Mi Amor - Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz...

Von SeltsamerName

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! I'll slowly rewrite this story. I wrote it when I was younger and now I think it needs some improvement (20... Mehr



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Von SeltsamerName

I locked the doors just like Oscar said, but it still felt weird to be alone here.

Oscar explained that there was a problem between the Santos and another gang. A Santo even got shot.

He explained that he and the Santos couldn't let the other gang get away with that, so they needed to take action. What exactly they were planning to do, he didn't want to tell me.

But he mentioned there might be the possibility some guys from the other gang try to come by his house, to make more problems. That's why he wanted me to lock the doors and don't let anybody in.

Oscar: „Don't worry, mi amor. It isn't as bad as it sounds. We won't be far away. Believe me, I wouldn't let you here alone if it wasn't safe."

Elly: „How can you be so sure?"

Oscar: „My guys are posted all around the block. If a Prophet wants to pass by, I'll know it immediately."

So now I was sitting alone on the couch in the living room.

I was thinking about Oscar. If he was alright.

Then I thought about Amelie. She acted weird today. Usually she would have never left me stay here all by myself. She would have at least tried to persuade me to stay with Olivia.

Already since some days I had the feeling she was mad at me. I texted her. Maybe I could get to the bottom of this.

Elly: „Hey Am. What's up?"
She didn't answer for a while. So long that I already forgot about the text. I was watching Desperate Housewives for the probably 5th time, when my phone lit up.

Amelie: „Hey. Nothing much. We are watching TV."

Elly: „Me too. Is everything calm there?"

Amelie: „Yes."

She was so cold. It felt weird.
Elly: „If you have time for a second, I would like to talk to you about something."

Amelie: „Okay."

Elly: „I have the feeling you are mad at me for something. But I'm not sure for what. I would be really happy if you tell me what's going on because I hate when you are so distant from me."

Amelie: „Me distant from you?! That's not at all what's going on. You iced me out the last couple of days. All you have in mind is being with your oh so great boyfriend. You know, before him, I was the person closest to you. But now it's him. I finally have to accept that. Have to accept that you always fall for the wrong guys. Guys who don't deserve you. But the people who really love you, you shut them out. I am sick of that. I am sick of always being the second choice."

I didn't know what to say, honestly. It was much at once. I felt guilty. Guilty for making her feel that way.

I called her. It felt horrible to do this over the phone, but better calling than texting.

She didn't pick up.

Amelie: „Please don't call. I can't talk right now. If I hear your voice, I will cry my eyes out and I don't want you to hear me like that."

Elly: „Come on, Am. Pick up. I don't care if you are crying. I want to talk to you. I am so sorry that I made you feel that way."

She didn't answer so I just kept going.

Elly: „I love Oscar. But the fact that I am with him will never change our friendship. You are and you'll always be my best friend. I promise you that."

Amelie: „Don't you get it? I don't want to be just friends. I want to be with you. Like Oscar is with you."

We had this topic before and she knew my answer to that.

Amelie: „But I know you don't want that. So what are my options. Stay being your best friend and suffering every time you hug me, because I wish there was more? Jealousy almost killing me, every time I see him kissing you? Or staying away from you as best as I can and loosing not only the person I love but also my best friend?"

Elly: „I- I don't know really."

Amelie: „Yeah, me too. You see my dilemma now? Please just give me time to figure this out. See you tomorrow. Stay safe."

For a split second I thought about going over to Ruby's house to talk to her. I already wore my jacket and unlocked the front door to go out.

But then I reconsidered. It probably was best if I let her the time and space she needs. I didn't want to pressure her.

So I sat back on the couch. I have no idea how long I watched TV and scrolled in Instagram. I was tired, but I wanted to wait till Oscar came back.

I was also hoping to hear from Amelie again. I read the messages, she sent me, again and again. Probably the 20th time this evening.

Suddenly I heard voices outside of the house. My heart beat faster, but then I recognized Sad Eyes voice. Shortly after I also heard Oscar's voice.

They walked inside the house with a few other Santos. Oscar looked surprised to see that I was still up.

Oscar: „Why are you still awake? You didn't have to wait for me."

Elly: „But I wanted to. I'm glad you are okay."

He chuckled and dropped onto the sofa next to me.
Oscar: „I'm glad too."

Sad Eyes: „But shit really went down."
Sad Eyes popped onto the sofa on my other side.

Oscar motioned for him to shut up.
Oscar: „No need to recall all that now, and here."
He made Sad Eyes understand that he didn't want me to hear this.

Sad Eyes and the other guys were hanging around for a bit longer. They drank beer and smoked a joint.

I wasn't in the mood for any of that. Also the topics they were talking about, weren't interesting to me. On top of that, I was still kinda down because of my argument with Amelie.

So I just cuddled up in Oscar's arms with my head laying on his chest. His heartbeat was very calming.

It didn't take long till the tiredness took over my body and everything turned black.

I woke up when Oscar's cell phone rang. He declined the call very quickly.
Oscar: "I'm sorry, mi amor. Go back to sleep."

He was so soft and warm. I was tempted to close my eyes again.

But then I looked around briefly. The guys were gone. Apparently I had slept quite long.

Elly: "Why aren't you asleep yet?"
Oscar: "I can't."
His tone told me he didn't want to talk about it. I suspected that last night's events had upset him more than he wanted to make it seem like.

Elly: "Who called you so late?"
Oscar held up his phone so I could see the screen. It said "hermanito".

Elly: "You should call Cesar back. Maybe it's something important."

Oscar: "I'm sure he's fine."

Elly: "What if something happened. You said we should always be able to contact each other."

Oscar sighed, but then he took his phone and called Cesar back.

The call didn't last very long, but the few sentences Oscar and Cesar exchanged, were enough to make Oscar's mood change completely.

I saw anger flashing in his eyes and his face looked tense.

He stood up quickly and walked towards the door.
Oscar: „Be right back."

And there I was alone again. I really wanted to know what just happened, so I waited for him to come back.

But I fell asleep again.

The next morning I woke up still laying on the couch. I stretched and my back cracked like I'm 90 years old.

I looked around. It seemed like nobody was around. It's becoming a trend to leave me alone in this house.

Suddenly I felt something unusual on my forehead. It felt like something was sticking there.

If this is a spider then I'll scream so loud even my parents in Germany will be able to hear me.
I wiggled around weirdly as an attempt to get the thing off.

It was not coming off, so I gathered all my courage and removed it with my fingers.

It was a post-it. With Oscar's handwriting on it.
„Needed some time with Cesar to talk something through. At the beach. I love you." Next to the  'I love you', he drew a heart.

Sweet. But did he seriously stuck a post-it on my head while I was sleeping?

I chuckled thinking about the stupid grin he must have had while doing so.

But I still didn't know what the call from yesterday was about. So I texted Monse. She was close with Cesar. I was sure she knew.

Apparently earlier that night, when the Santos and Prophet$ had their rivalry going on, a Prophet named Latrell pointed a gun at Cesar and threatened to shoot him the next time he sees him.

I understood why Oscar was angry. He thought he handled the Prophet$, but there they were again stirring shit up.

It appears that Oscar made it clear that the Santos expected Cesar to handle this situation on his own. I didn't know much about gangs, but even I knew what that meant.

I didn't hear anything from Amelie. She also didn't pick up when I called her. I wasn't in the mood to stay the whole day alone again, so I prepared to visit my sister.

Suddenly my phone vibrated. It was Oscar. He sent me a selfie of him and Cesar at the beach.

They both looked so happy. Immediately, I saved the selfie to my pictures.

My sister noticed very soon that I wasn't in a good mood, but I was scared to tell her the reason. She still didn't know about me and Oscar. So explaining, that I was scared for his and his younger brothers well being, would kinda give away my feelings.

Over the day, I didn't hear anything else from Oscar, so I didn't rush to get home. Nobody was there anyway. It was late when I went back. The sun had already set.

When I arrived at the house, I quickly realized no one was there yet. No car, no voices, no lights.

I had no idea when Oscar and Cesar would be back and I didn't want to be here alone.

Calling Oscar was no option for me. He's spending time with his brother right now and I think they both need that.

So I decided to go to my sister again. Oscar could pick me up there afterwards or I could just spend the night with her.

I was watching my feet as they took one step after the other. It was quiet and my thoughts shifted away. At night everything is more calm than during the day. I kept starring at my feet without actually looking at them.

The headlight of a car broke through my view. When the car passed me it was dark again. But my shift away from this reality was over. I looked around.

I noticed that the car which just drove past me, stopped quite suddenly and went in reverse.

A shiver went down my spine. I narrowed my eyes and focused on the window of the passenger door. I tried to see who was driving. If it meant danger.

The window went down and a friendly face smiled in my direction.
Sad Eyes: „What's up, gorgeous?"

Elly: „Sad Eyes!"
I sounded a bit angrier than I intended to.

He was still smiling but looked a bit confused.
Sad Eyes: „I'm also happy to see you?" he said in a questioning voice.

Elly: „Sorry. Yes, of course I am happy to see you. But you almost gave me a heart attack rolling up on me like that."

He chuckled.
Sad Eyes: „If you don't want to be rolled up on, why you out so late?"

Elly: „I'm headed to my sister. Oscar and Cesar are out of town. I don't really feel safe there alone."

Sad Eyes: „Don't worry, gorgeous. We got it covered. No ones gonna show up there."

Elly: „You don't know that. Anyway, I'm halfway at my sister's place, so I will go there."

Sad Eyes: „As you like. But at least let me drive you. Oscar would kill me if something happened to you."

Elly: "I'm fine. Really. It's not far anymore."

Sad Eyes: „It's also really no problem to drive you. As you said, it's not far."

Elly: „Thanks. But no thanks."

Sad Eyes: „Pretty please?"
He tried to look cute which wasn't very difficult for him.

Elly: „The physical appearance of the please isn't of importance here."

He sighed.
Sad Eyes: "Oscar is right. You are stubborn."

I smiled sarcastically.
Elly: „Ohhh, you both talk about me."

Sad Eyes: „Just call if there's a problem, okay?"

Elly: „I will. Don't worry."
With these words I kept going in the direction my sister lives in.

I noticed that Sad Eyes car didn't drive off. He stayed in his place and watched me. Why I even bothered trying to convince him. Of course he wouldn't let me out of his sight till I was safe.

Just a few corners away from my sisters house were some guys sitting out in a front yard and at the roadside.

They seemed drunk. Or high. Or both. And they were starring at me, while I was walking towards them, uncomfortably long and intense.

When I almost passed them, one of the guys suddenly got up and stood only half a meter in front of me. I immediately regretted that I didn't cross the street.

Guy 1: „Where you headed, Mamacita?"
Another guy approached me, but this time he stood behind me.

Guy 2: „Yeah, don't you know it's dangerous out here for someone like you. All alone at night."

Another guy, who was sitting on the stairs, yelled in our direction.
Guy 3: „Tell the pretty girl to come inside with us."

They all had nasty smiles on them.

I didn't do or say anything. I was in shock because I knew exactly what they were thinking about.

The guy who till now was a bit away from us, walked over now. He put his hand on my shoulder and tried to hand me a beer.

Guy 3: „Come on, come on. Don't be shy. We're friendly, don't worry."

I was disgusted by his audacity. But also scared. I just wanted to get away. So I turned around, but I forgot the man standing behind me. I walked against him and he held my arms tight.

In this moment I really had no idea what to do anymore.
Luckily the decision was quickly made for me.

Sad Eyes suddenly stopped next to us in his car. He honked the horn once to get everybody's attention.

I already felt the grip of the guys around me loosen. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Sad Eyes got out of the car and stood in the open door of his car.

Sad Eyes: "Elly, get in the car! It's better I drive you. If Spooky found out that something happened to you, he would first kill me and then the guys who did something to you."

When those assholes heard the name Spooky, they immediately let go of me. I quickly walked to the car and was very grateful to have Sad Eyes here. As I got in, Sad Eyes took his gun and placed it on the roof of the car so everyone could see it.

Sad Eyes: "It's best we tell Spooky to give you one too." He pointed to the gun.

The guys took a few steps back. Sad Eyes smiled triumphantly with an exactly-what-I-thought-smile, got back in the car and we drove off.

Sad Eyes: „You are fine to walk all by yourself, right? Nothing will happen to you. I don't need to worry or take care of you."
He sounded very reproachful, even mad. But I knew he was just worried.

Elly: „I'm sorry, Antonio. Really. It was stupid. I should have listened to you. I'm stubborn, I know."

Sad Eyes: „It's okay. It wasn't your fault. It's just... if something would happen to you..."

In this moment we arrived at my sister's house. Sad Eyes stopped the car.

Elly: „I know, Oscar would never forgive you-."

He looked at me calmly, but interrupted me.
Sad Eyes: „I would never forgive myself. He's not the only one who cares about you."

We looked each other in the eyes. Long and intense. A little too intense. But before I could even think about what was going on at the moment, someone knocked at the window of the passenger door.

It was my sister.

I opened the door calmly, but she swung it open. She went out of the way so I could get out of the car, but she eyed Sad Eyes in a weird way.

Of course he noticed. And he didn't appreciate it.
Sad Eyes: "Is there a problem?"

Katharina: "No, no. I was just wondering why my little sister is in a car with a Santo."

Elly: "Katharina..."

Sad Eyes: "Would you have preferred I would have let the guys over there touch your little sister and possibly do a lot worse things?"

Katharina looked at me surprised. I nodded so she understood that he said the truth.

But I guess Sad Eyes felt his Santo-honor hurt.
Sad Eyes: "Besides mamacita, your sweet sister does many more things with Santos than just driving in their car."
He grinned, leaned over to the passenger door, shut it himself and drove off.

In the mirror he could see the bomb explode he just dropped. It exploded in the form of my sister. When we were inside, she started screaming at me.

Katharina: "What did he mean by that? Do you have something with him or one of his homies? Oh please don't tell me you're fucking one of them. Talk, Elly. Explain that to me!"

Elly: "I would explain it if you stopped yelling."

It was quiet for a second.
Katharina: „Go on, I'm waiting."

I sighed.
Elly: „Yes, I have something with a Santo. Technically, I haven't had sex with him, but I have feelings for him and it wasn't completely innocent either. It's not Sad Eyes, though."

Katharina: „Oh my God, I can't believe that. Who is it? Tell me who it is!"

Elly: „Relax, my God. It's ... Spooky."

Katharina turned pale, shook her head and sat down. This was followed by a mix of preaching and yelling for an hour. I stopped listening and was just wondering how the twins slept through it so calmly.

But at some point my sister broke the barrel.
Katharina: "Oh god, I have to tell our parents about it now. They're tearing my head off. My little sister has something with an older guy who is also a criminal. They'll think I wasn't looking out for you. But what should I do? If you put the honey in the bear's cage, it will eventually be nibbled."

At first I thought my sister had real literary talent. A great metaphor. But then I realized again that she was talking about Oscar and me and I got angry. Very angry.

Elly: "You will certainly not tell our parents about any of this. If I want to tell them, I'll do it myself. And don't pretend Oscar forced me to do something. I wanted it, and I really wanted it. I was keen on him and now I'm even in love with him. So don't think you have the right to talk about him like that."

I didn't want to hear another word from her, so I got up, walked out the door and disappeared into the darkness.

Oscar's view

It was a nice, but also stressful day. I didn't want Cesar to kill this Prophet. He was too young and had too much potential. He shouldn't be going down the same road like I did.

But it wasn't my choice anymore. The Santos expected it from him. Especially for my boss this would be the moment to decide if Cesar will be worth something with the Santos or not.

While driving back from the beach, I thought about Elly. I didn't see her the whole day. I also didn't hear from her.

I was really hoping that she was still awake. I wanted to be near to her. I wanted her to take my mind off of all this shit. Lately just her was able to do so.

When we got back to the house, it was dark. I checked all rooms to see if she was sleeping, but she was nowhere to be found.

She knows she shouldn't be out at night. Especially alone. So where is she?

I called her right away, but her mailbox answered.
I called Amelie, but she told me she hadn't seem Elly all day.

Then I got a text. I was hoping from Elly, but it was Sad Eyes.
Sad Eyes: „You back?"
Oscar: „Yeah."

Sad Eyes: „Everything was calm here. Just letting you know that Elly went to her sister. I kept an eye on her till she was there."

Oscar: „Glad she's okay. I was looking all over for her."

Sad Eyes: „Yeah, gorgeous is fine. But there happened something, you might want to look into."

Oscar: „What is it?"

Sad Eyes: „Some guys bothered her while she was walking to her sister. They wanted to hit a homerun, if you know what I mean. And they didn't take no for an answer."

Anger started to boil inside of me.

Sad Eyes: „I handled them, but in my opinion they need to learn their lecture."

Oscar: „Oh, they will."

Sad Eyes texted me the address of these guys. First I wanted to pick up Elly, but later when she was asleep, I'll pay them a visit, they won't forget very soon again.

Luckily there was still light inside the house, so I rang the doorbell.
Elly's sister opened the door immediately.
Katharina: "Elly!"

She looked very upset. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

When she saw that it was me, she looked depressed.
Katharina: "I thought you were Elly."

Oscar: "What does that mean? Sad Eyes said he brought her here."

Katharina: "We had an argument and she stormed out and I have no idea where she is now or if she is okay ..."

Oscar: "And you just let her walk off like that? At night, alone, here? Are you insane? Do you have any idea what can happen to her?"

At that moment I could have strangled that woman. If anything happens to Elly ... I swear to God ...

Without waiting for an answer, I turned around, ran back to my car and drove off. I didn't know where to look, but I had to find her.

Please don't forget to upvote and/or comment if you like the story. I would appreciate it ☺️


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