Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

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Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


2.6K 83 71
By Lightblue44

"Happy birthday Naomi!" Everyone shouted as Naomi finally had the blindfold around her eyes removed.

Blinking several times to refocus her eyes and adjust to the light again, Naomi couldn't help but let her jaw drop as she spun around, seeing that Liv had organised for them all to come to the winter funfair.

"Oh my gosh Liv!" Naomi screamed

"I knew you'd like it" Liv smiled as she ran over and hugged Naomi

"I remembered hearing some girls in my lecture talking about this funfair that happens every year, so I thought why not come for your birthday" Liv explained

"Well thank you for organising this, I know it must of been hard with everyone's different schedules" Naomi smiled as she looked up at their entire group of their old joint flat, along with Ollie, Elijah and Aimee.

"Well everyone knew they had to be free for your birthday" Liv laughed, remembering how easy it was to get everyone together, it was just Naomi who was always business in all honesty.

"Alright, happy birthday Naomi, hope you have an amazing day but I'm gonna go to that ride over there, before the line gets any longer" Elliott rushed out, calling Cap, Jack and Morgan along with him.

Naomi watched them leave as Elliott blew her a kiss, to which she playfully rolled her eyes in response.

"You alright Naomi?" Drew asked as he stepped forward opening his arms

"Yeah" she smiled, accepting his embrace

"I can't believe how quickly uni is flying by, you're already twenty years old, it still feels like last week when I walked into the flat unpacking my stuff for first year, meeting you and Liv for the first time"

"I know, it's going too quickly" Naomi smiled, stepping away from Drew to realise she was eighteen when she met him and now she was twenty.

"And my hug" Charlie rushed out before Naomi could protest the amount of hugs she was giving tonight, "You're lucky I haven't pushed you off of me Charlie" Naomi mumbled as he squeezed her.

Laughing at her, Charlie couldn't help it. "You're like my little sister, you'll definitely be getting more hugs from me at some point, but me, Drew and Daniel are off to the stalls because I'm determined on winning a fish for the house"

"Good luck with that" Naomi laughed as she watched the three boys walk off into the distance

"Okay so me and Eliza, Ollie and Aimee have all decided that we're going on the swings together, you wanna come?" Liv asked Naomi as she noticed their group was getting smaller and smaller.

"Umm I think that someone wants to spend some alone time with me tonight so I'll be with him, but definitely text me if you're going on the bumper cars because that's one of my favourites" Naomi smiled as Liv nodded, understanding completely

Naomi turned around to find Theo waving goodbye to Elijah and Tiana as they went to do their own thing tonight.

It was just the two of them.

"Happy birthday baby" he smiled as he leant down and kissed her forehead

"Thank you Theo" she smiled. She couldn't help it, his smile was so infectious, especially with the way he was looking at her.

"So where do you wanna go first?" He asked, walking behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist

"I don't know, you decide since you're the one who was complaining about barley seeing me" she laughed, remembering how after her visited her at her internship, the two of them barley saw each other besides through FaceTime calls and Theo was getting annoyed at their conflicting schedules.

"Okay, how about we walk around a bit, explore the fair and then we can go on something like the Ferris wheel if we can't decide" he suggested

Naomi hummed a response, she was happy to do that.

She didn't really care to be honest, she was just so happy that everyone showed for her birthday. She was happy that she had made such good friends at uni.

And she had Theo.

She looked up at him to find him looking at the rides, seeing if he wanted to go on them at some point during the night.

She couldn't help but be at peace in this moment. Peace amongst the loud screams of people on the rides being flipped, turned and thrown all over the place. Peace amongst the little kids running around giggling and shouting. Amongst the crowds of people who were going about their own night. Naomi just felt at peace with Theo, in his arms as they walked through the fair, with the darkness of the night above them.

"Alright, we've walked around the entire fair, you wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" Theo asked, to which Naomi nodded, smiling looking up at him.

The two of them got onto the Ferris wheel after waiting in line and they were off.

Naomi leant her head on Theo's shoulder as they were strapped in and the Ferris wheel was guiding them up above the fair,

Theo couldn't help but be happy. He was happy with Naomi in his arms. He was happy that with all the people who knew about them so far there was no trouble with it. He was happy that she had given him a chance after first year. He was happy to call her his.

But the question was, when should he ask her to officially be his?

A Ferris wheel was too cliché in his head and Naomi would definitely say no to clichés so that was out of the window, but he couldn't focus on that right now, he wanted to live in the moment. The moment of him and Naomi being out in public without a worry of someone seeing them because if they did, they could just pull it off claiming that they were with other people and whoever claimed they saw them, just saw people who looked like them instead.

"Naomi" Theo said as he looked down at her staring at the view below them, as they were now at the top of the ride.


"I..." Theo started but he didn't even know what he wanted to say. He just wanted her attention. He just wanted to see her looking up at him with her warm brown eyes, which made his heart swell. He just wanted her.

"What Theo?" She laughed, as she noticed him just smiling as he stared at her.

Her laugh, that laugh he loved to hear it. He loved hearing that he brought a smile to her face.

He liked to make her laugh.

"I'm just glad we gave us a chance" he mumbled, as he cradled her cheek with his hand

"So am I" she whispered, as she leaned into his touch, letting Theo come closer as he slowly connected their lips

She couldn't get over it.

She couldn't get over the fact that every time the two of them kissed it just felt so different each time. Not bad different, but the kind that took her breath away. The kind that made her body send tingles to her feet and obviously her sex.

Their mouths moved in sync, not battling for dominance, but instead in a slow but heated, fervent kiss. A kiss which neither wanted to end, but then the wheel came to an abrupt stop and they found themselves at back on the ground.

They were brought back to the same height as everyone else. Away from the pure bliss of the distant chatter in the sky and now back in the brunt of it.

Unbuckling themselves, Theo and Naomi got out of the ride and began to walk around the fair once again, resuming their previous position of Theo's arms around her waist, holding her securely as they walked, making it known to the men who walked past them, staring at Naomi, that she was his.

"Oh my gosh can we get candy floss?" Naomi asked, as they walked through the fair for the second time tonight, remembering a candyfloss stall from last time that she wanted to go to cause fairs were the only times she ate candyfloss.

"Yeah sure, let's find a stall that sells it" Theo smiled, keeping an eye out for the boys, just being precautious of them seeing the two of them.

Finally locating the candyfloss stall, Naomi was just about to ask for one when her phone started ringing.

Pulling it out of her back pocket, she found it to be Mya and Leilani calling, she told Theo that she'd be right back as she stepped away to accept the call, whist he watched a new batch of candyfloss being made, asking for it to be put into a container because he didn't know how long Naomi would be on the phone for and didn't exactly want to be carrying it around.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAOMI" was screamed down the camera by her two home friends as Naomi smiled at them, anticipating their shouting because they were always this loud when it came to one of their birthdays.

"Happy birthday Naomi! How is it, where are you?" Mya rushed out before Naomi could even get a word in.

"Thanks guys, I'm at this fair that happens every winter. It's going really well, Liv organised for everyone to come and I'm just so happy that everyone showed, but then we decided to split off so we could all go on whatever rides we wanted to" Naomi explained

"So where's Theo?" Mya butted in as Naomi watched Leilani open her mouth to talk

"Is that the only reason why you lot called, to talk to Theo?" Naomi scrutinised, raising her eyebrows at her two friends who acted oblivious to the look she was giving them

"What? Noooo" they both exaggerated

"We would never"

"Ugh, you two are such shit liars, but he's at the stall getting me candy floss whilst I talk to you two"

"Turn the camera, I wanna see" Leilani asked, as Mya nodded, agreeing. It was as if the two of them suddenly forgot all about what was meant to be their good cop, bad cop routine when it came to Theo and their views on him. With Mya clearly being the good cop and Leilani being the one who was meant to dislike Theo. But they both liked him a lot clearly, but it was because they could see how happy he made Naomi.

"Oh my gosh you guys are so extra, but since I know I'll never hear the end of it, so here" Naomi sighed as she flipped the FaceTime camera and pointed it at Theo.

"Ooo he looks good, he's definitely giving you birthday sex" Mya shamelessly said as she basically drooled over Theo

Naomi just rolled her eyes in response.

"Umm Naomi you seeing what I'm seeing?" Leilani pointed out

"Mmhmm" Naomi hummed, turning very serious as she looked at the view in front of her

"That girl is touching your man, wow okay then" Mya added

The three of them watched how Theo stood at the stall with a red head stood infront of him, talking about something.

They watched how Theo spoke to this girl with familiarity.

Of course Theo was allowed female friends, just as he trusted Naomi with male friends, but the problem was that Naomi had no clue who this girl was. Theo had never bothered to mention her and her touchiness.

They all saw how this new mysterious girl laughed at something Theo had said as her hand landed on his arm. How she didn't move it once, letting her fresh new set of acrylics almost mark their territory.

She let her hand stay there, gripping his bicep through his coat as Theo smiled at her.

Naomi, Mya and Leilani could only see her side and back profile, but from what Naomi could see she wasn't Theo's usual type.

She was pretty, no doubt, but she was at least five foot nine, with deep auburn hair.

But then again, I wasn't his type either and look at us now.

Theo made no attempt to remove her hand from him.

Naomi felt annoyed.

No scratch that, pissed off.

No just jealous, you're jealous and admit it.

Naomi stood there frozen as she watched the pair continue to talk for a few more moments until her candyfloss was ready and was being passed to Theo as he paid for it.

"Guys I'll call you back, okay?" Naomi sighed as she said a brief goodbye with the girls, as Theo made his way back over to her with her candyfloss in a bag.

"Here you go baby" he smiled as he kissed her forehead, passing her the candyfloss.

"Who was that?" Naomi cut to the chase, looking around Theo's body to get a better look at the girl, but she was gone, disappeared back into the crowd of people in the fair.

"Oh...You saw that?" He asked, shocked because he thought that she was on FaceTime the entire time, but she was also watching him. "That's just Poppy"

"And who is Poppy?" She reiterated wanting a straight answer from Theo. No bullshit. She wanted to know if her and Theo had a past. She didn't mind if they did, but she'd rather if she knew who she was looking out for when she went out with him and wasn't blindsided by a jealous ex side chick.

"Just a friend"

"Just a friend?" Naomi nodded, "Just a friend, alright" she mumbled, "Hmm okay, it looked very friendly on her end" Naomi seethed, pointing out the touchiness that couldn't go unnoticed

"Naomi, what's wrong? She's literally just a friend, stop acting weird" Theo said as his hands made their way to her waist to calm her down

"Weird? Theo she wanted you" Naomi stated as she forced Theo's hand off her body. She didn't want him touching her.

Theo started to laugh at Naomi's reaction of him talking to Poppy.

Why was she overreacting, Poppy's just a friend.

Naomi felt anger begin to stir in her as she noticed Theo laughing at her. This wasn't remotely funny.

"It's always another girl with you" she muttered under her breath

Even if Poppy was just a friend, how come she'd never heard of her before. Not once had Theo ever mentioned a Poppy. Even back in his hoe phase she still remembered the names of Charlotte, Becca and Emily, but never a Poppy.

"Naomi!" Theo called after her as she started to walk away from him.

He watched how her much shorter legs were making an effort to get away from him.

"Naomi!" He repeated, much louder

Naomi stopped in place, her back facing him. He couldn't help but worry that this was the start of their arguments beginning again.

"Come back" he called after her

"I'm not a dog, you cannot beckon me over" she spun on her heel, finally facing him with her arms crossed over the other

"I didn't-"

"I'm going to go and get some bud, I'll talk to you later" she sighed, not wanting to have an argument with him. If Poppy was just a friend, then she was just a friend, she had to believe him on this, she had to open up and trust him, but for now, she just wanted space to cool down.

Space to cool down and get away, just in case they bumped into another one of his new mysterious girl-friends, that he'd never mentioned before tonight.

"Naomi" Theo called out, wanting to... he didn't even know what he wanted he just wanted time to stop. One second they were having a great night and the next Naomi was pissed and he could understand why but there was no story to him and Poppy, they were just friends.

If Poppy was flirting with him, then he genuinely had no clue because he, as he always said, only had eyes for Naomi.

Poppy came over because she knew him from their lectures, she was literally just teasing him about how she didn't picture him the type to like candyfloss, as she imagined him to be macho and manly, to which she started to feel his biceps just to taunt him, to which Theo replied that he was getting it for his girl, causing Poppy to smile at him finding himself someone and then he got the candyfloss and walked away, saying goodbye as Poppy went to go back to her own friends.

Poppy was just a friend.

"What?" She shouted

"We can't end it on this" he reasoned, stepping closer to her, just wanting to have her in his arms again

"And we're not" she smiled sadly, happy that they were maturing and growing together, understanding that they were allowed to argue, but they needed to talk things through and listen to the other person as well.

"...We'll talk later" she whispered, as she reached out and grabbed Theo's hand to stop him from looking so worried.

She began to play with his fingers to calm herself and him down, just as she used to do with her own, but she wanted him to understand her right now.

"I just need to calm down. I don't want this to spiral into anything more, so please just let me go meet with my dealer okay? I'm gonna hang out with the girls after, I'll text you" Naomi explained, letting Theo know that they weren't on bad terms, she just wanted a bit of space

"Okay" Theo frowned, feeling her hand slip away from his. "Just text me when you wanna go home, even if you want to go back to yours alone. I'll drop you, okay? I just want you to be safe" he reasoned

"I will, don't worry"

He watched her walk away. He was annoyed that they had their first argument in awhile but glad it didn't get as bad as it could of.

They were making progress.

He just wished that she believed him when it came to other girls, but he also had to learn that Naomi already had her doubts and trust issues with him despite how much he showed her, that he liked her. He just needed to make it apparent that he only had eyes for her in his actions when it came to interactions with other girls.

Naomi ventured through the loud crowds, whilst texting 'R5', her dealer. She laughed at the name. She knew his name was actually Raheem, but he hated telling people that, besides Naomi because back in first year she met up with him so much that she convinced, well more like tricked him into telling her his real name. So now they were on a first name basis.

Naomi - You at the fair?

Raheem - Course, I'm round by the 'Waltzers'

Naomi - Calm, see you in five

Managing to find the waltzers, Naomi located Raheem stood beside it, with two other boys. She didn't care for them, she just wanted to chat to Raheem, get her weed and go.

"Yo Naomi!" Raheem lazily smiled, showing that he had definitely smoked beforehand

"Raheem" she smiled as she walked up to the group, having her hands in her back pockets as she scanned over his attire, knowing that he always had something of the latest on because of the bank he made by overcharging posh uni students, who didn't know anything about the actual prices of weed.

"You like?" He laughed, posing in his new Dior Jordan ones

"You know I do"

"Oh shit yeah, this is 'Darnz' and 'José' and guys this is Naomi, one of my favourite customers" Raheem introduced them.

Definitely not their government names, but at least they weren't dumb like 'J2Trappy' or some shit like that.

"One of, wowww Raheem, I thought I was your favourite, end of"

"You know you would be number one, but them posh kids who make me bank and don't scam me out of free bud for fashion advice, like you do, are up there"

Naomi laughed at the many times she had managed to get him to give her free bud. "Okay, okay, but you still took my advice so don't act like it didn't benefit you" she pointed out, remembering how when she first met him, he was a typical dealer who only wore tracksuits all the time, but then she started giving him fashion tips.

"I never said it didn't"

"But anyway, you got a gram on you?"

"A gram, only?"

"Well I would want more, but you've probably had a busy night tonight"

"Umm, I think I just sold my last bit to some other guy"

"Fuck, Raheem!"

"I know, I know I should of bought more, but I think I've got another guy close by..."

"How close?"

"I think he's in the car park, I can call him up if you want, I know for sure he's got more on him"

"Would you?"

"Say no more" Raheem smiled, texting his guy, asking if he had enough weed for him to sell to Naomi.

"Alright, he said he's in the car park, he's got enough for you and he'll meet you there. Is that calm?" Raheem asked as he looked over the fast reply he got.

"Thank you Raheem, you better have some more, when I text you next time" Naomi warned playfully

"Of course, I wouldn't want to miss out on my fashion advice"

"Bye Raheem, bye José and Darnz" she waved off, making her way through the carnival all the way down the car park.

She was surprised she hadn't bumped into anyone she knew tonight, including who she came with, but then again they were all probably in-line for the rides or actually on them.

Finally making it to the car park, Naomi glanced around looking for the guy.

Fuck, I should of asked Raheem what he even looked like.

Naomi pulled out her phone and called Raheem, refusing to be stood in the car park, cold, just in a pair of leggings and a cropped long sleeve top, along with her north face puffer and Jordan ones.

"Raheem, what does this guy look like?" She asked

"Shit sorry, Naomi I'm so out of it tonight, I forgot to tell you. He's a black guy, should be wearing a trap star coat, with white Air Force ones on"

"Umm...I think I found him, thanks Raheem" Naomi sighed out of relief as she noticed the person leaning against a white Range Rover.

"No probs"

Naomi ended the call, walking over to the person Raheem just described.

She noticed he was staring at her the entire time she made her way over to him. He shamelessly licked his lips, scanning over her figure, taking extra time in watching how her hips swayed effortlessly in her walk and the slight bounce in her breasts with every step she took.

Naomi got out her money from the back of her phone case and found herself stood directly infront of the dealer.

"Can I get a-"


Only now, since she was directly infront of the dealer, she noticed exactly who it was. The same boy she had kissed on Halloween. That tall, dark skin with the nice smile.

Maybe he doesn't remember me.

Clearing her throat to stop any cracks in her voice out of nerves, Naomi attempted to restart her sentence. "Eh-hem, can I get a-"

"Hold up, I swear I know you"

Shit, he knows.

"Nah I don't think so" she lied

"I never forget a face, darling. I know you...where do I know you from? Cause I know for sure I'd remember if I got to fuck you" he smirked as he scanned over her figure again.

Naomi began to hug herself out of nerves and the hatred of someone other than Theo looking at her like that.

This is exactly why she didn't like meeting up with dealers she didn't know.

Especially not by herself.

Fuck, if she wasn't pissed off with Theo before she never would of gone to Raheem and since she was so close with him, she forgot how creepy other dealers can be.

"Halloween" Naomi bluntly stated, wanting to get this done and over with

"Halloween, oh yeah" he smirked, "The girl who kissed me. The one in the white thong and white lace bra" he laughed, "Now I definitely remember you"

"So can I-" She started, wanting to get her weed and go.

"Can I get yo number?" He asked, rolling up his own spliff, licking the paper as he waited for her to answer


"Why not? You got a man?" He raised his eyebrows, sticking the spliff behind his ear as he looked down at her.


Yes but I got into a stupid argument with him and I just want my weed, please just hurry the fuck up.

"Well I don't see him" he glanced around the car park "And you definitely didn't have one on Halloween" he smirked, texting Raheem to let him know he had met up with the new customer he sent his way.

"I'm not interested, okay"

"Come on darling" he tried to sweet talk Naomi, who was having none of it, beginning to tap her foot out of impatience.

"Nope, I already said that I'm not interested. And i guess if you're not gonna sell me the weed, I guess you've just lost a customer and I'm leaving"

May as well stay sober if this is what I have to go through to get some we-

"Nah, nah hold up, I got some" he spoke as he grabbed Naomi's arm to stay and stop her from turning around


"Okay where is it?" Naomi asked, shrugging his hand off of her body as it made her tense

"How much you want?"

"I usually buy an eighth..." she trailed off, debating on getting more.

She definitely wanted to get as much as she possibly could because there was no way she was dealing with picking up from a dealer for a while now.

"Okay let me just go get you that, £30 yeah?" He asked as Naomi nodded.

Naomi watched how he effortlessly got into his car as if this was a usual routine for him, as he sat in the driver's seat, reaching across, into his glove compartment and got out a bag of weed. He held it up, looking at it in the light.

"You can come in you know" he laughed, looking down at Naomi stood waiting at the drivers side, "I don't bite" he joked

"Nah I'm good out here" she shivered

"Come on darling, I'll give you a bit for free if you get in"

Definitely no

"I-" Naomi started to decline his offer with no hesitation when he interrupted her, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, that sounded mad dodgey, I'm a calm guy, I just wanted to get to know you a bit more, but I can tell you ain't feeling it. I can see that you're cold, so I thought it's be better if we sat in my car. If I was a bad guy, why would 'R5' direct you to me?" He asked

True, and he didn't take advantage of me on Halloween despite how drunk I was

He did have a point. Even if it was small. Raheem was a good guy, even if he did sell drugs illegally and over charge certain students, he was making a living whilst at uni. Raheem wouldn't put her in danger, Raheem was her friend.

She looked back up at him and he smiled, showing her he was harmless. He just came on too strong to begin with.

Just to get out of the cold for a few minutes

Naomi rounded the car and got into the passenger side warily.

She wasn't dumb, she sat on the edge of her seat, making sure her door was unlocked at all times. She knew she shouldn't of gotten in the car in the first place, but that line was already crossed and now she was going to do whatever she could to make sure she was okay whilst she was in there.

"Omar" he spoke, causing Naomi to look away from the door and finally look at him, as she furrowed her brows.

"My name...it's Omar" he reintroduced himself, causing Naomi to silently nod her head. "Naomi" she replied

She watched him begin to pack her weed into a bag, as he hummed, nodding his head, smiling at the fact that not only had he kissed her before, but now he was dealing to her and he had only just found out her name.

"Here you go" he passed her the bag of weed

"Okay than-"she started as she passed him the money in exchange

"You sure you don't wanna smoke this one with me? You look mad stressed. It's a fair, you're meant to be happy you know" he joked, taking the spliff from behind his ear and sparking it with his lighter

Naomi went to go and say no when she remembered, how was she meant to calm down?

I don't have any papers or nothing on me so how else am I gonna calm down and I'm definitely not asking Omar for anything else.

Omar held the spliff up to Naomi as she looked at it hesitantly.

Just a few tokes to calm me down and then I'll leave

She took the spliff out of Omar's grasp and held it up to her lips and inhaled, letting the smoke fill her lungs.

Fuck, I needed that

Naomi repeated that same phrase in her head as she continued the act of smoking the spliff, passing it back to Omar every now again.

Maybe he wasn't so bad...Well I guess not, after the three spliffs we just shared.

"How do you feel now?" He asked, wanting to make sure he left with a happy customer, because he could tell Naomi was pissed off when she first came over to him.

"Good" she giggled, letting the high take over her body, as her sight began to get hazy and she attempted to keep up with the conversation

"Yeah that's my weed, you can only get that shit from me, have I got a new customer?" he asked, wanting to see Naomi more. Even if she did have a man, she was still calm to smoke with and he didn't mind giving her free shit.

"I don't know, maybe" she smiled lazily as her body relaxed into the passenger's seat letting her head fall back and turn to look at Omar.

She was flirting. Not intentionally, but why? What was she doing?

She needed to stop.

The weed was making her lose all control and her walls had fallen.

"Hmm, maybe this will turn that maybe into a yes" he said as he leant forward as he kissed Naomi's cheek.

It was so light, Naomi thought she missed it, mistaking it for a kiss when it could of been just something touching her face, but when she let her hooded eyes open a bit more to focus on her surroundings, she saw how close Omar was.

She saw how close he was to her face. She saw how his body was leaning over the car's console, so that he was directly infront of her. And she saw how he had turned her head ever so slightly with her chin inbetween his rough fingertips, giving him him more access to kiss her body.

And then he moved to her jaw.

And then he got to her neck.

Omar began to pepper, small and wet kisses on her neck, laughing lightly at the marks previously left from Theo under her foundation which was rubbed away through the night, and how he was the one now kissing her.

"I haven't touched your lips, so it's not cheating" Omar mumbled as he smirked against Naomi's neck as she whined in distress, mistaking it for pleasure.

In Naomi's state she couldn't concentrate on what was happening.

One moment she felt his lips on her neck, the next she was in a blissful state. And then, she was in a panic of what was happening and how she couldn't stop it.

She didn't know how to push him off.

It was all so much.

She couldn't focus on anything.

Her body was frozen.

Her breathing picked up and she knew she was in a bad place.

Omar had already stated his knowledge of knowing she had a man so he wouldn't kiss her, but how far would he take it?

How far was too far for him to know to stop?

Naomi was paralysed, the only thing that she could move was her eyes in fear of where she was currently.

Naomi's thoughts were rushing through her head as he couldn't get her brain to send the correct signals to her body to fucking move.

She felt Omar reach her collar bone, continuing to leave sloppy kisses.

She wanted him to stop.

She didn't want this.

She just wanted The-.

Suddenly, a car door shut, it sounded so close by but so distant.


In her fogged state of mind she managed to just about crane her neck, to look at the back seat and focus her eyes on the person who called her name.


A face she didn't want to see.

As if a flip was switched, Naomi felt her heart rate increase.

She felt her breathing switch to manual.

In and out

In and out

In and out

Let the air into you fucking lungs Naomi

"Happy birthday Nomi" he smiled at her

"Man you know her or something?" Omar laughed, leaning back into his seat, smiling at Naomi, realising it was her birthday, then turning to his friend in the backseat, who apparently knew her.

"Yeah she's my-" The person in the backseat started, as they looked over at Naomi wide eyed.

They were confused as to why she was even in Omar's car, but that wasn't the point right now, Naomi wasn't okay.

"Shit, you good?" Omar asked as he watched Naomi's panic attack starting, with her breaths and gasps for air clear as day.

"Fuck, she's having a panic attack, man move away from her" The friend in the backseat told Omar as he reached out to stop Omar coming any closer, grabbing Naomi's hand to get her to focus on him.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! GET OFF" Naomi shouted as she finally found her voice.

Tears pricked her eyes as she finally looked at him. How he could touch her so normally after everything.

"Don't touch me!" She repeated, ripping his hand off of hers

"Nomi I'm sorry, I just-"

"No!" She cried out, tears falling freely from her eyes, as she stared at the person she never wanted to touch her again.

In her blurred vision, Naomi blindly searched for the door handle, tugging it for the relief of the cold outside air to hit her and escape everything, but nothing happened. She pulled and pulled, but it wouldn't budge.

She was locked in.

"You don't get to touch me" she whispered shakily, as he reached out for her again, trying to stop her from leaving.

"Not after what you-" she said inbetween deep breaths, as he reached out and grabbed her hand in a tight grip

"Naomi!" He yelled making her begin to gasp for air as he wouldn't let go of her

"SEBASTIAN GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Naomi screamed as he held her in a tight grip.

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