The One That Got Away || Benn...

By _weasleylife_

211K 3.9K 503

Reagan Sullivan was never the one to cope. She always liked to avoid things. For example, feelings. When she... More

Season One
Season Two
Author's Note


1.4K 27 22
By _weasleylife_

"So even when the village shaman would try to call down the vengeance of the moon upon his enemies, he was still a snappy dresser." Mr. G explains to the class. Reagan and the guys were extremely bored, and it definitely not the first.

Reagan was falling in and out of consciousness as she was slowly falling asleep on her hand, her arm propped on the desk.

"I need a nap." She hears Benny groan.

"Oh, I miss naps," Rory says from beside Reagan. "The dreaming, the snoring, the drooling..."

"Since when did you give up drooling?" Ethan asks him. Rory shrugs before resting his head against Reagan, who simply pat the side of his head. 

"Here's a sight for scary eyes." Mr. G holds up an interesting-looking mask to the class as he begins talking about it. "According to native legend, an ancient warlock would use this mask to bring to life the fighting spirits of his army." 

"And the warlord's warriors would don the furs of wolves and bears and then-- do you know what would happen?" Mr. G asks as Rory lifts his head from Reagan's shoulder, interested in the topic. 

"Animal rights groups would protest?" Ethan suggests, then Benny adds, "They smelled like old carcasses?"

"No, the natives believed the warriors would turn into actual wolves and bears!" Mr. G explains.

The bell rings and everybody got up from their seats to leave. "I saw that you were sleeping, Rory. You too, Reagan." Mr. G tells the two. "Oh, I was pretending to sleep!"

"Great, now you can pretend to stay after class and clean the blackboards. And you, Reagan, considering how you have to tutor students, I'll let this slide." 


"You told her about the 'party'?" Benny asks as she and Benny stood at Ethan's locker. "Yeah, what's the big deal?"

"Oh, maybe because it'll be just the three of us." Reagan reminds him.

"Are you two seriously trying to tell me that we don't have a dozen friends with ready-to-wear costumes and no Halloween plans?" Ethan asks them.

"The only friends that we share are the vampires who are going to the Vampire Halloween party," Reagan tells him.

"Speaking of vampires, you really want to make Sarah's night, don't you?" Benny coos. 

"I just don't want to ruin her night. Anyways, we could at least invite Rory." Ethan says. "What?" Benny asks. "Do you remember what happened last time? The caveman thing? And that wasn't even a costume party."

"Look, I'm sure he'll be better this time." The three heard grunting from down the hall and saw Rory laughing maniacally and wearing the mask from Mr. G's class. Ethan looks to Benny who wasn't even surprised, and Reagan just sighs. "I still think that's better."


Reagan arrived at Ethan's house as she adjusted her skirt. For tonight, she was Pansy Parkinson from Harry Potter. She saw people entering Ethan's house and was surprised to see more people there than she thought there would be.

She enters the Morgan household and she instantly spots her friends. "Hey, guys." She looks at Benny and chuckles. "What are you supposed to be?"

"I couldn't decide between Merlin and a Mexican wrestler, so I picked both! Say Hola! to El Merlo Loco, the wizard-wrestler, who combines the best of the ARCANE and the INSANE!" Benny explains.

"You are so adorable." Reagan smiles at him.

"Nice look." Benny looks up and down her costume. "Too bad I wasn't the Draco to your Pansy." 

"I'm so glad you aren't. Most toxic people I have ever read, misunderstood but toxic." Reagan chuckles.

"Compared to this, Erica's traditional vampire Halloween is starting to sound like a blast."


The doorbell rings and Sarah walks over to answer it, Reagan following behind. She opens the door and Erica walks in.

"Hey, what happened to traditional vampire night?" Reagan asks the blonde. "Rory got us booted. He wouldn't take off that stupid mask."

"So, where is he?" Sarah asks.

"He was following me, so I threw him." Erica shrugs. "I'm not quite sure where he ended up."

"Well, I'm glad you are here. This party is way under control. At least I can have fun with you two." Sarah smiles. "Great, do you know where I can set up my meditation blanket?"

"Your what?"

"That's how we celebrate the true vampire Halloween," Erica explains. "Have any candles? No?" Erica walks upstairs and Sarah and Reagan share a look before sighing.

As Sarah follows Erica, Reagan walks into the kitchen where Jane was telling Ethan to take her trick-or-treating. 

"Okay, okay. Don't get your whiskers in a knot." Ethan calls after her as she walks away.

"Can I come with you? Girl-illa won't stop flirting with me." Benny says, pointing to the girl who wore a gorilla costume and smiling at him. Ethan nods before going to find Jane. 

Reagan watches as girl-illa wouldn't stop staring at Benny. She walks over and sits on Benny's lap as she glared at the girl. "Got a staring problem, girl-illa?" 

The girl's eyes widen before scurrying off into the living room. She looks at Benny who had a smirk on his face. "What?"

"You're hot when you're jealous." He tells her.

"Oh, shut up." Reagan jokingly rolls her eyes. Benny leans forward and presses his lips against hers. The two shared a short, sweet kiss before Ethan shouted their names.

Reagan pulls away, then smiles. "Let's go trick-or-treat."

The three teenagers went out the back door with Jane and made their way down the neighborhood. 

When arriving at the first house, Benny comes up the porch steps with a garbage bin decorated with spiderwebs. "What's that for?"

"If we're doing this, I'm gonna break my record: 11.28 pounds," Benny tells them as Jane knocks on the door. She backs away from the door with candy in her hands, and Benny steps forwards with his garbage bin. 

"Children certainly are getting tall these days. Are you sure you're not too old to be doing this?" The elderly woman asks him, and Benny nods in reply. "Let me get my glasses out."

"No!" Benny exclaims in a high-pitched voice, which made Reagan and Ethan snort from containing their laughter. "I'm ten. I love recess and balloons and... that cartoon about that bouncy thing."

"All right, then. There you go." The lady hands him a candy bar. "T-Thanks." 

The old lady shuts the door and Reagan and Ethan start laughing at Benny.


"I thought the seeds would be the worst part, but it's clearly the mint," Ethan says as the four of them walk through the back door. 

Their conversation was cut short at the sound of growling coming from the living room. They ran in to find a ninja fighting a gorilla. "That looks like a real sword," Benny says.

"And that sounds... and smells like a gorilla." The three look at each other in confusion before going back to the kitchen. "Something's not right here," Ethan tells them.

"I know. This party is awesome. I never knew our friends were so much fun." Benny says. "I don't think they are."

Grunting was heard as Rory bounces into the kitchen wearing Mr.s G's mask. He walks up from behind Jane as she says, "Hey, Rory. Neat mask."

"Ror, what's going on?" Reagan asks him when he suddenly put his hands on the sides of Jane's head and his hands glowed red. "BA-NE-DEE-TEE-NIN!"

Rory maniacally laughs before running away from them. "Meow." Reagan and the guys look at Jane and their eyes widen. She currently did not look like herself. She had a cat's snout and whiskers, her eyes yellow.

"There you are!" Sarah yells as she pulls the three into the dining room. "Did Rory just turn Jane into a cat?" Ethan asks.

"I don't know what's happening, but he really got this party started," Sarah tells them.

"He's wearing that native mask from Mr. G's class. What did Mr. G say it did?" Ethan questions. "You're asking me to remember something from class?"

"Figure it out later. Stop it now. We can't let a gorilla and a ninja out onto the streets." Sarah tells them. "I got this." Benny says before chanting, "Groundus domicus eternius!" 

"You really think that's gonna help?" Reagan asks, knowing the spell he used. "What did he do?"

"It's the spell grandma uses to ground me. No one gets outside." Benny smirks. "Ethan, I'm home!" Mrs. Morgan's voice came from the living room. 

"What about inside?"

By the time the four ran into the kitchen, Rory removed his hands from Mrs. Morgan's head and ran away. "Mom?"

"Quiet!" She yells. She turns around, holding a wand in her hand and cackling. She now had a long, green nose. "Not another word or I'll turn you into a toad!"

"Can she really--" Ethan asks before Mrs. Morgan waved her wand and shot Ethan with a green beam. He was now transformed into a frog on the floor. Mrs. Morgan blew the end of her wand before walking away with a cackle. 

"We can fix this!" Reagan quickly says before waving her hand. It glowed red before Ethan appeared on her hand, thankfully, he made no effort to hop away.

Then, the three headed upstairs to Ethan's room.


After setting Ethan onto the ground, Benny places a trash can over him to prevent him from hopping away.

"You know, I think he's cuter as a toad," Erica says.

"All right, stand back." Benny pretends to crack his knuckles, and the girls took a step back. "Amphibiar formus malnath ecto-personam!" A blue beam hit the trash can and the toad transformed back to Ethan. Well... most of it. 

When Benny went to remove the trash can from Ethan's head, the four screamed at the sight of Ethan still having a toad head.

"Okay, ladies and gent, stand back. It's time for Reagan Sullivan's magic show." She held up her hand and they glowed red. "Amphibiar returnus malnath ecto-personam."

Benny slowly reaches out to lift the trash can. He sighs in relief when Ethan's head was back to normal. "Hey-ey-ey."

"I'll freak out about this later," Ethan says. "But thanks, Reg." Reagan pretends to wipe the dust off her shoulders with a proud smirk on her face.


"So, an ancient warlord used this mask to turn his warriors into wolves and wears," Reagan explains as she, Benny, and Ethan sat at Ethan's desk. "The gods were angry with this warlord, so they blasted his mask off with a bolt of lightning, and his warriors turned back to normal."

"Can you two lightning the mask off?" Ethan asks them. "This is 15,000-year-old magic. Only a big-time wizard would have this kind of power."

"A wizard like El Merlo Loco?"


"I don't like this plan," Reagan says as she follows Benny down the stairs to find Rory. Benny yells to get his attention. "Oh, great warlord! Your army has an ape and a butler, but you're missing a mighty wizard-like me." 

Rory turns to him and grabs the sides of his head yelling, "BA-NE-DEE-TEE-NIN!" He pushes him behind and bounces into the living room. 

Ethan joins them and looks at Benny. "Hey, Benny. Get that lightning going. It's almost midnight, We need to get Rory's mask off!"

"Que?" Benny whips his head to face Ethan. He had a real cape and wrestler's belt on. 

"Oh no." Reagan sighs.

"Don't tell me-- you don't speak English." 

"Si, si," Benny mumbles before looking at Reagan with a smirk. "Adios, Hermosa." He grabs her hand and plants a kiss on top of it before walking away.

Ethan and Reagan share a look when Rory comes up to them and puts his hand on the side of their head. "Rory, no!"



"Erica, we need your help! Benny doesn't speak English, Reagan won't stop insulting every person she sees calling them 'blood traitors', and Ethan won't stop brooding!" Sarah exclaims as she walks into Ethan's room with him following behind, him now a gloomy vampire from Dusk.

"It is nerd-bashing time, folks!" Erica says as she leaves Ethan's room.


A flash of blue washes out everyone as they look around confused. Benny stood over Rory with his foot on his chest, Reagan found herself writing in a journal in writing she couldn't even recognize and Sarah and Ethan had their lips centimeters away from each other. "What are we doing?"

They look over at the others and they were just as confused as them. "Is this a party? Am I invited?" Rory asks in excitement on the floor before groaning. "Oh, my head."

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