Battleship: Orochi

By DragonLord39

150K 1.7K 6.8K

As you all know, ships are mainly referred to as girls. What would happen if one of those ships... was a male... More

Striker Character Bio
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Introductions and Iron Blood
Chapter 3: A Royal Pain in the Aft
Chapter 4: Assessments
Chapter 5: Blockade
Chapter 6: Swords and Honor
Chapter 7: Mirror Fleets and Shattered Seas
Chapter 8: Queen of the North
Chapter 10: Showdown
Chapter 11: Orochi
Orochi Character Bio
Chapter 12: Explanations
A Small Incident (Special)
Chapter 13: Sortie
Chapter 14: Dates and Shenanigans
4th of July (Special)
Night of the Yandere (Special)
Chapter 15: Competitions
A Small Incident Reactions (Special/Request)
Night of the Yandere Reactions (Special/Request)
Chapter 16: Finale
Epilogue, Twelve Years Later

Chapter 9: Sirens

5.2K 76 433
By DragonLord39

3rd Person POV

Azur Lane

Waking up, Striker stretched, feeling his bones creak from the day before. Guess that fight with FDG took a lot out of me, he mused, swinging off his hammock. Landing on his feet, he walked up to his deck and checked his turrets. He cursed. "Damn, Sheila." Both of his forward primaries had some light damage, and two of his secondaries were near inoperable.

Sighing, he looked around and saw Vestal walking down a pathway below. "Hey, Vestal!" he called.

She looked up. "Striker?" she asked in confusion. "You're back?"

"You seem mighty disappointed there, Sheila," Striker teased. "Seems like all of you want me gone lately."

"Very funny," Vestal replied and examined his ship. "What happened?"

"Just a spar with FDG," Striker replied.

"I see... wait, what?!" Vestal yelped. "You went into combat with one of Iron Blood's strongest?!"

"Pretty much," Striker admitted sheepishly. "Anyway, you got any idea how long it'll take to get the ship repaired?"

"That depends on what damage you have," Vestal replied.

"Light damage to the primaries, and two of the secondaries are out," Striker replied.

"I see. In that case, I'll get some Majuuns to start repairing your ship."

"You mean those chicken things?" Striker asked.

Vestal nodded. "Yes. It will take them at least two hours, depending on how bad the damage is."

"Gotcha," Striker replied and jumped down. "Well, I'd better go and give an update to Wales. See ya, Sheila." With that, he turned and walked off, Vestal shaking her head.

Timeskip brought to you by Vestal losing her mind about Striker

Walking down the stone pathway to the academy, Striker looked around at all the shipgirls milling around him. Why can't things ever be simple? he wondered.

Shaking his head, he walked around a corner and was met with the sight of Enterprise storming off from the academy.

"Won't you have breakfast first?" Belfast called, standing in the doorway.

"No, thank you," Enterprise replied.

"Enterprise, I insist," Belfast begged. "If you want to lead a healthy human life you need breakfast. It's the most important meal."

"Got that one right," Striker agreed, walking up as both shipgirls whirled around.

"Striker?" Belfast asked in surprise. "You're back early. I thought you wouldn't be back until later today."

"Siren fleet wasn't much trouble," Striker replied. "And Enterprise, you really should listen to Belfast. Breakfast is definitely the best meal of the day."

"You mean the most important," Belfast corrected.

"That too."

"Just stop!" Enterprise snapped, catching them both off guard. "I'm not an idiot. I know I'm not human. No reason to pretend otherwise." With that, she stormed off.

"What was that about?" Striker asked, turning to Belfast.

"She doesn't understand," Belfast murmured, shaking her head. "I've been trying to get Miss Enterprise to understand that she is more than just a weapon, but she will not listen. I thought I had made some progress, but after the cube incident, she's becoming more like her old self."

Striker sighed. "Look, Sheila. I get where Enterprise is coming from, and to be honest, I used to be the same way."

"Really?" Belfast asked in surprise. "You? Forgive me, but that is quite hard to imagine."

"I know, right?" Striker laughed. "But back in my world, that's all I was, and all I saw myself to be. That was, until I began fighting the Sirens along with my sisters. We couldn't talk like you and I can now, but we could share emotions. It was part of the bond."

"Bond?" Belfast asked.

"Every class of ships in my world share a bond," Striker explained. "And seeing as how I was part of the Iowa-Class, I was bonded with the four of my sisters. It was when we were at sea that I connected with them the most. They helped show me there was more to being a ship than being a weapon."

"I see..." Belfast was silent for a long moment. "What were they like? Your sisters."

Striker smiled. "Well, Iowa was the most mature, always making sure we were safe. Missouri was reckless, always loving a good fight, but she was there for us. New Jersey was the second youngest; we called her Jersey or Jess for short. She was like Wisconsin, like Unicorn in a way, innocent, but always wanting to protect her family."

Striker clenched a fist. "It killed me when I felt them die. Ever seen Pacific Rim?"

"Yes," Belfast replied. "It is quite a popular movie among the Destroyers. They made me watch it."

"Think of our bond like the drift. When one of us was in pain, we all felt it. Consequently, I felt it when every one of them died. Wisconsin was the last of them, but before she died, she made me promise something."

"What was that?" Belfast asked.

"To live," Striker replied. "But after they were gone, I was out of it for a while." He looked at Belfast pointedly.

"You think that part of why Enterprise is acting like this is because of her sister, Yorktown?" Belfast asked in surprise. "I hadn't thought of that."

Striker nodded. "Trust me. It may not be the whole reason, but it's probably a big part of it."

"Then why hasn't Hornet shown any signs?" Belfast asked.

"Everyone deals with things in their own way," Striker replied. Looking up, he cursed. "Sorry, Belfast, I gotta go. I was supposed to report back to Wales as soon as I returned."

"I thought you didn't like taking orders," Belfast said in amusement.

"I don't," Striker agreed. "Doesn't mean I won't listen now and then." He ran off, leaving Belfast standing in the doorway silently.

It seems as though I had you all wrong, Striker, Belfast mused as the last Iowa ran off. You and Enterprise are more alike than I had thought.

As Striker ran past one of the academy hallways, he glanced over and saw Wales and Cleveland walking away from him, talking. Skidding to a halt, Striker stumbled and ran over to them.

"There you guys are," he called, causing both shipgirls to turn and look at him in surprise.

"Striker?" Cleveland asked in shock. "I thought you wouldn't be back till later today."

"Apparently everyone did," Striker replied, walking over. "So, did I miss anything?"

"Not really," Cleveland answered. "That is, aside from Enterprise being... well, Enterprise again."

"Yeah, I had a little run-in with that," Striker replied. "Anyway, that fleet you sent me to destroy is sunk, Wales, so ya don't have to worry there."

"That is good news to hear," Wales acknowledged as she, Cleveland, and Striker began walking down the hallway. "So far, the Sakura Empire's taken a bit of a hit. They're going to need some time to recover. Unfortunately, we ourselves aren't in the best position to pounce on such an opportunity."

"Let me guess," Cleveland sighed. "You're talking about the Black Mental Cube and all of Enterprise's strange behavior, right?"

"What about the Cube?" Striker asked.

"The Cube has been acting strangely," Wales explained. "But aside from that, there are plenty of reasons why we shouldn't attack."

Timeskip brought to you by Striker kicking Ark Royal through the 4th Wall

"Did you learn anything new?" Wales asked, opening a door and walking down into what looked like a college lecture hall. At the bottom, Hornet, Belfast, Arizona, Akashi, and two other girls stood around a table where the Mental Cube was glowing.

"Striker!" Hornet ran over and hugged the Battleship. "When did you get back?"

"Last night," Striker replied, hugging her back. "Sorry for not telling you, mate; I was a bit tired. So, anything new with the Cube?"

"Afraid not," Bogue, a young shipgirl with blond hair and what looked like a baseball outfit, replied.

"We're completely stumped."

"It's difficult to know what we're looking for when we don't know anything about Mental Cubes in the first place," the other shipgirl, Langley, replied.

Fromone of the seats, Ark Royal scoffed.

"I can see quite clearly that it is literally a black box."

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Sheila," Striker replied.

"Okay, hold on," Cleveland muttered, examining the Cube. "From here, it looks like the glow is getting stronger."

"Since it's related to the Sirens, we should assume that is a very bad sign," Wales mused.

"If those Sirens are even thinking of messing with my sister, they sure ain't getting away with it," Hornet growled, Striker nodding in agreement. She turned to Belfast. "Do you have some kind of an update on her?"

"She's not herself, miss," Belfast replied.

Hornet sighed, looking down. "I gotcha. I just wish she didn't have to suffer alone."

"Akagi is the worst!" Akashi burst out. "Why did she have to cause so much trouble for us?!"

"Akagi was the one principally aligned with the Sirens," Wales mused. "But now that she's gone, I wonder how Kaga will act."

"Judging from those cracked ribs I got earlier, I'd say not so good," Striker muttered.


Stretching, Purifier yawned as her hammerhead shark rig hovered over her. I knew I shouldn't have stayed up so late watching Pacific Rim, she thought giddily, looking out toward the naval base in the distance. Oh, well. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Purifier asked as Tester flew up behind her, her stingray rigging deployed. "Not that I don't think it's a good idea, or anything."

"Just stick to the plan," Tester replied. "That is, if that's possible for you."

"I'm pretty sure I can handle a base full of tiny shipgirls," Purifier laughed, standing on top of the rock formation.

"Don't get overconfident," Tester snapped at her. "We only have one shot at this."

"Overconfident? Moi?" Purifier asked innocently. "Don't know the meaning of the word."

"You don't know the meaning of many words," Tester countered.

"Hey, I know stuff," Purifier protested. "Those are all words."

"Just do your job." With that, Tester opened a portal and vanished through it.

"Alrighty then!" Purifier said cheerfully and flew off toward the base in the distance. "Let's get this party started!"

With Striker

Walking down the pathway, Striker found Hornet sitting on a bench overlooking the beach, staring out at the sea in front of her.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Striker asked, sitting down next to her.

"Mine are a quarter," Hornet replied with a hollow laugh.

"Sorry, all out," Striker apologized, turning out his pockets.

Hornet just shook her head.

"What's up?" Striker asked.

"It's my sister," Hornet admitted. "I'm worried for her."

"We all are," Striker agreed. "But Enterprise is tough, she'll get through it."

"But still," Hornet protested. "She hasn't been herself recently. Ever since she touched that damn Mental Cube."

"That thing is creepy," Striker agreed.

"I know that," Hornet groaned, leaning her head against the back of the bench. "It's just... shoot, I don't even know what's happening anymore, Striker. First the Sakura Empire, then the Sirens and this Cube. What is going on?"

"I'm not really sure," Striker admitted. "But you can't blame any of this on yourself."

"Do I look like my sister?" Hornet joked.

"Not really," Striker replied. "You've got blond hair; she's got white."

"Not what I meant," Hornet groaned.

"Then what did you mean?"

Hornet sighed, and Striker grinned. "Striker: 1, Hornet: 0."

"Are you ever serious?" Hornet asked.

"Not really," Striker replied. His expression softened. "But seriously. How are you holding up?"

Hornet sighed. "I'm not really sure anymore. I'm worried for Enterprise, and on top of that—"


She whipped around. "How did you—?"

"I'm dense, not oblivious, Sheila," Striker reminded her.

"Is there a difference?"

"Nope," Striker replied, popping the P. "But back to Yorktown. She's been on your mind a lot, hasn't she?"

Hornet sighed. "I'm that easy to see through?"

"Not really," Striker replied. "It took me a while, but I eventually figured it out."


"Because I was the same," Striker replied. "After I lost my sisters, I was out of it for a while."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault," Striker assured, placing a hand on her shoulder. "And you still have your sister. She's alive, just sleeping."

"I know that," Hornet said in a choked voice. "It's just... what if she doesn't get better, Striker? She's been like that for a year, and her condition hasn't changed." A tear slipped down from one eye, dropping to the pavement below.

"You just gotta have faith, Sheila," Striker said, placing a hand on hers and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "And don't worry, I'll be with ya every step of the way."

"Hey, that's my line," Hornet joked, wiping another tear away.

"I know," Striker said with a smile and hugged her. "Go on, let it out."

Hornet did and cried into his shoulder as Striker held her gently.

"It's just so hard," Hornet whispered. "This whole time, I've been trying to get Enterprise to open up, but everything's gone down the drain ever since we recovered that Cube."

Striker hugged her gently. "Look. I'm not gonna lie and say everything's guaranteed to go right, Sheila. We all face challenges, you, me, even Enterprise. But it's how we overcome those challenges that decides who we are."

"Where'd you get that from?" Hornet asked, wiping away a tear while still holding onto Striker.

"A book," Striker said, discretely throwing said book into a set of bushes. "My point is, Sheila, you can count on me to be with you. Every step of the way."

Hornet smiled and pulled back slightly so that she was facing him. "Thanks, Striker. I really needed that."

He smiled back at her. "Anytime."

Both were silent for a long moment, and Striker was highly aware of how close the two of them were.

"Hornet," he said hesitantly. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you."


"I—" He was cut off as a large explosion shook the base, causing them to stagger apart.

"What was that?" Hornet yelped, looking around.

"I don't know," Striker replied, scanning their surroundings as smoke rose into the air above one of the buildings.

Another explosion shook the base, and Striker called Helena. "What's going on?!"

"I don't know!" Helena called back. "The explosions, they're not coming from the ocean. The enemy has infiltrated the base somehow!"

Another explosion shook the base, and a figure flew out of the smoke, laughing gleefully as her hammerhead rigging hovered above her.

"A Siren," Striker growled. His eyes widened. "Wait, that explosion came from—"

"The Cube!" Striker and Hornet whirled and took off, running to where the Cube was located.

Skidding around a corner, they saw Northampton lying unconscious on the ground, Arizona next to her.

"What happened?" Striker called as he and Hornet rushed over.

"Not my ship again!" San Diego cried as she saw her ship on fire once more.

"She took it," Arizona coughed. "She took the Cube. Belfast and some others are already on their way. But the enemy..."

"Yeah, who would have ever thought one of those Sirens would dare to come out here alone?" Hornet agreed, helping Arizona up.

Glancing over, Striker saw Purifier shooting off into the distance. "Help them to the infirmary," he said, turning to Hornet. "I'm going after the Cube."

Hornet hesitated, then nodded. "Alright. Be safe out there."

"I will," Striker assured and took off.

Timeskip brought to you by Purifier ruining the Moment

Laughing gleefully, the Black Mental Cube in her hand, Purifier tore across the water, mist spraying on either side of her as Belfast, Sheffield, Edinburgh, and Striker chased after her, all with their rigging deployed.

"She's way too fast!" Edinburgh shouted.

"The enemy has stolen the Black Mental Cube," Sheffield replied. "We must not let her get away, not matter what."

"There's no way we can ever catch up to her," Edinburgh protested.

"Striker, can you get a shot on her?" Belfast asked.

Striker smirked. "Can I?"

Edinburgh frowned. "Can—"

"Of course, I can!" Aiming his primaries, Striker fired, sending a barrage of HE shells flying at Purifier.

Hearing the shots, Purifier turned just as the shells connected, hitting her in a massive explosion.

"You did it!" Edinburgh cheered.

The smoke cleared away, revealing Purifier hovering in the air before them, unharmed. "Hi there," she greeted, smiling as she held the Black Cube in her hand. "Does someone want to play?"

From behind her, multiple portals opened, and dozens of Siren ships sailed through.

"That ain't good," Striker muttered.

"Let's party!" Purifier said cheerfully. "Tomorrow's gonna be a big day!"

The Siren Carriers launched several drones into the air, which quickly shot toward them. Before they could attack, gunfire rang out, eliminating them.

"We got you!" Cleveland shouted as she and her sisters raced up, firing at the Sirens.

One of the Siren ships fired, and the Cruiser sisters scattered, avoiding the volley.

"They've got mass-produced Sirens, too!" Cleveland shouted.

A drone flew toward her, missiles aimed. Before it could fire, gunfire strafed through the air, destroying it as several interceptors flew overhead.

"Y'all didn't really think I'd let my sister do all the work now, did ya?" Hornet called as Javelin, Laffey, and Ayanami rushed into the fight as well.

"Can you guys keep the rest of the ships off me?" Striker asked, turning to Belfast. "I'm going for the Cube."

Belfast nodded. "Good luck." Together, she, Edinburgh, and Sheffield opened fire, attacking several Siren ships.

Dodging a volley of shells, Javelin jumped into the air above a Siren ship and fired, causing a multitude of explosions to erupt across its surface.

"Ayanami!" Laffey called.

The Destroyer nodded, and the two of them launched several torpedoes into the water, sinking the Siren vessel in a massive explosion.

Purifier laughed giddily. "Seriously? You're not even gonna try to make this fun for me?"

"How's this for fun?" Three armor-piercing rounds flew toward her, but Purifier dodged.

"Lookie here, it's the male ship!" Purifier laughed as Striker drew near. "By the way, thanks for taking care of Smasher. She was way too uptight!"

"You're insane, you know that?" Striker asked.

"Yup!" Purifier said cheerfully and aimed her guns. "Let's party!" She fired, sending a barrage of lasers flying toward Striker.

Skidding to the side, Striker dodged the volley and aimed his railgun. Charging the rails, he fired, but Purifier dodged. "Whoops! Almost got me there!" She laughed and sent a wild barrage of energy shells flying toward him.

Skidding to a stop, Striker drew his sword and lashed out, deflecting the laser blasts, sword gleaming.

"Nice sword!" Purifier giggled. "Hopefully, that isn't your only weapon; this was just getting fun!"

"Don't worry," Striker countered. "There's more where that came from!" Aiming his launchers, he fired, sending eight harpoon missiles flying toward Purifier while firing his primaries as well.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Purifier flipped backward, dodging the missiles while intercepting Striker's blasts with her own. "That all you got?!"

"Nope," Striker replied and launched a hail of harpoon missiles into the air while firing his primaries and secondaries, sending a barrage of shells flying toward her.

The shells hit, followed closely by the missiles, and a massive explosion lit up the battlefield.

When the smoke cleared, Purifier was still standing, albeit covered in smoke and lightly scuffed. "Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" She aimed her guns, but before she could fire, three bomber planes flew overhead, obliterating several mass-produced Siren ships.

"What the--?"

"Siren!" Enterprise shouted, racing across the water, bow raised.

"Oh, yay! It's Enterprise!" Purifier shouted joyfully and shot toward her, guns charged.

Enterprise released her arrow, and Purifier fired.

Enterprise sidestepped the barrage, and her arrow connected in a massive explosion. She smiled, but that soon faded as the smoke disappeared, revealing Purifier still unharmed.

"Alright, that was fun!" Purifier shouted. "Too bad, that's my cue to leave, but I'll catch you later. See you ladies at the final stage!" Her turrets fired, sending beams of energy raining around the shipgirls and obliterating several mass-produced ships.

"She hit her own ships?" Sheffield asked in disbelief.

"And don't worry," Purifier said, eyes glinting mischievously, "we'll take care of your little boyfriend over there."

"What?" Everyone turned and saw Striker, unconscious, with Tester standing over him, having shot him from behind. "Striker!"

"Seriously?" Tester asked, aiming the question at Purifier as she picked Striker up. "Must I have to do everything myself?"

"I just wanted to have some fun," Purifier complained before turning to the shipgirls. "See you later, gals!" She disappeared through a portal, Tester following with Striker in tow.

"Striker!" Hornet shot after them, but the portal closed just before she could reach them. "No!"

Everyone stood, shocked into silence, as Hornet fell to her knees. Not only had they lost the Black Mental Cube, but they had also lost Striker, who was by far one of their strongest. And to Hornet... something more.


Dozens of Siren ships sailed across the sea, water crashing across their prows as the Orochi sailed in the midst of them, the large Battlecarrier easily dwarfing the rest of the ships. Standing on the deck of the ship, Kaga looked out across the Siren fleet at where Observer Alpha and Omitter hovered above one of the ships.

"We've outrun the Sakura Empire fleet," Omitter said. "Of course, they were a little too confused to put up very much of a fight. We're close now." She patted her large shark rig as she nodded at the Orochi. "I gotta say, this is quite the awesome scheme."

"Well, of course," Observer Alpha replied. "A battle like this one needs to be dramatic. It's only fair. Battles are manifestations of will. It's not just power that drives them and gives them strength."

"You know, it's kinda difficult to understand you when you start to wax poetic like that," Omitter pointed out.

"Oh, she knows," Purifier said, flying down with Tester behind her. "She just loves to be pretentious, that's all."

"I'm surprised you even know what that word means," Tester scoffed.

"Looks like someone took a beating," Omitter commented, nodding at Purifier's slightly damaged rig.

"You know I always enjoy a little bit of rough housing," Purifier replied, tossing the Cube over to Observer Alpha.

"And what of the male ship?" A new voice inquired as a portal opened, and another Siren stepped out. Dressed in white, her red eyes gleamed as her massive eel-like rig hovered behind her.

"Empress." Observer bowed her head, as did the other Sirens, Purifier with some reluctance.

"Well?" the Empress asked.

"The male ship, Striker, is currently in our custody," Tester replied. "He will no longer be a threat to our plans."

"Get rid of him," the Empress instructed. "We cannot take any risks, considering the fact that he stopped us before in his world."

"I'll do it," Purifier offered gleefully. "I've been waiting to have some fun all day."

"Very well. Tester, accompany her."

"With all respect, your highness," Tester said. "I believe that Purifier is capable of disposing of one weak Battleship on her own."

"Very well," the Empress sighed. "Purifier, you are dismissed."

"On it!" Purifier opened a portal and leapt through, laughing gleefully while the Empress turned to Observer Alpha. "Let us begin."

Observer nodded and held up the Cube, which began glowing brightly. "Time to stage an encore of the past... or perhaps, release our calculation for the future!"

Energy swirled around them before shooting into the air and coming down on the Orochi, which began glowing brightly. Red lightning crackled around the Orochi as purple energy shimmered across its surface.

Kaga shielded her face as energy swirled around her. Fire erupted in front of her, and a figure holding a fox mask formed, standing in front of Kaga as nine black tails swayed at her side.

"My sister," Kaga whispered.

The figure lowered her mask, revealing the familiar face of Akagi as the flames died around her.

"Akagi." Kaga lunged forward and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're alive," she whispered, tears streaming down her face as Akagi returned the gesture.

"Yes, all as the gods intended," Akagi replied, embracing her. Smiling, she turned. "Look, Kaga. This is it. The power of Orochi that we desired for so long."

A bright flash shot from Orochi and high into the sky before curving down toward an abandoned island. It struck with a brilliant explosion, vaporizing the entire island instantly in a massive eruption of purple energy.

Azur Lane

"What is this?" Cleveland asked, swiping through several images of a large crater in the ocean as she and the other shipgirls stood in the academy.

"It's obviously got to be a Siren attack," Hornet growled.

"But... why target a deserted island?" Cleveland asked.

"Perhaps they merely mean to taunt us," Queen Elizabeth mused, taking a sip from her teacup. "But they underestimate our power."

"Indeed, your majesty," Hood agreed. "But this could be a test, and if they use whatever did that to strike this base—"

"We'll be toast for sure," Hornet muttered. "We need Striker."

"We cannot launch a rescue mission for Striker without knowing where he is," Wales stated.

"Then let's grab a Siren and get them to tell us what they know," Hornet proposed, green eyes flashing with anger. "Both where Striker is and about whatever destroyed that island."

"I think I may know what did it," Helena said, placing an image on the table. 

"Before the island was vaporized, a huge unknown vessel took off from the coast of the Sakura Empire, its destination unknown."

"That ship," Edinburgh mused, examining it. "I recognize it."

"Indeed, it has to be the one," Sheffield agreed. "It has the characteristics of the ship hidden beneath Sakura Empire."

"So, this is Orochi," Hood muttered, examining the photo. "What an enormous beast."

"The Sakura Empire port sustained heavy damage from the ship as it departed," Wales said. "I expect that must have come as a shock, to them, and to the Iron Blood as well."

"If that's true, then the Sirens were always the sole threat," Illustrious murmured.

"Striker was right," Warspite whispered, but they all heard it.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

"What do we do now?" Queen Elizabeth mused. "Given the circumstances, it seems as though we are done with the Sakura Empire."

"Not quite." Everyone turned as Enterprise walked into the room. "Think for a second," Enterprise continued. "This is just the beginning. We aren't done with any of them yet."

Belfast nodded slowly. "What next, Miss Enterprise?"

"We go after the Sirens directly," Enterprise replied, exchanging looks with Hornet. "We're going to put a stop to whatever it is they're plotting."

"Their impact reaches far beyond just Azur Lane," Belfast agreed. "The Orochi is a threat to all of humanity."

"Well then, let's not lay about and get a move on," Queen Elizabeth stated. "We must brush up the humiliation of our failures. A stiff upper lip is the Royal Navy way."

"And the Eagle Union way is pure cold payback, so let's do this!" Hornet shouted, and everyone nodded. Hold on Striker, Hornet thought fiercely, her eyes flashing. We're coming.

Iron Blood


Bismarck turned from where she was speaking with Friedrich der Große, and saw Tirpitz running toward them. "It's zee Sakura Empire."

"Vat about them, child?" Friedrich asked.

"Zee Orochi was launched," Tirpitz said, surprising them. "It destroyed part of zeir port and eviscerated an entire island already. It is now heading toward Azur Lane."

"Vere are Prinz Eugen, Z23, Z1, and Admiral Hipper?" Friedrich asked.

"Zey vere en route to Sakura Empire ven it happened and are setting out to zee Orochi's current location," Tirpitz replied. "And Kaga vas sighted vith zee Orochi, along with several Sirens."

"I see," Bismarck mused.

"It seems as zough Striker vas correct," Friedrich murmured. "Vat vill vee do now?"

"Vee fight," Bismarck replied and turned to her sister. "Ready zee fleet, schwester. It is time vee remind zee Sirens vat zee power of Iron Blood is capable of."

Tirpitz nodded and ran off.

"Vee are calling off our war vith Azur Lane?" Friedrich asked.

"Vee have no other choice," Bismarck replied. "Striker was right. The only vay to defeat zee Sirens is to work together. Vee are all allies in zis."

nodded and turned as the Iron Blood girls began prepping their ships.

Unknown Location

Striker shook his head and groaned, pain flaring through his body. Opening his eyes, he blinked wearily and tried to rub his eyes, only for his arm to stop. His eyes shot open, all weariness gone, and he looked around. He was in a cell, a Siren one given the red lines gleaming across the walls.

His arms were bound, as were his legs, black chains connected to the walls.

Striker tugged with all his might, but to no avail. The chains would not move. He tried to summon his rigging, only for nothing to happen.

Where am I? Striker wondered.

"Oh, yay, pretty boy's awake."

Striker's head snapped up to where Purifier was leaning against a wall opposite his cell, twirling a gleaming serrated knife on one finger. Her rigging was nowhere to be found, but that didn't really reassure him.

"Where am I?" Striker asked, eyeing her.

"You're in one of our super-secret facilities in the Pacific," Purifier said cheerfully. "But don't worry, you won't get around to tell anyone the secret."

Opening the door, she stepped inside the cell, giggling. "This is gonna be fun," she sang, spinning the knife.

Striker struggled again, tugging as hard as he could against the chains, but to no avail.

"I wouldn't keep doing that," Purifier commented. "Those chains are designed to give you a little bit of a shock if tested too much. Tester tested them herself. Heh, Tester, tested by Tester, that's a pretty good rhyme there."

"Forgive me if I don't give you any accolades on your rhyming skills," Striker growled.

"You're forgiven." Purifier laughed wildly and raised the knife. "Sayonara!"

Pulling against the chains one last time, Striker gritted his teeth as once again, he failed. I'm sorry, Hornet, he thought quietly.

The knife whistled through the air, and a metallic clang echoed through the chamber.

Eyes wide, Striker blinked in surprise as he saw the chains on his legs clanging to the ground. "What are you—?"

"Freeing you, duh," Purifier replied, slashing the chains on his wrists. "What else would I be doing?"

"Um, killing me?" Striker offered, rubbing his wrists while eyeing her uncertainly.

"Now where's the fun in that?" Purifier asked, eyes gleaming. "Come on, we'd better get out of here. Tester's stalling queenie, but I'm not sure how long that's gonna last. And no, I'm not talking about the royal baby queenie."

"And why should I trust you?" Striker asked, eyeing her suspiciously. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly fond of Sirens."

"I don't notice many things," Purifier pointed out. "And hey, you could just wait around for Empress to send someone else to kill you."

"... point taken," Striker replied. "So, what now?"

"Well, first let's get out of here," Purifier said cheerfully. "Come on, unless you want to be left behind."

"Alright, alright, I'm coming."

Purifier walked off, and Striker hesitated before following. "Why're you even helping me, Sheila?" he asked curiously.

"Well, I'm always interested in having some fun," Purifier laughed. "But that aside, there's more to it."

"To what?"

"Follow me and find out." Purifier opened a portal and stepped through.

Striker hesitated, but followed, stepping through the portal after her.

Timeskip brought to you by Purifier singing road trip songs

Stepping through the portal with Striker behind her and into a large circular room, Purifier called, "Hey, Zero, I've got him."

A Siren dressed in white turned, her blue eyes gleaming.

"Well done, Purifier," she said, her voice soft and gentle. Smiling, she turned to Striker. "Hello again, Striker."

"How do you know who I am?" Striker asked, eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"

"My apologies. I am Observer Zero, also known as Dreamweaver. I am the one who you brought you into this world."

"... say what, Sheila?"

"I am the one who brought you here after you died in your world," Dreamweaver explained. "I am sure you have many questions."

"Yeah, one of them being why the Hell you two are helping me," Striker replied, positioning himself so that he was facing both Dreamweaver and Purifier.

Before Dreamweaver could reply, a portal opened, and Tester walked through, her rigging flying off to the side. "I've stalled the Empress and made a fake of Striker's dead body." Seeing the Battleship, she nodded at Purifier. "Well, well. Looks like you managed to do something right for once."

"For once?!" Purifier complained indignantly before pausing. "Actually, that's fair."

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Striker asked. "For example, why the three of you are helping me?"

"There is much you must know about the Sirens," Dreamweaver replied. "Please, sit." She waved a hand, and a portal opened, dropping four chairs down.

Eyeing the Sirens hesitantly, Striker sat down, the Sirens sitting across from him.

"As you know, Sirens have invaded both your world, and this one," Dreamweaver began. "However, there is a reason for this. At first, we meant to test your world and collect its data in order to evolve. This was our primary intention, but as the war waged on, the Empress became corrupt, wanting to destroy all of humanity and use their death data to evolve us even further. Many Sirens agreed to this, however, some of us did not. Those remaining of the latter belief are those you see around you."

She gestured at Purifier and Tester at her side.

"Wait, hold up. You two, I could believe. However, you?" Striker asked, turning to Purifier.

She shrugged. "If all of humanity was wiped out, then I wouldn't have anyone to play with."

Striker's eye twitched. "For some reason, I can actually believe that. Continue."

Dreamweaver nodded. "Very well. As I said, many Sirens sided with the Empress, and thus, the Orochi project was born. In an attempt to collect as much data as possible, Observer Alpha placed the Cube in one of the human's warships in order to gain data over time from its crew. When the time was right, then we would have used the Cube's data to turn that ship into Orochi and collect humanity's data. However, the Cube had some... unintended side effects."

"What kind of 'side effects'?" Striker asked.

"The ships of humanity gained a degree of sentience," Tester explained. "While unable to assume a human form or speak, these ships could communicate in their own way, similar to the drift from that movie Pacific Rim."

"See? I told you it was a good idea to watch it!" Purifier giggled.

"That aside," Dreamweaver went on. "The Empress's plan backfired in another way. When the time came to take over the warship, the Cube shattered, as that warship's will was too strong for it to take over, and thus, the Cube merged with the ship. In an attempt to recover the pieces, the Empress launched an attack to capture the warship. However, humanity had also evolved and managed to push the initial attack back. After several years of fighting, the warship was sacrificed to eliminate the Sirens. The Empress barely managed to escape with the remaining Siren forces and retreat to this world."

"Wait," Striker said slowly, eyes widening. "Are you saying—"

"You were the original Orochi," Dreamweaver confirmed. "The one whom the original Black Mental Cube was supposed to corrupt. The Black Mental Cube that you and Azur Lane recovered was a second model based directly off the first, both built on the wills of fallen warships."

"I can't believe this," Striker muttered, sitting back in his chair.

"Believe it," Purifier sang.

"Haven't you ever wondered why your eyes always burst in flames whenever you lose control of your emotions?" Dreamweaver asked. "How you were capable of flight like us at times? How you were able to beat opponents in skills that they alone should have possessed? Or how you were able to summon your sword at will?" She waved a hand, and with a flash of flame, the sword materialized, hovering in the air before landing on Striker's lap.

Lifting the blade, Striker stared at his reflection for a long moment. "Why?" he asked finally, turning to Dreamweaver. "Why would you bring me here?"

"Because," Tester answered, "you were the only person capable of uniting the factions and stopping the Empress. That, and you are the only person who is able to defeat the Orochi."

"How so?" Striker asked.

"You and Orochi are made of the same essence," Dreamweaver explained. "As such, your power is on par with his own."


"When the second Cube was created, its essence gained consciousness," Dreamweaver explained. "The Empress suspected that the reason the original Cube failed was because you were a human-made vessel. She is unaware of the true reason. That is why this Orochi was built by us, so that we would maintain control over him. His true essence is still alive but trapped within his vessel beneath the control of the Empress."

"It's also why you and Orochi are male ships, as opposed to the others, who are girls," Tester added. "Essentially, one could say you are brothers."

"Alright... then why was Enterprise affected by the Cube?" Striker asked.

"Because she's got another side like you do, duh," Purifier sang, hanging upside down from the ceiling, feet hooked into a crevice.

"... can someone translate that?" Striker asked. "Sorry, Sheila, but I don't speak 'Purifier'."

"What she means... is that the Black Mental Cube infected Enterprise with part of its dark power," Dreamweaver explained patiently. "Preying off Enterprise's fear of the ocean, it manifested as an alter aspect that would take control of Enterprise when she is at her weakest, as you saw during the battle between Sakura Empire and Azur Lane."

"I call it Alterprise, but no one else likes the name," Purifier pouted, flipping back down to land on her chair.

"It's fitting," Striker acknowledged. "But what doesn't make sense to me is why Akagi worked with the other Sirens in the first place."

"It is because they promised to return her sister to her," Dreamweaver replied. "Amagi, elder sister to Akagi and Kaga of Sakura Empire."

"However, they cannot return what they do not possess," Tester said.

"What do you mean?" Striker asked.


"Hmm?" The Siren girl looked up from where she was playing a video game on what looked like a futuristic tablet.

Dreamweaver looked at her meaningfully, and Purifier sighed. "Fine." Throwing the tablet through a portal, Purifier walked off.

"Where'd she go?" Striker asked.

"Probably to the bathroom, then to do what she was told to do," Tester sighed.

Several minutes passed, and Purifier returned, her rigging behind her. Lying unconscious on her rigging was a woman dressed in red and black, bearing an unnatural resemblance to Akagi. The same woman from the vision.

"Amagi," Striker whispered, stunned. "How did you--?"

"Observer Alpha isn't the only one who can pull a switch," Tester said smugly. "Several years ago, the Empress sent a fleet to 'kill' Amagi, thus giving Akagi and Kaga a reason to build the Orochi. When done, she would 'return' Amagi as though back from the dead, but under their control."

"Then what's wrong with her?" Striker asked.

"She is in a state of limbo," Dreamweaver explained. "Because Kansen are manifestations of thoughts, feelings, and ideas of their vessels, they cannot truly die, for you can never truly destroy a soul. As such, Amagi here is in a coma from which she would normally have never awakened. However, she can be revived through the power of a Black Mental Cube." She looked at him expectantly.

"Wait," Striker said slowly. "You mean..."

"You're the key, idiot," Purifier groaned. "You can basically bring her back."

"Right... how do I do that?"

"You have to kiss her," Purifier answered gleefully.


"She's joking," Tester deadpanned, smacking Purifier over the back of the head. "You need only to touch part of her to bring her back. An arm would suffice."

Smiling, Striker sighed in relief. "Thank goodness for that." He paused. "Wait, if I can bring Amagi back, then does that mean..."

"You can bring Yorktown back as well, as she is in a similar state," Dreamweaver confirmed. "Ironically, she is in the same state for the same reason, but Observer Alpha was unable to recover her due to some... interference."

Nodding, Striker crossed to Amagi's side and placed a hand on her shoulder. "So, what do I..." He trailed off as blue flames ignited on his arm and raced down his hand to Amagi's body.

There was a bright flash, and when Striker and the other Sirens could see again, Amagi looked exactly the same.

"Did it work?" Purifier asked, peeking over Striker's shoulder.

Almost as in response to her question, Amagi groaned, and her eyes shot open. "Where... where am I?" she asked.

"Rise and shine," Striker greeted.

Amagi coughed, sitting up and rubbing her head. Seeing Purifier and the others, her eyes widened. "Sirens!" She tried to get up, but she stumbled, and Striker caught her.

"Easy there, Sheila," he said gently, helping her over to where he had previously been sitting. "You've missed out on quite a lot."

"Why are there Sirens here?" Amagi asked.

"It's a bit of a long story," Striker replied. "And a lot happened since you were... well, sunk."

"What has happened to the factions?" Amagi asked.

"Well..." Striker hesitated and turned to Dreamweaver. "You want to explain this?"

Dreamweaver nodded and went on to explain what had been going on recently, from the factions' division, to the Orochi, and to what happened to Striker's world.

After the explanation, Amagi was silent for a long moment. "And what of my sisters, Akagi and Kaga?"

Striker hesitated, and the Sirens behind him exchanged looks.

"You're telling her this one," Purifier said, pushing Striker forward.

"Did something happen to them?" Amagi asked worriedly.

Striker hesitated. "They're... working with the other Sirens to resurrect you."

"What?" Amagi asked in disbelief. "Why would they do that?"

"They wanted to bring you back," Striker replied. "Sometimes, family will do crazy things for each other."

"I see..." Amagi was silent for a long moment. "It's just... No, I can believe they would do something like this."

"There is more you must know," Dreamweaver stated, causing both ships to look at her. "Earlier today, the Orochi was launched, and Observer Alpha 'returned' Akagi to her sister. It is currently on its way to destroy Azur Lane. And after that, the Empress will take it over and destroy both the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood."

"How do you know that?" Striker asked.

"Much like Observer Alpha, I also possess the gift of precognition," Dreamweaver replied. "If we do not stop the Orochi now, this world is finished, and the Empress will become too powerful to stop."

"What do we do?" Amagi asked.

"We need to destroy the Orochi," Striker replied. "We need to free my brother. It'll be tough, and we'll be heavily outnumbered by the rest of the Sirens."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Purifier giggled.

"What do you mean?" Amagi asked.

Dreamweaver stood. "You were not the only one we retrieved from your world."

"What?" Striker asked.

"Follow me." She turned and walked down a hallway. Exchanging looks, Amagi and Striker walked after her, followed by Purifier and Tester.

After a minute of walking, the hall ended at a door. Dreamweaver waved a hand, and blue lines lit up the door before it lifted out of the way.

The group walked inside, and Striker's eyes widened.

Hovering in a set of blue tubes filled with a clear, slightly glowing energy, were four girls, each bearing a strong resemblance to Striker. Even their riggings were similar, minus the shark hulls.

Amagi's eyes widened, as did Striker's. "Are those..." She trailed off.

"My sisters," Striker whispered, staring at the unconscious forms of Iowa, Missouri, New Jersey, and Wisconsin before him.

"They're alive."

(A/N) Here's a key of faction characters and their alliances, so you all can keep track. It will be updated throughout the story as new characters are introduced.

(Azur Lane) Eagle Union: Enterprise, Cleveland, Hornet, Laffey, Northampton, Long Island, Arizona, Helena, Hammann, San Diego, Nevada, Columbia, Denver, Montpelier, Essex, Bogue

(Azur Lane) Royal Navy: Prince of Wales, Javelin, Illustrious, Unicorn, Belfast, Hood, Warspite, Queen Elizabeth, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Langley, Ark Royal

(Azur Lane) Dragon Empery: Ning Hai, Ping Hai

(Red Axis) Sakura Empire: Yamato, Kaga, Akagi, Ayanami, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Kako, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Nagato, Mutsu, Takao, Atago, Akashi, Ise, Hyuuga, Yuudachi, Shigure, Yukikaze, Amagi

(Red Axis) Iron Blood: Prinz Eugen, Z23, Z1, Tirpitz, Admiral Hipper, Deutschland, Roon, Bismarck, Friedrich der Große

Sirens: Tester, Purifier, Omitter, Smasher, Observer Alpha, The Empress, Observer Zero/Dreamweaver

Unknown Alliance: Striker, Iowa, Missouri, New Jersey, Wisconsin

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