Behind The Screen | dreamwast...

Bởi SymphonyKingdom1

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Dream, the popular Minecraft youtuber, suddenly disappears from the media and his friends are beyond worried... Xem Thêm

Chapter 2 : Dream's Dark World
Chapter 3 : Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 4 : Capsule Catastrophe
Chapter 5 : The Wall Between Me And You
Chapter 6 : Dream vs Crunch : The Embark to War
Chapter 7 : Late Night Blues
Chapter 8 : The Brokenness Within
Chapter 9 : 2 Minecraft Speedrunners vs 1 Nemesis and 7 Hunters
Chapter 10 : False Hope
Chapter 11 : Dream vs Crunch : Wings from Hell
Chapter 12 : The Ghost Within the House
Chapter 13 : Requiem and Movie Night for Dream
Chapter 14 : Amusement Park Panic
Voting for Next Book after Behind the Screen
Chapter 15 : Touring Florida (Memories) with Dream
Chapter 16 : One Last Stream
Chapter 17 : Shattered Pieces forms into One
Chapter 18: Dream vs Crunch : Fate of the Future
Chapter 19 : Stay Close or Let Go
Chapter 20: The End Will Always Be Where We Begin
Trailer for the New Book...

Chapter 1 : The End is Where We Begin

6.7K 202 704
Bởi SymphonyKingdom1

Hello! Welcome to my second fanfic revolving around Dream. Now for anyone who read my first, its currently on a temporary pause so it may seem bold for me to release a new story now. Because now I have 3 unfinished stories that I have to take care. Why do I do this to myself? :/

This story also includes some fictional events that never happened in real life and also some triggering topics later on, which will be warned when neccessary.

Although real events take place, their chronological order will be shuffled for the sake of the story.

If Dream or his team is uncomfortable with this book, I'll gladly take it down.

This fictional story takes place 3 days after the end of Minecraft Speedrunner vs 4 Hunters Finale Rematch.

Warning: Includes foul language

DreamWasTaken was once a happy joyous laughing soul, his social identity was growing at a vivacious pace. He was earning lots of income despite being financially unstable from the start.

But one day... everything changed in front of his eyes.

Dream woke up in a hurry, it was 10:30 and he realized he slept in. Now that wouldn't be much of a worry if he hadn't scheduled to film the 4 Hunters Finale Rematch manhunt.

His friends are probably impatiently waiting for him now. He didn't want to get yelled at today.

He splashed himself with water before immediately joining the group chat and as he predicted, all 4 of his friends were already there.

"Hi!" Dream greeted, expecting a warm greeting from everyone else. But he didn't

Instead he was met with silence, the silence of getting talked over. Sapnap and George were yelling at each other, Bad was trying to cease the fire meanwhile Ant remained quiet.

"Hello guys!" Dream greeted again, and again.... and again.... and again...

It seemed that with every attempt Dream tried to gain their attention, all of them would just ignore him all together.

He was supposed to be one of the main reasons that they were in the group chat in the first place.

He assured himself it was probably a troll like how Skeppy always does on Bad. Although he had been doing this for a while now.

So he waited patiently, scrolling down through twitter. He decided to post a rant on Twitter.

Dream: dreamwastaken

Have been waiting 8 minutes for my friends to finish their conversation so we can record smh...

10 minutes later...

"Okay. This is getting ridiculous." Dream's patience started to wear thin. He has been sitting in silence listening to George and Sapnap's constant yelling about if burgers and hotdogs are sandwiches or not. The topic didn't matter, it was that he has been waiting for almost 20 minutes.

Dream was about to leave the call and postpone the recording, when...

"Oh look! Dream's here!" Ant spoke up in 20 minutes, Dream sighed in annoyance, but at least he can now start his show.

"Took you long enough Dream.." George scolded. Reality struck Dream like lightning. His friends genuinely thought he wasn't here. They didn't feel his presence at all.

Dream sensed his stomach being punched, his friends forgot about him. Anger boiled and yet sadness formed in his head.

He wanted to retort so badly, but he didn't, because he thought it was just another simple mistake.

"Let's record!" Dream shouted excitedly, faking his cheeriness because deep down he was fuming.

1 Manhunt Later...

"Whaaaat?!" Dream exclaimed as Antfrost threw two instant damage potions at him. Dream covered his face in defeat. He never saw that coming. He really wanted to win, in order to get back at them for what happened earlier. Now here he was, a loser.

George, Bad and Sapnap all cheerfully celebrated at their victory, while Dream went silent, aghast by the lethal surprise. He had so much confidence and then all of it went out with two splash potions.

"How am I ever going to win again?" Dream pouted, questioning the outcome of the series. With the score tied 2-2, this might be the one he prevails.

He was talking about each situation in the game , analyzing and explaining what his thought process was, but it seemed like as if none of them was paying attention. Dream had to stop himself from time to time, because he felt like a hole is being drilled into his stomach and its pushing deeper.

His friends weren't even listening to him, they were too focused on Ant, the one who grabbed the W for the hunters.

"Ant thank you so much." "Ant!" Ant this. Ant that.

Their world revolved around Ant.

"VICTORY CAKE!!!" Dream watched in the distance, his friends savoring their victory, building a giant cake tower on top of the desert pyramid. George raining down the splash potions that had been the cause of his death.

Dream felt himself frown, he understood that this was no prank, it was reality. They could've just said GG and went on with their day, but no... all of them had to rub it in.

Especially George, he kept t-bagging in front of him and saying "You're so bad."

He was being cyberbullied by his own friends. He felt betrayed, hurt, confused, angry, vexed and even a bit depressed.

Although a smidge of happiness came back when Bad presented him with a single block of cake as a consolation prize.

Yet George just had to take it away, stealing half of the cake, his cake.

Then came the victory photo screenshot. Dream wanted to be a part of it, howbeit he was told to stay out of the frame. Dream found himself frown more than ever, he didn't notice the stream of water flowing from his eyes.

He considered himself as irrelevant, none of his friends needed him although that's been proven several weeks ago.

That's when he also thought that no one in the world needed him. Upon checking the comments on his recent post, it was full of 'any askers?' comments.

Which is an indication that no one gives two f-words about it.

Normally, he would've take it as a joke but now he wasn't so sure anymore.

Being a famous youtuber would often lead up to a lot of haters and even some fake drama.

And everyday he has to deal with them, disputing one by one.

Dream was growing tired of having to constantly debunk the fake claims.

But the more he debunks, the more it emerges.

"Oh god, oh fucking no." Dream mumbled as his hands shivered on his mouse. The cursor jittering on a new drama thread

He immediately went to Twitter and started to debunk yet again. He hoped that it would soften down the whole situation

But it did the opposite, as it really was a calling for all haters to unite.

They will always be a portion of those who would so stubborn and won't listen to his response.

And those type of people are growing at a dangerously fast pace.

The world was just not built for forgiveness. It was a cruel place, filled with people who doesn't know what it's like to forgive and forget.

It took only a few days for the comment section on his latest video to be filled with hate, cancellation, and even death threats to stop making content.

That was only one social platform.

Of course, those had to be carried all over to his other accounts, Twitter, Instagram and even Snapchat.

Dream was angry yet afraid of the media. His appearance was always his main priority and now this happened. What will his fans say? What will his friends say? These are the questions that kept him up at night. He barely survived the last two nights without curling up into a ball and breaking down in tears.

He would eventually cry himself to sleep, only to be welcomed by the shining sun 30 minutes later and ending up getting zero sleep.

He tried so hard to block the negativity, hiding behind a mask that keeps smiling. He's like a clown, on the outside you seem so happy but then inside you realize how miserable your life is.

He could call out to his friends for some support, but he can't do that. Because he had discovered that weeks ago his friends harbored secrets that takes more than it meets the eye.


"Hey Dream!" Bad had called him on Discord, on a Sunday morning.

"Hi Bad! What do you need?" Dream happily greeted, he can hear Bad's excitement through the call.

"We have a new member to add to our Muffinteers!" he announced, Dream was immediately intrigued by the news.

"I want you to meet him!" Bad chirped, " Join our VC!" he sent a server link for it.

Dream wasted no time, he clicked the link as fast as possible.

"User joined the channel."

"Dream!" George's voice came through his headphones, it was more lively than usual which is surprising since at this time his voice would be like a grogy gremlin that had just woke up from 2 years of hibernation.

"Hey." Dream greeted in a monotone.

"Meet Jake!" Sapnap yelled.

He hears shuffling on his end, before he heard an inhale.

"Hello! I'm Jake, known on YouTube as Crunch, I have 2 Million subscribers and my main content is Minecraft videos." Jake greeted, his voice was clear, sounds like he was 21 or 22. The British accent was well pronounced.

(Account/ Channel name and info is entirely fictional)

"Well hello Jake, I heard from Bad that you want to join our team?" Dream professionally said.

"Yes please." Jake replied formally.

"Let's see what you can do shall we?"

Dream had Jake open his Minecraft, letting him speedrun one world and needless to say, Dream was astonished by his skills, it was almost the same proficiency as his.

Bad, George and Sapnap all congratulated him once he killed the Ender Dragon, with a time of 32 minutes and 19 seconds.

Dream stayed silent, clearing his throat before speaking up.

"Welcome to the team, Crunch!" Dream welcomed, not knowing that this decision will be biting his nuts in the future.

This was the origin of Dream's crumble.

After 2 days of accepting Crunch into the team, its not a surprise that he was invited to the SMP as well.

Today actually was supposed to be a continuation on Dream's lore in prison, but instead he was greeted with this.

Dream joined the server.

He spawned in the Pandora's Vault Cell, right now he was supposed to be waiting for Tommy to come through and visit him.

But the lava never fell and awesamdude wasn't even on the server. Dream was puzzled wasn't the lore appointed today?

Dream pressed tab and saw almost every single member's name on the SMP including Crunch.

/gamemode spectator

Dream phased through the thick walls of the prison, he scoured the whole server but saw no one. Until he was at the shattered savannah biome.

Maybe they were in his vault?

He phased through his redstone piston elevator down to his vault. There he found all of them clumped together forming a circle around Crunch.

It was an eerie sight, almost a ritual-like image

No one was talking in chat so he assumed that its TeamSpeak.

He opened up the software and saw one live server that held about 30 users, he secretly joined the channel.

Dream muted himself immediately, eavesdropping on what's going on.

"So your role, Crunch, is that you will be Dream's successor, because we will have Tommy kill Dream. Then you'll seek revenge for your fallen predecessor. Your lore will start tomorrow." Wilbur explained to Crunch, while everyone gave their attention to Crunch.

"Why me?" Crunch asked, "Why not have Ghost-Dream like you are Ghostbur?"

Dream was now very interested in what their answer will be.

"I mean..." George spoke up before pausing, clearly contemplating on whether or not he should say the following.

"Dream would kill me if I said this, but you are better than him."

Dream's heart felt like broken glass. George really said that?!

"How dare you, George?!" Dream growled, like a pissed off zoo animal.

"Yeah, we had a meeting the other day about who we should pick for this role and you are the best one. We all agreed unanimously that you are the better Dream." Tommy laughed.

A laugh that once sounded so pure and hilarious to Dream sounded so cold and evil.

They held a meeting about what happens after his lore ends, and they didn't even asked him about his opinions.

"You're Dream but without the flaws." Niki softly giggled, angering Dream even more.

"You're humble and you don't have a big ego like him." Sapnap added, pouring some more salt to Dream's wounds.

Dream's hands began to shake, tightening into a fist. His breathing quickens as he was slowly consumed with rage.

His friends were stabbing him in the back.

Now that he found out that they do this, he wondered how many times have they done this in the past.

He disconnected from the channel, his view on his friends significantly shifted.

No longer did he see a wonderful circle of friends, but a circle of disgusting traitors.

Day after day, his connection between him and his friends slowly wore thinner by time, only contacting each other when they need to record and Dream had to be the one to remind them of their recording, otherwise they wouldn't show up.

Dream second pillar had crumbled, first was his fanbase and now its his friends because of one damn person.

His friends had abandoned him.

End of Flashback


(8:00 AM, 14th January)
2020 had passed away and Dream had to celebrate the new year on his own. No one was there to keep him company.

He doesn't even know what year it is.

He was too occupied with everything that had happened over the span of 1 month.

A month that he never wanted...

Dream never thought his life would come to this, and he always prayed and hope that everything will be better tomorrow.

But that hope is slowly dying...

Today's morning was more of the same, the same conditions, the same feelings. His hope was diminishing and he can't do anything about it. He lazily got up and went to the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror, he noticed what a mess he was. His hair was clumped together, his eyes were crusty and bags were forming from lack of rest. Not that he cared anyways.

He also took notice of how he got significantly thinner. After what happened, he never had the mood to eat anything afterwards.

Self-care was the least of his worries.

Dream washed his face and combed his hair, to make himself look at least somewhat presentable.

Today he decided to get some groceries, to stock up on food and supplies.

He grabbed his wallet, his car keys and most importantly his phone.

Once he opened up his phone he didn't bother to check the several missed calls or the messages sent by either his family or his friends. He just needed some space, he needed some time alone.

He had last talked to George, Sap and Bad 19 days since.


7 Missed Calls from BadBoyHalo

16 text messages from BadBoyHalo

He silently drove to the nearest convenience store, the air conditioner blowing was the loudest sound in the car. His phone kept vibrating along the way, he assumed it's more messages or calls checking on him if he was doing alright or maybe they're just chewing him out for being involved in another drama even though he hasn't even spoken anything on his behalf.

It must be the second one.

Still he doesn't pick up or react upon any of them, instead ignoring them as he put on his mask, getting out of his car, entering the store.

The cold sensation of the air condition pricked at his skin, it was refreshing. It made him forget all of his worries for a little bit.

He picked out a trolley and began trudging along each aisle slowly filling his cart with the needed items. Passing by teenage couples and families, he deeply sighed at how those failed for him. His ex-girlfriend cheated on him and his family rarely even reach out to him anymore

Standing in the frozen aisle, he picked up 2 gallons of milk and 6 rations of bacon. While he was choosing between 2% and whole milk, two girls parked their carts over to his right. One was taller, while the other wore glasses and shorter. He didn't thought of them much before they started talking.

"Hey do you know about that Dream guy?" The spectacled girl spoke up, asking her friend. He flinched at his name being mentioned, he had a bad vibe that the topic wasn't good.

"Yeah, the one who's involved in the drama right?" Dream cringed at how he was remembered.

He predicted correctly, they were of course talking shit of him because apparently when one person express their beliefs, the whole world swayed towards it.

"Can't believe he'd just betray all trust like that, am I right?" The tall one laughed, shaking her head.

Dream's fist tightened, he hated how they don't even give him a chance to speak up of how he didn't do it. His teeth gritted like scissor blades trying to cut through metal.

He never wanted it to be like this. To be in a world where everyone looks coldly at him.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings ,missy..." Dream grumbled mockingly.

He was so lost in his own thoughts, not noticing the girls were approaching him.

"Hey sir, have you heard ab-" The girl started her rambling about Dream again. Dream's temper broke, these girls weren't just talking shit about him. They were setting up a fricking propaganda.

Dream slowly turned around. They didn't know that this was a big mistake. If stares can kill through objects these girls would've perished by now.

"FUCK. OFF." Dream snapped, releasing an invisible deadly shockwave. The girls quickly took a step back, looking at him in horror as if he was trying to murder them, right on the spot.

As the girls disappeared, Dream felt a sharp pain from his hand. He looked over to see that he clenched his hand very tightly that his nails punctured into his skin. Some of the blood managed to drip out, coloring parts of the floor a scarlet red.

Dream had absolutely enough. The day had already gone to appallingly shit. He quickly checked out and stormed back to his vehicle. Throwing the groceries violently into his back seat. He punched the steering wheel in a fit of frustration.

"FUCK. FUCK. FUCK!" Dream chanted several times as he tenderizes his wheel.

Some strangers in the parking lot gave him some odd looks before moving on with their day.

Dream felt like crying again, warm salty drops of tears slid down his face. Sobbing became more pronounced and his eyes started to sting from excessive crying.

As on cue, the sky turned gray and began to cry along. The pitter patter of the rain hit his windows. The wind picked up as he remembered as a rare occurrence there will be a storm in December, that's why he was picking supplies.

That's when his phone rang again, this time he looked at the caller's ID.

Incoming Call: BadBoyHalo

Does he accept the call this time? Or will he just dismiss as per usual?

Surprisingly, Dream unconsciously picked up.

"Hello?" Dream masked his voice to try to act like nothing ever happened, his voice had a hint of hoarseness.

"DREAM! OH MY GOSH!" First thing he heard from Bad in almost 3 weeks was him absolutely losing his marbles, as he shouted and screamed from the other side of line.

"You MUFFINHEAD! Where were you?! You had me worried." Bad sniffed, sobbing can be heard from the 25 year old.

He felt a wave of guilt hitting him in the face. Not only did he find himself irrelevant to his friends, he made them worried to death.

But Dream find that hard to believe. WHY should they worry? They have Jake, Crunch whatever they call him now since in their eyes, he's clearly better than him in every aspect.

"Who am I worrying? sob" Dream said tearfully, his throat heaved with each sob he tried to prevent.

Bad shortly gasped, something was wrong with his friend. He never heard or seen Dream genuinely crying, let alone sobbing.

"D-Dream? Are you crying?" Bad concern written all over his face, asked Dream.

Dream was taken aback, how did Bad know, let alone remembering him?
He already made his friends worried, he can't make them wallow in it much longer.

"No, I'm fine, Just coming down with a cold." the blonde lied, hopefully Bad would buy it, after all he was pretty gullible.

Bad, however , wasn't falling for it that easily, he had his doubts. He was certain that there has to be something wrong.

"Dream please tell me the truth. I know its not a cold." Bad gently retorted, making Dream lost for words. His stomach sunk in panic. His breathing quickens and his heart pounded.

How did he know that too?

"How do you know that its not a cold?" Dream fired back, his voice becoming a bit annoyed.

"I know when someone's sad Dream and clearly YOU are." Bad said, pushing his buttons.

"I'm not sad Bad." Dream denied

"Yes you are." Bad fought, he was going to let Dream slide on through his defenses.








Dream was at his boiling point, the two girls at the store, the drama situation, the media, his friends and now this.

It doesn't look like that Bad would stop anytime soon and its getting annoying.

Dream groaned in frustration, before spitting out, " Oh My GOSH!! LEAVE ME ALONE!" he yelled, his tears now running freely.

Now he's hysterically crying, he didn't care for anything anymore.

Bad jumped suppressing his tears, despite the yelling he had received, he still wanted to help his friend.

Dream calmed down and realized what he had done, now he felt even more guilty. He had just yelled at his friend. That gave him more opportunities to slowly drown himself in sadness.

"Bad. I'm sorry I didn't mean to, you can unfriend me if you want, I'm a horrible person.I don't deserve you. You didn't deserve that yelling." Dream said, slowly stabbing himself with the blade of his words.

Bad felt pity for Dream, what caused him to be in such a state?

"Please never forgive me. I can disappea-" Bad cut off Dream, he didn't want hear anymore negativity.

"No Dream stop, don't be sorry. I understand, you're frustrated or whatever you are, you can tell me what's wrong when you're ready." Bad reassured, making Dream feel a little bit better.

"Thanks Bad." Dream's lips elevated for a second, he didn't deserve any of this at all.

They were wasting their time with him...

"They were clearly doing this because they feel bad for you, once this is over they'll just go back to their routines."

A deep dark voice appeared in his head. A voice he never heard from before.

Perhaps it was his consciousness and dark side coming out to play.

"Alright talk to you later Dream." With that Bad hung up, as he should've done 2 minutes ago.

Dream cleared his throat, the phlegm inside clearing up. Looks like he was indeed coming down with a cold.

The whole world seemed like it was looking down upon Dream, gradually closing in on him before swallowing him whole into the Earth.

And he would soon be nothing except forgotten.

He felt like this was the end of his story, he was the creator and the wrecking ball of his career.

"Everyone hates me. Nobody loves me. Nobody cares." Dream muttered to himself, wiping the tears away.

He assumed it would end anytime soon, his adventure.

But he was dead wrong. His journey was far from over and Dream knows it. He doesn't want to know what the future has instore for him.

Dream was scared of the future. He had a long way to go.

The suffering, the tragic mess and the angst was just beginning.

As another chapter comes to an end, another starts...

Because.. The end is where we begin.

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