Protectors [One Piece Fanfict...

By wanderingsoulll

282K 9.1K 3.3K

She grew up with the ASL trio but, unlike them, she became the world's Youngest Vice Admiral. After the Summi... More

Strange Ice Man and Mysterious Water Woman
Smooth Thighs, Pink Hair
Best Friend in the Whole Entire World
Her Power and His Father
The Girl's Past
Your Father is... Who?
Jaya Island with Ace
Leaving so soon?
Sail Away, Luffy!
A Little Into Her Life
The Beginning of Old Adventures
Old Adventures: Meeting Whitebeard
Old Adventures: Party Reveal
Old Adventures: The Alcohol Talking
Old Adventures: Uncles?
Old Adventures: Breakfasts and Accusations
Old Adventures: "She's Mad, Mad"
Old Adventures: Fight Fight Fight
Izou the Therapist: His Thoughts
Irin and the Three Musketeers
Old Adventures: The Beach Episode
Old Adventures: Good Idea
Old Adventures: Emo Boy Band Boys
Old Adventures: Evil Plagues the Pure
Old Adventures: Fireflies, Fireworks and Fire Fist
Old Adventures: "I love..."
Old Adventures: The Chronicles of Dumb and Dumber
Old Adventures: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Old Adventures: That Time on Fishman Island
Old Adventures: ζ„›
Kids on a Rampage
The Lie
The Monster Called Regret
The Empress Meets The Angel
Secrets and Plans
Gift For Him
Let the War Begin
Bottled Rage
Death Looming Over
His Protector
Everlasting Wound
Been a Hot Minute

Water 7 with Ice Man?

15.3K 580 83
By wanderingsoulll

Water 7 with Ice Man?

"Hey hey, Kuzan-san! Can we head to Water Seven for a while, please?" Irin asked Aokiji excitedly as they neared Water Seven. "Huh? Why?" the Admiral questioned lazily, not wanting to go there and having other things he needed to attend to. Irin grinned and replied, "Because you said that Luffy's there and I wanna see if he has caused any trouble since we're nearby anyways."

 Monkey D. Luffy was Irin's childhood friend whom she had not met since she was 14 and now she was already 19, though still very much childlike. "Fine..." Kuzan reluctantly agreed to Irin's request and cycled towards the shipwright island.

The two Marines arrived at Water Seven, Irin took in the scenery with wonder, "Woahh... I've never been here before." 

 Kuzan looked at the pink haired girl and commented, "Huh.. It's so near to our Headquarters though," Irin looked at him while shrugging her shoulders, "I dunno, Fleet Admiral Sengoku never gave me a job here before,". She walked deeper into the shipwright town, admiring the building structures, though most seemed half destroyed, and the Yagara's that transported people around the town. "Wow... This place is so cool! It's like a theme park..." Irin described. She continued strolling around the town, venturing deeper into the island.


"The Yagara's are so cute!"

"I wonder if they sell rice here, I want to eat their local dishes with rice,"

"I wanna ride a Yagara!"

"Kuzan-san let's go rent a Yagara! I'll pay, of course,"

Irin continued to walk ahead, awaiting Kuzan's reply. Hearing no response from the ice man, she turned around to face Kuzan, only to be met with no one but the citizens of Water Seven. "Oh crap, I walked off too far!" cried Irin, she ran back towards the direction she came from, towards the sea. Once she arrived at the edge of the island she still couldn't find the Navy Admiral. "Did he get lost?" Irin thought out loud as she scanned her surroundings.

 Unable to find Kuzan, Irin switched her gaze towards the ocean where she found the cycling Admiral. He had left her on Water Seven.

 Irin's jaw dropped when she spotted Kuzan in the middle of the ocean, cycling. "Kuzan-san, you piece of shit! How can you just leave me here?! How am I supposed to get back to headquarters if you leave me here?!" Irin shouted at the Admiral, loud enough for him to hear as she stood there, steam puffing out of her ears from anger. Inaudible to Irin, Kuzan replied, "Ararara... How vulgar, Irin... Oh well. You'll find a way, I'm sure," he looked in the direction of Irin's voice, "You can just swim across the ocean if you must. Oh wait. You can't," Kuzan's eyes widened at his joke then laughing as he found Irin's inability to swim funny but he was the same as her. He couldn't swim either...

"Ahhh! I can't believe he just left me here! How am I supposed to get back now?!" complained Irin as she walked through the streets of Water Seven, towards a Yagara rental store. She rented a Yagara then decided to roam around the town, everyone was busy rebuilding their houses from what seemed to be a storm and nobody greeted her like how the Water Seven folks usually would. "I guess I could take their water train to Enies Lobby, then ask for a ride back to the headquarters there," Irin thought, concluding her plan on returning to the Navy Headquarters. The pink haired girl's stomach growled, "I'm hungry..." she grumbled sadly. Irin then shot up, suddenly finding the energy to be happy, "Well! It's time to eat then! Food, where are you??"she cooed, scanning the area for food. To her dismay, she was nowhere near the shopping district and she had no idea where the shopping district was so she asked the townspeople, "Excuse me! Do you know where I can buy some food?"

 A man replied to Irin saying that most of their food stalls aren't open and that an annual storm called 'Aqua Laguna' just took place, he did however, tell her that the shopping district was just a few blocks away. "All right! Time to get some food!" Irin puffed, excitedly.

As Irin was got ready to head towards the shopping district, the townspeople suddenly gathered in a crowd and started whispering amongst themselves.

"It's the Navy!"

"They're here to arrest the pirates!"

'Huh the Navy is here? I thought I was the only Marine here? Oh well. At least now I can get a ride back,' Irin thought as she scanned the crowd quietly.

'Wait... The Navy is here? But Luffy is here too... Oh no! They're gonna kill him! Ahh where is he on this island?! Gotta distract the Navy first!' panicked Irin as she turned her head left to right before facing forward and towards the crowd.

"Hey! Look over there! That's Vice Admiral Garp's ship! Straight from the Navy Headquarters!"

'Garp-jii san? What's he doing here? Don't tell me..Oh no...' Irin panicked again, rushing towards the crowd.

"Wait did you say 'Garp' ? The same man that almost captured Gold Roger over and over again? He's a living legend!"

"They're not messing around if they sent him here,"

"Those pirates better run or they're finished!"

Vice Admiral Garp took the lead and walked in front of the seamen and his other subordinates. The gate leading to the Galley-La Company Headquarters opened up and the Vice Admiral entered the headquarters with his intimidating presence.

"W-Wait a second officer. There's no one but our president at the back- ," a man said, trying to defend the Straw Hats.

"Move it! I know you're hiding those pirates," demanded Garp as he pushed aside the crowd who were blocking his way.

"I swear, we're not!" another man defended.

"Hey! You can't go inside!" a shipwright shouted.

"Hold on! The Straw Hats are heroes!" someone tried to argue, but another person's hand shut them up from speaking and revealing that the Straw Hats were indeed present, "Shut up!" they scolded.

On the other hand, Irin was trying her very best to maneuver through the crowd, " 'Scuse me!" and "Sorry!" were constantly repeated by her. She wanted to just bust through the crowds but she also didn't want to hurt any of the townspeople by moving through so harshly. 'Ahhh Garp-jiisan what are you doing here? Don't tell me you're here to arrest Luffy!' Irin thought as she hastily moved through the crowds. She needed to get to Luffy before Garp did anything. It wasn't that Garp was a bad person, she was just aware of how powerful Garp was and she feared for her childhood friend's life. "Gotta hurry! Gotta hurry!" Irin huffed, hurrying towards the Main Street.

The Navy marched into the Galley-La Headquarters with Garp taking the front and then came to a stop when the Vice Admiral halted at the front of a building. They were in front of the Galley-La building. A grin was plastered on Garp's face as he ordered two of his subordinates, "All right, you two. Wait here," with a quick response, "Yes, sir!" the two boys replied. The Navy Vice Admiral walked to the side of the building and instead of entering the building like a normal person, he busted a hole through the wall with his punch. Before his punch, he breathed into his fist and chuckled then boom. A hole through the Galley- La building's wall.

From inside the building, the Straw Hats brought their arms to their heads, shielding themselves from the flying debris that Garp caused. Nami shrieked and Sanji yelled out, "What the hell?!". Still shielding himself from the explosion of the broken wall, Chopper asked loudly, "What's going on?!" but there was no response. The Straw Hats, excluding Zoro because he got lost again, and Franky tried to see through the smoke to see who their violator was. A figure appeared from the debris and smoke, "Pardon me, are you folks the Straw Hat Pirates? A voice spoke, "You see, I have some friends here that would like to share a word with Monkey D. Luffy," the smoke cleared which revealed that the voice belonged to Garp.

"The Navy?!" both Sanji and Franky exclaimed, taking a protective stance in front of Luffy's sleeping body that was miraculously sitting and eating not long ago. Garp spotted Luffy and grined, "Dumb kid, he never learns. Just as careless as ever," he spoke to himself then dashed past the two were protecting Luffy and dashed towards the captain of the Straw Hats. Franky and Sanji's eyes widened in shock at Garp's speed, "What?!" Franky exclaimed, "Damn, he's fast!" Sanji said, loudly.

"Rise and shine!" Garp shouted, landing a huge blow right on Luffy's head and the straw hat boy's head crashed into the ground, debris flying around once again. Garp grinned. "Luffy!" Chopper yelled with concern for his captain. Luffy fell backwards and into the ground from the impact. Awakened from the impact, he shot up, grabbing his head and shouted, "Ow! That hurt! Owww!!" as he squirmed around on the ground.

 "What happened?! Why would one little punch hurt you?! You're made of rubber!" Sanji scolded his captain in which Garp replied saying, "It's because there is no defense against the Fist of Love!" as he removed his dog designed headgear, grinning. "You've been getting into a lot of trouble lately, haven't you? Luffy," Garp questioned the young captain while smiling. Shocked by the sound of the Vice Admiral's voice, Luffy's head snapped up, towards the owner of the voice, "E-Eh?! G-G-G-Grandpa?!" Luffy yelled while still holding onto his swollen head.

The whole crew were shocked by the reveal and shouted, "What?! Grandpa?!?!"

"A Marine Vice Admiral is your...Grandpa?!?!" everyone shouted in shock.

Luffy sat there, still holding onto his head as he stared at his grandpa, tears forming in his eyes from the pain. "Isn't there something you need to apologize to me for?!" Garp asked, smiling and gazing at Luffy. Realising who Luffy's grandfather was, Nami stated, "Garp is the name of the Navy hero!", the fact shocked the others present in the room, "W-What?!" Franky and Chopper exclaimed. Everyone was shocked. Shocked that Luffy's grandfather was someone legendary and shocked at the fact that the legendary Garp had a grandson. "Garp?! Luffy, is your grandpa really...?!" Sanji asked, surprised, yet cautious, "He is... So don't try to fight him!" Luffy replied, ordering his crew to stand down. Shocking everyone with his very captain-like order, the Straw Hat's eyes widened as they stared at Luffy.

"I was almost killed by grandpa a ton of times in the past," the captain informed his crew of his grandfather's terror.

"Hey now don't start speaking ill of me," Garp requested, "When I tossed you into that bottomless ravine, And left you in the jungle at night, And tied you to balloons and sent you up into the skies. All of it was to make you into a strong man! In the end, I left you with a close friend to continue training with Ace," he stated. He closed his eyes and sighed, "And while you were out of my sight this has happened... I did all that to forge you into a strong Marine!!!" Garp scolded. Luffy jumped up from his sitting position and argued, "I always told you that I wanted to be a pirate, didn't I?!", Garp argued back saying that Luffy was corrupted by 'that 'Red Hair''. This enraged the straw hat boy as he looked up to the mentioned 'Red Hair' a lot, "I-I owe my life to Shanks! Don't insult him!" he yelled at his grandfather.

 Garp then grabbed Luffy by his shirt and threatened to land a blow on him, "Do you mean you're telling your own grandfather what to do?!" the Vice Admiral scolded. Luffy squirmed in Garp's hold and apologised, "Ahhh! I'm sorry!!". This caused the Straw Hat's to worry about their captain as he was caught by a high level Marine and was about to get punched. As they were going to jump in to save Luffy, the grandfather and grandson duo fell asleep while in their positions, Garp holding on to Luffy's shirt while getting ready to punch and Luffy's body went limp in Garp's hold. The two snored away.

It depended on who awoke first and this time it was Garp. He punched Luffy as a way to wake his grandson up and then proceeded to beat Luffy up. Garp scolded the Straw Hat's captain while beating him up, informing him that Shanks, who Luffy looks up to, was a Yonko, one of the Four Emperors in the New World.

Back to Irin, she was still rushing towards the Galley-La Headquarters but, as usual, it was hard to move in the crowd and they were blocking her too saying that there were no pirates here. The crowd started whispering amongst themselves when they realised who Irin was.

"Wait... Isn't she...?"

"That's her!"

"The Straw Hats are finished!"

"Somebody stop her!"

"Idiot! Do you know who she is?!"

Yadda yadda yadda, the townspeople thought she was here to kill the Straw Hats when in fact she was on her way to save them. "Please move aside, I'm not here to kill pirates..." Irin spoke as she tried to swim through the crowd, "Don't lie to us!" someone yelled. She was frustrated with the crowd but she couldn't bring herself to burst through the crowd and hurt the people on her way. "Please! I'm telling the truth.... I'm... I'm friends with Straw Hat!" Irin yelled which caught the crowd's attention.

"Straw Hat's friend?" everyone muttered among themselves and while they were distracted, Irin made a dash for the Galley-La headquarters, boy was she a fast runner. She ran past the gates that separated the Galley-La headquarters from the rest of the Main Street. Coby, one of Vice Admiral Garp's subordinates, noticed her, "Ah! Hello, Vi-," he tried to greet her, keyword, 'tried'.

"GARP-JIISAN!!" Irin yelled as she sprinted towards the building that had a hole made by Garp. She could see Garp standing over someone and she skidded to a stop right next to Coby and Helmeppo as she panted, trying to catch her breath from all the running.

Luffy and Garp's eyes widened when they heard Irin's voice. The Straw Hat's captain slowly stood up, there was only one person he knew that addressed his grandfather in this way. 

He walked towards the holey entrance that Garp made, brows furrowed while eyes were still wide, as if in shock. When he arrived at the entrance and found the owner of the voice. And when he saw Irin, his eyes widened even more. She had her hands rested on her knees, body bent down as she panted.

 Irin shifted her gaze up when she felt someone approaching. Her eyes widened and her mouth remained slightly agape from all the panting. It was Luffy. Her childhood friend. Her first friend. The one and only Monkey D. Luffy and at that moment, she did not want to see him.

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