Toph x Fem Reader [Do it for...

By SpicyH

389K 11K 7.8K

there is seriously no Toph x reader books so im making one enjoy people More

Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Chap 14
Chap 15
Chap 16
Chap 17
Chap 18
Chap 19
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 22
Chap 23
Chap 24
Chap 25
Chap 26
Chap 27
Chap 28
Chap 29
Chap 30
Chap 31
Toph Oneshot (not a chap)[50k special]
Chap 32
Chap 33
Chap 34
Chap 35
Chap 36
Chap 37
Chap 38
Chap 40 [The Finale]
A sequel?!!?
It has arrived

Chap 39

2.9K 108 35
By SpicyH

Hey wow ummmm sorry I haven't updated it's been a while but um writing this finale really makes me upset that this book willed soon so I just lost motivation. But I can't leave you guy's hanging. So part 2 to the Finale and this will be interesting to say the least, but I will leave you guys a little teaser:

This won't be the last Toph x Fem reader book you'll be getting from me. There will be more. As in 1 or 2 >:D

Anyways lets start


The group stood in the Earth Kingdom tavern staring at the lady named June, who apparently was supposed to help them find Aang. She was drowning her tea as Sokka looked to Zuko "Hey, I remember her! She helped you attack us!" to which he sighed regretfully as he walked forward towards the lady "Yup. Back in the good old days."

(Y/N) shrugged and said "Well I have nothing against her, never met her in my life so she's cool with me", the rest of the group walked up to her as she finally noticed Zuko "Oh great. It's Prince Pouty. Where's your creepy grandpa?", Zuko defended his uncle as June looked towards Katara and said "I see you worked things out with your girlfriend." Toph and (Y/N) snickered as (Y/N) said "Okay good one".

June looked towards the two and smiled a little as Zuko and Katara yelled at her that they weren't dating "Okay, okay. Sheesh. I was only teasing those two seem to get it. So anyways what do you want?" Zuko cleared his throat and said "I need your help finding the Avatar." She did not look interested and just twirled her cup around while looking towards him once more "Hm. Doesn't sound too fun."

Of course Zuko got angry so June sighed annoyed and headed outside with them, after a little convincing. The lady walked up to the overgrown mole and began to hug it saying in a babyish voice " Nyla. Who's my little, hmm, Snuffly-Wuffly?" Nyla sticks his toxins-coated tongue out and she dodges it and forces his mouth closed." Whoa! Careful there." With a sigh she looked towards the group saying "Okay. So who's got something with the Avatar's scent on it?"

They all looked towards each other and Katara said "I have Aang's staff.", she passed it off to (Y/N) who walked up and handed it to June saying "I like your shirshu". She hummed in confusion for a second before smiling at her "Thanks". A small hand dragged (Y/N) back and of course it was Toph, who looked to be a little ticked off causing the firebender to snicker. Toph noticed and grumbled "It's not funny" (Y/N) continued, her mouth beginning to hurt from smiling so much "But it is".

Toph was quick to punch her arm but immediately after held her hand with a small squeeze, this making (Y/N) smile more and kiss the small earthbenders cheek. Toph quickly jerked up a little before turning away while huffing, she wasn't mad, she was trying to hide the fact that she had already gotten over it. This making (Y/N) smile a bit more.

Their attention was then pulled back to June. June approaches Nyla and holds the staff out in front of him. He quickly sniffs it before Nyla begins to walk around in circles, trying to sniff the scent out somewhere else. Nyla eventually returns to June and continues sniffing before he whimpers and lies back down covering his nose.

It was silent for a second. But only a second before Zuko called out "Well, what does that mean?" she was petting Nyla and said "Means your friend is gone". Everyone looking confused (Y/N) laughed and said "Yeah we know that, that was kinda obvious", "No I mean he's gone gone, he doesn't exist" everyone looked shocked and (Y/N) looked confused "What?How is that possible. In the worst case scenario he would have died and there would still be a corpse to smell right?". June thought a bit and nodded a little.

Everyone seemed to be thinking about how the heck he just vanished like that, until (YN) said "Well I have no ideas, It's not like he just took off to live in outer space". That's until Zuko got an idea and faced towards the group "Wait. I have another idea.There's only one other person in this world who can help us face the Fire Lord. I'll be right back with a smell sample." and with that he went to Appa before coming back with the sweaty sandal of his uncle. It smelt like it had been rotting in the boiling sun for years "You saved your uncle's sweaty sandal? Ugh!". Toph shrugged, crossing her arms "I think it's kinda sweet".

This caused (Y/N) to roll her eyes and lightly nudged her shoulder "So you'd do the same for me?", the blind earthbender grinned and laughed slightly, her eyes looking in the general direction of her "Maybe". All of a sudden the twitching of Nyla's nose was heard and he leapt forward to sniff the item before looking at the general direction of where his uncle would be. June got on and said "Alright let's do this" and with that she was off.

Scrambling, they got to Appa trying to keep up with her through the rough terrain but Appa stayed above and flying, until they caught sight of a familiar sight, the destroyed part of the outer wall of Ba Sing Se. The group sat there, infusion written all over their faces as Appa gracefully glided down to meet June at the entrance of the destroyed part of the wall.

Swiftly everyone jumped off and Nyla was beginning to become very twitchy to which

June said "Your uncle's somewhere beyond the wall. Nyla's getting twitchy so he can't be too far. Good luck." She rode off only lazily throwing up a hand as a goodbye to them, they watched her and eventually (Y/N) sat on the floor saying "Well It's pretty late and It's been a long day. I say we should stay put until dawn and get some well deserved shut eye."

The group silently agreed and Toph walked up to her leaning against her slightly having her arms crossed "Come on you're sleeping with me as per usual", (Y/N) with a chuckle copied the blind earthbender's arm position before replying "Yeah Yeah I know". So the couple quickly head to the tent Toph had just created and fell asleep, the small snores of the earthbender calmed (Y/N) eventually lulling her into a sleep as well.

The sleep only lasted for a couple hours but (Y/N) was suddenly awoken by the feeling of fire surrounding them and Toph opening up the tent, in a flash of realisation (Y/N) jumped up to assess the situation. As she felt there was a ring of fire around the whole group and no way to escape, the only open spot being the entrance to the wall. (Y/N) got into a firebending stance until four men walked up to the rubble. They were very old but she recognised Sokka's master and eased up a little.

A snort was heard by one with white hair sticking out the side and a bald head "Well, look who's here", Toph looked very confused but silently slid next to (Y/N) closer "What's going on? We're surrounded by old people." The siblings looked happy and Katara pushed in saying "Not just any old people. These are great masters and friends of ours." The couple turned to each other and shrugged a little in confusion, just staying back a little as the siblings talked to the masters.

After a bit of conversation (Y/N) stepped forward, hip popped out and arms crossed "okay hold on a second. How do you all know each other?. The man named King Boomie let out another one of his signature laughs and looked towards (Y/N) saying playfully "All old people know each other. Don't you know that?" She grinned at the old man and chuckled "I did not, Thought you'd all be too old to even move at this point" Sokka's master coughs and quickly interrupted "We're all part of the same ancient secret society. A group that transcends the divisions of the four nations."

Silence drifted through the air and Zuko muttered out "The White Lotus", The old men nodded at his comment with Bumi saying "That's the one". They all explained that they were called together by Zuko's uncle which was the reason why they were all there anyways, so eventually they were all welcomed inside the camp. Toph seemed to be looking in Bumi's direction as if she were glaring at him, (Y/N) chuckled and said "What are you glaring at". This startled her and she was quick to look away as if she were actually looking at something "Nothing", quietly (Y/N) rolled her eyes and kissed her cheek "You're such a goober, I know you wanna fight the old guy" "What no!!" Toph was quick to respond before curling up a little and giving up "okay maybe...."

A joyous laugh rung out from (Y/N)'s lungs as Toph the earthbender a piece of rock to trip the firebender right into a face full of dirt, this then making Toph's small laughs ring out to her ears, she couldn't help but smile and gracefully get up nudging the girl "you little turd". Toph shrugged with a smile still plastered on her face as they continued walking.

A stone wall was seen in the distance as they quietly approached it, Bumi lowering the wall to reveal the camp "Well, here we are. Welcome to Old People Camp.", Everyone seemed to split up into different directions as (Y/n) had of course followed Toph to go find a nice spot to just sit and talk. The two found a comfortable patch of grass, both laying down in it (Y/N) gazing at the stars and Toph closing her eyes. The silence was one that some may see as a comfortable silence, nothing feeling awkward about the scene. Just the two of them. Alone.

(Y/N) let out a small sigh of satisfaction before turning her head towards the raven haired girl beside her, just admiring her. She traced over her face with her eyes, from her nicely done up hair to her beautiful misted over green seafoam eyes to her cute little nose. She didn't know how long she was just watching until a low voice was heard "Your heart rate is going up and I can feel you watching me", to which the firebender laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her neck.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her arm pulling her closer "Why are you anyways?", (Y/N) laid shoulder to shoulder, face to face nose nearly touching. (Y/N) grinned and said "You're very pretty you know, I'm lucky to have you. Even if you can be very cheeky and ignorant sometimes" A small giggle came from her and Toph blushed a little as she felt her heartbeat, seeing that she wasn't lying "I-um..."

Quickly she closed the gap between their lips and they both stayed in satisfaction for what seemed like forever, no matter how many times they kissed (Y/N) couldn't get over it and it felt magical every time. The sudden loss of feeling on her lips made her chase for it but a hand denied her of that luxury, Toph giggled a little saying "Thank you, also I'm the lucky one here". (Y/N) smiled and went for another kiss but a voice calling for them both, they both jumped a little before both silently agreeing to head towards the caller.


Everyone sat in a circle eating breakfast out of a bowl, uncle Iroh was at the head of the circle eating his food while Zuko was talking to him "Uncle, you're the only person other than the Avatar who can possibly defeat the Fatherlord." Toph pointed her chopsticks at him and said boredly "You mean the Fire lord", Zuko looked confused but then angrily said "That's what I just said!".

This made her point her chopsticks a little down before eating again, (Y/N) was quick to comfort and kissed her cheek, to which she earned a small smile from her. Iroh was contemplating the idea as Zuko begged him "We need you to come with us!" To which he shook his head " No, Zuko, it won't turn out well." Zuko began to become desperate and turned to the others to see if they were backing him up as well, (Y/N) placed a hand on his shoulder and shook her head gently.

Iroh sighed and looked to Zuko "Even if I did defeat Ozai, and I don't know that I could, it would be the wrong way to end the war. History would see it as just more senseless violence, a brother killing a brother to grab power. The only way for this war to end peacefully is for the Avatar to defeat the Fire Lord". Zuko lowered his head in a nod but then weakly said " And then ... then you would come and take your rightful place on the throne?"

Quietly (Y/N) interrupted saying "Sorry to interrupt but I dont think Iroh should be on the throne when Ozai is defeated", this caused Zuko'sanger to flare up and he whipped his head towards (Y/N) "What!? You know nothing about the fire nation or my uncle!!" She shuffled back quickly in fear and Toph pushed him back with an angered look on her face, while Iroh grabbed his shoulder "Nephew!, she is right. Someone new must take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko."

Gasping Zuko looked at his uncle in confusion "Unquestionable honor? But I've made so many mistakes." he bowed his head in shame as he looked towards (Y/N) who was being comforted by Toph, holding her hand and telling her that she was alright. The old man let out a small smile and gentle sigh as he continued "Yes, you have. You've struggled; you've suffered, but you have always followed your own path. You restored your own honor, and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation."

Slowly he let out a nod as Toph who was still comforting the firebeneder asked "Well, what if Aang doesn't come back?", Iroh gently placed the now empty broth which had been full only a couple minutes ago " Sozin's Comet is arriving, and our destinies are upon us. Aang will face the Fire Lord. When I was a boy, I had a vision that I would one day take Ba Sing Se. Only now do I see that my destiny is to take it back from the Fire Nation, so the Earth Kingdom can be free again." (Y/N) mumbled to herself "That doesn't really answer the question but okay...."

The plan was that Zuko and Katara were to head to the fire nation to go and stop Azula from becoming Fire lord and after that Sokka asked "Wait, What about us? What's our destiny today?" Iroh hummed and looked towards the four that remained " What do you think it is?" "To not die" (Y/N) said jokingly as the group just stared at her.

Sokka looked towards the old man once more before saying "Well, I think that, even though we don't know where Aang is, we need to do everything we can to stop the airship fleet." Toph punched her fist into her palm while smiling " And that means when Aang does face the Fire Lord, we'll be right there if he needs us." The group cheered as (Y/N) smiled "You know what, what the heck there's nothing to lose".


The four of them had been set up with a eel hound to try and get to the fleet as fast as possible, (Y/N) was petting it and just having the time of her life saying "This is so cute, I want one fore myself". Eventually she was pried off and saddled up behind Toph and held onto her tightly as Sokka who was driving the thing took off in an instant.....

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