Psychos Game

By SaraOB101

19.8K 616 429

Reader has just moved to Beacon Hills with their single mother, trying to move on from the tragic death of th... More

Two - 二
THREE - 三つ
FOUR - 四
FIVE - 五
SIX - 六
NINE - 九
TEN - テン

ONE -  ワン

3.2K 73 34
By SaraOB101

"You want me to play your little game? Fine, I'll play your little game." She sat staring at the man standing across from her, a smirk on his face as he pulls a chair out and sits across from her. "Very well, I'll be the king and you'll be the queen." He says, moving the chess board towards her, allowing her to make the first move.

It's been two year since her father had passed away, leaving her alone with her mother who was struggling then most with her fathers death. It was unexpected actually, dying in a plane crash on his way to a business trip that mother told him not to go to. She remembers the argument they had the night before his departure, she could hear their harsh whispers as her mother tried to stop her farther from leaving. But, of course, he refused to listen to her and left the next morning only for him to never return.

The day they received the news her mother became devastated, crying and sobbing at the lose of her husband. Y/n had to be the one to take care of her struggles, pushing school and work aside as she watched over her mother and made sure that she got better. She was the adult in this small family, being in charge of everything at such a young age. After a year an a half, they both made a choice to move out of the area from living in the city to moving to a small town named Beacon Hills.

At first, it became a very easy decision, her mother wanted to leave their old childhood home and move to a new palace where they can restart together. Y/n didn't mind leaving the city, she always hated crowded places and the people and wouldn't mind living in an area that could feel a lot more relaxing and quiet.

The two spent their last month packing and giving things away, so that their moving trip will be a lot easier when it came to moving things to a new house. She remembers watching her mother throw out all of her fathers things; clothes, shoes, accessions, pictures, etc. At first she thought her mother needed some closure on her own and understood as to why she would throw that stuff out, but what really caught her attention was the missing wedding ring that her mother used to wear. She stopped wearing it after a month from her fathers funeral, after that it went missing. Only for Y/n to find it in a pawn shop when she went to give some of her old stuff away that could be worth some money.

She was curious as too why her mother gave the ring away, most grieving partners would carry their rings around as a memory of their loved ones and marriage. She didn't question her mother about it, instead she ignored the strange feeling inside of her and continued on with life.

But, that same strange feeling lingered inside of her after two months of living in Beacon hills, she wakes up every morning, earlier than her mother and gets ready for the day. She spends most of her time indoors, helping around the house. Other times she will go outside and take a walk around the park but today was different, today was her first day at her new school. She was anxious on meeting new people and on trying to catch up with the semester, lets just hope the teachers are nice enough to let her blow off last semester and start off fresh.

"Morning!" Her mother chirps, a bright smile on her face as she walks around the kitchen. Y/n raises a brow at her mothers sudden excitement, "You woke up nicely." She mutters out, taking a bite from her plain toast, too tried to make herself anything proper. "It's a wonderful day and its your first day at a new school, also senior year. " she added, sitting across from her as she ate the food that Y/n prepared for her. "Don't remind me, I was enjoying my sleeping in days until school decided to come around the corner, lets just hope I can finish this school year a lot earlier than usual so that I can head off to college." She explains, drinking her juice and heading towards the sink to wash the cup that she used.

"Remind me again what you wanted to study?" Her mother asked, tilting her head to the side as Y/n chuckles. "I told you that I wanted to study homicide, have been doing studying of my own for awhile now so no matter what college throws at me, ill be able to pass it very easily." She grins, grabbing her bag and jacket. "I'm heading out, finish your food and DO NOT feed the crows! A few days ago one of your little friends decided to slam itself against my bedroom window." Her mother looks away shyly, "You know I love those crows and can't help but feed them." She admits, giving y/n a glare who only rolls her eyes. "Still. No more feeding." She warns while pointing a finger at her before leaving the house.

The Drive to school was short, she didn't live far away and could have easily walked but she wasn't in the mood to do anything with her legs. Taking her things she enters the school building and lets out a deep sigh. "Welcome to hell." She whispers to herself in a semi evil voice before reaching inside her bag to take out her schedule for the day. "Okay, lets see what classes I will be skipping or sleeping in." She hums to herself as she nods at a few classes that she might enjoy and groans at the ones that she will possibly hate for the rest of the school year.

As she walks down the hallways she could hear the sound of other students talking or arguing with each other, groaning she looks up to see a couple of boys harassing a first year. "its seven of the morning." She blurts out, glaring at the boys. "Who the hell gets into fights so damn early?" She added and heads upstairs to the second floor where her first class was located, chemistry.

Y/n didn't hate chemistry nor did she like it, the subject just never caught her interest but she wouldn't mind learning a thing or two in order to pass the semester. She finds the classroom and hums, entering the room only to find it empty, slowly and awkwardly she begins to walk backwards and out of the classroom, hoping that no one noticed. She forgot that classes didn't start for another couple of minutes and that she still had some free time to spare.

She decided to use that free time to explore around the school, getting to know the grounds and hallways. It didn't take her long to find the library, one of her favorite places in any school building. The first floor of the library was full of students, sitting on tables either reading or talking to their own friends. Y/n is quick to walk past the large groups and makes it to the top floor where its a lot emptier and quiet. enjoying the silence she walks over to one of the empty tables, tucked away in a corner.

She notices that the table has a chess board all setup, but some of the pawns have been moved and placed to the side, sitting on the table she reaches over to pick up the pawns and place them back where they belong, Moving the board to the side.

"Damn, you messed up my game."

Y/n gasps and turns out to see a young man around her age, standing over her with a smile on his face. "I'm sorry, where you playing with someone?" She asks as the other chuckles and shakes his head. "I was, but without them knowing they lost the game." He answers, setting his bag on the chair across from her as he plops down on the empty seat. "Want to play?" He offers which Y/n quickly denies. "Wish I could but I don't think I will feel comfortable playing with some random person."

The others laughs. "Right, I'm sorry—" he clears his throat and sits up straight. "Hi, I'm Stiles." He sticks his hand out towards her which she eyes and slowly accepts the hand. "Y/n, its nice to meet you stiles." The two shake hands before letting each other go. "So, what's a newbie like you doing here?"

"How did you know I was new?"

"Please, its a small town."

He moves the board back in the middle of the table as he begins to arrange the pawns, moving them around different places as y/n watches him. "Really? Thought no one would notice or really care on who arrives to town or not." She shrugs, leaning back in her seat as Stiles hums in agreement. "We used to not care, but things change." After he is finished he pushes the board towards her. "Just one game, please?"

Y/n signs in defeat and sits up. "I pick white." She calls out as stiles grins and turns the board around so that the white pawns where facing here. As she reaches out to make her first move the bell rings loudly causing her to jump in fright, forgetting where they were.

"Dammit." She hears Stiles mutter under his breath as he stands up and gathers his things. "Maybe we can start our game some other day." He tells her, giving her a wink as Y/n raises a brow before also standing. "We can start whenever we see each other again."

"Oh believe me, I'll be seeing you around. Remember, its a small town." He whispers the last part close to her ear, giving her another wink as he rushes down the stairs and out of the library.

Y/n could only stare at the empty spot, feeling strange as she too makes her way down the stairs and to her first class of the day.

*. *. *.

The first day of school goes by slow, she stays quiet in class and only answers questions when needed too. For the rest of the day she doesn't see Stiles anywhere, maybe they had different class? Maybe that was the reason as too why she never saw him.

Reaching the end of the day she arrives to her last class of the day which turns out to be Gym. She changes out of her clothes in the girls locker room and meets up with the rest of the class in the school gym, noticing a few families faces that she's seen in her previous class and a few new ones that she hasn't seen before.

"Alright ladies!" Coach Finstock shouts out loudly as he glares at all of his students. "School system says that you all have horrible health and will be running a mile today! I don't care if you have asthma, a broken arm, leg, scrotum, etcetera, whatever! Your asses will be running in order to pass my class so, get your ass outside and start running!" He blows his whistle, causing a few students to wince and quickly head outside towards the track field.

Y/n follows closely with the group and grumbles. "What an asshole."

"He can be an asshole but deep down coach cares about his students." She looks over to her right to see a young girl giving her a small smile. "Is he always like this?" Y/n asks, walking next to the girl as they made their way towards the field. "Sometimes, he's tougher on the boys." Said the other.

Y/n hums in response and bites her lip. "So, what's your name?" She asks.

"Oh! I'm Kira and my friend over there is Malia." She points behind her to a girl that wouldn't stop glaring daggers at her. Y/n gives her a tight smile and slowly turns back to Kira. "Why does she look like she wants to kill me?" Kira laughs. "I'm Malias first friend, she doesn't like it when others talk to me—thinks their going to steal me away from her."

"Really?" Y/n laughs out, "that's oddly nice? I mean I understand that your her first friend and understand why she would feel that way, but I'm not going to steal you away from her, trust me." She held her hands up in defense as Kira smiles in return. "Your nice, maybe we can try to be friends too." Kira gives her a small nudge before looking to see Malia grumble. "Best I tame the beast before she attacks."

"Has she attacked anyone before?" Y/n blurts out.

"She broke a guys nose once." Kira replied back with no worry in her tone, giving her a smile before leaving y/n in shock and with wide eyes. Now she definitely doesn't want to get on Malias bad side, like ever.

She leaves Kira and Malia alone for the rest of the jog, allowing them to chat as Y/n ran ahead of the group. As she passed a few other students before slowing down behind a group of friends.

"Did you hear?"


"Another girl showed up dead last night, the police say that they found her dead in an abandon building, stabbed to death."

Y/n ears perk up at the conversation, glaring at the group as she continues to listen into their conversation. "Another victim after a week?" One boy says as the girls whimper. "I heard that the girl they found used to come to this school." They gasp. "Who?!" One of the friends is quick to quiet down the other. "I heard her name was Allison, she used to come to school before she was placed into home schooling." Another is quick to add. "Think it was void?"

Void? Who's void?

"It has to be void! This isn't the first time they've terrorized our town and this girl for sure isn't the first victim." They said before finishing up their conversation and began to job their last lap. Y/n finished early and steps off the track as coach continues to yell at the remaining students. "Speed it up!"

Coach Finstock watches students run past him as he makes comment. "Pathetic, horrible, Unbelievably pathetic!" Hearing coaches comments causes y/n to laugh, no teacher at her old school would accept this kind of behavior but hearing how 'honest' coach can be seemed to make her day just a little bit.

Leaving the track to go change out of her sweaty clothes, she can't help but think about what the students were talking about. Have their been cases of murders around town for awhile now or was this new? She was curious to know more about this, but she couldn't just ask someone random and ask. So, instead she packs her things up and leaves school earlier than usual. It was her last period and she had nothing else to do and her mother wouldn't be back home until later tonight since she worked long hours in the office.

Arriving home she slips her shoes off and tosses her bag onto the couch, quickly grabbing her laptop that was left on the coffee table. She's quick to do some research and pulls up tabs of the different murder cases that have been going around town. She finds a link of the first murder that happened in Beacon Hills, pulling it up as she reads the article.

On September 3rd at 3PM a body was found in Beacon Hills woods, cut in half with the victims bottom half missing. The victims name was Peter Hale, a 37 year old business man that owned the Hale company which has not been passed down to his Nephew Derek Hale who has taken responsibility. The police have no clues as to why this accord, no evidence was left behind and Peters other half is still missing.

Y/n bites her lip as she reads, pulling out her notebook as she writes down the information. Already knowing the date, time, and the victims name. She puts some notes under Peters name and continues with her research. Finding a second article, about another murder.

On November 5th at 7Pm, Jennifer Blakes body was found inside Beacon Hills high school basement, where she was found dead with multiple stab wounds and her face cut up, finding it hard to identify her. Police say that they have not found any evidence of her brutal murder, telling families and friends to stay indoors during dark hours and to keep a close eye on loved ones.

"She was a teacher." She whispers out, writing it down as she tries to find anything that connects the dots with these victims, but nothing has shown up yet. She continues to search for anything else, in the end she finds out that their have been 7 killings in the last year, all separated out in the last four months. Void didn't make his first appearance until December 25th, Christmas morning. When heather, a young high school girl was found dead, tied to a tree behind her own house with a letter left behind in her clothes. The letter only contained a symbol and four words.

Chaos has come again.

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