniella and helped her up before they slowly walked down to the Great Hall. "How do they expect me to get down and up these stairs by myself?''

"I have no clue. I guess I'm just going to have to be with you all the time to get you everywhere." Ginny said with laughter covering her tone.

"How tragic." Daniella said, laughing alongside Ginny.

"Well let's see how this goes."

Ginny began helping Daniella down the stairs with a heavy thumb every time Daniella put her foot down on the next step, each time almost falling. After only a few minutes, Daniella and Ginny got to the Great Hall and as they went to get their food Daniella locked eyes with Draco. The nervousness she always used to get around him was gone, she only felt a sense of comfort when he would look at her but his icy eyes seemed to feel only the opposite about her. After a few seconds of them looking at each other from across the Great Hall, Draco's eyes seemed to fill with guilt and he left without a word.

- - - - - - -

Two weeks passed and Draco hadn't spoken a word to Daniella. Every time she got near him, he left before she could say a word to him. She saw him watching her here and there but she didn't go up to him because she knew if she did he would just walk away.

- - - - - - -

As Daniella, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione finished their dinner and decided to go to their common room for the night, and as they reached the mountain of stairs, Ginny and Harry walked up next to Daniella to help her up the stairs. Daniella hated walking up the stairs--she was going against gravity unlike going downstairs where she only needed to make sure she didn't fall. With every struggling step up the stairs, filling the hall with laughter of her and her friends, it took Daniella a few long moments before she turned around and realized Draco was at the end of the stairs watching them.

Daniella knew Draco wouldn't say anything and anger finally flooded her, she shook her head at Draco before turning around and walking into their common room when they finally got up the stairs.

"That was a mess." Said Harry as he sat down on a couch.

"Tell me about it, I was the one dragging her up the entire way." Ginny laughed.

"I helped some," Exclaimed Hermione.

As the conversation slowed, Daniella noticed Harry had zoned out. "Harry, you're going to be fine tomorrow. It's only the first round of the tournament, it's the easiest one. Besides you don't even know what the round is going to be, why worry about something you have no idea about"

"It's Dragons," Harry said shakily.

    As Harry began explaining to his friends what would take place in the first round, Hermione and Ginny became frantic and Ron couldn't help but become angry that Dumbledore would allow Harry to put himself in the way of such a dangerous task.

- - - - - - -

Hours passed by, many stories were told and games were played, none of the homework they vowed to do got done and it was nearly one in the morning. "We should get to bed." Hermione said, worried Harry would not get enough sleep for his first competition in the morning.

As everyone began to gather their things, Daniella noticed that her friends had forgotten she needed help to walk around. Not wanting to bother her exhausted friends she attempted to stand up by herself despite the lack of confidence she had. Instead of what she thought would happen, nothing, she actually stood up. Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione roared with excitement as Daniella started walking towards them. They all stood in shock as it had only been 2 weeks Daniella had been unable to walk by herself. After the exciting moment died out they all walked back to their dorms in the dead of night and said their goodbyes, fearful for the next day to come.

The next morning Daniella got up bright and early and went running down the stairs of the castle down to the Great Hall where she thought she would find Draco eating his breakfast as he did every morning, it was routine for him, Daniella knew he would never miss it so when she didn't see him, her mood sank.



I woke up in the morning later than usual. I hadn't been making it down to breakfast every morning as I usually did being so consumed by the guilt of Ella being unable to walk by herself. I woke up surprisingly on time and decided I should go down to the Great Hall to eat breakfast as it would be a long day watching the first go at the Triwizard tournament. Although it wasn't so much "tri" anymore since of course Potter had to steal all of the attention to himself as usual and put his name in the Goblet of Fire.

I made my way upstairs from the dungeons to see a girl that looked exactly like Ella from the back. Immediately the same feeling of guilt came back that I tried so desperately hard to push back this morning. Although when the girl turned around to my shock it really was her.

"Ella? Since when were you able to walk by yourself?" I said with excitement covering my tone and shock filling my eyes.

"Since last night." Ella said flatly. "You know I'm shocked you haven't run away yet since you've been awfully diligent about ignoring me for the past two weeks."

"Well you seemed very preoccupied with your little Gryffindor friends." I snapped back.

"Bloody hell Draco, am I not allowed to have friends now? I barely even know you." Ella said in an annoyed tone. It didn't seem as if she was in a very good mood this morning but I paid no attention to it because neither was I.

"Well you are about to have one less today." I said quietly under my breath in an arrogant tone. I knew it wasn't true, I knew Potter wouldn't die in the tournament but I was angry and let myself say something I knew I would instantly regret.

A wave of anger came across Ella's face before she started shouting at me. "Draco you really are the most cruel person to ever exist. I've tried to be so nice to you and give you the benefit of the doubt and forget about what everyone says about you since Christmas but all you've done is just prove that they weren't lying. I don't know how anyone can put up with your shit long enough to have a conversation with you." I watched as Ella's eyes swelled with tears as she turned around and left the Great Hall without getting any food.


When I stormed away from Draco I couldn't help but start crying. I thought our conversation would have gone much differently. I thought Draco would apologize for his cruel ways of ignoring me while I was still recovering from whatever happened to me. I thought he would be excited in the same way Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were when I stood up, and I was even more disturbed by his awful comment about Harry. With the tears falling down my cheeks, I went up to my dorm and stayed there until it was time for the tournament. Thankfully Ginny wasn't there to see me cry. I nearly cried for 15 minutes before I told myself to never take what Draco says to me seriously ever again because why would I be interested in Draco. He was clearly only nice to me during the Holiday because he was bored. The nice cover he played was a good performance. He almost had me fooled but the performance wore off and I saw the true side of Draco Malfoy. I once again saw the Draco Malfoy I hated .

Before I knew it, it was time to head down to the stadium where the tournament would take place. On my way there I said good luck to Harry as I was more nervous than ever for the well being of my friends.

"Ella wait!" Draco said as I passed by him. I tried my best to ignore him but that quickly failed and I spun around in anger and screamed at him. "Stop calling me that, Malfoy! Stop calling me Ella! Why can't you just use my real name? Huh? Is Daniella really that hard to pronounce?" Hearing my outburst Draco looked at me with his icy eyes, full of rage. "Didn't think so." I said before turning back around and heading for the stadium where my friends were waiting for me.

The tournament started and any vague thought I had in my mind about Draco's annoyance to me had disappeared at the terrified thought of Harry having to go up against a dragon. I couldn't imagine what Ginny was thinking. She was standing right next to me and without her saying a word I knew she was extremely worried for him. I always knew she fancied Harry although she wouldn't admit it.

Harry's turn came around and I made sure to reassure Ginny he would be okay as she looked like she was about to faint. Harry came out and the crowd roared. It seemed as if Harry's turn wouldn't get over any slower. There was a point where everything was silent. No sound of the Dragon or Harry. I was terrified. Although those minutes went bye just as they came. Harry got back, grabbed the golden egg and he was finally safe once again. The crowd went wild for how amazing Harry did, Ginny looked as if she was going to be sick. I knew she was scared but she looked as if she just saw a monster. Well I mean she did but so did I, and I did not look the way she did. She looked as if Harry's life flashed before her eyes and not his.

The rest of the day was pretty calm, until it wasn't. I had been walking back to my dorm from the walk I went on to loosen my legs after doing hours of homework when I heard Professor Dumbledore and an unfamiliar high voice arguing. I listened closely for a few minutes. I managed to find out who the high voice belonged to, a woman called Dolores. I hadn't heard of her name before but as I listened closer my stomach dropped. I felt dizzy at what I had just heard and before I knew it I was sprinting up the stairs banging on all of the Gryffindor's students' doors screaming for them to get to our common room. Percy nearly killed me but I explained everything quickly to him and he agreed and began moving the students to the common rooms.

Once everyone was there and settled down Seamus spoke in his annoyingly loud voice before anyone else. "Are you going to tell us what is going on here?"

"They are re-sorting us," I said in a horrified tone. "This lady named Dolores was arguing with Dumbledore and tomorrow he is going to mandate breakfast for everyone and instead of breakfast we are getting re-sorted, and this time no one can tell the hat what house they want to be in."

Everyone fell silent and after a few short moments Ginny's spoke up. "What's going to happen to you and Harry? Harry had to ask to be in Gryffindor and you know how long it took the sorting hat to decide to put you in Gryffindor."

"I know. I'm just going to- I mean we are just going to hope for the best." I said in an uncertain tone.

After some time, everyone started trailing off back into their dorms, both Harry and I both being told 'good luck' by our housemates. The stress of it nearly brought me to tears. I decided to take my own advice I gave to Harry the other night and I tried to forget about it as much as I could.

Once I got back to my dorm with Ginny, I attempted to turn off our light but she stopped me. "Daniella if you're sorted into Slytherin-"

"I don't want to think about that right now. It'll be fine, okay?" I cut her off, not wanting to hear the end of what she had to say. Wanting to sleep away all of the worry circling my stomach, I turned the light off, crawled into my small twin sized bed and dazed off in such a large amount of uncertainty for the next morning.

I woke up in the morning feeling such a large amount of dread for the hours to come. I had no idea what was going to happen. I got down to the Great Hall after getting ready and sat next to Ginny as she bounced her leg up and down, worried about where Harry and I would end up being sorted. Before I knew it, Dumbledore made the announcement of the resorting and the Great Hall turned into a panic. Although that panic was short lived when everyone fell silent as Dumbledore shouted in a demand of silence over the Great Hall.

The first years would go first, then the second, then the third and so on. The sorting went by fairly quick. Almost everyone was sorted into their same house besides ten or twelve random students. Before I knew it, it was time for the fourth year students to be sorted. I felt a knot in my stomach and for a moment I thought I was going to throw up. All of the fourth year's were sorted back into their original houses, even Harry. I found it interesting to see the relief on Ginny's face when the sorting hat yelled 'Gryffindor' when Harry sat on the stool, being sorted once again. I was the very last 4th year to go. I slowly walked up to the sorting hat, not wanting to trip or make a fool of myself knowing every eye at Hogwarts was turned in my direction. Even Draco. Although I was still nervous I was almost sure I would be sorted into Gryffindor since Harry was. I sat down on the stoll and placed my shaky hands in my lap as McGonagall placed the sorting hat on my hair. A few seconds went by before the sorting hat yelled, "Slytherin!" My face turned as white as snow and my eyes widened. I turned to McGonagall, sure I had heard the hat wrong. Although as I looked at her distraught expression I knew I wasn't imagining things, I really was sorted into Slytherin.

Not knowing what else to do, I got up and began walking towards the Slytherin table. I was almost there when I finally realized I needed to pull myself together. I took in a long and shaky breath before sitting down by a brown haired girl not noticing Draco and his friend sitting next to him across from me.

"So what's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Daniella." I said flatly, wanting to end the conversation. Although instead of taking the hint, the girl continued talking to me.

"I'm Pansy. So you really were the only one in the entire 4th year class that was sorted into a different house. That's crazy."

"Yeah I noticed." I said furiously as I quickly became incredibly unhappy with where I sat down at.

The handsome dark skinned boy sitting next to Draco laughed a bit.

I was already on edge, not being able to contain myself. I snapped at him. "And who are you?" I could hear Pansy next to me nearly screaming trying to get the other Slytherin boy's attention, I couldn't help but roll my eyes listening to her incredibly high pitched voice.

"Zabini, Blaise Zabini."

"Nice to meet you. I--"

Before I could finish my sentence Pansy interrupted me and started talking in the most annoying tone I have ever heard in my life. "How about we-"

Before she could get any further I interrupted her just as she did to me. "How about you stop talking? Yeah? Can you do that?"

As soon as the words came out of my mouth Pansy's jaw dropped, as well as the people's around us, the first years gave a big "oooh" and many of the other Slytherins at the table started laughing.

"Yeah she's definitely a Slytherin." Said Blaise, snickering at what I had said.

Just before dinner was over and I had to go pack my things out of my Gryffindor dorm to move into my new Slytherin dorm, I started a small conversation with Blaise. "You play Quidditch right?"

"Oh yeah I do" He responded and I couldn't help but notice the small smirk on his expression.

"Do you know if I have to retry out to make the Slytherin team or am I automatically going to be on?"

"Knowing Flint you will have to try out but it will all work out because re-try outs are in two weeks. We have too many people so Flint is going to kick some of the players off based on how they play in a scrimmage game."

"Oh okay, cool."

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, I'm sure you're great. Besides, you'll look like a total badass even trying out. No girl has even attempted to try out on our team since I was a first year."

"I wasn't worried." I laughed before getting up to collect my things from my old dorm room. I smiled at Blaise as I left and walked off to go collect my things. Once I got to my dorm and began packing my things, I couldn't help but become uncomfortable as Ginny hadn't said a word to me since the re-sorting. I felt her eyes on me as I packed but I chose not to say anything if she didn't either.

When I got to my new dorm I couldn't help but like it better than my Gryffindor dorm. My new dorm didn't have any roommates and as I was a light sleeper that finally meant I could get a full night's sleep for the first time in what felt like forever.

The next morning I had to get to my classes early as I had been assigned almost an  entire new schedule. I walked into my first class of the day; Potions, and saw the table where Blaise was with Draco, and Crabbe. I walked over to sit by Blaise, ignoring the one other open seat next to Pansy. Class went by fairly quick and most of the lesson made sense. Most of the time I was talking to Blaise and ignoring Draco. I couldn't help but feel more comfortable around Blaise, he actually seemed to like my presence, unlike Draco.

- - - - - - -

The next two weeks went by in a flash and before I knew it, it was Quidditch try-outs. The morning of, I prepared myself and I went over all of the rules to make sure I did everything perfectly. I was determined to make it on the team despite what everyone told me. I was confident I would make the team because I was the best chaser on the Gryffindor team yet, I was also confident about getting re-sorted into Gryffindor so I wasn't quite sure.

Once tryouts started, Flint explained how he would be deciding if a player stayed or was cut from the team and that we better be trying our hardest. The game started and I immediately flew to the quaffle on my broom. I had one of the smallest brooms there, and because of that I could fly much faster than the boys. I was also much smaller than everyone else so I could easily dodge them.

I got to the quaffle before the other team did and grabbed it tightly in my hands. I began flying as fast as I could, then pretended to throw it to the bottom right goal but instead I threw it to the left one and got my team the point. Here and there I could see Blaise watching me but I knew I needed to focus, so I did my best to ignore his gaze. By the time scrimmage ended I even managed to steal a few passes from Flint, because before the game started he told me not to get my hopes up to make the team since I was a girl. After the game I was ecstatic to hear both mine, and Blaises name called. We had both made the team and I was thrilled. I showered in the locker room, got on a fresh pair of clothes and went into the hallway. I walked down the hall some and sat in front of one of the largest windows at Hogwarts to read my new Herbology book. I loved that spot in the castle, since I was a first year I always felt at peace at that window, being able to see everything going on outside even if it was dark out or daylight or raining. The window was always inviting of every gaze to look out it.

After a few minutes of reading I noticed that Blaise walking down the hall towards me but I did my best to keep my focus on my book. Although before I knew it he had sat down next to me.

"You wanna go to the common room?"

I quickly became nervous as I had found myself slightly interested in Blaise these past two weeks. "Why?" I asked, trying to not sound nervous.

"We could help each other with the homework from Herbology." He said confidently.

"I mean yeah if you need help I could help you for a little bit."

Nodding, Blaise helped me up and we made our way to the common room. Once we got inside I sat down with my books on the couch before placing them on the floor before asking to see Blaise's assignment he needed help with. He handed me his assignment, all crumpled up into a ball and I couldn't help but laugh. "I mean that's one way to store your assignments."

Blaise laughed a little before speaking up. "You know Daniella, I really do like you."

I blushed a little. "I could say the same about you."

I tried my best to stop blushing and I just kept my eyes on his paper reading the questions. When I finished reading them I looked up and got immediately uncomfortable as I realized Blaises hand was on my thigh and his body extremely close to mine. I started to lean away trying not to be awkward. I felt bad for not wanting him to be near me after our small conversation but I wanted my own personal space and I didn't feel comfortable doing anything with him as I barely even knew him.

"It's okay, stop worrying so much you just need to loosen up a little." Blaise said before leaning even closer in on me.

"Blaise stop, what are you doing?" I repeated multiple times getting louder and louder, trying to get someone to hear me and help, and to try and get Blaise to stop but he didn't stop. All I could think of was how I wanted so badly to be with Ginny right then. I wanted the warm cherry smell of our room with the silky red covers of our beds with my friends, my friends I was safe with. Before I knew it Blaise forced me to lay down on the couch. I didn't know what to do as I didn't have my wand and I could only think back to everything that happened to me at home. I started hyperventilating and tears streamed out of my eyes. Getting a sudden urge of adrenaline, I lifted up my knee and kicked Blaise between his legs. I fell on top of me in pain and I pushed him off the couch and onto the ground. Knowing I only had a small window to leave the common room I stepped over him to run but before I knew it, he grabbed my ankle and I started falling. My vision was still blurred from my tears but even not being able to fully see, I saw the sharp edge of the metal foot rest my head was falling towards but before I could try and put my hands out, I hit the side of my head on the table. When I hit the ground I felt blood rushing out from the side of my head and I had a sudden migraine. I tried to move my head to look around but my vision was turning black. I was still awake but I couldn't see, my vision had gone completely black and I tried getting up but I felt as if I couldn't move. I was in so much pain my body wouldn't let me get up.

"Shit." I heard Blaise say and I tried to move, but I couldn't. All I could do was move my hands even as I felt Blaise press a heavy pillow to my face. My body was frantic yet I still couldn't move. I couldn't breathe, and I didn't know what he was doing. He continued to press the pillow harder against my face and it wasn't long before the room began spinning even harder and my body gave out due to the lack of air.


"Do you think she's dead?" One of my friends asked as we stood next to Daniella's limp body on the floor.

"Dude I don't fucking know."

"What did you even do?"

"I was on top of her and next thing you know she's freaking out and gets up and trips and she hits her head on the foot rest. I thought she was dying or paralyzed or something because she wasn't moving and her eyes looked all glazed over. I didn't know what else to do."

"So you fucking suffocated the bitch?" Goyle said to me while shaking his head. "Let's just go, if she's actually dead then someone will find her in the morning, if not then hopefully she doesn't remember anything."

"Fine. You better not tell anyone about this if she is alive and doesn't remember."


I woke up the next morning on the common room floor with a terrible headache and dried blood in my hair. Remembering what Blaise was trying to do to me the night before, I began quietly crying, despite it making my headache worse. I headed to my dorm as quietly as possible and looked in the mirror. Seeing the cut and bruise on my forehead along with the bruise on my neck and on my arms from Blaise grabbing me so hard, I began hysterical. I couldn't believe that I had trusted such an evil person and I wanted to skip all my classes for the day but knew I had a test in Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

I put my uniform before carefully applying concealer to my bruises, attempting to make them not look as bad. With my bloodshot eyes and as much dried blood picked out of my hair as possible, I put it up into a pony and headed to Potions. I entered Potions and there he was, there was Blaise. When he turned and saw me, he looked as if he saw a ghost and I felt as if I could start crying again but I knew I needed to keep my composure.

When I sat down, I looked at Draco, not knowing where else to find a slight bit of comfort but all he did was look at me frightened by the cut and bruise on my forehead and neck and the redness of my eyes.

"What happened to you?" Draco asked in a concerned tone.

I hated him so much but I would rather hear his voice than Blaise's. I ignored him, despite the contradiction of feeling comfort and hatred by him and turned towards where Snape was standing across the room.

I was halfway through the exam when I heard Blaise and Crabbe talking. "Things got a little rough, huh?" Hearing them talk about me in such a way along with the worst headache of my life, I finally lost it.

I turned to Blaise and kept eye contact with him. "You are a fucking coward." I said in a broken tone. Tears started silently falling down my cheeks and I grabbed my things before hurrying out of the class. As I left the class I could hear Snape calling my name but I didn't stop and did my best to ignore his angry tone.


I was sitting down in Potions when I noticed Daniella. The way she looked, the bruises, the red eyes, the tears. She wasn't the Daniella I knew. She would never cry in front of me, especially not now. She said nothing the entire time she was in class. After she ran out of class I knew something was wrong. I leaned over to Blaise and asked him if he knew what was wrong with her and he just shrugged.

A few hours later I had three classes left of the day. All the classes I had, Daniella also had, yet, she wasn't in any of them. I knew Daniella hated school tests but I knew she would never miss one unless something was really wrong. At the end of my last class I found Ginny who was sitting in the front of the class and attempted to tell her what happened during Potions. She tried to ignore me but the more I told her about the way she looked the more she got noticeably concerned.

"You should go get her books from Snape for her and go to her dorm to check on her," I said quickly.

Ginny didn't respond. All she did was turn around and walk towards Snape's class.


The way Draco explained to me how Daniella looked and acted I got very nervous. I didn't know what could have happened but it was very unlike Daniella to do any of the things Draco described to me. I hurried to Snape's room to grab her homework and get a temporary password to enter the Slytherin dormitories. I knocked on the door a few times and tried to say some nice things attempting to get her to open the door but I got no answer. I didn't know if she hated me now that she was in Slytherin but once I got sick of waiting I just opened the door. As I looked around I didn't see Daniella and I quickly became confused. Walking into the room I shouted out for Daniella before making my way towards the bathroom. The door was slightly cracked open and as I pushed the door I found Daniella unconscious on the floor next to her toilet with vomit in it. I ran towards her to attempt to wake her up but once I saw the blood running from a severe cut in her head I grew worried. I tried to bring her to her bed but as I dragged her, her body began shaking uncontrollably with vomit leaving her mouth and I started screaming for help.

I didn't know what else to do. My best friend was having a seizure in front of me. Before I knew it, Draco had run into her room. He looked at her in terror as her body slowed from the seizure, and without saying a word he picked her limp body off her bed and ran towards the hospital wing.


The last thing I remembered was vomiting into my toilet but as I opened my eyes to find Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione standing around my bed in the hospital wing I knew something bad had happened. They all started asking me what had happened but it all was overwhelming. My headache wasn't as bad anymore but remembering what happened with Blaise was too much for me to handle and I began crying.

"Take your time Daniella." Hermione said, trying to comfort me.

I was so overwhelmed with their presence, none of us had spoken in weeks, I thought they were trying to avoid me since I was in Slytherin now. I finally managed to explain, knowing they were just trying to help. "He wouldn't get off me, so I kicked him and he fell on the ground and when I tried to run he grabbed me and I hit my head on a metal table. And I think- I think he thought I was dead so he tried suffocating me." I sobbed.

"Goddamn." Ron said as I continued to explain what had happened.

"Who wouldn't get off you Daniella?" Ginny said in a raging tone.

"Blaise, Blaise wouldn't get off me."

After I said that Harry, Ginny, and Ron all left, I assumed they were going to go find Blaise. His name made my stomach feel like it was going to explode with sickness.

I finished telling Madame Pomfrey and Hermione what had happened. Hermione's face swelled up and she began crying. "I'm so sorry this happened Daniella."

- - - - - - -

Three weeks passed by fairly fast. Blaise was temporarily suspended for what he had done, and Harry, Ginny, and Ron all got detention for jumping Blaise. The severe concussion I suffered that caused me to have a seizure and pass out was finally almost better. Every day was the same, mellowed winds around the castle and not so clear skies. Eventually Blaise got back from his suspension. I found out he was back from his suspension during Potions. I walked in to go sit at my table with Draco and Crabbe. I hated sitting there because of how much I hated Draco but I hated it even more when I walked in and saw Blaise also sitting there. I took a deep breath and walked to sit down. "Hey Daniella," Blaise whispered to me. I turned my head and gave him the most nasty look that could come across my face. He immediately snapped his head back to the front of the class.

At the end of class I was surprised by the audacity Blaise had, he once again tried to talk to me. "Hey Daniella wait-" Hot headed I snapped around to him and punched him across the face. I could hear a few students laugh, I saw Draco laugh but he tried to cover it up with a cough. I turned around without saying a word or taking one more look at Blaise and left.

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