Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

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Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


2.4K 76 17
By Lightblue44

Earlier today, Theo had met up with Grey Saunders, in a meeting about what team exactly wanted him. It was Chelsea FC, which he was pleasantly surprised with but no doubt ecstatic about and one hundred percent ready to start training with them.

For starters they were the number one premier league team, and they were just all round one of his favourite teams - as well as their uniform being his favourite colour.

Grey said that everything had basically been finalised, and he'd start training with them in the summer so that he could still focus on uni in the meantime, and get in right when the season was starting.

The only important thing that Grey had really stressed to him was that life would be very different from now on. That his name may be in the press and he wasn't just a twenty two year old uni student anymore, he was also a footballer. A footballer apart of a very well known premier league team.

This would mean that his name may appear in the press, gossip sites and social media will be a big thing for him to let the world know who he is.

So basically long story short, don't do anything stupid or reckless that would make his name a trending topic for the wrong reasons before he's properly announced as a new player.

"Congratulations man, I'm happy for you" Elijah smiled at Theo, genuinely so happy for his best mate for making it.

It was a few days after the party and Theo had been very preoccupied with Naomi till he could be until Mother Nature happened, so he had forgotten to tell anyone else.

"Legit Theo, this is so fucking big, we're so happy for you!" Ollie beamed, wishing nothing but the best for Theo

"Thanks guys, but I couldn't do it without you two. You two have been mad nice to me even though I was a bit of a moody prick when we first met" Theo confessed

"Oh don't even remind me" Elijah laughed at the memory of the three of them meeting. It was definitely a story for another day.

"Sorry to change the subject but what the hell are you guys doing for Valentine's Day, I need ideas. Come on, anything, I don't wanna disappoint Aimee" Ollie changed the conversation topic, seriously needing advice from the moment the boys had met up earlier but let Theo have his moment first

"Ollie how have you not got anything planned?" Elijah shook his head at his friend doing everything so last minute considering how close Valentine's Day was

"I know, I know, I had ideas but they either took a lot of planning or were a lot of money and I don't have that considering I'm a uni student and all, but what the hell are you two doing? I need something, anything. I don't want to disappoint Aimee, I got her a promise ring for her gift but I want it make it special, I don't want to just pass it to her" Ollie explained

"A promise ring?" Theo asked, shocked. He knew Aimee and Ollie were serious, serious, but a promise ring was a big thing.

"Yeah" Ollie laughed at Theo being so shocked at the picture he had just gotten up on his phone of the promise ring he'd gotten Aimee a few weeks back

"Shitden, well good on you Ollie, I remember when you and Aimee first got together and I thought it was just lust, but I guess you two kept that 'let's fuck anywhere and everywhere' energy along with the seriousness of a relationship and talking about your futures" Elijah smiled, happy for Ollie and that he knew now that Ollie had matured and knew what he wanted in life and that he wanted to spend it with Aimee

"A promise ring?" Theo repeated still in shock that Aimee and Ollie were literally saying 'we're getting married but just not right now', cause knowing Ollie and Aimee they probably would get married right now if they could afford the big wedding that Aimee no doubt wanted

"Yes Theo, a promise ring" Ollie reiterated, laughing at his best mate, "You know, like that anklet you got for Naomi" Ollie mentioned

"That anklet is definitely not a promise ring" Theo laughed, "it's just something for her to wear to remind her of me, cause I know she likes my chain and that reminds me of her, simple" Theo tried to explain but the fact that Ollie thought it was a symbol of a promise ring threw him off

"I'm pretty sure if that anklet was a promise ring I would be hearing about it from Tiana and she'd be begging me for something special" Elijah laughed, "but back to Valentine's Day plans, what I have planned for me and Tiana is to go for a weekend getaway"

"And you Theo?" Ollie asked, noting down that a weekend getaway might be a shout but what would he and Aimee really do?

"The plans aren't set in stone so I don't wanna jinx them by saying what they are, cause you know me and Naomi - we're messy as hell" he trailed off as Ollie and Elijah nodded knowingly, "but I have something up my sleeve..."

"Oh my days you haven't asked her yet have you?" Elijah pointed out, knowing by the way Theo was talking, he was nervous and didn't want to say anything if it didn't happen

"Shhh, I'm going to" Theo shushed him, hating that his friends knew him so well and that he hadn't asked Naomi

"But when I do, I'm going to make sure Naomi says yes to the date. I have a plan. But anyway, Ollie - you and Aimee are hella chill, she won't want a flashy date, she doesn't even really like getting dressed up to doing her makeup and all of that - if I were you I'd just do a small little movie night at the house, make a sofa fort and put some Netflix on and then give her the ring, she'll like something like that" Theo suggested

"You know what, that doesn't sound half bad, thanks man" Ollie smiled as he felt like he could finally breath with Valentine's Day right around the corner

"Alright I'm heading off now" Theo rushed out, picking up his jacket and putting it on

"Where are you rushing off to?" Ollie shouted after Theo, as he noticed his abrupt leaving to their guy catch up which had barley even started and now he was just ending it

"Naomi's, I promised I'd take her food shopping since I convinced her to stay in bed with me when Eliza and Liv usually go with her" Theo explained as he remembered before the whole Charlie incident, a few days earlier Naomi had come over and she stayed the night after a lot of persuasion from Theo and she ended up missing her original plans to go for a food shop with Eliza and Liv

Ollie didn't even have a chance to reply before Theo shut the front door, got into his car, throwing his bag into the passenger seat and driving off. "Fucking hell that boy is whipped" Ollie shook his head, turning back to
Elijah who was just looking at the front door - wide eyed at how quickly Theo had rushed to go and see Naomi.

"You can't say much with the way you act with Aimee, but remember those two have gone through so much shit. They're finally in a good place, let them be happy to see each other" Elijah explained, happy to see Naomi and Theo so good

It didn't take long for Theo to get to Naomi's, finding her waiting outside for him - actually getting there in good time and then the two drove to Big Tesco's.

"Theo I beg of you, remove your hand from my thigh, I have a food shop to do and I'm on my period" she told him, removing his hand from her inner thigh because she wasn't in the mood

"Okay" Theo hummed, starting the car as he knew not to bother his girl when she was on her period because she was in enough pain already, he didn't need her shouting at him.

It was day four, he'd been checking and he knew she was finished soon, but fuck he missed being inside of her.

Pulling up to Tesco's, Naomi got out of the car, grabbing a basket with Theo trailing behind her.

"Hurry up" she ushered, being a bit harsh on him because her painkillers hadn't kicked in, but he knew she didn't mean it

"Sorry baby"

Theo was trying to stay on Naomi's good side this week, which was proving harder than usual because of her period, which she claimed was heavier than usual because she had taken an extra week of her pill since she didn't want to stop having sex just yet. And now the dreaded week of her not taking her pill to let her body actually do what it was meant to do monthly, was happening and it was more brutal that it usually was.

Since Naomi was acting like this, Theo found that he had to walk on eggshells around her basically, which was proving harder than it should be because of something he wanted to do.

He wanted to take her out.

Like out for real, as in a proper date.

He wanted to take her out on a date because he wanted to do it before he asked her to be his girlfriend, he wanted it to be special.

He was just praying she said yes.

"Baby" Theo whispered, coming up behind her as she was in the chocolate isle, something which she had been begging to get to since her period started since her cravings for Oreo dairy milk chocolate was her go to.

"Hmm?" She asked, wondering where this was going

"I wanna take you out" he rushed out

"What? What are you talking about Theo?"

"I wanna take you out on a date"

"I don't do dates"

He knew even convincing her to go on a date was going to be hard but he was in it for the long run. He would do it. He would convince her one way or another.

"Well then don't think of it as a date then"

"Then what is it then because you've just called it a date, how the hell am I meant to think of it as a non-date when you just said that-" she asked, getting annoyed by Theo being confusing and asking her to do something which she didn't want to do.

She didn't want to go on a date not because she was opposed to them, but she had never been taken out on a proper one before and it scared her, so she was putting her walls up and being rude to Theo was how she did that.

"Think of it as...as a meal before I fuck you" he suggested, smiling at her as he kissed her neck

"For fuck sake" she rolled her eyes at the boy who was forever thinking about the next time he got to be inside of her

"Well I'm being honest, it's not a date, it'll be dinner at a restaurant before I fuck you - which will probably be what happens...We go out, eat, talk and then I take you back to yours and fuck you" he shrugged trying to make it sound as causal as he could since Naomi was clearly leaning more to no

"If I say yes will you stop being so prude" she whispered

"Prude? What are you fifty?" He laughed at her as she shuffled out of his touch and began to walk to the ice cream isle for some cookie dough Ben and Jerry's

"No, I'm a girl who's stood in Tesco's with a boy who's talking about their sex life, a little bit too loudly" she sneered at him, after giving an elderly lady an apologetic look as she walked past her, because she had heard what Theo said and instantly clutched her pearls in shock, as she stared at the two of them wide eyed

"So what do you say?" He asked, jogging after her

"I say n-" she started as she opened the door for the freezer, reaching inside to grab the last of the ice creams since it was on offer and her favourite always was the first to go and she'd finally found some - when her phone vibrated in her back pocket of her jeans

Placing the ice cream into her basket and grabbing her phone from her back pocket, Naomi couldn't help but do a double take at her phone screen.

"Oh my gosh!" She gasped looking down at her phone

"What?" Theo asked, still wanting her answer to the date but that could wait since she was clearly happy about something else, "What is it?"

"My pictures!" She smiled, looking up at him with pure joy radiating in her eyes, "The ones that I directed in the photoshoot with Shannon, the model a couple of weeks ago, are the pictures being used on 'Sinful Lingerie's' website, social media for the Valentine's Day collection, and they're giving me credit!" She explained, showing Theo her phone with the company's Instagram up on the photo of the model with the details of Naomi being tagged in it as the director of the photo shoot and congratulating her.

Then she proceeded to show him how the Instagram tagged Naomi on their story, which was gaining her a few follower requests, along with a few of the other models reposting it, congratulating her.

"Congratulations baby, I'm so happy for you" Theo smiled at her

"Oh my gosh!" She shouted, not even caring that they were in the middle of tescos as she dropped her basket onto the floor and jumped into Theo's arms, as he spun her around.

"I'm so fucking happy for you baby. He repeated not even knowing how to word his admiration for the girl in his arms.

Throwing herself into Theo's arms, she couldn't be happier. She was making her start into the fashion industry already. The fact that the company and those models didn't even need to tag or congratulate her was such a nice thing of them to do.

"So will you go on a date with me now?" He asked, setting Naomi down on her feet

"Yes!" She said without even thinking, "Wait..." She paused realising what she just ageeed to

"Nope, you can't take it back now" Theo smiled as he winked at the girl he just got to agree to go on a date with him

"Theo! That was my happy moment and you knew I'd be distracted" she whined, picking up her basket as he made his way into the next isle, clearly trying to get away from having that conversation with Naomi

"Exactly, so think of it as a celebratory dinner for your accomplishment, which I am so proud of you for" he offered, knowing that she couldn't back out now. She said yes and that was final.

If he had to drag her out of the house in her pyjamas for the date to appreciate her and ask her to be his, he would. If he had to bring the date to her, by ordering food, getting candle lights and kicking everyone out of one of their houses - he would.

He would do anything for Naomi.

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