Reunited ~ Daughter of Captai...

By karlzzz14

421 11 2

It has been two years since Loki had attacked New York, and Samantha Jordan was adopted by Steve Rogers or Ca... More

On Your Left
Mission for S.H.I.E.LD
History & Secrets
Death of Fury
Time Travel
Best Friends Reunited
Crashing A Council Meeting
Battle of the Helicarrier

Journey to Reunite

33 1 1
By karlzzz14

Reunited with destiny.

It had been a few days since the Helicarrier battle. After Steve and I were taken to the hospital from the riverbank, I woke up after a few hours, but Steve was still out. I spent all of my time at the hospital with Steve and Sam who brought me food, books, games, or just company as I watched my dad not wake up.

"Hey, there little Sam. How are you today?" Sam asked me as he walked into Steve's hospital room with a blue Gatorade, chocolate muffin, and two Honeycrisp apples. He hands them to me and takes his seat on the right side of Steve's bed.

I took a drink of my Gatorade, then replied to Sam, "I'm okay. Just worried that he won't wake up soon. Any news from Nat or Fury?"

"Yes. Actually, there is someone outside in the hallway who needs to talk to you. I promise I will get you if anything changes with your dad. Okay?" Sam says as he motions towards the door. I went out into the hallway, and at first, I did not see anyone, but then I saw him. It was Nick Fury.

"Fury? What is going on?" I asked him as he approached me.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. I have to go lay low now," Fury tells me. "I want you, Rogers, and Wilson to make sure that if anyone asks for me, you tell them that I am dead. Okay?"

I looked down at my hands which were shaking, "Okay. I will make sure to tell Sam and my dad when he wakes up. Take care of yourself, Fury."

He smiles, "You too, Samantha." He leaves the hospital after calling me by my first name for the first time ever. I stood in the hallway until I could not see him anymore, and then I headed back into Steve's room.

"What did Fury want?" Sam asked me as I entered the room.

"He just wanted us to know that he is going into hiding and that if anyone asks for him, then we tell that he is dead," I tell Sam as I go back to my chair on the left side of the bed. I start to eat my muffin and one of the apples that Sam brought me. After I finished breakfast, Sam and I played UNO, SlapJack, and even GoFish to pass the time.

At about six o'clock in the evening, Sam left to go get dinner for us two since he planned on staying here tonight with me. I started to write in my journal when my phone rang. I didn't even look to see who it was, I just answered it.

"Hello," I said into my phone.

"Hey, Sammi. I wanted to check up on you," The voice said. I instantly recognized the voice as Tony. I haven't really talked to him in a while, but it was good to hear his voice.

"Hey, Tony!" I said back to him. "I am okay, but nothing has changed with Dad's condition. The doctors say that he should wake up any day now, but it's hard waiting. I just wish I could help him."

"I know, kid. I have some good news though," Tony tells me through the phone. "I found you a great high school to start at when you are ready for high school. It's called Midtown High School."

I sighed, "I don't know, Tony. I'm not sure if I will ever be okay enough to go to a normal high school. Especially now with the serum running through my veins."

"I know that you are worried about what the serum will do to you, but you have a whole team of superheroes to back you up when you need it. Okay?"

I smiled, "Okay, Tony. Thank you."

"You're welcome, kid. Now, I have to go. Pepper and I are meeting for dinner. Let me know if anything changes with Steve." Tony tells me.

"Of course. Have fun at dinner. Tell Pepper I say hi," I tell him as I hang up the phone. I start to research Midtown High as I wait for Sam to come back. It looks like somewhere that I would be happy with all the science, math, and history classes that they offer. I just could not imagine myself, an enhanced superhero, being a normal kid going to a normal school. I finally stopped looking at the school when Sam walked in.

"Hey. I got us some BLTs from the sandwich shop down the street. Sound good?" Sam tells me as he comes into the room.

I smile, "Sounds great. Thank you." I take my sandwich and Rootbeer from Sam. We eat in silence, and then we both decide that we need some sleep. I fell asleep before Sam, but I knew that I would be awake after him. My body has been needing more and more rest ever since I got the serum.

When I woke up, it was about eight o'clock in the morning. I saw a muffin, an apple, and a bottle of orange juice on the table next to me. I went to tell Sam thank you, but when I turned towards him, he was asleep. He must have gotten up earlier than me today and gone to the store for breakfast. I started to eat my breakfast when I noticed that I had an email from Tony. It was a link to apply for scholarships to Midtown High School. I ignored the email and continued eating, then something unexpected happened.

"On your left," I heard someone say to Sam. I instantly realized that it was my dad.

"DAD!" I yelled as I leaped onto his bed, hugging him tightly.

"Ow," He winced, "I'm okay, but you might need to let me go."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I tell him as I get off of him.

Sam smiles, "How are you feeling, Steve?"

Steve sat up, "I'm okay. What is going on in the world now?"

I start to tell him what has happened, "Fury is officially dead to everyone else besides us. Also today, there is a press conference that Nat has to attend to discuss her punishments."

"I see," Steve says.

After the doctors did a few more tests, Steve was cleared to go home. Sam took the both of us to his house while we discussed what we are going to do from now on. While we were at Sam's house, we watched Nat's hearing. She tells everyone that she should not be punished because the world still needs them. I was so proud of her for standing up to the people who were judging her for her past. After watching the hearing, we all sat together for dinner like a semi-normal family.

"I am going to start searching for Bucky," Steve tells us.

Sam and I look at each other, and say in unison, "We are in." This started our new journey to reuniting our whole family. 

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