His sister {Jimin × Reader} �...

By BTS_imagine_nation

625 18 11

On 13 of October 1995, a twin pair was born in the Park's family, One was a boy other was a girl. The parents... More

A/N Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 {Pt.2}
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

63 1 1
By BTS_imagine_nation

We walked outside the practice room to a huge hall which I assume is the practice room.

We seated ourselves on the floor. We were talking to each other and introducing ourselves when we heard faint footsteps approaching the stage.

I was busy Instagramming when I felt my heartbeat increase, a feeling of excitement arose in me. My heartbeats were going crazy. I looked up from my phone to meet 7 extremely handsome and gorgeous men standing in front of me. The BTS.

My eyes locked with Park Jimin. I don't know why my heart rate was increasing every second. It felt like it would pop out any succeeding second. My mind stopped working. He felt very familiar yet very unfamiliar.

I was so busy trying to recognise a certain face that I didn't notice that I have created an uncomfortable tension in the room by starting an Idol with my eyes wide open. When I came back to my senses and realised myself constantly starting at Park Jimin and he returning the look. I quickly broke the eye contact and looked at my hands being embarrassed by my acts.

"So I guess it is enough for today. You guys must be tired go and enjoy. Tomorrow we'll see each other at the training base. Remember, the person who has more than 5 absences will be terminated from the company. So be very careful about your attendance no excuses will be accepted. Thank you and have a good day." Manager Lee said and left the room followed by BTS except for Park Jimin who gave a last glance at me, his orbs were tense and his forehead was scrunched in such a way that his wrinkles were pretty visible. He was snapped out of his trans when Jungkook pulled his sleeve.

Right now I was very stressed out. I don't know what was happening to me. I don't know why his presence felt very intimate. Something was catching my attention which made my heart beat out of my chest. My forehead was doused in sweat. There was a hot Aura around me which was intensifying the atmosphere.

I cracked out of my thoughts when Eunbi shook me. "Are you alright girl, what's going on? You know can always share with me." She said, with a worry-filled tone. "Eunbi I don't know if you will remember but you know the heartbeat thing that happened to me during the BTS concert." I sniffled "yeah, what about it?" She questioned. "It appeared again and a little more intense this time as if an unknown destiny is waiting for me. It is me who has to find out what that foreign fate is and how to reach it. It just drives me crazy." I sobbed and tightly hugged her. She took me in her warm embrace and assured me that one day everything will be alright and that hidden fate will one day open up to me.

Jimin's POV

I was still stuck at square one. I don't know Why my heart started thumping so hard after seeing that girl. For the record, I have never seen her before then why is my soul behaving like this.

"Jiminshii, where are you lost. You know I've been noticing for a while that you space out a lot. What is going on with you? Is everything alright?" Namjoon interrogated.

No one except hobi hyung and Taehyung knows that when I get the nightmare, I space out a lot and can't sleep for several nights. They are all aware of the fact that I have a lost sister but I never felt confident enough to tell them about the nightmare situation.

"Umm, it's nothing hyung I am just thinking about our past tour. I think I screwed up the performance of Idol. Just been thinking about it otherwise there is nothing else." I assured him. "Look Jimin we all know how exhausted we all. It is not your fault, okay, now don't think about it a lot." Jin hyung said with a smile.

While I was fiddling with my hands Felt a pair of eyes gawking at me. I looked up and as expected, it was hobi hyung looking at me, eyes full of pity and concern, he mouthed an 'everything is going to be alright' I nodded and glanced at the floor. My eyes were now stinging because of thick drops of tear that I forced to hold in my eyes were now urging to escape. I couldn't handle it anymore so I excused myself and went to the restroom.

~Author's POV~

Little did he knew his footsteps were followed by a couple of more.

~End of Author's POV~

~Back to Jimin's POV~

As soon as I stepped inside the lavatory my heart busted out with tears and emotions. I couldn't control myself from crying so I let my feelings flow with the situation. I screamed and whimpered. My legs no longer supported me and I fell to the ground, my hair scrunched up in my hands so tight that my knuckles went white. My face was as red as fire and tears were steadily dripping down my cheeks. Thank God the walls were soundproof so no one could hear me screaming or bawling.

I was so caught up in crying that I didn't realize that I was pulled into a hug. I don't know how for long I've been crying in the person's embrace. I had so many questions. I never wished for this to happen to me, to her. Why were we meant to be separated? Why us? Why did fate take such a crucial turn? What did we do to deserve a separation? Every question was driving me crazy. My mind stopped working I just wanted to cry my heart out.

~Taehyung's POV~

I knew something was up with Jimin ssi. He was behaving weird. When he left the room like that, with tears trying their best to elude from his eyes My concern increased even more. I glanced towards hobi hyung and saw the same burden in his orbs.

We decided to follow Jiminssi. Our hearts dropped when we heard Jimin ssi's scream. Even though the walls were soundproof we could hear his whimpers. But it was only loud enough for both of us to hear.

Without thinking we entered the lavatory and saw Jimin hyung lying on the floor so restless, crying his lungs out, His face was full of tears. Seeing him in such a state made me wanna cry out too. Unconsciously my body started moving and in a blink of an eye, I was Hugging him so tight. My eyes were also glistening with tears.

He was my best friend, my soulmate since high school. I knew his every secret and I knew all his deep dishes. I knew he suffers from nightmares of losing his sister and I also know that how he spent all the restless nights that he used to have after the dreams. He was never able to concentrate on his work for a month or two after the episode of the nightmare. He used to get them a couple of times every 4 months.

He also started hating his parents for taking such a major decision in his life. He would always accuse them of the disorder he was mourning from. He even quit visiting them, picking their calls and even resisting their texts. He would miss classes to go find his sister, but at the end of the day, he would return empty-handed and disappointed.

All these thoughts made me dig even deeper into the hug. hyung was also hugging our backs. He broke the hug, held Jimin's drenched face in his hands and wiped his tears.

~Hobi's POV~

I held Jimin's face in my hands and wiped his tears. " Jimin-ah today I promise you that we will fight with this together. I will help you find your sister. We will get through this together. Me, you and taehyung. We are always there for you, always. We know what is going on with you so we won't ask why. You know whenever you are hurt or crying your sister may feel the pain too. The pain you feel when she is in trouble. Now be strong like you are. We will get through this."

~Jimin's POV~

I looked up at Hobi hyung and Taehyung and gave a small smile. I wiped my remaining tears and encouraged myself. I stood up and held their hands in mine and nodded. "Hyung can we go home, I don't have the strength to practice." I pleaded "I was thinking the same thing. What do you say hyung." Taehyung inquired. " sure let me tell the others and manager hyung and Tae you take Jimin to the car."

~Y/N's POV~

I arrived home 25 minutes ago and was now lying in my bed when I felt a sharp pain raising in my heart. It felt like someone was constantly shoving a dagger in and out of my heart. It hurt so bad. I knew what it represented. It meant that my twin was in trouble or was hurt. I couldn't handle the pain anymore. It aches so terribly. I fell to the ground. Because I didn't have the energy to even stand.

After 10 more minutes of misery, the pain started to diminish. I was crying so hard. I wanted to find my brother as fast as I could or this pain would kill me. I don't know why we were to be separated in the first place. What did I do to deserve such an agonized life?

While thinking I don't know when I drifted off to sleep.

~Author's POV~

Jimin also fell asleep in Jin's arms during their drive back to their dorm and later was laid on his bed with the help of Jungkook.

A/N note

Hello readers! How are you hope you are happy and safe.

Don't forget to vote for my story. You are free to comment. I will read all of them (at least try to) and if you have any queries related to the chapter you can always ask in the comments. I will clear it for you. You know your votes and comment encourage me to write more and more. So, please don't be a silent reader and vote for my story.

Thank you for reading my story.

Love from the author,
Stay safe.

Word count : 1653 excluding a/n note

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