Behind The Screen | dreamwast...

By SymphonyKingdom1

82.5K 3.2K 17.1K

Dream, the popular Minecraft youtuber, suddenly disappears from the media and his friends are beyond worried... More

Chapter 1 : The End is Where We Begin
Chapter 2 : Dream's Dark World
Chapter 3 : Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 4 : Capsule Catastrophe
Chapter 5 : The Wall Between Me And You
Chapter 6 : Dream vs Crunch : The Embark to War
Chapter 8 : The Brokenness Within
Chapter 9 : 2 Minecraft Speedrunners vs 1 Nemesis and 7 Hunters
Chapter 10 : False Hope
Chapter 11 : Dream vs Crunch : Wings from Hell
Chapter 12 : The Ghost Within the House
Chapter 13 : Requiem and Movie Night for Dream
Chapter 14 : Amusement Park Panic
Voting for Next Book after Behind the Screen
Chapter 15 : Touring Florida (Memories) with Dream
Chapter 16 : One Last Stream
Chapter 17 : Shattered Pieces forms into One
Chapter 18: Dream vs Crunch : Fate of the Future
Chapter 19 : Stay Close or Let Go
Chapter 20: The End Will Always Be Where We Begin
Trailer for the New Book...

Chapter 7 : Late Night Blues

3K 158 413
By SymphonyKingdom1

Trigger Warnings: Panic Attack, Physical Assault, Sensitive Conversation Subjects, Suicide Attempt

Dream softly drove his car, trying his best not to disturb the sleeping passengers who were napping soundly. As he drove, his eyes laid upon a group of people. They looked like they were a pact of friends.

The group was talking merrily, telling each other jokes and laughing together. It made Dream envision himself into them and replacing the others with his actual friends. The vivid imagery sparkled in his head, and it made Dream joyous.

Then reality dawned on him. The image was slowly tearing apart, ripping out Dream from the picture and then his spot was replaced by Jake. Dream's light smile immediately transformed into a devastating frown. He sighed depressively, his grip on the steering wheel tightened and cold nervous sweat began to run down from his head.

He was silently having a panic attack.

Out of all points in time, did he really need to have one while driving?

Dream attempted at controlling his breathing knowing that it will wake everyone up if he, all of the sudden, starts breathing rapidly.

His vision started multiplying into doubles and triples, but that didn't make him lose control over the wheel.

He forcefully pushed down the urge to vomit and remained vigilant on what he's doing.

Focusing on the road, he miraculously manages to push through the attack without making a noise. Relief washed over Dream, thank the heavens that he didn't lose control over his vehicle.

The sun began to set in Florida, turning the sky from a deep azure blue to beautiful blood orange sky. The streetlamps gradually turns on their lights and pedestrians began to take a deep dive in quantity.

Ever since his childhood, Dream enjoyed just staring into space, gazing at the sun gradually disappearing beneath the sky horizon.

It had a nice peaceful yet sorrow meaning behind it. It was a reminder that tomorrow is coming and new adventures are awaiting for you, but on the other hand it also reminded that all you have done today was now documented into the history of time and will never be changed ever again.

It made Dream reflect of what he has done, and today was no exception. He drifts off into the land of his own thoughts. A world where his beloved memories were kept and also the bad ones.

Dream had a larger collection of the bad ones than the good ones, mostly thanks to the events of last month and some British prick that decided to start ruining his life.

He remembered each one in great detail, sometimes he remembered too much that it almost felt he was reliving them and the amount of pain he had gone through each time still bothered him as if it happened yesterday.

"You have arrived at your destination" the GPS warned, startling Dream. He was brought back to reality and the robotic voice seemed to all have woken up the 9 sleeping beauties as well.

"Rise and shine!" Dream exclaimed, in an enthusiastic tone hiding the anxiety . He did say that this particular act of kindness that he was about to do could backfire, but Dream tried his best to stay optimistic although you couldn't that he wasn't worried.

"Mmmm... where are we?" George mumbled groggily, yawning along the way. It made Dream snorted in amusement.

"How about we go see it all together?" Dream said, quickly getting out of the car and running into a nearby building.

The rest slowly got out of the car and observed where they are. In front of them was an outdoor garden entrance where there's a path that leads to some sort of reception. Looking pass through, you can see several domes that was fairly expanded to size.

All were puzzled at what and where did Dream brought them to. They stood aimlessly at the car, whilst looking at Dream who was having a talk with the receptionist at the desk.

The conversation lasted for a good 5 minutes, before Dream circled back to them with a key.

"Alright, follow me!" shouted Dream, lightly beaming at his friends before guiding his friends towards one of the large domes.

They were now in front of the dome, where there's a large grey double doors separating the group from what's inside.

"I thought about it and even though I've spent way too much money as I anticipated but why not end it with a bang!" Dream announced which caused a huge confusion amongst all of them. What was Dream rambling on about?

Dream inserts the key into the hole, gripping on the key handle firmly.

"Let's end the day... with a welcoming party!!!" Dream yells as he twists the lock and revealing what was kept behind the double doors.

The coldness of the air conditioners that was trapped inside released onto the 10 individuals outside.

Lights of what seemed to be every shade of every color danced around the big party room. Everyone gaped at the grand finale for the day. Just how much money has Dream spent at this point?

"Oh my god..., Dream you did not..." Bad muttered, shocked at how much this could've costed.

"Everyone in chat, put Dream is POG!" Tubbo talked to the stream, which surprised Dream. How was Tommy still streaming live?

Either wat it didn't matter, he was glad that he made them happy.

"Thank you Dream!" Everyone except one said in unison, before instantly rushing into the party dome.

With that, the only people who was still standing at the entrance was Dream and Jake. Jake stared at Dream, and he finds that uncomfortable. He would like Jake to stop staring at him this instant.

"What?" Dream asked plainly, and Jake uttered not a word before letting out a complete burst of laughter. He was in stitches. The anger fueled in Dream, what was so funny?

"N-nothing, it's just that you will regret doing this later..." Jake said between laughs, wiping away a tear. It made Dream feel nervous. He had a gut feeling that something was not going to go as planned.

"but anyhow enjoy your second point" Jake patted Dream on the shoulder as he walks pass, Dream looking back at him as he gulped worriedly.

"Also one more thing... I don't need a whole party to have your friends' attention." Jake flexed, before turning his back on Dream, whose worry partially washed away with annoyance.

Dream : 2 Points


Crunch (Jake) : 1 Point

First to 11/ Best of 20

Dream rolled his eyes, ignoring the remark before following the rest into the party dome.

The atmosphere was vibrant and instantly filled to the brim with joviality. The party guests were absolutely enjoying it and Dream was pleased to see that. Maybe he overthought too much about the plan backfiring-

"Hey everyone, let's dance!" Jake suddenly shouted in a masked frolic tone. His voice caught everyone's attention even Dream's. Then he hears a roar of excitement and agreement, before all of his friends began advancing towards the dance floor.

Scratch that. It was starting to backfire.

Dream's body sent shivers down his spine, as he witnesses Jake starting to take control of his idea of a party and Dream was not going to let him get any credit out of it. He immediately ran towards the Bluetooth stereos, beating Jake who was about to do the same thing.

"Do you guys want any song in particular?" Dream instantly questioned, swaying the attention from Jake to himself instead.

"Any song would do fine! No naughty lyrics though!" Bad replied, standing up to answer for the group since he knew that Tommy was going to request some awful songs.

"Alright!" Dream exclaimed, before going back to the stereo to pick a song. He failed to notice the deadly stare that Jake was giving him behind his back.

'This will do.' Dream merrily thought as he finds a song for all of them to jam out to.

Now Playing: Avicii-Levels Skrillex Remix

For anyone who wants to give it a listen, I highly recommend doing so because it will make the next section a lot more understandable and also because it freaking slaps.

As the party room was greeted by the heavy dubstep drum beat, Dream watches as his friends and Jake started to jam out. Once again, he had the urge to join them and as always it comes with a side serving of doubt.

Dream bit his tongue as he considers whether or not he should really be doing this. His heart was saying yes but his head was saying no.

It was a battle between the two sides of him. The light against the dark and very quickly would the dark side defeats the light. It always seems that the darkness would always win and very rarely does his bright side really claims victory.

But this time however he has a feeling. A feeling that he has never had before. He's got a good feeling about this.

"Maybe... just this time?" Dream pondered as his feet carried him very slowly towards the dance floor. He couldn't say that he wasn't hesitant, he still was. However he would like to give this opportunity of winning one final try.

"Ayyy!!! Big Dream is joining us in the dance chat!" Tommy laughed to his stream, the phone was violently wobbling in his hand. Dream tightened his mask, he didn't appreciate the fact that Tommy was still streaming but that was the least of his care. He wanted to at least try to have some fun and a camera wasn't going to stop him.

As he started to bust out his own dance moves, he couldn't help himself of stopping every now and then to laugh at the others. None of them were good dancers as they mostly sit in their chairs in front of a computer screen but it was still a gag to see his friends trying to dance properly.

Some looked okay while some looked like they were drunk vibing.

Dream was surprised by the joy he was receiving so far, nothing really bad had happened yet and that is a miracle because according to his luck, everything would go wrong every 5 minutes or so.

"That feeling is really good after all." Dream foreshadowed, as the music builds up.

Once the music began to build up, so did everyone's voice as they anticipatedly wait for the big drop.

Just then Dream was kneeling on the floor, trying to act cool as he sets up for a move for the drop but shortly later he finds himself lying on the floor after experiencing a powerful impact at the back of his head.

It didn't feel like he was having some sort of condition. It felt more like he was slapped from behind. Dream glanced up and beholds is an evil grinning Jake.

Now he definitely know what hit him.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Dream yelled, which was barely audible for the others due to the loud music. The answer he received was a smirk and a single word.

"You." Jake answered as the music was at its peak before it drops. One single word and it puzzled Dream how was he the damn problem?!

Upon the drop of music, Jake went back to his dancing but not before kicking Dream in the stomach multiple times. The incoming impact was so sudden for Dream that he didn't get the chance to even stand up.

Numerous powerful stomps were being applied onto Dream and my god did it hurt like hell.

He was being beaten up by Jake and he was so helpless.

Dream's yells and grunts of pain were sadly masked by the blasting music and the excited shouting of his friends. Not to mention how Jake was in a fit of laughter doing it, almost as if he was enjoying it way too much.

In this situation, Dream would call for help. That is, if his friends weren't there. If Dream called for help, yes it would get rid of Jake immediately but then his friends wouldn't be able to recover from the sudden shock for the rest of the trip.

It's amazing how Dream was casually getting beat up by his enemy and was still thinking about his friends' comfort.

He will have to deal this on his own.

Right now, he had to defend himself. Dream ignored the constant crushing force on his stomach as he observes for a channel to break free.

Luckily for Dream, he spots a crucial open window. He charges up a kick and sends his shoe flying into Jake's crotch. If his kick can knock Wilbur down, so he can with Jake.

Dream stared as Jake's face twisted in pain. The brown-haired Brit stumbles backwards before kneeling down and tending to his stick.

Jake boiled in anger at the opposition from Dream, but was caught off guard when Dream didn't bother to take revenge. He just stood there ominously while the rest were still dancing obliviously.

Normally, people would beat the living daylights out of you when you assault them first. But it didn't apply to Dream.

He didn't choose violence as an answer.

"Stop. Stop it." Dream simply stated. " If you wanted a reaction from doing this, then you came to the wrong person."

The sentence made Jake realize that Dream was actually fighting back, but he didn't use violence as an option. He was using his own words.

"I won't stop you from continuing but I wouldn't encourage it either." Those words made Jake feel so weak momentarily but that wasn't stopping him from continuing into what he does best.

Being a complete d-ckhead.

"Nice use of words, Shakespeare." Jake spat, as he readjusts himself. "But if you think that this will change my way of living then you're talking to the wrong person." he manages to use Dream's words against him.

Dream stayed silent, he had said all he wanted for now. Jake finally went back to dancing with his friends and Dream couldn't do the same.  Dream stumbled his way to the lounge couches and immediately flopped onto it.

He had to lie down and take a breather for moment. He swore that during the beating that he was receiving he heard something crack inside of him.

The pain that Jake inflicted was horrible, as if someone had dropped a gigantic boulder onto his stomach. But it was not as painful as to watch his friends mingling with Jake.

Dream's stare lingered with hatred as he watches him having fun and the time of his life.

Dream : 2 Points


Crunch (Jake) : 2 Points

First to 11/ Best of 20

He stared into space until the music had finally completed its full circuit. Now it was time for some recreational activities.

And of course when it comes to activities, Jake will and always be the star of the show.

"Alright guys! You all can go get whatever you want to eat for now and then we will meet back here!" Jake announced, acting like the host of the party when clearly they have forgotten that Dream was the host, at least he was for a minute or so...

Speaking of food, Dream went to the drink bars where there was a fridge full-of beverages. All of these were all paid for by himself in advance, so he was free to take any of it.

Dream fished out 4 cans of beer in an attempt of getting drunk and have the beating earlier convert to nothing except for a hazy memory.

He wasn't a big fan of alcoholic drinks but whatever it takes to ease the pain I guess. Slowly, Dream gobbles down a can of beer, and then another and then another...

4 cans did the trick as Dream was starting to get a little woozy but for some reason it couldn't eradicate that banging pain in his ribs and his head.

He eventually stopped because it wasn't working and also because he doesn't want liver problems on top of his high blood pressure.

After a few moments of groaning at the internal pain of his abdomen, everyone started to carry on the party without Dream. He bitterly laughs, it wasn't a surprise anymore at this point. It was starting to become a normal thing now.

"Dream!" Jake called and Dream immediately stood up walking over to a corner. There was a wooden cabinet and inside was every board and card game you can imagine.

Monopoly, Connect 4, UNO, Scrabble, Chess.. this place has it all.

Dream carried all over towards the group and laid down the boxes in a neat pattern in the middle.

Jake was impressed, he didn't even commanded yet and Dream was already on it. It seems that his process of conditioning had worked successfully.

Then he noticed Dream was about to sit down with the group, that's when Jake had to intervened once again. He wasn't going to let Dream easily have fun, no he was going to torture him at his own curated party.

"Woah hey there Dream! So sorry to tell you this but we are about to play UNO!" Jake begun his blabbering, Dream sighed exhaustedly, he was about to face some bullshit reasoning.

"There's 108 cards in the deck and 10 is not a divisible factor so unfortunately you'll have to sit out on this one." Jake finished with a caring smile, Dream cringed at the fake expression. He wanted to kick his mouth so hard that all of his teeth falls off.

But he had to control himself, his 8 other friends are present at the moment and he didn't want them to see him as worse than Jake.

"Fine. No problem" Dream said, as he walks away. Stifling out a muted sob, he began to tear up.

'No no no no no, not here!' Dream scolded himself, trying his hardest not to cry. He leaned back on the lounge chair he had sat on previously. Staring at the UNO tournament in disgust, he wished he could be Jake. Since nobody likes him when he's himself.

That fact is further proven when Dream went on to Twitter and saw a long tweet about himself.

Arrogant bastard. Troublemaker. They were literally dissing him because of how he is.

It made him question himself.

Who was he supposed to be? So that everyone can be pleased and finally appreciate him for once.

More tears trickled down his cheeks, as he hung his head low. He was letting his defenses down in which allowed dark poisonous clouds to devour his mind.

'Can't you see now of how useless you really are?'

'We thought we had told you about not letting them in when they arrived and look at what happened'

'You did this to yourself, Clay.'

The more they say, the more awful he felt. Yet again the voices were speaking hurtful yet true statements according to Dream.

Just then a roar of laughter came from the UNO circle, which sadly was combined with the dark musings.

The normal cheerful giggles transformed into demonic screeching and laughter and Dream had enough.

His plan shattered and backfired against him, which deducted his point earlier on in the day.

He had lost all control over his party.

Jake somehow managed to take advantage of his plan and make it his own. He was a strategic genius while he was just an amateur trying to defeat a professional.

If this much effort went down the drain, he has no chance against him.

He had lost all hope of winning. He had fully transformed into depression and he was falling quick.

Dream stood out and silently wandered towards the exit.

He took one last glance over his shoulders and depressively smiled as deep down he knows they won't even realize that he will be gone so why should he think about the possibility of them looking for him?

He exhaled sharply, before turning the door handle to outside. Leaving his friends all behind him.

Jake notices the departure of Dream and can only snicker in response. He had really broken Dream now.

Dream : 1 Point


Crunch (Jake) : 3 Points

First to 11/ Best of 20


(Dream's POV)

I walked out and away of the facility as quickly as possible, not wanting to see any of it any longer.

No way in hell did my party backfired on me. That fucker...

I'm jealous. I'm fucking jealous of how Jake can just steal all of my friends like that. All I wanted was to spend time with my friends and at least have a taste of fun like I used to.

But now I was just nothing to them while he meant everything to them.

I strayed further and further away, not knowing how far I've actually came. I didn't even bother to check where I was, all I know was that I have been walking for quite some time without any destination.

When I decided to finally open my eyes again, I seem to have arrived at a riverside park. A grassy plains filled with colorful flowers giving off a pleasant scent. There was also a wooden pier with a lone bench on the edge.

I immediately situated myself on the bench, and stared into the glistening waters. The moonlight reflected off the water surface giving the whole river a crystalline aesthetic.

I stared into the deep indigo night sky. Beautiful stars laced all over the Earth's ceiling, it shone brightly, delivering a happy yet sad-looking glow to this dark cold world.

It's mind-boggling of how this beautiful planet is inhabited by such cruel and evil species. I guess that's why they say never judge a book by its cover.

I could imagine that one of those stars in the sky is my family reaching out to me. Oh how badly I wanted to see them again. I unconsciously raised my hand to grab one of the stars. But it was obviously impossible.

I realized how stupid I probably look right now. I'm a 22 year old, sitting alone on a bench trying to grab stars that are clearly out of reach.

No fucking wonder, why everyone sees Jake as the better me. He doesn't do stupid shit like this!

I , unlike Jake, had no significant value to anyone.

As dark reasons clouds my eyes, I notice that nature's splendor began to fade. The blooming flowers were now wilting away. The pleasant scent was replaced with the rotten smell of garbage and trash and the stars in the sky was getting covered up by sheets of clouds.

Even nature is giving up on me...

My gaze returned to the river and this time I feel weird about it. I stared into the deep waters and it was very interesting.

It looked inviting as if there was a calling for me from down below. I unconsciously stood up and slowly drew nearer to the edge almost like there was a magnetic pull that pushed me closer.

Jump in...

So you can finally see your loved ones

"But what about my friends?" Dream asked.

Don't worry

They won't remember you anyways.

"You're right..." I agreed, sighing. What are the chances of them realizing that I'm dead? or even noticing? Low.

My feet crept forwards, as if I was a marionette controlled by strings. My whole body and mind carried me over to the edge...

Although I still wanted to resist, I found no point in trying. Why should I try when I lose every time?

It will be an endless cycle of me trying and back to suffering. I will be the one to break that loop.

The more I resisted, the worse the urge of jumping in intensified.

Then I finally made up my mind.

I wanted to end it all.

I closed my eyes letting the excess teardrops flow out and took a deep shaky breath. The cold air filled my lungs.

"Goodbye everyone." I softly say, as I take a step forward.

"Dream?" A soft voice called my name out of nowhere , causing me to stop dead in my tracks and it quickly defeated the darkness within me.

I looked over my shoulder, and was shocked at who I saw.

How did you know? Why did you come here? I was about to be free from this suffering, why are you prolonging my misery?

"Niki? What are you doing here?!"


(Niki Nihachu's POV)

10 Minutes Earlier

"UNO!" I called out as I put down my green 7 card into the middle pile. "WHAT?" A collective sound of disbelief occurred around me.

"How?! It's been only a couple turns!" Wilbur whined with 9 cards left in his hand. "Look at my hand boys! I've been collecting" Techno showed his handful of cards, I can estimate about 18 cards?

After a couple more turns and whining, George who was sitting to my left put down a blue reverse card. I looked at mine and smiled, he had just hit the jackpot.

"I win!" I exclaimed shooting up from the floor as I slammed down the blue 5. Everyone groaned and complained for a while before going in for another round.

"Alright boys, chat says they want to see another round!" Tommy says, shuffling the cards in his hand. I decided to stay back and relax out of this round so why not bring Dream in?

"I will be sitting out of this one everyone, I'll go bring Dream over!" I proposed my idea for a replacement.

Everyone nodded except for Jake, who just gave me a disapproving stare. It confused me for a little bit to why he gave me that but it didn't bother the slightest.

What did bother me is that I couldn't find Dream anywhere. I looked all over the party room, but he disappeared into thin air, almost as if he didn't exist in the first place.

The toilets were empty, other corners were also bare of any signs of living things, so there was no other explanation of where he could go except for outside.

Why would he go outside?

Although the thought of it was kind of unbelievable, it was still worth to try. I headed for the exit, pushing away the double doors that lead to the outside world.

Now... where do I go?

I have no idea where to start looking and I wasn't going to search for him and get lost in the state of Florida so I decided to ask some strangers along the way.

"Excuse me, have you seen a tall boy in a green hoodie anywhere?" I asked this particular question to so many people but so far I have no intel on Dream's whereabouts.

That's when I came across a patrolling police officer, surely he must caught a glimpse of him. I confidently walked up to him and asked him the same question.

"Excuse me officer, have you seen a tall boy in a green hoodie anywhere tonight?" I asked, while shivering over the stern face of the officer.

"Ah yes miss, I have seen him walk over to the riverside park, hanging his head low." The officer answered, which brightens me up. "How far is the park from here?"

"Walk straight and turn right around the corner, and it should be on your left." the officer gave me the directions. Great!

I thanked the officer as I ran off following the directions that I was given. I looked to my left and behold the Clear Riverside Park.

What could Dream possibly do at a riverside park?

I slowly stepped into the park and my gods was this place beautiful. It had a variety of flowers, dimly lit lampposts along the paths and soft chirpings of crickets and more.

As much as I wanted to admire more of the wildlife, I couldn't. I was here to find Dream.

Speaking of which, it looks like I have found him. He was sitting in silence on a lone wooden bench, staring into space.

Lately I noticed that he has been doing that quite often and it's starting to make me worry to be honest. Without a warning, he suddenly stands up without a sound and gradually walks down the wood pier.

He got dangerously close to the edge and it made my heart skip a beat. I have to ask what he's doing.

"Dream?" I called out, trying to be as gentle with my tone as possible but loud enough for him to acknowledge me.

He turns around and seems extremely surprised by my presence. He probably didn't expect me to show up and I wasn't expecting him to be here.

"Niki? What are you doing here?!" he asks me, his voice was cracking in surprise. I find that adorably cute.


Time seemed to slow down in Dream's world, he wasn't prepared for this possibility. He was even convinced that no one would find him here and yet here he was found at a random location, at a random time.

It feels like two different people from different sides of a coin. A suicidal boy and an oblivious happy girl.

"I could be asking you the same. I had to move myself away from the chaos in the party for a bit, it got too chaotic for my liking." Niki explained, smiling lightly "We were finished with a round of UNO so I decided to let you play after me but I guess you had other interesting activities on your mind."

"What are you doing here though?" Niki then asks. Dream who wasn't ready for this encounter tried his best to come up with anything that comes on top of his head.

"Uh- yeah.. I was here for the... same reason. It got too chaotic, yeah that's it." Dream notoriously stumbled on his words, due to his lack of practice of making excuses.

"Dream.. are you okay?" Niki suddenly changes the topic, her face taking on a concerning look. The question caught Dream off-guard, even if he had this same kind of face-off with Bad this morning, he still hasn't come to terms with the constant lying and pretending.

"What makes you ask?" Dream questioned, trying his best not to spill out the truth.

"Your voice sounds like you have been crying." Niki points out the hoarseness in his voice that Dream didn't even notice.

He was too occupied with the thoughts of ending it all that he doesn't really care about anything else.

"Uh- I was having a bit of a cold." Dream lied yet again, god did he feel awful for it.

He hated how his life turned into a life built on lies and deceiving people to make them see hin as a happy person when he's really not.

"And you're standing outside in the cold night?" Niki caught a discrepancy, slightly panicking Dream.

'Damn.. is she not fooled easily"

"Never mind, anyways you want to go for a walk together? The weather's great right now for a late night stroll!" Dream resorted to changing the subject, feigning some joy inside of him.

Niki eyed him suspiciously before nodding, "Yeah, I would love too!"

Dream moved away from the edge of the pier and joined back with Niki on the main path.

They began to walk as much their hearts desire, standing by each other's side.

Neither of them dared to talk, they let the silence of the night embrace them both.

The wind was softly drifting a breeze, whispering tickly into their ears and playing with their hair for a while before it gradually subsides.

One step followed by another, Dream felt relaxed for once. Gone were the panic, the anxiety, the sorrow and the anger that fueled his body.

It was replaced with emptiness and bare of any extreme emotions.

He then suddenly feels a touch on his right hand. He glanced to see that Niki had claimed it and she seemed to notice the sudden glare from him.

"I know its off for me to do this, but it's cold so please bare with me" she says, giggling lightly. It made Dream beamed a smile, as long as his friends are okay. He can live or die with that.

The warmth grew between the lock of their hands, transferring the heat into their bodies.

Deep down he feels something, something completely different from what he had experienced for the last month.

A warm feeling inside of his chest, it made him feel at peace. A feeling so familiar yet he couldn't recall what it is.

What was it? Was it true joy? Was it real happiness? Is he finally happy for once in the past month now?

Dream wasn't sure of what he was feeling, but whatever it is he wanted to treasure it forever because it probably won't happen again.

They ended up at a beach, the sandy land was free of people. It was just the only two of them... alone.

"This feels like a damn date." Dream said, interrupting the silence. He and Niki softly laughed together.

"Well if you put it that way, then I guess so~" Niki playfully teased Dream, making him chuckle.

They found a spot for them to sit down and enjoy the moonlight along with sound of soft crashing waves.

Dream pulled his knees up to his chest as he stares into the sea. The dark blue almost wavy surface was pleasing to the eye.

It was a comfortable silence until Dream's head started to crank. He was starting to think about everything. Unnecessary thoughts were beginning to overload his head once again.

But this time, he decides to kind of talk about it.

"Hey Niki?" Dream spoke up, his voice was near silent but Niki was still able to hear it. She hummed questioningly.

"Where do you think we go when we die?" Dream asked, a question that seemed out of place for a peaceful night. Niki was taken aback by the sudden powerful question, even she wasn't ready for this kind of conversation.

"Probably heaven, Dream." she answered, feeling uneasy. She wondered, what came over Dream for him to ask such question?

"Heaven... I see." Dream muttered, nodding his head slowly. His eyes were still locked onto the sea while Niki's gaze averted to Dream, she looked at him worriedly?

"Are you really okay, Dream? You don't sound and look okay." she said, concern laced her words. Dream ignored her concern, instead of moving onto the next thing on his mind.

"If I die young, do you think anyone would attend my funeral?" Dream asked another disturbing question. This time Niki was pretty much convinced that he was everything but okay.

"Um... maybe your friends like us and your parents?" Niki replied, gulping down the worry. She didn't want to freak Dream out.

"My parents?" Dream let out a light laugh, "I don't think so, but I'm sure they're waiting for me." Dream muttered, his eyes were now fixated into the night sky.

He paused for a minute, and his blood ran cold. Oh my gosh, did he really let that out? Dream looked over to Niki and her face was in shock horror.

"Did I really just say that? Nevermind, just forget that I said anything." Dream did all he can to avoid the topic, although it wasn't doing much.

"Dream..." Niki said in low warning tone, it made Dream jump slightly but he remained his calm composure.

"Don't worry, I was just a little carried away." Dream brushed off, not noticing the worry in her voice.

"But-" Niki was about to rebut when Dream cut her off once again. "No matter what happens to me, you're all still going to be the same people I see as always" Dream said, his voice was now starting to shiver.

"Even if I die, you're still going to be Niki to me~" Dream unconsciously muttered, not noticing how that came off sounding.

"That came out wrong didn't it?" Dream said, trying to spread some light humor on the situation.

"Y-yeah." Niki laughed, as Dream failed to notice the pinkish tint her face had took on.

"Well anyways I think its best for us to go back now." Dream stood up and was already starting to walk away.

"Wait Dream! You haven't me answered my question yet." Niki stopped him, he looked at her questioningly.

"Are you really okay? Be honest with me please.." she pleaded, giving Dream's hand a light squeeze.

Dream sighed, looks like there was no way out of this. He will have to answer in a way that is decipherable.

"I'll tell you in a language you'll definitely understand." Dream readied himself before finally speaking up the truth.

"Warum sich die Mühe machen, wenn ich sowieso nicht gebraucht werde?" spoke Dream in German, if English wasn't understandable for Niki then German it is.

Niki flinched at the sudden bilingual change and also at Dream's face who have seemed to return to his depressed-self.

He turned around and started walking back again, and this Niki didn't even stop him. She trailed him from behind slowly, trying to process everything that had happened.

She wasn't that oblivious, she finally knew what's going on.

"His parents... are dead. Dream's parents are dead.." Niki said to herself, unbelievably shocked.

Well perhaps she knew almost everything, she was just missing one crucial point that shouldn't have been missed.

One problem that was still hidden from everyone. The problem of being forgotten.

Dream, on the other hand, was scolding himself on the way back. How could he slipped up and let out something that?

'Fuck me, I'm a stupid idiot.'

Although Dream said that he had lost all hope of winning, he didn't realize that he was still fighting back.

He was fighting back with the power of words.

Unknown to him, Dream had successfully woken up Niki from Jake's control.

Niki was the first one to be one step closer to the truth and perhaps this might be the stepping stone of turning the tide?

Dream : 2 Points


Crunch (Jake) : 3 Points

First to 11/ Best of 20


Author's Note : Hey there, hope you enjoyed this week's chapter!

I will have to say that from this point on updates might be slower because school is back in to action. So I might not be able to update once every week like I used to, I hope you can wait for me :)

This chapter is a bit boring at least for the first half, the second half is better for obvious reasons- but let me know what you think

Be sure to vote and comment ! It really helps me to see that I'm doing something right!

Have a nice day and see you all next time.

Also forgot mention, thank you for 1k ! I've never seen my story grow this fast and all thanks to all of you!

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