Waiting for you

By frozenhurricane

9.9K 117 54

Written by Aisha and Rachel :) Starts at the Strigoi attack. No kidnapping of Eddie, and Rose and Dimitri nev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

463 6 4
By frozenhurricane

Dedicated to DimitriloveRose for being the most amazing fan ever!!! Thanks for all the comments!

Ch 12


We raced down the road in the ford. Nobody was talking; everyone was lost in their own thoughts about Ginny.

Looking to my right I saw countless trees go by.

Ginny was a genius leaving that message and it really was very helpful. I just hoped we could get there in time. If anything happened to her, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. She was a sister in every way but blood and the thought of her getting injured cut me deeply.

I didn’t express these emotions; throughout all of this I wore my guardian mask, just like every other guardian present. However the others made their emotions clear. You could see the fear and the worry in Hermione’s eyes, and every now and then when she thought no-one was looking she shed a tear.

Ron was silent, not making a single sound and he didn’t move either. His brown eyes were filled with tears and worry for his only sister, and my heart went out to him, wishing that I could do something I could do to see his cheesy smile again, but there wasn’t.

I looked over at Harry. He was staring out the window at the passing scenery. I knew that he loved Ginny; after all she was his best friend’s sister. However I also knew that his love for her something like my love for Dimitri’s, he just hadn’t realized it yet.

After hours we finally stopped the car. The hotel was just around the corner.

“Right. We check in for the night, we’ll take it in turns to keep watch, one watches their car, another watches everyone on our room. Any questions?” Alberta asked.

We shook our heads, started the car and parked it in the hotel car park. A couple of spaces down we saw the car the Strigoi had driven and made our way to the reception.

The hotel was like many other hotels. It was all white and gold. Dimitri checked us in and booked a room for us all, and while the receptionist mindlessly flirted with Dimitri I looked around. I did this for two reasons, 1) to scan the area and look for possible threats, and two – so this way I wouldn’t feel the need to rip of the receptionists head. I mean, who does she think she is?!

I glared at the wall as I reminded myself that Dimitri and I weren’t together so it didn’t matter if she flirted with him.

Love is a lot harder than books make out to be. In books the girl and boy always end up together despite what they thought at first. But in real life, things are different. There are tragic deaths, injuries and age differences that separate two people, and working through them is hard. In books you hear about how girls cry over boys and you start to think they are wimps, but it’s not until you yourself go through it that you realize that actually their reaction was pretty realistic.

I was brought out of my thoughts by someone yelling my name. I turned and saw none other than Mia Rinaldi.

“Rose! It’s so good to see you! What are you doing here?”

“Taking a vacation.” I replied sarcastically. “A friend is in trouble, taken by Strigoi.”

“Oh that’s awful. And let me guess, they’re staying here?”

“Yeah. We’re going after them tomorrow.” Right now it was early in the morning for humans, so when I said tomorrow I meant tonight for humans.

“I hope you find her. I really do. If there’s anything I can do to help, just say.” I shook my head at her, and then I was hit with an idea.

“Actually...” I trailed of thinking it through while Mia looked at me with one eyebrow raised (seriously am I the only one that can’t do that?), waiting for me to finish. “You could come with us. I mean your element and fighting might come in useful along with your logical thinking.”

“Logical thinking? Oh yeah, you have none of that do you?” I rolled my eyes at her and laughed.

“So you in?” I asked.

“Yeah. I’m in.” She replied.

“Rose? You coming?” Alberta’s voice came from the stairs.

I walked over with Mia walking next to me.

After a happy reunion between us all with Mia we made our way up to our room where we explained the situation. Her eyes would widen every now and then, but she stayed quiet through it all.

Eventually we all went to bed, sorting out a schedule for keeping watch, but nothing happened until the morning, well night for humans.

We made our way downstairs early and got everyone in the car, waiting for the Strigoi to make an appearance.

They came out of the hotel dragging Ginny with them, she looked as though she was in daze.

No! I thought, hoping that it want what I thought.

My eyes made their way to her neck, where I could just make out two drops of blood and a bruise. She had been bitten.

I could tell that everyone but Hermione, Harry and Ron had noticed it because they all let out a gasp and exchanged disgusted glances.

* * *

The Strigoi started the car, and we followed them closely. They soon realized we were behind them and sped up.

We copied them, not letting them out of our sight as we traveled down the deserted roads over 100mph.

“Anyone got a plan?” I asked.

“Nope.” Dimitri said, spinning the wheel as we rounded a sharp corner. I stared at him. He always had a plan and we were taught not to act without a plan. We had to improvise.

I looked around and assessed the area and the distance between the cars along with the seating arrangements in both cars.

“Pull up right behind them. Don’t overtake them.” Dimitri nodded and accelerated faster until we were right behind them.

“Wish me luck.” I said. Then I undid my seat belt and opened the window nearest to me.

Climbing over Hermione and Lissa I stuck my head out of the window.

“What are you doing Rose?” Lissa asked. Panic made its way through the bond, but I pushed them aside. I needed to focus. I sat so my head was outside of the car, along with my torso, and my legs were inside. I grabbed the roof of the car and brought my legs up and out, pushed of the car and until I was on the roof of it.

I held that position as we went round another corner. After a couple of seconds I sat up and felt the adrenalin coursing through my veins.

I slid down the hood of the car, ignoring the cries from my friends. I leaped from the hood onto the bumper of the Strigoi

I climbed up onto the roof again, and without wasting any time, I leaned over to the drivers side and smashed the window. Pain shot all the way up my arm as my fist made contact with the window, and glass rained down going through the window and falling to the floor.

The car swerved, almost throwing me off, but I tightened my grip, praying to whatever god existed.

I maneuvered and lowered myself so I could fit through the window. The Stirgoi gripped my foot and twisted. I screamed out in pain as I heard something crack and punched the Strigoi.

I fumbled with my stake, trying to free it from my belt, while blocking out the screams that were coming form Ginny.

Was I had the stake, I held it firmly and struggled with the Strigoi. He gripped my arm and I scratched his face with the stake. He cried out in pain and raised his hands to his face, creating the perfect opening for me to drive it through his chest.

His body went limp and his head rolled. He was dead.

Before I could do anything, the car swerved and I was thrown of the car. My body hit the road, and I felt pain everywhere. The world span and I faded into darkness, unsure if I would ever wake up from it.

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