𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 - han seojun

By chamvies

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。゚。 ୨♡୧ 。゚。 Yeona frowned, wondering why Suho had avoided her question... Her eyes widened as she finally con... More



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By chamvies


After Yeona had made it home and ran off to her room, hurrying before her father could come home from wherever he had gone to, Jugyeong had began to send her a series of texts that filled Yeona with confusion.

ImJu: The guy just texted and said
ImJu: Let me copy and paste it...

ImJu: I take back that I miss you. Actually, I have a girlfriend. I'm a piece of garbage. I wanted to cheat with you. I apologize. Sorry for taking your precious time.

ImJu: What do you think happened? Heegyeong said I was rejected... :-(

Yeona thought that sort of message was strange, especially if the person was rejecting someone...

A lightbulb went off in her head, immediately opening her contacts app and finding the name of the one other person who had been there the theatre.

"What?" Suho asked as soon as he answered.

"Yah, what did you do to her date?" Yeona questioned, going straight into her interrogation.

It was a moment before Suho responded, "Why?"

"That doesn't exactly sound innocent. You almost sound guilty," Yeona quipped, narrowing her eyes at her bed sheets, "He texted her and called it off. Said he was using her to cheat and that he had a girlfriend. Now... I know that you like ImJu, but this was a little extreme-"

She was cut off by his huff, "He wasn't lying. A girl came up to him not even two minutes after you left and was all over him. He had told her that he came early because he missed her. So..."

"So...?" She trailed off, urging him to continue.

"So I sort of followed him to the bathroom and overheard him calling another girl, so I threatened him."

"Wow, really? He was three-timing?" Yeona asked, eyes widening at the information.

"Probably multi-timing. I don't think it ended at three." Suho simply replied, "I also told him to break up with all of his girlfriends. No telling if he did that, I only made sure he texted Im Jugyeong."

"Well, good riddance. She deserves better anyways. Perhaps a tall handsome guy who has black hair, a cute small face, a good build... Even protects her from cheating jerks..."

"I'm hanging up."

"You have to admit that I'm right!" Yeona called into the receiver before hearing the beeps that he had hung up. She giggled to herself as she opened her messages and sent Suho a quick text of 'Goodnight ImJu's future boyfriend!'

She then opened her chat with Jugyeong and finally responded.

Y: Sounds like he was using you to cheat and probably got caught! Good riddance, you deserve better! <3

Jugyeong responded a minute later.

ImJu: You think so?

Y: Yeah, don't even worry about it. You'll find someone.

ImJu: Okay...
ImJu: Goodnight, Yeona! See you Monday!

Y: See you!

Yeona sighed and placed her phone on her nightstand, curling up in her bed, letting sleep pull her away.


Monday morning rolled around fast, Yeona barely even making it onto the bus in time. Jugyeong didn't take the bus that morning which dampened her already dreary mood.

When she made it past the gates, she spotted Jugyeong and Han Seojun a little ways ahead, seemingly in a slight argument. Seojun was showing her his phone as he uttered something, causing panic to make its way onto Jugyeong's face as he walked away from her, "Yah... Yah! Han Seojun!" She called out, chasing after him.

Seojun started running once he noticed her following, "Leave me alone! Get away from me!" He exclaimed, looking as if he enjoyed her chasing after him.

"Delete it! Delete it now!" Jugyeong cried out, reaching out to try and grab his blazer, but missing. They ran off down the side of the school building, Jugyeong trying to snatch the phone out of his hands with any chance that she got.

Yeona watched them disappear around the corner, shaking her head in amusement.

"Don't look so amused. She shouldn't talk to him." Suho's voice broke her thoughts, gracing her with his presence.

"Already at the stage where your girlfriend can't talk to other guys?" She teased, receiving a slap to the back of the head, "Yah! Ouch!" She exclaimed, rubbing her head tenderly, "What was that for?!"

"For talking nonsense. Don't talk like that again." He replied, stalking off to the front doors.

"Aish, what a jerk!" She muttered, still rubbing the stinging spot on her head.

She had entered the school ten minutes later after getting caught by Sooah and getting her ear talked off about the same drama she had been talking about all last week.

She was turning the corner when she almost ran into Jugyeong, who was frozen in her spot, Suho having stopped her with a finger to her forehead, "You were about to put your face-stamp on my uniform again..."

"Oh... Sorry..." She responded, looking uncomfortable.

Suho brought his finger to her eye level and stuck another out, pointing them to her eyes, "Don't let your eyes wander."

Jugyeong furrowed her brows, "What?"

Yeona shook her head at Suho's childish antics, realising that he was only messing with her just to be able to talk to her.

"I mean, don't get distracted," He nodded towards the classroom, "You should go study instead-"

"There you go again!" Jugyeong exclaimed, effectively cutting him off as she pointed a finger accusingly at him, "I memorised it all!"

Yeona grinned in amusement as Jugyeong started listing off names, "Taejo, Jeongjong, Taejong, Sejong, Munjong, Danjong, Sejo..." As she continued to recite the names that she had memorised, Yeona walked over and linked her arm with Jugyeong's, tugging her in the direction of the classroom, Jugyeong still calling out answers until they made it inside.

"You seem prepared," Yeona told the girl, sitting down at her desk just as Jugyeong did.

"If I'm being honest, I only learned that so he wouldn't hold it over my head..." Jugyeong muttered, pouting slightly. Yeona snickered in response, shaking her head at the girl.

"-Then break up with the one in real life and date via DM!" Sooah exclaimed, marching away from her and Taehoon's spot by the window where they had been taking selfies.

"Sooah!" Taehoon caught up to her and turned her around, squishing her cheeks, "How could I break up with someone this cute?" He asked, pushing his bottom lip out as he tilted his head at her.

Sooah gave him a playful sheepish look as she pushed his hands away, making a motion with her hand for him to stop, "You're too cute!"

Jugyeong and Yeona gave each other knowing looks just as Sooah took a seat at her desk, "Jugyeong with a fling!"

"A fling?" Jugyeong asked, an uncomfortable smile on her face, "It's not a fling."

"Why not? I thought you guys were meeting up again?" Sooah replied with a sly smile, Taehoon joining her at her side, "Didn't you hit it off?"

"Well..." Jugyeong glanced at Yeona who smiled in encouragement, "I heard from him after I chatted with you... and..." Jugyeong furrowed her brows, "He's kind of weird."

Yeona nodded in agreement, causing Sooah to tilt her head in confusion, "Why? What did he say? Let me see!"

Jugyeong unlocked her phone and cleared her throat, turning her phone to face Sooah and Taehoon, the latter bending down so he could see the screen, "Here..." Jugyeong replied quietly, her eyes darting to anywhere but Sooah.

As Sooah began to read the message out loud, Yeona tried to motion for her to quiet down but Sooah didn't seem to notice the waving of her hands. The girl finished with a huff, "What a jerk!"

"Were you rejected?" One of the guys at the back of the class commented, causing the rest of the group to laugh out loud, pushing each other around.

Seojun joined in with the group of boys, "How do you get rejected so quickly? How does that happen?" He said out loud to get a rise out of the boys situated around him, being successful since all of the boys laughed and made noises of agreement.

"Yah, Seojun! Don't forget the fork!" Yeona called out, giving him a threatening look as she crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance.

Seojun pursed his lips for a moment as if he didn't know how to react before nodding, "I'd love to see you try, Kim Yeona."

Yeona laughed dryly, "Alright." She turned her attention back to Jugyeong, letting her threat remain unveiled for the moment and patted the girl's back comfortingly, "Don't listen to him, he has a brain the size of a peanut." She said loudly, glancing at the boy to see him scrunch up his nose and roll his eyes.

Jugyeong smiled at Yeona before leaning over to Sooah, frowning, "It was weird, though... He said he was using me to cheat... I wish I could know if that was true or not..."

Yeona looked across the classroom at Suho who had been looking at her with a self-satisfied expression on his face. Yeona smirked slightly in return, wiping it off as quickly as it came when Jugyeong turned her gaze to her, sighing, "I'll take your word for it, Yeona." She muttered, referring to their text conversation that they had the previous night.

Yeona smiled, "You should, I'm pretty smart when it comes to reading situations like this." She said, "Don't take this as a rejection. That guy was trash to begin with."

Jugyeong nodded, "Alright."


It was lunchtime when Sooah was dragging Yeona and Jugyeong with her into the crowded lunchroom, the tiny girl releasing them as she made way into the group of students, somehow making it to the front of the line with ease.

Yeona and Jugyeong stayed behind, not wanting to bother with the group of students huddled around the food.

"You know Han Seojun's eomma told him to stop riding his motorcycle to school..." Jugyeong spoke, her attention fully on the boy mentioned, who was with his group of friends. They were all huddled around each other at a table, staring at the phone in Seojun's hands, "They better not be laughing at that picture of me..." Jugyeong muttered, Yeona catching onto her words and furrowing her brows in confusion.

"I'm very confused by that second sentence, but... What about his eomma and motorcycle? Do you plan to rat him out?" Yeona looked over at the Han boy, noticing a lanyard sticking out of his blazer pocket, "Oh wait... I think I know where you're going with this..."

"Yeona... Go stand outside in the hallway. I'm gonna toss you his keys once I run out of here. You cannot show him, got it?" Jugyeong instructed, a mischievous look flashing in her eyes, exciting Yeona.

"Aye-aye, captain! See you soon!" She cheered, bounding out of the cafeteria, taking place right next to the door.

She heard yelling and a distinct, 'Yah, Im Jugyeong!' before Jugyeong ran out of the cafeteria, her eyes darting around the hallway, barely spotting Yeona in time.

"Here!" She whisper-yelled, shoving them in Yeona's blazer pocket before taking off down the hallway.

"Good luck!" Yeona called out just as Han Seojun ran out of the cafeteria and almost ran her down, catching her by the shoulders before she could fall.

"Yah!" She called out, grabbing onto his forearms to keep herself steady. They stared at each other for a moment, Yeona seeing something flash in his eyes, it leaving as quickly as it came causing her to be unable to read what they were. She was unable to look away from his gaze, her eyes still widened in surprise from the impact, her grip on his arms iron-tight.

Seojun cleared his throat and Yeona jumped back, "Sorry! She went that way!" She exclaimed, pointing in the way that Jugyeong had gone in, pursing her lips to keep her face from showing any emotion.

Seojun nodded, slowly moving past her before taking off in a full sprint in the direction that Yeona had pointed to. He slapped his forehead as he continued down the hallway, "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." He muttered to himself, pausing as he reached an intersecting hallway. He spotted Jugyeong making her way outside and darted down the hallway after her.

Yeona let out a breath that she had been holding in, shaking her head to clear her thoughts, the action not working one bit.

"Yeona?" Said girl jumped at Sooah's voice, "What are you doing? Come get lunch!"

Yeona plastered an easy smile on her face and turned to Sooah, "Sorry, yeah let's go!"

It was a few minutes later when Jugyeong ran back into the lunchroom, panting heavily as she threw herself into the seat next to Yeona, "They almost," She took a deep breath, "Fought in front-," Another deep breath, "-In front of me!"

Yeona laughed a little, "What?"

Jugyeong took a couple of more deep breaths before she started speaking again, "Seojun caught me, asked me for his keys, then Suho showed up! They were staring at each other like they were about to throw their fists! So, I, being the only sane one there, pushed them in opposite directions and ran away." Jugyeong grabbed the drink from Yeona's tray and took a long sip, making a satisfied noise when she swallowed, "Oh and he definitely knows that I don't have his keys."

Yeona laughed, "Why do you say that?"

"Because when he caught me, I might have gotten nervous and spilled that I gave them to you." Jugyeong replied, giving her a sheepish smile.

Her smile dropped, "This wasn't part of the plan!" Yeona exclaimed in a whisper.

"To be fair, we didn't really have one!" Jugyeong replied defensively, holding her hands up.

Yeona nodded, "Yeah... that is fair... I gotta run, see you in class later - oh wait!" Yeona took the keys out of her pocket and passed them to Jugyeong, "Your turn!" She quickly got out of her seat and backed away so that Jugyeong couldn't hand them back.

"No!" Jugyeong whined, turning to Yeona, "Please no!"

"He's gonna suspect me! I can't be holding evidence of the crime." Yeona put two fingers to her forehead and moved them away as a form of a salute, "Good luck! You can give them back once he suspects you."

Yeona made her way out of the cafeteria hurriedly in hopes that she would not run into Seojun, but she ended up running right smack into him, him grabbing her forearms as if she was about to run away, "Yah, where are my keys? Im Jugyeong already told me that she gave them to you."

Yeona bit her lip to suppress her smile before answering carefully, "That's a good question..." She held her hands up to show that they were empty, "I do not have them. She lied."

Seojun furrowed his brows before narrowing his eyes, "Where is she?"

The smile broke out onto Yeona's face, "Who?"

Seojun gave her a flat look, "You know who. Im Jugyeong."

Yeona furrowed her brows playfully, putting a finger to her chin as if she was in thought, "Hmm... Who's that? I've never heard of them."

"Yeona, stop playing." He replied with gritted teeth, clearly annoyed at the game they were playing.

"Playing? What do you mean? I'm not playing anything..." Before Seojun could reply, Yeona held a finger up to stop him, "Hold on." She moved over to the cafeteria doors, "Yah!" The attention of the cafeteria was on her, although she only needed one person's attention, "ImJu, run!"

She heard Seojun curse behind her, pushing past her into the cafeteria, making a bee-line to the girl who was scrambling to get up. Jugyeong managed to get up but was stopped when Seojun caught her, "Give me my keys!"

Jugyeong seemed to panic for a moment before throwing the keys Yeona's way, "Why do I have to run again! You run!"

Yeona caught the keys with ease, her smirk dropping as Seojun's eyes locked on her, "Aish, the things I do for this girl!" She complained, turning and darting down the hallway. As she turned the corner, she quickly entered an empty classroom, knowing that it wouldn't be good for her to run the same way that Jugyeong had been but also hoping that she could trick Seojun. She sat down and leaned against the door, letting out a quiet laugh at the situation at hand.

I can't believe I willingly participated in this...

She stayed there for a few more minutes before standing up and pushing her ear to the door, trying to hear any form of noise. Not hearing any noise, she deemed it safe to at least open the door, slowly pushing the it open. She slipped out of the room and started in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Kim Yeona."

Yeona let out a noise of surprise, jumping at Seojun's voice that was behind her, "I thought I was going to have to go into the classroom there for a minute." He spoke, grabbing her arm, "Don't run... I just want my keys back!" He whined the last part playfully, throwing his free hand in exasperation.

Yeona placed her free hand on her chest, "You scared me!" She hit his arm with as much force as she could muster, causing him to wince.

"Keys." He held his hand out expectantly.

Yeona sighed, "Fine." She grumbled, taking them from where she had put them in her blazer pocket again and handing them over. He grabbed them and placed them into his own pocket, still not letting go of her once he had completed his motion, connecting his eyes to hers.

She looked around, "Can I have my arm back?"

"Huh?" Seojun asked, glancing at where his hand was grabbing her arm. He quickly let go, "Oh. Sorry."

Yeona stared at him for a moment, wondering why he had all of the sudden switched to being kind to her. It had started when he had helped her with the group of drunks, then he took her home, then he came to her at the nurses office with her bag, then he took her home again, and now he was indulging in the little game that Jugyeong had semi-dragged her into playing with his keys, no hint of malice anywhere on his face. She couldn't get over the fact that he had just... completely switched his attitude when it came to her.

"What happened to you?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest, "You hated me when I came here. Why all of a sudden are you being nice? I can't stop wondering."

Seojun's gaze hardened immediately, "Stop asking ridiculous questions. I still hate you." He pushed past her and walked down the hall, turning the corner.

His comment stung a little before she realized that he had been lying. His eyes had flashed with some sort of emotion as he claimed to hate her... Not hatred... But Yeona couldn't pinpoint what it was.

She sighed as she stared after where he disappeared to.

Maybe she should talk to him about Seyeon. She knew how he felt about her and Suho when it came to Seyeon, but she needed to understand Seojun's reasonings for being so hot and cold. She knew it had something to do with Seyeon, it just had to.


sort of a filler chapter, haha!

i hope you enjoyed!

i'm on the edge of my seat with law school man, this show is so good. i highly suggest it if you like mystery - crime - etc!

anyways, thank you for reading! as always; comment if you have any questions or theories as to what might happen next!

ilysm, bye! - haley

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