Saved? by the Mafia (Hyunsung)

By Purple_Foxx_

27.2K 1K 269

Mafia leader Han Jisung is interested in a famous model. After hearing of another mafias plan to kidnap the m... More


1.6K 66 18
By Purple_Foxx_

Jisung was done for the day. The two "useless" captives were dead. The second more gory than the first. Jisung himself was covered in blood. He simply skipped out of the basement however with a smile on his face. "Innie ~ have one of the security guards clean this up yeah?"

"Yeah sure hyung" seeing Jisung like that kinda freaked him out, but he knew he could trust Jisung so it didn't bother him too much. Jisung skipped back to his room, pausing when he saw hyunjin wasn't there. He checked the time. It was still an hour and a half til dinner so he shouldn't be out of the room. Instantly worried about the older safety he took the quickest shower he ever has, tossing the bloody clothes into the trash and getting dressed in fresh clean ones.

Jisung made sure to grab his dagger before leaving his room. Searching and asking all the staff if they'd seen hyunjin. He worried hyunjin had went to the east wing of the mansion. Just as he was about to go there he heard a laugh come from the dinning room. Hyunjin's laugh.

Quickly he made his way there. He was relieved when he saw yoojin and hyunjin joking around. Hyunjin looked calm, relaxed. He seemed to actually be enjoying it here. "Have you guys been here since lunch." Jisung asked while leaning in the doorway with a smile on his face.

This catching the attention of both. Yoojin glanced at her phone seeing that it was already 5. "Oh my- it's already been five hours"

"Really? It felt like maybe only one" hyunjin chuckled. "Time flies by fast noona"

"Yes it does jinnie. I better get back to work. I trust he'll be in good hands with you Sungie?"

"Of course noona" yoojin nodded and left.

"Cmon, I'll show you to the livingroom." Jisung walked off while hyunjin followed behind. Jisung being his first one night stand, hyunjin felt awkward. The two sat down on the couch.

"So what did you and noona talk about?" Jisung put his dagger down on the table so he could get comfortable on the couch without accidentally stabbing himself.

"Mm many things, past experiences, funny stories.... you"

"Me?" Hyunjin shyly nodded while Jisung smiled.

"What about me? Tell me baby"

A slight blush appeared on hyunjin's cheeks after hearing the pet name Jisung gave him.

"J-just some questions I had" hyunjin mentally facepalmed when he stuttered.

"Oh? What questions?"

"Just basic things"

"Mm, so in that case what do you know about me?"

"Your besties with yoojin noona's brother. Half the close members you've known for half your life. You really like cheesecake. And your favorite color is red."

"Mm, all very true. What about you jinnie? What are something's for me to know about you." Of course whatever he was probably going to say Jisung already knew.

"Mm I have a dog, kkami. I'm an only child. Yk im a model already... um I really like iced americanos. And my favorite colors are black and white."

Yep just like Jisung predicted, he already knew all of that. "Nice... do you miss kkami?"

Hyunjin quickly nodded. "Yeah, kkami is like my pride and joy"

Jisung hummed in response. He would have to send someone to get kkami for hyunjin. He snapped his fingers and one of the guards came over. He whispered to the guard to bring hyunjin's dog to the mansion. Nodding the guard left.

"Want to watch a movie til dinner?"


"Do you wanna pick?" He didn't know the olders movie taste so he decided to let him pick it.

"Mhm" hyunjin took the remote and started looking for one.

But before they could start the movie Chan came in. "Jisung, update on EXO" they saw hyunjin visibly turn nervous at the mention of the name.

"Relax jinnie" Jisung put his hand on hyunjin's shoulder. "They aren't gonna get you, I'm not gonna let them." Hyunjin instantly calmed down giving a thankful smile to Jisung.

"What's the update hyung?"

"They still haven't found out who but they're getting more mafias involved.. we have to be careful."

"Right... call Ateez. Set up a meeting"

"For tomorrow?"

"Yeah that works" Chan walked off to make the call.

"Ateez?" Hyunjin questioned.

"Yes, our closest allies. They'll hopefully help us keep an eye on whoever EXO is recruiting to help them."

"Mm ok... can we start the movie now?"

"Of course jinnie" Jisung silently told the maids they'ed be eating in the livingroom for dinner while hyunjin started the movie.

Halfway through the movie dinner was brought to them. It was hyunjin's favorite shockingly. He quickly enjoyed it and even asked for seconds. Obviously Jisung made sure he got some.

———————-once the movie was over——————-
The maids had already cleaned up. Hyunjin was getting sleepy. That was until loud barking and growling was heard from near by startling the two.

"AHH!" They heard the guard screaming. He ran into the room. That's when they saw kkami bitting onto the guards pants shaking it, not letting go.

"Kkami?!" Hyunjin was shocked. The dog instantly letting go when hearing hyunjin's voice. The guard ran off.

'Weak' Jisung thought as he watched the guard being terrified of a small dog. "KKAMIIIII" hyunjin jumped up from his seat and ran to his dog. Kkami had other ideas though, dodging hyunjin.

"Heyyy! Come here!" Jisung laughed watching hyunjin chase the pup. Kkami ended up jumping onto Jisung's lap which startled him. Kkami looked at him and sniffed him before laying down.

Hyunjin's Jaw dropped. "Seriously kkami." Kkami yipping in return. "You've known him for like two seconds and you choose him!" Hyunjin spoke in the most dramatic tone ever heard.

Jisung just pet kkami finding hyunjin's reactions entertaining. "Y'know I actually really like kkami"

Hyunjin just scoffed then sat down sulking. "How did kkami even get here?"

"I asked the guard to go get kkami after you told me you missed him"

"Oh.. thank you Sungie"

They smiled at each other, a connection starting to be felt when kkami interrupted by standing up and barking the second he saw that guard he was biting. The two looking at kkami.

"Ok I think it's time for bed" Jisung stood up with kkami in his arms.

"Where will kkami sleep?"

"Well we have a dog room since Chan's dog berry stays here, so he can either stay with us or sleep in there."

"Can he sleep with us for tonight? I miss him"

"Of course jinnie" the two when to Jisung's room with kkami and went to sleep for the night.

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