By -platinumcopyshare

56.6K 2K 437

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

2K 67 2
By -platinumcopyshare

Chapter 12-

The days turned to weeks and Hogwarts was in full swing. Evangeline was glad to have made at least one friend. Bryan had become her link to the world, they had become best friends. The only downside was that now Penelope Nott, Rodger Stone, and Annabelle Noir had singled them out as targets to their bullying.

Bryan and Eva would study every day at the library after their last class. It was during one of these days that they found themselves confronted by Penelope and her two friends.

"Well, if it isn't Greengrass and his poor orphaned girlfriend."

Eva glared at the girl. "Shut up, Nott!"

"Oh, the mudblood speaks!" Rodger said nastily.

"Don't you dare call her that? Why don't you three go away and leave us alone." Bryan said moving to stand right next to Eva.

"I don't know why you hang around her Greengrass. She's so pathetic and I bet she's stupid too." Annabelle sneered.

"Eva is more intelligent than the three of you combined! Leave us alone you idiots."

Penelope's face grew red and before they knew it she had cast a spell at Bryan.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Eva screamed as Bryan hit the floor hard. When the other three Slytherins heard madam Pince make her way toward them they ran away. Eva was kneeling next to his prone body.

Madam Pince contacted Professor Malfoy and he was able to wake Bryan. When Bryan was awake he led them to his office where he was going to speak with them. Eva and Bryan stood quietly in front of Professor Malfoy, a little scared.

"I want to know what happened."

Bryan looked uncertain. "It was an accident, Professor."

Professor Malfoy looked at them silently for a moment before speaking. "Fine, I know how it can be in the Slytherin common room so I know you can't tell me." The professor stood up and walked to them. "Next time try this spell, Protego."

The students looked relieved and nodded. "How do you two like your classes?"

Bryan grinned "I really like them. My favorite class is definitely DADA."

Eva looked shy before answering. "I really like Charms."

Draco smiled at both of them before laughing. "I'm glad you both enjoy classes. Now, remember, if you need help protecting yourselves please don't hesitate to come and visit me. I won't allow you to cast spells on each other but I can teach you how to protect each other." The students grinned before leaving the professor's office.


Draco was about to panic, today was the dinner at the Weasleys' house. He was nervously dressing his children in their best clothes. Isabelle was dressed in a light pink dress he placed two little bow clips in her black hair. Draco had chosen to dress Loren in simple grey pants and his navy blue sweater. He was dressed exactly the same as Draco.

"I don't know why you're worrying. They're going to like you!" Harry said from the doorway.

Harry had all but moved in, they shared a bed every night.

"Shut it Harry, now when are we going to leave?"

Harry grinned before taking Loren's hand and walking out of the room. Draco sighed and followed with Isabelle. Since it was Saturday there were very few students around. At the Entrance Hall they were met by Pansy, Ron, Ginny, and Neville.

They were going to apparate to the Burrow, so they walked together until they reached the perimeter of Hogwarts. Harry picked up Loren and Draco picked up Isabelle and hugged Harry.

When they reappeared, they stood in a meadow. Draco stared at the large house and hugged Harry tightly.

"Don't worry daddy, Harry will protect you." Isabelle whispered smiling at her father.

Harry laughed and walked them toward the house. Ron and Pansy were knocked on the door and Mrs. Weasley opened it.

The red haired woman smiled "Oh, hello dears. Pansy, your starting to show, I'm so happy for you dear." The woman kissed and hugged them before letting them inside.

The next ones were Ginny and Neville whom also received hugs and kisses before they too were allowed in. Harry and Draco placed the children on the floor and Harry stepped forward.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley."

She glared at him and responded icily. "Its Molly, dear."

Harry only grinned before kissing her cheek. "Molly, I want you to meet my boyfriend Draco Malfoy and his two children, Loren and Isabelle."

Draco walked up to the woman and smiled before extending his hand out to her. She looked at him before grabbing his hand and pulling him into a hug.

"It's nice to meet you, Draco." She knelt down in front of the two little ones and smiled warmly. "Hello, little angels. My name is Molly but you can call me Grandma Molly."

Draco was amazed and when she looked up at him for permission he smiled gratefully. Molly scooped up Isabelle and took Loren by hand and walked into the house.

"I told you she would like you." Harry said before kissing Draco passionately.

When they were done, Harry and Draco walked into the sitting room. Draco fell in love with the house as soon as he walked inside. He could feel the warmth envelop him and he smiled.

George came up to them and smiled. "The little ones already have mum wrapped around their little fingers."

Draco smiled.

All of a sudden a brown blur rushed past Draco and jumped on Harry. Draco was surprised to find a brown haired woman hugging Harry. "Harry, how have you been?"

Harry laughed and kissed Hermione's cheek. "I've been great Mione, where is your wife?"

Just then a blonde woman walked toward them and hugged Harry as well. "Hello, Harry. It's been a long time, Draco."

Draco smiled and greeted Luna. "Hello, Luna."

Luna smiled and turned to her wife. "Hermione, don't just stand there, greet Draco." Hermione laughed before extending her hand toward Draco. "Hello, Draco, nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you two Hermione." Harry smiled broadly.

They were interrupted by another red head that approached them.

"Bill! This is my boyfriend Draco. Draco, this is Bill and that lovely blonde is Fleur, Bill's wife."

Bill smirked and shook Draco's hand. "It's nice to meet you Draco. Fleur and I knew we had to come and meet the person who finally caught Harry."

Harry blushed and glared at Bill. "Where's Percy?"

"Oh, Percy had a ministry dinner thing."

Harry nodded and excused them from the group. They approached a balding man and Harry hugged him happily.

"Arthur, this is Draco, my boyfriend."

Arthur Weasley smiled at Draco and shook his hand. "Welcome to the Burrow Draco."

"Thank you for having me, Mr. Weasley." Arthur nodded.

"Harry is that Draco?" Charlie had just walked into the room.

Harry nodded and smiled proudly at Draco. "Dray, this is Charlie."

"Hello, Charlie." Draco smiled at the redhead.

Before they could continues speaking Mrs. Weasley came into the sitting room. "Dinner is ready everyone!"

She had placed a table out in the back of the house and the large table was already set. Everyone took a seat on and the dinner began. Draco was amazed, he was used to small family dinners but this was full of laughter and love.

He watched as Loren was talking to Charlie. "I think Loren just met his hero." Harry whispered into his ear. Draco shivered and nodded. "Poor Charlie won't have a moment of peace now."

Isabelle was currently talking to Pansy and Fleur. The two women were lovingly touching Isabelle's hair.

Draco felt Harry's hand on his and smiled at the man. "How do you like your first Weasley family dinner?"

Draco's smile widened. "I love it."

Harry grinned and kissed Draco. They heard George say, "Some of us are trying to eat over here." Everyone laughed and the meal continued. When they were finished everyone helped clean before moving into the sitting room.

"Daddy, uncle Charlie said he would take me to see a real dragon!" Loren said jumping up and down next to his father. Draco, who was washing the dishes, paled and shook his head. "He most certainly is not!"

Loren pouted. "Please dad?"

Draco rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes. "We can talk about it later."

Loren hung his head and left the kitchen. When Loren left Draco heard footsteps enter the kitchen and was about to turn when he felt a pair of strong arms encircle his waist.

Harry enveloped Draco and began kissing his neck. "How is my lovely boyfriend?"

Draco smiled, "I am very happy."

"How happy are you?" Harry said licking Draco's jaw line.

"I will show you tonight how happy I am." Draco smirked when Harry shuddered.

They then heard someone laugh behind them. "Oh, please tell me I did not just hear that!"

Hermione laughed before heading back into the sitting room.

Draco blushed but Harry only smirked.

"Did you know she was there?"

Harry only smiled and Draco glared at him. They finished washing the dishes and walked into the sitting room where the whole family sat talking. When Hermione looked at them she smirked and laughed. Draco rolled his eyes and focused on his daughter who was sitting in Molly Weasley's lap.

A few hours later they were saying their goodbyes when Mrs. Weasley took Draco to the side. "Draco, I wanted to talk to you. I just wanted to know what your intentions were with Harry."

Draco looked uncomfortable but responded. "Mrs. Weasley, I understand why you worry about Harry but I really like him. I don't know where we are going with this relationship but all I know is that he makes me and my children happy. I would never want to hurt him."

Mrs. Weasley smiled brightly at him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for answering so truthfully, Draco. I also wanted you to know that your family is always welcome here and I want to see your children more often."

Draco smiled and nodded before rejoining Harry near the door. Harry stood near the door with Loren asleep on one shoulder and Isabelle asleep on the other.

"Are you ready to leave, Draco?"

Draco nodded and took Isabelle from Harry's shoulder. They said their goodbyes and slowly made their way toward the end of the meadow. They all silently Apparated back to Hogwarts and tiredly walked to their respective rooms.

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