Road trip (DNF and Karlnap)

By Winchesterthegreat

161K 4.4K 3.2K

The Dream smp are going on a road trip!! Featuring Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Sapnap, Bad , Karl and Dream and Geo... More

The flight
A hot day in flordia ๏ฟผ
The night before
Were all here! (Except bad)
Its 5:00 am!!
Beds and arguments
Lunch, Dinner, RV
Runway and really drinking
Jumping, chugging and finding
Bed stealers
What happend last night?!?
Walking, yelling and hope
Lunch and Complaining๏ฟผ
The Race (part 1)
The Race (part 2)
Coming back home and Cliffhangers
Cries, yelling and snuggles
More yelling and tears
Beach time and pass out
Sit down and speak
Heading to Texas!
Sleeping and flashback
Driving to Texas
Guitar and apologys ๏ฟผ
Day 1
Flashing lights, bulls and food
Flashing lights, bulls and food. Part 2
What are we?, thinking, goodbyes
Planes, bets and decisons
Brotherly love and unkown love

Welcome To... Texas

3.6K 96 85
By Winchesterthegreat

It was now 10:00pm and Dream and George switched off driving now and then but Dream stayed on the wheel now since George had fell asleep. The others played board games on and off Wilbur taking a break because he couldn't handle Tommy's screaming much longer, Sapnap tried to make a meal for everyone but Karl insisted he do it because he didn't trust Sapnap around a stove. And now they all sat exchanging stories and eating the meal Karl had made for them.

'Remember the time you filmed a manhunt naked' Karl laughed looking to Sapnap.

'Yea, I do but we don't have-'

'The fans sure threw a frenzy when they learned about that' Wilbur smiled.

Sapnap nodded 'they did that's for sure'

'And everyone just batted an eye when Dream did it' bad laughed as well.

'Well I'm not sure about everyone' Sapnap smirked standing up to get a glass of water. Everyone knew who he was talking about and they nodded well everyone except Tommy and Tubbo.

'Who?' Tubbo asked in his innocent voice.

'You don't wanna know' Sapnap smirked as he said it and Tommy came to a realization.

'Ah!! No I'm a minor no WE are minors!' Tommy squealed grabbing Tubbos hand and leading him out of the room.

'Hey no I wanna stay though'

'Nope were leaving'

'Ah fine' Tubbo let Tommy pull him into the bunk room. The others were laughing on the couch Wilbur laughing as well but concentrating on something on his phone.

'Hey what you looking at Wilbur' Sapnap asked sitting back down water in his hand.

'Oh nothing' Wilbur said as he continued to look at his phone typing away.

'Well it's not 'nothing' Sapnap putting nothing in air quotes.

'Come on let us see it' Karl's face moving more towards Wilbur's phone Wilbur pulling backward.

'Guys leave Wilbur alone he doesn't want to show us okay' bad saw a small smile leave Wilbur's face before it turned cold once again when Wilbur saw Sapnap staring over top of him.

'Let me see' Sapnap stopped for a moment 'please'

Wilbur laughed but still held a cold expression as he looked up to Sapnap 'no' while Wilbur was looking away Karl snatched the phone out of his hands.

'Hey! Give it back!' Wilbur shouted. Bad tried to grab the phone from Karl but failed.

'Ah ooh song lyrics' Karl held the phone up to show Sapnap.

Sapnap smiled 'want to hear them bad?' Sapnap asked.

Bad quickly replied 'No absolutely not!'

'Well I'm going to recite it' Sapnap cleared his throat 'Locked up tight can't go anywhere looking around thinking why am I here?'

Wilburs face went deadly pale as if he was going to faint 'Sapnap please stop' Wilbur's voice broke in between words.

'Nah I'm going to continue, Did I do something wrong or was it just a false accused? I shiver looking up at my wal-' Sapnap couldn't finish as Wilbur stood up and snatched his phone back Sapnap noticed for the first time how pale he looked 'Wilbur I'm sor-'

'Shut up' Wilbur's voice quivered as he ran to the bunk room and opened the door. Tommy and Tubbo looked down.

'Wilbur are you o-' Wilbur cut Tommy off.

'Get out'

'No Wilbur I think I'm going to stay'

'Get out NOW both of you!' Wilbur yelled. Tommy and Tubbo frantically jumped out of their beds Wilbur basically pushing them out the door slamming it behind them.

TW: panic attack I'm pretty sure.

Wilbur fell onto his bed letting all his tears at grasping at his sheets for air to get in his lungs but that didn't work he kept on breathing franticly it didn't matter his fright of bottom bunks or his fear of planes or all the other things wrong with him all that mattered in that moment was the fact that someone had seen music he never planned to release.

How could I have been so stupid!! He mentally yelled at himself or out loud he didn't know nor did he really care.

'Why!!!! And how, how did you and Karl have the audacity to do that!'

'It was meant to be a joke bad-' bad cut Sapnap off.

'Did you see the horrified look on his face' bad asked waiting for answer.

'Yes but you know Wilbur always being dramatic'

'Never like that! Did you see how pale he turned he looked like a freaking ghost!'

Sapnap looked down 'I only saw that after'

'Well you should have seen it earlier!! Sapnap' suddenly there was yelling and a loud bang coming from the bunk room.

They all turned there heads to see Tommy and Tubbo stunned.

'Wilburs not okay' tommy looked down 'what happened'

'Yea Bad, Karl, Sapnap what happened?'

Bad sighed 'well Sapnap and Karl did something'

'And that's all we're going to say' Sapnap said trying to cut off conversation.

'No' Karl looked towards Sapnap 'we should tell them'

'Why? They don't need to know!'

Karl grabbed Sapnaps head and shook it 'yes they do! They just got kicked out of their room and pushed out the door by Wilbur they should know'

'UGG fine' Sapnap looked over to Tommy and Tubbo Tommy staring at Sapnap intensely 'we stole his phone'

'That's all?'

Sapnap raised his hand 'I'm not finished, we stole it because he was writing something and we wanted to see what he was writing'

Tommy gasped and Tubbo eyes widened Tommy remember when he did that to Wilbur once he grabbed the phone swiftly out of his hands and read the song lyrics he was writing Wilbur was furious with him afterwards and didn't speak to him for weeks but eventually came back to apologize for his behaviour but Tommy insisted he didn't have to.

'What was he writing?' Tommy asked cautiously.

'Lyrics to a new song'

'Fuck' Tommy whispered under his breath 'did you read them silently or out loud?' Sapnap and Karl went quiet which was a the answer Tommy needed. 'Your all fucked' Tommy answered plainly.

'What! Why?' Sapnap and Karl said in unison.

'I did that once stole his phone and read the lyrics silently of course he got mad at me and didn't speak to me for weeks and right now in such close quarters your going to have to make it up to him some how fast'

'How? Do we write something, plead for his forgiveness?'

'I'd try writing something talking to him will make it worse'

'Ok good, come on Karl school has finally come to use' Sapnap pulled Karl over to the kitchen table and got a pen and paper.

'We are going to write the sickest apology note of all time' Karl laughed and the others all just rolled there eyes.
Dream had his ear buds in was vibing to a song when he heard stirring beside him.

'Good morning' Dream laughed.

'More like night' George looked outside to see complete darkness the street only being lit by street lights lining the road.

'Oh, what time is it?' George asked rubbing his eyes sitting up.

Dream looked at the radio 'almost 11'

'Hmm so then it is almost morning'

'Yes technically but it's not yet so leave your sassiness for later'

George sighed 'fine would you like me to drive?'

Dreams eyes widened 'NO! You just woke up I'm not letting you drive'

George laughed 'I know I was just testing you'

'Ok good because I thought you were brain dead for a second' Dream muttered under his breath.

'Hey! I heard that!'

Dream grinned 'I know'

'Your stupid you know that'

'I know'

George groaned 'you take anything as a compliment don't you?'

Dream nodded 'Yep'

'Well then I'm going to roast you for the rest of the trip'

Dream started laughing barely getting out words 'you can try'

'Oh I will, I will'
It had been half an hour and the apology note Karl and Sapnap were writing was finished but bad insisted that they show it to him before Wilbur.

'Hey bad were finished' Sapnap held up the note.

'Oh gosh' bad shared a look with Tommy and Tubbo.

'Let me see' bad grabbed the note and started to read it.

Me and Karl are so so so sorry for what we did we will do anything to make it up to you. Please forgive us we didn't mean to hurt you or your feelings it was meant to be a joke please forgive us.
-Karl and Sapnap.

'This took you half an hour?!?' Bad looked up at the two.

'Man school failed you guys or should I say you failed school' Tommy looked at the two.

'Hey don't be rude at least they wrote one' bad scolded.

'Alright how do we give it to him?' Karl asked.

'Slip it under his door' Tubbo said.
Karl nodded and went over to the bunk room door and slipped the note inside.

'Now we wait'

'Yea and I'm going to check and see what's taking Dream so long to drive to our destination' Sapnap walked over to the door that led to the front.

'Hey guys not to be rude bu-' Sapnap cut himself off from the situation he was watching before him.

'Your a bitch! Your a horrid person you fail at Minecraft!' George yelled Dream and him in hysterical laughter.

'Now none of those are true!' Dream laughed hitting the wheel.

'Argh it's so hard to insult youuuu!' George complained.

Sapnap stepped back his smile ear to ear trying not to laugh as he ran out of the room into the living room falling onto the floor in laughter.

Tommy, Tubbo, Karl and bad looked very concerned.

'Are you okay Sapnap?' Karl asked.

Sapnap smiled more 'yea I'm fine'

'Um Sapnap then why are you on the floor laughing?' Tubbo asked walking towards him.

'Go over to Dream and George and you'll know why' Sapnap replied getting up from the floor.

They all exchanged looks before walking over to where Dream and George were.
Sapnap went over to the couch and sat down waiting for the others Sapnap heard noises from the bunk room and debated going over there but before he could decide Karl walked out laughing hysterically just as he did.

Sapnap smiled 'you see'

'Yes I saw'

Tubbo and bad came in second Tubbo laughing and bad looking terrified.

Tubbo was laughing as he fell onto the couch 'that was something'

'Yea...' bad looked off into the distance.

'Oh right I should've warned you bad, sorry'

'Oh no it's fine that was just interesting but at the same time it's Dream and George so what could I expect' bad laughed a bit but not as much as the others.

'So where's Tommy?' Sapnap asked just as Tommy walked in the room.

Tommy nodded his head 'now that's something I would watch all day' Tommy laughed.

Everyone laughed at Tommy's comment even bad as the RV came to a stop.
Everyone looked out the windows too see they were in a RV park.

'Are we here?' Tubbo asked.

'Yep were here' Sapnap replied looking out the windows taking in there surroundings. Dream taking his attention away as he began to speak.

'We're here!'

'Finally' Tommy rolled his eyes.

'Well me and George are going to head to bed see you all in the morning' Dream was just about to walk off when he stopped 'where's Wilbur?'

'He's already asleep' Tubbo lied.

'Oh okay well Goodnight we're going to have a good day tomorrow'

Everyone nodded and said there goodnights going there separate ways Karl and Sapnap putting the pull out bed again.

'Do you think he's going to forgive us?' Sapnap asked.

Karl sighed 'yea I think so'

Sapnap nodded and hopped into bed 'goodnight Karl'

'Goodnight Sapnap'
Tommy, Tubbo and bad walked into the bunk room slowly making sure to not wake Wilbur if he was sleeping.
Tommy got in the room first and saw that Wilbur was sleeping and the note still at the door he sighed and opened the door for Tubbo and bad so they could come in.

'He's sleeping'

Bad nodded getting on his side of the bed Tubbo doing the same.

'Still looks pale' Tommy noted getting the others attention.

Bad sighed 'yea his sweater looks wet as well' no one needed confirmation on what bd meant they knew.

'Well' Tubbo sighed 'goodnight guys'

'Goodnight Tubbo and bad'

'Goodnight' bad yawed as he turned off the lights.
A/N hellooo everyone!! New chapter and new place in the book! Hope everyone had a fun weekend! And don't worry the Sapnap, Karl, Wilbur angst won't last that long and then there will be happy times unless everyone wants more angst I can do that.

Anyways have a good rest of your day!

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