Life with the Janoskians and...

By MollyAmeliaHolmes

22K 339 85

Molly and Conor have been best friends for ages. But when they go to a YouTube award event Molly meets beau f... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting Beau Brooks
Chapter 2 - Meeting the Janoskians
Chapter 3 - Hangover
Chapter 4 - Waking up late
Chapter 5 - Shopping
Chapter 6 - Sleepover
Chapter 7 - Tickets
Chapter 8 - Feelings
Chapter 9 - The keek
Chapter 10 - Beach
Chapter 11 - Keys
Chapter 13 - Drunk boys
Chapter 14 - Tired
Chapter 15 - Salty coffee
Chapter 16 - Dare or Dare

Chapter 12 - ZONK!

1K 26 5
By MollyAmeliaHolmes

"SLUT!" I heard, which suddenly woke me up. The door bashed opened and I suddenly hid underneath the covers of the bed. 

"Molly?", I peered from underneath the covers to see Luke looking very confused. His hair was dripping wet, with the water droplets trailing down his body. His abs gleaming in the sunlight through the curtains and he had a towel wrapped around his waist. 

I hesitated, "urm...hi?" I muttered, and gave a little wave. 

His eyes were squinted and then he pointed at me, "Why are you here? Beaus bed?" He mumbled. 

"I stayed the night", I smiled confidently. "But Beau slept somewhere else" I snapped before he could insinuate anything. 

"Oh right, I was just going to ask Beau where the hair dryer is" He giggled shyly, avoiding eye contact. I wasn't really sure what to say next so chuckled awkwardly. 

"Sorry to wake you" he apologized then slowly exited and shut the door behind him. I didn't feel like going back to sleep so I rose from the bed and ran my fingers through my hair to flatten it down.  

I stumbled down the stairs, my eyes darting everywhere searching for the boys.  

I paced into the living room to find Beau laying on sofa all spread out. "hello" I said shyly, beau kindly slipped his muscular legs down off the sofa to let me sit next to him.  

"Morning!" He said cheerfully, then slowly resting his arm on the sofa, above my shoulders. He had already gotten dressed, he was wearing a tight grey t-shirt and dark maroon chinos and he didn't have a SnapBack on today surprisingly 

"Did you sleep alright?" I asked, still feeling bad that he lent me his bed. 

"Yeah, I slept in lala's bed!" He teased but trying to act serious to make me feel bad. 

"Shut up" I giggled shyly, playfully elbowing him. 

"What? There was no where else to sleep?" He teased, giving an innocent look. I shook my head then giggled.


I had just been on the phone with Sally and she said she would make a copy of the key so we would both have one. She said she would leave the key under the door mat outside my house at 3pm. So I had a long while to wait. 

"Why don't we all go down to park or something?" Luke asked, walking into beaus bedroom. Me and beau were sat in his bed and he was teaching me how to play on the Xbox. I wasn't concentrating on the game properly and kept darting my eyes at Luke to try and answer him. 

"Yeah, alright!" I replied cheerfully. 

"Molly!! You're dying, you need to shoot the zombies!" Beau belted, he takes his games very seriously. 

"Come on, we're going to the park" I announced, grabbing his whist and pulling him up with me. 

"B-but we haven't finished the game!" Beau moaned, but did as instructed and followed me and Luke. 

"It will do us some good getting some fresh air!" I explained, as we stepped outside into the steaming hot weather. 

"I'll call skip and tell him to come hang out with us" Luke said, tapping away on his phone as we began walk to the park. 

"Molly..." I heard a whining voice behind me, "it's too hot" beau was trailing behind me dropping his body. He clung onto my arm to stay up right, "watch this!" Beau whispered, I watched him Intensely as he ran up behind Luke who was talking to skip on the phone. Beau slowed down as he got closer to him and crouched down to Luke waist line and suddenly pulled his trousers down. 

Luke's head twisted round in shock, "FUCKING IDOT!" Luke screamed, his whole face was red as he pulled his trousers up violently. I burst into tears of laughter as Luke fixed up his trousers. Beau came skipping back towards me "I feel much happier now" he laughed as he walked along my side.

As we got to the park we could all ready hear the laughter of children playing and chattering. I squinted my eyes to focus on who the laughter was coming from. I instantly recognised her, it was Becky, baby sitting her brothers. She was pushing them both on the swings cheerfully. 

"Is that Becky?" Luke pointed out, looking at me to confer.  

"Yeah I think so, let me check" I replied, "SHANIQUA! Where you at!" I joked, cuffing my hands against my mouth. Beau and Luke suddenly stared at me funnily. I saw Becky's head shot at mine. 

"Yo, Rhonda! I'm ere wid ma two bonquisha's!" She joked, with her two brother giggling away on the swings. Yeah it was differently Becky, we like to call each other weird names. 

"Yeah that's Becky" I conferred, then giggling at how stupid we were.

I leaned on the sloping swing pole as Luke and Beau gently sat on the grass picking at it. 

"Stuck baby sitting again?" I sympathised as Becky hated baby sitting. 

"Unfortunately" she moaned, she stopped pushing her brothers who were constantly staring at Beau and Luke in fascination as they'd never seen them before. 

"Becky one more push!" Freddie insisted, pulling a stroppy face towards her. 

"No Freddie, go play on the slide!" She ordered, Freddie did as he was told and sprinted over to slide with his older brother Archie following behind him. 

"Your brothers are so cute!" Luke admitted, as we all watched them ran like crazy towards the slide. 

"No their aren't, their little mayniacs!" She laughed, sitting down next to him on the grass.

We all sat in a small circle on the fresh grass just casually chatting to one another. I suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind me, "Sup bitches!" We all turned to see Daniel walking over to us with a bit of swag. He was dressed in pink shorts and a loose white tank top that fell gracefully on his chest. 

"Err... Who invited you?" I joked, as I watched him sit down opposite me. 

"Ya mum!" Skip snapped, his eyes were wide in a jokey way. 

"BECKY CAN YOU PUSH MY DOWN THE SLIDE!" a voice shouted from the distance. It was Freddie, sitting at the top of the slide with his brother Archie waiting for him at the bottom. 

"Push yourself!" Becky shouted, not turning around to make eye contact. 

"I'll push you Freddie!" I shouted happily, Freddie was a very sweet boy but becky always has to baby sit and I guess her brothers get on her nerves sometimes. 

I jogged over to the slide climbing up the ladder to get to Freddie. I smiled kindly at him and he was concentrating hard with a serious look on his face. 

"Can you catch me when I slide down?" He asked politely. I paused for a second, "Urm...I'm too slow Freddie" I lied,I couldn't run down the ladder and make to him on time and I couldn't really slide down with him. 

I stood up and looked over the the guys, "Can one of you catch Freddie when he slides down?" I asked feeling a bit awkward.  

"I'll do it!" Beau announced, hopping up and jogging over to the slide. 

"Freddie, Beau is going to catch you" I confirmed with a reassuring smile. Freddie nodded, I kneeled down to see Beau at the bottom of the slide, his arms were out ready to catch him. I pushed Freddie and he screamed excitedly down the slide. I watched as he fell into Beaus arms, beau was lifting him up in the air like an airplane. 

"Well done little man!" Beau cheered, gently putting him down and tussling his hair. 

"Again! Again!" Freddie shouted happily.  

"No we are now going home!" Becky declared. She gathered all her things and said goodbye to everyone and she walked back home with her brothers.

----------1 hour later-----------------------------

Me, Beau, Luke and Daniel were all laying on the grass in a line, soaking in the sunlight. 

"Molly?" Daniel asked suddenly. 

"Yeah?" I replied 

" whereas gam met?" He mumbled at me, he was holding his phone in front of his face. 

"Huh?", I had know idea what he said. 

"ZONK!" He shrieked, lipping into the air, and began running around the park. "YES! I ZONKED MOLLY WOOO!". 

"What the hell?" I was confused. 

"Oh, you just gotta say gibberish to someone and if they say 'huh' then you zonk them" Luke explained.  

"Oh, I see" I giggled as Daniel was cheering and running around the park waving his arms around like a crazy person. 

"That's going on keek!" He shouted over.  

"I'll get you back Daniel" I teased, giggling at him still running around. 

"Ok, I'm tired now!" Daniel muttered, sounding very out of breath and pacing back towards us.  


Everyone reached into there pockets to check if it was there phone. 

"It's mine guys!" I said, "oh it's Sally! She might have my key!" I exclaimed. 

"Hello?" I answered 

"Hey Molly, I have a copy of your key now" Sally confirmed happily. 

"Ok Thankyou!" I smiled. 

"I will leave it underneath you plant pot outside your house!" She  


"Okie dokie! Thankyou, bye!"  

"Cya later!" She replied hanging up the phone. 

"Yay! I'm not locked out anymore" I cheered excitedly.

-----------------4 hours later-----------------

When we got back to the boys house Beau said he would walk me home because it was getting dark and very misty and his mum, gina had took the car so he couldn't drive me home. 

"Beau you don't have to walk me home" I insisted standing at the doorstep. 

"It's dangerous to be walking around at this time" he explained, grabbing a coat and slipping it on. 

"I'll be back in a minute" he shouted to the boys, who completely ignored him. We didn't talk much whilst walking back but strangely it didn't feel awkward at all. I was wearing Beaus jumper still and very short shorts and it was freezing and my teeth were chattering. 

"You alright?" Beau smirked, trying not to laugh at my teeth chattering and my chin jiggling. 

"Just a bit cold" I spoke quickly, crossing my arms to keep in the warmth. 

Beau just chuckled at me, "if you run then you'll be warm?" He suggested. 

"I'm not running!" I giggled, taking it as a joke. But beau started speeding walking ahead and I just stared at him,smiling. 

"Come on!" Beau teased, tugging on my sleeve and pulling me forward.  

"No I can't!" I moaned but still managed to have a smile on my face. Keeping my arms crossed and my hands inside the sleeves. 

Beau constantly laughed as he got further away from me. 

"BEAU!" I shouted, I could only just see him through the mist. 

"Ok just skip, you don't have to run" he teased coming back through the mist. 

"You just want me to look stupid!" I moaned, sticking out my bottom lip. 

"Aww, no way!" He replied, I could tell he was lying. 

I managed to catch up with beau and began walking be his side. 

"BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NO BODY ELSE!" He sang loudly on purpose. 

"Shhh, beau you will wake the whole street up" I giggled. 

"YOU DONT KNOW UH OH YOU DONT KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL!" He sang even louder, and putting some dance moves in aswell. Which made me laugh even more. 

"THAT'S WHAT MAKE YO-" I covered his mouth with my hand to shush him, both of us were giggling. Then I felt something slimy on my hand. 

"ERRRR!" I screamed, then wiped his Saliva of my hand. 

"Do you like licking people because you seem to be doing that alot?" I laughed. 

"Sorry, it's a habit of mine" he smiled his eyes sparkling in the moon light I could just stare into his gorgeous eyes all day and get lost in them.  

I quickly turned away trying not to day dream over him. I smiled helplessly thinking how could anyone be this gorgeous.

I got to my door finding the key underneath the plant pot and unlocked the door. 

I turned to face beau, "So, I will cya later" I smiled. 

"E-erm yeah" he stuttered, scratching the back of his neck . he looked like he want to say something.  

"Ok, and try not to wake the whole city up" I teased. 

He just giggled shyly" don't worry, I won't" he spoke. 

I then closed the door and exhaling, closing my eyes. And them rested my head on the door. I felt annoyed at myself that I get so nervous around him sometimes and I just wish I didn't fall for him this quickly.


SO SO SO sorry this chapters late ! I had writers blog? is that wat its called ? I didn't have a clue what to write and I think I've written to much now haha I got carried away a bit :)  

But I hope you like it :)


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Love you guys xxx Thankyou so much for your last comments and votes <3 and I promise I will try and upload quicker! Sorry again x 

(Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes xx)

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