Spy School New Evil Arises

By DudetteGirl

6.7K 133 149

After Ben and the gang defeat SPYDER, a new organization rose from the shadows. Can Ben and the gang stop thi... More

Chapter 1-The Downhill
Chapter 3-Don't Crash...please?
Chapter 4- Driving Like crazy
Chapter 5- Bombs. Bombs Everywhere.
Chapter 6- Sacrifice
Chapter 7- Escape
Chapter 9- The mole
Chapter 10- Calm or not?
Chapter 11- Stories
Chapter 12- The Truth
Chapter 13- Infiltration
Chapter 14- Triple is the new Double
Chapter 15- Horror
Chapter 16- Finish Him! (*ahem* I mean "Her")
AN | Chapter 17- Say whaaat?
Chapter 18- Um . . . No Thank You?
Chapter 19- So tragic....
been a long time- lemme know

Chapter 2-What?!

437 8 7
By DudetteGirl

Enjoy! :)))

Ben's POV:

As me and Erica walked towards the office, I tried to make small talk. 

"So Erica, um. . . how are you doing?" I already knew what answer I would receive.

"I'm fine." Erica replied robotically. "That's good to hear." I said. We had finally arrived at the Idiot's office. I opened the door for Erica like a gentleman. She ignored this gesture and just walked into the small office.

I walked in and was not surprised to see Cyrus Hale and Alexander Hale in The Idiot's office. Alexander smiled warmly at me. "Hey, Ben! How's my main man doing?" Cyrus just glared at me like I just committed a crime. "I'm doing good." I replied.

Meanwhile I saw our principal playing Flap Jack on his phone. Cyrus saw and said sharply, "Sidebottom, stop playing that game and or else I will happily chuck it out the window for you."

The Idiot's face turned red with embarrassment and nodded feebly.

"Good." Cyrus turned his attention back to me and Erica. "You two are activated for Operation Smelly Hippo." 

I muttered, "And I thought the names couldn't get any worse." Cyrus's steely gaze hardened. "Anyway," Cyrus said, glaring at me. "This mission's purpose is to save the entire world from the missile attacks. We do not know the evil organization behind this devious plan but we do know that they are going to launch at least 2 missiles to every state in this world." 

The Idiot's face was covered in fear that he could be blown up.

Alexander's blue eyes danced with excitement. "And, we are giving you two this awesome car!" 


I gasped when I saw the car. It was a Ferrari. "Woah!" I said in awe as I examined the Ferrari up close. Then something struck me as odd.

"Why is the CIA giving us this Ferrari? Wouldn't they care if we got a scratch on it?" I asked as casually as I could.

Alexander's smile faltered a bit. "I-I don't know." Alexander glanced at is dad.  Cyrus sighed and explained, "Because I convinced them to and I suspect you may need this girl," Cyrus patted the Ferrari, "in a car chase." I stared in shock. "What?" I exclaimed. 

"Grandpa thinks that we will need to make a quick escape." Erica suddenly spoke up. I jumped. I had forgot she was even here, her being so quiet.

"Okay." I said uncertainly, but not wanting to trade this Ferrari for an old beat up SUV, I decided to stop asking questions and just go with the flow.

"Well, what're you waiting for? Get in." Erica motioned me to the passenger seat next to the driver's seat. "Oh, okay." I slipped into the seat. It felt nice and comfy.

Erica sat in the driver's seat. "What?!" I said, alarmed. "You're driving?" Erica rolled her eyes. "Well, yeah. Duh. Who else is going to drive?" "But you don't even have a driver's license yet!" I almost yelled.

Erica ignored me and started the engine. I started to protest but then Cyrus barked from outside of the vehicle, "Oh just be quiet!" I fell silent, praying Erica really knew what to do and not crash the car, cause hey, ever heard the saying 'I'm too young to die'? That would be me.

Okay, not bad. Hope you guys enjoyed this story so far!

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