Behind The Screen | dreamwast...

By SymphonyKingdom1

82.5K 3.2K 17.1K

Dream, the popular Minecraft youtuber, suddenly disappears from the media and his friends are beyond worried... More

Chapter 1 : The End is Where We Begin
Chapter 2 : Dream's Dark World
Chapter 3 : Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 4 : Capsule Catastrophe
Chapter 5 : The Wall Between Me And You
Chapter 6 : Dream vs Crunch : The Embark to War
Chapter 7 : Late Night Blues
Chapter 8 : The Brokenness Within
Chapter 9 : 2 Minecraft Speedrunners vs 1 Nemesis and 7 Hunters
Chapter 10 : False Hope
Chapter 11 : Dream vs Crunch : Wings from Hell
Chapter 12 : The Ghost Within the House
Chapter 13 : Requiem and Movie Night for Dream
Chapter 14 : Amusement Park Panic
Voting for Next Book after Behind the Screen
Chapter 15 : Touring Florida (Memories) with Dream
Chapter 17 : Shattered Pieces forms into One
Chapter 18: Dream vs Crunch : Fate of the Future
Chapter 19 : Stay Close or Let Go
Chapter 20: The End Will Always Be Where We Begin
Trailer for the New Book...

Chapter 16 : One Last Stream

4.6K 141 1.5K
By SymphonyKingdom1

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Self-Harm, Panic Attack, Mentions of Suicide

This chapter will be significantly shorter than the last one but that's normal because the last one was 20000+ words LOL (checking again.. just ignore this little bit LOL)

Also this chapter is focused more on the action rather than the angst, actually these last few chapters are... so I'm sorry if you find any of this really boring. T^T

Also I've never thought I would see the day where I would have to literally do Mathematics just for a chapter but here we are...

By the time Dream had arrived back home on foot, the sun had already lifted itself up from the horizons, shining brightly upon Florida. The blonde Floridian was expectedly exhausted, he had basically walked across the state in a single night.

Traces of sweat lathered his face, the liquid soaking into his lime green hoodie completely drenching the clothing with multiple patches of darkened sweat pools. His fever didn't get any better as expected as he had walked through a rainstorm throughout the night.

His breathing was caught in between several moments of sharp wheezing and panting. His throat was as dry as sandpaper, and his exhaustion was gradually overwhelming his body, causing each of his system to shut down one by one.

He even collapsed to the ground multiple times on his way back, but didn't care in the slightest, his only goal now is to get back home, then decide on what to do next after that. Step by step. right foot after left foot, he swore that the more he walked more did home feel so distant.

He has been retracing his steps back for almost 4 hours, and his legs were on the verge of giving up. Tension strained both of his bottom limbs, his feet felt like they were on fire and the fact that it was getting hotter didn't help at all.

"Fuck this..." he muttered underneath his long gasps for air, walking home was way too slow and its already 6 AM, according to his phone. He had already worried everyone at home for walking away, he didn't want to make it worse if they knew that he didn't actually return home last night. Furthermore if he showed up looking like he had gone through a global pandemic, he will also have to sneak in to have a shower and clean himself.

'Be sure to act as normal, Dream. Remember try not to wake them up.' Dream thought as his legs built up speed for take off, he was going to run as fast as his legs can possibly carry him back home. No more worrying others... only masking true emotions and pretending from now on. At least that's what he hoped for.. but he always know what happens when he wishes for stuff.

Dream began sprinting, pushing down the excessive exhaustion to the side. He won't let any obstacle get in his way of returning home, not even his health and well-being. He kept on running with only one goal in his mind, his face filled with determination.

Meanwhile Dream's having his own marathon, back at the house everyone was sleeping although not soundly like the other nights especially for Sapnap. He was greatly disturbed by what Dream had said last night on the phone call, those sentences still haunted in his sleep and dreams.

"I'm on a highway bridge, chilling on the railing barrier with both of my feet dangling off the edge." Dream said nonchalantly, almost like he didn't care about how much danger he was putting himself in.

Needless to say, Sapnap was immediately petrified, his breath quivered upon hearing what his childhood friend was saying. Dream was normally afraid of heights, so it was a shocking thing to hear that he was sitting on the edge of a highway bridge.

Who knows what he would have done, if Sapnap didn't call him at that moment. He could've jumped to his death and the thought of that scared the Texan boy. The thought of a world with Dream gone was horrifying and Sapnap would blame himself non stop for what could have happened because Dream might have jumped due to him bringing up old flames from 2 years ago. 

He shouldn't have brought it upin the first place but his dumb stupid mouth and voice doesn't know where to draw the line between matters that can be joked and things that shouldn't even be joked about.

Luckily enough, Dream had stated that he had no intention of jumping, but still the image terrified Sapnap, to the point of frightened, worried tears. He held himself back from crying whilst listening to Dream rambling about how miserable everything in his life was.

Although his Floridian friend told him quite a bit of information, Sapnap was not convinced that Dream had spilled everything. This was Dream, he was talking about, and he usually often hides important topics that he thinks would be a burden for them to handle.

That is why, after Dream had hung up, he went straight to Bad for some consultation and comfort. There he was revealed to the truth that Dream has been hiding all this time for 3 months. His face contorted into various emotions at the same time: pity, anger, confusion and overall feels bad for Dream whilst he was upset with himself for letting a garbage human being getting even close to Dream.

Like the others, Sapnap instantly grew furious at Jake, for doing such things to Dream. He had the sudden urge to punch the guy right in the face, if not for his access of social media. That can caused him to get cancelled and become very unpopular amongst the community as a violent individual.

Bad smiled lightly as he was pleased that Dream was able to bring Sapnap back to normal, his morale of winning shone brightly once again. Maybe... they weren't really too late after all.

After moments of explaining and comforting, Sapnap went returned back to the windows, bringing a chair from the dining table to sit on. He was going to wait for Dream to return home even if takes hours or even the night for it to happen. He was going to stay there, not going anywhere other than in front of the window pane.

Bad had the same idea but due to the chaos of the prior baking stream that they had set up, he was drained of energy and fell asleep 10 minutes in, slumping lifelessly on the couch before snoozing off into the night. Niki and Techno provided him company throughout the night, cracking up some humor to lighten up the situation at various intervals but to tell the truth, it ended up making the atmosphere even more gloomy if possible.

All 3 of them waited and waited, until it was 4 AM, that was when Sapnap's eyes were starting to gradually feel heavy, the sleepy feeling was starting to envelope around him. Niki and Techno had fallen asleep an hour prior, and it seemed like, it was probably now his time to doze off.

Sapnap gradually fell asleep on the chair, his head leaning against the window pane. He believed that Dream would return home eventually, safe and sound. Sapnap believed in Dream's capabilities and he held onto that thought as he slowly drifts off into a deep sleep.

That is, until he hears the front door creaking open gently which was later accompanied by heavy, frequent panting. The sudden loud commotion compared to the deafening silence, instantly shot everyone awake in a confused daze.

"What the f-ck" Sapnap cursed softly as he rubs his eyes dreamily, Bad muttered out a tired sounding "Language." , cracking up a yawn as his stretched his body out. All 4 of their gazes were immediately locked onto the presence at the door, who had rudely interrupted their sleeps.

Their sleepy demeanor was instantly frozen as their sights adapted to the soft sunbeams piercing through the windows. Collective gasps can be heard all over the make shift bedroom, and the individual at the door regretted his choice of opening the front door.

"DREAM!" Sapnap exclaimed, his expression was in shock before transforming into a giant smile. The Texan boy jumped up from his seat excitedly before tackling the Florida boy into a giant hug, he was glad that Dream made his way back safely, even though it took him a whole entire night. That didn't matter, all that mattered to him was Dream's safety and nothing else.

Bad and Niki instantly followed, piling up on Sapnap's back in an attempt to get a hold of Dream, whilst Techno stayed behind, snorting in amusement like a potato loving pig would. Although his face didn't show much of a reaction; in the inside, he was more than happy to see Dream well and alive.

"We were worried you know Dream?" Bad sniffled, his voice was breaking into teary sobs. Just when he wished that he didn't worry them any further, he did the exact thing but worse since now Bad is crying, and its all because of Dream. Everything bad seemed to happen either to him or caused by him, both ways making Dream immensely unhappy.

'Oh fuck off.. not again man..' Dream cursed darkly, as he was being squeezed by the two former and new member of the Dream Support Team. He couldn't even last an hour without unknowingly hurting someone, including himself both physically and emotionally, let alone last one day.

Dream silently and secretly frowns from the bottom of the pile, as his dull green eyes pierces into Bad's watery brown ones.A familiar twisted sensation of pain and guilt dug into his heart as he continuously stared at the 25 year old's weeping. Dream wishes that he could've been someone else that wasn't himself, since all that he seems to do all day was to make people cry or add some more notoriety to his name.

Heck even when he's not doing anything, apparently he was still making people cry or emotionally vulnerable or even adds more hate to himself. This made the hate spread to the people who were his fans as well, blaming them for being fans of him. Now he was essentially attacking over 22 million people without trying to and all of that happens because of one single reason: it was because he was Dream.

No one liked him, he was always the fault of everything. Videos, competition results or even community votes; when something doesn't go as planned as most of the community thought it would, where does that blame go to?

It all goes to Dream and will always be since people doesn't like treating him well. He wasn't a human to them... he was just some useless filthy sandbag for all the people to hit and beat him with criticism, rage and fury, hate and death threats.

People said that he didn't deserve the fame, the money, or even the love from his friends and fans, and usually Dream would ignore these kinds of remarks that were made underneath every single video of his but as time goes by, more of those nasty comments popped up and slowly they were overtaking his already fragile emotional well-being. At this point in time, he was more than inclined to see himself as those comments, no he BELIEVES that he was the person that was disgustingly described by thousands of people who hated him.

And like always, he promises himself to be a better person, declaring explicitly on various social media sites multiple times and every time he tries and even feels like he succeeded in that goal, something was always in the way to prove him wrong.

These people never really cared about what he did beneficially, they were all just looking for those sweet sweet sins of his. Even though other creators sometimes mess up, everyone will treat it as a simple mistake and move on with their lives but when he does slip up, oh boy, the hate he receives can be compared to as if he had started a war.

Sometimes the fault wasn't even in his control, and yet he was still blamed for it. Everyone just wanted to see him suffer, heck he was fairly convinced that if he had uploaded a video of him shooting himself in the head, the video would get no dislikes since people just wanted to punish him and death threats were always the solution, weren't they?

"Dream." Sapnap gently nudged him, his face painted with concern. His friend was scarily silent ever since he entered the house, despite surprising him with a big group hug. The unresponsiveness immediately caught attention of Bad, quickly wiping his crying face before putting on a stern one alongside a quick face examination scan.

Dream's expression was blank, bare of any emotions. It was like he was zoning out, being lost in the world of his thoughts all alone and from what Bad had learned from this whole experience was that whenever Dream zones out, it was always up to no good. He needs to snap Dream out as soon as he can, before the blonde can even think about unnecessary yet dark thoughts and ideas.

"Dream!" Bad said, raising his volume up a notch, gently tapping his face in order to wake him up from his thinking dimension. Dream's eyes seemed to dilate before the liveliness was restored back into those pair of emerald green pupils.

"Huh?" Dream blurted, snapping out of his trance. Why was Bad and Sapnap calling himself all of the sudden after they literally attacked him on his way in? Or did he do something wrong again, without even knowing that he did?

"Hey dude, you ok?" Sapnap asked gently, as he squirms himself out of the hug pile before slumping to the ground like a deflated giant balloon. "Yeah... besides the fact that I literally walked the over the entire state, I am absolutely in the pink!." Dream lightly joked as he stands up and grabbing himself a nice cold refreshing glass of iced water, since his throat really needed some sort of liquid to quench that dry thirst pinching away at the walls of his esophagus.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Dream asked, as he pours himself a glass of cold water, drinking from it whilst listening to what Sapnap has to say.

"Oh well, I was about to tell you that MCC is today!"

Dream spat out his water, almost immediately upon hearing the sudden announcement. He was slightly taken aback by the sudden announcement. He forgot that Minecraft Championships were a thing, a competition that he used to compete in. With everything going on with his life, he just didn't feel like streaming about it especially if he had ever get teamed with Jake.. it was going to be worse than Build Mart.

However, he didn't need to panic when he thought about it since he didn't sign up for this MCC either so at most he would either be watching Sapnap play instead. Or maybe he can watch Niki and help her with her Ace Race difficulties and perhaps improving her statistics majorly in the process.

That's what he thought initially although something rang oddly in him which gave him a bad feeling about this. If Sapnap was telling him that MCC was today, it signifies that he must be at least a part of it. He began shivering at the thought of actually participating in the event, he wasn't ready to go back to streaming just yet. Especially not after his last mark he made on Twitch over a week ago.

"O-okay! I will be watching your POV dude!" Dream replied nervously as he continuously mustered down the horrific thought that he was speculating on in his head. Bad and Sapnap looked at each other confusedly before staring back at the anxious blonde haired Floridian.

"What do you mean? You're playing... aren't you?"

Sapnap questioned Dream which made his eyebrows scrunched up in heavy confusion. He was pretty sure that he didn't sign up for the event because MCC was not in his priority when it was all covered by Jake related matters and subjects.

"Uhh... I may have signed up for you Dream.." a British sounding voice came from the staircase, and fortunately for Dream, for once it wasn't Jake. Dream leaned over the kitchen countertop to see who was talking to him and upon his entering his eye frame came the unexpectedly early up, GeorgeNotFound.

"George! Why did you do that?" Bad scolded the British 24 year old, playfully swatting on the arm. Dream glared at his British friend scarily yet puzzlingly. What in the world made him think, that signing up for MCC for him was a good idea?

He would be less pissed, if it was any other occasion but George decided to sign up for him at the worst possible time of his life . Dream was disappointed rather than furious at George, because he couldn't really blame him. He was carried away by the heavy influence of Jake, to the point that Dream was pretty confident that George, Sapnap and almost everyone else forgot that he actually existed.

Now, they were just trying to be nice and all without knowing how much their acts of kindness is going to bite his nuts. They were at best oblivious to the thunderstorm that was circling around them yet in Dream's eyes, they never really seemed fazed by the glares and violent actions that he and Jake had done. Other than the hot wing situation, that is.

"Well I thought it was a good idea because you know, there is some people that asks about your presence and where you went because you were absent for 3 MCCs!" George reasoned, as he positions to sit upright with back against a lounge chair, arms folded and legs crossed.

The reason was understandable, in which lowered down Dream's disappointment significantly. However, there was now one big hurdle that had constructed itself in front of Dream.

The MCC Teams.

Dream felt his soul leaving his body for a moment, as his body sent chills all over at the terrifying thought of him and Jake being on the same team. He had said it to himself once before on the hot wing stream that if he and Jake ever teamed in MCC, it was going to be a major clusterfuck of chaos, arguments and disorganization. In short, he would rather be Loser's POV not Winner's POV.

With his shaking hands, his fingers trembled over the application for Twitter as he pressed it, opening up the social media platform that had originated lots and lots of pain for him. He instantly went to the Minecraft Championships twitter page before scrolling down to see the teams. His eyes dilated vivaciously like a swarm of bees hovering happily over a nectar-filled flower.

Introducing MCC 24 Teams

Red Rabbits : Punz , Shubble , TapL , Smajor

Orange Ocelots : HBomb94 , Krtzyy , Ph1LzA , Wisp

Yellow Yaks: GeorgeNotFound , Crunch , Sapnap , WilburSoot

Green Geckos: Grian , Jack Manifold, Quig , CaptainSparklezz

Blue Bats : Sylvee , Seapeekay, TheOrionSound, Smallishbeans

Lime Llamas : Fundy, CaptainPuffy, Ranboo , Illumina

Aqua Axolotls: Antfrost, fruitberries, 5up , fWhip

Cyan Coyotes: Tubbo, DanTDM , PeteZahHutt, TommyInnit

Purple Pandas : Michaelmccchill, Krinios, PearlescentMoon, Mefs

Pink Parrots : Dream , Technoblade, BadBoyHalo , Nihachu (basically first 3 members of DST + Dream LOL-)

Dream exhaled in relief as his eyes travelled over the Yellow Yaks' team roster, even thought a bit sad that some of his friends were stuck in that team. He was more than pleased to not see his name alongside that prick.

At least he was going to have some fun without an annoying interruption bothering him throughout the tournament and also he got a pretty decent team to say the least.

But then came another problem, his skill. He hasn't practiced anything or even at all since he was pretty fed up and occupied with problems for 3 months which obviously led him into having no time or interest in participating activities or major events.

He couldn't afford showing up with a performance equivalent to his on MCC 14, and that time he even had to end stream early not in rage but in pure embarrassment. He was so upset with himself that day, as he swore to himself, "Never again."

He wasn't going to make his return to MCC with a sloppy performance, definitely not when Jake was in competition. Dream was going to show him, who's the real king around here, not only is he going to beat Jake, he was going for the win and number one on the individual scoreboard.

He had a dream today, built within him in mere seconds. He was determined to achieve it, with a passion burning brightly in his eyes. He was going to practice relentlessly, as he still had quite a bit of time before the actual event takes place.

Right now it was almost 9 in the morning, and the MCC starts at 7 in the evening, so 10 hours should be ideally enough for his fingers and instincts to crank up its groove.

"Well then I haven't practiced in a while, I guess I should start now! Niki if you want to join for Ace Race then you are welcomed to!" Dream dismissed cheerfully before sprinting up the stairs to his room in a flash, shutting the door with an audible slam. Everyone was bewildered by the sudden change in mood and tone of Dream, how he went from a face of disappointment and confusion to a devilish smile and cheerful voice was beyond anyone's understanding.

Bad signaled with his eyes, a telepathic message towards Sapnap, Techno and Niki. All of them nodded before going back to their normal behavior with Bad making the house breakfast again, perhaps this is the first time that he can cook alone without having Dream interfere?

Just as when he was strutting to the kitchen, hurried footstep dashes were rattling down the stairs and before Bad knows it, Dream was already in the kitchen ready to make more meals alongside the muffiny muffin man. Maybe next time... if there is one that is...

Meanwhile upstairs, Jake had woken up from his peaceful night's rest. He instantly smirked first thing as he remembers vividly that today was MCC day. All 3 MCCs that he had been a part of, had been relatively easy but maybe its the fact that Dream was absent for all 3 of them. But this time was different, he was pretty sure that Dream was a part of MCC 24 and that made him smile.

It was just going to be another chance of him showing off his skills at Minecraft and making everyone see how much better he was than Dream. Jake dreamed sweetly about those scenarios, and to make things better for him, he got 2 of Dream's best friends on his team and they were really good in terms of PVP. They would definitely pop off in games like Battle Box, Parkour Tag, Sky Battle and definitely Survival Games.

It was going to make the job so much easier for him, and the biggest prize of all is... if he can win this MCC, it was going to be extra embarrassment for Dream especially when he has Techno, considered one of the best Minecraft players today.

If the other teams especially Dream's team doesn't go full try hard mode on them, it was a clear landslide victory for Jake.

"Oh man... today is going to be a good day baby!" Jake exclaimed as he flops back onto the bed, he was being carefree and very chill today, since he can feel the victory slowly moving itself towards his grasp.

Little does Jake know, that things are not going to go the way he expects them to... especially if Dream's around.


Whilst Dream and Bad were sizzling away some bacon, the rest of the Dream Support Team excluding Wilbur and Tubbo were having a conversation about what will happen tonight.

"Alright so which team are you on Sapnap?" Techno asked, resting both of his elbows on the table. "Well the British prick's team.." Sapnap rolled his eyes as he mentions Jake, the shocking truth that was revealed to him by Bad last night were so horrendous that from this point on, he was not even going to call Jake by his name. He was too bad of a human being to even have a name, in Sapnap's opinions.

"Okay and so is anyone else of the support team in the same team?" Niki questioned further, and instantly Sapnap replied, "There is Wilbur..."

"I need you to... throw the competition hard, plan it out with Will and since you're probably the strongest link on the team, it would be very crucial in terms of points-" Techno explained, his voice was still using the iconic monotone but yet his voice was laced with the sternness and seriousness. Sapnap nodded along as he listens carefully to Techno's instructions, basically he wants him and Wilbur to sabotage their own team, in order to make Jake lose and Dream to win.

"Our team is stacked, we basically won already at this point-" Techno joked, causing Sapnap and Niki to giggle a little bit and you wouldn't say that he was lying. Last time Dream teamed with Techno, it went absolutely perfect. It was the equivalent of pouring oil onto an already burning fire, and the result is you get a fiery team to be scared of.

"Avoid voting for games that you know your team is generally good at, and instead help our team to pick." Niki added, as she scrolls through the list of games that could potentially be played tonight although she glared at Ace Race coldly for a big while. Maybe she really needed that coaching from Dream.

"All of that wouldn't guarantee Dream winning the competition, but at least it is confirmed strategy to make Jake and his team ranked lower than him." Techno finished his explanation, cracking his knuckles emitting a loud popping sound from within his gas sockets between his bones.

"Okay, I will tell that to Wilbur and also joke about it on social media so that bitch doesn't get suspicious, k?" Sapnap said, as he slowly pulls out his phone from the pockets of his pants. Techno gave him a thumbs up of approval, and Sapnap instantly grinned. Jake would have no idea if he was messing around or being genuine, and fortunately for Dream, Sapnap was definitely being genuine

Sapnap @sapnap

Gonna throw MCC tonight, and no one is stopping me now >:)
Sorry not sorry @GeorgeNotFound @WilburSoot @crunchjake

108 Retweets 79.6K Likes 14K Replies

After that, breakfast was served once again by Dream and BadBoyHalo, they ended up making scrambled eggs and bacon again since that's the only Bad seemed to do other than Minecraft and bake muffins. Yet every time they seemed satisfied with their cooking, and that made Dream happy, although he wished he could taste his own food and see why they were so happy about it.

He almost forgot about the fact that he has high grade fever of 40 Celsius and last night he literally walked through the rain, he wasn't sure how his body is not decomposing right now but he'll take any living chances for now. He doesn't want to die just yet, he still has things to achieve and accomplish, his life will not end and his soul wouldn't be at peace if those aren't cleared and settled. One of those things includes, getting rid of Jake if possible or telling the whole truth and story about Jake, then maybe he can die happily without any regrets...

"Well then, um... I'll go and practice some MCC games, you need anything just call me!" Dream excused himself from the dining table before rushing back upstairs a second time, all of them watching the blonde slowly disappearing from their peripheral visions.


(Dream's POV)

I booted up my computer in an instant, right after I finally get to enter my room. To be honest, I wasn't feeling the greatest and I know if anyone's listening to me right now, they are probably going to be like, ' No shit Sherlock, you walked in the rain with a high grade fever, you dumb fuc-'


Well.. maybe a little but still the world is just trying to torture me at this point, so I might as well accept my fate. Although not until I accomplish the things I want to do before I die.

I logged onto Minecraft before joining the MCC practice server. I spawned in the outdoors lobby with the stairs in front of me, and almost instantly I was greeted with a bombard of people shouting my name, surrounding around my green blob character

<ItsFundy> : DREAM
<Smajor1995>: MCC has been quite dry without you around Dream, even the Noxcrew missed you

I smiled lightly at the last message sent by Scott; the tournament has been dry without me huh? Thought that Jake would be more entertaining than me, perhaps that prick didn't spread that sickness of his around too much.

<Dream> : <3

I typed out a single simple heart in response to all the messages that I received before heading to Ace Race to begin my non-stop practice spree.

Upon receiving my flying trident, I began zooming up platforms and soaring through the air with the elytra plastered on my back. In the midst of speeding through the course, my heart and my mind was focused on one objective and one objective only.

Make no mistakes and that will guarantee my victory.

I always mess up at the beginnings of Ace Races but then I'll always make it up within the second or last lap, ended up getting 6th or 7th and clearly that is not good enough, at least not enough to beat Jake.

I must get top 3 or I'll consider it as a failure, fierce competition equals stricter strategies and focusing.

But no matter what I'm winning MCC 24

So that people can stop calling me a trash player, then maybe I won't be a disappointment like how MCC 14 went.

I snickered softly at how hopeful yet stupid that thought was, what was I even saying? Being THE Dream and not get hate, fucking impossible. Hate is almost like water to me now these days, it just keeps on coming and coming without an end. The worst thing is I need to be silent about it since if I reply or even liked the damn tweet, my stans are going to rip them apart which only would give more hate.

I once was praising about how harmless they were unless they very very obsessed about me to the point of being cringe and even toxic. But now I was really contemplating on whether or not I should change my mind about them.

Pausing from Ace Race, I pulled up YouTube and logged to my second channel, DreamXD. Immediately, I went to Stans video, before hovering over the delete button.

The thought jumped around my head for a few moments, the video did gain quite a bit of notoriety. Saying how I didn't address the bad side of stans, and I would admit that they were correct. I didn't mention it because I didn't want it to become a huge problem but now I had dug myself even to a deeper hole than before.

"Maybe.. later." I muttered to myself as I closed off the tab before resuming on practicing Ace Race. It wasn't the time for recollection, and the stans has been pretty quiet ever since I vanished.

I'm sure nothing will happen... Who am I kidding? Of course, there will just have to be something happening whenever I say that.

Because the world seems to be listening to what I'm thinking and or saying, in which they will give me the exact opposite of what I wanted at their finest.

Oh wait... I HAVE to stream my performance...



Whilst Dream was busy grinding upstairs and trying his head back into the game, Sapnap had talked to Wilbur about Techno's plan.

Wilbur, Jake, Tommy and Tubbo had came downstairs, several minutes after Dream had gone into his room.

Jake was oddly in a good mood today, and greatly concerned and disturbed Bad. He held a mischievous smile, that of a person up for some delinquency.

Techno also noticed Jake's expression, in which he can only think of one explanation. Jake thinks that he and his team was going to win MCC; he snorted in amusement knowing how wrong he is and how it will be proven later tonight.

Earlier, he saw Dream's eyes burning with desire of winning when he saw the team rosters. It gave him an indication that Dream was not going to go easy on anyone this time around, and he's now off on his own practicing to his hearts desire.

Needless to say, they won't be seeing Dream in his MCC 14 form.

"You guys excited for tonight?" Jake asked gently, with an obvious fake cheery smile. Almost everyone wasn't fooled by the Brit's poor acting skills, they knew that Jake was trying to do something that was against the Dream Support Team policy.

"Y-yeah, its MCC after all, who wouldn't be excited for that!" Sapnap responded, stuttering a bit at the start of the sentence. It was his first time pretending that he knew nothing about Jake's awful truth and disgusting antics, so he will have to get used to that eventually.

"That's right my team is going to crush everyone! I have Sap, Gog and you!" Wilbur, who was now more experienced at faking his expression when talking to Jake, exclaimed loudly. Although after Jake turned his back to talk to Bad, he sent Sapnap a quick nod of confirmation that they were going to sabotage their team completely.

"Bad how about your team?" Jake continued his casual questionings, he was trying to act as normal as he could since for the last few days, he was under some super heavy supervision so he was trying to convince people especially Bad that he wasn't doing anything else wrong or up to no good, when in reality, he was always up to no good.

"Yeah my team is pretty stacked, we have two very skilled players and 2 average players!" Bad replied without thinking much, he saw the question as a harmless gesture so he had no problem answering nonchalantly, although that didn't thoroughly convince him that nothing was going to happen.

"Your breakfast is on the countertop by the way." Bad quickly shooed the British shithead away, pointing at the now cold plate of mushy scrambled eggs and dry strips of bacon. Truth be told, Dream made a plate for Jake specifically, by adding a lot of butter to the eggs and sometimes even some of the shell. As for the bacon, he didn't cook them completely so there was still some raw parts in those rations.

Bad saw Dream's actions and normally, he would prevent him or anyone from doing such things but he didn't mind this time around. He saw it as an act of revenge and he completely agreed with it. After being tortured endlessly for 3 months, Dream was more than allowed to get his revenge on Jake.

It was a cold-mannered yet well deserved revenge, according to Dream and Bad.

"Well then! Niki, Techno!" Bad called his MCC and DST team members, " do you want to go practice, because I'm going to go ahead if you don't!" he invites them both to practice together with him and both Niki and Techno saw it as a great idea.

"Yeah, I need some more Ace Race practice and coaching from Dream." Niki replied, before standing up to head upstairs. "Me too, I haven't played in ages." Techno answered, also following the same gesture.

Bad smiled at his teammates, not only will they get to have fun but doing this will also help Dream (kinda..) and perhaps they can actually give him another point?

Jake watches Bad, Niki and Techno gradually walking up the stairs together to go practice as he sighed exhaustedly, clenching both of his temple tightly in his hands. Never had he been this stressed before, Bad clearly had some sort of plan and not knowing what it is was actually scaring Jake quite a bit and he's not the type of guy to get easily scared.

Dream was slowly tailing up to him in points and if he couldn't find any way of gaining points in these few days, he was getting surpassed by Dream's points no questions asked.

That's when a marvelous idea came popping up within his head, he was always relying on Dream's weaknesses and dramas in order to gain points but what if he made up a drama himself?

What if he creates a new account on Twitter, disguising it as a Dream stan account, then start absolutely wreaking havoc on the platform by insulting anyone who dares to even touch Dream. He will basically turn into a temporary simp for his enemy to gain that last point that he needed, all the while Dream has no idea that the newly founded simp was actually his nemesis himself.

Then he can claim about how Dream stans are out of control and then use them against Dream. It was a risky yet doable idea and if he pulls it off, it might be effective enough for him to gain that point.

Jake giggled underneath his breath, as he goes onto Twitter and creates another account and spooning some of the over buttered scrambled eggs that Dream had made specially for him.

As he chewed, Jake gagged at the texture of the eggs, never had he ever eaten something so buttery and moist. He spat out the eggs, throwing it into the trash.

"Fucking disgusting..." Jake muttered, perfectly describing himself in the process as he succeeds in creating a second account as an extremely obsessive Dream stan. After that, it was time to create chaos and then it was just a matter of time until Dream gets cancelled yet again.

"Good luck... Dream" Jake maliciously whispered, laughing in a low tone with a gaze filled laced with evil. He was more than assured that this was the actual ending of their waging war, with him earning the last point, one last time.


Dream was unaware of the thunderstorm that was heading towards his way, as he was extremely distracted and focused on a game of Battle Box. He was currently fighting against the whole team of Aqua Axolotls, surprisingly despite having a major disadvantage, in terms of numbers, Dream still won quite a lot of matches.

He wasn't sure if it whether it was the burning rage he had against Jake and the determination that he currently possesses or that Aqua wasn't actually really trying but either way he wishes that he keeps up this kind of performance when the real tournament starts.

Antfrost whispers to you  : Damn Dream, you are a sweaty try hard. Who hurt you D: ?

Dream glanced at the message Ant had privately messaged him, he stifled out a laugh of anger and disappointment. He wasn't sure on how to reply to that question other than to just stay quiet, because he was definitely not going to tell Ant that it was him and all of his friends that hurt him even though it was painfully true.

Yet Dream found it kind of rude to straight up ignore a caring friend's message, so he decided to reply but not to answer the question. He typed up a response quickly on his keyboard, the clacking sounds of his fingers against the button echoed throughout his whole room. It was essentially ASMR for the sleeping Patches, who was napping peacefully in her cat bed.

You whispered to Antfrost: I'm fine Ant! Hahaha, sorry if I was being sweaty >_< haha

Dream's gaze lingered at the message that he sent, he hoped that the suspiciousness of the text doesn't really shine to Ant that much especially since he didn't want them to get involved with him as well. No one really should have in the first place.

He was way too much of a burden from the start so no one should really even care about him,  no wants to deal with him and his broken self.

He went onto playing more Battle Box with Aqua before briefly switching to Parkour Tag. Whilst he was waiting for people to fill in for a game, he saw three new commands being placed in chat.

BadBoyHalo joined the game
Technoblade joined the game
Nihachu joined the game

Dream lifted up a soft smile as he sees, in the distance, three of his teammates running and punching the air energetically towards him. He was still glad to see that his friends were still as jovial as they were before.

< BadBoyHalo > : Dream vc

Upon reading Bad's message, a Discord notification rang on his computer. Checking it, he discovers that Bad had sent him a link to the call, in which he presses join almost instantly.

"Hello." Dream greeted, testing his microphone a couple of times. He was then later greeted by the other 3 people in the group call.

"So what should we do first?" Niki popped out a simple question, presumably for Dream to choose for them since they wanted Dream to feel as involved as ever in which indeed was working effectively.

Dream felt quite oddly warm and it wasn't because of the high grade fever that he still had swimming around in his systems. His chest blossomed with joy and his face grew a tiny smile.

It was still odd to see people talking to him after 3 long months of silence, he almost basically forgot how to socially interact with people.

"Uh.. I guess Ace Race, because then I can help Niki with improving her skill as well." Dream answered reasonably yet randomly. He chose Ace Race because it was the first thing on his mind and second, he can help Niki with the game and give their team an additional boost of coins.

Dream, despite being gone from the MCC community for 3 whole months, he still watched their stream VODS on how they do.

He noticed each of their frustration, mostly Niki with Ace Race but he never decided to send a text. After all, it seemed pretty useless at that point in time, knowing that his text messages would probably be ignored, so why should he bother?

It was funny how he cared, when they didn't.

"Alright Ace Race it is!" Bad chirped as he quickly sprinted to the Ace Race practice zone, whilst Niki playfully groaned and Techno remained silent. Dream quickly followed them into the zone, regaining back his trident once he re-entered Ace Race.

He tried his best to smile as he realizes of how nostalgic this was; he was playing with his friends without Jake for once, no voices bothering him and nothing was stopping him and them from having a blast practicing MCC.

It was a moment of temporary bliss for Dream and he needed to treasure it all in his heart as much as he can absorb like tomorrow doesn't exist. He began to let the nostalgia that was blossoming around him seep into his body and mind, gradually closing his eyes and leaning back against his chair. Chills ran down head to heels, smile drew wider and happiness grew larger.

"Dream-" Techno tried to call him through but was quickly ushered quiet by Bad and Niki, they watched him as his character stood still, trident in hand. The feelings made Dream's heart warm and feel lighted up, it even brought a tear to his eye.

How many times now has he cried to himself? Too many to keep track of, and although Dream still doesn't like crying, he might let this one occasion as somewhat exceptional.

"S-sorry, anyways let's start shall we?" Dream broke free of his emotions, resuming to the game with his friends. They flung and flew themselves across the course with their trident and elytra strewn across their backs.

Techno sped through the course fairly quickly whilst Bad experience some minor struggles but still moderately completed a lap whilst Niki was having trouble with aiming where to go with her trident and maintaining suitable altitudes to land.

Luckily this time around, Dream was stopping by each section to help her and guide assistance for her struggles. After several laps of struggling and multiple laps finished by Bad and Techno, Niki was starting to get comfortable with the aiming and precision, all thanks to her great friend Dream.

"Oh my god! I'm actually doing good at Ace Race!" Niki let out a excited squeal, clapping rapidly over her progress. "Gosh I want to hug you so badly, Dream. Thank you!"

Dream smiled the whole way through although his friends couldn't see it, which was a bummer since very rarely do they get to see Dream genuinely smiling rather than faking one up. The joy was bursting out like fireworks at the 4th of July, he was more than proud with himself being able to improve someone's skill at Minecraft or anything even. At least it was going to leave a mark on someone when he dies... wait he doesn't want that when he actually dies...

Dream's joy and happiness stopped shining brightly as he was dawning on a revelation. He was only going to get more attached to them if he continues like this, and if he wants to end his life then he must channel out all positive feelings or emotions out and never let them back in.

It was just the right thing to do.

Bad, Techno and Niki stopped on what they were doing, a deafening silence had fallen upon everyone in the voice call and the 3 of them hated it. Dream was unusually silent or should they say usually by now? He was unresponsive to all calls and compliments after a while. They thought it would make the blonde feel significantly better and yet all they received was dead silence from him.

"Dream, you there?" Techno hit Dream's character several time with the trident but yet the character wouldn't budge. He found this situation very similar to when he filmed the 2 vs 9 manhunt, where Dream was also unresponsive on their nether bridge.

Techno knew what Dream was doing, he was channeling his thoughts in and out of body and most likely, he was throwing all of the happiness that he was experience away. The pig hybrid character had no doubt that that was going on, instantly he messaged Bad and Niki through their group chat.

Dream Support Team ( 6 members )

Dream is trying to block out anything that gives him happiness, he believes that he shouldn't have it.

What did you guys do?

We only gave him compliments, that's it.


We'll try our best to make him warm up to us, you do your own part, Sapnap and also Wilbur too

Heard. We'll throw as much as we can.



"Guys uh sorry Patches was just scratching my leg so I needed to put her on the bed haha." Dream replied after minutes of uncomfortable silence, laughing dryly towards the end of his sentence. Although his reason was somewhat believable, it wasn't convincing to Bad, Niki nor Techno; they knew he was definitely lying and it shows.

However, they did not say a word about it as they didn't want to pressure and break him completely. It was more of hurting him rather than actually helping him. They let him continue on with his fake happiness act, at least it will make him feel better than paying Dream actual compliments.

They went onto TTGTOSAWAF, Dream spending hours on making sure that everyone on his team had the familiarity of every course and was comfortable with navigation. After that they spent most of their time on Build Mart, and needless to say Dream wasn't having any fun at all. He hated Build Mart with a burning passion but perhaps he hated Jake more than the game itself.

But he put the hatred aside as he finds the game more important than ever, this was his weakest game and if he struggles on this game, it would not look good. So without his burning passion, he grinded fiercely on Build Mart, all the while his teammates were looking at him. They never knew that Dream wanted to win this bad just to top over someone he hates to the core of his heart.

Dream remained focused as his phone was slowly blowing up with Twitter notifications, signaling the chaos ensuing on the platform due to a particular individual tampering with his fanbase..


Jake laughed darkly as he watches the newly drama that was created by him slowly getting out of hand. He watches as the Dream stans fall for his trap, concocting up one powerful blow to Dream's reputation.

"Dude what are you looking at?" Sapnap's voice suddenly came up from behind, looking over Jake's head to see what was displaying on his screen. The Brit's blood ran cold, he wasn't aware at all that there was someone behind him. He began to worry, what if Sapnap was spying on him all the time, if then this plan will completely be blown out of the waters like the hot wings operation.

"Dream stans are crazy dude." Jake joked, laughing nervously as he shows the curious Texan teenager his phone. He gulped down the anxiety as he watches Sapnap thoroughly scanning the post and the hundreds of comments left by the stans.

"Yeah dude, sometimes it's just like that." Sapnap shrugged, handing back his phone to Jake. The British fuckboy sighed in relief, he was more than glad that Sapnap didn't suspect anything out of the ordinary.

"Wait." Sapnap grabbed Jake's wrist, gluing his grip tightly to his hand. His voice was stern and scary almost like a parent trying to scold their child. "Was that the same pfp on your phone?" a simple question yet it hit just the right spot for Jake to begin panicking. He forgot that they can check his profile and since he hasn't logged out of his second Dream stan account, he was going to be more than fucked.

"Wha? What are you talking about?" Jake grinned, trying to play dumb and oblivious to the obvious statement Sapnap had asked. "Dude don't give me this bullshit." Sapnap spat as he snatches Jake's phone right out of his right hand, before immediately opening Twitter back  up.

The blue loading screen popped, reflecting against Sapnap's face; he didn't notice that Jake's face was turning pale in horror with the knowledge that he was about to expose for a small careless mistake that he made.

'Fuck.. NOOOOOO!!' Jake cursed in his head as Sapnap's face lit up in anger and shock, slowly tilting his head to face him.

"Mind explaining what this is?" Sapnap turned the phone screen towards Jake, showing him his made up Dream stan account with the name : DreamISBest

Jake remained unresponsive, for the first time, he was scared of doing anything even talking seemed like such a hurdle for him to cross and jump over. Sapnap remained unfazed by Jake's crumbling confidence as he decides to make the situation a bit more... public.

"YO! You guys come over here!" Sapnap called the others that were present in the living room; Tommy, George, Wilbur and Tubbo all rushed to his side and was revealed by Sapnap the intentions of Jake.

"Jake. What the hell man?" Tommy berated, despite being a couple years younger than Jake he wasn't going to let the age difference stop him from saying what was wrong. "Why are trying to make Dream gain notoriety?" George followed up with his question, his usual cheery voice tone turned into a serious dark one.

Wilbur and Tubbo crossed their arms, glaring at the sweating face of Jake. In fact all of them were sending death glares to the British troublemaker with the exception of George and Tommy, who didn't give him the same glare but a look of confusion and disapproval.

"I don't know what you have against Dream, but this is not acceptable behavior." Wilbur muttered, shaking his head and biting his lips.

It was one of those rare moments where Jake was cornered by multiple people at once and the first time that he was cornered by the remaining people that were still a bit on his side, but something tells him that the remaining 2 people that he still had in power wasn't going to last very long.

"Sorry to interrupt guys, but this is something that is crossing the line." Sapnap formally apologized, bowing down and everything just to show how serious and major Jake's mistake was. Jake was very annoyed with himself, how could he slip up such a mistake he didn't know but it was still a big slip up on his end and he was now going to pay the prices for it.

"Not on my watch pal." Sapnap whispers as he walk passes Jake to get his laptop, mockingly patting Jake's shoulder on the way through. Jake was pissed yet he couldn't be pissed at Sapnap or the others, since he had no valid reason to be.

"Ah fuck man! Opportunity fricking wasted.." Jake pouted as he sits down on the dining table, pounding his fist onto the table lightly, he had just wasted such a good chance of gaining the last point because of his imprudence but little does he know that even though he won't be getting any points this time, the actions that he had made will affect Dream in the future.

The Break O' Meter

George - 94 %

Tommy - 89%


Sapnap joined the game
GeorgeNotFound joined the game
Tubbo joined the game
TommyInnit joined the game
WilburSoot joined the game

Dream and his team glanced at the group of people that had suddenly joined the practice server, his face drew a quick smile at how Jake was the only one absent, maybe he can finally play with ALL of his friends without the damn British fuck floating around and annoying him all the time.

NO No no. He can't be having thoughts like this, he was only going to get attached to them even more, and with his dark intentions clear having wishful thinking was not in the qualifications. Dream instantly hid away the smile with his normal frown and gloomy expression that he had for the past 3 months.

< TommyInnit > Techno duel me in Battle Box, I am going to show you my manly powers

< Technoblade > sure thing child.

Yet Dream couldn't but to let out a small giggle, seeing his friends interact with each other even if he wasn't a part of it. He couldn't be the main in every show, he can't expect to get the spotlight casted upon him every time because it will show him as an attention seeker, selfish and a pathetic human. Wanting all eyes to fall on him was just unacceptable, at least in his thought process at the time.

Speaking of time, Dream glanced at the clock on his phone and it reads: 15: 49

'Damn almost 4 in the afternoon?!'  Dream was shocked by how fast time flew when he felt like he hasn't even done much for today other than moping around in front of his computer all day long.

"Maybe just one more practice run of Battle Box and then I'll stop.." Dream muttered to himself before putting his hands and fingers on his keyboard and mouse. As he was playing and absolutely destroying everyone who dueled him, he tried his best not to let any of the happiness seep into his body. It had its moment but now it was time for him to throw the rest of it away since... he really didn't deserve it did he?

After a couple of games were finished, in which Dream's team mostly dominated with only few instances where they actually lost due to either Dream being AFK for no apparent reason or simple mistakes such as being too aggressive but either way it looked like Dream would do fairly well if Battle Box is ever picked tonight.

Sapnap, Wilbur, and Tubbo took mental notes of which games they will be picking in order to be in favor of Dream's team, one of them is definitely going to Battle Box for sure.

Dream yawned and stretched his limbs and legs in his seat, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. Perhaps he will log off and rest for a bit before going back for the real deal?

Crunch joined the game

Yep. He's definitely going to go and have a rest, if he wasn't intending to do it in the first place. Without any hesitation, Dream instantly logged off and left the game right when Jake came through to the server. He wasn't ready to put up with any bullshit especially since because he got zero sleep last night after walking aimlessly around Florida.

He leaves his room and instantly heads over to the place where he believes that could potentially help him to ease with exhaustion and the pain he has been receiving all this time. Outside.

Oddly enough, Bad Techno and Niki also had the same thought process as Dream as they also logged off immediately once Jake arrived. They just didn't want to  practice with him and they were sure that Dream wasn't going to be pleased nor happy if he saw any of them playing with Jake.

"Let's do our best tonight alright guys?" Niki said last thing in the voice chat before leaving with Bad and Techno humming in response. She beamed out a bright smile as she exits the call and her room.

Going downstairs, she was expecting to see Dream but what she didn't expect for him to be outside again, at least it wasn't at a highway bridge this time around. Dream was chilling on one of his backyard seat swings, rocking himself softly.

'That looks like fun..' Niki thought to herself, as she decides to join Dream and provide him some company so that he won't feel like he was alone. That way, at least he will that he will still have her by his side. ( that sounded so wrong-)

"Hey Dream!" Niki calls out to the lone blonde Floridian sitting on the seat swings in a bright cheery tone. Although her cheeriness fell on deaf ears as the recipient seemed to move not an inch or even at all, it quickly washed away her gentle smile on her face. Something wasn't quite right...

In reality, Dream flinched at hearing Niki's voice from behind. Out of all people he did not expect for her to come outside and greet him, nevertheless he stayed completely silent, letting her words fall flat.

As rustlings of grass and the crunching of dried leaves drew nearer from behind his back, he was trying his best to not to break his demeanor of channeling all positive emotions. He was sure that Niki was here to either add some more of those emotions, in hopes of making him feel a bit better or she was here to talk about some stuff, presumably about him.

"Hey Dream..." Niki calls him again, this time in a more softer tone but with the cheery no longer present in her voice. He hated himself for how he was hurting them unintentionally yet he couldn't do anything about it; if he let the emotions seep in, he will have a much harder time to end his life but at the same time he doesn't want them to worry about him.

The German 19 year old sat beside the 21 year old American, peering over to glance at his face. Dream's face was very pale almost like a ghost, which would probably indicate on how close he is to dying. Darkened circles and bags formed around both of his emerald eyes, making those beautiful orbs look rather polluted.

"Dream... what's wrong.." Niki gently asked, grabbing his hand and giving it a light assuring squeeze in a message of saying, 'it's okay to talk to me about everything.'

Dream took notice of her intention and instantly he had to restrain himself from doing so, he had let out too much information already, with countless slip ups and intentional explanations when he was cornered . He couldn't afford to let anymore information slide out of his mouth, especially with one last dark secret intention of his. If he had let it out, he swears that Niki would probably go crazy and literally pass out from extreme shock. Suicide is that much of a strong topic.

"Dream... please.." Niki pleaded further, this time using Dream's weakness to her advantage. She had done it before and took a mental note of it since; Dream has a weakness for puppy eyes, the pair of eyes that looked so pleading to the point that anyone would ended giving them whatever they want.

Although she knew that doing it often wasn't an ideal lifestyle but this time it was necessary, for her sake and for Dream's sake.

She formed the usual puppy eyes, drilling those pair of pupils into Dream's. The Floridian was taken aback, he forgot that she knew his weakness and it was her best tactic to make him open his shell but he had learned a thing or two since the finger cutting incident happened.

Dream closes his eyes shut, pretending that he didn't see the attempts made by Niki to make him open up to her as he hums and mentally sings a tune at the top of his head. He was trying his best not to get attached again, since after all 3 months prior they had detached themselves from him.

Niki sadly looks up into the sky with defeat, she wasn't expecting Dream to be this pertinacious. She leans her head unconsciously onto Dream's shoulder turning it into her pillow, tiny cluster of crystal clear shiny tears began pricking at the sides of her eyes.

"Why do you keep pushing us away, Dream?" she questions out loud, potentially hoping on making Dream answer but yet he remained silent without uttering a word, the tune he was humming to drown her out suddenly came to a stop and everything including nature was came to silent halt.

Dream asked the question to himself, why was he running away from everyone, when he could've told everyone about his problem?

'Because no one will listen...' Dream answered himself, fighting back against the question that were invading and breaking his guise of sternness. He asked himself another question: Well they were now listening to him, then why was he reluctant to tell them everything or even anything?

"because I don't want them to worry about me..' Dream responded to himself yet again, he felt he was going insane; here he was, sitting outside answering question that was given by himself all the while having his sweet friend crying into his shoulder. What a mess of a predicament...

Niki began sniffling, and the urge of crying worsened for Dream. It seemed the more he resisted, the more his body wanted to weep out and spill all of the sadness from his eyes. Dream remained expressionless although a single teardrop escaped his eyes, sliding down his face and leaving an evident trace.

The silence that was occasionally broken by sometimes muted and sometimes notable sobs, was completely broken when another pair of hurried footsteps were sprinting towards the two crying individuals.

"Dream, I was wondering where you.... are..." Bad and Techno rushed outside to Dream as they wondering where the two had gone after their MCC practices and judging by their shocked expressions and sharp inhalations of air, they were probably not expecting for the both of them to have their own little cry and sob session.

"What happened Niki?" Techno questioned, concern lacing in his words. He looked pitifully at the silent weeping Dream and the softly crying Niki, the image that he was seeing pained him. Chills ran down both Bad and Techno's bodies as they waited patiently for their awaited answer.

"I- I just wanted to know what else was wrong, b-but Dream just keeps pushing us away.." Niki muttered after calming down, wiping her eyes clean from the tears that couldn't stop. Her words slowly stabbed Dream like a thousand blades piercing through his body at once. Immense pain rang in his heart, rippling waves of guilt splashing against his mental well being.

fuck. Fuck . . . FUCK

"I'm so fucking sorry..." Dream apologized as the guiltiness overran him completely, he raises his hands to cover his face in embarrassment. He had caused them so much pain just by being a burden in their lives, a useless human being , an obstacle that was hard to cross over.

Although things were just only descending from bad to worse...

As Dream went to cover his with hands, his arms vertically lifted which caused gravity to force the sleeves of his lime green hoodie to fall down, revealing Dream's darkest secret.

Techno, Bad and Niki sharply gasped at the sudden reveal: his left wrist was wrapped with crimson stained bandages. Dream knew that his sleeves had failed him, now everything can go only in one direction only.. worse

"P-please don't tell anybody..." Dream hopelessly pleaded to the 3 witnesses who stood frozen still at the unexpected twist that Dream had revealed about himself. All of them had thought of it once but assured themselves that their friend wouldn't do such a thing, but today's evening proved them all wrong.

Bad, Niki and Techno carefully pull Dream into an embrace filled with care and support. "We won't tell anyone Dream, we promise." Bad whispered, his voice muffled as he buries his face into Dream's green hoodie and they meant it. They will not tell this secret to anyone else including the rest of the Dream Support Team members until he was ready to open up.

It was a wish that Dream pleaded, and he more than deserves for it to happen.

One minute everything was all fun and games, then all crumbled into a sobbing mess. Isn't it crazy just how fast things can change?


"So how are we going to throw without making ourselves suspicious?" Wilbur asked Sapnap, punching rapidly at his character. They, George, Tubbo, Tommy and Jake were still on the practice server, grinding for their best performance.

"Well we need to do good in some games, not all just so we can divert any attention from us like: Huh why is Sapnap doing so bad this time around?" Sapnap gave an example, and Wilbur's character nodded in understanding. They didn't need to dominate like other times, they just needed to play below their average performance. That way, no will suspect a thing, maybe some viewers who are really observative might catch on, but those kinds of people makes up about 2 percent of their streams so they were practically in the clear.

"Okay, fair enough." Wilbur replied, typing on his keyboard to message Tubbo about their strategy tonight. Earlier, whilst Dream and Niki were having their emotional breakdown outside, they have decided to constantly message each other through their Discord group chat called: "The Dream Support Movement"

In the group chat, contained every member of the DST excluding Dream for obvious reasons. There, they will be giving each other constant updates on how their team is doing and what is Jake's intentions at that moment.

Everyone though admitted, that this was sort of scuffed for the MCC but Dream was significantly more important than a golden winner's coin. They were putting everything on the line with the risk of getting caught by Jake, but it was a worthy attempt on having Dream winning over Jake.

They have seriously affected and fractured their relationship with Dream, (well at least most of them... *cough* George and Tommy *cough cough*), and they knew that they were partially at fault but Bad had repeated to them multiple times that: anything is possible if you still intend on doing it.

Even if they were 3 months late, perhaps they were still in time for a change of heart?

Dream Support Movement ( 3 members online, 3 members offline)

Wilbur: Tub, so basically you don't have to play necessarily bad but you will have to play just below your average, to avoid any suspicions from Jake or observant viewers, although you're not on our team.

Tubbo: Okay, hopefully Tommy don't berate too much or make the DanTDM look too bad D:

Sapnap: No need to worry about them Tubbo, our main concern right now is Dream.

Tubbo: But we need to recruit George and Tommy as well yeah???

Wilbur: I'm not sure we can do anything about them right now, since we're not allowed to Discord with other team members

Sapnap: Yeah, this is already illegal as shit-

Tubbo: Screw them rules, am I right?! >:D

Wilbur: Lol, you always know how to make the situation lighter :)

Tubbo : >:)

Sapnap leaned back into the spare gaming chair that Dream had in his room; he glances at his phone to check for any new updates and news on Twitter. First thing he saw was the same "drama" that Jake had created himself, in an attempt of ruining and cancelling Dream. The post was still not getting a lot of attention, so he quickly passed by the tweet assuming that it will eventually be deleted by Jake himself due to the lack of interaction it was receiving.

Next thing he noticed was his massive inbox of DMs, there were more than 700 directed to him and oddly enough he thought that it was only fans of his who were begging for him to follow them back but when he really checked, he found something else.

Hundreds of people were texting to him about Dream.

SoapIsNice : Yo SappyNappy! I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but I've been wanting to ask, where is Dream? He hasn't been quite active since October and to this day he's being relatively quiet on streams and videos. Something wrong?

Sapnap read through a couple of the messages, all he read were sent with the question in mind... where is Dream?

The Texan 19 year old flopped onto his bed as he began to reflect on what he had done for the past 3 months...

He had no recollection of spending time with Dream from October to December; mainly because Jake was introduced and at first glance he thought he was a nice and cool dude. So he played with Jake everyday, sometimes with George or even some sleepy bois. However he never invited Dream to play, and to be honest he also didn't know why.

It was just at that moment, Jake was so like Dream but without the ego and added the humbleness. He also remembered once calling Jake a better version of Dream, in which recently he regretted and wished that he could take that back. Sure Dream sometimes can be a bit annoying with his pride and confidence but that is what makes Dream to be Dream.

'Alright dude just remember that we will always be here for you..' Sapnap remembered clearly the words that he said to Dream last night. When he thought about it twice, he didn't even deserve to say that. He wasn't there for his friend at all until he was in a critical condition, that was when he started realizing.

He wasn't there for him for 3 WHOLE MONTHS as he was smiling and laughing away with his newly found so-called friend whilst leaving his childhood friend alone in the darkness. Tears swelled in his eyes as the grave mistakes that he had made began to haunt him, he never meant to do or inflict any harm to anyone yet he did to his friend.

Dream was the one who really launched Sapnap to where he was right now and praising someone who was clearly worse than him was definitely not the way he should treating him back. Although he should have realized that fact months ago... not now where everything was slowly beginning to fall apart.

'I'm sorry Clay... I swear I will fix you alongside the others and never leave you alone ever again.'

Whilst Sapnap was upstairs moping about his choices, back downstairs...

Dream and company had came back inside after spending almost an hour weeping silently outside with the 3 of his friends, still a bit shaken up by the sudden reveal of the cuts on his wrists. Even though Bad had promised that he will keep his word and will not anyone about it until he was ready to announce the secrets that he beheld, he wasn't entirely trusting Bad.

Due to the major mistakes that even Bad had somehow made, it caused the relationship and the trust between him and his friends to severely fracture and on the brink of shattering into a million pieces.

Despite the trust that he still had left in all of them, it just wasn't enough for him to not be skeptical about their promise.

"Should we open stream early?" Bad popped up an idea out of the blue, breaking the tense silence that was enveloping between them. Techno shrugged whilst Niki happily agreed, after that all eyes fell onto Dream. He felt kind of uncomfortable being locked under such heavy yet gentle gazes of his friends.

"Uh... sure." Dream replied, creating a fake smile on his face although this time it wasn't hidden very well. Bad, Niki and Techno stared at Dream worriedly, they didn't like the tone of his face at all, it makes them thing of unnecessary yet scary thoughts of what is going on inside Dream's head and thinking process.

"Guys... I'm not going to cut anymore, I don't even have anything sharp in the room." Dream confessed, throwing his arms up in an act of innocence. Bad nodded and was happy about himself, he did the right thing by taking all of the sharp tools and objects from Dream's grasp, who knows what could he do if he didn't confiscate them away...

Techno released an exhale of relief, and so did Niki. They were all of paranoid of Dream's slightest action since after they have the knowledge that he was suicidal. They will have to enhance their attention on him more tightly, after all they were his friend and they don't want to lose him.

"I'll get the stream started..." Dream said after a long staring contest, issued by him and the other 3, "and I'll catch on with you all later!" he clapped his hand before disappearing off into his room.

"Alright..." Techno began, taking the role of the leader this time around, " remember your roles, we will have to try as hard as we can. Communicate with the other through the Discord chat." the monotonic voice explained, going over the important instructions and rules. This will be their biggest push yet...

"Tonight we are going to do our best... for Dream." Techno started, raising his right arm and hand, curling his fist up into a mighty ball. "FOR DREAM!" Bad and Niki cheered, mimicking after Techno's action.

"For Dream!" suddenly three new voices appeared from the stairs; Wilbur, Tubbo and Sapnap had their hands up as well, signifying the heavy bonds, teamwork and determination they had for Dream.

All of them crept out a smile, the wonderful expression plastered on all of their faces; they were going to give this particular MCC their best and their all for their one and only... Dreamwastaken


In his room, Dream was preparing his recording setup to be efficiently working. It has been quite a whilst since he had genuinely used the microphone and his computer, not counting the very short stream that he had over a week ago.

Upon opening up his searching browser, once again Dream began having second thoughts. It was almost like deja vu, he was in the same chair, in front of the same monitor with the same tools littered on his desk.

He was scared to say the least of going live, he remembered clearly that last time didn't go very well after his stream was cut short by a hateful death-related comment that he saw at the corner of his eye and to make matters worse, he needed to stream his POV, otherwise it would be quite weird for anyone looking forward to see his perspective of the game.

Dream sighed exhaustedly, as he realizes that there was no way out of the situation other than to actually grow a pair and stream in front of a live audience. With shaking fingers, he typed Twitch onto his search bar before going to his profile.

The cursor yet again circulated around the 'Go Live' button. His heart was pounding rapidly as he was making up his mind for his final choice. Go Live or Not Go Live...

If he went live, people were probably going to send death threats to him and that was already not pleasant by itself, but to compound the matter, it will affect his concentration on the game and his feelings, making his performance to gradually lower in skill and Jake easily passing him.

However if he didn't do such a thing and played the event without any streaming services, people would probably call him out for cheating if he did too good, or found it weird for him not to stream his perspective of the tournament. Both of which were not really ideal to Dream either way.

He let out a sharp exhale as he makes his final decision, grasping on his mouth before lifting up his index finger slightly to apply soft pressure onto his left mouse button.

Dream went live!: MCC 19 ( Dream's POV)

Dream quietly watches in fear as the viewer count quickly skyrockets into tuple digits, oh gosh a lot of people were watching right now.

'Oh fuck me. shit shit shit shit' Dream internally panicked, biting his fingers in a worry. He never felt this anxious from streaming yet here he was, losing his marbles and fearing for his life. How pathetic....

"H-hi hello." Dream notoriously stuttered as he makes his opening and greetings to the stream chat. His voice was breaking and quivering almost like he was on the verge of tears. Fighting down the panic rising up in his body, he composes himself to be as neutral and natural as he can be.

He only wished that he wasn't going to be a disappointment.

"MCC Day! Are you guys ready for some MCC action? Yes right now.." Dream tried his best to sound like himself, and surprisingly he was doing quite well at masking his own emotions, despite being terrible at hiding it for the last few days that had passed.

Dream opened up on the server lists on his Minecraft, right now it was 6 in the evening and normally the MCC server will be opened an hour early for the participants to join. Dream clicked on the server and was almost immediately teleported to the main outdoors lobby where there were a few people running around the place.

He was the fourth person to join the server with HBomb, Tommy, Fundy and Ranboo arriving earlier than him.

Whilst waiting for the other players and his teammates to join the server and the Discord, it might be best for him to at least and try to entertain his audience, so they won't get suspicious of why he was being so quiet although it was a common occurrence on his podcasts.

"So how are you guys doing?" Dream popped a question for his viewers to spam through the chat, and in which they did as upon hearing Dream's voice, the chat was quickly with short answers of how each of their day has been.

There were a lot of yes and a few no(s), some even told him that because he streamed today their day was automatically better. Those comments came in every once and a while, it made Dream beam out a small smile and even a light chuckle although he made sure the compliment made its way out from his heart and body. It was best not to get attached...

Dream tried his best to ignore the compliments and the concerned questions from some of the viewers, but he didn't have to worry no more about those. They wouldn't exist any longer.

As he asked more questions, more and more players were joining the server at a constant pace with two to five players every 10 minutes. That was also when his phone began vibrating, with the notification that he had set for Discord, he can only guess that either Techno, Niki or Bad was messaging to get him into the Pink Parrots' Discord call.

Without any hesitation, he joins the conversation in silence. "Yo..." Techno greeted Dream and his livestream chat in a low monotonic voice which was contradicted by Bad and Niki's energetic, lively hellos and introductions. His chat instantly spammed 3 of their names and even Winner's POV at occasional segments.

"We are going to winnn!!" Techno shouted, raising his voice from his monotone a bit although it doesn't sound that different in Dream's opinion.

Amongst the basic chitter chatter between Dream and the rest of Pink Parrots, Techno quietly got on another Discord chat and typed out a single message.

Dream Support Movement (6 members online)

Techno : Everyone ready?

He asked a question for everyone's preparation, in which he received replies almost instantly with numerous dings of Discord.

Sapnap: Ready

Wilbur: Ready

Bad: Ready

Niki: Ready

Tubbo: Ready

Techno grinned, cracking his knuckles. This was going to be one hell of a MCC.


After 15 more minutes of talking and chilling, they were notified by the Noxcrew that everyone had joined and that the competition is about to begin in 3 minutes. Dream's heartbeat accelerated, the adrenaline was leaking out into his body although he had a tinge of anxiety swimming around in his chest.

'It's going to be fine... everything is going to be just fine.' Dream told himself, chanting the two sentences on an endless loop. There he goes again... with his daily dose of tricking himself, he knew deep down that something had to go down and unfortunately, he was indeed truly correct on that one.

Dream breathed in and out heavily and loudly, the nervousness getting the best of him. Drumming his fingers on his desk, he was hoping that the performance that he put up during the practice still remained in his veins otherwise he might be embarrassing himself once again like MCC 14.

He did not want that piece of history to be repeated for a second time.

Strands of his dirty blonde hair fluttered back and forth as he rocks himself around in his gaming chair. The giant numbers gradually ticked now at its own pace, causing the anticipation to rise amongst the competitors especially for the Pink Parrots, two members of Yellow Yaks and a single member of Cyan.

The counter reached single digit numbers before a loud airhorn blares across the server signifying the grand opening of MCC 19 and also Dream's returning debut to the event. Dream's breath hitched in his throat as the loud horns took him by surprise, he hasn't even mentally calmed down yet and now the contest is starting.

Everyone was sprinting across the recently drawn over bridge into the decision dome, leaving him alone to be stranded outside. Now he looks like a complete idiot, not knowing what to do , clueless as fuck.

He was too zoned out to hear his teammates, Bad, Niki or Techno calling out to him. They were yelling about how they were all waiting for him to come into the decision dome.

(Admin) Noxite: Dream you okay bud? The games are starting.

Even one of the Noxcrew members was reminding to hurry the shit up, gosh he was such a mess, always ruining things or slow processes down. Even if anyone wanted to deny, he is and always will be a burden on everyone's shoulder.

"Ah! Sorry everyone, zoned out hahaha." Dream reasoned, laughing dryly to divert any suspicious attention. Needless to say, his facade was starting to break and he was starting to show his real emotions out and his viewers were starting to catch onto his odd behavior.

Dream sprinted his way into the decision dome, just in time for the first round of chicken voting.

"Alright we want our better games to be played later, like Battle Box or Survival Games so that our coins can multiplied." Dream stated, whilst the others listened to him intently. They all nodded their character's head as they all threw their eggs at the section for Hole in the Wall.

With 4 votes on Hole in the Wall from the Pink Parrots, Dream can only hope for the other teams to follow through with his strategy. Across from his Pink Parrots tube, the Yellow Yaks tube was opposite of him and clearly he can see George, Wilbur, Sapnap and the annoying British little shit that he hated so much jumping around merrily.

'I bet they are having a great time.' Dream grumbled as he bored holes into all 4 of them, he bets they were going to pick a game, based on what Jake commands because that is what he is... a fucking dictator.

Jake threw his egg onto Battle Box and so did George although to Dream's surprise, Sapnap and Wilbur didn't follow Jake's lead, instead they seemed to mimic Dream's strategy as well by throwing their eggs to Hole in the Wall.

"Sapnap what the fuck!" Jake swore, suddenly having the balls to curse on stream. He wasn't happy with what Sapnap and Wilbur did. He had clearly instructed for them to vote Battle Box first, so that Dream's better games can be wiped out of the tournament first, and then they can vote Build Mart later where the coins multiply in their cost and Pink Parrots will basically be toast.

"We need to earn coins at the start dude and Hole in the Wall is the most neutral game to earn it!" Sapnap defended himself and Wilbur, they were not going to be tolerating such vulgar language from someone who did so much wrong in his life. He did not have the right to yell at them or even raising his voice in the slightest.

"Yeah Jake, we are one of the better teams on Battle Box so we would prefer to play it later." Wilbur added, also defending his own and Sapnap's actions which angered Jake even more, to him it didn't matter as long as Dream didn't win.

"But Dream-" Jake tried yet again to reason with the topic of Dream, but was immediately shut down by a sudden outburst from an unexpected individual.

"Jake stop, what is your obsession with Dream? Like seriously, its getting annoying. Just play the game and try to win, stop worrying about Dream" George berated, astonishingly taking on the offensive role instead of Sapnap and Wilbur. Jake was no way near prepared for George's sudden attack on him, despite seeing George following his lead on voting for Battle Box, he still yelled at him for his weird obsession on Dream.

Dream Support Movement (6 members online)

Sapnap: George looks like he's starting to break free, this might be looking rather hopeful.

Bad: Good, Tubbo what about Tommy how's he doing?

Tubbo: Toms is just chatting happily with DanTDM, although I'm pretty sure he mentioned something about Dream.

Techno: Not bad everyone. Remember to try and play below your usual average, k?

Niki: Got it :D

Game 1/8 : Hole in the Wall

(also don't worry I won't go into a lot of detail for every game, since I know some of yall will probably skip the whole section either way.)

The first game was universally picked to be Hole in the Wall and Dream was pretty pleased about it. He can start off his performance with a game that isn't too hard or too easy. After sitting through the tutorial on how to play, Dream and his teammates spawned on the platform, in the middle of four directional walls.

"Alright, communication is key for this game and be sure to turn very quickly after you've gone through a wall." Dream gave them a quick final rundown of what to do before the countdown began to start the game.

The game began and the walls moved towards the 40 players at a steady pace. "North." Dream directed, his voice calm, stern and steady. The best way to direct teammates is to order calmly rather than yelling like Tommy does when their team is in critical condition.

Speaking of Tommy...

TommyInnit fell into the void. But nobody asked.

Somehow if possible, Tommy managed to fail on the first slow wall due to the fact that he was standing in the middle and tried to jump over a fenced hole which was clearly not possible in the realm of possibilities in Minecraft.

The death message of Tommy was almost instantly displayed after the first wall was passed, and Techno let out a burst of hysterical laughter. "Bruh~" his voice quavered as he talked, " Imagine getting eliminated on the first wall! L in the chat!."

TommyInnit: REDO REDO

Pink Parrots and their chats began laughing at Tommy's most bruh moments, all except for Dream who remained focus on the game. He didn't care who was eliminated, as long as they didn't concern him or his team although he would have to admit that THAT was pretty hilarious-

"West." Dream began directing again, his teammates quickly followed his guidance and surprisingly they were doing quite well. This was the best performance Bad and Niki had done in hole in the wall, since normally they are eliminated right around the fourth to seventh wall but now they have survived more than ten and that's huge commends to Dream.

30 players remaining !

"South." "North." "South." "East." These phrases were repeated throughout the first round of Hole in the Wall as the other teams synchronization began to fray and fail.

Antfrost got beaten by a wall...

ShubbleYT fell into the void

Sapnap experienced friction.

Crunch found out that slime is bouncy..

GeorgeNotFound slipped on their socks...

WilburSoot bounced away to the very next day..

Yellow Yaks have all been eliminated!

Dream glanced shortly at chat before diverting his attention back to the walls. Letting out a creepy chuckle as he saw Yellow Yaks meeting their demise. Although he felt quite bad for George, Sapnap and Wilbur, he did feel not an ounce of sympathy for Jake. He planned forward that if Survival Games got played, he would kill Jake right away once the grace period ends.

After a couple more walls, Pink Parrots began to struggle to keep up with the speeding up of the walls. Dream and Techno were still keeping their cool, Niki was panicking quite a bit but still miraculously survives. They can't say the same for Bad though as he was shrieking all over the place, before...

BadBoyHalo didn't see the sign saying 'Slippery , beware of falling.'

"No!" Bad whined before following it up with soft little adorable chuckles, he placed 22nd in surviving which in his book was pretty amazing and he was proud of himself of how he scored and played.

Niki also quickly followed Bad, falling at 14th place which yet again was a pretty good ranking for Niki, contradicting her usual low rankings of 27-40. Now they needed to rely and trust in Dream and Techno's skills which were looking pretty promising as both of them are miles better than the both of them combined.

Aqua Axolotls have all been eliminated!

Purple Pandas have all been eliminated

Lime Llamas have all been eliminated

Green Guardians have all been eliminated

Red Rabbits have all been eliminated

Quickly in a matter of minutes, the full 40 players were reduced to 9 players and 4 teams remaining: Dream and Techno left on Pink Parrots, PeteZahHutt left on Cyan, Seapeekay and Smallish on Blue Bats and the whole team of Orange Ocelots.

The walls were increased to ridiculous speeds, and it seemed that it was too much Seapeekay from Blue and Wisp from Orange to handle as they were quickly eliminated after the latest speed increase.

Wisp is at an all slime low.

Seapeekay was launched off to the stars..

Hbomb94 and Ph1lza was also quickly eliminated after Wisp's elimination, HBomb forgot to duck under the gap whilst Phil couldn't make the high jump and was sent flying off the platform.

Krtzyy was now all alone on Orange Ocelots, but not for long before he gets to join the rest of his teammates after falling into the middle hole that Dream had fallen into so many times before.

Orange Ocelots have all been eliminated!

Pink Parrots instantly gained the advantage, having 2 players left over the single players of Blue and Cyan.

Another wall emerged out of the northern side, with the only hole present on the right. The remaining 4 instantly dashed towards it, Dream barely making it his foot nearly touched the edge of the wall.

Then came the next wall, but this time the hole was on the far left, and with the velocity that of the walls are coming at them, there was no chance for any of them to survive the wave which left with only one viable option for Dream.

Pray to the MCC gods that he gets launched off and be the last to hit the death zone.

"Brace yourself!" Techno screamed as he still tried to rush to the opened hole but failed as he was launched off by the wall. Dream jumped at the last second, gaining himself extra leverage and time.

By doing this he would be higher than the other 3 players and would hit the death zone last, in which the game would automatically make him the winner.

Smallishbeans' body hit the floor!

Blue Bats have all been eliminated!

Technoblade slipped on a banana peel..

Smallish and his teammate were already eliminated, leaving him with Pete who was significantly several y levels away from hitting the death zone. Dream, realizing that he was very much higher than Pete lets out a celebratory scream, "LET'S GOOO!!!"

PeteZahHutt was banished into the realm of the dead.

Cyan Coyotes have all been eliminated.

The winner of this round is Dream!

Dream was already so exhausted, he had let out so much of his concentration and to only realize that that was only the FIRST round of the FIRST game.

(Literally I have to genuinely do real mathematics to nail the realism of the tournament, never thought I would be doing math for something like this but here we are!.)

From the first round, Dream earned himself: 260 coins. Combined with Techno's 178, Niki's 104 and Bad's 72 coins. Pinks Parrots got themselves a strong start with a whopping 614 coins.

Second round and third round of Hole in the Wall did go well but was not as impressive as the first one. In the second round, Dream placed 2nd, falling behind Techno who decided to borrow the crown from Dream whilst Bad got 16th place and Niki got 18th.

Third round, Dream got 1st once again with his try hard blood burning in his veins, he was definitely zooming up the leaderboards. Techno fell back to 7th place whilst Niki and Bad followed each other with 14th and 12th place.

(How I come up with the coin amounts: Look up the coin rewards, add all of the placements coins of that person together, repeat for the other 3 and then add again.)


#1. Pink Parrots - 1934 coins

#2. Green Geckos - 1142 coins

#3. Blue Bats - 1104 coins

#4 Red Rabbits - 1014 coins

#5 Orange Ocelots - 928 coins

#6 Aqua Axolotls: 912 coins

#7 Lime Llamas : 862 coins

#8 Cyan Coyotes : 798 coins

#9 Yellow Yaks : 778 coins

#10 Purple Pandas : 682 coins

"Let's go, we popped off!" Dream exclaimed relatively loud, clapping his hand in an act of hyping his chat and his teammates up. That's one of the benefits of having Dream on a team, he makes everyone feel hyped to do even better and tells it that its okay if they ever do bad. That's also one of the reasons that makes Dream shines better than Jake. His good sportsmanship, he may rage here and there but in the end, he will always accepts victory or defeat.


"DUDE WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Jake reamed as he slams his hands on the desk, yelling at George, Sapnap and Wilbur although he did the poorest of the team, placing bottom 30s 2/3 rounds. He was detrimentally unhappy by how Dream's team clearly dominated all 3 rounds of Hole in the Wall, and they thought that it was going to be a neutral game.

"Jake is fucking okay, we can catch up later.." Wilbur reasoned, although deep down he knew that they weren't going to be catching up to first place anytime soon especially not tonight and Sapnap also agreed on that thought.

George remained unfazed by Jake's outburst, he really took anything seriously except for the fact of how concerning Dream has been acting these past few days but only a matter of time will tell him but as for now he will have to put with Jake's complaints.

"I thought you were fricking pros at the damn game!" the enraged Brit continued his swearing spree, although if only he could see his 3 teammates faces, he can tell that they didn't care about how what he is saying.

"We never said we were dude. The fuck you're on about?" Sapnap fired back, and one bullet of retortion seemed to do the job as it seems to hit the right spot. Jake quieted down instantly from Sapnap's reasoning, since it was true that Sapnap or anyone did say that they were pros at Hole in the Wall. They were all just saying that its an easy yet skilled game that is ideal to earn some coins.

"Let's just get a move on, the intermission is almost over." George sighed, starting to feel fed up with Jake's toxic behavior and attitude and all of their chats highly agrees as some of the viewers were surprised by Jake's sudden change of demanour.

It made the viewers question if the Jake they were seeing at the moment was the same Jake they saw 3 months ago... not to mention the recent hot sauce drama he had with Dream. It made a lot of viewers change their viewpoint on how they see Jake as a person.

From a supposedly kind hearted person to a heartless piece of shit that deserves nobody not even a mouse.

The short 2 minute intermission ended quickly for everyone as they were all once again teleported back into their spots in the decision dome. It was now round two of voting for the games that they wanted to play.

Dream aimed for Grid Runners although his choice seemed pretty unpopular as all of the other chickens went flying to the section for Ace Race. It wasn't bad for Dream either, it was that he would rather play the games that he is more comfortable with later and play the games that he disliked before the coin multiplier happen so at least they would get an initial coin boost.

The votes were settled and it was a landslide win for Ace Race, so the game was selected for the second game of MCC 19.

Game 2/8 : Ace Race

The screen loaded for a while before revealing the course for today's race and Dream's face instantly lit brightly with a cheery smile. It was Space Race, the course that he and his teammates have been practice solely on for today and unknown to all of them he had something up his sleeves, other than his cuts.

"Okay listen up!" Dream mightily spoke up, instantly gaining the attention Niki, Bad and Techno. "I have a strategy for this one. We go into two groups of pairs, with two good players leading the other two neutral players through the course."

It was a simple yet efficient plan that surprisingly no one had ever done before, in addition it would greatly Bad and Niki's score and rankings overall. Immediately both of them nodded in agreement, they are more than down to do the strategy that Dream had presented.

Techno remained silent but he was greatly impressed and taken aback by how serious Dream actually was about MCC this time around. He would have reevaluate the amount of hatred Dream had for Jake again and again every time he does something that blows his mind.

"So Niki you're coming with me, Bad you go with Techno." Dream instructed as the countdown for the races began. Niki instantly moved closer to Dream as she was instructed, whilst Bad scoots over to Technoblade.

Airhorns blared into all of their headphones and instantly Dream takes off with the speed pads taking the left path of the junction whilst Techno took the right one. Bad and Niki followed their guide intently, paying close attention whilst also trying not to lose track of Dream nor Techno.

Ascending up their swirling staircase, Dream made sure to memorize where he's supposed to go after he had completed the circular staircases. He doesn't want to make the same mistake and embarrass himself again like how he did in the same exact map in MCC 14.

He directed for the platforms with the launch pads behind him, changing perspectives briefly to see if whether or not Niki is still having following him and fortunately she was still right behind him.

Soaring through rings, jumping onto islands and diving through various water filled tubes with his mighty trident, Dream glanced at the leaderboards and was surprised that he was in second with Techno in first place, Bad in fourth and Niki falling behind him in third.

Essentially, the whole Pink Parrots was flying ahead the other teams by a mile. They stood no chance the naturally professional Technoblade, and the now try hard pro Dream with Niki and Bad followed behind them.

To cut things short Dream and his Pink Parrots made a new record:

Technoblade has finished the race in 04:55.25 and placed 1st
Dream has finished the race in 04:56.17 and placed 2nd
Nihachu has finished the race in 05:01.05 and placed 3rd
BadBoyHalo has finished the race in 05:03.63 and placed 4th.

Pink Parrots have completed the race!

"YES! LET'S GO!" Niki celebrated before anyone else could, even Dream. For once she did very very well in Ace Race and yet again she will have to give a big thank you to Dream for being such a genius at strategies and for being coach earlier on.

"Now we get to watch these idiots suffer." Techno said as immediately goes to Jake to see how badly he's doing and let's just say that he can feel Jake's frustration from the other side of the screen.

"Why is it so hard?" Jake grumbled as he failed to do the same jump over and over, he placed 40th at the moment and time was running was edging over one minute.

"Cmon Jake, its not that hard bro~" Sapnap teased him playfully, in which angered Jake even further. He wanted to yell shut up to the Texan boy so bad but if he did the community would literally kill him.

"Jake is actually throwing (harder than us)!." Wilbur laughed, as he realizes how easy this was going to be with the unintentional additional help from Jake. They might as well not do anything at all and Dream's team would still be winning.

The game ended after a little while and Jake was the only one that didn't manage to complete the race in time which dramatically affected their score although Sapnap and Wilbur couldn't care less about it. George was neutral, he wasn't intending on winning in the first place. He was just here to have a good time.

"FUCK!" Jake cursed as he got no points from that game, with the only point high enough was from George placing 9th for the race but other than that, the hopes for Dodgebolt for Yellow Yaks was gradually disappearing.


#1. Pink Parrots - 4314 coins

#2. Green Geckos - 2142 coins

#3 Lime Llamas - 1982 coins

#4 Aqua Axolotls - 1932 coins

#5 Orange Ocelots - 1808 coins

#6 Blue Bats - 1744 coins

#7 Red Rabbits - 1734 coins

#8 Yellow Yaks - 1678 coins

#9 Cyan Coyotes - 1628 coins

#10 Purple Pandas - 1122 coins

Games 3, 4 and 5 were Sky Battle, Parkour Tag and Battle Box in which were games that are unbelievably in favor for Dream's team immensely. Everyone on Pink Parrots were more than surprised to see how well the tournament has gone for them, at this point their chances were undeniably good.

Sky Battle was nothing to write home about other than Dream and Techno dominating the game, winning the first and third round like how Dream did in MCC 11, how good those days were...

Dream thought sadly as he crafts some iron armor for all of his team, realizing how those moments would never happen ever again. He was awkwardly yet unnervingly silent for the entirety of Sky Battle even if he and his team won, it was completely from his end.

Dream got 21 kills from all 3 rounds of Sky Battle, Techno had 17 whilst Niki and Bad shared 1 kill which was then all converted to 2992 worth of coins. Jake's team also did surprisingly well in Sky Battle earning 2060 coins, making them shoot up from 8th to 5th. The sudden improvement startled Dream a little bit but he won't let that faze him. He still had three games in his favor and if he can do well in them which he probably could because he was the Dream.

Parkour Tag and Battle Box went as well as anyone would expect for the rival duo + Bad and Niki, they slaughtered everyone on sight and needless to say.. they were stacked on coins.

They won all of the rounds in Parkour Tag meanwhile in Battle Box, they secured 7 out of the 9 rounds. They were flying above the other teams by several kilometers, and with only 3 games left, Jake can only hope that Build Mart gets picked with a 2.5 coin multiplier, in order for him to even have a chance to catch up to Dream's team and make it to Dodgebolt.

Jake was panicking, he definitely underestimated how powerful Dream can be in MCC with his game skills and leadership power. Now he was going to endure the reign of terror Dream had thrown on for the rest of the MCC.

The Dream Support Team members were smiling happily at that they were getting, Dream was having a fun time with his team winning whilst Jake was suffering with his supposedly incompetent teammates such as Sapnap and WilburSoot.

They only have 3 games left and the tournament was nearing its end, all they have to do is to continue on doing what they need to do until Dodgebolt. After that it was over for today, and they can tick the operation off as successful.

Game 6, however was when everything began to turn south for Dream and his support team. The blonde was faced with his worst game : Big Sales at Build Mart and furthermore... it had a 1.5x coin multiplier.

"Oh no...." Dream groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. His worst fear had came true as he had worried prior to the tournament. There was the thing that he didn't wanted, he was always correct about how he wants something and then gets the absolute opposite of what he wanted, it would always happen to him for some reason and he hated it.

"YES!" Jake exclaimed as he clapped his hands in excitement, not that he wanted the game but he knew that Dream would suffer with it and that's the exact wish he wanted. He didn't care about anything, he only cares about Dream and how he shall suffer with everything that he does. It was about time.. Dream had had his good times but now it was time for a change, a bad one to be exact.

Even without explaining the game to anyone, they can guess that the game did not sit well with Dream as his team ended their winning streak, coming at 5th for the game. They finished only 11 builds within the 10 minutes given.

Immediately the leaderboards were shown and Pink Parrots were in shambles, they were sent down from their even long stay at the top of the list to 5th in the leaderboards. Horror dawned upon everyone especially Dream when they also noticed that Jake's team, the Yellow Yaks were in 3rd, two placements higher than them.

Dream sighed in defeat, pounding his desk relentlessly in rage and he knew which game he was going to play to let out his rage on....

Game 7/8 : Survival Games

Everyone threw their eggs without hesitation towards Survival Games, as if planned. All teams had one desire only, they needed to get more coins with the exception of Yellow Yaks in which Sapnap and Wilbur needed to lower down their team's rankings as quickly as they can.

However they don't need to worry since the Pink Parrots had Dream on the team, and he knew exactly what he was going to do first thing. Upon spawning into the map, Dream locked onto a chest that he saw first in his eyes. His stare boring holes through the chest almost as if he was trying to kill him.

Spamming the W key button his board, he launched himself towards the designated chest, looting it quickly at the speed of light. In the chest contained an iron sword and iron chestplate and some arrows. Dream didn't care if he didn't have a bow, he was going to do something that he won't regret early on in this game. He can be called a try hard, he didn't care in the slightest but he needed some sweet revenge.

Dream looked at the timer on his right, maliciously laughing as the grace period was slowly running out. Not only can he get some coins doing this but he can also get his revenge on doing it.

The timer for the grace period ended and PVP was turned on for everyone to finally start the Survival Games and Dream will show it to everyone, how to start off Survival Games properly.

Crunch was slain by Dream
WilburSoot was slain by Dream
GeorgeNotFound was slain by Dream
Sapnap was slain by Dream

Yellow Yaks have all been eliminated!

Not even under 10 seconds, Dream snuck up behind the entirety of Yellow Yaks before slicing every single player on the team into pieces. Dream originally intended on killing only Jake at the start and leaving the other 3 of his friends alone but he guesses his manhunt instincts were tingling and was too much to resist.

"Wha- Dream, my gosh you didn't let them have a chance!" Techno blurted out as he witnessed the lightning speed massacre that had unraveled in front of his eyes. Although he knew that this ought to happen judging by his breathing rate, they were huffing and puffing like a wolf lusting for some blood to be painted onto its sharp deadly fangs.

"They don't deserve a chance, well at least one of them didn't." Dream said, muttering the second half of his sentence in a whisper although Techno and the others can still clearly hear it. They decided to roll on with the game despite of the killings that had just happened in a matter of seconds.

"Dude what the hell?!" Jake shouted, clearly not happy at all after Dream targeted them all, seconds after the invincibility period ended. Truth be told, even Sapnap and Wilbur were taken aback by the sudden attack of Dream. George even screamed out in horror by the huge jumpscare done by the green blob with an iron sword.

Although shaken up, Sapnap and Wilbur later muted their mics to let out a laugh of amusement. Jake definitely deserved this kind of treatment on a daily basis and they didn't care if anyone disagreed about it because it was the damn truth.

The Survival Games went on till its end, with Dream and his team getting a handful of kills to ramp up their coins although they were not able tograb the victory as Aqua Axolotls had claimed it with fruitberries dominating this month's Survival Games.

Aqua was now at first place, whilst Yellow Yaks were drastically put back down into fifth place. Pink Parrots ascended their way back up to third place. They still had a shot at winning the competition if they blast off crazily with the last game in store... Sands of Time

Game 8/8 : Sands of Time

Spawning in the ancient abandoned dungeons, Dream quickly assigned the jobs. "So me, Techno and Bad are going to go coin and vault hunting, whilst Niki you will be the sandkeeper. We will keep bringing you sand to extend our time. Notify us if the timer gets below 60 seconds." Dream sternly instructed with the soft and gentleness of his voice missing. He was downright serious about the game, and everyone in the Discord call and livestream chats can tell how much Dream wanted to win.

After a short discussion, the group splits up with Niki staying in the middle, collecting tons of sand meanwhile Dream, Bad and Techno sets off into the labyrinth of the dungeons.

Dream instantly headed towards the puzzle rooms, collecting keys, weapons and tools along the way to the puzzles. First thing he encounters is the word puzzle, with letter blocks scattered across the floor. Dream speedily picked them all up in a flash before going over to see the riddle book

"Filled with holes yet enough to hold in liquid. The shine in the darkness in the sky. Soft and comfy, enough to fall asleep." Dream read out the hints quickly before clocking the answers almost instantly after reading it.

"Sponge, moon and pillow." Dream recited his answers as he placed the letter to its place. With that a door opens and inside contained a good looking amount of coins and a red vault key which is very crucial for his team's success.

"Anyone found the red vault?" Dream asked, as he returns back to the middle with some sand for Niki to add to the timer.

"No. Although there is a green vault at spawn!" Niki announced, " and also we have 50 seconds, so I would like some sand now please..." her voice was began to quiver in panic as she watches the sand gradually falling and time slowly ticking away.

"Oh crap.. uh I'll be right there, give me about 20 ." Dream also began to panic, sweat of nervousness began sliding down the sides of his face. He dashes through the long perplexing corridors to make his way back as soon as possible.

Although something distracted him on his way back to the middle, in one of the dead end room laid down an iron axe, some coins, a golden chestplate and most importantly a green vault key. "Oh!" Dream exclaimed as he quickly risks a few more seconds to grab the stuff in the alcove before returning straight back to Niki.

Fuck... why does it seem so far

"20 seconds..." Niki said, her hope began to fray as she feared that Dream wouldn't be able to make it to her in time. "NO! I have so many coins! NOOOO!!!!" Techno yelled almost on the verge of screaming, they did not just start perfectly just to have it end like this, are they?

If they get trapped in Sands of Time, not only is Dream going to lose the competition to Jake, but the Dream Support Team's effort would've meant nothing if the Pink Parrots lost and yet their fate remains into Dream's luck on getting back to the middle.

"10 seconds.." Niki said as she was taking her hands off of her keyboard and mouse, looks like they were going to fail the mission in helping Dream to win. Yet again another plan foiled by the Dream Support Team? Or could Dream managed to save everyone's day.

. . . . .

"The sands of time have sunken and you were locked in. Don't be so greedy next time. 1259 coins were lost."

"Nooo..." Niki whimpered as she covers her mouth in shock, they... lost

All they had done, all Dream had done had gone to waste. Pink Parrots' great start was ruined by an unlucky and messy finish, the blonde Floridian was speechless, his mouth wide agape in shock of how they've come and how far they've fallen. Stuck in an inescapable cage, with people who were victorious and successful throwing tomatoes at him like he was some kind of clown.

Techno remained silent at their devastating defeat, they've tried so hard and got so far but in the end, it doesn't even matter. They choked on Build Mart, recovered on Survival Games and dropped dead on Sands of Time.

He sighed in disappointment as he reports to the other members about the fall of Pink Parrots...

Dream Support Movement ( 6 members online)

Techno: We lost. It's over.

Sapnap: What

Wilbur: You're joking right?

Bad: No muffins, we're sadly not.

Niki: Dream was trying to find his way back to mid but he was too late to fill the sand in.

Tubbo: No... all of you did so well though...

Bad: That's what we are all thinking.

Sapnap: How's Dream right now then?

Bad wasn't quite sure on what to reply to the question, he would have to ask that question to Dream himself.

"Dream, are you okay?" Bad asked gently, only to grow more worried for the silence he received upon asking.

Dream was obviously doing anything but fine, he had muted his microphone earlier although he can hear the others through his headphones.

It was heartbreaking... to see all of his hard work to go to waste.

'You can never give up on yourself, or you will lose before you even try.' he had said once on the shock collar stream. He did try but what was he supposed to do when he tries and still lose?

The games were done and the score rolled in. The Yellow Yaks somehow manages to go into Dodgebolt.

He hopelessly watches as MCC 19's finale, arrows travelling left to right. Each side taking shots and trading blows until their skill decides the winner.

To make matters worse, Yellow Yaks won. The team Dream intentionally wanted to come out top on manages to win the competition. Even with Sapnap and Wilbur's assistance, it was just not enough to suppress George's skill and Jake's lust for victory.

Everyone gathered around the winning team, praising the winners to death. He remembers standing up there once... it felt nice, felt like he was at least cared for.

Little drops of tears began to leak for the second time today. So weak... crying over a game competition that wins him nothing than a golden yet useless coin.

Sobs heaved in and out of his throat as he tried his best to suppress any audible noise that can escape from his throat and larynx.

His fist gripped onto his hair whilst the other pounded against his desk relentlessly with force.

All he did, all of those hours he spent practicing was set for a calling of a meaningless conclusion. He was not a hero, not the protagonist, not the main of any show. Just a meaningless fake protagonist.

That takes an advantage of any window opportunity to fake the part of great importance, when in reality he was less than necessary.

Even if he had tried his hardest, gave everything that he had; he apparently could never compare to the guy in the spotlight, that someone who all of his friends have in their heart.

He just a friend that cares from afar, the light in the dark when no one can see. He can't replace the place that he wasn't given from the start.

He can only pretend to be the main; be there for his friends when they badly yearn for someone. As for the days that Jake wasn't there, he would just a mere replacement; nothing special... nothing more...

When they needed emotional support, he was there to draw up the way for them. Yet when he needed them, no one came...

Now he understands it now... he wasn't actually important at all. All of the acts of kindness and compliments he has been receiving were just their pity.

They felt bad for him so they offered him some consolation prizes that was reserved for losers like him.

How wonderful...

"Dream... its okay we lost." Niki tried to comfort the silent crying Dream, although the fact that they lost affected her and the rest too. The fact that they came so far just to crumble at the end was just unlucky, unfortunate and heartbreaking.

Dream unmuted his microphone, taking in a shaky breath before answering. "Y-yeah... its alright guys I'm fine..." the blonde replied to Niki and to answer all of the concerned comments in the chat, although his voice would like to disagree with him. The voice he emitted was squeaky, almost sounded like someone with a cold talking.

"You don't-" Techno wanted to rebut on Dream's claim but he decided not to, it was best just to let him cry and express all of his sadness and disappointment out from his body. It was better than to leak it on stream for live audiences to see and view, it was not an ideal subject or matter for the viewers to see, definitely not after the defeating loss of Pink Parrots.

"I'll mute up and end stream alright?" Dream said, gradually receiving approvals from Techno, Niki and Bad. He muted his Discord before he attempts to ends his stream although little does he know, when Dream thinks its all over. There is still one more slap in the face awaiting for him for today.

"Alright.. that will be the end of the stream" Dream began his normal simple outro, bidding goodbyes to his viewers although something.... stops from doing so..

"I will see you all... check Twitter?" Dream confusedly reads his viewers' comments in chat, most of them are encouraging for him to look at the social platform Twitter for some reason. He picks up his phone that has been chilling on the right hand side of his computer for the whole stream. Upon opening up his locked screen, he was surprised to be greeted by a lot of notifications.

User 1 : Dream control your stans for crying out loud

User 2 : Jesus Dream stans are fricking cancerous 

User 3: This is why Dream doesn't deserve the fame, his fans attack people. Cancel this man.

User 4: Although I'm a Dream supporter, I will also agree with this.

These comments were under a certain charity post on saving and supporting children of a large orphanage, all happened because of one reply underneath the wholesome post:

DreamIsBest @Dreamismybae 

How dare you not donate to Dream, He is the best content creator in the world!!! 

Dream knew that some of his stans were out of control but he never thought it was going to be this bad. He was disappointed, that would be putting it at the very least, he was pissed off, fed up and tired of all this misfortune that has been happening to him. He had fucking enough

Surprisingly, Dream doesn't end his stream just yet; instead he puts a black screen on his stream as he goes to his other streaming platforms. For the first time he goes live on YouTube and he opens up his other Discord server, to start up a podcast which was quickly followed with opening a space on Twitter. He was going to make sure what he says next will be broadcasted on all services.

Dream drew a lengthy sigh, clearing his throat from any disturbances within before starting on what he needs to say...

"Listen up..." Dream started, his voice was no longer cheerful, it was dark, hard and stern with a tinge of anger. " I want to ask you all a question... how hard is it to follow something that I say?"

"I've told all of you so many many times... to NOT send hate to anyone just because they don't like me or doesn't do something in favor of me." Dream raised his voice, signifying that he was really mad. All of the chat activity stopped frozen, no one dared to type out a message on any of the streaming services.

Dream quickly calculated the number of viewers on all of his streaming services. He had 500K on Twitch, 700K on YouTube, about 240K listening to him on Discord and finally 600K on Twitter. He had 2 million people chiming in to listen to him. The more the merrier, just like Bad always say. 

"Oh boy.. where should I start, how about stans first? You all need to STOP. STOP SENDING HATE OR DEATH THREATS TO ANYBODY WHO DISLIKES ME!" Dream reamed, slamming his hands on the desk violently. He had been putting with his stans behavior for so long, it was finally time to let that bottle break.

"You all think by posting each and every single one of your comments is helping me, its actually not so fucking stop. You're actually hurting me, you helped me gain notoriety rather than fame if that's your intention."

"The reason I never said anything is because I believe that you all are better than this and all that happened is because of inability to control your tempers, but I guess I hoped too much." Dream reverted back to a softer tone, although still stern enough to make all of his listeners still under pressure.

"Which also brings to you, haters."

Dream didn't care how long this would take, he didn't care if he's waking up anyone from their sleep. He was going to make himself loud and clear about everything and he was stopping at nothing until he had talked about everything.

"I understand that you don't like me and hate me as the name represents, but you do not need to leave death threats or discredit on something beneficial that I do. I would say that you all are not any better than my stans, if I'm saying the truth."

"I'm sorry that I can't please you all... but you all need to understand that I can't control fricking 27 million people at once! I'm a YouTuber not a dictator." Dream's voice began to break into tearful sobs, the emotions were overflowing and exceeding limits that he couldn't hold back any longer. Everything was just so cruel in a world so cold. 

People always badmouthed him of doing things that sometimes he wasn't even aware of. Some people he was this kind of person, some say he was that kind of person. The funny things is they never even met him once.

The world was so confusing filled with people armed to the teeth with an arsenal of words ready to go to war with people who they see as bad in their speculations. Dream didn't care about those kinds of people because he was not that guy they talk about, he knows himself well enough but he was not going to put with these kinds of comments on a daily basis.

"I'm done. I quit."

Dream uttered two phrases that shook horror into the millions of listeners, he was being honest about it. He was on the verge of throwing everything he knew and had all away, he just didn't want to live like this anymore.

"I've put hard work and passion to create a community, but what is the point of me being the creator when you all don't listen to what I say? I've told you not to send hate and yet you all did.. I get the fucking blame.. I get all of the blames." Dream spoke tiredly as he was pretty much fed up with everything, he just wanted everything to end and possibly his life too.

"I've pushed hard work in all of my content and what I get in return is this kind of behavior, topped off with some hate comments and death threats on this shit sundae because that's all I've ever wanted right?"

The walls of hate that he tried climbing up and over for 2 years, seemed to be an impossible task to do at this point. He might as well just give up and let the defeat sink into his soul and body.

"I'm sorry for anything I've done, and I appreciate you all for the past 2 years of my life. You make me who I am today.... Thank you."

With one final sentence, Dream brought every and each of streaming services to a close. He was done for today as he flopped onto his bed next thing, possibly crying himself to sleep like those nights of November and December that had recently passed along.

His life had fallen into its darkest and lowest spot, and his path ahead looked like it was about to end. He was hopeless and helpless, beyond saving unless a miracle happens before his friends leave then maybe he might change his mind on what he will he do with his life.

"I hate myself... everything sucks..." Dream mumbled last thing before his exhaustion got the best of him, pulling Dream's mind into the land of slumber. With that out of the way, came the end of what can possibly be the worst day of his life.


What Dream didn't know is that amongst those  2 Million listeners, that included: his friends in the house and his friends across the media.

Even some of the MCC competitors such as Ranboo, CaptainPuffy and HBomb94 chimed in on one of the streaming services and needless to say, Twitter.. no.. the WHOLE internet exploded descended into chaos.

Clips of him talking about his sudden defeating rant and heartbreaking resignation echoed throughout the whole media. Website for news report immediately went to work with the matter, broadcasting the shocking events to a wider circle of people.

Dream fans, dream stans couldn't believe what they had just heard... their favorite creator was quitting and it was because of them that drove him crazy. Even haters were surprised, sure they disliked him but they didn't intend on making him quit what he loved to do.

But at least, his audience were finally woken up by Dream's last words before he announces his quitting and in addition his news of resignation was brought to a larger circle which would definitely will bring more attention.

That will be a guaranteed point towards Dream, he was now breathing down Jake's neck in terms of neck as he was getting closer to the sweet 11.

Dream : 8 Points *3 more points required*


Jake (Crunch) : 10 Points *1 more point required*

First to 11/ Best of 20

Mixed feelings were within everybody as the words of Dream still hasn't sink in quite well, never in any of their lifetimes would ever expect this kind of situation to ever happen.

Bad instantly gathered the Dream Support Team members for an urgent meeting in the kitchen as the situation has reached critical levels.

"Oh my muffins. This is really really bad." Bad panicked, walking back and forth in circles around the large kitchen island. 

"What are we supposed to do now?" Sapnap worriedly asked, hoping for a decent answer but it seems that none of them had one which only makes them less calm than before. 

Not only Dream, but his support team was beginning to be cornered. They had no idea on what they should do next, other than pushing the objective itself. Sounds easy on paper but actually very hard to do in real life and the only way to even approach Jake was by Dream himself but with him on the verge of giving up on everything it seems almost like that everything was going to end....

Unless something crucial happens.

Whilst Dream was sleep, his computer was left open and unknown to him a certain notification pops up on his monitor...

A key tool that can potentially flip everything around...

'Video Footage has been downloaded! View it now!'


Next time on Behind the Screen...

"What else can we do?"

"There's nothing dude... we are losing to that prick upstairs!"

"Video footage? Oh WAIT!"

"To anyone who sees this, I do not have a lot of time..."

"NO... FUCKING.... WAY..."

Chapter 17 coming soon...


Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 16! I really thought that when I was writing Chapter 15 that it was the longest one in the book but somehow this one is longer-

Also I'm trying to refrain to shit on my writing as you all can see-

Anyways be sure to vote and comment on what you think!

I'm sorry for the delay once again, but it seems like it will be a normal occurrence now for the remaining chapters..

See you all next time with Chapter 17!

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