Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

224K 6.1K 1.6K

Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


3.2K 90 30
By Lightblue44

Pulling his football shirt off, Theo sighed at the intense training session he had just endured. His coach had been going in harder on him because of the possibility of the scout, Grey, calling him up at any point to get him to do a practice match with some premier league players, to see if he would be a good fit.

He was happy Stass was handling all the important paperwork and stuff, so he wouldn't have to worry. He just needed to get the call or letter, or email, whatever they usually do and become a semi professional player. To be honest Theo had clue what he even had to do at this point, nor did he care. He hadn't really been listening to Stass when she'd call his phone about all of this, and when he did listen briefly, he gave her blunt replies and shooed her off to do whatever she needed to, to help his career. He wasn't being rude and even if he was, he wasn't trying to be, his mind was all over the place.

Theo's mind was elsewhere, it was on Naomi.

Naomi, who thought he cheated, but it was a long story.

"Jesus Christ" Ollie shouted, making Theo jump

"Yo, Theo you good?" Elijah asked wide eyed

Theo turned around and looked at his two mates with his eyebrows raised, silently questioning them about what they were so loudly shouting about. Enough to make him jump and the entire changing room fall into a silence for a few moments and then return to its usual loudness.

"Your fuckng back" Ollie pointed out

"Did you get attacked or something?" Ollie continued

Theo's face turned from confusion to a sly smile. He definitely wasn't attacked. It was his girl, a few weeks back. When he literally made her squirt. He didn't think she would, he knew he was making her feel good when he was eating her out, but when she did, he couldn't help but want to fuck her. He fucked her so good that her nails dragged down his back, drawing blood, causing his back to be red. He didn't care, he was making her feel good and she felt good to be in. It was all in the moment, he didn't regret any of it.

It caused him to have these scratches for a while. He didn't heal very quickly so that's why they still looked pretty prominent.

He was annoyed though, he still had these marks on himself, basically showing the world that he had Naomi as his girl, but he hadn't spoken to her since Halloween.

He knew she saw him with Melissa and she took her revenge by kissing another boy, but he needed to talk to her about that. He watched her walk off with this boy and he had no clue what had happened after. He wanted to stop them. He wanted to grab Naomi and tell the guy she was his but he couldn't. He could see the hurt in her eyes when she opened that bathroom door, he could see it when she turned to look at him right before she kissed that guy.

He knew she was hurting and stopping her that night would of made it a bigger situation infront of all of their friends and she wouldn't be happy about that. But once all of this was sorted out, Theo wasn't taking any chances and he was telling that guy she kissed to stay the fuck away from his girl.

He needed to get things sorted because it looked like he had promised her he was all in and then he's suddenly secretly kissing other girls in bathrooms at parties when that certainly wasn't the case. He knew that Naomi kissing that new boy was revenge, but if she had slept with him that would be something else. He would go mad. She was his.

After a lot of persistence, he had managed to convince Naomi to come over tonight, but that's if she showed. At the beginning of everything, after the Halloween party, she hadn't been answering his calls and when it came to probably the thousandth one, she finally texted him back telling him to stop, which he replied he would as soon as she agreed to talk to him in person and she finally accepted.

"Nah...just um, Naomi" he mumbled, telling his friends the truth because he knew he couldn't lie to them, but he hadn't told anything since last year. Naomi wasn't as boys like to say 'locker room talk' she was his girl and he intended on keeping her dignity, by not talking about what they did until she was ready to let people know about them. Well that was his plan, until she said she wanted to take things slow, so he was kinda just waiting to see if Ollie and Elijah brought up her name. He wouldn't go into explicit details, but he would inform them of what was going on.

"Naomi attacked you? For what? Did you hurt her again?" Elijah warned. He began to care about Naomi over the time. Despite only talking to her probably twice, after hearing the funny stories about her from Tiana from first year, he grew to have a protective instinct over her because Tiana asked him to, when it came to Naomi's feelings and they knew of Theo's history of never having a relationship before, they had the idea of knowing that Theo could fuck up badly. Theo could hurt Naomi without realising it. Elijah didn't want either of them to get hurt, but after obviously the whole Seb situation and Theo being a dick to her at the very beginning of uni, he knew he had to look out for Naomi.

"No, it happened when I slept with her" Theo mumbled

"Wait hold on you two are together?" Ollie gasped

"Elijah you owe me a tenner, I told you they were fucking on the low" Ollie grinned

"You slept together, as in, past tense. A one time thing?" Elijah asked warily. He knew Ollie had this theory, but he didn't want two of his friends getting together before both of them are ready for the reality of their actions. Of the domino effect of them sleeping together, how it won't only affect the two of them, but also their entire friendship group, the future of their own 'relationship', what would happen if they didn't want to be together anymore, where would they go from this and so many more questions.

"Well no, we're just sleeping together" Theo corrected

"I'm sorry, what? So you're not in relationship with her but you're fucking her?" Ollie connected


"For fuck sake" Elijah mumbled


"Is that what you really want Theo?" Ollie asked

"Well yes, I like fucking her" Theo stated

"But is she only fucking you and you only?" Ollie asked, remembering he had literally watched her kiss another boy on Halloween and then go off with him. He had no clue what had happened after.

"She hasn't said any other wise" Theo mumbled, not knowing if she had slept with that boy from Halloween

"Theo you're pissing me off, you damn well know you're loyal as hell to this girl and now you ain't even spoken about what you want from her and what she wants from you" Elijah exclaimed

"Well actually I fucked up" Theo admitted

"Yeah she ain't even clarified what you two are. I say stop fucking her" Ollie mentioned

"Wait what?" Theo asked

"Stop sleeping with her until she knows what she really wants" Ollie explained

"Wait, wait, what do you mean you fucked up?" Elijah asked

"Okay listen, this is exactly why I didn't tell you lot shit, you jump down my throat before I even explain the whole situation. Me and her have spoken about all of this, and she said she wants us to be together, but she wants time. She wants time to let herself trust me again after everything last year. And I said I'd wait, but we keep having sex so it's kinda like friends with benefits right now and I'm okay with that" Theo explained

"Okay good that's progress I guess, but how did you fuck up?" Ollie asked

"At Jimmy's Halloween party..." Theo started

"Oh god, what did you do Theo because I saw her lipsing some other boy. I was going to tell you but I didn't know how to" Ollie mentioned

"Yeah I know, I saw. She did it because she walked in on Melissa kissing me"

"Melissa? Fucking Melissa Robertson?! As in Jimmy's girl?" Elijah whisper shouted, not wanting Jimmy to overhear them

"Yes, well no. Yes as in Melissa, Jimmy's girl, but no in the sense of well now ex. She walked in on Jimmy shagging some other girl and she was crying in the bathroom about it, so when I left you guys to go and piss, I comforted her because I'm a nice guy and she's a nice girl, who didn't deserve that. She took things the wrong way and then she kissed me"

"Then of course knowing my fucking luck, Naomi needs the bathroom at the same time and I must of not locked the door and in she walks and sees Melissa basically jumping ontop of me, kissing me, trying to take her own revenge back on Jimmy"

"So that's why when I was dancing with Aimee, Naomi came back over to us and started to dance with some random guy and next thing I know they're kissing" Ollie added

"Yeah and she hasn't spoken to me since" Theo sighed

"Wait hold on, so you two are fucking, how did that even start?" Elijah asked, needing to know everything because this was getting more complicated than last year

"Well... back in first year when it was the end of year party in the courtyard. Obviously everyone was having a good time, but then I saw Seb trying to come back over to her so I came over to make sure he didn't try shit. Next thing I know, Drew, Charlie and Elliot are dragging him off to beat the shit out of him and then I look at naomi to see if she'd noticed and she was gone"

"I found her running back up to the flat and I followed her because I wanted to see if she was okay and I also still needed to talk to her about everything".

"Okay wait, before you get into the story, can we go KFC because I'm starving and you can finish your story there" Ollie asked, gesturing to his rumbling stomach

"I agree, let's go" Elijah added, grabbing his bag

The boys all had driven to KFC in Theo's car and ordered. At this point they were sat inside eating, waiting for Theo to continue the story.

"Okay continue the story" Elijah said

"Alright, so then she tried to shut the door in my face but she gave up and let me in. She then was like why are you here? And I didn't say nothing cause I didn't know how to and she just starts shouting at me. So I tell her to stop and I start to confront her about her shouting at me for making her first year so complicated and I say that she did the same with me, by making me like her"

"Well she didn't make you like her" Ollie laughed

"Oh fuck off" Theo laughed "But anyway, we start arguing, about all of that. Then she thought the kiss and picture was staged, so I told her it was Charlotte. She then says the kiss was a mistake anyway and she only let me kiss her because she was cross faded"

"I'm like nah fuck that. You wanted it. She's like even if she did, I shouldn't of kissed her because how can I jump from being mad disrespectful to her, to apologising and then lipsing her, I can't mess with her like that. Then she's like I'm done with the convo, and goes to leave, so I pull her back to me because I wasn't finished. We start to argue again. Same old shit, but we actually were listening to each other's side of things for once"

"Then she gets really overwhelmed and starts hitting my chest because of how much I hurt her. Like she was letting it all out and I let her, because I did put her through a lot. But then she starts telling me to hit her back and I'm thinking, shit Seb really fucked with her. So I grab ahold of her wrists to stop her from hurting herself and me anymore. She starts telling me she hates me and I'm like you know what, prove it. She's like huh? And I'm thinking, if she doesn't kiss me back now I know we aren't meant to be together. Fucked up I know, but in the moment it felt right"

"So you kissed her?" Elijah jumped in


"And then we slept together"

"So then why didn't you tell us this in summer. Why did you act like your ass was done with her?" Elijah exclaimed

"Well after our night of sex..." Theo started

"This boy said night of sex, like it was more than one round" Ollie laughed

Theo let a small smile tug at his lips, at his friend's observation of his last statement.

"Bro, you didn't! Shitden, must of been all that aggression and sexual tension all unleashed that night" Ollie gasped

"She was the one who instigated it" Theo mumbled

"Wow okay then, but continue the story" Elijah added, wanting to know everything

"Yeah, so after the night of sex, I wake up and..."

"And she's gone?" Ollie jumps in

"No, man let me finish the story"

"Sorry, sorry, continue" Ollie apologised

"I wake up and she's still sleeping so I think fuck it, let me get us breakfast cause I've never done that for a girl before, so I trek to Maccie's. And then when I come back, she's gone. No note, nothing. Just gone."

"Okay so if she left, how did you two start sleeping together again?" Elijah asked

"Well the day we all moved in, the girls came over and she's not with them. They tell us that she's got some headache and she ain't coming. Then Tiana's like give me your phone. So I do and she gives me their address and tells me to go over"

"I go over and she answered the door. Before I can even say anything, she tries to shut the door in my face but I open it. She's acting all innocent like why are you here and I'm like cause we slept together, I like you and you just left last year. Then she starts telling me that I'm a one night stand and she thought I was the one who left her cause I didn't leave her a note when I left to get breakfast. Next thing I know we're fucking cause I told her I got breakfast and didn't leave her. Then everytime we see each other it kinda just happens" Theo finished

"Wow" Ollie hummed


"Ouch what the fuck you two!" Theo shouted, as both Ollie and Elijah knocked the upside of his head, one after the other.

"Well I hit you because you didn't tell us" Ollie laughed

"And I hit you because you haven't explained the Melissa situation to her, it's just made you two take two steps backwards" Elijah shrugged

"I am going to, she's coming over later on" Theo mentioned

"Really?" Elijah asked, shocked that these two were actually communicating on their own this year

"Yeah it took bare convincing though" Theo sighed

"You know, in a weird way i get why she's doing this" Ollie started

"Excuse me?" Theo asked

"Huh?" Elijah added

"Can't you see it? She's doing it because she's already given you the goods, sounds like multiple times, but she's making you work for her heart and her trust. You're a fuckboy. Well should I say was. And she wants to make sure she doesn't get hurt in the end because it's you. At first it probably sounded like you just wanted to beat and delete but now you've told her how serious you are she's scared. She's scared because she doesn't know if you know the actual reality of your words because you've never been in a relationship before"

"So she's slowing things down, to be precautious. She wants to know you're being genuine before she lets you be her boyfriend or whatever, officially and publicly" Ollie finished

"Woah what happened to you? Where did that come from?" Elijah asked, shocked at the good analysis from Ollie, when he was the one doing psychology

"I'm just saying what I think and I don't want this to fuck up in the end, because it won't just mess with you two, everyone in our groups will be affected" Ollie reminded Theo

"Yeah yeah, I understand. I'm going to make things right tonight" Theo mumbled, knowing how he needed to sort things out

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