Reunited ~ Daughter of Captai...

By karlzzz14

421 11 2

It has been two years since Loki had attacked New York, and Samantha Jordan was adopted by Steve Rogers or Ca... More

On Your Left
Mission for S.H.I.E.LD
History & Secrets
Death of Fury
Time Travel
Crashing A Council Meeting
Battle of the Helicarrier
Journey to Reunite

Best Friends Reunited

34 1 0
By karlzzz14

Together through the bad and the good. Until the end of time.

We were driving away from the building before the serum took root in my body, but I could feel it already working. I was worried that it was turning me into the monster that I was when I attacked Loki two years ago, and almost murdered him. I feared that I was going to become Soul Seeker again.

"Sammi, hold on. Please." Nat whispered into my ear as we drove. "We will figure this out. I promise."

Before I could answer Nat, there was a commotion outside of the car. There were black SUVs following us and trying to catch us. Bullets flew through the back window skimming past Nat and me, but one hit me in the shoulder. I tried to keep it a secret because I knew Steve would worry even more if I was hurt.

"Sam, what is going on out there?" I asked Sam as he drove.

"There are bad guys with guns. Now let's get through this." Sam says, but we felt a thud on the roof. All I could see was a metal fist busting through the windshield and yanking Sam's steering wheel right out of the car. Sam slammed on the brakes, and our car was going to crash.

"Samantha, go to your door and hold onto Nat. When I say three, use your shield as protection, and burst through the door." Steve told me, and I followed his directions. "One, two, three!" He yelled, and we both busted through our doors taking Sam and Nat along with us. We skidded across the pavement until we came to a stop. Over the piles of wrecked cars, a man walked towards us. It was the same man who attacked Steve and I's apartment, the Winter Soldier.

"Nat, take Samantha out of the way!" Steve yelled to Nat and me.

"NO!" I yelled back causing the ground to shake. "I am able to fight." I activated my shield and ran towards the Winter Soldier along with Steve. I threw my shield, and the Winter Soldier just reflected it away. I caught it, and Steve was in close hand-to-hand combat with the Winter Soldier.

"Sammi! Come on!" Sam yelled at me trying to get me to come to him and Nat. I ignored him and charged Steve and the Winter Soldier. I jumped above the two men fighting and used a gust of wind to push the Winter Soldier to the ground. He stood back up and grabbed Steve's shield from the ground. He threw it at Steve, but Steve dodged it causing it to lodge itself into a van behind him. I threw my shield at the Winter Soldier, and he caught it. He looked like an evil version of Steve as he wore the black mask holding my shield. He threw it back to me causing me to get thrown across the road.

"Samantha! Stay there. Do not fight!" Steve yelled at me. I tried to stand up, but I was not able to. I watched Steve fight this enemy alone and I could do nothing about it. Steve and the Winter Soldier kept fighting, both of them equally in strength. I watched as the Winter Soldier used his metal as a weapon. I tried to help Steve, but every time I tried to use my powers, I just went limp.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sam asked me as he ran to my side.

I could barely move, "I'm okay. Just powerless at the moment. I think whatever the serum is doing to me is affecting my powers. I just wish that I could get it out of my system."

Sam looked down at my shoulder, "You're hit. Let me bandage it up for you until you can heal yourself. Also, I think you should be happy that you survived the serum. Steve said that it can be nasty stuff if placed into the wrong person's body." He bandaged my shoulder as best as he could. By the time he finished, Steve had knocked off the Winter Soldier's face mask. The Winter Soldier turned his head towards Steve and me.

"Bucky?" Steve and I questioned at the same time.

The Winter Soldier looked very confused, "Who the hell is Bucky?" Before anyone else could say anything, a black van appeared causing Bucky to flee the scene. The rest of us were taken into custody by STRIKE agents and shoved into the van.

"Where are you taking us?" Steve asked, but none of the guards answered him. As Steve was about to ask again, one of the agents shocked the other one in the back of the van. The agent took off their helmet and revealed that they were Maria Hill.

"Maria?" I said as I looked at Steve and he was just as confused as I was.

"He wants to see all of you. Especially you, Samantha. He knows what happened to you," Maria tells all of us while she unties all of our hands.

After we drove for what felt like hours, we finally made it to an abandoned building. Maria leads us all into a room where Nick Fury was sitting. We all walked into the room, and Steve broke the silence

Steve looked at Fury, "How are you here? Also, what is going on with Samantha?"

"I took an anti-stress serum that Dr. Banner created. It slowed my heartbeat to the point where everyone would think I was dead. Now, when it comes to your daughter. She is going to be fine. She'll just be a super soldier just like you," Fury tells Steve.

I interrupted, "Wait, I am a super soldier?"

"Yes," Fury says. "Your new status will help us when we deal with this new threat."

"What new threat?" Nat asks.

"Project Insight," Fury says. "It is only a few hours away, and we only have one chance to end it. All three Helicarriers will align themselves into a triangle shape before they fire on their target. We must use these three special chips." He holds up three computer chip things. "Each Helicarrier must have one of these put into their mainframe. It will alter the program and not active Project Insight."

"Alright, Fury. We understand. Now, let's get going." Steve tells Sam and me.

"Steve, where are you going to get a new suit?" I asked him as I remembered that his suit was gone.

"I have an idea," Steve tells me as we all head out to defeat HYDRA once and for all.

About an hour later, we went back to the Smithsonian to the Captain America exhibit. Steve snuck in and took the costume from the mannequin. We all suited up and headed to the Triskelion to complete our mission. I was now a new hero from the serum that was coursing through my blood just like my father's. 

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