Lost in Hope / / Minsung

By Straightish_Kids

55.2K 2.4K 447

LMH : "We can't do this, I'm your teacher and you're my student" HJS: "Just have some hope in us, please" LMH... More

Lost in Hope| Intro
Lost in Hope| 1
Lost in Hope| 2
Lost in Hope| 3
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951 52 7
By Straightish_Kids

Jisung Pov

We had finished eating and got into his car. We had driven about 30 minutes before he pulled into a parking lot.

"Where are we?" I asked. Not recognizing where we were.

"You'll see..." He teased, smirking.

We got out of the car and the smell of the sea hit me. My eyes widened as I saw sand around me and the sound of crashing waves.

"A beach?" I asked. He shook his head but hummed.

"Close." He replied vaguely and I felt curious as I followed him.

The sea wind hit my face and I instantly relaxed.

We walked up a hill, the wave sounds getting closer. We stayed silent as we made our way up. We we reached the top I gasped as I realized we were stood on top of a cliff. I look over slightly and gasped at the beautiful seen below me.

Waves crashing over rocks, the beautiful waves breaking in to a white foam before blending back into the depths of the sea. The way the rock on the side was a beautiful charcoal from getting wet. Leaf vines traveled beautifully done the rock and something about it just made me want to jump in.

"Its...gorgeous... How... How did you find this place?" I asked, clearly appalled by the sight.

"Shortly after I moved in with Chan, I found it and it became my safe place."

I turned to him and smiled. But one question was left.

"Why did you bring me here?"

He looked down and shrugged. "I'm- I'm not sure" He scratched his nape nervously.

I walked over to him.

"Minho..." I started. "Why..."

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Why can't you just stop pushing me away?" I whined slightly. I walked over and slipped my hands into his.

He, however, jerked them away and took a step back.

"Your my student-" He started but my groan interpreted him.

"I understand! I am your student- wait, not anymore! I switched majors, I have nothing to do with you now." I pointed out.

"Jisung, please..." His voice trailed off and I felt my heart fall.

"You don't like me..." I mumbled.


"You don't like me, do you?" I asked, louder. I felt stupid.

"Jisung, its not that-"

"Its not what? I like you, Minho" I stated, staring right at him. "I like you but you could've just plain out side 'your not my type' or 'I'm not gay, sorry.'"

He sighed and sat down, patting a spot next to me. I walked over and took a seat.

"But..." He started, sighing deeply. "I do like you." He confessed.

I stopped and looked at him with surprise. I was not sure if I heard that right.

"W-what?" I stuttered out.

"I like you, Jisung" He said, looking at me with a sad smile. Despite the fact that he had confessed I felt a 'but' coming. "But-"

"There it is..." I whispered.

"Excuse me?" He asked, clearly a little offended.

"There it is." I said, getting up. "There's always a fucking "but'!"

Minho rolled his eyes, "No need to be dramatic," He said and I whipped around.

Now it was my time to say "Excuse me?"

"No need to be dramatic? You like me but you won't date me? I'm. Not. Even. In. Your. Major. Anymore. Do you understand?! I want to go on dates, not be strung along."

He got up and narrowed his eyes at me. "I told you! I told you nothing could happen."

I clenched my fists. "Why!? Why can't anything happen, Minho! Tell me!" I demanded.

His eyes soften and he sat down again. "You'll get hurt." He said bluntly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

He looked up at me. "You will get hurt, 'Sung, if my parents find me, they will go after you next because I like you. You know too much."

I sat down in front of him. I grabbed his hand.

"I don't care."

He looked at me with a glare.

"This isn't child play, you could get killed."

I took his hand. "Then let them try" I said. "I like you and you like me, I'm not going to let them get in the way of something that could make us happier. Please." I pleaded.

He teared up and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Will you at least try with me?" I asked.

"Can you use a gun?" He asked.

I was surprised at his question but nodded.

"My uncle taught me."

He pulled away and smiled at me.

"I'll try, lets go on a couple of dates before anything though." I nodded in a agreement and hugged him again, tackling him. He chuckled and held my waist.

I was on top of him when I pulled away and he smiled, brushing the hair away from my eyes.

"You're beautiful" He complimented.

I blushed and looked away.


There so cute help :'(

Thoughts on Minsung going on dates?

What about Minhos parents?

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