Princess Of The End {TWD x Ch...

By xX__Persephone__Xx

47.9K 1.1K 337

This will be of the young girl named Freya. She's 10 years old. She had a scary but good life. Mainly raised... More

Freya's Faceclaim
Dixons, Wounded Sheriffs, And Squirrels
Bonding With Merle Dixon
Guillermo And The Old People
Fever, Illusions, And Searching
Found But Still Lost
Still Sick, Sorry Dixon
Brave + Brave = A+ In Dumbassness
Dale: The Taller Version Of Yoda
Sorry, brother
An Odd Badass Duo
That's Our Thing, Dixie
Sneak Peek
Maybe They Were Right?
He's My Blood
Captain Hook
We'll Be Okay, Bloody
Abraham Ford's Lessons: How to Climb a Tree
Roxy & Amethyst. Oh, and D-
Sister Drama
They're My Family
One Is Feral, One Might be Pregnant
Fuck- You, Dixon
Say You Forgive Me
The Fight for Alexandria
Sneak Peek
Jesus Of Hilltop
The Drawings For Memory
New Family
Mr. CDC was Right
What Do I Do to Fix It?
Meeting The King....and Shiva
Staying Safe
Pay Up, Duane
The Radio
I love you too, Stupid jerk
Bite Me, Redneck
Duct Tape is the Answer to Everything
Girl the Apocalypse
Scotch and Polaroids
Bear the Baby Frost Giant
The Three Musketeers
I'm Back (in the saddle again)

Mr. CDC, Weapons, And Sophia

1.9K 54 16
By xX__Persephone__Xx

Freya's POV

"What do you want?"
"A chance" Rick responds, I look around.
"That's asking a lot"

"We know" I say before Rick, peeking my head out from Daryl's side, the man lowers his gun and nods.
"Blood tests. That's your price of admission. Have anything with you, get it now, because once those doors close they never open again" Mr. CDC says. The guys run outside and grab stuff. I look around since I kept my bag with me. When they get back, we follow Mr. CDC.

I see an elevator.

An elevator. A frickin elevator.

I stand right next to the boy. I think I heard his name as Carl earlier. He smiles at me and I just nod and look back ahead.

"Doctors always go round packing heat like that?" Daryl asks, making me chuckle slightly. I stop when Lori nudges my shoulder.
"There were plenty laying around. I familiarized myself" Mr. CDC says. Edward Jenner is actually his name but I like Mr. CDC better.

"But you all look harmless enough. Except you two..." He says, looking at Carl and I with a small smile. I move my hand towards my knife.
"Need to keep my eye on you both" He says, looking back ahead when he sees Carl's smile and ignores my glare. I keep my hand near my knife, just to be safe. I feel someone hold my hand and I look at Sophia, she gives me a reassuring smile. When we leave the elevator I continue to observe Mr. CDC as they talk to eachother.

Sophia nudges my shoulder and I look at her. She points at her ear and mouths to listen. I look ahead and see T-Dog smiling knowingly at me, making me pout at him and shrug. I will always drift from conversations.
“Vi, say hello to our guests. tell them, ‘Welcome’” Mr. CDC says, making me look for this Vi person. But…. I don’t see anyone else.

“Hello guests. Welcome” I glare as I look around the walls for the robot woman’s voice. Just walls and computers. Where are the speakers for it? 
“I’m all that’s left. I’m sorry” Mr. CDC says, I frown. That poor man. All his friends that died and he couldn’t help them. They left and didn’t turn back before it was too late. 

I listen to the dark silence, I lift my head when I hear footsteps leaving, Mr. CDC leaves the room and we all follow him.
When he asks who goes first I push Glenn forward.
“Pizza fairy will go first” I say, Glenn glares at me but grabs my arm and moves me in front of him.
“No. Our walker slayer will” Glenn says, pushing me forward as I pout.

Rick, tired of our childish arguing and being the brave human he is, goes first to get his blood removed from the vampire in the lab coat. 
“I apologize for their childlike behaviour” Rick says, sitting in the chair and putting his arm out for Mr. CDC, Mr. CDC shakes his head.
“It’s fine. This place hasn’t been so lively for awhile” Mr. CDC says, making me stick my tongue out towards Rick who just smiles amused now.

Everyone gets their blood taken. I went after Glenn and now we are waiting for Andrea to finish getting her blood drawn. Andrea pauses as she stands up, I take a step when I see her start to fall over but stay in my place when Jacqui holds her up.
“What’s wrong with her?” Mr. CDC asks, 
"She hasn't eaten. None of us have" Jaqcui says, Mr. CDC nods.
"Well, let's fix that then" Mr. CDC says, beckoning everyone to follow him.

 I stay next to Glenn and just follow along and observe everything. When we get to a room with a dining table.
"We will need to cook some food up" Mr. CDC says, walking to a cabinet and grabbing some wine.

"Food? Someone pinch me" Glenn says, I pinch his arm and giggle when he yells, he looks down at me and goes to pinch me back but I run to Daryl and hide behind him. Daryl moves to the side and looks down at me.
"Don't come ta me" He says, pushing me forward, I step back to stand next to him.
"Sorry. But you're stuck with me now" I say, he stays quiet.


"You know, in italy and France children have a bit of wine at dinner" Dale says, making me scrunch my nose in confusion. Lori shakes her head.
"Well, when Carl is in Italy or France then he can" She says. 
"Come on. Just a little bit" Rick says, slightly drunk, Lori surrenders making me laugh as Dale pours wine in Carl's glass. I smile at the disgusted look Carl gives after drinking the small bit of wine he tried.

As I sit on the floor against the wall, away from the group, I lean my head against the wall watching the table of people be happy. 

Happier than what I've seen this past week.

I look at my plate of food, I got full really fast, I didn't even get halfway through. I look up when I hear clanking of a glass.
"It seems to me we haven't thanked our host yet" Rick says with a big smile, T-Dog joins in.
"He is more than just our host" T-Dog says, making Daryl raise his wine bottle.
"Booyah!" Daryl says, others joining and saying a booyah also.

I lean my head back against the wall. I finally go through everything that's happened lately. Grandpa, uncle Paul missing, Morgan and Duane, Merle, the vatos.
Uncle paul wasn't actually related to us…. He just became family somehow.

 I haven't even thought of Grandma's younger brother, he's 12 years younger than she was if I remember correctly. He was always nice to me, he kinda reminded me of Merle…...but a nice version. He would watch me when uncle paul or grandpa couldn't keep an eye on me. He moved away awhile before this shit show happened, with his wife. I smile remembering when she sent me a letter about some leather jacket he bought, she was gonna throw it away but she only hid it. I called him by his last name, I gave him some nicknames but I mainly called him Smithy.

I remember this one time he decided to surprise visit me……. The look on his face after he saw what mother was doing to me with a kitchen knife….. I thought he was going to kill her but…..he didn't. He ran to me, picked me up and left, ignoring my father's threats and my mother's yelling. 

But, when he moved away grandpa tried to get me away from mother and father. Didn't work, he couldn't take me cause he was too old to raise a child. Uncle Paul….. he didn't cause he mysteriously moved somewhere, without telling me or grandpa. 

I realize someone is sitting next to me so I look over.
"Hi, Mr. Crossbow" I whisper, he nods.
"I been sittin' here for a bit. Ya only notice me now" He says, I nod.
"I was thinking" I say, fiddling with my backpack zipper, he leans his back on the wall.
" 'Bout?" He asks, making me look down at my lap and fidget.
"My grandpa, uncle Paul and my Grandma's little brother. Nothing important really" I mumble, he nods and drinks out of the wine bottle.

"Thank you" I suddenly say, he glances at me.
"For taking care of me since we met, I know it's probably not willingly but still. Thanks" I say, he just grunts. 
We sit in silence just watching the group. I open my bag and grab the bracelet and ring. I slightly kick Daryl's leg and he looks at me with a look of annoyance on his face. 
"Hand" I ask, he gives me his left hand while he drinks more from the bottle. I grab his hand and put the bow ring on his pinky. He looks at it then at me.
"I trust you" I say, putting the arrow bracelet on. I see him glaring at the ring.

"You can have the bracelet" I say, smiling cause I know he'd rather wear the ring. He huffs and just drinks.


After everyone freaking out about hot water I go to the rec room and plop on the couch. After awhile Sophia and Carol came in. Carol looked at me and gave me a small smile.
"You can go get cleaned up in our room, sweetie. Here, these are a pair of Sophia's clothes, they might be a bit big on you" Carol says, handing them to me, I smile at her.
"Thank you" I tell her.
"Uhmmm. Carol?" I mumble, she looks at me.
"Could I….Uhm… Could I teach Sophia how to use a knife?" I ask, Carol frowns.
"I don't want her too. But, I know it might be helpful for her in the future. So go ahead. But I want to be there watching to make sure you two dont get hurt" Carol says, a sad smile on her face, I nod.
 I leave the rec room and go to Carol and Sophia's room. 

I take a small shower and step out. I clear off the mirror and look at my stomach and shoulders. I trace over the last scar I ever got from my parents. 3 months before this new world started, it's on my arm, right on the curve of where my elbow and goes up to my forearm.

I turn around and look at the scars on my back. Father loved to use the belt and mother loved to use knives.

(AN: I got these off pinterest)

I quickly get dressed satisfied when I see the shirt is half sleeved and leave the bathroom and the room. 

I go back to the rec room and see Carl, Sophia, Carol, and Lori. I sit next to Carol and watch as the other two play a board game, eventually getting bored and going to look at the bookshelves. I go to some drawers next to the shelves.
Smiling when I find an empty notebook and two new packs of pens.
Going to a corner far from the others I sit down and start writing medical stuff I remember grandpa showing me. Stitches, cleaning, patching. He never got to stuff like telling if stitches need to be changed or if there's an infection.

"Raven. Make sure you get some rest soon. Don't stay up too late" Carol says, kneeling in front of me, I nod not looking up from the notebook.
"Yes, ma'am" I say, she chuckles and stands up.

After they leave I continue writing. Eventually I stand up and search for a medical book I can switch with my dear America book. I find one and stand on my tippy toes to grab it, just barely touching the spine of the book, I grab it.
I smile when I finally have it in my hands. I remember I heard someone else enter the room a minute ago. I peak from behind the shelf and see Shane standing way too close to Lori

"Rick is my husband" Lori says, taking a step back from Shane, who steps forward.
"What we did was a- was a mistake" Lori says, stuttering when she sees my head, I quickly move back.
"Lori, I know you love me" Shane says, backing her up against a shelf. I grab a hardcover book and throw it at him right as Lori scratches his face. He turns and looks directly at me, he takes a step towards me, making me run out of there and towards the room where I left my backpack. I open the door and slam it close.

"The hell you on, girl?" I hear Daryl ask as I lean on the door and slide down it, putting my head in my hands.
"Kid?" He says, kneeling in front of me, I lift my head and look at him.
"Wha' happened?" He asks, standing up.
"Nothing" I mumble, looking for my bag, Daryl scoffs.
"Yeah. Whatever" He says, plopping on a cot. 

I remember the medical book and the notebook I forgot. I'll wait a few more minutes.

A few minutes later and Daryl breaks the silence.
"Go to sleep, kid. It's late" He tells me, I stand up.
"Not tired yet" I say, turning the doorknob.
"I'll be back in 5 minutes. Any longer could you check the rec room?" I ask, hesitantly, the drunk man holds a thumbs up.

When I get to the rec room I quickly go back to my spot and grab the book and notebook. I turn around only to fall to the floor, a pain on the side of my face. I put my hand on my cheek and look up. Shane is standing there, glaring down at me, he grabs the collar of my shirt and yanks me up.
"Don't tell nobody what you just saw" Shane says, lowly, I nod as tears start breaking through my eyes.
"Good. Now get to bed and stay quiet about this, ya hear" Shane says, pushing me towards the door, I quickly leave and go back to the room. As I'm about to touch the doorknob it turns and opens, I use some of my hair and cover that side of my face.

I look up at Daryl.
"Its been 5 minutes" He mumbles, turning around and going back to his cot. I slightly smile as I close the door and go to the other cot.

"Good night" I mumble.



Mr. CDC is gonna kill us.


"Open the door!" Everyone starts yelling at him, I glance at the clock, 9 minutes till we become a barbecue surprise.

I run towards Daryl and I's room and grab my backpack seeing as everyone already got their things, I grab my revolver and load it as I go back. Grandpa taught me interrogation doesn't always work with words. Once I get in the computer room I aim my revolver at Mr. CDC's foot.
"Open that door or I will make the last 5 minutes of your life a living hell. I got six bullets and you got a lot of places that would be a nice fit for them ta sit" I say, he flinches and stares at me in shock.

I send a warning shot right next to his foot and he quickly puts in a code that opens the doors. Everyone starts running out.
"There's your chance. Take it" Mr. CDC says to Rick.
"I'm grateful" Rick says to Mr. CDC as I stop next to Glenn and look back at them.
"The day will come when you won't be" Mr. CDC says, making me stare right into his eyes.
"I'll make sure that day never comes" I say, grabbing Glenn's wrist and leaving. I heard T-Dog begging Jaqcui to not stay but she decided she cant fight anymore.

"Rick, let's go!" I yell to him when Mr. CDC whispers to him and Rick starts running after us when I yell to him.

We get to a window that we can't break. I focus on thinking of ways to break it. I leave my thoughts when I see Carol being the hidden badass she is, grabbing a grenade from her bag.
"When I did your laundry at camp" She says, giving it to Rick. Rick tells us to get down while he deals with the grenade. 
"Oh shi-" Rick says, running from the grenade.

Glenn covers me when the grenade blows. We start running out but I see Jaqcui, Andrea and Dale aren't with us. I go back to the computer room and see Dale sitting next to Andrea.
"Andrea, Dale! Come on!" I yell towards them, Dale looks up at me and gets a frantic look in his eyes.
"Raven go. Andrea is staying, so am I" Dale says, Andrea looks at me. 
"No. Not without you two" I say, grabbing my tantos, Mr. CDC looks at me confused so I answer.

"I was born a fighter, I'll go out like one" I mumble, looking at Dale and Andrea.


3rd Person POV 

Daryl looks around for the annoying child that follows him but doesn't see her.
"Is Raven with you?!" T-Dog yells to Daryl from the RV door, Daryl shakes his head.
"Nah, she ain't" Daryl says, looking at the CDC again.
"She- she went back for Dale and Andrea" So phia says to Rick. Rick looks back at his watch. 1 minute. 

Andrea, Dale, and Freya suddenly jump out of the broken window.
"There they are!" Someone says, Rick looks back at his watch, 35 seconds. They're not going to make it. 

Rick yells through the RV door.
"Get down! Get down!" He yells. Freya pushes Dale and Andrea forward, she pushes them behind the sandbags and lowers herself right next to them, keeping her arm over Andrea's head to make sure she doesn't look up.
"Charlie foxtrot!" Freya yells when the CDC finally blows up. Dale and Andrea get up and they start running to the RV, Freya right behind them. 

Freya jumps in the truck, setting her backpack on the floorboard.
 "That was a stupid as fuck move ya did" Daryl grumbles, smacking the back of her head then turning on the truck and following the RV, she shrugs.
"Leave no man behind" Freya says, looking at her arm now that she feels sudden pain from it. When she looks at her arm, the sleeve is burned and her arm looks like she decided to put it in front of a fireplace.
She hisses when she peels the fabric back.
"Wonder if Rick ever heard that one" Daryl mumbles, looking at her when he heard her hiss.

"What's wrong?" Daryl asks, Freya shakes her head.
"Nothing. Peachier than a peach tree" She says. Daryl glances at her but nods anyway.


Freya's POV 
2 Days Later

"This is a graveyard" Lori says, making me roll my eyes as I scrounge through a car with a dead walker in it.

"Yes. But, it's a helpful one. These things won't be needin' this stuff no more. Especially this one" I say, nudging the dead walker in the passenger seat with the handle of my tanto blade. Smiling slightly when I hear T-Dog and Glenn chuckling like little idiots. I put my blade through its head just to make sure its double dead and pull the blade out, wiping the blood on its shirt. Everyone walks off to do their jobs cause they know what's gonna happen. Lori scolding me.

"I- That's it. Give me your weapons. You're too young to have them anyway" Lori says walking to me. Yeah…..I've been killing most of the walkers that cross our paths lately and Lori always tells me to let the group deal with it and just be a kid. I've been ignoring her obviously. I put my blade back in its holster and glare at Lori who is now standing in front of me.
"Lori, look around, enter the real world, kids can't be kids anymore. If you want your son to survive, pull your head out of your ass and teach him what needs to be done to survive. This is the new world and we need to adjust to it, or we die" I say, finally done holding back. I'm tired of her always thinking that everything will be fine. 

D. O. N. E

I look down at my feet when I feel her slap me.
"You do not tell me what needs to be done, young lady. I'm the adult you're the child" She says, I glare at her, memories of my mother coming back.
"I'm sorry for my attitude, but I'm not sorry for what I said and I'm keeping my weapons, deal with it" I whisper, walking away from her and towards Sophia who smiles at me.

"Here, found this in that car. Looks like a good knife. Practice with it" I say, completely ignoring everything that just happened. She looks up at Carol, who nods.
I take the knife out of the holster and turn it so the handle is towards her, Sophia grabs it and holds it the way I taught her.

"Carol. She's gonna be fine. She just needs to practice with it and get a good feel for it" I say to the woman who hesitantly nods.
"Thank you" Sophia says, hugging me when Carol goes to dig supplies with Lori.

Sophia and I continue to practice what I've been teaching her, stopping when Rick tells us to get under a car.






I watch the feet of the small herd of walkers as they stumble by, I put my hand over Sophia's mouth to keep her quiet.
After the walkers leave I let her go and look around. I feel Sophia move.

Sophia yelps and comes back under the car but a walker gets down on the ground next to us and crawls under the car, I stab it and roll out from under the car to follow Sophia who started running into the forest.

"Sophia" I say, sliding down the hill and start running after her. I feel someone running behind me. I slightly look behind me and quickly look ahead again
"Rick. Go after Sophia, I'll take care of these" I say, stopping and nodding at him as he goes after Sophia.

I unsheathe my tantos and hold them up, I stand behind the tree and when I hear the messy walking get near I go around the tree so I'm behind the two walkers. I kick one's knee so it kneels and I push my blade through its head, smiling when I hear the squishing sound of blood and brain matter when I pull the blade out.

I go after the other walker when it turns towards me. I run around the walker in circles a couple times before finally being able to kick its legs in and stab it.

Quickly, I run where I saw Rick go and stop when I see a hole in a creek. I look in but no ones there and I look around. I see my favorite strawberry blonde running from 3 walkers. I start going after her. I grab my slingshot and a rock, shooting one in the head with it as Sophia takes down her walker, I kick in the last one's knee and stab it with my knife, before I can take Grandpa's knife out of the walker Sophia grabs my arm and starts running.

I try to get her to stop but she doesn't and eventually she runs out of breath and stops.
"I- I- I- I- I killed a walker" Sophia mumbles, holding up the knife I gave her, she smiles and hugs me.
"We did it" She says.
"Nah, you did it" I say, looking around as I notice the sun setting.

"I dont remember Rick's instructions. We'll be okay, right?" Sophia says.

"We will. I know Rick won't give up" I say, looking for somewhere we could sleep before we go back to the highway in the morning.

3rd Person POV 

"Rick you took down 3 walkers yourself?" Shane asks, Rick shakes his head no. Rick, Daryl, Glenn and Shane went to look for the two girls after Rick couldn't find Sophia in the creek. Daryl stares at the three dead walkers that were killed not too far from the creek.

"Not me. Maybe Raven did" Rick says, looking around, Daryl nods and points at two walkers.
"Raven did these two. That's a rock in his head and this skank's knees are kicked in before she was finished off. Raven kicks the knees in cause 'er height gives these dead bastards an advantage" Daryl says, nodding to the oddly bended knees.

 He looks at the other walker and sees the brain shot was through the eye.
"This was Sophia. Raven been teachin' her how to use a knife. This Raven's knife, she wouldn't ditch it, was her gramps" Daryl mumbles, pulling the blue knife out of the Walker's head, wiping it on the shirt and putting it in his belt. He stands up and looks for tracks. 
"We got it from here. Shane go back to the highway and keep everyone calm" Rick says, Shane nods before going off with Glenn.
Rick slightly smiles then chuckles.

"Someone has a soft spot" Rick says, looking for any walkers near. Daryl glances at him.
"Who?" He asks, kicking around some leaves before following it.
"You. You've been keeping an eye on Raven since the camp. You worried about the kid?" Rick says, making the redneck scoff.
"Nah. She fine on her own. Got the guts to stand up to Merle" Daryl says.

"She will be okay. Both those girls will" Daryl thinks in his head.

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