Murder To Excellence

By Itskndllk

657K 23K 6K

‘Black excellence.’ Rose. Black. Twenty-two. Recent college graduate. Raphael. Greek. Twenty-nine. Extremel... More

Epilogue 1.


17.7K 647 213
By Itskndllk

“What are you looking for?” Today was the day Rose was supposed to go talk to Taylor’s principal and Taylor noticed Rose was a little on edge. It wasn’t because they were late since they still had more than enough time and Rose was fully dressed.

“My pills.” Rose appeared briefly behind the sofa before ducking behind it again. “Have you seen my birth control pills?”

“No… don’t think so.”

 “Speaking of which,” Taylor spoke amused, making her way towards Rose. “Remember the other day when I caught you and Raphael doing whatever you were doing on the floor?” she waited for Rose to reply, but she was too busy looking for her pills. “Well, okay. I told you I’d come back and, unfortunately for my virgin eyes, I did. Your moans are so cute.”

“You’re kidding, right?” And Rose appeared again, way more distraught this time.

Taylor scoffed, “I wish I was.” Then, she started to imitate the noises she had heard Rose make the other night.

“No! I’m so, so sorry!”

“Aw, baby,” Taylor cooed, “Don’t apologize. I’m just a little mentally scarred right now. Anyhow, about your pills, when was the last time you took them?”

That was exactly the point. Rose had no idea when the last time was. It was not a secret she absolutely hated pills so she didn’t really miss them. Up to now. “I think I might vomit,” she whispered and lay on her back on the floor.

“You’re such a drama queen!” Taylor exclaimed and pulled her off the floor. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

“What’s not that bad?” Raphael’s voice all but made Rose fall to the floor this time.

Taylor rolled her eyes. “Stop being so nosey. If she wanted to tell you she would’ve.”

“I don’t care if she wants to tell me or not, she will either way.” After he said that, Taylor and he had a little stare-off.

“Can we just leave already?”

                                    “So, Miss Cole,” Taylor’s principal started nervously. He had obviously had these types of talks before, but the fact that Raphael sat there too made him feel extremely anxious.

“It’s Mrs. Ambrosios,” Raphael corrected quickly.

“But here,” the principal slid the paper towards Raphael and pointed where there stood Rose Cole and not Rose Ambrosios, “It says Cole.”

It was obvious this man was getting on Raphael’s nerves. From the minute they stepped into his office up to now the guy’s demeanor just annoyed him to a different extent.

“And now,” Raphael spotted a pen in the man’s coat pocket and snatched it right out of it, “It says Ambrosios.”

The principal was at loss of words and swallowed the lump in his throat. He stared at the paper for a while, just looking at what Raphael had done. He had crossed out ‘Cole’ and had written ‘Ambrosios’ instead.

It was awkwardly silent and Raphael placing the pen back into the principal’s pocket only added up to it.

“So…” the principal pursed his lips as he tried to regain himself. “Mrs. Ambrosios,” he looked up for a brief second and Raphael nodded in approval, “Taylor is a smart girl, she just needs to… focus and behave.”

“Can you explain, please?” Rose was absolutely oblivious. It always seemed as if Taylor was somewhat focused when it came down to school. Rose rarely asked, just because Taylor seemed to be doing her homework and she was old enough to know when to do it. She didn’t need Rose to pressure her on doing so.

“Give me a second.”

While the principal went to typing, Raphael’s hand traveled up Rose’s thigh. She was wearing jeans so there was no easy access, but it didn’t stop him.

“Raphael, stop,” she whispered. She closed her legs as tight as she could and trapped his hand.

“Why?” he didn’t even bother to whisper, making the principal glance at him since he thought Raphael was talking to him. “Why do you want me to stop?”

“I swear I never should’ve asked you to come with.”

“Are you two ready?” the two faced the principal again who had been waiting with a small, forced smile on his face. When Rose nodded, he started reading from his computer screen, “This is one of the many things that have happened. I quote ‘I’ll fucking stab you in the fucking eye if you fucking talk to me one more fucking time’. This was Taylor to one of her fellow students.”

“Oh!” he lifted his index finger and continued, “This was Taylor to one of her teachers. Again, I quote ‘Ew, your breath smells like a shitload of coffee and it’s not okay. You either need to back up or I’ll give you some chewing gum. I might have some in my bag’.”

Rose had such a hard time trying not to laugh. Yes, it was bad Taylor had said these things, but the way her principal tried to mimic Taylor was beyond hilarious.

“I hope you do understand such behavior is highly inappropriate and, since you’re the one taking care of her right now while both her parents are still absent, I expect you to do something about that,” he added.

“I’ll try,” she mumbled in response. She knew Taylor way too well and she wasn’t easy to convince. At the age of sixteen she wanted to live her life the way she wanted to and everyone that came in the way of that, got scolded and simply humiliated by her.


Once in a while both sides of Rose’s family got together. When Rose talked about family, it was usually her family from her dad’s side since her mom’s family lived all the way across the country so she didn’t see them that often. But when they did show up… it was adventurous. Not only Rose and her siblings had a crooked relationship with them, because they barely saw or knew each other, but so did April for the same exact reason.

It wasn’t like both sides didn’t get along; they did, very well. But April’s family was a bit different and out-spoken, that being the reason they liked George as much as they did.

Today they all went to church. Since a lot of April’s relatives couldn’t be there at Pa and Ma’s funeral, they still wanted to show their respect by showing up to this tribute.

Rose rarely went to church and it was like that ever since she was little. She was raised religiously, but her parents taught her it didn’t necessarily make you a better Christian than anybody else if you went to church or not.

And it had been ages since she last stepped into a church and she didn’t even know when her last time was, maybe before college even.

“Rose, is that you?” Rose immediately knew who that voice belonged to even though her back was turned towards her. “Rose, stop walking!” her grandmother yelled. Together with Raphael and Taylor they were one of the few ones who still had to go inside.

“Grandmother,” sang Rose while faking excitement. She spun around and spread her arms to greet Grandmother.

Ever since her last visit, Grandmother hadn’t changed one bit. She still wore her vintage Versace headscarf, huge sunglasses, a cotton candy colored coat and had that same old notorious handbag with her.

It was obvious Rose had gotten her obsession for clothes from her; it was just that their relationship was extremely forced.

Once Grandmother was close, she held Rose by her upper arms and gave her an air-kiss.

“Don’t you look… different.” She took a little pause and examined Rose entirely while she had slid her sunglasses down her nose a little. “Don’t tell me you are pregnant, Rosemary.”

Rose cringed at the ‘nickname’ Grandmother had for her. Rose, was her name. It was just Rose, nothing more than that. Rose was not short for anything, but that didn’t stop Grandmother from occasionally calling Rose Rosemary like that was her name.

“Grandmother, it’s Rose, how many times do I need to tell you?”

“I know your name, Rosemary,” Grandmother murmured as if she didn’t really care. Scratch that, she didn’t. “You’re too young to be pregnant. You’re just like your mother, getting pregnant in your early twenties. I told her she should’ve at least waited until she was in her early thirties, but guess what? April didn’t want to listen and now… now look at you, being pregnant at twenty-two… at least you’re a year older than your mother when she was pregnant with Paul,” Grandmother rambled. By now all Rose’s relatives that stood outside just moments ago were inside too.

“Grandmother, this is Raphael. Raphael, Grandmother,” Rose introduced to make Grandmother stop talking.

“So it’s true,” she replied skeptically, now too examining Raphael. Of course she knew who he was and once he and Rose started “dating” her entire family knew within seconds almost, because they liked to gossip. “Hm,” a high-pitched hum left her mouth before she too entered the church.

Inside it was no surprise Rose’s uncle was the priest. He always was. She barely saw him, but when she did she always came to the conclusion he never changed. He was George’s brother and the two got along pretty well, they just didn’t see each other that often either.

Rose’s uncle, Kerney, had dedicated his life to God that being the reason his family didn’t see him that often. He was always in or around the church so during—often Christian—holidays when the Cole family did something together, Kerney was in church.

No one except for Pa, Ma and Kerney’s siblings knew if Kerney was his real name or not. Kerney had tried everything in his power to resemble Pastor Kerney Thomas, going from the way he looked to the way he preached.

After church they all went to Kerney’s house, which was right beside the church the ceremony was held at.

“Raphael, isn’t it?” Kerney got a chair and came to sit right next to Raphael who had Rose on his lap. “Do you know about our Lord and Savior?”

It was a bit odd he asked that right after they had been to church, but things like this never stopped Kerney to have a religious talk with someone, especially strangers. There was absolutely no chance of having a non-religious talk with Kerney, since he turned everything you said into something religious. You could say something about how you like kiwis and Kerney would praise you for liking kiwis instead of apples, because of Eve.

“I have, actually,” Raphael spoke and Kerney’s face fell a little. “But I’d appreciate it if you’d inform me some more.” And with that their conversation started.

Rose left the two alone as she was happy. Apart from her mom and Taylor, Kerney was the only one who had actually tried to talk to Raphael and showed interest. All her other relatives avoided not only Raphael, but also Rose since the two were together the entire time.

Even Evan, out of all people, didn’t even try. Ever since the incident at the restaurant he had been very reluctant at being nice to Raphael and after he had told Rose’s other brothers about what had happened, they too didn’t even try anymore.

Rose never really noticed all of them not liking Raphael at all anymore, because, since they got back together, they were together all the time and she herself barely noticed how she was distancing herself from others.

“Are you pregnant?”

“Mom!” Rose exclaimed and turned around. “You can’t creep on me like that.”

“Are you?” she pressured.

“I mean… I don’t know, I could be. Why? Did Grandmother tell you?”

“Does it matter? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because,” Rose raised her voice at her mother’s sudden outburst. “I told you that I don’t know. Why would I tell you I’m pregnant if I don’t even know myself?”

“Pregnant?” Beverly came to join the conversation after eavesdropping the entire conversation. “Again?” she snorted. “George, your child is out of control! She’s pregnant again.”

George slowly but surely came to join the three as if he wasn’t extremely eager to get to the bottom of this. “You’re having his child?” It came out way too loud so now almost everybody in the kitchen was listening too.

“I’m not even sure yet, I don’t even know why Grandmother started this rumor!”

“Oh, don’t involve me, Rosemary.” Rose looked at Grandmother from the corner of her eye and watched her as she sipped her tea.

“I thought you being engaged to him was enough of a shock for now. I didn’t expect you’d get pregnant again, princess. I had hoped this engagement was some temporary thing, but…” he mumbled, but Rose heard it clearly.

It was like a serious stab to her heart to hear her own father talk about Raphael the way he did. She was kind of used to it and it always did something to her, because no one actually knew how Raphael could be when they weren’t around. But now she had more than enough of hearing her relatives bash him all day.

It wasn’t just George and Beverly showing their disinterest without any shame, her other relatives did so too now. Even before their arrival George made sure April’s family knew how he thought about Raphael and now they all shared the same thought about him, because April’s family really liked George.

“We’re married, dad, not engaged.” George almost dropped his glass to the floor as basically everyone else around them gasped.

“I think you mean engaged, princess.” George’s eyes quickly traveled to Rose’s hand, only to see she still had her engagement ring on.

“I think I know the difference between engaged and married, daddy.” It came out extremely bitchy and normally she would’ve corrected herself by now, but at the point she didn’t really care.

“When did this happen? Why didn’t I know?” April interfered.

“Does it matter?” George growled before turning back to Rose. “Why? Why him? Why aren’t you with someone like… like Quincy?”

Rose groaned as it seemed he couldn’t stop talking about Quincy ever since he had met him. Her dad was always on her back about how he seemed like the more appropriate guy for her, but her dad never seemed to get that she wasn’t, in any way, interested in anyone but Raphael.

“Because I don’t want anybody else! I love the way he treats me, looks at me, just anything about him. I don’t understand why you guys don’t get the point yet that I’m not going to end things with him just because you don’t like him! It’s not you who has to wake up to his handsome self, it’s me. And I do so, because I want to and because I love to. You know what’s really funny, dad?”

She barely waited for him to respond before she continued, “I know about your money problems and that was the reason I was with Raphael in the first place.” George stifled a smile since he was right all along and no one believed him, but he had no idea what was coming for him. “He told me that if I’d be with him, you could keep the house. Kind of ironic how you’re the reason we got together in the first place, don’t you think? The thing is, it was way more than just that and now it isn’t even about that anymore. When was the last time he even bothered you about his money?”

George thought deeply and the last time Raphael had even made a threat was during Christmas when George was making a big deal about Raphael and Rose sharing a room.

“We had an arrangement about how I had to be with just him and you could keep the house. And if I wanted to leave, I could, but you’d lose everything. When Raphael and I broke up, did you even hear anything about you having to leave the house? I seriously do not understand how you can say and act as if he’s a bad person, when he’s way better than all of you guys combined!”

Everyone in the kitchen held their breath for a while. To some it was way too much to take in, especially hearing about George’s problem too.

“Do you love him, princess?”

“Yes,” she croaked out, wiping away her tears. “And it really hurts I have to defend him against you guys all the time and I’m so done with it. You just need to accept I’m not going to let him go anytime soon. Once you guys can act like actual grown-ups you’ll see me again.”

“Princess, are you leaving?”

“Yes, dad, princess is leaving and she’s not coming back until you understand she’s not leaving her husband.” She didn’t wait for anybody else to say what they had to say and went back to Raphael who was still talking to Kerney.

“Kerney, I’m really sorry,” she interrupted. 

“Nope, go ahead.”

“Do you want to leave?” she asked Raphael as she went back to sitting on his lap. He noticed she had been crying a little and there was no doubt he didn't want to stay when she was feeling this miserable.

So he stood up slowly, waiting for Rose to stand up completely before he could too, and shook hands with Kerney. “Thank you, Kerney.”

“No, thank you. I liked talking to you and I’d like to see you again, Raphael.”

Rose stood there stunned while her mood lightened at the same time. She was happy there was someone who actually took the time to talk to Raphael and that they got along this well.

“I just need to go find Taylor, then we can leave.”

“I’m right here!” and in walked Taylor. “Is it alright if I stay here today? Kerney? Rose?” Taylor too had seen and heard the whole thing in the kitchen and thought it was a good idea to leave Rose and Raphael alone for now.

“It’s fine by me, you still have some things here,” Kerney agreed. Kerney and Taylor got along really well. It was just like Raphael and Kerney, which was quite weird. Both Raphael and Taylor didn’t like people, yet they got along with Kerney. “I’ll bring her back tomorrow, Rose, don’t worry.”

“Sure, I don’t mind,” Rose shrugged. Without saying goodbye to any other relatives but these two, they left.

“Are you going to tell me what made you want to leave this early?” He knew this was something Rose really wanted to go to, mainly because she did miss her grandparents a lot. She hadn’t visited their grave that often, because she didn’t have the courage to. The guilt was killing her and that was the reason she couldn’t miss this, but it ended up being a disaster and not even being about Pa and Ma anymore.

“They were talking about you again and it wasn’t very positive. It just…” she balled her hands into fists and groaned loudly. He looked at her and smiled as they were at a traffic light. He didn’t care one bit about what others thought of him, but it did something to him to know it did bother her when people felt like bad-mouthing him.

“How do you even do it? Ignore what all those people have to say?”

“See, baby,” he turned a little in his seat as it seemed like they weren’t moving anytime soon. He placed his arm on the back of her seat before he continued, “If they don’t know me personally, I just don’t take it personal. And I usually have no intentions in knowing them either, so it doesn’t get to me.”

“I can’t stand it when they talk about you like that, it’s so frustrating, even if they don’t really know you. They have no right to, especially Beverly. She’s such a bitch!”

“I’m taking you to dinner tonight. You have about… let’s say an hour and a half to get ready, I have somewhere to go.” Every single one that either came between the two or somehow made Rose feel angry, he wanted to strangle. He couldn’t do so of course since she’d probably get mad at him or scared of him, but he sure had his own ways to make them pay without it involving violence, Vince being an exception. But now that she had brought up Beverly’s name, the urge to make her pay was extremely present and he had already let her know that she had to simmer down a little if she didn’t want him to leak her secret.

“I’m really sorry, but I don’t feel like dressing up or anything.”

“Then don’t,” he quickly impeded.

“So if I come in jeans, that’s not a problem?” she questioned skeptically. The places he usually took her to, were the ones that made you feel underdressed if you came in anything very comfortable. The people who came to eat there and the people who worked there usually gave you a once-over when you walked in, that almost forcing you to look at your absolute best.

“You’ll still look better than anyone else, so no, it’s not a problem.”

“Aren’t you romantic!” she pinched and squeezed his cheeks with both her hands and he just sat there, dully looking at her. He had a love-hate relationship with her doing that. Whenever she did so, it looked as if he didn’t enjoy it one bit and he didn’t, but at the same time he did.

                                                                        “Uh, hi?” Beverly’s fiancé was stunned as to why Raphael stood on his doorstep; the two had never even talked before. Today he hadn’t even gone to church with Beverly since the two were already having trouble in paradise.

Raphael didn’t take the time to greet him back; he just forced the fiancé to step aside so he could walk in. He still memorized where the living room was and, just like the last time he was there, he sat down without permission.

“Uh, can I help you with something?”

“Uh,” Raphael mocked, “I think you’d like to see these pictures. I have them in A0 too, if you like that better.”


“I’d highly appreciate it if you stop with the fucking uh. It makes you look ridiculous.” He placed his feet on the coffee table and his hands behind his head as he watched his entire plan go in motion right in front of his eyes.

It was soft to say the guy broke down when he saw the pictures that proved Beverly’s infidelity with a man that was circa twenty years older than she was.

                                                      And she did come in jeans, but that wasn’t such a big deal for the others compared to them seeing Raphael laugh. Waiters tripped over each other and their own feet just to make sure it was him laughing. Today they didn’t sit that excluded from the rest so everyone could see. Other people that were supposed to be eating, weren’t eating anymore since they were too intrigued and didn’t want to miss out on the rare moment.

“Hello?” She waved her hands in front of his face as his eyes were particularly low. She wore a fitted blouse and wasn’t wearing a bra either since it didn’t feel very comfortable. “Stop staring at my breasts.”

“You don’t want to have sex, at least let me fantasize a little here.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I can’t. Bobby, remember?” Accidently she rubbed her foot up his leg and that’s when he actually made eye contact with her again. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re not. You did it on purpose, because you like to see me suffering the way I am. You wear things like this, because you know it turns me on. You arch your eyebrow the entire fucking time, because you know what it does to me,” he ranted and she grinned at the fact that their no sex policy was that new, but it still bothered him beyond belief. “But you desperately want to listen to that Bianca lady of yours and let me be hard the entire fucking time.”

“I’m so—” She groaned and switched off her phone when it started ringing for the billionth time that night. It had been either one of her brothers or her parents calling, or Donat and Tobiasz and it was driving her absolutely insane.

Raphael always managed to make her feel so much better when they were together and every time they went out, they stayed for a really long time. Like every time they went out for dinner and had nothing to do afterwards they stayed in the restaurant after they were done eating and just talked for solid hours. It was their thing and it always helped her ease her mind. But these people calling her, and this frequent, made it hard for her to relax.

“They know we’re married,” she spoke after she had buried her phone deeply inside her bag. “My entire family knows.”

He was ecstatic they finally knew and it was in the out and the open. The fact that he could show her off as his fiancée was one thing, but he couldn’t wait to finally let everybody know she was his wife. And now he could, now he officially could.

“We’ll go buy wedding bands tomorrow then.” He waited for her to reply, but instead her face scrunched and she closed her eyes tightly. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Back pain,” she moaned.

“Let’s go home and I’ll give you a nice massage.”

Her eyes slowly fluttered open as the offer did seem nice, but she was a bit hesitant; she didn’t know if he’d end up just massaging her and, after he voiced his opinion about them not having sex, she had little faith in it actually staying at that.

“Okay,” she finally agreed. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”

Right when he was about to get up to help her stand up the three people he had no desire to see walked in. “Are you fucking kidding me…”

Rose sat there awkwardly since she thought he was talking to her. She couldn’t see Donat, Tobiasz and Natalia coming, because her back was towards them. But once the three of them reached Rose and Raphael’s table, they grabbed chairs from nearby tables and sat down. Donat and Tobiasz next to Rose while Natalia seated next to Raphael.

Kochana,” Tobiasz whispered in Rose’s ear and leaned in close to kiss her cheek. She backed away, but ended up leaning against Donat’s chest. The two of them sat extremely close to her and both had their arms behind her chair. “It feels like you’ve been avoiding us lately. Not picking up… not opening the door for us…”

“She doesn’t need to answer her phone or the door for anyone but me if she doesn’t want to,” Raphael answered for her. Rose looked up at him and saw that Natalia was all over him. Though she knew he probably didn’t tell her to stop, because he knew that she was doing it on purpose and she wasn’t going to stop whether he told her to or not, Rose still felt a little jealous.

“You coming to play poker with us tomorrow?” Their poker matches were something they did every time the two were around. They involved vodka, women and a lot of money, just this time Donat and Tobiasz had a little more in store for Raphael. Something he sure wouldn’t enjoy and still didn’t know anything of.

“I’ll see. Baby, let’s go.” He stood up, not being able to deal with this anymore. He had to think twice before he did or said anything around Donat and Tobiasz and he had to react way more timid than he was used to, because these people were dangerous. He wasn’t particularly afraid of them, but more of what they could do and what they were about to do.

And the sight of them being that close to his Rose was a serious test. It took everything for him not to explode.

“Bye kochana, hope to see you too tomorrow.”

“I’m going to fucking kill them,” Raphael mumbled under his breath as Rose and he walked away from the table. He got jealous quickly, he was dominant and liked to have everything his way. But right now it seemed like everything that was happening went against the way he was and he couldn’t do anything about it.

He could not openly be jealous, that triggering Donat and Tobiasz even more.

He could not be dominant around them or that would make whatever they had coming way worse.

He could not have things his way, because right now everything went their way.

And they knew exactly those were the things that made Raphael and all the previous years he had no intentions of hiding it, up to now. They were playing a mind game with him, an unspoken one, and he was completely trapped. He knew what they wanted of him and they knew he knew, they all just acted as if they didn’t.

                                    Back at Rose’s apartment, Raphael wasted no time.

He pinned Rose against the door and mercilessly ripped open her blouse. She wanted to yell at him for doing that to her blouse, but she was a little speechless. He looked angry and at the same time she was extremely turned on by his anger.

On their way back to her apartment they hadn’t really spoken, but she could tell he was tense and she knew the reason why. She just didn’t know the details and maybe that was a good thing.

He grabbed her hair to keep her face steady and tugged her lower lip. He wasn’t gentle, but he wasn’t hurting her in an unpleasing way either. She knew he’d never hurt her physically the way Vince did and even though Raphael could get rough, he never got that rough.

He picked her up and she automatically wrapped her legs around him. They looked at each other for a while as he still looked very angry, with his eyebrows furrowed and his green eyes slightly darker.

Several hums out of satisfaction came from Rose in response when Raphael sucked and bit on her neck and when he added a firm squeeze to her ass she moaned loudly.

She let the moment take her away and she didn’t care one bit if they did end up having sex, she was too turned on at that point.

She wanted to unbutton his shirt, but it got way too difficult; it seemed like her entire body was shivering under his touch and gaze.

“Fuck, Rose,” he whispered in her ear, sending full on signs of enjoyment to every part of her body possible. “I fucking want you right now.” He took off her blouse completely and kissed her on the lips when both their upper bodies were bare.

Since he knew the way, they reached her bedroom without him even having to break the kiss one time.

He positioned her on her bed and she looked at him while leaning on her forearms. First her heels came off, then he took off her jeans and she lay on the bed in just her panties.

The staring got intense. He kept looking at her body for what seemed like minutes before he spoke, “Flip over.”

She lay there very obedient, secretly hoping he’d take off his slacks and just do her. But he didn’t. He just took off his shoes and straddled her on the bed.

“I promised you I’d give you this massage.” The moment his hands rubbed her back, she lost it. This was nothing like a Riviera-massage everyone obviously enjoyed. She enjoyed his massage, but way differently than she did any spa massage.

He seemed to be massaging her in all the places she felt the pain, but he did not rush. It took everything in him not to take her, because all she was doing was moan. Constantly and it became louder.

Every time his warm, large hand kneaded her skin, it drove her insane.

And it came as an absolute surprise to both when she held onto the pillow she lay on with both hands and moaned out his name when she had her orgasm.

An orgasm from a massage. She came from a massage. It was that good.

“You’re a fucking tease, Rose,” he murmured as he watched her back arch and heard her yell out his name when she came. His erection was pressed against her and it took a lot for him to not do what he wanted to do. “But you want to listen to… Robby so bad.”

“I need to tell you something,” she rasped and he instantly got worried. She felt he became on edge so she resumed quickly, “I haven’t taken my birth control pills in a really long time. As in since we came back from our trip. And, since we never use protection, there’s a high possibility I might be pregnant.”

He smiled extensively at the news, but she couldn’t tell. During their trip he used to put her pills with her food, it being easier like that for her to take it. But now that she had forgotten it, and for a pretty long time, it didn’t bother him one bit since he actually didn't want her taking them.  

“Then we’ll have to pass by a doctor tomorrow,” he demanded and got off the bed. She immediately felt cold without him, but kept laying the way she was, because she was way too tired to even move.

Raphael checked his phone as it had been buzzing. Normally he wouldn’t have picked up or even looked at his phone, but he knew who was trying to reach him since there were only two people he knew who’d try and contact others at this time.

Seemed like kochana enjoyed her massage.

He abruptly checked the room to see if there was any bug around he could see at that instant.

Don’t worry, we’ll buy her a new denim blouse tomorrow.

“Fuck.” He unfortunately had to wait until Rose was asleep to see if there were cameras anywhere here, because she’d get way too worried if she knew what he was looking for.

But she had all the right to be worried.

This was way worse than he initially thought it would be.

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