Percy Jackson in MHA

By percabethjackson11

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The summer after the giant war, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase go to the My Hero Academia-verse on a quest... More

Chapter 1: An interdimensional quest given by the goddess of magic
Chapter 2: Quirk training ft. Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 3: The entrance exam
Chapter 4: First day at UA
Not a Chapter: Percy and Annabeth's quirks
Chapter 5: Combat training
Chapter 6: Class reps and the USJ!
Chapter 7: The sports festival!
Chapter 8: The sports festival! (part 2)
Chapter 9: Internships
Chapter 10: Final exams
Chapter 11: Training camp
Chapter 12: Training camp (part 2)
Chapter 13: Hideout raid
Chapter 14: Ultimate moves
Chapter 15: Provisional hero license exam
Chapter 16: The trauma talk and meeting the big three
Chapter 17: Work studies
Chapter 18: Shie Hassaikai

Chapter 19: School festival (part 1)

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By percabethjackson11

A/N: Hi guys! I can't believe it, this story has almost 38k views!! That's so much more than I ever thought I'd get, so honestly, thank you guys so much. Like nothing prepared me for this so I have no clue what to do, but I have an idea! I decided to do a Q&A along with a bonus next chapter as a special.

So basically just comment any questions you guys have for me or questions about the story, and I'll try to get to them all, as long as they're not too personal.

Also, an explanation for why I've been absent for almost a year is at the bottom if you want to know. Thank you all for being so patient.

Comment your questions here! -->

Percy gulped. Apart from what he just heard, the morning had been going pretty well, in his opinion. Everyone had left the hospital so Annabeth, Mirio, and Eri could rest. Annabeth had recovered and just needed a little bit of rest to feel 100% again. They received numerous (literally thousands!!) emails from media companies, civilians, and random pro heroes who were wishing Annabeth well for her injury, the details of which having been made public.

Percy didn't even know how the people that weren't news channels or media companies got their email (he honestly was scared to find out).

He snorted when he realized how many people were now shaming and criticizing Chisaki for injuring them. Apparently the public really loved the two that much. Obviously, people were also mad at Chisaki for 'the confinement, abuse, and mistreatment of a young girl,' but they were practically rioting over what happened to Annabeth.

Anyway, the morning was going great until they received word that Kurogiri had been captured, which was good news, but they also learned that there was a giant... thing that loved All for One more than life itself just chilling in the mountain side.

Apparently, it was called Gigantomachia. Fitting, since it's a giant. The thing was over twice the size of Polybotes! Hopefully, it didn't have basilisk hair or reptilian legs like him, too.

In other news, Chisaki apparently suffered an attack by the LOV on while being transported to a different location. Percy winced. The guy's arms had been cut off. That seemed horrible, but considering what he did to Eri... It actually wasn't as horrible anymore.

Realizing something, he checked the internet. It was just as he suspected... People were making memes of Chisaki. Percy saw one that said, 'mess with Ripthena? no arms for u'.

The memes were absolutely hilarious, even though they got the ship name wrong. Percy was literally shaking in laughter.

But he stopped snickering and laughing when he learned that the Sand Hero: Snatch had died. Percy tensed. Death was no stranger to him (especially since he saved Thanatos that one time), but how many lives would be lost in the fight to stop the League of Villains? Would this be another... No. Percy didn't need to think about all the deaths. But he still sighed, knowing that it was without a doubt the first death of many to come.

He snapped himself out of that, and went to go see Mirio. Poor Mirio. He had lost his quirk! And Percy couldn't heal it because there were none of his quirk genes left, which meant Percy couldn't try to use water to replicate any (A/N: I want to clarify that Percy uses his quirk to transfer the healing power water does for him to others (but it's like x100 and affects things like diseases and other stuff), so he's not randomly replicating cells with only water. In this specific case, he's talking about transferring the healing water gives him and using it to replicate cells by modelling them after ones that are already there. I hope that makes sense since I'm not the best at explaining things). Annabeth was already calling Nezu with Mirio to work on a solution.

He walked through the pristine hallways of the hospital, and looked through the window of a room to check on Eri.

Poor Eri. She didn't have the fever anymore, nor was she quarantined, but she still couldn't be released from the hospital yet. Percy remembered what happened when he healed her.


"Jackson? We discovered that Eri simply has a caught a fever from overuse of her quirk, do you think you could heal her? Or if not could you help us clear her throat so she can breathe better?"

Percy got up from where he was sitting next to Annabeth and nodded. "Don't worry, I think can heal a fever."

He was pretty relieved that he could help her. Rushing over to the room she was kept in, he noticed Mr. Aizawa waiting there. Said hero glanced at him. "Water prob- ahem. Jackson. The reason I'm here is because Eri's quirk is extremely powerful but also extremely volatile. I'm the only one who can keep it under control with my quirk."

Nodding quickly, Percy agreed because he really wanted to get it over with so he could go into the room and heal Eri.

Both of them entered the room and Percy drew some water out of the air. Only a bit came out, since he was still exhausted from the fight. Both physically, mentally, and emotionally. He sighed, went out of the room, got a water bottle, and came back.

He emptied it and started healing Eri, who was lying on a bed. To be honest, all he was doing was trying to target the infection and take it out. He was basically acting like a white blood cell. Percy: The White Blood Cell. That'd be a cool movie. Wait, what if someone had a quirk that could change them into a cell? Maybe multiple? Transforming into a single cell would be weird since it's so tiny. Wait, stupid ADHD. It's still apparent in a flashback somehow.

He managed to heal Eri after a while. Slowly, she came to, blinked, and rubbed her eyes. Out of nowhere, she sat straight up immediately and looked around. She seemed to notice something about the walls then looked at Percy and Mr. Aizawa. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she lost consciousness and splayed onto the hospital bed.

Percy freaked out while Mr. Aizawa very calmly screeched, ran to the wall, and slammed his hand on a 'call doctors to room' button so hard that it almost broke. Mr. Aizawa was so, very, extremely calm.

Though, he didn't even need to press the button though since many medical staff members were rushing in already, pushing the two out.

The blinds on the window were closed, so Percy and Mr. Aizawa were just waiting around anxiously. Percy decided to go back to Annabeth while Mr. Aizawa stayed behind.

He trudged to her room, wondering what the heck happened to Eri. Annabeth was typing something on her computer in the hospital bed when Percy walked in. Annabeth looked at him and noticed something was wrong. "Did something happen to Eri?"

Nodding sadly, he sat on the edge of her bed. She scooted across to make room for him, so he smiled and joined her. He tried to talk about the weather while trying to avoid the subject, but Annabeth gave him a look.

He closed his eyes. "So, they asked me to heal Eri from a common fever, and I did, but something went wrong. It all seemed fine, but when she woke up she immediately fainted and they haven't been able to figure out what happened. Do you think I did something wro-"

His phone cut him off by ringing. He answered it and put it on speaker. Mr. Aizawa spoke through the line with a relieved voice, "Jackson. Eri's fine, but she fainted from shock. They think it's most likely because of her new environment and the fact that she's finally safe after being in captivity for most of her life."

Percy sighed in relief. "Thanks for telling me, Mr. Aizawa. I was scared I messed something up."

"Have more faith in your abilities, Jackson," Mr. Aizawa's sharp voice scolded through the phone. "Many doctors at this hospital were talking about how incredible your healing powers are."

Sort of turning red at that, he scratched his head. "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa!"

Apparently the grumpy teacher had already hung up. Well, at least Percy knew that Eri was alright.

Flashback End

Silently, he thanked the gods for allowing Eri to be safe. Well, except Hera. Nobody liked her.

Lost in thought, he whipped out Riptide when he heard Annabeth yell 'I got it!' from Mirio's room. Rushing there, he pushed open the door and saw Annabeth holding up Mirio's hero costume with stars in her eyes. Percy pumped his fist in agreement with her confusedly. "Uh, yeah! You got his hero costume! Great job!"

Annabeth facepalmed. "No, Seaweed Brain! This is the solution on how to get Mirio's quirk back!"

Percy blinked. "Wow! Great job, Wise Girl!"

Mirio just looked back and forth at them. "You guys are so cute! The memes about Chisaki really think so as well."

Annabeth sighed. "Don't tell me they're making memes of Chisaki because his arms got cut off."

"Then we'd have to lie to you." Percy smirked.

Annabeth snatched her phone that was lying on a table and searched up something. She looked at her phone and had a look in her eyes that Percy could only describe as Nico when his French zombie chauffeur calls him edgy. What a mood.

The two boys went behind her so they could see the memes as well, and they laughed and groaned at them until Annabeth remembered something. "Oh! I forgot to tell you all the solution to getting Mirio's quirk back!"

She typed something on her phone and then held up Mirio's hero costume. "Here's the solution to our Mirio problem: Mirio's hero costume! Percy can't replicate the quirk genes since the bullet Mirio was hit by destroyed them, but if we extract the pieces of hair from his suit that still contain his quirk genes, it's possible that Percy could replicate them, and he might be able to get the quirk back! Even a centimeter long strand of hair from his costume would theoretically work, we just need some DNA. Once Percy makes enough quirk genes, it'll trick Mirio's brain into believing his own quirk is back so it'll start producing quirk genes on it's own!"

Nezu hummed thoughtfully. "That just might work, actually."

Wait, Nezu? Apparently, Annabeth had called him and simultaneously explained her idea to Percy, Mirio, and Nezu.

Swiveling around to look at Percy, Annabeth gave him her puppy eyes. It obviously didn't work on the master of cute animal eyes himself (nobody could say no to his baby seal eyes), but Percy would've helped regardless. Percy obviously had to admit, the plan seemed genius.

Nezu hung up, saying something about online chess, and the three were left alone. He did promise to contact the support course and other people with helpful quirks about Mirio's situation.

Annabeth pumped her fist in the air. "We just need to extract hair from Mirio's costume! It should be pretty easy, considering that the support department was able to weave invisible hair into Hagakure's costume, so taking out Mirio's visible hair can't be that hard."

Oh right, that was the thing that itched the back of his head. He had vaguely felt like he'd forgotten to tell Annabeth something for a while, and that was what it was. "Um, Wise Girl, Hagakure doesn't have a costume."

She snorted. "What are you talking about? She has an invisible suit made with her hair along with visible boots and gloves so people know where she is. There's no way UA would let one of their students just walk around naked."

"I don't think you noticed that one time during the finals, Snipe touched her... womanly chest? And it was pretty obvious that she had nothing covering it."

Annabeth did a double take. "You're telling me they're letting her walk around naked?! With no coverage, protection, support, or gear?! What if it gets cold?! What if there's debris around or shattered glass! Not to mention how absolutely disgusting that is! Who would let a teenage girl walk around with no clothes on?! That's so stupid!"

Mirio added, "If they can put DNA into my costume, then it should be the same for whoever we're talking about. I know from experience, being naked in front of people is humiliating, probably even more so for a teenage girl, invisible or not."

Sighing, Annabeth typed something on her phone in the notes app. "So that's Yaomomo and Hagakure's costumes that need fixing because of how inappropriate they are. Wow. Support companies suck. And speaking of costumes, Ashido's needs an update too."

Well, he was confused now. "Uh... support companies do suck for sexualizing these chil- I mean, our classmates, and Yaoyorozu and Hagakure definitely need costume changes, but why Ashido?"

She scoffed. "Have you seen that monstrosity? Purple, teal, aubergine, beige, and a fluffy cropped jacket along with her pink skin? I'm surprised Aoyama hasn't said anything about it yet."

Well, when she said it like that... Percy took out his phone and opened a picture of the whole class in their hero costumes, both so he could really examine her costume, and so Mirio could see it.

Oh. Yikes. Ashido could rock practically anything, but that was seriously pushing it.

Annabeth turned her phone off. "I'll ask Nezu to ask the support course about that too. Hagakure shouldn't be allowed to walk around with nothing on, Yaomomo shouldn't have to wear something that obviously makes her so uncomfortable, and Ashido just needs a costume change if she doesn't want backlash for her... well, I don't think it's even appropriate to call that style. For the monstrosity she calls a hero costume."

After that interesting conversation, Annabeth stepped outside to call Hagakure to double check something about her costume while Percy and Mirio did something super productive. They liked all the Chisaki memes with Percy's Herogram account.

The door opened. Sir Nighteye walked in with two cups of coffee in his hands. He stopped at the sight of Percy. "Jackson? My apologies, had I known you were still here, I would have gotten you coffee as well. Would you like mine?"

Shaking his head, Percy responded while still looking at the memes. "Thanks, Sir, but it's alright."

Percy was talking to Sir Nighteye when Annabeth rushed in. "Percy! A doctor told me that I was given clearance to leave! Let's get the Hades out of- Oh. Hello, Sir Nighteye."

"Hello, Chase. How is your wound? Once again, I cannot thank you enough for putting yourself in harm's way so the spike would not pierce me, although it was extremely reckless of you. Please never do that again."

"It's healed, you're welcome, and no promises," Annabeth smiled. "That's actually the second time I've been stabbed by something in my torso while trying to protect someone else."

Sir Nighteye looked disturbed. "C-could you repeat that?"

"Is something wrong?" Annabeth tilted her head.

"... Nevermind." Sir Nighteye said while looking both confused and afraid.

Since Annabeth had recovered perfectly, the two headed back to Sir Nighteye's agency. Technically, Percy could have gone back the day before, but.. Annabeth.

They had to file a lot of paperwork before they could get back to the UA dorms. Percy felt bad for Izuku, who had been doing it alone with Bubble Girl and Centipeder since Sir Nighteye left to visit Mirio. Once Percy and Annabeth joined, it went by much faster.

They were finally able to leave for their dorms. Percy and Annabeth chatted with Izuku, about various things, such as his control over One for All, and if potato chips could be dyed blue.

Anyway, as soon as they entered the dorm building, they were greeted by a crowd of their classmates. Most people rushed to check on Annabeth, which Percy couldn't blame them for. He wasn't the one who had a life-threatening injury, after all.

Their classmates were worried for them, which Percy found pretty sweet. Even Bakugou came up to them, and scanned the three of them. "If any of you died, I'd kill you."

Izuku started laughing. "Of course you'd say that, Kacchan!"

Bakugou crossed his arms grumpily. "Shut up! Although, congratulations on not breaking all your bones, Deku. And Blondie, I guess I'm happy you aren't dead."

None of the students in the dorm expected Bakugou to say something that nice to neither Annabeth nor Izuku. Percy included. That was probably the nicest thing any of them had heard the angry blond Pomeranian say.

When Bakugou noticed the sudden silence, he stormed off and yelled, "Jackson, I'm glad you're alive too. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to kick your ass in training!"

Percy just smirked. "Is that the only reason? Could it be because we are... friends?"

Explosions sparked in Bakugou's palms. "I take it back! And I don't need friends!"

"Whatever you say. I guess Kirishima doesn't count as your friend then." Percy snickered.

The rest of the class was laughing at the exchange as well while Bakugou made loads of empty threats.

"Shut up! I'll kill you! I'll murder you all! I'm going to sleep!" He yelled.

Bakugou stomped up the stairs, with Todoroki on his heels. Wait, why was Todoroki going to sleep at such an early time?

Noticing Percy's confused look, Jirou rubbed her head. "The two of them have their provisional license training course tomorrow. I get that they need sleep to do their best, but even so, it's very early..."


Izuku yawned. Paperwork was tiring. He laid on his sleeping bag, staring at Uraraka's ceiling and talking to her. Sure, he could sleep alone now since neither were plagued by constant nightmares, but it always made it easier having another person.

"Who do you think he likes? Teruhashi or Mikoto?" Uraraka's voice cleared his thoughts of Chisaki and Eri. They had been chatting about the anime they were watching when he had gotten lost in his thoughts.

He was so grateful that she let him stay there and talked with him. She was a great... friend. Yeah, friend.

He answered her question with a small laugh. "Well, I personally think he likes that one really average guy."

Uraraka giggled. "Y-you're right! He practically stalks him!"

"And the way he constantly praises him for doing literally nothing is sort of incriminating evidence."

Chuckling, Uraraka rolled off the bed and onto his sleeping bag. After a while of talking about that weird coffee jelly anime, she asked a more serious question. "Hey... I never got to ask but, how are you doing with this whole...?"

"A lot better than before, especially since we saved Eri. What about you?"

"Same. I'm... really glad you're here with me. It's sort of scary being alone now, even though everything's fine..."

Agreeing with her wholly, Izuku pulled her into a hug. "Well, I won't leave for as long as you want me to stay."

Smiling into his shoulder, Uraraka hugged back.

As quick as a breeze, September ended and October started. Summer was completely over and it started getting colder.

All the work study students visited Eri as much as possible while trying to keep up with their schoolwork. Her horn size had shrunk, but she was still unstable emotionally. All of their visits had to be closely monitored by Mr. Aizawa. They didn't mind though, it was for Eri's sake. She seemed the most attached to him, Jackson, and Mirio, but she loved hanging out with Uraraka and Chase.

Speaking of Uraraka, they'd finally stopped sleeping in each other's rooms. Not that anybody knew that they were doing that for so long. They would be overwhelmed by the amount of embarrassing comments their friends would make if that was the case.

There was an issue with returning to work studies, since people were criticizing UA and the Hero Public Safety Commission for allowing such a dangerous event to occur. Izuku honestly thought the same because it was impossible to forget that Chase got impaled by a spike. Like seriously, what was her pain tolerance if she was back to normal just a few days after getting impaled by a spike?!

Anyway, that issue was quickly resolved. The commission forbid work studies for first years for a while. Now, the hero commission did want them to learn to be great heroes, but they decided to wait for a bit. First years doing work studies was a new thing, after all (A/N: probably not canon but oh well). Mr. Aizawa said that they'd wait until the public settles down before reordering work studies for first years.

After one of their class periods, Izuku talked to Uraraka, Iida, and Chase. Uraraka smiled beautifully. "Deku, you seem to be really into your studies these days."

Nodding, Chase said, "She's right. It's a good thing, too."

Iida chopped his hands through the air like a robot. "Yes! Focusing on your studies is very admirable!"

Izuku thanked them. He had such good friends, and was so thankful for them. He opened his mouth to say so, when a shrill scream was heard.

He jumped out of his seat and whipped his head towards the sound. It was Ashido, who had screamed because of Jackson. The same Jackson that was currently bleeding out while clutching his head.

Chase rushed over without a second thought. "Seaweed Brain, what the Hades?!"

She inspected his wound carefully before stuffing some sort of cake in his mouth. Izuku faintly heard Chase whisper, "-pen your mou-... 'mbrosia-... c'mon Seaweed Brain..."

This was absolutely not the time, but the two of them were the cutest couple. Anyways, what was Chase feeding him? They needed to get to the infirmary!

Iida, seemingly having read Izuku's mind, chopped his hands. "Chase, we must get Jackson to Recovery Girl's office immediately!"

"Don't bother, he's fine," she sighed. When she backed away, they realized the head wound was gone. How on Earth did that happen?!

Izuku was about to ask when Chase interrupted him. "Percy, what happened! How'd you get hurt like that?!"

"Well," Jackson sheepishly rubbed his head. "Kaminari dared me to do a backflip."

Chase whipped her head to the rest of the 'Bakusquad' that was standing around awkwardly. Kaminari, realizing he was in deep shit, started running. Poor guy, thinking he could outrun Chase.

"What the h-" Izuku started, interrupted when Aoyama appeared out of nowhere and stuffed cheese into his mouth.

What was it with him getting interrupted today?

Izuku slowly looked over to him, processed what had just happened, and squeaked, along with Uraraka and Iida. The cheese was pretty good, though, but Izuku was too busy trying not to choke. Aoyama twirled. "It's a smooth, mild cheese that is perfect for any new tasters! Perfect for you! It's called Pont-l'Évêque cheese!"

"U-um thanks? But wh-"

"Cheese! I love cheese!" Aoyama completely ignored him.

"Deku, maybe we should leave..." Uraraka whispered.

She was probably right. They bid goodbye to him and left, ignoring Kaminari that was still screaming for dear life from angering Chase. Aoyama was insistent on eating alone in the classroom, even though they invited him to eat at their table in the cafeteria.

The day passed by pretty quickly, Kaminari only needing to stay in the infirmary for a few hours instead of a few days since Chase was feeling merciful, but the night was terrifying.

Izuku was in his room when he heard something outside his window. He decided to pretend he was sleeping, and he heard whatever was outside pass by. He would have sworn it was Aoyama, and he was correct, judging by the cheese that was left outside his window.

The very same cheese that was arranged to form a threatening note: 'I know'.

For obvious reasons, he didn't sleep well that night. Did Aoyama know about One for All? If so, what would happen?! Would he blackmail him? Would All Might be disappointed? What if Izuku had to give away One for All?! Everyone would hate him, he'd get kicked out of UA, he'd be alone and without friends, and everyone will hate him forev-

He was very grateful when Jackson sneakily flicked water at him to snap him out of his thoughts in the classroom. Class hadn't started, but he would definitely have been too busy focusing on his mental rambles rather than listening. He tried to push those thoughts out of his brain, but when he saw Aoyama staring at him, it just got worse.

Honestly, Izuku was confused, if anything. Sure, he was terrified, but perhaps the way Aoyama was acting was because something was wrong. Was he upset, or mad, or sad about something? Did he need help in some way? Izuku loved helping people.

Chase walked by and listened in on his mumbling rant for a second. She whispered, "Between you and me, there's an 89.5% chance that Aoyama simply is trying to befriend you. Don't be rude to him since he seems like he's trying his hardest to make friends with you."

She left when he nodded. He heard Jackson say to her in a low voice, "So, is Izuku letting my sparkletastic partner in crime off the hook?"

Perhaps Jackson emphasized Izuku's name, since he found himself noticing that they both called him by his given name all the time. Izuku honestly had no clue why, but he let it pass. The two were so easygoing and nice that he never really noticed nor minded.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one to notice for the first time. It caught the attention of Kacchan, who turned around and stared at Jackson. "Hey, Jackson! Why do you call Deku by his given name?"

Uraraka nodded from her seat in the back. "I've been wondering that too."

Izuku knew that the reason they called him that was probably because Chase analyzed him that one time at the beach and used his given name to refer to him. He didn't want Chase to seem like a bad person for analyzing him without asking (not that he minded), so he stumbled for an answer.

Seemingly unbothered, Jackson just smiled. "Well, we bumped into him a few months before the entrance exam, and we were just learning Japanese culture and stuff so we didn't know that we were supposed to address people by their family name. It sorta stuck, I guess."

Satisfied, the class continued what they were doing. Izuku was really impressed by Jackson's ability to lie so easily. Could he be lying to them about anything else...? Izuku pushed down any doubt he had for them while remembering all the times they'd helped his friends and him.

There was no plausible way they'd lie about anything big to them.

On the way out of class to change into their PE uniforms, Izuku heard Uraraka, Ashido, and Sero discuss some sort of combo move. They would create acid rain with Jirou and Shoji as scouts and Jackson to help disperse the acid. They were dubbed Team Rainy Day by Ashido, and Izuku instantly knew that they would be a terrifying team.

"We should include Mido too! Every 'Rainy Day' needs a bit of sunshine at the end to balance it out!" Sero winked.

"B-but my quirk is super strength? Why am I sunshine?" Izuku tilted his head. Everyone around him  just laughed, and Izuku had no clue why. He decided to let it go.

Chatting more with his friends, Izuku suddenly found himself in front of Gym Gamma. He'd been so engrossed in their conversation that he hardly noticed. Cementoss stood in front of them. "Now, let's work in improving your ultimate moves today, too! If you haven't completed the assignment of at least two, work on that. If you already have two, focus on developing them and practicing them. Practice is important for every hero!"


Percy stretched and practiced his ultimate moves. He had three that he remembered; Hurricane Rampage, Ultimate Earthquake, and Tsunami Destroyer (A/N: old me had a... strange way of naming  things. And yes, I know that old me is me from a few months ago or something but still).

Percy practiced his moves on Kirishima, who was an extremely willing test subject. Probably because his attacks helped Kirishima practice his ultimate move, Unbreakable, as well.

He looked over and saw Annabeth practice a move against Tsu, who wanted to practice against an opponent with mental powers. The 'mental power' she had was her special move of pushing bad memories to the front of the brain to distract opponents. She was still fine-tuning it, since it led to her receiving the bad memories instead of her opponent when she tried it on an Ectoplasm clone a few days before the provisional license exam.

Percy and Kirishima stopped for a break, and Kirishima left to talk to Kaminari or Sero. Percy didn't notice, since he was more interested in whatever Aoyama The Fabulous was doing with Percy's favorite green-haired boy.

Was he... showing off? Percy snuck over so he could hear what happened while Izuku helped Aoyama sit down after he overused his quirk.

He only caught the ending, but it was quite sweet. Apparently, Aoyama noticed how impatient and stressed Izuku was after the work study since he was constantly trying to improve and be a better hero. He wanted to surprise Izuku and make him feel better and talked about how Izuku was always so nice to everyone. It seemed that Aoyama wanted to be nice to him in exchange and be someone who would be there for Izuku and make him feel better, since Izuku was like that for everyone else.

Percy left after he heard that since he didn't want to eavesdrop on anything too personal between the two.

Percy smiled when he noticed Aoyama hanging out with Izuku and his friends a lot more after that. The two would be great friends. The statement only solidified more in his head when Aoyama, Izuku, and Percy ganged up on Mineta to be as sassy as possible towards him. Obviously, Persassy did the most damage... to the Grapist's mental health.

Not discrediting Izuku though, who was so snarky towards Mineta it gave some of the members of their class whiplash. And gave Bakugou a midlife crisis but that wasn't important.

If anyone heard Mineta sniffling in his room and mumbling something about the 'overwhelming sassiness'... Well, nobody said anything about it.

A few days later, Ashido jumped out of her desk while everyone was waiting for Mr. Aizawa. She apparently wanted to show off, since she started doing dance moves and breakdancing! Percy blinked in surprise as she started doing windmills (A/N: it's the breakdancing move where someone's spins on the ground with their legs up and stuff). Ashido got up and held her hand out to Annabeth, as an invitation to join her.

Percy knew that Annabeth wasn't really one to dance, so he decided to breakdance with Ashido instead. He did a series of pretty easy moves, mainly just flips and tricks he'd learned from sparring and the Apollo cabin. Now those demigods could seriously could dance. He also picked up a few things at a random skate park in New York when he was in Goode with Annabeth.

But apparently, knockoff Apollo kid/amateur skatepark break-dancer dancing was considered a lot here, since he got shocked stares and claps from everyone around him as well. He looked at Ashido and they both started giggling.

Percy noticed Ojiro, Kaminari, and Sero trying to convince Izuku to ask him and Ashido to teach him how to dance so he brought him over to Ashido and convinced her to agree. She did since she thought teaching him would be fun, and Percy thought the same.

It couldn't be that hard to help Izuku.


It was definitely that hard to help Izuku.

Ashido tried to teach him a simple two step, which made Izuku look more like a robot than Iida in his hero costume. Percy, who had much more experience teaching (swordfighting and dancing don't really have that much of a difference, right?) tried to help. "So like, swing your arms more and just loosen up, yeah? And no, don't apologize for not doing it right, you're acting like we'll ostracize you for something you can't control. Chill out a bit, and try not to look so much like like Iida over there."

Honestly, he started snickering before he could completely finish his sentence, but at least Izuku improved a lot! He looked more like a human rather than Optimus Prime shaking like a wet hellhound.

Anyway, Ashido started showing Izuku a different way to dance and quietly whispered something in his ear. Izuku turned bright red and started trying to deny whatever she said. Percy leaned over to her. "What'd you tell him, Ashido?"

"I said, 'I bet Uraraka will like it if you learn to dance' and he became like a tomato. " Ashido snickered.

He started shaking while trying to contain his laughter.

Izuku snapped out of it and grinned his 'could kill someone with how bright it is' trademark smile at the two of them. "Thanks for teaching me! And it's so cool that you two do this! You should totally add this to your fighting style!"

Percy had to shield his eyes to not get blinded from the smile. Uraraka just stared, even though her pupils had become alarmingly big and her eyes were watering.

Kaminari covered his eyes to protect himself from the bright and adorable smile of Izuku's and exclaimed, "Midoriya has the right idea! Applying hobbies to your hero work is important, it makes you stronger! Like Kyouka's hobby! Music is so cool! Her room is so impressive!"

"Sh-shut up, Denki." Jirou blushed.

A round of 'ooh's went around the room. Everyone already knew about the two having mutual crushes, but it was hilarious watching them blush like crazy. Although they didn't take it any further than handholding or the occasional date (they wanted to focus more on becoming heroes), they were still teased way more than Percy and Annabeth.


After class, Kacchan dragged Izuku away from the others. He yelped. "K-Kacchan? Where are we going?!"

He said nothing and kept dragging Izuku. Kacchan was leading him towards a cleaning supply closet. Izuku knew he had to stand his ground. "I-I'm sorry, Kacchan, I won't let you lock me in there!"

That seemed to catch him off guard. "What?"

"W-well, that's what you're doing, right? But, I'm not the same as I was in middle school, so I won't let you do that to me!"

"W-what are you talking about?" Kacchan stuttered. Wait, Kacchan stuttering? That was new. But no, Izuku couldn't let this confusing revelation startle him!

He glared at Kacchan, anger from his middle school memories bursting forth. "Don't you remember? In middle school, you told your lackies to lock me in the cleaning supply closet that one time? I was lucky the janitor found me 10 minutes later, but I won't let it happen again. So you better let go of me right fucking now."

Kacchan was so shocked by Izuku cursing that his grip weakened, and Izuku was able to wrench free. He leveled him with a disappointed stare. "I thought you moved past this, Kacchan."

"I-is that really what you think of me...?" Kacchan asked, quietly. Since when was he this quiet- No! Izuku had to focus.

"I mean... yes?"

That seemed to be the wrong answer. Kacchan looked down with his hair covering his eyes. "I just wanted to talk to you alone," he said in a small voice.

'Kacchan has changed, but what if it's like middle school again... No! I have to give him a fair chance, even if he doesn't deserve it,' he thought to himself.

"Alright, but leave it unlocked."

Once inside, Kacchan stuffed his hands in his pocket. "Remember what Jackson said when he was teaching you to dance?"

Confusedly, Izuku nodded. Kacchan looked away. "I was thinking about what he said. The whole ostracizing bit, that is. I know I apologized for what I did to you before UA, but..."

Izuku tried to be helpful. "But you realized that bullying me, telling me to kill myself, and isolating me isn't solved by a single 'sorry'?"

Kacchan flinched. "Yeah... that. I've been talking to Hound Dog, and he said to apologize once again. And make sure that you knew that I finally knew that I realized you were never looking down on me..."

"Wait," Izuku perked up. "I thought you'd never realize! But K-Kacchan, it doesn't change the fact that I still have s-scars from middle school... I've never wanted to bring it up with you, but I figure now is as good of a time as ever."

"I've been thinking about why I did it. I think it started as a way to keep you safe from heroism, but it became more a way for me to..." He trailed off near the end.

"Feed your ego? Diminish others less powerful than you? Hold your claim as the strongest person by pushing down everyone else? Including the one kid that couldn't fight back?"

"... Yeah, exactly."

At least he was able to admit it. But that was when Izuku knew he had to be the bigger person. Call him selfish, but he really just wanted to yell at the moment. But, it wasn't the heroic thing to do. Kacchan was letting himself be vulnerable, for once, and he had to take this opportunity. He sighed. "It wasn't a-all your fault. The teachers all told you how worthless I was and how perfect you were. They also never brought it up to your parents, nor did they discipline you. It is still mostly your fault since you should've know better, and you would probably get kicked out of Class A if anyone found out, but... you've changed. I'm willing to let you go free of consequences, but I hope you hold yourself accountable."

Kacchan chuckled and discreetly wiped his eyes. "Shit, De- Izuku... I really don't deserve this. I regret everything I did to hurt you and anybody else back when I was younger. Thank you so much for forgiving me. I'll never be able to a-apologize enough. I promise to take this chance you've given me and become a better person."

Izuku smiled wryly. "I'll hold you to your word, Katsuki. Become a better person, be the hero I always knew you could be."

Kacchan wasn't even trying to hold back his tears anymore. "Wh-when did you get so good at words, nerd?"

"Picked up a few things here and there," Izuku grinned.

"Bakugou, dude, where ya at?!" Kaminari screamed from down the hall.

Just like that, the mood stopped being so sentimental.

"Stupid fucking Dunce Face," Kacchan muttered. "We were having a moment over here."

"It's okay, Kacchan, go have fun with your friends." He smiled, sad he wasn't going to be able to talk with Kacchan anymore. This was definitely the deepest conversation they'd had in... well, ever.

"Izuku... no matter what you think, or what I might have said, you've always been my first and closest friend. I'll make it all up to you so we can be like we were back then." Kacchan looks at him, a determined glint in his eyes.

"Yeah... you were my first friend too. I hope we can be friends like how we used to as well." Izuku wiped his own tears away.

"The future number one hero can't be an asshole to his childhood friend, after all, can he?" Kacchan smirks.

Izuku chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not."

"Listen up, you piece of-"

"I hope you actually change, Kacchan. You'd be a great hero once you do that."

"... Thanks. Again, I'm sorry for everything."

"Thank you for your apology, Kacchan, but it'll take a while for me to completely forgive you."

"Of course," Kacchan grinned. "I'd kill you if you accepted it immediately without letting me prove myself."

They laughed and went back to their respective friend groups, ready for a chance at a non-toxic relationship.


As the fall came, Kacchan really was becoming nicer. It wasn't even anything big, just lots of small things that Izuku found nice. The relationship between them was less like an abuser to his victim and more like two childhood friends again.

It ranged from Kacchan giving him notes, to buying him a soda, to helping him study or spar, cooking him food, and even more. He also stopped verbally berating him for any mishap of his, only helping him grow. It was great!

People actually seemed to notice. Izuku always saw their small smiles when they interacted without fighting and treated each other kindly (well, Kacchan's version of kind).

Jackson actually congratulated Kacchan: "Congrats on being 10% less of an asshole, dude!" Jackson had to run away from an explosive Kacchan that was hot on his heels.

While he was reminiscing on their childhood memories together, Izuku remembered something. The UA event the two of them always watched on TV together that was coming up soon.

The event that everyone prepared for that happened at most schools but is especially important to those at UA: The school festival! Izuku was so excited that he could actually participate.

When Mr. Aizawa announced it, everyone jumped and whooped in delight. But... Kirishima looked upset. He yelled, "Mr. Aizawa! Is it alright to have a festival during these times?! Villains are flourishing and we all need to stay vigilant!"

Izuku couldn't blame him for his reluctance to partake in the festival. All the work study students that participated in the Shie Hassaikai case wanted to do their best to keep everyone safe after the raid. Was it terrifying? Yes. But was it also eye-opening to the real world of heroism and its dangers? Also yes.

Mr. Aizawa agreed with his sentiment: "That is correct and very reasonable, but UA doesn't only consist of the hero courses. If the sports festival is the big moment for the hero course, then the school festival is for the others. It's a chance for the Support Course, General Studies, and Business Course students to shine. It doesn't get as much attention as the sports festival, but it's something for them to look forward to. And there are many students who are feeling stressed by the current conditions, like the dorm system, which only came about because of this hero course."

Slowly agreeing, Kirishima put his hand down.

"That's why we can't just say we won't have it. Unlike the previous years, this year, other than some of the people involved, the festival will be just for the school. Even if we aren't the focus, each class still needs to participate with something. You need to decide what you are going to do today." Mr. Aizawa promptly fell asleep.

Sort of impressed by his teacher's ability to sleep in any situation, Izuku turned to his classmates to discuss what they'd do. He didn't have to, since the class representatives stood up and went to the platform. They both seemed prepared as if they'd known about this earlier.

Jackson stood behind Chase while she whipped out a packet from who knows where. "Ok, let's get down to business!"

It was with that sentence that Izuku knew that this wouldn't be a short ordeal. Chase continued, "First off, we need options. If you have a suggestion, raise your hand!"

Almost every person raised their hand. Jackson sighed. "This is going to take a while, huh?"

Probably silently agreeing, Chase called on Kaminari. "Let's do a music café! Kyouka can be the star, and we can all cook and serve food!"

Jirou just sank down in her seat, blushing at the attention. "Denki, I swear-"

"Not a bad idea! Although we'd need more musicians..." Chase nodded thoughtfully.

An idea Izuku 100% agreed with was thrown out. "A mochi shop!" He definitely didn't agree with it because of the brown haired girl who suggested it, though.

"An arm wrestling tournament!"

"A fun house!"

"A dance!"

So many cool suggestions were being proposed. Izuku decided to put forth a suggestion as well. "A hero quiz!"

"That sounds fun!" Uraraka pumped her fist.

Tokoyami raised his hand. "A ritual where we all summon a demon together and beg for forgiveness for our sins lest we be cast into the deepest and darkest pits of hell to rot painfully and be tortured for all of eternity."

"Sounds like a good bonding activity, ribbit." Tsu piped up because she's a simp.

"He's like the emo version of Shiozaki from Class B," Sero whispered in shock.

"None of us here are Christians though?" Izuku tilted his head.

Ojiro whipped his head around to look at him. "That's the weird part to you??"

"... Moving on." Chase tried to regain control of the situation.

Almost every person had a great suggestion. Chase wrote them all down with handwriting so bad that nobody could read it. She smiled, "I want everyone to give a thumbs up or a thumbs down when I point to each option!"

She pointed to the first one. Not a single person moved. She sighed. "Come on!"

Sero scratched the back of his head. "Uh, does that say 'grim reaper'?"

Chase rolled her eyes. "Not the time for jokes, Sero, it obviously says 'music café.'"

As everyone sweatdropped, the bell rang. Mr. Aizawa got up to leave. "This was a very illogical meeting. Decide what you'll do by tomorrow morning. If you don't... I'll make it a public lecture."

He gave them a look at the last few words that made Izuku shiver. They knew he wasn't kidding around. Iida exclaimed, "Let's decide what we'll do by tonight!"


Momo looked around. That night, everyone had gathered on a couch in the dorms. Well not everyone was there. Bakugou was sleeping, and the work study students had extra classes. That included the class reps, so Momo and Iida had taken over. Iida chopped his hands through the air. "Everyone! I took a step back and thought about it again. The stress we cause the other courses that Mr. Aizawa was telling us about- As heroes in training, we must do something to help them relieve that."

The poor other kids. They had so much stress om their plate because of what was happening to their class. Momo looked down to her hands rested in her lap. "You're right. Those aiming to be heroes cannot cause trouble for others without doing anything about it."

Iida pushed up his glasses. "In that case, I don't think we can offer UA students who know Lunch Rush's cooking food at all. If we think about how to serve students in other courses..."

Shoji nodded. "It would be rude if we were the only ones having fun by cooking."

From Momo's side, Hagakure flopped onto the couch. "Then... what should we do?"

Momo checked her computer. "If we look at ones in the category of experiences from the board earlier today, we get... grim reap- uh, music café, follicle- I mean, fun house, and, oh! I can actually read this one! Summoning the devil with the whole school whilst begging for forgiveness for our mortal sins."

Sero violently shook his head at the last one. "Please let's not summon Peppa Pig."

Mineta looked at him strangely. "That pre-quirk era show? With the voice actor that's the same as Hisoka from HxH (A/N: I thought I needed to add that. I know it doesn't make sense since they wouldn't watch the English version of Peppa Pig or the HxH dub, but screw it)?"

Nodding his head, Sero stumbled upstairs while mumbling, "I'm way too zooted for this."

Nobody gave him a second glance. Not even Iida. It was a common thing to see in the dorms at this point, although it was weird since it wasn't a Friday night.

Ashido scratched her chin. "It's fun if we all dance together..."

Out of nowhere, a wild Todoroki appeared. "A dance isn't a bad idea, but..."

He gestured for her laptop, so Momo gave it to him. He searched something up then showed it to them. "This thing, whatever it's called."

He showed them a picture of a concert. Had Todoroki never been to or heard of a concert before...?

Hagakure said, "This isn't what I'd expect from Todoroki, but it's a good suggestion."

"It's a place where everyone can have fun and listen to good music. The idea came from our supplemental classes for the provisional license," the blank faced boy inputted.

Todoroki opened his phone and showed them a picture of Bakugou and him dressed up fancily and acting like celebrities with a disco ball and flashing lights.

Everyone seemed to like the idea. Ashido said that she could teach people to dance and when it came to music... Every person there whipped their heads towards Jirou. She looked very hesitant. Momo pleaded, "Please, Jirou! This is a perfect chance for you to put your musical skills to use!"

Hagakure jumped excitedly. "We can play live music on your instruments! It'll be awesome! Plus, you're so good at teaching people how to play. Chase is like the smartest person ever, and she thought so too! And you always look so happy when you're playing!"

Kaminari gave her puppy dog eyes. "Please, Kyouka! You got this!"

After a bit more convincing, Jirou caved in. They would officially be doing a concert!


Percy walked in the hospital door alongside Mirio and Izuku. "Eri!"

She looked at them with excitement in her eyes. "Mr. Deku! You're here! I missed you so much! And Mr. Lemillion and Mr. Riptide too!"

Percy decided to ignore the obvious favoritism because, well, Izuku was everyone's favorite.

They chatted for a bit, and ate the apples that they brought. Annabeth had remembered that they were her favorite.

After a while, Eri brought up something serious. "I didn't say this too much earlier... Thank you for saving me. I thought I'd be trapped there forever... but you saved me. And that nice man with the glasses, Sir Nighteye? And the yellow haired girl. All of you... were injured because of me..."

She trembled and looked like she'd cry. "It- it's my fault that you lost your power, Mr. Lemillion. It's my fault the yellow haired girl got really badly hurt..."

Mirio smiled sadly and put his hand on her head. "Eri... No one was upset at you. We were all just glad you were okay. There's no point in apologizing to someone who won't listen. We're all happy that you're safe, and everyone is fine now! I lost my power but we have a plan to get it back! And even if we can't... I'll be happy enough knowing that I at least save one little girl."

Izuku took over. "We all fought because we wanted to see you smile!"

She tried her hardest, but it seemed like she couldn't smile. Percy felt so bad for her. He had to deal with an abusive caretaker as well, but though Smelly Gabe wasn't anywhere near the level of Chisaki, abuse was abuse and he could relate.

The worst part was how upset and downtrodden she looked when she tried but failed to smile. "I'm so sorry... I can't smile... I don't know how."

That vlacas! Eri was the sweetest little girl but she couldn't even smile, couldn't even laugh, couldn't even talk to people without getting scared... all because of Chisaki. They had taken her from that piece of centaur poop, but he was still influencing her. Percy was not at all disappointed to say that he was now happy that Chisaki got his arms destroyed.

Izuku suddenly ran to Mr. Aizawa, who was watching the interaction. "Can she accompany us to the School Festival? She'll only have to leave the hospital for one day."

Mr. Aizawa looked impressed at Izuku's idea, and seemed to agree. Percy thought it was super smart, but Eri behind him didn't even know what it was. Mirio started telling her about it, and she looked so excited at the prospect of candy apples. She didn't smile, but her eyes said more than enough.

Mr. Aizawa agreed and contacted Nezu. This had to be the best school festival ever to get everyone to smile!


The next day, everyone went to a music room to get ideas for the song they'd play for the concert. The work study students weren't there at the moment. Momo was thinking about costumes and music, when she heard two snarky General Studies students talk bad about 1A. Most of the others couldn't really care less, but it affected Momo.

What if nobody liked their concert? What if everyone booed? What if they were ostracized, became social pariahs, or ruthlessly bullied?! Or worse, expelled?! (A/N: y'all get the reference?)

Jirou snapped her out of it. "You okay, Yaomomo? Don't let them get to you, they're jealous of how awesome you are!"

Kaminari smirked. "Do I have competition?"

The purple haired girl's ears turned red. "Sh-shut up! Like you didn't have the hots for Chase!"

He turned red too. "Like you didn't blush when Jackson talked to you during finals!"

Jirou turned to him confusedly. "I was blushing because he said that you liked me."

Kaminari did a double take. "Wait, wha-"

"Oh, hush, lovebirds! We have arrived!" Aoyama twirled.

The two became quiet and flushed red. Adorable.

Sero cleared his throat. "Should we pick a song that everyone knows? Or should we do something with a beat and make up lyrics?"

"Something you can dance to!" Ashido added.

There were a bunch more things that people added for what they wanted the music to be like. Jirou looked thoughtful. "If I put everyone's opinions together, then we're looking at a four-on-the-floor new rave type of club rock song. For dance music we should play EDM, but you guys want to play instruments, right?"

Momo understood none of the fancy terms she was using. Nobody else did either. Jirou sighed and changed the subject. "Has anyone ever played bass or drums or anything?"

Iida perked. "I heard from Midoriya that Bakugou does!"

Bakugou turned around and scoffed. "As if I'd ever-"

"Kirishima would like it." Sero added.


Katsuki knew that if he agreed when Soy Sauce Face said that then he'd never hear the end of it. He still refused, until Raccoon Eyes chuckled. "Guys, don't be mean! He's obviously scared of doing it! It's okay, Bakugou! Nobody cares if you're being a scaredy cat."

Who did she think she was? Katsuki, scared? Never! Unless it was Deku and someone broke his All Might figurines. Katsuki still hadn't recovered from that one time when they were 3. Or if it was Jackson's glares. Or Deku when he was mad at All Might. That happened once after he went to work studies, and Katsuki actually thought the world was ending.

Nevermind. The point was, he wasn't a scaredy cat. He whipped his head around and glared. "Give me the fucking drumsticks."

They cheered for some reason.

He played an easy beat on the drums, only for the losers to have shocked expressions on.


Momo sighed how easy it was to get Bakugou to do something they wanted. But she was also impressed at how good he was at playing the drums. He scoffed and said he'd do it, but Momo could see his lips twitch when they cheered for him once again.

Momo told everyone that she could play the piano once Jirou asked if anyone else could play an instrument. It was decided that she'd be in the keyboards, which sounded fun. Jirou said that a good synth beat would be good for club music, so Momo knew she had to do her best!

Jirou smiled. "We have bass, drums, and keyboard, so we just need guitars and vocals. Everyone else will be in the dance."

They nodded. Ashido had a great idea. "Let's not forget to add effects! We can use our quirks to make this super cool! We can have sparkles and streamers! This'll be so awesome!"

Ashido went on to explain an effect which would have Aoyama dress up as a disco ball and Uraraka float Todoroki and Kirishima into the air to grate ice? It was... interesting.

After more talking about the effects, the work study students arrived. Midoriya waved. "Hey! We finished catching up with our classes!"

After explaining everything, they all seemed to agree on the idea. Jirou brought up that they'd need people on vocals and guitarists, but Uraraka looked confused. "You're not singing, Jirou?"

Jirou started to explain why she couldn't sing (all horrible excuses in Momo's opinion), so they decided to test out her abilities. Momo created a microphone which Jirou used. Her voice was incredible! Momo giggled at Kaminari, who looked like he'd just gotten a bigger crush on her.

They unanimously voted for her to sing. Kaminari, Tokoyami, and Chase could all play the guitar, so they were the guitarists. Everyone else decided if they wanted to dance or work on backstage effects.

And finally at 1 am, everyone had decided their roles. There was the band team which consisted of, Momo, Jirou, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Chase, and Bakugou. And the effects team which was Todoroki, Sero, and Kirishima. And the dance team which was comprised of everyone else.


Izuku was in the teachers' lounge with All Might. They talked about the school festival. All Might soon changed the subject to why Izuku had wanted to meet with him.

Izuku sighed and told him the reason. "At the work study, I managed to use 20% of OFA. It took a slight toll on my body and I could only use it for a short time, but even then I couldn't win. If Eri hadn't been there... I wouldn't have been able to move. I would have been defeated. I couldn't do anything in response to the long distance attacks. I tried thinking about it,  but I don't know how I should fight in my current state, unable to use 100% of my strength."

"At a dead end, huh?"

Izuku nodded. All Might looked at him. "There's only one thing I can say... you should make long distance attacks."

Izuku sighed. "I can't yet draw out the power to change the weather like you, All Might."

"I've been thinking about various things for your sake," All Might started. "Let's go outside. Go change into your gym clothes."

After practicing some moves for a while (Izuku learned that he could use the OFA pressure winds at 20%), he realized something. "Since I can't hold 20% for very long, I just need it at the moment of impact! I control the percentage of power on one body part and draw out 20% for a short time... and combine them!"

All Might nodded. "It's true. But you'll need to practice hard. This requires lots of delicate control and could hurt yourself if you're not careful. And now, I have a question for you, Young Midoriya. What part of the human body can you move with the most precision?"

He knew the answer immediately. Izuku faced his palm to the sky and curled his middle finger until it rested beneath his thumb, ready to burst out from underneath it at any time. Basically, in a position that made him ready to flick his finger at any time. All Might agreed with his answer and told him to practice.

Izuku tried it and subsequently failed, which All Might told him was expected. He didn't give up, though. He kept practicing until he was able to slightly control it. It wasn't good, but it was something.

Izuku grinned, excited that he was progressing so fast with his new power.

------------------------- Bonus! ---------------------------

If the rest of the Seven (minus Leo since I already did one with him) came to this universe. Idea by @Covid-19Lol:

Percy and Annabeth were chilling in Percy's room, talking to each other about their favorite quests, when a message appeared on Hecate's whiteboard. "Prepare yourselves :)"

Before they could wonder what it meant, a swirling portal appeared, and four bodies were dumped into their room. Groans echoed throughout the blue walls as the two of them got into a fighting position.

One of the people looked up, and Percy gasped. He could recognize those familiar eyes coupled with the blond hair anywhere. He took a step back, shaking with wide eyes. "J-Jason...?"

The now young boy looked at them and grinned. "Hey, Captain Salt Water."

That's all it took for Percy to come barreling at him, swooping him into a hug. Percy clutched him tightly, refusing to let go until he saw the other people on the ground. "Piper? Frank? Hazel?"

Annabeth grabbed Piper in a hug, holding her tight. "I missed you, Pipes. I missed you so much."

They went and hugged all their friends, Percy spending an extra minute with Hazel, since she was practically his younger sister although they were the same age now.

Percy and Annabeth were full on crying by now. They loved this world, yes, but these demigods were their family. Their home. Their everything.

"What's the big deal, Perce? We saw you a few weeks ago?" Frank asked.

Hazel groaned. "Frank, it's been over a year for them. Remember what Hecate told us like five minutes ago?"

"Schist, I forgot."

Percy could've cried because of the familiarity.

After catching up for about... an hour (the others were really interested about the new world and all they did there), Annabeth clapped her hands together. "We should introduce you to the others!"

They practiced their cover stories and went downstairs. Almost everyone was in the common room. Izuku grinned over to them. "Hey, guys! I- wait, there's people behind you."

"Yeah!" Percy grinned, happier than he's been in, well, a while. His best bros are back, don't judge him! "These are our cousins who we haven't seen in years; Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Frank, and Hazel Levesque," he said, pointing to each person when saying their name.

Everyone crowded them with interest. Various questions were asked, such as their ages, if they were planning to be pro heroes, how they got there, how they were so pretty, and their quirks.

"Guys, don't crowd them! Ask them one by one," Annabeth put her hands on her hips.

Izuku looked at them with big eyes. "What are your quirks?"

Having already known what were quirks were since Hecate briefed them, they were all ready to answer.

Except for Jason, who went first; "I'm Jason Grace and my po- uh, quirk is uh," he stuttered, blanking for a bit. Annabeth whispered the answer to him, and he slightly nodded in thanks. "Aerokinesis and slight atmokinesis, and also I can control lightning sometimes."

Everyone gasped. Kaminari slid up to him in his fuzzy socks. "Dude, I can control lightning too! But wow, I can't do any of that other stuff..."

"Yeah, I was- um, lucky?" Jason shrugged. Now there was a sentence he never thought he'd hear Jason Grace utter.

"If you can control the air, you can fly, right?" Tsu asked.

When Jason nodded, Sero, ever the comics lover, asked, "Does that make you some type of Blond Superman?"

"... Oh gods."

Percy was wheezing on the ground for five minutes straight, along with Piper. The indigenous girl practically screamed, "They've caught on, Sparky! Your alter-ego!"

Todoroki simply nodded while furiously scribbling something down in a notebook. Where did he get that notebook, you may ask? From Izuku, of course.

"Moving on," Annabeth glared at Percy and Piper when they kept laughing. "Frank, why don't you go?"

"Um... Hi, I'm Frank Zhang. I can turn into any animal I want..." Frank squeaked out, shutting his eyes.

He opened them after a few moments to see everyone frozen in shock. Then, chaos happened.


"Any animal?!"

"That's so cool!!!"

"There's this kid from Class B that would love you, his name is Koda or something..."

Frank looked really overwhelmed, so Hazel piped. "I'm Hazel Levesque and I have ferrokinesis, geokinesis, and- well, I don't think the Mist would work in this world..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she frantically exclaimed.

The others crowded her as well, shocked by her awesome abilities. Percy felt like a proud older brother.

"What's up, I'm Piper McLean, I have very slight amokinesis, but my main thing is charmspeak. I can basically make people do whatever I want," Piper... piped up. Percy was so funny sometimes. Moving on.

Mineta, who was drooling somewhere in the corner shivered in delight. "So you're hotter than even Chase and Midnight combined, but you have a villain's quirk? Don't mind if I do. Since nobody wants people with villainous powers, I'll do you a favor and-"

Piper's eyes glowed with power. "You don't want to talk like that, do you? Not when you could mind your own fucking business since that'd probably make more ladies like you, right?"

"Y-yes..." Mineta said, turning away and running out of the room, eyes glazed over. Jason sent a focused stream of air at him, making him trip on his way out.

"Don't even know him, but I hate that bastard, perving on my girlfriend when I'm literally right here..." Jason grumbled, putting his face on Piper's hair. Percy could agree, he had to get used to people fawning over his Wise Girl.

Kaminari winced. "I am so sorry about him, he's been getting better these days but... Yeah. Anyways, there was this kid from the Gen Ed course, Shinso, who has the same power as you. You'd probably get along well."

Piper sighed. "I'll have to meet him but also, you'd be surprised how much that sort of thing happens to me. It's fine."

"But it's not! Just because you're pretty doesn't mean men are allowed to do and say whatever they want to you!!" Yaoyorozu clenched her fist.

Piper practically beamed. The two went off in a corner, plotting about world domination. It was adorable. Percy continued talking with his classmates.

After a while, Shinso walked in with a confused look on his face and stared at Annabeth. "Hey, Jackson's girlfriend, why am I here?"

Hazel rounded on him with a furious look. "Annabeth is more than Percy's girlfriend! Though Perce is super strong and cool, Annabeth's just as awesome! Don't try to undermine her achievements by just calling her-"

"Hazel," Percy interrupted. "I agree with what you said, but he's never actually met her."

Hazel blushed. "Ah. My apologies."

Shinso snorted but looked back to Annabeth. "Oh, great, powerful Chase, why am I here?"

Annabeth grinned. "I brought you here so you could talk to Piper about your quirk."

The sleepy boy suddenly looked wide awake. "M-my quirk? Why...?"

"Because apparently they're similar!" Piper smiled.

Shinso's pale cheeks turned red, but reverted once he noticed Jason's death glare. "... Alright. Tell your little boyfriend there that I don't bite, though," Shinso smirked.

"Sparky!" Piper glared back to Jason. The boy simply raised his hands in defeat while Piper sighed. She started talking with Shinso about their similar quirks, and the two of them seemed to get along well.

Actually, everyone was getting along well. Mineta had even come back and was talking respectfully to Frank. But Percy couldn't hear what anyone was saying, with all the girls cackling evilly from another corner of the room.

Percy grinned. 'I'm so glad they're here,' he thought.

Word Count: 11659

A/N: I'm back, who missed me?! Also I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the mood of it kinda fluctuates, but I still like it.

You guys are probably here for the explanation on why I was absent for almost a year so here it is:

I've been thinking about this fic and I decided that I don't like what I did for a few parts. I hate that I put in Kiribaku, and I hate that I practically erased most of Izuku's parts to replace him with Percy. Especially since I have become a major Izuku simp, it's really bad. But I do love most of this fic, I'm really proud of it. To be honest, for these long months what I've been doing is simply letting myself relish in what I've made and responding to your guys' comments. It's unfair to those who want updates, but I really wasn't ready to update, since I couldn't get over how much I disliked a few parts. I've decided to just steamroll through. I won't change any ship pairings, but I will try to give Izuku a more important role and I will make Kiribaku a more background pairing. Some of you may think the quality of the fic will worsen, but I promise you it won't.

Anyways if you're still reading this you're awesome! :)) You may be wondering about the Bakugou apology, I just really wanted to write it. Also, I kinda took the easy way out here, instead of finishing the school festival arc I just cut it in half. I'll do my best to finish it, but don't expect it too soon. Like not another almost 10 months, but not in a few days either. Thank you once again for being so patient :).

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