Utpathasthita-Avengers in Dwa...

By Sindhuxsuta

81K 4.2K 4.7K

Tony just wanted coffee. Steve just wanted to draw. Clint just wanted to sleep. Natasha just wanted to dance... More

Where are we?
We're all weird.
A worried Redhead
Bruce might hulk out
Tony's BS
Feminists needed
What did you just say?
May Parker is ishmart
Yuddhisthir became Yudi
That's weird
You gotta be kidding
The old man went mad
I come when called
Talking to wooden clubs
A (not) dead end
Not an update, sorry
The brothers' meeting
A suggestion
Welp, that was eventful
Some talks to remember
The hint
Was he any better? (yes)
Peter Parker's a genius
Team meets the boss
Holi? Or Holy?
Chaos is good
Pandavas need assistance
Ever heard of pollution?
Wizard in astral idiocy
What self preservation?
Sass overload
Vibes aavshak hai
Can we get a break?
Forest tour with May
Bleeding heart
Peter's lesson
The kid is what now?
Stop panicking, Steven!
You need easier names
Peter panicking in peace
Pillars of Humour
Tell me!
Night changes
∞ Graphics ∞
Changing the fate
If a royal mess had a face
Hell or High water- not
Disappointed but not surprised
Mind Age ≠ Body Age
His Grace
Shouldn't have

Touch starved

802 47 37
By Sindhuxsuta

Tony Stark had always shied away from hugs, he had been taught, as a child, that people were always after him and could hurt him in pretense of a hug. And honestly, he had a reputation to maintain. Albeit, bad reputation but reputation, nonetheless.

Jarvis and Ana were the only ones that hugged him as child; Howard was always away finding his golden boy Steve Rogers and Maria was busy in working. No time for their child.

Pepper joked he was touch starved as a child when he was overly affectionate with her, so he reigned it in. Rodhey used to hug him but since he and Rodhey both had to maintain their reputations and couldn't meet alone that much, those grew few and far between.

The only hugs he got nowadays were from his bots and Peter, with occasionally Pepper and Rodhey.

His hugs with Pepper gave him a sense of comfort, Rodhey gave him a sense of home, his first and best friend. His hugs with his bots were uncomfortable and rare but they made him want to protect them from anything and everything.

If anyone asked, he'd deny it vehemently to his last breath, but he all of it when Peter hugged him. The first time in the car, he'd been cautious and injured but the hug brought him a sense of comfort and home. He felt he'd be okay, for the kid. The kid was too pure, he needed to be protected and Tony would do it.

This hug, the one Peter was giving him now, felt like the roles had reversed. Peter was hugging him, not even tightly, but softly as if Tony was a piece of glass. As if he gave too much pressure, he'd break.

And while he hated to admit it, it was probably right. He already had too much baggage and too little advantages, as he'd once said to a sleeping Bruce, he was,"Just a man in a can". And, his said 'can' was in a different country, in a different time.

As he relaxed agaist Peter's chest, the boy standing while he was sitting on the plush and comfy couch, he felt as if nothing will ever hurt him.

Unknown to him, Peter made that promise to himself. Whatever happened, Tony Stark was going to live a healthy and happy life. No more almost life ending situations for his mentor.

Tony Stark had been through hell and had come back with a bang and wings. It's time he took some rest.

Bruce hid his face in his hands as everyone but Peter and Tony stared at him. He had just told the team how he had fallen asleep when Tony was trying to talk to him. He forced back the guilt down, the small voice telling him that,"Not that type of doctor" wasn't what looking Tony was looking for. Tony Stark had turned to his friend for help, not a doctor. And he let Tony down terribly.

Steve reeled back as if someone had slapped him. He always valued his team, he thought they were family. Where was he when Tony needed him? He had assumed Tony would be fine, he always seemed to be. That was his mistake, perhaps. He believed whatever facade Tony wanted him to. When had Tony started wearing a mask with them, he wondered, not liking the answer even a little.

Natasha stared at Tony. She knew, Fury had edited her report, removing things like his creativeness and willingness to fight. Fury had manipulated Tony into joining Avengers, making him feel that they didn't need him and he jumped at the chance of being useful.

When she voiced her opinion, Peter, the child, said in a tone that sent chills down her, Black Widow's back,"Mr. Stark wanted to be useful to the world because he had been given privileges and wanted to return the favor. Instead of helping his vision, instead of him being useful, he was used. And I assure you, this will not be happening again."

The uncomfortable silence was broken with a knock at the front door and Wanda could have cried in relief. She hadn't realised just how much suffocating silence was.

Clint opened the door to the royal family stading there in all their royal glory. He faked and smile and let them in,"Come on in. How've you been?"

As they sat down, Yuddhisthir smiled at them and said,"We're fine, Clint. How are you all adjusting?"

After a frankly useless small talk, Draupadi spoke what they were wondering about,"I know you're wondering why we're here. Actually, we wanted to ask you something."

Wanda raised an eyebrow and looked expectantly at Yuddhisthir, who to his credit, only smiled,"The crux of the thing is, even if we are a new nation, we are not exactly independent. I am the king but I can be overruled by my uncle, if he wishes."

Steve nodded, even though he wasn't understanding where Yuddhisthir was going with the fact. Tony, apparently, did understand.

"You have to have confidence of a hundred states to become independent," the mechanic said,"Ally with them, make relations or win the state itself."

Nakul nodded,"Exactly, thank you. So, we've decided, we, that is, I, Sahdev, Bhrata Arjun and Bhrata Bheem would go and in different directions in order to ally or win the states there."

Arjun took over,"Of course, Jyesth Bhrata will remain here with Panchali, as they're the King and Queen. We wanted to ask if any of you were interested in helping us."

"You have already helped us so far," Sahdev said with a humble smile,"You can decline if you wish so."

Clint saw Steve shake his head and shared a look with Natasha, oh well. "No, no." Steve smiled at them,"You've already housed us and helped us settle when you didn't have to. Of course, we will help."

Everyone else nodded and Tony held up his hand,"Excuse me, but I'd like to add something," Bruce had seen him use that tone, Tony was agitated and it wouldn't take a genius to know why,"Neither I nor the kid will be part of any fights and he stays with me."

While the royal family nodded in understanding, Wanda frowned,"Why, Stark?"

"Because," Oh no, Tony's smile was saccharine,"When I fought last time, I ended up with a highly qualified doctor telling me it was a miracle I was alive." Natasha saw Steve blanch and winced inwardly herself. Tony continued,"My rib cage is very, very fragile and I am retired. I don't have my technology here and don't have the means to make myself anything, at all."

"But," but Wanda still wasn't deterred,"You had your repulsor on that day."

"Because, I will do whatever it takes to protect my kid." Peter was pretty sure it was involuntary word change but honest to his soul, he preened at the way Mr. Stark said Peter was his kid, because he was pretty sure Dr. Banner wasn't a kid.

Bheem cleared his throat,"As entertaining and confusing this is, what's the plan?"

Sahdev saw his brother focus on Tony and smiled. Tony had once said that Steve was the leader in their group and Bhrata Nakul had laughed in his face. Though, he wasn't as tactless as his brothers, Sahdev knew, even if Steve was the so called leader, Tony was the head.

Tony had the personality where his presence itself demanded respect and admiration and the attention. He soaked it up all like a professional, he had a unique ability to adapt to a situation.

Sahdev knew perfectly well, his brothers and wife believed him when he said Tony was a valuable ally and a formidable enemy. His ability to adapt and work endless for knowledge and then use that knowledge in his favour was rare and he knew, if pushed, Tony Stark could and would destroy the world, as well as create a new one.

Okay first of all, SORRY

I'm so sorry guys, I left you high and dry while I waited for the other shoe to drop. Actually, even after my exams got cancelled (YAY), I got into a situation with the family and let's say they, like every Indian family, hate phones. So....whoops.

Anyways, yes I'm having the Tony feels and I love the resident genius and we'll soon see some action, and the updates will be regular

Okay, so, next thing, is, did you like the chapter?

Was it upto the mark?

And who should accompany whom on the quest to freedom, according to you? Suggestions will be welcomed!

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