The Boy of Three

Od ImJustNot

313 27 2

Boy has fire power in superpower world with heroes, but not really Více

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Halloween Special
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
How Ticks Work
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Universe hopping Filler!
UnF! Part 2
Chapter Nine
Season Two Trailer!?
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
World Hopping Filler?
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 2
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 3
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 4

Into the "Theo"verse Filler.

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Od ImJustNot

Tedverse doesn't sound as cool.

4 different Ted/Theo (sometimes has a middle name that is traditionally a first name) Cole's show up in main Ted's universe and now he has to fight them to send them back to their universe.

It'll get progressively harder for our boys as this mini-arc goes on.

Ted Cole/ The Demon of Flame.

Ted only got Theo and only used his flames, so much so that Gamer-Ish decided not to be a thing. He also got possessed by an actual demon and uses their power after beating it in a mental battle.

Ted Ryan Cole/ Speedster.

Ted isn't a host and is also eyeless in this universe so he pursues a life of science.

After being struck by a random lightning bolt, that definitely wasn't a future version of himself, and being shoved into a random shelf of chemicals he gains the ability of super speed.

Another notable change in this Universe is that Ticks are far rarer, and are seen as mutations rather than superpowers.

Theo Wicker/ Hellspawn.

Theo died after being caught in a chemical fire, because he led a life of crime he was sentenced to hell where he made it his bitch and now wears the entire infinite mass of hell on a necklace that supplies his powers. Oh Yeah, Maria isn't the leader of her "organisation" so she doesn't kill Theo(Theo's dad)

Ted Cole/ The "Normal" One

Ted didn't awaken Theo or Ren because Maria was slightly less psychotic and had someone else kill Theo(Ted's dad) away from young Ted resulting in him being put in the care of his aunt a little later after Maria admitted to having it done, therefore making his mental health a lot better.

Ted Theo Cole/ The Boy of Three

You've read the story, but Ted as a child was traumatized into a catatonic state in which he was kind of responsive but not really. Much later after being put into a juvenile detention centre because of Theo awakening and attacking a teacher. He's since become so strong that he could possibly hold the entire world hostage if he fused with Ren and Theo to create Thend, a being capable of almost godlike power.

The Boy of Three vs. The Demon of Flame

Ted with a beanie is walking to the same ice cream shop he goes to after school when his friends don't want to hang out with him.

Ted: Oi! I don't want to hang out with them.

Theo: Your personality is insufferable, no wonder they'd want a break from you.

Ren: Oh shit, I didn't think Theo could say something true.

Ted: Fuck off Ren. And Theo, go fuck yourself ya man-whore.

The Boy of Three and the other two walk into the shop just as a hooded figure leaves.

Ted: Hey, I'll have the usual.

Clerk: Hey how did you change clothes so quick?

Ted: Huh?

Clerk: And we're out of vanilla, you just came in and bought all of our stock for the day.

Ted: Some bastard wearing my face just came in and bought all the vanilla?!

Ted stomps his foot and rushes out of the establishment.

Ted: Which one of you fucks bought all the vanilla?!

Hooded Figure: Stop screaming you little shit!

A hooded figure with a large bag of vanilla ice cream yells at Ted.

Ted: And who the fuck are you with your comically large bag of vanilla ice... cream. You bought all the vanilla ice cream you asshole!

Hooded Figure: And what if I did?

Ted: I'd kick your ass!

Hooded Figure: What's your name kid? I wanna write it down on my shittiest people I've ever killed list.

Ted: Well the name's Ted Theo Cole! And don't you forget it! It's the name of the person who's gonna kick your ass.

Hooded Figure: Ted Theo Cole? So you're the person whose ass I have to kick to get back home.

Ted: Hell are you talking about?

Hooded Figure: Like I, Ted Cole, have to tell you anything. Shorty.

Ted: I swear if another person from another world-

Ren appearing next to Ted: Universe.

Ted: Not now Ren.

Theo landing next to the two: Now sounds like it is the best time. Ted Brando.

Ted: Theo when the hell did you get here? Also, I thought we acknowledged that my last name is Cole.

Theo: You're a Brando for the rest of this filler arc.

Ren: Just go with it, Ted.

Ted Cole: Who are those bozos?

Theo: Like you don't know who I am.

Theo, appearing next to Ted Cole: Sup.

This Theo doesn't dye his hair black, same with the other Ted if I didn't mention it.

Ren: So that's what you look like blonde.

Ted Cole: What fucking edge lord dyes their hair black?

Ted Brando: This one you ass!

Theo (MU): Did you just admit to being an edge lord?

Theo (AU): Ha! Fucking Idiot.

Ted Cole: Who cares what he calls himself.

Black marks start slowly creeping up his visible neck and face as his eyes turn yellow.

Tedeo: Ya still die the same!

Ren held up a sign that says

"We're fucked"

As Ted Cole and Theo (MU) are flung by the force of an explosion Ted Cole set off.

Ren's clone body couldn't withstand it and exploded.

Theo: What the hell are we supposed to do against a fucking Demon?!

Ted: I don- did you just say fucking Demon?!

Theo: Not said I can't tell you!

Tedeo: How's it goin' up here!

Tedeo performs an aerial lariat, taking both Ted and Theo to the ground.

Theo: Where the hell is the I Sword?!

Ted: You think I'd have it on me to get ice cream?!

Theo: You get attacked enough doing that! At least have something other than your Tick to defend yourself!

Ted: Well Not tells us whenever we're gonna get attacked so even if I did think to bring it I probably wouldn't have!

Theo put up a lava wall just in time to stop Tedeo from getting to them.

Theo: You haven't even activated your Tick or the Sharingan that you just acquired.

Ted: Well I think I could beat him without it, I mean we barely have any scratches on us.

Theo: One, you gave me a healing factor, two, Ren.

Ted: Oh yeah you're right.

Tedeo kicks through the barrier of Lava, hitting Ted and sending him several miles away.

Theo, knowing he's about to get his shit kicked hastily put up a shield of magma as he too was sent flying.

Tedeo: Man, with all that shit-talking, you'd expect either of them to put up a fight.

Ted appears surrounded by grey lightning and kicks Tedeo so hard into the ground a crater forms.

Tedeo: Where the hell did that come from?!

Ted: You knocked my beanie off, prepare to die.

Theo arrives just as Ted is about to drive his heel into Tedeo's skull, managing to stop him right before he could commit murder.

Not like he was against it.

Theo: Oi! You showed you're clearly stronger, so let him up and knock him out.

Ted: Didn't you burn down an orphanage?

Tedeo: What kind of shitty person burns down an orphanage?

Ted: I know right? Bonk!

Ted punched Tedeo into unconsciousness.

Ren: You know how stuff like this usually goes right?

Theo: Knock out the person who is being possessed by a demon, demon comes out to play and wrecks everyone's shit.

?????: Correct!

Ted almost gets his head ripped off if he didn't duck in time.

Ted: I have some very powerful words for that shitty God the next time I see him.

Ted threatens me not knowing he does not want this smoke.

Ted: Where the hell have you been jackass?

Ted jumps over another attempt at his life.

Oh just dicking around as usual, by the way, you need to knock him out, no killing.

Ted kicks the demon possessing Ted Cole's body in the chin.

Ted: Oh but they can kill me!?


Ted while switching his stance to his knock out tactics, or using only his hands: You cunt!

Deal with it.

Ted gets shot in the arm, causing him to scream out random obscenities at the unnamed demon.

?????: You sure do talk a lot for someone who's about to die.

Ted: I'm not even going all out. Theo, hold him back or distract him long enough for me to get it ready.

Theo rushes at that Demon, punching it into a nearby building that they will not be compensating the owners for.

Ted quickly joins the fray, his forearms and lower legs being covered in grey sparking armour similar to the full armour he liked to use as a substitute for the Fire E.C. before he knew it was a thing, but just the gauntlets and boots which are now clawed for maximum traction cough style points cough.

Theo: Yeah I can see why punching is the only non-lethal part of that.

Ted quickly jabbed the demon in the throat, staggering it before discombobulating it by clapping his hands on its ears.

Ted winds up for a final punch, putting way too much of his mixergy™ into it, partially caving in Ted Cole's skull, but ultimately succeeding in knocking him out.

Tentacles coming from a door in the middle of the road pull Ted Cole / The Demon of Flame into it.

Ted: The fuck was that?

Theo: Not said we can't tell you, but since you are the main character...

Kevin is narrating.

Not: No, the only reason I told you is because I've known you for millions of years.

Not says appearing out of nowhere.

Ren: So you are biased!

Not: I haven't really tried hiding it. Ted, I'll tell you once you knock out four, now three, Alternate Universe versions of you.

Ted: Well shit, that's probably gonna get progressively harder as this arc goes on.

Not: See ya.

Not walks away, slowly disappearing into dust the further away he got from the three.

Ren: So the next one might be a bootleg Barry Allen.

Theo: Well, he probably can't compete with Comics Barry but he could probably mop the floor with CW Barry in a race.

Ted: We're so dead.

Ren: Where's your beanie?

Ted: Oh shit!

This is filler so you only get the whatever.


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