Stargazing || dreamnotfound?

By Sachi_luv

6.9K 253 107

George barely remembers anything from his childhood, but one thing is for sure he has a favourite activity wh... More

Friendship perhaps?
An old friend maybe
The show day
The show
Hangout or date maybe?
Date it is then
Escape room it is then
Last door
You chose for George to run away with Sapnap - 1
You chose for George to stay with Dream - 2
Dream and George convinced Sapnap to team up with them - 3
George died for no reason - 4

Bonus | invader on Mars (Niki/Nihachu and Sam/Awesamdude)

118 2 2
By Sachi_luv

I wrote this for my English finals so might as well share it with you guys!
And also ps this is not shipping or anything it's ab friendship!

Invader on Mars

And there I stood in front of the sun, shivering in fear as I took my last shaky breath...

It all started a few hours back, when my ship crashed. I was on my way to the moon but we lost control and we were expecting me to float dead in outer space by now. Fortunately, my ship crashed here, on this red planet called "Mars".

I woke up cold and bruised up in my ship, fortunately nothing was on fire, or at least it didn't look like it. We didn't practice for a crash, but I knew I had limited air and food supply, I didn't have to worry about the food too much as I would probably suffocate and die to lack of air. I checked on the signals and monitors, the power or just everything was dark, "no signal then", I chuckled to myself as I took my seatbelt off.

I quickly grabbed some necessary supplies, some band aids, food and water. I rushed outside; I knew I couldn't stay much longer, the crew on earth told me how my ship was made out of radioactive materials so if an accident happened, I would need to get away as quickly as possible so I wouldn't get unnecessary problems. The ship could also explode easily so I decided, if I wanted to survive or at least enjoy my last bits of life, that I needed to move.

I didn't like the idea of me being here, everything looked so dull and it was so quiet, the ground, sky and even the sunset was red as well. As I said that, I noticed some movements a bit away from where I stood, a sign of life. I looked excitedly towards the moving object, maybe there was someone or something who knew how to get me out of here. I moved slowly but surely closer and closer, till the movements were much clearer, the creature was holding onto something and dangling it, threatening to throw it with its tiny hands. Before I knew it the item the creature held in its hand, was sent flying towards my direction, and my vision went black...

I was finally conscious again; I don't know how long I've been away, but it didn't seem like a short amount time. Then it hit me, if I blacked out by getting hit by something, then... my helmet must be off or at least broken. I quickly tapped myself on the head and it was indeed off. But since it was off, then there must be breathable air here! I happily stood up and jumped in excitement as I knew I could stay alive a bit longer than expected.

I noticed a tiny creature hiding itself in a corner near me, we were in some kind of hut. The tiny creature looked a bit like a box looking robot with tiny legs arms and a head, but it didn't seem to think like a robot, it was livelier. It looked scared of me so I decided to sit down and calm down, and maybe even show the creature that I wasn't dangerous. I closed my eyes and after a few minutes I could hear the creature coming closer. I opened my eyes slowly and watched as the creature studied me. After a while it began touching me and studying my clothes. A few minutes go by and it looked more comfortable around me, as if I was its friend or something. I didn't mind it though as the creature seemed nice enough, I talked a bit and let out a small "hi", but it didn't answer.

The creature grabbed a stone and began drawing on the ground, it was sandy enough, so the pictures were visible. The creature drew three letters, they looked like "S-a-m", together. I asked the creature if that was its name, and it wrote "y-e-s", "okay Sam, well I'm Niki, nice to meet you". Sam ignored my greeting and began drawing again, a picture this time, it looked like my packed food with an "x" over it. "Is my food bad or something", I asked, and Sam made a few movements that I assumed was a nod. It began to move its tiny robotic looking legs towards a door looking thing. Sam went through and I followed, a big garden and some animals around. Sam wrote how it was his food source, and it was great. I would stay alive now, and not even alone!

A few years forward, I learned everything about Mars, it was livelier than we thought back on earth. The creatures were nice and social. I had my own little hut, garden and even technologies similar to the earth ones, like fridges and freezes!! It's nice living around here and yet I still miss my life on earth, and I hope someone can get me one day, maybe I'm greedy? I don't know...

|| author's note ||
It's really short (850 words) but if you guys are interested I might make it a longer fanfic in the future, yk more stuff that happens and everything:)

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