The End of the Road

By EstrelMb25

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Sophie Foster is tired of fighting. Tired of losing. Tired of trying. omg I hate these just read the book ple... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Thirteen

619 6 16
By EstrelMb25

Hey Everyone! I did do the art in the picture, sorry it's definitely not my best work lol but I wanted to do something special so here is a sneak peek of the next chapter I guess. Okay enjoy the reading! :)

I'm a very organized person. I make a schedule and I stick to it. Every morning I wake up on time, have my breakfast, get ready and do everything I need to.

I liked to be organized with most things I do, that way I'm more efficient. But today, I'm sure I looked like the least organized person on the planet.

People stared at me, some recognized me from walking down the street yesterday. I also had no shoes to wear so that was horrible. Keefe was also getting stares but for the opposite reason. I'm sure people weren't expecting someone like him to be walking with someone like me.

Me and Keefe walked around, buying me the necessities and some clothes to wear.

"FOSTER! THEY HAVE A CAMP HALF-BLOOD SHIRT! WE HAVE TO GET MATCHING ONES!" Keefe picked our two large shirts and I laughed.

"You go get some more shirts, I'll be back in five minutes." His eyebrows scrunched up.

"What? But we have to stay together!" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Well if you want to look for bras and underwear-"

Keefe eyes widened and a blush spread across his cheeks. "NEVER MIND! I'll be looking for clothes in the front of the store!" He ran off quickly and I chuckled to myself.

I picked out a few bras and pairs of underwear, throwing them in the cart before going to find Keefe.

I sighed as I saw him carrying a pile of matching shirts. "Look! I got us matching shirts!"

I snorted as he threw them in the cart. "Let's go check out."

He struggled though checking out at the cash register and I had to explain to him as we were leaving that you can't pull out a stack of cash, give the cashier it and ask if it was enough.

We struggled with caring the bags back up to the apartment.

I flopped on the bed when we were done u loading all the food in the pantry and fridge and the clothes into the closet.

"That was tiring." I mumbled into his pillow. He copied my actions, mumbling in agreement.

"We should watch another one of those things you put on the black rectangle yesterday. You fell asleep."

"Okay. That sounds good." I groaned as I got up and made my way to the couch. I turned on the TV and played another animated movie. This one was Reck it Ralph.

Keefe brought over a blanket from the bed and sat next to me, draping it across our legs.

We watched, with me having to explain a lot. By the time it was over it was around noon. My eyes felt heavy and I curled up closer to the blanket. I faintly can hear Keefe getting up and another blanket thrown on top of me.

I'll just close my eyes for five minutes...

I woke up to gentle shaking.

"Foster, wake up. It's okay, it's just a dream."

I gasped and bolted up, accidentally bonking my head against his.

"Ow!" Both our hand fly to our heads.

"Sorry! I didn't mean too hit you! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Foster, are you?"

"Yeah, sorry I fell asleep." I apologized, rubbing my eyes.

"You looked like you were having a nightmare."

I chose to ignore the question and sat up. "Is that grilled cheese I smell?"

He sighed and followed me to the kitchen.

We ate in silence until spoke up. "Were you having a nightmare?"

I stiffened. "No, why would you think that?"

"Because you were shaking and whimpering like you were."

"Oh. Uh, that's probably because... I was cold."

Keefe shook his head. "Sophie, don't lie. It's fine if your having nightmares, there's no reason not to tell me. I have them too."

Keefe's so much calmer than Fitz. He understands.

"It's just because I don't have Ella to sleep with. She usually helps me." I mumbled.

"Well... you can use Mrs. Stinkbottom if you ever need her. Just don't be afraid to tell me." He smiled and took my plate as I finished off the last piece.

"So do you want to go on a walk around town? I can show you around?" He asked as he as he washed of the dishes.

"Sure. You can tell me how's it's been down here while we walk."

Me and Keefe left as soon as he's done with the dishes. I slipped on my new black tennis shoes that we got while shopping so didn't have to go barefoot again.

We go down the elevator and walk out of the lobby, onto the side walk.

"So, have you met anyone? Done anything?" I asked, shoving my hands in my sweatshirt pocket.

"I've met a few people, not a lot. I've basically just stayed at home and gone around town now and then." I nod as we keep walking, chatting.

"So your telling me, after three months here and you haven't done anything? No even made friends?"

"Don't get me wrong, there's been many offers, i mean look at me." He gestured to himself up and down as if that explained everything. Which honestly, it kind of did.

"But I've been trying to keep a low profile for now." He was silent and I looked over at him.

"I'm glad you found me. I don't think I could spend another day without you." He admitted.

I smiled and brought him into a hug. "I'm glad I found you too. I couldn't have done this without you."

We hold the hug in the middle of the sidewalk, not wanting to let go but eventually having to. I grab his hand, wanting some kinda of connection with him.

I'm decided not to wear gloves today. We got some human gloves for my enhancing but they were just as itchy and uncomfortable as I remembered.

"How did you get the whole command thing under control?" I asked suddenly.

"Well... I guess I just started talking, resisting the urge more and more until I didn't feel like I want to control every person on earth and shout commands." I tightened my hold around his hand, making sure that he knew I was here for him.

We walked around some more, him showing me the basics of town and where everything was until the sun started setting.

"We should head back for dinner, it's getting dark." I pointed out.

Keefe nodded. Luckily, we were already close to the apartment because he was done with the tour.

We walked back quickly and went back up to the room. I head straight for the kitchen when we get inside and pull out some pasta noodles. I put water in a pot and turn on the stove to boil it.

"What are you making?" Keefe asks, coming up behind me as I prepare some pieces of bread so I can make garlic bread.

"Just some pasta and tomato auce with garlic bread. It's easy and quick to make so you can just set the table."

Keefe nodded and got out a bowl, plate, fork and knife out for each of us. He set the table quickly and then went over to the bed where he continued reading Percy Jackson.

I poured some noodles in the pot, enough for both of us and some to warm up later if we wanted too. I let the noodles cook and take out the Prego tomato sauce out.

The bread was ready so I took the prices out, dividing them between the two of us. Soon after that the noodle were ready and I filled each bowl with them, topping it off with the tomato sauce.

"It's ready Keefe." He walked over a took a deep breath of air.

"Oh, that actually smells pretty good."

I look up, feigning a hurt expression. "You dare doubt my cooking skills?"

"Oh course not milady! I'm just surprised you didn't burn down the kitchen!"

I roll my eyes but laugh. We ate, laughing at random things and grinning.

Keefe washed the dishes and I went the couch. It was already almost nine so I just sat there, waiting for Keefe to finish up.

He did and walked over. "So I'll sleep on the couch until we can find another bed to use. Or maybe I'll just make the couch my bed?"

I shook my head. "No! This is your apartment so you should sleep on the bed, I'll take the couch or floor. Besides, I already had the bed last night."

"And you can have it again tonight. I want you to have it, that way your comfortable."

"Well you need to be comfortable too. I want you to sleep on the bed." I debated.

"Well I want you to sleep on the bed, you should. I refuse to sleep on the bed." Keefe crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well then I also refuse to sleep on the bed." I say, also crossing my arms around my chest.

"So we both don't take the bed?" He compromised.

"Unless your taking it."

"Well I'm not taking it!"

"Well that's stupid if neither of us are comfortable! Just take the bed!" I throw my hand in the air in frustration. Why can't he just take the damn bed?!

"If you have a problem with it then you take it!" Keefe argued, throwing his hand in the air as well.

"But I want you to be comfortable!"

"I will be comfortable if you're sleeping in the bed!" He shouted.

"Well I'll be uncomfortable if your not in the bed!" I shouted back.

"Well then maybe we should just both sleep in the bed!"




There was a beat of awkward silence as we both huffed.

"So...wanna watch a Disney movie now?"

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