The Boy of Three

Par ImJustNot

313 27 2

Boy has fire power in superpower world with heroes, but not really Plus

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Halloween Special
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
How Ticks Work
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Universe hopping Filler!
UnF! Part 2
Chapter Nine
Season Two Trailer!?
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
World Hopping Filler?
Into the "Theo"verse Filler.
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 2
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 3
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 4


21 0 0
Par ImJustNot

Ren: Finally! I can punch something in the face!

Ren says with as much excitement as a teenager who just found out he could skip classes by just simply being depressed.

Ted: We're going back to the RWBY universe.

Ren: I'm staying home.

Ren says in a voice so monotone you could feel it in your bones.

Theo: Where'd all that excitement go?

Ren: I'm not going back to that shit show. Especially knowing it's been well past Volume Three.

Theo: Did you forget that we can time travel by simply going in at a different interval in the timeline of the universe?

Ren: Oh right, but when are you going in?

Ted: Train.

Ren: Ooh, chaos.

Theo: You don't think they'd recognise you do you?

Ted: My hair's grey and black and my eyes are grey, I'm practically a different person.

Ren: I still think that you should've stopped dyeing your hair after you said you'd stop

Ted: Well my hair looks like dogshit and it's shittily cut short. Of course, I'm gonna dye this abomination.

Theo: He has a point.

Ren: We've already seen you blonde, you can stop dyeing your hair.

Theo: Never, my hair has been black since the start and it will stay black.

Ren: How do you even dye it?

Theo: Well we know that putting eyes in the us controlled clones keeps to us right? So I just force Ted's body to create a me clone and go get my hair dyed using Ted's money.

Ted: Wait so you're the reason my account was charged so much. You get your hair dyed every week!

Theo: Ah you're a millionaire, it barely made a dent in your bank account. Plus there's that small business you own.

Ren: Speaking of, why the hell don't you use the I Sword!?

Ted: I forget about it!

Theo: After that Filler! where you fought Sebastian you never use it again. It's mentioned like once in S2 but you never use it again.

Ted: Fine, let's go grab it then.

Ted walks out of his room, walking down the stairs where he is greeted by his aunt Rose.

Aunt Rose: It's so good to see you down here Ted, it's weird seeing you instead of that grey blur that speeds through here every so often.

Ted is hugged by his Aunt Rose who does it a little tight.

Ted: I guess I have been a little absent haven't I? Well, I'm sorry if I made you feel lonely.

Ted hugs his aunt back before grabbing the hilt that's in his jacket pocket that's sitting on a stand close to the door.

Ted: Sorry for not being very present but I'll be elsewhere for a few hours.

Aunt Rose: As long as you're not getting kidnapped again it's fine.

Ted leans down for his Aunt to kiss him on the cheek.

Aunt Rose: You've gotten so tall.

Ted: Heh, guess I have.

Ted walks back up the stairs to his room, disappearing into a swirling blue mass when he closed the door.

Theo: So this is a Theo and Ted go to another world type of adventure huh?!

Ted: Yep. It's nice to feel the wind on my face again!

As the two fall, they notice a train nearing a wall.

Theo: Woohoo! Time to alleviate some stress whilst causing chaos!

Ted and Theo both sprout wings from their shoulders as Ted glides down using the grey lightning-based wings and Theo flies down using his wings of magma.

Ted touches down first, his clawed gauntlets and boots digging into the asphalt as he sprints at the wall to get some civilians away from it.

Theo lands closer to the wall, quickly building a wall of hardened magma at the soon to be impact point.

Ted only got around fifteen civilians away from the soon to be impact point before a train hit a wall surrounding a city called Vale.

Debris goes flying everywhere. Theo's wall of magma did nothing and Creatures of Grimm quickly flood the surrounding area.

Ted takes the gauntlet off his right hand and grabs the I Sword.

Ted: Time to do some killing.

The I Sword is flooded with Inergy as a sparking grey blade quickly forms.

Ted rushes through the crowd of black, slicing everything in sight, getting a few scratches here and there but quickly mowing down the ever-growing group.

Theo places his hand on the ground, a wave of magma coming from the ground and engulfing several Grimm before hardening around their bodies.

Theo: Be Covered in Death.

Theo clenched his fist, sending spikes of hardened magma into the creatures bodies.

Ted: You have the best move names.

Theo: Of course I do! I'm me!

Theo is then swatted into a building by an Ursa Major.

Theo: Fucking buildings!

Theo rides a wave of liquid magma out of the building, using it to cover several more Grimm in it before hardening it.

Theo: Die!

The Grimm covered in Theo's hardened magma are crushed to death by it.

Ted and Theo completely ignored the teenage Huntsmen in training who were trying to get their help and or help them.

Ted extended the claws on his left hand before swiping at the horde of Grimm, sending a wave of grey electricity out at them.

Ted: Shit I really should name these moves beforehand.

Ted jumps into a rather large grouping of Grimm with both his hands covered in grey electricity.

Ted: Indiscriminate Shock! 13 Million Volts!

When Ted touched the ground everything in a twenty-metre radius was hit by the attack, killing the Grimm and powering up a ginger.

Theo: Ted you ass! You stole that from an anime!

Ted: Most of my moves are stolen from anime!

Ted jumped onto a nearby building, raising his hand and quickly building Inergy in the clouds into the shape of an eastern dragon.

Ted: Begone With The Thunderclap! Kirin.

Once Ted lowered his hand at the horde, a large Eastern Dragon descended from the skies striking with much less power than the original move because Ted doesn't need to destroy a small mountain, only a horde of Grimm.

Also, because Ted can't call upon natural lightning (yet), so the clouds don't disperse, making this not a one-shot move like the original.

Ted: Wait but isn't chakra in the mix of different ability origins that make of my so-called Mixergy™?

Yes, that's why I said "yet," plus you pretty much just neglect to use anything other than Inergy unless I need you to.

Ted: Sigh Woe is me, held back by an idiot.

Theo being swarmed by multiple types of Grimm: Ted! Stop wallowing in pity and help, you jackass!

Ted sticks the I Sword into the ground, sending electricity through the ground and forcing it up once it was under a Creature of Grimm, quickly taking out a large portion of the group surrounding Theo.

Theo: Thanks!

Ted: No problem!

Glynda Goodwitch patches the hole with telekinesis, and everyone goes on with their day.

Ted and Theo walk towards each other, once they are in arms reach they punch each other in the face.

Theo/Ted: Fuck you!

Glynda Goodwitch approaches the two as they bicker.

Glynda: Sorry but do I know you?

Ted: Oh hey Goodwitch. How's it goin'?

Glynda: That voice... no it couldn't be, he had black eyes and pure black hair. But I must make sure.

Glynda: Would your name happen to be Ted?

Ted: I thought you might have forgotten me.

Ted shoots one of the missiles from Hellfire Sting into the sky, the harmless sparks raining down onto him.

Glynda: Wait, but Ozpin sent you back, why're you here? And why do you look so different?

Ted: Oh my buddy Theo here has one of the eyes of the bitch that sent me here. We use it to travel to other worlds. I went through some... family problems a little while ago, some stuff happened and now I look like this.

Glynda: It seems you've arrived at just the right time, has your ability changed since we last met?

Ted: You could say that.

Ted puts the I Sword back in its sheath.

Ted: So, you gonna take me to the wizard or what?

Glynda: Oh I thought you would have left after such a major event.

Ted: Nah, I gotta wait for my buddy Theo to regain his Inergy.

Theo: But I'm good on-

Ted uses some of his lightning he kept in the ground to shock Theo into unconsciousness.

Ted: And with him knocked out I can't get home.

Glynda: O...kay?

Ted: Just roll with it.

Fifteen minutes later and Ted is holding Theo's body up inside a bullhead.

Ted: So... what's been going on while I was gone?

Ted asks Glynda who is sitting across from him

Glynda: I should be asking you that, your hair colour changed, your eyes colour changed and you've changed your entire style. I could barely recognise you.

Ted: Shit happens. I was tortured by my mother for an entire month, I got new powers, and I got so stressed my hair turned grey. I don't know about my eyes though, it just kind of happened.

Glynda: Oh my God, that's terrible. Well, it's good that you got away though.

Ted: More like they got away, tch.

Glynda: What was that?

Ted: Don't worry about it.

Theo starts to wake up.

Theo: Ugh... I feel like I got struck by lightning.

Ted: Hey, you're finally awa-

Theo: Did that in Season One.

Ted: Oh yeah, I did.

Theo: So... I'm his buddy, Theo. Though I may look sixteen, I'm actually millions of year's old.

Ted: Spiritually.

Theo: Shut up.

Theo throws a glob of liquid magma at Ted's face, missing as Ted saw that coming from a mile away.

Glynda: You two look similar, are you perhaps related?

Theo: I'm the first of his kind.

Ted: I'm possibly the last of his Bloodline.

Glynda: I don't follow.

Theo: Something something, clan extinction.

Glynda had a face of utter confusion.

Ted: Like thirty years ago my mother had a "hero" murder every single person in my clan, except for my father who she wanted to have sex with, and some scientist or something. It's weird.

Glynda: That does sound rather bizarre.

Theo: Oh would you look at that, we've arrived at Beacon.

Theo pointed out that they indeed have arrived at Beacon.

Five minutes later.

Ted kicks the doors to Ozpin's office open, alerting the old man who sat at a desk in the middle of the room.

Ted: Ozzie! It's been too long since I've annoyed you.

Ozpin: I thought I was free! Wait, who are you?

Ted: I don't look that different. It's me, Ted Theo Cole, your favourite otherworldly visitor.

Ted used what little control he has over his fire to create an almost identical scythe to the one created when he was forcefully transported here months ago.

Oz: But... you look so different.

Ted: My face is the same as when we last saw each other, what do you want me to teleport around like an idiot.

Oz: So... you've matured, at least somewhat.

Ted was drawing dicks in the air with his lightning.

Oz: Wait no, you're definitely Ted.

Ted: Heh ha! How's it been, Ozzie!?

Oz: Well, I've been less stressed.

Ted: Ooh, tell me more.

Ted hopped onto Ozpin's desk, staring into the old man's brown eyes.

For the next hour, Oz vented to Ted everything that's happened since he was sent back to his world.

Theo and Glynda also became friends, Theo in an attempt to get in her pants and Glynda wanting to get to know more about him.

On the balcony of Ozpin's tower.

Ted is sitting on the railing looking at Oz and Glynda.

Ted: So, it's been nice catching up and all that, but I've got to go.

Theo winked at Glynda before pushing Ted off the balcony and then jumping off after him.

Glynda who was concerned for their safety rushes to see what happened to the two.

When Glynda got to the railing to see what became of the two barely catches them disappearing into a swirling blue mass.

Glynda: Do you think he's going to come back?

Ozpin: Well I already set his team on the roster for the Vytal Festival.

Glynda: What!?

Ozpin: Well he said he'd try to make it if he could. So it's just a precaution.

A note comes flying out of a small swirling blue mass.

"I'll make it, don't worry"

Not: This is filler is you only get the whatever.

Kevin: Whatever.

Not: Wait, this is it? The end of The Boy of Three? Well, I could copy and paste the filler to be used in the second book but nah, I'm not gonna do that.

Kevin: See you when Theo And The Other Ones or Whatever comes out.

Theo/Ted/Ren: Buh Bye.

Continuer la Lecture

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