Behind The Screen | dreamwast...

Da SymphonyKingdom1

82.5K 3.2K 17.1K

Dream, the popular Minecraft youtuber, suddenly disappears from the media and his friends are beyond worried... Altro

Chapter 1 : The End is Where We Begin
Chapter 2 : Dream's Dark World
Chapter 3 : Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 4 : Capsule Catastrophe
Chapter 5 : The Wall Between Me And You
Chapter 6 : Dream vs Crunch : The Embark to War
Chapter 7 : Late Night Blues
Chapter 8 : The Brokenness Within
Chapter 9 : 2 Minecraft Speedrunners vs 1 Nemesis and 7 Hunters
Chapter 10 : False Hope
Chapter 11 : Dream vs Crunch : Wings from Hell
Chapter 12 : The Ghost Within the House
Chapter 13 : Requiem and Movie Night for Dream
Voting for Next Book after Behind the Screen
Chapter 15 : Touring Florida (Memories) with Dream
Chapter 16 : One Last Stream
Chapter 17 : Shattered Pieces forms into One
Chapter 18: Dream vs Crunch : Fate of the Future
Chapter 19 : Stay Close or Let Go
Chapter 20: The End Will Always Be Where We Begin
Trailer for the New Book...

Chapter 14 : Amusement Park Panic

4.1K 153 1.1K
Da SymphonyKingdom1

Trigger Warnings : Mentions of Death, Mentions of Self Harm, Blood and "Suicide"

Not a lot of angst this time around, but still plentiful to hopefully keep you all satisfied :)

Sorry if the writing is a bit sloppy, I'm very tired if you can't tell...

Also thank you so much for 6K! Only 1 week had passed and somehow this book managed to gain another 1K! Thank Youuuu!

05 : 41 AM

Dawn was drawing near, faint needles of sunlight poked through the curtains and windows of the house. Everyone was still locked away in slumber, some snoring and some drooling. Although one particular individual had already woken up, or should he say stayed up all night.

Dream stirred awake, fluttering his eyes groggily. He seemed a bit confused as to where he was whilst his eyes were adjusting to the warm light that was seeping into the room. Today he felt quite odd, he was significantly warm yet cold at the same time. He felt exhausted, breathing was such a task for him. All of his limbs and joint was very numb, and he was sweating buckets despite the climate being not that scorching hot.

"What is wrong with my body?" he wondered, as he tried to get up from the couch that he had fall asleep on. Although when he tried to lift his body up, it was almost as if all of his strength was taken away. He couldn't even lift himself up from the couch, or maybe that was because of the tight grip Bad and Niki had on him at the moment.

He was fairly surprised since he forgot that they slept on him yesterday night. Both of them were sleeping soundly, their peaceful faces made Dream smile irresistibly. He was glad to see them sleeping well.

Carefully, he slithers out of their tight grasp, lifting up their hands and heads to make way for himself. After doing so, he decided to make breakfast for them again, since they already made it twice and he only made for them once. It wasn't fair if he let the guests keep making food for the whole house when it should be him who needs to be doing the catering.

Stumbling into his kitchen, he was met with the frosty sensation of the refrigerator hitting his face at once and it doesn't help that the chilliness seemed to have transferred and prisoned itself in his body.

A sharp shaky exhale escaped Dream's mouth as he was trying to cope with the sudden coldness that took over his whole body. His legs wobbled like jelly trying to fall from a plate, he was so weak.

Why was he so weak?

Dream heaved out a sigh, pulling out the stuff required for today's first meal. He pulled out an egg from his carton and cracked it against a bowl but oddly enough the shell didn't budge. It was still in perfect shape almost as if he hadn't done anything with it.

"What?" Dream mused, as he tried again to crack the egg and once again the egg didn't break open. The egg then rolled out from his hand, finally cracking on the floor instead of the bowl.

He wasn't disappointed with himself, he was rather surprised. Shocked at how frail his strength was, he couldn't even hold a fucking egg in his hand without it falling. He stared at his shaking hands with widened concerned eyes, what was happening to him?

As he knelt down with a cleaning cloth to clean up the mess that he had made, he can hear through the soft and thin walls light yawning and stretching alongside some shuffling noises from the living room.

Bad and Niki had woken up, moreover he had woke them up because of the egg that had fallen from his grasp. He managed to make the things that he didn't want to happen, happen by himself.

He sighed along a muted sob as he wipes out the egg stain on the floor. Why does he have to make everything go wrong?

"Good morning, Dream!" said Bad happily as he brewed himself some coffee. Dream nodded as a response, throwing the wasted egg into the garbage bin.

"May I help you?" Bad asked, leaning on the marble counter whilst patiently waiting for his coffee. Dream considered the thought for a moment, some assistance would be appreciated but Dream felt bad for it. He didn't want to make them do anymore work especially when they are the guests.

"Do you really want to? I feel bad for making you do it..." Dream replied as he grabbed another egg, this time slamming it against the bowl, breaking the shell open before putting it into the bowl.

Bad sighed exhaustedly, he hated how Dream is still so stubborn about how its okay for them to help but he wouldn't let them do it.

He was pushing everyone away...

Bad frowned, perhaps this time he will have to let Dream do it his own way, if it is what he wants.

"Okay Dream, if you feel guilty of having us to do the jobs then I won't persuade you to let us do it..." Bad muttered silently before walking away out of the kitchen alongside his cup of warm coffee, stifling out a sniffle whilst doing so.

Dream did feel guilty, he made his friend walk away from him, presumably to go cry. Whatever he did or say will always result in some sort of depressive emotion.

He woke them up and now he had already made them cry in the first 15 minutes of waking up. What a great start to the day...

Crystal clear silent tears pricked at his eyes, the feeling of guilt was starting to overwhelm him. His hands and lips trembled uncontrollably as his breathing quickens, his lungs heaving loudly from the amount of cold air that was entering his respiratory system.

He collapses onto the floor in a fit of a mental breakdown. He buries his face in his hands, as he started to sob and cry. The back of his head leaned against the thin wall that was separating him and Bad, who was in the other room.

Bad, on the other hand, was also on the verge of tears. He shouldn't have introduced Jake to Dream. If he didn't, things wouldn't have ended up as it is right now. The sadness and nightmare that Dream was living through would never happen, but now it was a bit too late.

He brought his head down to the dining table's surface, as he joins Dream with a mental breakdown also. Dream and Bad cried next to each other with only the wall between separating both of them from seeing each other.

Two individuals who both made big mistakes that caused everything in Dream's life shatter into ruins. Funny how both of them said, to not blame themselves for what happened yet still they couldn't refrain from doing it themselves.

Bad regretted his decision of introducing Jake to Dream. Dream regretted letting Jake into his team, if he had turned down his opportunity, he wouldn't have ended up like this..

Dream and Bad always had each other to rely on; and both of them definitely didn't expect for them both to grow so far apart because of one guy.

If only both sides didn't abandon each other, they probably wouldn't be in a state like this.


Meanwhile... upstairs in George and Sapnap's room

The room was peacefully quiet and George was still in a deep sleep, although little did he know that his slumber will be tugged away by brute force.

"Geooorge!!! WAKE UP" Sapnap yelled, as he took a pillow and whacked George in the face with it multiple times. The British boy shot awake by the sudden impact, immediately yanking the pillow away from Sapnap and kicking him off the bed.

"Let me sleep..." George mumbled dreamily, as he drowns himself into the pillow once more. The Texan boy growled in his throat as he tries to find other ways to wake his friend up and he had the perfect idea.

George didn't know what was going on as he was trying to go back to sleep, he hears Sapnap going into the bathroom to grab something. It was then followed by the sound of running water before the room converted back to a deafening silence.

He celebrated in his head, as he pulls the blankets back up to his chest ready to go to sleep once more.

"WAKE UP GEORGE!!!!" returned the annoying yell of Sapnap, this time it was accompanied by something else.

Hot scolding water splashed on George's face, successfully shooting him awake onto his feet. He screamed upon the burning sensation of the water as he desperately wipes his face off with a towel and some cold water.

Sapnap laughed in amusement, so much that he can barely keep up with his breathing. George stormed out of the bathroom with playful rage running in his veins along side his own cup of water.

"SAPNAP!!!" George screamed, as he splashes a cup of cold water into Sapnap's laughing face.

"Ow.. Georgie why did you hurt me?" Sapnap pretended to be in massive amounts of pain from the splash of unharmful water.

"Why did you wake me up?" George asked, returning back to his normal demeanor. Sapnap snatched the towel in George's hand, wiping his face with it before answering, "I wanted to offer an idea of what we can do for today!" he excitedly explained, giggling in between.

George was instantly intrigued by Sapnap's proposal, everyone had a chill day yesterday so it's only right to go back to something extreme for today. The sleepiness inside of him was quickly washed away by the excitement that was building and rising in his body.

"What's your idea then?" George questioned, wanting to know further about Sapnap's plan. Sapnap whispered in George's ear, in case if Dream was walking by their room right now.

George's eyes beamed in joy as he was satisfied with Sapnap's idea, it was probably the best idea that he probably had ever came up with.

"Dude, you are a genius!" George complimented, genuinely clapping for the younger teen. Sapnap playfully bowed to the applause as if he was done showing a magic trick which George can also say that since the place Sapnap offered was truly magical.

"I'm going to tell the others, you go tell Dream!" Sapnap speedily commanded before disappearing out of the room, leaving George alone.

"Alright then." George said to himself, also exiting out of his room to find Dream. Coming downstairs, his nostril was immediately greeted with the sweet salty smell of freshly grilled bacon, and the mellow smell of maple syrup.

It made George's stomach grumble in hunger, he didn't have dinner last night, not counting the popcorn from yesterday's movie night. The scent of food lured him into the dining room, where Dream, Bad and Niki were eating their food in silence.

It was too quiet for George's liking, no one was talking to each other. The only sound present are the metallic utensils clanking against the plates. It seemed that no one even acknowledged his presence in the doorway.

"Hi guys!" George waved, smiling warmly but all that he got in response was silent nodding and stares. The smile that was on his face diminished quickly and it was replaced with a confused expression.

He didn't understand why no one was talking to him or even to anyone at all even! It was like having 3 Callahan(s) in one room.

George quietly took a seat next to Bad which was opposite to Dream, and got a hold of his utensils and like the others he began eating silently.

The atmosphere was awkward yet unsettling, even George didn't want to talk once he was in the room. George observed each and everyone's faces in the room, in order to get a clue of what's happening.

Niki was normally eating, her face didn't show any signs of extreme emotions. She was just naturally calm. Next up was Bad, he had red puffy eyes and damp wet traces on his face and it concerned George immediately, he would ask later on what's going on since he didn't want to utter a word when the tension is still evident and lurking around the room.

Lastly and definitely the most concerning in George's perspective was Dream. He had very red puffy eyes compared to Bad's, and furthermore beads of sweat were sliding down the sides of his head and most worrying was that his face looked very pale.

He had an exhausted look on his face whilst playing around with the bacon in his plate. The food was barely even touched, George noticed, almost as if he had cooked food for himself and then decided not to eat all of the sudden.

"Are you okay, Dream? You look very pale." George spoke, breaking the long uncomfortable silence as he couldn't bare with it any longer. He might as well check up on Dream, if whether or not he's doing fine although his inner consciousness is telling that he wasn't obviously fine.

Dream stopped dead in his tracks, putting down the utensils on the table. George was quite disturbed by Dream's movements, it was almost like he was controlled by some kind of entity.

The blonde American looked up at his British friend and flashed out a quick smile at him, hoping that it would warm up his heart. He wouldn't like to have George worry about him especially when his time is slowly running out.

"I'm fine, George. There's nothing to worry about!" Dream replied cheerfully, faking the optimism in his voice. Hopefully, George wouldn't be able to catch anything suspicious in his overexcitement.

George was indeed doubtful about Dream's response, he wasn't significantly convinced that Dream was fine but he had nothing to prove him wrong with so he had nothing to clap back other than going back to being quiet.

"HI GUYS!!!" an annoying ear-piercing greeting voiced its appearance into the dining room, a voice that Dream hated hearing every single morning whenever he wakes up to see the world.

Jake smiled, waving at everyone in the room although no one waved back. Behind him, followed the rest of the house residents who had presumably been woken up by Sapnap's raving about the place he wanted to go to for today.

The rest of them sat down and started digging into their breakfast meanwhile Dream was mostly finished with his meal, even though he had 2 or 3 bites minimum. Dream stood up from the table almost instantly when Jake took a seat, bringing the plate with him as well.

"You want my food, George? I'm not hungry." Dream offered, pushing the plate in front of George's face. "Uh... thanks." George awkwardly scooped in the food on Dream's plate onto his.

"Oh by the way!" Jake suddenly intervened, which made Dream rolled his eyes. He was going to listen and put up with some more bullshit, wasn't he?

"Do you know where we planning to go for the day?" his nemesis asked, Dream's eyebrows raised, maybe this is the first time that Jake was speaking normally and wasn't puking out shit and trash.

Dream shook his head, and Jake immediately grinned sheepishly. He had a bad feeling that this was about to turn around quickly against himself and Dream already wanted to stop it from happening.

"We are going to... ORLANDO FUN LAND (not an actual amusement park)!!!" Sapnap screamed out, letting his inner child and demons out. Dream flinched by the loudness of his voice, was a banshee trying to escape out of Sapnap's throat?

"Okay? And... you're expecting me to buy the tickets for all of you, let me guess?" Dream predicted, lashing back at Jake. It was just too easy at this point. He was getting pushed around by Jake, to the point that he knows what Jake is going to make him do.

Jake was astounded by Dream's cleverness, he knew exactly what he was about to do but again it was good for him either way. He nodded in response and Dream sighed boredly.

"Okay fucking fine... yep absolutely fricking fine..." The blonde muttered as he walked out of the dining room, moving upstairs to prepare his wallet for the amount of withdrawals it was going to face today.

"Well, after that's settled... LET'S EAT!!!" Jake exclaimed as he picked up his utensils and began scarfing down his food.

Bad looked at Niki, Techno and Wilbur sending all of them mental signals and messages, and surprisingly all of them understood what Bad's trying to say secretly.

'Emergency meeting in the patio after breakfast.' Bad signaled, as he stood up to put away his plate of eaten food.

Dream : 5 Points


Jake (Crunch) : 9 Points *2 more points required*

First to 11/ Best of 20


Dream flopped back onto his bed, screaming internally as he and his bank account was severely suffering through hard times.

'How much is this going to cost?' Dream shivered at the thought of how scary the numbers are going to be. It would be expensive as shit, and he would still be paying because he cares for his friends and that jackass is using that to the advantage of making him spiral into bankruptcy.

Still he falls for it every time, because his friends and Patches are the only remaining priorities left in his life and he wants to take care of them as much as he can before all of it goes away and he loses everything.

"Might as well check the prices so I can ready myself." Dream mumbled to himself, barely audible if anyone was in the room. He booted up his computer and searched up Orlando Fun World's adult tickets prices and immediately he was terrified by the numbers

1 day per person was $109-$159. He had 9 other people to pay for and there was one more for himself after that. Multiplying the price by 10, he was paying at least $1090 or at most $1600.


He was about to pay a grand and 600 dollars for theme park tickets. It was lucky that he made quite a bit of money off of his manhunts either that or he was severely fucked but still he wasn't excited to pay 1600 dollars for 9 other tickets that wasn't even for him.

But then again, he would be that kind of guy to do anything for his friends so that was exactly what he was about to do.

After that, he decided to check how long does the camera footage need to download and needless to say, it still needed quite a bit of time before being able to view.

"27 hours to go... I guess this trip can buy me some more time.."


"Guys, we can't let him spend any more money on us. Have you seen the prices of a single ticket?!" Bad exclaimed as he was frantically explaining their next counter-plan to Jake's attack.

"I don't know but I'm sure it costs a lot." Technoblade replied, his monotonic voice covered up the worry that was swimming around in his chest.

"For all of us, it takes about 1500 or something along those lines, still that is a lot of money!" Bad argued, clenching his head in frustration and stress.

"Well we can always buy our own tickets you know, so that can possibly lower the expenses?" Wilbur presented, a simple yet effective idea seemed to sit well with everyone in the Dream Support Team. Bad, Techno and Niki nodded, agreeing on Wilbur's plan.

"We will succeed because what are we?" Bad began their official team cheer, "THE DREAM SUPPORT TEAM!!!" all of them excitedly cheered, boosting their confidence.

Then an idea seemed to struck Bad's head. If they wanted to help Dream, recruiting more people would be extremely beneficial because as he always say, the more the merrier. He also needed to come up with a strategy to make Dream recruit more people to the team, which would make the helping process much more efficient and quick.

"Hey one more thing! Let's have Dream recruit more people to our team, that way it would be more beneficial to us and Dream!" Bad noted, looking at everyone who seemed to have also agreed with him.

"So how about this?" Niki started organizing the plan, pulling out a piece of paper and a single blue pen. " We'll separate into two groups: 2 of us will bring Dream with us. That's Group A. Whilst the other group just try to lead Jake away as far as possible until the park closes, this will be Group B. Sounds cool?" Niki asked if there's any adjustments that needed to made. Everyone fell silent, no one had any additional points to add.

"Niki has been reading too much Art of War with Techno." Wilbur joked, which made everybody burst into laughter. It was good to laugh since they clearly needed to release out the tension and stress that they are holding in their body and mind.

"So.. anyways.." Niki clears her throat before continuing, " I will be in Group A, Bad you'll come with me. Techno and Wilbur, you'll just simply need to lure him away. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded in agreement as they were always ready to help Dream .(well maybe not always *cough* Chapter 1 -6 *cough*)

All 4 members entered back into the house, they were ready and prepared for anything that might go down as their trip to the amusement park shall not be ruined. Although their intention was to help Dream, they couldn't bypass the fact that they are going to Orlando Fun Land with Dream.

Already it radiates pure fun and joy, if you minus Jake out that is. But either way they were happy that they can go on another adventure in Florida with Dream himself.

Speaking of the devil, Dream was walking down the stairs at that moment with his car keys in hand. He was wearing a long-sleeve green hoodie and a pair of dark blue trousers and black running shoes with sunglasses and his signature smiley face mask.

"You guys ready?" Dream asked the bunch, twirling the ring of keys in his hand as if it was a fidget spinner. "YEAH!!!" everyone exclaimed, clapping wildly. Everyone including Jake was very hyper to say the least.

Dream chuckled lightly at his friends whilst walking to his vehicles. Hopping into the driver's seat, everyone quickly got on and he attempted to drive off without letting Jake in, which would result in him being locked out of his house and his car, but unfortunately he got in first thing before his friends could even do a thing.

He stepped on the gas pedal and with that the vehicle was in motion, and off to Orlando Fun World.


(Dream's POV)

The drive to Orlando Fun Land was nothing more than absolute chaos, everyone was squealing behind me sounds like a pig farm, not going to lie or maybe that its because everyone's inner child is coming out whenever amusement parks are mentioned.

To be honest, I'm not surprised that they wanted to come here. Florida is known for having the world's best resort theme park, so that is mostly likely why most of them wanted to experience this wonderful place.

Although it might cost a fortune out of my wallet, I was glad to be at Orlando Fun Land for a day, nonetheless. It is said to be the happiest place on Earth so maybe perhaps some amusement rides can save me?

What the fuck am I thinking? Of course, it won't! How is a mechanical technological pulley system going to help with all of my problems?

Are they going to inject me with their obvious fake exuberance and change me into a new different person? NO! That is definitely going to happen...

Ah.. well... I might as well try my best to stay happy I guess... since this is Fun Land after all, got to act happy and cheerful like the damn cartoon characters running around at the park.

Cartoon characters, joyful little people or creatures that runs around cheerfully, no matter what age you are, you'll still be excited to see them as they are your childhood. They possess this brainwashing effect on everyone, from kids to elders, no matter who or where you are, they will make you love them no matter what.


Well then I thought that my childhood memories were the only thing that won't make me feel down and somehow it did as he clearly reminded me about that prick that is currently sitting behind me, chatting away with my friends... Dreams are forever you say.... forever fucking impossible

Good job , I am already letting myself down before I even got to the damn amusement park, you piece of fucking sh-.

People really change like the tides in the ocean and I am dead correct.


The ride to Fun Land, like Dream had said earlier, was nothing more than pure hectic and chaotic. Everyone especially Sapnap and Tommy who said they're going to squeeze the amusement out of the park once they arrived at the place.

Although Dream had no idea what Sapnap meant by that, he would rather not know than to know. He doesn't want to envision what Sapnap's thinking, since that isn't his business and he also didn't want have nightmares about it.

Jake was being, well, Jake as in always engaging in conversations between Dream's friends and thinks to himself that he's the best around here although Dream can note that it was becoming less apparent now for some reason due to some of them such as Techno or Bad were not willing to talk Jake in which he finds it hilarious at times when Jake tried to strike up a discussion with one of them but ended up having to talk to himself since none of them would respond back to him.

After a few more minutes of driving, Dream was beginning to enter a lone road where there was no buildings or other types of civilization, there was just thick green trees surrounding the pathway.

If he remembered correctly, they should be mere minutes away from reaching their destination. Then in the distance, he spots a big shiny silver arch with two red diamonds at opposite ends and a big golden star perched on top. A sign plastered on the arch saying out: Orlando Fun Land

Everyone except for Dream cheered in exhilaration as Dream drove through the arch which was meant to be the gateway entrance to the park. Palm trees lightly decorating both sides of the road, it was accompanied by clear cloudless blue skies and soft breezes of wind, giving their surroundings a tropical environmental vibe.

"Dude. this is going to be so fricking POG!" Sapnap screeched, bouncing up and down vigorously in his seat acting like a child on their to get their first flu shot.

Everyone was ready to bolt out of Dream's car as the vehicle was slowly coming to a stop and stationary pace. George and Bad held the handles to the doors firmly in their grasp, ready to release themselves into the wonderlands of Fun Land.

Dream carefully put the car in reverse as he settles the vehicle for parking, just then he started to think about all the possibilities that can happen. It was starting to become a habit now as he has been doing it quite often these last few days.

Bringing Jake along for the ride into Fun Land, this can go either bad or very bad according to Dream. The bad thing would be that Jake would steal all of the attention but he was still going to have fun. The very bad thing would be that Jake would also steal all of the attention and he wasn't going to have any fun with anything.

Dream sighed hopelessly although prayed to himself that at least something would turn out right, but knowing his luck for the last few days that had passed, it was very unlikely.

Upon parking his car, Dream watches as everyone speedily sprinted out of the car, heading straight towards the entrance of the park in a flash. Dream felt like a hurricane had just whipped past right in front of him, he needed a little bit of time to process what just happened.

Getting out of the car, he felt like complete garbage. He crashed to the floor almost instantly he got out of his driver's seat. The strength was depleting from his body, he couldn't even sustain himself to even walk.

He leaned on his car for balance, gripping on the car handle as if his life depended on it. His head pounded whilst his stomach began to churn, trying to release its contents out of his mouth. Not even 1 minute in and already things are going wrong, and he somehow still wished for a great experience?

Dream tried his best to refrain the nausea that was circling in his head and mind, the last thing he wanted to do right now is to puke first thing at Fun Land. He took a deep shaky breath before finally being able to walk to the entrance of the park.

He trailed far behind his group of friends, walking slowly to make sure not to fall again. He didn't want to appear weak and vulnerable in front of everyone, he needed to act strong and tough like a 21 year old and a certain Jake would do.

Dream walked passed by the groups of photographers who's trying to take a picture of either their families or friends. He watches in jealousy as the young teens and their parents smiled lovingly at the camera. Oh how badly he wishes that he can be like them...

Children were running around frantically, excited for their adventure into meeting their favorite characters and their home. Growing up, Dream still had that same excitement, although this time it was significantly diminished. His priorities aren't meeting cartoon characters or play any of the games and rides that this wonderful place had to offer; his whole was to keep his friends company as they go on and drift into having the time of their lives.

Yet he wouldn't mind re-living his childhood for one final time...

Coming up in front of him was a flower bed shaped like the head of a smiling clown. Behind the patch of flowers was a fairly large building with a sign that wrote "Welcome". There was also a golden ribbon that stretched across the entrance where there was also a sentence written on it : Let the Adventures Begin Now!

"Clay sweetie! What does that say?"

"Let the Adventures Begin Now! Mommy!"

"Good job, my dear..."

Dream stood frozen still at the sign, a creepy chill ran down his spine. His eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost. Out of nowhere, two voices spoke in his head and a monochromatic image of where he was standing played in his cloudy eyes. The voices were one of a young woman and the other was of a little boy that sounded exactly like him when he was a kid.

'What was that?' Dream questioned as he tried to process what had just came over him. "Mom?" Dream thought out loud, as he looked into the empty cerulean blue sky. He wondered if his parents were trying to communicate with him since this was the first time he had flashbacks back to when he was a child.

"DREAM!!!" someone yelled in his ears and that time it was definitely not his mom. Dream jumped in surprise from the sudden loud vocal impact that had been drilled into his ears, snapping out of his chain of thought.

It seemed that Technoblade had grew rather impatient and volunteered to go and drag Dream over himself. "What are you doing, Dream?" Techno asked, dragging Dream by his hand. "You've been staring at the sign and the sky for a while now..."

Dream didn't answer him, he was way too puzzled to even comprehend on what had happened seconds ago. Why did he start having flashbacks of his childhood here and why did it start here when he was supposed to be having fun?

Normally to Dream, flashbacks were good memories and makes him reminisce about his past times but now it was a completely different story when his parents were no longer among the living.

It has officially been 1 week since the accident and death of Dream's whole family, which didn't hit Dream until now. The reminder made Dream sigh depressively as he figures out why he's having all of these visions flashing in and out of his head. Today he was strolling through his past memories in his favorite place in his childhood, what a coincidence.

Techno brought Dream to the rest of the group, where they were all sitting on wooden benches, some of them were patiently waiting whilst the others were pacing back and forth.

Once he arrived, Dream expected receive an earful from everyone for making them wait for such a ridiculous amount of time and he wouldn't say that he didn't deserved it. He did in fact slowed them down with his useless musings.

He braced himself for the oncoming complaints from George or Sapnap and especially Jake. He held in his breath as he was prepared for all of the hate to be laid on his shoulders.

"AYY!! Dream's here!!!" Tubbo cheered and so did everyone else except for a certain Brit. The blonde American was astounded, he didn't expect them to celebrate upon his way overdue arrival. It was odd since 2 days ago they were complaining about how he was 10 minutes late for the mall trip, but somehow they didn't rant when he arrived late 20 minutes late.

Either way, Dream was relieved that he didn't need to endure more lashing back from his friends. He wasn't sure how much longer his mental health can take the beating but it was a known fact to Dream that it was wearing thinner and thinner.

"Alright, I'll buy your tickets and you all can wait by the turnstiles!" Dream pulled out his credit card from his wallet, already walking towards the ticket booth when Bad suddenly grabs him by his wrist, stopping him in place.

Dream hissed in pain, why did Bad had to grab that part of his arm again, furthermore yanking it? Dream bottled up his emotions and the stinging sensation on his wrist, biting on his tongue to suppress the urge of yelping.

"What is it, Bad?" Dream looked at the brown haired boy that was still holding on his wrists tightly, in which he would like him to stop doing right now because the pain is zapping up his arms like a million fire ants biting at the same time.

"Me, Wilbur, Niki and Techno had already bought tickets for ourselves. We thought it would be fair for us to lower your expenses a bit!" Bad said, smiling warmly and putting his hand on Dream's shoulder.

Guilt and relief surged through Dream at the same time. He was relieved that he didn't need to spend almost 1600 dollars yet he felt guilty for having Bad and the others to spend their own money but he can't do anything now can he?

"Alright Bad, I'll just buy for the other 5 then..." Dream said, disappointment painted across his face before approaching the ticket booth and buying the tickets for the other 5 and himself.

"That would be 800 dollars mister." the ticket booth attendant demanded. Dream handed him the card and watches as he adds another 800 dollars onto his credit card. He sighed bitterly as he realized how ugly his payment would be at the end of the month.

Dream shivered at the horrifying thought that had entered his head, but he didn't have the time to pout about it. He needed to get his friends into the Fun Land for crying out loud and they haven't entered the park yet, furthermore it's already about to past midday!

Dream speedily ran back to the turnstiles and handed everyone their tickets, everyone seemed very pleased with Dream's spending although one person seemed to be too happy about the matter.

They scanned their tickets and put down their accessories into the metal detector before they were finally entered the land of their childhood... Dream and his friends had invaded Orlando Fun Land.

Almost immediately after everyone got passed through, Tommy and Tubbo wanted to sprint into the park by themselves, but Wilbur had called them back for a second since he and his team still needed to sort out their plan.

"Alright right now its 12:42 AM, we will divide into two groups of 5, we will meet back at 6 in the evening! Is that okay with everyone?" Wilbur announced, taking up the leader role instead of Bad. Dream was confused by their choice of splitting up into separate groups but he didn't mind either way, as long as he can spend time with his friends. That's all that he ever wanted.

"Alright so Dream, Bad, Niki.. umm... Sapnap and Tubbo you are in Group A!" Wilbur chose randomly for the last two group participants. At the corner of his eyes, he can see Jake's face contorting into disapproval before he seems frightened and downright scared.

Wilbur didn't care the slightest on what Jake thought, all that mattered was too have fun and to keep Jake away from Dream as long and far as possible.

"The rest you're coming with me!" Wilbur shouted, before instantly dragging Jake away by his hand into the eastern part of the park, with Techno, George and Tommy quickly following behind them both.

Dream can hear Jake's retaliation but Wilbur's strength and running speed for him to even try to resist, fortunately all he can do was to comply and let the things around him happen. He stifled out a laugh, looking at Jake's horrified expression as he was dragged away like a pet dog getting into a vet's examination room.

Currently, all 5 of them were standing in front of the park's heart core center with a gigantic fountain, standing mighty tall, cowering over them. Sapnap and Tubbo were already taking pictures, ready to post them on their Twitter and other social medias.

The remaining 3 : Dream, Bad and Niki were kind of lost on what to do, they don't know where they should start in this gigantic park.

"Where do you want to go first, Dream?" Bad asks Dream, but he stopped when he noticed that Dream wasn't even listening to him, it seems. The blonde Florida teen was staring into space, or perhaps he was locked onto a castle that was further down to the left.

His gaze didn't break or divert from the tall building and that kind of concerned Bad. Was he re-living some sort of memory?

Bad would be surprised on how correct he was.

"Mommy! I want to live in that castle!." Dream pointed at the castle with high steeples excitedly with his little fingers on his little hands.

Mrs. Cassie Block chuckled at her son's desires, it was just a kid's wishful thinking but at the same time she didn't want to break her little angel's expectations.

"Maybe when you grow up, you can make money and buy that castle!" she replied, beaming a wonderful smile at her son. Dream returned the gesture with a grin.

"When I grow up, I will buy the castle and have you and Dad live in it together!." Dream clapped happily and Mrs. Cassie chuckled in amusement and adoration.

"Aw.. that's so sweet of you..."

Dream remembered that moment very fondly as he gave out a lengthy exhale before frowning. The more he remembers, the more pain emitted in his heart. It almost felt like his heart was slowly being torn apart from top to bottom and there was nothing that he can do to prevent it.

Bad tugged on Dream's hoodie strings which seemed to have snapped him out almost instantly. Dream stirred awake from his daydreaming thoughts, his attention finally swaying away from the gorgeous castle back to Bad.

"Oh sorry, I didn't hear you just then! Erm..." Dream awkwardly responded, as he tried to come up on where should they start off the top of his head. "How about let's work our way from the northern and western part before going east?" Dream offered an idea in which Sapnap and Tubbo seemed to agree on quite well.

"Yeah!!!" Tubbo shouted in excitement whilst Sapnap screamed happily, jumping up and down and smiling from ear to ear.

"Dream, you always know how to make everyone smile dude! No wonder people like you so much!" Sapnap complimented, patting his back. Dream smiled lightly although he was quite fairly convinced that that was most likely a lie. A lot of people dislike him, on the contrary, but he didn't want to prove Sapnap wrong so he responded with a faint smile.

Sapnap noticed how Dream didn't come back with some bland joke, since that's always what he does when someone compliments him. His attempt on trying to make Dream smile failed, he didn't know what was wrong with Dream but whatever it was he wanted to make Dream smile, at least for him to see once.

Sapnap is now one step closer to the truth and opening his eyes.

The Break O' Meter (shows how close people are from breaking away from Jake)

George : 27%

Sapnap: 41%

Tommy: 0%

Tubbo: 0%

"Who gets there last is a rotten egg!" Sapnap suddenly changed his demeanor, from concerned back to normal happy-self. The hyper Texan boy already sprinted out on his way towards the northern end of the park, with Tubbo following in hot pursuit.

"HEY! YOU MUFFINHEADS!" Bad followed through, giggling along the way before also joining in on the race.

Dream hesitated on whether or not to participate in this so-called race. He did collapse to the floor whilst trying to stand and he couldn't guarantee that his body wouldn't do it again.

As he was in the middle of confliction in his head, he felt a light tug on, luckily , his right sleeve. Turning around, he noticed that Niki had been calling his name 2-3 times now and that she had her phone out with the Twitch application opened.

"Dream, are you well today? You look ill and you zoned out 3 times already" Niki questioned worriedly, her eyes locked onto his face. Although she can't see much, due to the sunglasses and mask he was wearing, she can confidently say that his face was rather pale and lacking of color.

Also being next to Dream, he was breathing rather heavily almost as if he had ran an iron-man marathon. It seemed that his body was rather lacking hemoglobin which would normally carry oxygen in the bloodstream, which would explain the lack of color and the heavy breathing.

"Uh.. I am okay." Dream simply replied, "and I think you have a question prior to what you're asking now?" he predicted. Niki was surprised, perhaps he already saw her phone opening Twitch but either way he had a really quick eye. No wonder he always uses the most smallest details to his advantages in manhunts.

"Yeah uh- I was going to ask if whether or not can I stream our trip. It's a once in a lifetime experience and I want to have it documented for everyone to see." Niki asked in a pleading tone. She wasn't being demanding but she was being rather polite and gentle about it, unlike Tommy who streamed without his permission, but again Dream didn't really mind it.

So he had no problem to allow Niki to stream her trip funded by Dream. Dream gave her a thumbs-up as a confirmation of acceptance. She beamed a bright smile and pulled Dream in for a tight hug. "Thank you!" Niki muffled out.

Dream blushed lightly in embarrassment as they were literally surrounded by people, but it would be rather rude if he didn't give her a hug back so he did although he was rather jumpy doing it.

After they released each other, Niki went straight to Twitter, publicly tweeting that she's going live and Dream waiting patiently for her to finish.

Once she finished tweeting, Dream didn't want to make the other 3 wait. Both of them haven't even left the front of the fountain yet and he had to run to the far northern side of the park. It would take a quite some time if they walk at normal pace and as Dream thought earlier, he didn't want to make them wait so there was no other options for him and Niki other than quickly run at unbelievable speeds to get to the other side of the park.

Although Dream was physically unready, he had been a quarterback(?) for his rugby team in high school so he definitely has experience with running fast if he wasn't in the first place, he would force himself to be able to do it either way.

"Hi chat!" Niki greeted her viewers, with a warm smile. "Today we are in Disney World Orlando with everyone that is currently scattered across the park right now, but we have Dream in front of us, YAAAYY!!!"

(I literally have to study their behavior from streams and videos, to really know what would they say in these kinds of situations... shut up I don't have a problem-)

Dream took a hold of her hand right away, she seemed quite confused by his actions but before she could ask, Dream was already giving out his explanation.

"So Niki's chat. Bad ,Sapnap and Tubbo are currently waiting for us so we'll have to run across the park so the camera might be shaky for most of the time." Dream explained as he starts revving up his leg engines.

"Niki you ready? If so, hold your camera tightly because I'm going speedy." Dream asked for her confirmation, in which she gives rather confusedly. His lips smirked a little bit as he took one deep breath of air as that will be all of his stamina.

Dream began moving forwards slowly, jogging up speed as he goes until he reaches the point of unbelievably speeds. Now THIS is what you call literal SPEEDRUNNING.

On camera, everything was a jumbled mess of colors and pixels. Not a single object can be registered clearly as everything was passing by super quickly, chat was pretty amazed by Dream's reckless speed despite being able to see almost nothing. It was almost as if they were riding a coaster ride themselves.

To Niki, it was a scary experience as she was expecting to at least hit something on the way through. She never thought a human being can possess this much speed as she noticed that Dream already ran through half of the park and was now reaching towards the deep end where in the distance she can see Bad, Sapnap and Tubbo waiting for them.

In what felt like only 2 minutes, Dream had brought Niki and her viewers from the entrance to the northern deep end of the park and in front of a water coaster ride. Dream panted exhaustedly, he felt like he was going to pass out any second now. He pushed himself and exceeded his own limits, now he was suffering the consequences.

He even knew that his body was fully ready today and yet he still does something stupid like this, but it was worth it, wasn't it? Everything was dedicated to his friends, wasn't it?

Just like everything he does, always goes wrong and ends up harming himself in the long run. He was such a failure...

"My goodness, Dream! How fast did you run!" came Bad's voice, scurrying hurriedly to Dream's side. Sapnap and Tubbo quickly followed from behind, staring at the mess Dream was. Sweat showered him, slowly seeping into his hoodie, which speaking of, wasn't helping either with the scorching sun.

"Dream, let me take off your hoodie for you. So you can properly cool off." Tubbo suggested as he moved into lift up Dream's green hoodie.

Dream instantly gasped as pure horror dawned upon him. If Tubbo lifted up his hoodie right now, not only will all of his friends right here would see his wrists but everyone who was walking by him would know his dark secret and on top of that Niki had just gone live, so all of her viewers will then know.

After that, all of her viewers will bring the topic to social media and then basically everyone would then know as it will be shared onto other platforms before it descends into absolute chaos.

But if he resists now, it would look very suspicious and everyone would suspect that he was hiding something else that no one knows. They will be more inclined to find out and expose what he's trying to conceal.

He was now really out of ways, at a complete dead end with no out of jail cards.

What was he going to do now?


On the other side of the park, Wilbur, Techno, George, Tommy and Jake were screaming their lungs out on a carousel. The joy they were experiencing made Jake actually forget about Dream for a while and the fact that he can be doing anything right now.

Wilbur and Techno also temporarily forgot that there were here to recruit more people whilst also having fun but so far they are doing a pretty good job at leashing Jake away from Dream.

"WOOO!!! SUCK IT WILBUR I'M FASTER THAN YOU!!!" Tommy shouted as he passes by Wilbur in his unicorn. The Brit flips the child off with the middle finger, followed by faint laughter from Techno and George.

The ride attendant gradually puts the ride down for its roundly closure, and everyone exhaled all of the intensity and the fun that they had out of their bodies.

"Alright guys let's go and meet up with Dream-" Jake spoke once he got out of the park but his voice was promptly cut off by Techno, " OH hey look there's a churro stand right there!" Techno exclaimed trying his best to divert George and Tommy's attention away from Jake.

"Oh yeah let's go buy some! A cool and swag man like me needs a churro." Tommy said, before walking over towards the churro stand.

Wilbur crept behind Techno, "Good fucking job mate.." he whispered silently, patting him in the back. Techno was always a natural when it comes to avoiding questions and or stealing attention like Jake but never did he used that as his advantage so he was considered fine by Dream.

Everyone bought themselves a long stick of churro, snacking on it for the next few minutes as they walked around eying what next should be played.

Jake was thunderstruck by Techno's sudden interference. Not only did he not expect him to budge in at that moment, but that also ruined his chances of going to Dream and monitoring in case if he does anything too dangerous for his liking.

He had already turned 3 people back to their normal selves and he couldn't afford to lose another 2, especially when Sapnap was over there, being one of his strongest weapons to wield. If he loses Sapnap, then he has to cage George 24/7 in his sight, it wouldn't matter if he lost Tommy, it didn't bother him in the slightest.

If Sapnap and Tubbo gets turned back to normal, his last trump card and only attack available now was George which is definitely going to be underpowered when he's going against 8 people. Even though it was possible, Jake believed that at the minimum Dream would bring back one person during the trip.

But what worries him the most was Bad, he was forming a pact with Niki and Techno to rebel against his power and their movements were surprisingly successful so far and he didn't like it one bit.

They were trying to expose him for his wrong doings and needless to say, he had some very close calls ever since. He's been caught once and that really harmed his reputation on social media. He couldn't afford to slip up like that again, especially when he's so close to winning the war. He won't let the resistance army get in the way of his victory.

"How do you think they're doing over there?" Techno asked in a soft voice, trying his best to keep the conversation a secret. He wouldn't say that he wasn't worried that something would go wrong with the other group as much as he wanted that doubt that anything would happen.

"I'm sure they'll do fine. Bad is very good at controlling situations so I assume that everything should be under control." Wilbur smiled encouragingly, giving Techno a bit of hope to fulfill his worries. However Techno wasn't so sure, he was skeptical and can sense that something will go wrong and probably right now.


Tubbo leaned in to grab Dream's hoodie, in order to let the blonde cool off the exhaustion that he was currently experiencing. Although little does he know that if he takes off the hoodie everything will go south immediately.

"NO! NO NO. I'M FINE GUYS, REALLY JUST SWEATING NOTHING SERIOUS. I SWEAR!" Dream freaked out, spitting out a sentence rapidly as he jumped up and backing off from everyone who was trying to touch him. He didn't care what people think of him right now, as long as the wounds wasn't shown.

Bad, Niki, Sapnap and Tubbo was not expecting Dream to evoke such a reaction. Why was Dream so scared to take off his hoodie?

Bad and Niki had a rough idea of what Dream's trying to hide, but they tried their best not to think about it. The imagery was too frightening for both of them to even imagine, it was just disturbing to ponder on it.

Sapnap grew a bit more concerned, now he knew that something was definitely up. Never has he ever seen Dream react to something like that throughout 12 years of their friendship. He gulped nervously as he stared at his friend's frantic state.

Tubbo was not that far from Sapnap, in terms of feelings and emotions. They were scrambled and confused, he didn't know what to make of it. Needless to say, he had never seen this side of Dream before. What happened to confident, cocky Dream and why was it all replaced by anxiety, paranoia?

These were the thoughts that circulated in Tubbo's head, and probably will for the next few hours. He wasn't that blind any more, as he felt that a new perspective had been opened to him.

The Break O' Meter

George : 27%

Sapnap: 72%

Tommy: 0%

Tubbo: 41%

(Dream's POV)

Fuck me! Why did I react like that?! Now everyone's going to be suspicious of me. Just when I thought nothing can get worse, something always had to exceed my expectations especially the wrong way.

Now Sapnap and Tubbo are looking at me weirdly, obviously suspecting me of something that I was trying to hide. Why do I always do this to myself? Every time when I want something good for them, a voice , flashbacks or even Jake just comes out of nowhere and ruins it all!

Distraction. Distraction! I need a distraction right now! Either that or I am getting bombarded with questions that I didn't want to answer.

I quickly gave my surroundings a quick and thorough scan. Conveniently, there was a water ride right next to me called Deep Dive, I looked at the waiting time, it was only 2 minutes. Now that's what you call almost perfect timing, how about if I interest them in a theme park ride, maybe that will buy me some time?

"Oh look! Deep Dive is now opening their queue! Let's go and line up for the ride." I announced, pointing at the wooden sign that was hanging above the entrance. Cringing at my own fake enthusiasm, I instantly walked right in without waiting for them.

What the fuck am I even doing at this point?

I keep on doing actions that doesn't help me in the slightest but instead keep sabotaging myself and digging a hole deeper for myself to fall into. Who can I help, when I can't even help myself?

Not only did I sucked all of the wishful thoughts out of my head, I probably sucked out everyone's joy and fun at Fun Land. Now they probably won't even pay attention to the rides or even the walking mascots of their childhood.

They're most likely to focus on me now, due to my odd behavior. Why was I such a problem, a burden to everyone?

Why do I keep on hoping for a better tomorrow when as long as I live... nothing seems to even improve at all. It just keeps on getting worse and worse and worse...

I can hear soft murmurs behind my back, they're probably talking about me. I wanted the same attention back, but I didn't want this kind of attention. This was not what I wished for...

My mom used to say that anything I desired will come to me. Back then I was hopeful about it but now I can at how bullshit it was.

"Clay, there's stars in the sky! What do you want to wish for darling?"

"I wished that I can live with you and Dad forever in a happy life!" Dream giggled on that night as he held his hands together in praying formation. Mrs. Cassie Block smiled at her son's devotion.

If it was true, mom and dad and my sister wouldn't have died in that car crash.

If it was true, Jake didn't need to come in my life!

If it was true, I wouldn't have cut myself and watch my blood flow out of my very own wrists!

If it was true, I wouldn't be crying every night and praying hopelessly for something that won't ever happen.




I thought furiously as I sat myself down onto the ride, which was in a form of a wooden log. A migraine was slowly digging its sharp pain into my head and my heart rate spikes up almost immediately after.

There goes my heart beating, and my hands shaking because of the overwhelming stress that was running me over and I am so sure that going on a water ride would help so much.

Tubbo took the seat beside me as the rest were behind my back. At the corner of my eye, I can see his worried gaze piercing into my soul. The eyes of confusion, concern and curiosity.

Just focus on the ride, try to have fun... fun... fucking fun.

Smile.. yes keep smiling.... everyone loves when you're smiling, no one will expect that your life is a complete wreck.

Just keep on smiling... and everything will be fine as long as I'm smiling...


The ride started soaring along the soft waves, it was moving rather slow but nonetheless it got everyone hyped up although the thought of Dream never left anyone's mind. Dream was less than thrilled to get on the ride, he remembers that there was an upcoming drop right at the start of the ride which will be taking place once they round the first corner and up the steep slope.

And as anyone would know, he was freaking terrified of heights. Why he agreed to board on such a ride which he even knew that there will be a drop incoming? He didn't understand himself either, but it was mostly because he wanted to keep them company.

But not for long did he started to regret his decision, as his stomach slowly sank when the log began ascending up top into a clear tube...

( 7 scream filled minutes later...)

If Dream didn't already look pale to everyone in the morning, he was certainly is after the screeching of Deep Dive. He needed some space, some time to recollect what had just happened.

Everything seemed to zoom pass in a flash according to Dream. He only remembered the echoes of his terrified screams throughout the ride, whilst the others were having a blast.

He wasn't feeling too well, to put it at minimum. If it was possible, he felt even worse after the ride.

Dream's stomach churned and toiled as its contents were starting to rise up in his throat. He gagged and coughed in pain, his eyes widened in shock as his tongue seemed to register the taste of blood in his mouth.

He sprinted to the nearest to the nearest secluded trash can and let himself purge everything out of his systems. Bad and Tubbo, who ran over to check , was stunned and horrified by the sight of their friend puking out crimson red liquid out of his mouth.

'The stomach ulcers!' Bad thought, as he helplessly watched his friend continuously vomit out everything that he had eaten today which is next to nothing.

"Oww..." Dream grunted in pain as he clenches at his stomach. The ulcers were starting to act up, the burning sensation of the acid lingered from his throat down into his intestines. It felt like his digestive system was being ripped in half like a piece of paper through a shredder. His mouth tasted foul and blood was dripping out of it.

Dream slumped back against a wall, the world was beginning to dim down in brightness in his vision. He slid down the wall without any strength to balance himself with, his physical health was clearly deteriorating and it was all because of Jake.

Tubbo tended to Dream, kneeling down and wiping away the sweat that was falling down on his forehead. Dream was lucky that Niki stayed behind with Sapnap, otherwise the whole stream would have an awful sight to see.

Bad got on his phone and called Sapnap right away. "Yo dude! What's going on? Why did the 3 of you just run off without-" the 20 year old boy asked but was instantly cut off by the 25 year old.

"Sorry Sapnap, I can't explain right now but can you hand the phone to Niki?" Bad speedily asked, panic bubbling fiercely in his chest. He hears some shuffling on the other side of the line before he was met with Niki's soft and gentle voice.

"Hello?" Niki asked, concern lacing in her voice. She, too, was wondering what happened, she was as equally as confused and disturbed as Bad was over the phone.

"Code Red Niki, bring Sapnap away. End your stream right now please! Tell Wilbur and Techno as well, me and Tubbo will take care of Dream. Over." Bad quickly commanded, he has no time to waste, Dream's various conditions were starting to activate at the same time.

"Alright! Over and out." Niki hung up the call, before bidding her stream a quick goodbye with some connection excuse and hurriedly brought the puzzled Sapnap away from Dream, walking from the Northern End back to the center fountain and into the eastern part of the park where Techno and Wilbur were currently at.

Tubbo and Bad hoisted Dream up from the ground, as he was far too weak to even walk himself. As he was carrying the severely ill boy, Bad can smell the metallic blood emitting from Dream and also that his forehead felt steaming hot as he leaned over to check it.

'This little muffinhead, got a bad fever and didn't even tell us?' Bad looked at Dream, his eyes were barely open and they looked lifeless as if nobody was home. His breathing wheezes were sharp like a whistle blowing at the highest pitch.

"I'm sorry Bad... Tubbo... I ruined your day didn't I?" Dream exhaustedly groaned, he was blaming himself again. Even when he was sick, he still considers that he was responsible for everything that was happening.

"Shush..." Bad gently hushed him, he hated seeing Dream inculpating himself for everything especially for things that was out of his control. "You didn't ruin anything Dream, you're ill so don't waste your energy speaking." Tubbo gently assured as he rubbed circles around Dream's back.

Bad glanced at one of the passing sidewalk clocks : It was almost 2 P.M.

It was almost three quarters way through their day at Orlando Fun Land and yet they haven't done such a thing except for one ride when they are supposed to be on at least 4 by now... maybe this was really Dream's fault?


Wilbur was surprised to receive a text message from Niki, especially when he thought everything should be going well. He was shocked upon reading the message that she had sent him. Techno also leaned in to read it and was equally as astounded although he did expect it to happen.

Not looking good. Dream's puking up blood after Deep Dive. His ulcers are acting up and he kept on zoning out, sometimes he would even say his thoughts out loud. Sounds like a conversation between a mother and her child.

Wilbur and Techno had no idea what the last part meant but their main concerning point was the fact that Dream had puked out blood because of his stomach ulcers.

Both of the Dream Support Team members shot death glares at Jake, who was talking away with Tommy and George. They couldn't wait when everything prevails and the truth was revealed to everyone, they lust of getting the last laugh.

"I told you something would go wrong, Wil." Techno punched Wilbur in the arm, as he sighed burying his face in his palms.

"Dude... I feel bad for Dream man..." Wilbur said, "All we are seeing is in the span of 5 days, and he had been going through all of this for 3 months, Techno!" the tall Brit shouted, luckily not loud enough to get the attention of Jake.

"There could anything else that Dream's hiding and we're not even noticing!" Wilbur complained as he sat down on a nearby bench. Techno sat beside him as he let the other 3 walk on their own.

No truer words had been said by Wilbur, they've started to letting the fact of them deserting Dream for 3 months sink into their heads. Guilt swarmed into their minds, playing with their emotions. They didn't know what to feel.. sad? Disappointed? Angry at themselves?

"Wilbur!" came Niki's voice in the distance, the boy looked up to see her and Sapnap jogging towards them at a moderate pace.

Wilbur seemed to the redness in her eyes, it was clearly she was crying softly when running to here. She sat down next to her before letting her emotions out freely. Hearing Niki cry, made Techno and Wilbur's floodgates of tears to start as well. What had they done to Dream?

The 3 members shared a silent crying session as the overflowing feeling of self-blame began to run through their heads and minds. Everyone had their own separate reason to blame themselves for, all reasons differing in the impact.

They felt lost and defeated at how futile their work has been so far, which was absolutely to help Dream. Each and every single plan resulted in more pain for Dream. From the beach trip, where he was pushed into the ocean and the wings stream where he got the ulcers from. They had done nothing helpful. NOTHING

They let themselves silently cry until their bodies can't provide anymore tears, whilst a confused yet worried Sapnap was sitting next to them the whole time.

Sapnap hasn't heard the whole story revolving around Dream yet, but he had eavesdropped on some fragments and he doesn't know if whether or not he was beginning to start feeling the same way towards Dream. Guilty.

The 4 of them sat there for a while as rolls of dark grey clouds began to cover up the once warm sunshine and bright blue sky. With that the world had dimmed in its bright and vibrant colors.


Bad and Tubbo had moved Dream into a small little shop that was near the entrance of the park, where they sold bakery items and souvenirs. Bad watched Dream pitifully as he was knocked out cold by the exhaustion and stress. He had his head resting on the table, snoozing away as he tries to recover.

"Poor Dream..." Bad muttered quietly as he examined his face, his eyes had bags underneath, his face had no color and his temperature was skyrocketing high although for the record, he didn't have a thermometer to measure.

Tubbo came to the table with two cups of plain water and a star shaped chocolate waffle even though he didn't really had the appetite to eat anything especially after witnessing the fountain of blood that had spewed out of Dream's mouth.

"So Bad... why was Dream puking out blood?" Tubbo asked, he was now very adamant on knowing what is up with Dream. Bad sighed, even though it will be more meaningful if Dream had explained it himself but since he's not available as of now, he will have to take over the role.

"So..." Bad began, pausing for a moment to swallow the lump in his throat before continuing, "Dream was puking up blood because of stomach ulcers which was caused by the hot wings 2 days ago."

"So you made him sick?" Tubbo stopped Bad instantly once the topic of hot wings was mentioned. "Wha- well, technically yell." Bad's face darkens as he answered, he still can't forgive himself for being a part of making Dream sick. It was unacceptable and it didn't help that he was seeing the results today.

"Oh it was the weird apology that Jake tweeted yeah? Where he said that he put one of the hottest sauces in the world into his box?" Tubbo questioned, he was starting to work it all out.

Bad nodded, "He got violently sick like you had saw earlier, and furthermore is that he's being bullied by Jake all this time for the past 3 months."

Tubbo's eyes widened as Bad explained more and more pieces of the story, the more bad he felt for Dream, he had been unknowingly hurting him for the longest of time whilst he was having his own normal happy life. At the same time, he felt that the person who he knew as Jake wasn't the same nice guy that he thought knew quite well. Was this really the same Jake that he had known and are friends for 3 months?

The feeling of friendship was replaced with enmity as Tubbo drew a frown which was then turned into scrunched up anger as he shook his head in disapproval.

"Jake's no longer my friend. What a freaking douchebag..." Tubbo muttered bitterly, venom dripping of every single word showing his genuineness. Bad smiled as he was relieved that enlightenment had dawned on Tubbo.

With Bad's assistance, Dream was able to wake his fifth friend, Tubbo from Jake's grasp. Only 3 remaining : George, Sapnap and Tommy

Dream : 6 Points


Jake ( Crunch ) : 9 Points

First to 11 / Best of 20


Whilst everything was going emotionally wrong with everyone else; George, Tommy and Jake were still cheerful and laughing as they were riding through a fast velocity coaster ride.

George and Tommy screamed their lungs out as their stomach seemed to do flips along with the ride. Jake, however, didn't focus on the ride. He was focused on rather the possibilities of wat Dream could be doing right now.

He could be recruiting more people to his side and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it, and that worried him severely. What if he had woken up one of his powerful weapons like Sapnap?

He would be very screwed if that's the case, after that his playing field would be very limited but as long as he keeps at least 3 people in his power, he can still carry out his plans and attacks. However, if Dream wakes them all up, it was game over for Dream and he was already halfway through the roster.

Once they got off the ride, Jake immediately wants to go to where Dream was, solely for the purpose of monitoring him to ensure that he wasn't doing anything that could potentially harm him in any way.

"George! Tommy! Let's go over there!" Jake pointed at a random direction. George and Tommy complied since they had no experience with the park at all, they'll just have to rely on Jake who seems to know where he's going.

Jake instinctively marched into the direction that he had pointed with his finger randomly, hoping that it was the correct way. He was so lost as to where he was, and furthermore he actually had no idea where Dream was in the first place.

Luckily, he was going the wrong way as he was heading towards the northwestern part of the park where Deep Dive is. He was doing Wilbur and Techno's work for them, it was the only time that Jake was being unknowingly beneficial to Dream.

Speaking of Wilbur and Techno, they were still moping on the bench and have been there for almost an hour straight, silently letting their tears fall from their eyes.

Sapnap, who was still sitting with them, was tempted to ask questions on what's going on with Dream as they seemed like that they knew, but he didn't have the courage to do it especially when they're crying so he held the questions back into his head.

In the midst of silence, Sapnap can hear faint music creeping up from behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he sees multiple parade floats passing by the gigantic fountain, he immediately checked the time on his phone. 16:07 P.M

Which according to the brochure, it was the Get Up, Cheer Up Parade Float. Sapnap thought of an idea, what if he brought all of them to watch the parade perhaps that can divert them away from the stress they were having?

"Hey! Cheer up, here comes the parade float. Wanna go watch it together, so that we can put our minds of heavy topics for now." Sapnap suggested in a soft endearing voice, a tone that Sapnap usually uses when teasing Dream and George on streams but never has he used in real life and off-camera.

Like magic, his words seemed to lighten up the mood for a bit as it earned a soft giggle from Niki, a light snorted from Wilbur and a small smile from Techno. Sapnap was proud that he can make his friends cheer up, if only he can apply that skill to Dream...

In the shop, Bad was still looking at Dream, who was still asleep. It really looked like that he needed the nap, although sometimes Bad had to check his pulse due to his ever stillness. He didn't want his friend to die, never wanted actually especially in a place like Orlando Fun Land.

Tubbo was biting into 3rd stroopwafel when both of them heard horns blaring and uplifting music playing outside. He looked out of the window to see what was going on. Multiple floats were making its way down this very path and Tubbo was instantly thrilled by it. He was intrigued on getting a closer view at the parade as he had never seen one before but then he didn't want to leave Dream alone as well..

Bad, who seemed to notice the hint of hesitation that was painted on Tubbo's face, gave him a silent approval of that he can go and see the parade. He was going to stay here until Dream wakes up anyways.

"Thanks Bad!" Tubbo gave Bad a quick hug before running out of the shop to go and see the parade. That left Bad alone with the sleeping Dream, he stared at his peaceful look on Dream's face. It was actually the first time that Bad had seen Dream this calm throughout their visit.

Mostly he would be frowning and having this gloomy shade thrown upon him but now it was all gone when he's asleep in which Bad preferred it way more than the usual unhappy look.

Bad rested his chin on his hands as he yawns before also drifting away into sleep.


Dream shot awake, breathing heavily as he found himself sweating in his own bedroom. Why and how was he back at his own house? Wasn't he at Fun Land earlier?

Dream observed his surroundings, everything in the house was dead silent almost as if no one was home. Patches was sleeping soundly in her bed, although her constant purring is absent from the atmosphere of the room.

Dream walked out of his room into downstairs, no one was here. The rooms that he assigned his friends to was bare of any luggage or signs of living things. The scent of the room was new, he can even smell the paint of these walls.

The confused blonde looked out of his window, it was daytime but no warm sunlight present. It was instead replaced with grey dark stormy clouds, it looked like it was about to rain soon...

Despite knowing that it will rain soon, Dream walked outside of his house nonetheless. Around him were pedestrians and passing traffic. Everything looked weirdly normal, almost as if the visit never happened in the first place.

Was... all of that a big giant cluster of a nightmare?

Dream thought hopefully as he grabs his phone and immediately rang up his parents. Maybe they were alive after all?

Dream waited impatiently, pacing back and forth in circles as he listens to the ringing of his phone that was trying to get a connection.

"Sorry. There's no response from the other side of the line. Please try again later or leave a voice message after the beep." a robotic voice came over the phone instead. Dream's light smile instantly darkened upon hearing the usual sentence being repeated yet again.

Perhaps it wasn't all normal?

For further confirmation, Dream lifted up his left sleeve, checking if whether or not that wrist wound was still and to his surprise it was indeed still there. Although it looked like that the wound was much more deeper than before. Red shiny blood was dripping down from the open cut, watering the small blades of grass that he was standing on.

He covers up the wound once again although he can see the crimson stain seeping through his green hoodie, painting it a blackish purple. The wind blew lightly, the trees were softly dancing along the gusts of moving air.

Dream walked down the street, curious to see if whether or not anything else had changed other than his friends not being present at the house. Trudging down the road, in the distance he sees someone who he recognize by the back of their head.

'Is that Nick (Sapnap)?' He wondered as he began sprinting towards him.

The clouds roared and began to release its water supply onto the landscape of Florida as Dream endlessly tries to catch up to his friend.

Although it seemed that no matter how fast he ran, it doesn't seem like that he was moving at all. He ran so far to get to his friends yet his attempts weren't good enough to achieve that dream.

"Nick! WAIT!" Dream began yelling at the top of his lungs, yet Sapnap didn't look back at him. Dream was puzzled, why wasn't he acknowledging his presence behind him. Dream ran and ran, sweat once again began rolling down his face, mixing together with the rain that was pouring down.

The world turned gray, rather monochromatic in Dream's eyes. His relentless running brought him towards a big facility.

'The airport? NO' Dream gasped as he realized what Sapnap's doing. He was leaving Florida.

Dream's breath hitched in his throat, he was scared of him leaving. If he leaves, he will never get a chance of seeing or even speak to them again once he got through the entrance.

"Hey guys!" Dream hears Sapnap greeting someone, he leans his head forward and was even more horrified. The whole group was there, even Jake was there with backpack neatly planted. across his back.

"Sapnap's here! Alright let's go everybody! Time to say goodbye to Florida!" Jake announced as he leads everyone into the airport.

"WAIT!" Dream screamed as he crosses without looking both sides, he didn't care if traffic hit him.

As he crosses to the other side, he was panicking about the possibility of him not being able to catch up in time, it was a terrifying thought yet it seemed that it was going to be the only outcome. If he had paid more attention to his surroundings, he would've seen the elevated road curb that coming up on his feet.

His foot met with the curb, kicking it fairly hard. The collision made an audible impact, a crunching sound of his bones cracking. He fell face first onto the concrete sidewalk, busting his head on it as a trace of red trickled down his face.

The pain lingered in his right foot and head, it was uncomfortably numb and he couldn't even find his balance when he tried getting up.

Great. He busted his head, he broke his foot and now he can't even run. The possibility of him catching up with them was reduced to nothing, there was no hope left.

Tears brimmed in his eyes as the void of emptiness became more pronounced in his chest. The whirring sound of the plane engine crescendos as Dream collapsed to ground. The plane left and so did his friends with their new Dream.

His whole world seemed so dark, the path to the future looked so worthless.

What was he supposed to do with life now? He had nothing left, no parents, no friends. He had absolutely lost everything that he had and he missed all of the shots that he took. He was trapped in a cell of his very own creation.

He had no purpose in life anymore, no more value... no more importance. Dream crept up as he walked around aimlessly, without any exact destination. Where he was supposed to go?

Without knowing where he was walking to, he somehow ended at the same exact riverside park where Niki stopped from ending his life. The only difference is that she wasn't around this time, and now there was nothing stopping him from pulling the metaphorical leap of faith into the waters.

He questioned himself as his feet carried him near the edge, was he really going to do this?

Even though last time the others said no, but today he will be the one to say... yes

"Goodbye... everyone." he said the same exact sentence on that night, and today was going to be the same. He took a step forward and let himself fall freely...

Closing his eyes, awaiting for the impact, a reel of memories that showed everything that he had done flashed upon his very eyes. Good moments lasted while it did...



(If you're think we're done... NOPE.. we still have this last section to go through)

Bad was woken up from his 30 minute nap time by uncomfortable shifting and heavy breathing that came from Dream. It seems that he was having a nightmare.

"Dream..." Bad shook him lightly. trying to wake him up and he did almost instantly. Bad quickly observed his expression, he was gasping for air, almost as if he was out of breath. His red bloodshot eyes had tears swelling in it.

"Dream you're okay... it was a nightmare.." Bad comforted, holding Dream's hand. His skin felt freezing compared to Bad's, and he wasn't sure why but that didn't matter.

Dream eventually calmed down, and took a moment to process where he was. "Bad... you were here all the time?" Dream asked, showering himself in the bath of guilt. Did he really made Bad miss out on all of the fun, he should be having?

Bad nodded, unaware of how bad that answer would be in affecting Dream. "Oh my gosh..." Dream mumbled as he gripped his dirty blonde hair tightly, he ended up doing the things that he feared the worst without meaning to.

He was a monster...

Bad stared at Dream sadly, he never wanted Dream to be like this. He missed the old Dream but he can't so much since after all, he was the one to introduce Jake to Dream.

"Dream... don't be sorry because I didn't have any fun... your health is more important than my enjoyment." Bad gently spoke, his voice breaking as he was unable to hold back his emotions.

"You need to stop blaming yourself for everything Dream... some problems can't be fixed and sometimes you can't do anything about it other than to accept."

Acceptance, an action that sounds so easy on paper but very hard to do even when trying. Sometimes people refused to accept the truth and that goes for everyone, there will always be something that happens in your life that you don't appreciate and wish it would go away.

But in reality, you can't do anything about it other than to accept either wholeheartedly or reluctantly. You can be happy or disappointed, it was up to you if whether or not you accept and embrace the truth.

Dream considered the statement for a while, if it wasn't really his fault then it was Jake's. He made him get the stomach ulcers which made everyone stop in their tracks and nurse him like a big baby.

But then again, the reason Jake was here is because of him. So in the long run, it was still Dream's fault wasn't it?

Dream nodded, feigning understanding to make Bad feel a little bit lighter in his heart. However Bad had an unreadable stern expression that was plastered over his face, he has no clue what Bad thinks of him right now and that worried him.

Whilst Dream was internally feeling uneasy, Bad checked the time on his watch it was almost 6 pm which was the appointed time for the rendezvous. Thinking that some fresh air would do Dream a little good, he stood up and brought Dream outside of the shop that they had been sitting in for almost 4 hours.

"Well Dream, its almost time for dinner and we're thinking of having some here so that we can don't need to make some ourselves when we get back home." Bad said, presenting his incredible of an ending to the trip.

The plan that Bad had set didn't sound too sour to Dream either, he believed that it would be at least somewhat enjoyable and it won't be something that would wreak absolute havoc, that's at least what he thinks.

Dream was brought back to the front of the giant fountain and waited patiently with Bad for the others to return. Silence enveloped between them both, no one said a word. They will just wait until everyone comes back.

After a brief moment of peaceful silence, drowning out the chitter chatter around them; Wilbur, Niki, Techno, Tubbo and Sapnap had returned to them both.

"Dream are you feeling better bud?" Sapnap asked, putting his arm over Dream's shoulder. Dream was surprised at the very least, never thought that Sapnap would ask him questions that concerns him. He thought those questions were all reserved to Jake and Jake only.

After that he was bombarded with question that mainly circulated around his blood vomit, it was a rather odd experience to Dream in the course of 3 months. Months of silence and yearning, being bombarded with questions felt almost like a whole new experience to Dream.

He ended up answering that he was okay and that it should be getting better. Everyone sighed in relief to hear the news, they were glad that it wasn't going to get lethal.

"Yo, Wil!" screamed a voice from across the park. Tommy, George and Jake had shortly came afterwards, it looked like that they had an absolute blast at Disney World. George had a stick of corn in his hand, Jake was wearing a fox headband and Tommy was holding a pink balloon.

All of them laughed at the state of the 3 Brits, whilst Dream lightly snorted in amusement especially at Jake. He loved how stupid Jake looked both on the outside and the inside.

"Alright muffins! Dinnertime! Where should we go?" Bad casted a poll upon the group and everyone had different opinions on where they should go.

Everyone wanted to go and experience the fine-dining in the resort part of the park but sadly they don't have a reservation or a dress code to enter.

"Hmm.. how about you Dream? Where should we go?" Bad resorted to Dream who has the most experience with the park. Dream thought for a moment, where could they get dinner without having to go to the resort?

"Well... there is a cafe that serves western style food, down there but I don't think you guys would want it.." Dream explained, in a timid voice. He hated his suggestion, everyone wanted to go to the expensive stuff and here he was being all cheap with a cafe in the park, what a-

"Then that shall be it!" Bad exclaimed, clapping his hands. Wait.. what? They actually loved that suggestion?!

Dream was taken by storm once again, he didn't think that his subpar suggestion would be agreed upon everyone.

"Yeah, Dream had spent a lot of money getting us in here. It's best if we go for something less expensive and fancy." Techno agreed, backing up Dream and so did everyone except for an obvious odd one out.

Jake wasn't pleased at all, he wanted Dream to spend all of his money. After all, it wasn't his money that was being given away, so why should he care if Dream faces bankruptcy?

It was once again those rare moments where Jake was completely powerless against Dream and couldn't a thing except to follow through on what the majority says and let Dream have it his own ways.

Jake groaned silently as the group began to walk towards the cafe Dream was talking about. He was having too much fun at Orlando Fun Land that he forgot that he had a war enemy to take care of.

Amusement parks does brainwash you, like Dream had said to himself in the car. It was almost like a trap that Dream had set up for him, it seemed intentional but at the same time it wasn't.

As the group enters the cafe, Jake rammed into the shop's glass pane like an idiot due to him being very focused on his thoughts and his strategic planning. Everyone laughed at him even Dream did, in which he didn't like at all. He was getting taste of what Dream feels when he does the exact same thing.

Everyone sat down at a table, scanning the menus for what they want. That's when Jake cooked up another plan of isolating Dream alone, he smirked evilly as he realizes that if he pulls this plan off, he will be one point away from winning.

"Heya, Dream!" Jake called him in a bright voice, Dream immediately sighed before turning to look at the brown-haired Brit. He was prepared for whatever kind of bullshittery he was about to pull up this time.

"According to the menu, since you have stomach ulcers..." Jake blurted out, absolutely forgetting that there was still 2 people who was absolutely clueless about the whole ulcers subject.

"Dream has what? Stomach ulcers?!" George was disbelievingly shocked, he didn't expect for such a hard hitting news. Tommy was no different, he had his mouth hung wide, gaping at the blonde.

Jake gulped in shock, he completely forgot that George and Tommy still had no idea about Dream having stomach ulcers. He messed up pretty badly, but quickly brushing the panic away from his head.

"There's nothing on the menu that is suitable for you to eat except for water." Jake reasoned but Dream wasn't about to comply with such a pathetic excuse. "Then I can sit here and drink my water? I don't know what your point is dude?" Dream fought back, taking a sip of his water right in front of Jake as a taunt.

Jake, however seemed unfazed by Dream's response as he came prepared if things doesn't go the way he wanted.

"Well then again, you really don't want your face revealed right? Sitting at a table with recognizable YouTubers aren't your thing then. Those stans of yours would try and rip those accessories right off!" Jake replied cheerfully, crossing his arms and legs which came off as rather annoying to Dream, since he knew that what he's doing is anything but trying to help him.

"OKAY FINE!" Dream responded rather angrily, as he gulps down all of his water before storming out off the cafe. Jake laughed in his throat as he watches the pissed off Dream walking away to who the hell knows where.

"Why did you do that, dude?" Sapnap asked, looking rather unhappy at what Jake did. To be frank, almost everyone did. It was a first time experience to Jake to have someone retaliate on his actions other than Dream of course. Never in his life had he received fighting back from other people other than the actual target of course.

Although the earful that he had received was a bit hurtful, it wasn't important in the slightest. The most important fact is he was ONE point away from VICTORY.

Dream: 6 Points


Jake ( Crunch ) : 10 Points *1 more point required*

First to 11/ Best of 20


(Dream's POV)

Nothing bad will happen. A phrase that I fucking repeat to myself many times before and every single damn time when I try to convince myself, something... SOMETHING has to go wrong.

And most of time, its me who ruins it! At the beginning, it was all Jake but now, its mostly ME


I didn't actually needed to come out here and walk around the park aimlessly on my own, but because I didn't want to make a scene and get us all kicked out from the restaurant, I played the obedient card and let Jake have control.

I can feel the tears of anger building at the corner of my eyes, as I wandered around the brightly lit Fun Land as night comes nigh. I rubbed it with my sleeves violently... why was I such a mess?

Stuck in my thought process, I didn't where I was going until I bump into something very hard, the collision seem to knock me back so much I lost all balance before crashing to the floors of Disney World.

"HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, DUDE!" an male teenager about my age yelled at me for my lack of attention. Even those words from a complete stranger, hurts me like a thousand knives stabbing me all at once.

My body ached pretty bad upon hitting the ground, it felt like I scraped my elbow or something.

"Clay! Are you okay my dear?" Mrs. Cassie Block asked, her voice filled with concern

"I fell..." Dream whimpered as he wipes away his tears.

"Aww... poor boy. Don't worry I'll pick you up when you are down. I'll always be here for you Clay..."

This exact spot was where I fell when I was 4 years old, my mom picked me up and cleaned off all the dust and the scrapes on my knees. I don't remember why I was running perhaps to get a balloon? That didn't matter...

If you're always be here for me, then why did you leave me Mom? Why did you have to leave me without even saying goodbye? Why did death do us part?

The future is so scary to think about, anything can happen. Dangerous or even fatal. Like I mentioned before so many times, I gave everything that I have dedicated to changing my life from a nightmare to a dream.

But even with every attempt, the path ahead still looks the same as before, miserable and filled with misfortune.

From the hundreds of people standing around me, I end up feeling so far away, so isolated in my own world. Jake took away something in my life, other than my friends, from my heart. What was it that he stole?

Why does a gentle breeze still makes me feel cold?

Why do I cry when I listen to sad songs?

Why do words from a stranger hits me hard in the heart?

Will anyone care, if one day, my breath falters?

Why am I so fragile and broken?

Then when will my life be capable enough to handle such scenarios?

These were the questions that seemed to pop up whilst I was down on the ground. I had enough, these day I'm practically begging to the skies to make everything end. I just didn't want to live anymore...

I should've continued cutting when I had the chance, I should've jumped into the waters when I had the chance and yet I threw them all away. My out of jail cards.

I picked myself up from the ground, no one will if I don't do it myself and everyone was still at the cafe with Jake, that prick.

I glanced at the time on my watch, it was 20:13. Jesus, 30 minutes already passed? Time really flies when you know that you want to die.

Although it might seem futile for me to even do this, at least I'll try my best to make it work. My last plan for today was in my car's trunk. Hopefully everyone would be please at my efforts.


Everyone ate their food in silence, it was one of those awkward moments when no dared to speak but it was first time for Jake. Usually, when he's around everyone would be talking and smiling brightly but this time everyone was being deadly quiet, it made him uncomfortable.

"GUYS!" Dream's voice burst through the doors, completely catching off their highest guards. Jake was taken aback, why did Dream come back so early?

"I have something to show you in 15 minutes, I'll be waiting at the parking lot!." Dream said quickly before rushing out of the store in a hurry. Everyone was fairly confused but also fairly interested even Jake himself had to admit.

After Dream's announcement, dinner passed rather quickly. Everyone had basically swallowed their plates down before paying and leaving. Eventually, all of them had reached their designated location where Dream told them to meet him.

"Ah! You're perfectly timed with the event!" Dream exclaimed as he casually strolls in front of them before he turns to face them with a light smile. In his left hand, he had a watch that he was staring whilst in his right looked like some sort of detonator remote.

"10..9..8..7" Dream counted down, staring at his watch whilst doing it. "3... 2... 1..." he finishes at points his fingers into the sky as he clicks the button on his remote.

All of them followed his fingers and their eyes met with a pleasant surprise. The dark night sky was colored beautifully with the explosions of fireworks. Every shade of color was splashed onto the canvas that is the empty sky.

"Oh my gosh... this is so pretty!" Tubbo exclaimed as he pulls out his phone camera to record the moment and it seemed everyone followed on doing the same except for Jake who found it rather bland of Dream for making them watching aerial projectiles explode in the sky.

"Dream... group selfie!" Niki called him over and Dream was more than pleased to be a part of it. Dream was centered in the middle with the others gathered round him, and beamed out a nice smile.

Niki looked at the photo and was happy with it, before showing it to Dream. He leaned to see the photo and he immediately smirked. Jake was out of frame on this photo which makes the memory even better, and the best thing was.. nobody mentioned it. He was glad that he didn't need to take another shot but with Jake in it.

"Alright I think we had enough for today let's go back!" Bad clapped his hands as he situated himself into the car.

Everyone had an eventful day especially for Dream and Tubbo, they both had quite the interesting events happened to them. Dream watches in his rear view mirror, his friends quickly falling asleep from letting out all of their energy.

He softly drove them home as he exits and leaves the park behind. However, he has one last moment of a flashback as he stepped onto the gas pedal.

"I don't want to leave Mommy!" Dream pouted as he watches from the back seat, the park getting further away from him.

"Well if you want to come again, you must say I love you to Mom and Dad first!" Mrs. Cassie Block told her son, smiling warmly at it as Brad (Dream's father fictional name) simply chuckled whilst driving the family home.

" I love you Mommy, I love you Dad!" Dream squealed as he bounces up and down from the rocky collision of the road.

"We love you too Clay..."

"I love you more..." Dream whispered as he feels that his family was looking down at him, he smiled sadly at the thought but again it was only wishful thinking...

Dream softly and slowly drove back to home with the park slowly disappearing from sight but whenever he thinks about his parents... his heart and mind will always go back to Orlando Fun Land.


Hope you enjoyed this long ass chapter! My gosh did this took a long time to finish.

(I'm trying my best not to be pessimistic and shit on my writing LOL-)

The reason being is that I won't be uploading next week like genuinely, I have some personal matters to take care next week so I hope this long chapter would make up for the period that I will be gone.

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment on what you think!

I have one more hurdle to hop over and that is Chapter 15. After that my brain should be smooth sailing, as everything from this point is thoroughly planned.

Alright with that I am going straight to bed because I am tired as shi- This took 4 whole days, for crying out loud.

Also for ZSheon if you're wondering.. the word count is 17388!

See you in 2 weeks time!

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