By -platinumcopyshare

54.7K 2K 430

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 7

2.5K 86 21
By -platinumcopyshare

Chapter 7-

The next morning Draco felt a huge weight on his chest. "Daddy!"

"Good morning Isabelle. Is your brother awake?"

Loren answered as he approached Draco's bed. "Good morning dad."

"Good morning."

As he watched his son quietly climb onto his bed he noticed for the first time how shy his son was. A wave of love gripped his heart and he scooped them into his arms.

"I want to ask you two a question."

Loren looked up at his father a little bit confused. "What is daddy?"

"What do you think about Harry?"

Isabelle was the first to answer, "I really like him daddy. He's very funny and he teaches me things." Her animated face grinned up at her father.

Draco nodded and then turned to his son. His son on the other hand looked thoughtful, "He is very nice dad, and I like him too. Why?"

"Well, remember when I explained to you that there are boys who like boys?"

The two children nodded. "Well, I like Harry."

"We like Harry too dad." Loren looked a little bit confused.

"I mean that I like Harry like Uncle Ron likes auntie Pansy."

Understanding dawned on their faces and it was Loren who answered. "Oh, does Harry like you, daddy?"

Draco smiled, "Yes, baby, he does. Harry is now my boyfriend."

Isabelle smiled "does that mean that you and Harry will get married?"

"Oh, no sweetheart, we want to get to know each other first. What do you two think?"

Isabelle was the first to answer. "I think it's great dad, I really like him."

Loren was a bit more quiet but he smiled slowly. "Will it make you happy, daddy?"

Draco nodded and Loren grinned. "Alright, you two, time for breakfast so let's get dressed we are going to have breakfast with Harry."

When they were dressed and ready they walked out of their rooms and walked toward the Great Hall. As they walked toward the head table, Draco noticed that Harry had saved three seats next to him. When they reached the table, there was a small moment of awkwardness but Harry stood and kissed Draco. He blushed as he placed his children in their chairs.

"Good morning Harry" Draco said quietly

"Good morning Draco. Hello, munchkins!" Harry walked over to them and kissed them each on the forehead.

The rest of breakfast passed in relative calmness. It seemed that most of the professors were still trying to recuperate from last night and had skipped breakfast. When they were finished Draco turned toward Harry.

"Harry, I wanted to take the children to Diagon Alley, would you like to accompany us?"

Harry nodded "We can use my fireplace it's the closest"

They walked to Harry's classroom and the twins looked around in amazement. "Harry is that a dragon's skeleton?" Loren asked his eyes as big as saucers.

"Yeah, that's been there since your dad and I were kids."

When they entered his office, they disappeared into the floo. Harry and Loren left first followed by Draco and Isabelle. They arrived at the leaky cauldron where Draco knelt in front of the two kids. "Stay close to Harry and I and don't wander away."

Both children nodded and began looking around. Harry grabbed Draco's hand and took Loren's hand in his. Isabelle took Draco's other hand and they made their way out of the Leaky Cauldron.

When they entered Diagon Alley Isabelle jumped up excitedly. "Is this where we are going to buy our new clothes daddy?"

"Duh, Isabelle why would we be here if we weren't going to buy our new clothes?" Loren whispered.

Isabelle stuck her tongue out at her brother and pulled on her father's hand. "So where to first, Draco?" Harry asked laughing at the children.

"Well, I need to get them some new clothes. I also wanted to pick up a new charms book from Flourish and Blotts.

"Alright so Madam Malkin's first?

Draco nodded and walked toward the shop. When they entered the shop Draco looked through the different sets of clothes. Harry entertained the children while Draco picked some things out. When Draco purchased everything they needed they left the shop and walked toward the book shop.

Before they could enter the book shop Harry had convinced Draco to take them to the Quidditch supply shop. Isabelle walked into the shop and looked around excitedly.

"Dad, can I please get a broom?" She was pouting cutely at her father.

"Oh, honey, I don't know."

"Come on Draco, I will promise to teach her." Harry smiled at Draco.

"I don't know Harry; I just don't want her to get hurt."

"I promise, I will not allow anything to happen to her."

Draco looked reluctant but in the end nodded. Harry walked away with Isabelle to choose a broom.

"Do you want one Loren?"'

Loren looked up at him as if he were crazy. "No, thank you, dad. I much prefer to keep my feet on the ground."

Draco laughed and patted his small head. When Harry and Isabelle rejoined them Isabelle showed her father her new child broom.

"Look daddy, Harry bought me my broom."

Draco looked at harry and frowned. "You didn't have to Harry, but thank you."

"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to."

"Dad can I try it when we get home?"

"Maybe, it all depends what time we get home." The group made their way out of the shop; Isabelle asked Harry to pick her up and happily talked about Quidditch.

Draco rolled his eyes and looked at his son, "Lor, where would you like to go?"

The little boy looked around and pointed at the potions shop. Smiling he picked up his son and motioned for Harry to follow him into the shop. Once inside he watched his son's face become animated.

"Look dad, they have potion kits for kids! Can I get one?"

Draco looked at the kit first before nodding. After paying for it they exited the shop and walked over to the bookshop. They set the children down on the floor while Draco began looking for the charms book he needed. He was so concentrated in finding his book that he was surprised when he felt arms encircle his waist.

"Did you find it?

"Yeah, I did."

"I found something too." Harry kissed his cheek.

"Not, here Harry."

Laughing Harry kissed him one more time before moving away. "You still have the love bites by the way."

Draco looked surprised and quickly brought out his wand and made them disappear. Smirking Harry walked away from him. Draco rolled his eyes and continued to look at the charms books.

He heard footsteps approaching and thought it was Harry. He was smiling when he turned to look at the approaching person.

Draco was confused when he noticed a light brown haired man was walking toward him. The man had a scowl on his face and glared at him with hate and anger.

"Well, look what I found? The snake finally makes its appearance."

"Sir, I don't know what you're talking about but you must have me confused with someone else."

"No, I know who you are Malfoy! Your father killed my muggle family! You and your Bastard family ruined mine! I don't understand how they allowed you to walk free!"

Draco glared at the man and responded. "I am sorry for anything that my father did, but I am not my father. I don't know you sir and I ask you to please step away."


Draco paled and was about to respond when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Without turning around he knew Harry was standing there. It was confirmed when he spoke. "Calm down sir, there are children in the shop."

The man recognized Harry and it seemed to anger him even more. "Harry Potter? How can you defend this piece of filth? You more than anyone should have argued for him to be locked up in Azkaban."

"He is not his father! Draco doesn't owe anyone any explanations."

"Sir, please, calm down. I understand your feelings toward my father. I suffered enough at his hands as well."


He stepped toward Draco and Harry stepped up next to Draco. Before Draco or Harry could respond they saw two little bodies appear in front of them between the man and Draco.

"Leave my daddy alone!" Isabelle angrily yelled at the man.

"Go away! Don't yell at my dad!" Loren had stepped up as if he were going to hit the man.

The man stared at the children; he seemed to be surprised by their appearance. Draco reached over and grabbed both of them and pulled them to him.

"Unbelievable! This is unfair! How can you have children when you have destroyed people's lives?"

Harry now stepped forward. "Sir I will ask you to leave one last time! If you don't leave I will make you. I don't want to hurt you but if you give me no choice I will."

The man looked at the four of them and then turned and left. When he was gone, Draco breathed a sigh of relief. He looked down at his children and kissed their heads.

"Why was that man angry at you daddy?" Loren asked quietly.

"Remember when I told you about your grandpa?"

The children nodded, "You said he was a bad man that was mean and did a lot of bad things."

Draco nodded. "Well, it seems that your grandfather hurt that man's family. He was angry with me because I'm his son."

"That's dumb dad. It's not your fault your dad was a bad man." Draco smiled at his son's argument and kissed their heads one more time.

"I think your right Loren. Now, let's not let this ruin our day. I wanted to take you to a very special place." Harry smiled at the three of them.

Draco paid for his book and followed Harry. Soon Harry led them to a joke shop. When Draco noticed the name above the door he paled and looked at Harry. The Weasleys Wizard Wheezes joke shop had grown since its establishment and was now the largest joke shop in Diagon Alley.

"Oh, daddy can we go in?" Isabelle was staring at the shop through the window.

"Come on Draco it will be fine."

"I can't Harry. It was my aunt who killed Fred Weasley and I can't face his twin. I don't want another scene like the one in the bookshop."

"It won't be like that, trust me."

Draco sighed and looked at the hopeful faces of his children so he squared his shoulders and nodded. Harry smiled, took Draco's hand in his and walked into the shop.

As soon as they entered they heard a booming voice. "Well, if it isn't the Great Harry Potter!"

Harry laughed and smiled at the redhead that was approaching them. "George! How are you?"

"I'm great! Just opened up a new location in Hogsmead, Lee Jordan is helping me out. "

"That sounds great!"

"Yeah, now who are these lovely people?"

"Well, this is Draco Malfoy and these little ones are his twin children."

Draco tried to smile and watched the redhead warily. He was surprised when the redhead smiled and extended his hand. Draco smiled and took the offered hand. He could feel Harry squeeze his other hand and Draco smiled wider.

George then turned to the two twins. "Hello, munchkins! You know I had a twin too."

They smiled shyly up at him. "Where is your twin?"

Draco flinched but George smiled at Isabelle. "Oh, I suspect he's pulling pranks on a lot of people up in heaven. Now, what are your names?

Isabelle smiled up at him. "My name is Isabelle Andromeda Malfoy and this is my twin brother Loren Nicoli Malfoy."

George smiled at them and bowed. "I welcome you to my humble shop. How about you come with me and we take a look around."

The children happily followed George around the shop. Harry turned to Draco and smiled, "See, I told you. You had nothing to worry about."

Draco smiled and kissed him. Although the kiss was meant to be quick Harry refused to let him go and they continued to kiss. They were interrupted by a loud cough.

"Well, it seems I have interrupted something. Harry, dear, it seems there's something you have to tell me."

Harry grinned at the redhead and nodded toward Draco. "Draco and I have decided to make a go of it."

George smirked, "I think I owe Fred ten galleons, he always said your rivalry was due to sexual tension."

Harry and Draco blushed while George's smirk grew wider. "Have you written to mum? If you don't tell her she's going to get mad. She's been asking everyone to look after you because she's worried. When she hears that your dating again she's going to be happy. Draco if I were you I would be prepared for a visit to the Burrow. Harry, you won't be able to ignore mum for long."

Harry flinched and nodded, "Thanks, George. I'll send her an owl as soon as possible."

"Dad, can I get this?" Loren was holding an extendable ear.

"Your money is no good here, Draco. Kids, get whatever you want and meet me at the front desk."

Before Draco could argue Harry distracted him by giving him another kiss. When Draco walked toward the front desk he noticed George had prepared two little bags.

"Alright, kids I think it's time to go. School starts tomorrow so we need to get back soon. Thank you George."

Draco smiled at the redhead while he grabbed his children and began walking toward the door. Before leaving Harry waved goodbye at George.

"Harry? Are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, do you have anything else planned for the rest of the day?"

"No, I have my whole day free."

"Good, would you like to go on a walk when we get back?"

Harry nodded and they silently walked their way toward the Leaky Cauldron. They had a quick lunch at the Leaky Cauldron before heading back to Hogwarts.

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