the last Aztecan

By mountaindew_luvr

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Nala and Alyxa are flying to california to go to a boarding school with their friend Arien. when their plane... More

chapter 1, pic of nala
chapter 2, pic of derek
chapter 3, pic of jake
chapter 4, pic of liam
chapter 6
chapter 7, pic of callum
chapter 8, pic of alyxa
chapter 9, pic of arein
authors note/ characaters

chapter 5, pic of clayton

228 7 4
By mountaindew_luvr


"C'mon dude, cheer up. You have been all sad all weekend, its kinda depressing to see your alpha brought to his knees by a human girl." my friend tried to cheer me up, he frowned when his wonderful plan did not work and I just glared at him.

"I was not brought to my knees." I huffed.

"Yea, sure you aren't." Ryan teased me. His black eyes laughing at me, Calum and Cayton just laughed and shoved each other. They were twins and never went without each other, they also liked to confuse people, they looked exactly the same with blonde hair and gray eyes. Derek was my twin with green eyes and black hair. We were all waiting for the bell to ring so class could start.

"If you don't cheer up we will make posters of her face and put them up all over the California. Then say 'wanted, please call, lover boy is dying with out his lady!'" Derek said, the others snorting their laughter.

I glared and shut them up with my alpha powers, making them glare at me. "Do you guys hear that?" it was singing, from down the hall.

I heard 3 girls singing ala-freakin-bama by trace Adkins.

"I said darlin where you from

She said watch your tongue, do you really have to ask?

I'm from wash-freaking-ton, wash-freaking-ton

I said slow down sister, don't mean to make you mad

I can roll with the flow, and you can roll with the tide.

I don't mind if you do, I think its kinda cute how you say it with pride

Say it honey

Wash-freaking-ton, wash-freaking-ton"

"Is it supposed to say Washington? Is that how the song goes?" Callum asked. My silence rule broken.

"No, you dork, it goes cali-freakin-fornia." Clayton glared at him. They started to get in each others faces and Derek pulled them apart. I smacked their arms as the 3 singing girls walked in. then they all froze and looked at the girls "Who are they?"

The first girl had fiery red hair and ocean blue eyes, it was the girl I had seen at the airport. The second girl was Alyxa, her brown eyes looking over the class room and widing in surprise when they saw me. So the third girl had to be Nala, but all I could see was a flash of dark curls. I knew it was her, even if I couldn't see, I can still smell and feel in my chest, it was Nala.

The girls all laughed and sat down in the front row. I was going to walk up and greet them when someone beat me there. "Hullo, new girl? You are sitting in my seat." tiffany, the most popular girl in the school stood in front of Nala, and looked down her nose at her.

"Well I was told to sit anywhere I want, and I want to sit here." I could hear the smile in her voice, and I sidled around so I could see half her face. She was smiling.

"Well you can want all you want, but my daddy owns this school, and I am rich." that is usually enough to cow the new kid into moving.

"Well good for your daddy." Nala just kept on smiling, she didn't make a move to turn at all.

"You see, my daddy bought me that chair so I can sit wherever I want. I don't know how poor your dad is, but he isn't the richest one here." tiffany leaned over and gave the human equivalent of snarling.

"But...." Arein started but Nala cut her off with a look. Arein just frowned and didn't say anything.

Nala got up, and looked her in the eye, "Ok, I'll move out of your chair." was I the only one to see her sly smile?

Tiffany sniffed and turned on her heel to march back to her group, her blonde hair swung back in forth. Nala watched her for a second then started to slide the chair. I smiled and walked up, "You are a genius."

She spun around as I picked the chair up and replaced it with a normal chair. She watched me for a second, then threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug "I know, it twas brilliant on the spot thinking!" she gave her hair a fake little flip and added a high pitched sound to her voice

I smiled at her, "Don't flatter yourself."

She smiled back at me, "Woops, all ready did. Who was that girl?" she flicked her thumb towards tiffany.

"Tiffany, if the school had a team cheerleader, she would be it. Top girl in school, beautiful, rich, every guys dream. Not mine though, I prefer a girl who knows a frying pan when she see's one. And tiffany is just so full of hubris it makes me want to puke."

"you know its hard to see the difference of a frying pan and a bowl? Go easy on the poor thing. And its not like most people here know what hubris means?" she laughed at me.

"Do you?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

She just winked then looked over her shoulder. "And here comes the witch." she sat down as tiffany walked back over.

"what do you think you are doing?" tiffany asked, standing right in front of Nala.

"Ummmm sitting, last time I checked. Yup, still sitting. What's it look like im doing? Dancing?" Nala looked up with innocence in her eyes.

"It looks like you are sitting in my chair." she snarled.

"Nope, Blondie, this aint your chair. I can point yours out to you." she pointed to her new chair spot. "Congratulations, you got up graded." she made a big hand gesture wave thing and gave the biggest fake smile yet.

Tiffany turned red, either because of the slight insult or because we moved her chair, the world will never know. "Look, country freak, you aren't the boss here. I am. You cant go throwing your weight around and expect everyone to bow to your will. They bow to mine. I am boss and you better stop acting like something you will never ever be."

Nala looked up with a very bored expression on and twanged like a true southerner. "I aint throwin my weight around. I was told to sit anywhere, so I sat next to my friends. If you have a problem with that doll face, then you just say it. Now you giddy-up to your seat like a good Barbie before the teacher gets here so you can act like his pet. You leave me and my friends alone and we might just get along, you got that?" I greatly approved of the accent, she can acutely do one and not ruin it.

Tiffany had murder written all over her face but went and sat down as the bell rang. And Nala turned around as my boys and I sat down behind her, smiling like that was the funniest thing ever. "Wasn't that just a field of flowers?" she twanged to us.

I smiled at her, "You took the words right outta my mouth."

"Oh well shucks, sorry cowboy, shoulda said them sooner." she pouted to me. Then she dropped most of the accent and nodded to my boys, "Friends?"

I nodded, "Callum, clayton, twins, and Ryan, then Derek, my twin."

She looked shocked, "I didn't know you had a twin."

"Sure thing, I've been with him forever. That was some magic you worked there." Derek shook her hand.

"We are quite impressed." the twins gave her a deep bow.

"Welcome to the club." Ryan winked at her.

"Okay, okay, everyone just calm down." the teacher, Mr. Goforth walked in. "We have some new students, Nala and Alyxa. Stand up front and tell us about you."

They both stood up at the same time and walked up front to stand next to each other. Alyxa swayed slightly into Nala and she tapped Alyxa's hand.

"Hullo, my name is Nala, I come from Bentoncity Washington. I raise animals and I play soccer and hunt."

"Hi, my name is Alyxa, I am from Richland Washington, I play softball and keep Nala out of trouble." Nala glared at her and Alyxa just smiled like an angel. They both sat back down but not before Nala tripped Alyxa and they glared at each other. They kicked each others chair for the rest of the period before someone kicked Arein's then she slapped their hands. Then they started a slapping fight when the teacher didn't look. It ended with them calling each other names and writing them on pieces of paper. Finally at the end of class they couldn't contain them selves, when the bell rang they exploded.

"How dare you say that purple people eaters will not even come close to me!?" Nala asked Arein.

"Well how could you call me a fiery piece of chocolate!?!" she asked back.

"I just cant believe you guys said I was a saggy yellow yam!" Alyxa told them.

Apparently the name calling was nothing too bad.

"And how do you know these fine ladies?" Callum asked, eyeing Arein. Nala watched him like a mother wolf and he stopped watching her.

Alyxa walked over to my side and let go of the spell that held her scent from us. The boys instantly stiffened and looked at her, growling. Then she spoke in my mind, not knowing they can hear my thoughts.

"Is it safe for me?"

"They can hear you in my head."

"oh, what's up guys? So you share all thoughts? At all times?"


"Even when you are with your girlfriends? The boys hear everything you are thinking?"


"Oh icky! I pity the females in your group."

The boys laughed and gave her high fives, the other girls just frowned at us.

"I met Nala and Alyxa in the airport on the way here, I was telling you guys about them." I explained, the guys looked Nala over realizing she was my girl. She just looked them right back and matched them stare for stare.

"Nice to met you." Derek said. The others would of said something and probably embarrassed me but we all had to get to class.

It was after school and we all were standing next to the giant fountain that had a stone platypus in it. When I heard a noise that wasn't to common in the city, pounding hoof beats.

I saw a huge black stallion matching those hoof beats, heading strait towards our group. It let out a loud whinny and didn't slow its mad dash when it saw us. And I saw why, it had a fly mask wrapped around its head, blocking most of its view.

We all dived out the way and started to run. I was half way across the court yard when I saw Nala had stayed behind and was in front of the giant beast. I spun around and started to run back when it stopped, a hands breth away from her. Nala had a single hand up, inches away from the horses velvet nose. Her mouth was moving but I couldn't hear anything.

A hand grabbed my arm and stopped me, I snarled in Alyxa's face and she just shook her head.

All of a sudden the horse belched out a loud horsey neigh and reared up, pummeling the air around Nala's head. I have seen too many horse related accidents to resist that one, but Alyxa's strong little arms held me back. Nala just held still and let it land on all 4 feet before she wipped her jacket off and wrapped it around the horses head, controlling it.

"Its safe to come over now." she called over to us, looking into the horses eyes as it slowed its breathing ddown and lowered its head. "Shhh, theres a good boy, yes you are. The fly mask is annoying isn't it? How about I take it off?" and she took it off and the horse shook its mane out and rubbed its head against her chest.

"You know this horse?" I asked, slowly walking up in the horses line of view.

"Yup, this is my stallion, Bach, short for Bucephalas. I named him after king Alexander's horse." she looked over at me shyly, I just nodded and said cool.

"How did he get here?" Callum asked, slowly walking up behind me.

"Mark must be here. He was going to bring me horses down on his way to Chico." she started to walk of and the horse followed like a well trained puppy. When someone walked to close it laid its ears back and tried to bite. Nala glared at it and it started to stop.

We walked around the corner and say a huge trailer with a guy standing next to it, he smiled when we came over and the horse got in the trailer, squealing at the other horses.

"Sorry for letten him out miss. I was just going in to fix his fly mask." the guy bowed his head in shame and Nala assured him he was fine. Then the guy smiled and swept her up in a big bear hug and swung her around. When he set her down he kissed her forehead. "I missed you little girl."

"I might of missed you too big guy." she smiled back with warmth in her eyes. Yea, I wasn't jealous at all.

"So who are you?" I asked, trying not to bristle to much. don't think I controlled it very well.

He looked at me over her head, "Her older brother. Who are you?"

"A friend she met in the airport." I glared right back, it was a challenge and he knew it.

"I have a present for you Nala." he didn't take his eyes off mine. "He is quite a beauty."

"OHHHHH! What is it? Tell me! Tell me now." she squealed then growled at him, seeing the humor in his eyes.

"Its in the truck, a very rare thing too." he chuckled and held her back when she tried to look in.

She glared and was about to punch him when he sighed and gave in. "it's a chocolate palomino Rocky Mountain Gaited horse."

"OH MY GOSH! I LOVE you! Did you know that?" her voice reached a pitch that was almost ultrasonic, making most of us wince. She threw her arms around her brother and continued to kill our ear drums with her voice.

"Woooh there little girl, tone it down a few octaves before I cant hear for the rest of my life. Next time I just wont bring you a going away present." that calmed her down till she was bouncing slightly to herself.

"Well hullo there." he said, just now noticing everyone else.

"Wad up?" Alyxa asked, nodding her head and crossing her arms, looking like a pixie gangster.

"Nothin much G Dawg." he acted gangster right back. Arein rolled her eyes and walked over giving him a hug.

"Hey Blondie." she messed up his dark gold hair.

"Hey fuego." her flipped her red hair. "Well I am sorry to say, but I have to leave you kids. I just stopped by to say hi before I continued on my lovely drive. I will drop the rest of these beauties off at the house and will leave you guys." he gave the girls one last hug then drove off.

The girls got in their car heading home and I watched it leave, feeling my boys watching me. They surrounded me and jostled me until I stopped staring. "Come on Aphrodite, lets go home." one of them said, don't know whice, wasn't really paying attention.

"I aint no love goddess." I snapped, it was on old joke between us, a small one, but one that made them laugh.

Joke or not, I wasn't some girl falling in and out of love, I had fallen in and wasn't coming out.

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