The First Sun Summoner | The...

By OneOfTheCrows

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'While Astra was blaming everyone around her, there was only one person responsible. Behind all those lies... More

8 Years Later
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖓𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖊𝖓
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊

294 14 0
By OneOfTheCrows

"Astra Éowyn!" Her mother yelled. "Come inside, right now."

She could yell a thousand times, but Astra didn't flinch. She laid in between the high grass field. The grass tickled her palms and chin, it brushed her stomach and arms and she tried so hard to stay quiet when her mother was looking everywhere for her.

Her mother, eventually, went back inside and told the Grisha tester that her daughter wasn't home and would contact them when they were. Her mother led the Grisha outside and apologized, yet again.

Astra ran inside, bursting into laughter, knowing she and her mother had planned this exact situation for a whole month. "Good job, Astra. You did well, now go and take a bath." Astra ran upstairs and made herself comfortable in the heat bath that the maid had set ready for her.

After she laid in the steaming water for an hour, and the heat became too much, she jumped out of the bath and wrapped herself in the big towel. The bathroom was almost as warm as the bath itself. She quickly dried herself off and changed into her clothes. She left the bathroom and felt the coldness of the house fall on her like cold steam.

Her hair was wetting her shirt and left a few water drops on the ground. She hopped down the stairs and walked towards the dining room. Before she entered she could hear her parents raising their voice with every word they spoke to each other. She spotted Demis close to the kitchen door and joined him to eavesdrop.

"Would it be so bad if they were tested?" their father spoke strictly. "Yes! What if they would be Grisha, those monsters would ruin our children." The mother said in a much stronger voice. "This isn't about how Grisha would treat them! You are just still fretting about what happened with your sister. Don't let your past intrude our children's lives."

Their father was much calmer and knew he was right, but Astra got her stubbornness from somewhere and so her mother raised her voice once more. "Don't you tell me how to raise my children when you try to control one! Do you want to get rid of them so badly!" Astra and Demis heard their father become nervous, "Not 'them', only-"

Their mother interrupted him by a loud groan of annoyance, "You are 'picking favorites' to a whole new standard!" and she walked out of the room, smashing the door behind her. Fortunately for Astra and Demis, she had taken the other door towards the dining room and not the hall.

They quickly entered the dining room, trying to look unsuspicious, and took place in their usual spots. "How was the bath, love?" She said in one of her more kinder voices.


Astra had just got out of the bath, she had changed into one of the velvet robes that hung beside the towels and it fitted perfectly. Her skin was soft again but her scars hadn't disappeared. However, the cut on her lip had healed and so the light scar was almost invisible.

Astra had looked around her new room many times. She had paced around the room after she couldn't sleep. She had jumped on the bed, read one page of every book in her room and she'd had many strange conversations with herself. A week ago she would've called herself crazy, now she was just trying not to go crazy.

She was in general really calm with handling this situation but the real trouble hit last night.

She was laying in her bed again, waiting for something to happen. She hoped it wouldn't end like what happened in the child book she had once read, 'the saint was tangled and stuck in the tower'.

And she was sure the saints had heard her call because then a loud knock was heard from her door. She walked to it and unlocked the door. Waiting outside, there stood a servant in a cream-colored dress. "From Miss Coretha Gadiel, Materialki."

The servant handed a black wool kefta to Astra, she gave a last polite nod and walked away. Astra took the kefta inside and inspected it, it was gorgeous and that's something she couldn't hide. She had smoothly rubbed her hand through the wool inside the kefta and was now even more excited to try it on.

Astra took off her velvet robe and changed into her black kefta. It slipped easily around her skin and her body was getting overwhelmed from the softness. She looked into the mirror and even spun around a few times while looking at herself. She was indeed right, black stood her marvelously.

Her messy hair and her bare feet ruined it a bit, but she couldn't stop complimenting herself. She couldn't wait to walk through the halls while wearing this astonishing kefta. Astra had pulled on her boots and tried to make her hair look bearable. She left the room, full of confidence, and then realized she hadn't a clue where to go.

Astra walked towards the biggest door she could see on the end of the hall and opened it. Lucky for her, she guessed right and was in another big room. The room was full of mirrors and Astra was fighting to keep her face straight and not to smile too hard. There was only one door beside the one she had just come out of and it led her to a room full of musical instruments.

Astra saw the beautiful white piano standing in the middle of the room and immediately wandered to it. It had been years since she had played but every song she had played successfully hadn't left her mind. She tried to focus again on finding a way out and so restrained herself to walk towards the next door. She had her hand almost on the door handle, but the desire was too big.

Astra ran towards the piano again and brushed with her fingers over the marble piano. She sat down on the little couch in front of it and placed her fingers carefully on the keys. The more she played, the more comfortable she became. She moved her body with every tone hearable and danced with her head to the music.

She had closed her eyes and placed additional pressure on every press on the piano keys. It softened again towards the end and finished with a dramatic note. She was extremely proud that she still had it in her to play the piano and let out a deep relaxing sigh.

An enthusiastic clapping was heard from behind her that made her jump. "Bravo! Really, it was beautiful!" Astra looked behind her and saw Amirah standing in the door opening, beside her stood Dusk Enrir, Clive Ilyich, and another Grisha she hadn't met. Astra blushed a bit of surprise and smiled back at Amirah. "Why didn't you tell me you were a shadow summoner! I mean that's so cool."

Astra stood up and walked towards the group of Grisha. She saw Clive and Dusk pinning their lips together after what Amirah said and gave Astra the honor to explain. "Yeah, I'm a scary shadow caller thingy." She laughed awkwardly. Astra didn't know much about what each Grisha could and couldn't. The only thing her mother told her about shadow summoners were that they were like she said 'scary and callers of terrifying shadows'.

Amirah pulled Astra's arm and clenched it into hers. She walked with Astra through the halls while Dusk and Clive walked behind them and gave a few details of the building while passing certain rooms. Astra had planned her next trip to the big library they had passed. They finally arrived at the dining hall and it was so grand and beautiful. It was split up into different orders.

The Materialki sat all together at one long table as well as the Corporalki and Etherealki. In the middle in between the three other tables, there stood another and a bit smaller one. "That's where General Kirigan sits when he eats with us. Don't worry, it hardly happens." Amirah explained. Clive sent her to her own table and was now arm in arm with Astra, he led her to the table in the middle.

"I thought only the Darkling ate here?" She asked, confused. Clive looked at her with a big smirk, "He asked me to accompany you to his table. He probably wants to eat with you to make you feel a bit more at home." Great, Astra could hear her own sarcasm in her thoughts.

Astra didn't forget to notice all the faces when she walked in between the tables in her black kefta. Mouths fell open, eyes widened and Astra just smiled at them when she saw it. Astra looked around the room for more shocked faces and spotted, with great satisfaction, Lilith. Her eyes stood on fire and would soon burn the place down if Astra didn't stop smirking at her. Fortunately, Dusk distracted Lilith.

Astra sat down at the table in the middle and waited for the food. Everyone was having a cheerful conversation and Astra leaned her head on her hand while realizing she much rather sat at a crowded table. The room, however, soon fell quiet and people stared at the double door behind them. Astra turned around and saw him standing there. He was wearing his own black kefta and walked towards the table in the middle.

Astra officially now despised the middle table and looked at how the Darkling sat down on the other chair before her. People slowly began talking again and finally, food was brought. "Good morning, Miss Éowyn." He said politely. She nodded in return. The place was crowded so Astra decided to stay calm and friendly.

She'd had reckless thoughts and many hadn't brought many good consequences. She sat there because she thought going to visit graves was the best option, she has no regrets about going though. It had been the best feeling she had in years. And being there at the little palace and been given the chance to explore what she is and what she can do was a beautiful opportunity, even though it was against everything she had learned when younger.

"You were right, black suits you." Astra looked into the mysterious slate gray eyes. They had been staring at her in great interest, or that's what he wanted her to think. They ate in complete silence while the voices and conversations around them were tickling in their ears.

"I must go," He said eventually, "I wish you luck with your training." And he left the table.

He walked towards the double door and left the dining hall. Astra didn't want to sit alone anymore and so left the table herself. Amirah immediately waved at her and so Astra walked towards the Corporalki table. None of the other heartrenders and healers dared to look at her at first. She sat down and Amirah began with the interrogation.

"What did you talk about?" Amirah asked excitedly.
"Nothing, actually." Astra answered with a shrug.
"I heard only his bloodline were shadow summoners, are you family?" Another heartrender asked.
"No!" She responded immediately.
"Are you going to train with us?" Again another heartrender asked. But Amirah answered for her, "Of course not, she doesn't want to see what we do there. She'll train with the Etherealki."

Astra heard the disappointing groans but was saved from further questions by Clive. He tapped her shoulder and asked her to follow him. A big group of Inferni's were walking in front of them, Dusk and Lilith were with them.

They walked through the halls and eventually made their way outside. The cold winter breeze struck Astra and she immediately missed her bed. Outside was as beautiful as the inside of the little palace. The grass was cut at the exact same length and the trees were beautifully spread around the huge surface.

By the small lake, there stood Tidemakers. They greeted Clive and Astra in an instance and showed off their tricks. They had explained a few games they had made with their small science. Making the biggest wave, tag with water, and whoever was the driest won...

Clive told them he would soon join and walked further to the training base with Astra. "What do you think?" He asked while they walked slowly towards her training. "Pretty impressive, also useful when there is a fire." She pointed out. Clive looked at her and laughed, "Not about the Tidemakers, what do you think about the little palace?"

That was a harder question. Astra didn't want to admit it, but she hadn't had the worst time here already. The people are nice, even more than nice. They as good as worship her. Her room was the most luxurious thing she had ever seen and she didn't have to wait an hour before the water was warm. She had received that beautiful black kefta and was actually warm for once. The food was extraordinary, and only one thing bordered her.

The fake friendly act to the Darkling.

It was exhausting. Knowing that she was in the perfect position to take venges for all the people who died in the Fold, but she isn't able to because she wouldn't see another day. She would have to get people on her side, not his.

"It's beautiful." That was the only thing she said after a long pause.

They arrived at the training base and Clive said his goodbye. When Astra entered the base she saw the Grisha moving identical as they practiced new moves. A few Tidemakers who were there too, did a sort of meditation while the squallers playfully shoved each other against the wall with the use of the wind.

An older woman inspected the Grisha as they moved and gave some helpful critique. She was wearing a light gray kefta. It hadn't any embroidery and was simply gray. The woman spotted Astra standing in the middle of the base, unaware of what she should do.

"Miss Éowyn." She greeted her, "Pleasure to meet you. My name is Azura, but you'll call me ma'am or Madam. Understood?" Astra raised a brow, "Yes." She said unsure. "Yes, ma'am." Azura corrected. The Grisha had stopped with what they were doing and watched Astra and Azura.

Azura was walking circles around Astra, "Now let me see what you can do." She tutted, and the training began.

Astra had done pretty well for her first time, people were desperately asking her to show her powers but Astra had to decline. She had knocked out one person, won two other fights but was beaten in four. Azura had given some useful tips for the next time and dismissed her.

Everything was going easy, she didn't even have to try. If that was the life of a Grisha then she didn't even want to leave. Clive had picked up Astra again and they walked together to a small hut. There were no windows or a slit under the door. Two guards stood before the hut and stared into nowhere.

Astra knocked on the door but no one answered, "You just have to go in." Clive told her before he left. She opened the door and coughed when the huge amount of steam was stuck in her lungs. "Close the door, girl!" An old cracking voice yelled at her, unbothered by her loudly dying.

Astra closed the door and could see a little fire and an old woman in front of it. Still a bit coughing, Astra walked towards her. The woman didn't greet her, told her name or what Astra should call her. The woman stared Astra in the eye and said without any hesitation or pause "Call the light."

Astra was confident for this cause and spread her hands, the confused face of the woman made her a bit unsure but began to call it nonetheless. She closed her eyes and imagined the feeling she'd had a few days ago. After standing in the same position for a while now and not having any luck she opened her eyes. Her confidence was gone in an instance.

"But- How? I can do it, it normally works!" Astra protested. The woman laughed, "I could smell your confidence from right here, I expected more." Astra frowned. Why wouldn't it come now?

The woman saw her frowning face and laughed even harder, "How many times have you called it?" Astra stared at her feet, "Twice, I think. Or maybe three times... I don't know."

The woman finally stopped laughing, "Let me guess, you felt very angry in those situations." Astra shrugged in return, she had already made a big fool of herself. "You act on emotions, it's an extremely weak thing to do." Astra didn't respond, "We'll have a lot to do then... take a seat."

And Astra sat down, she didn't want to be there anymore. She knew the woman was still mocking her and would keep doing it until she actually called it without having an emotion to do it for her.

"Let's begin."

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