
By gloomyblueberry

195K 5.3K 2.1K

There were complaints about a baby crying in Aizawas patrol route so, naturally he went to sort it out. what... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Quirk details+other stuff (Necessary)
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
just tododeku stuff+others
Filler 1
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
The one where it ends
I'll miss you

Part 16

4.2K 117 60
By gloomyblueberry



*Hizashi pov* you didn't see that coming did you.

Lunch was almost over and I was in the teachers lounge with Sho. He was sleeping I'm his sleeping bag with his head on my lap when Hitoshi bursts in and runs up to us.

"I can't find Izu!!!"

I know we're all a little too protective of her but it's because she's a baby. Although I'd never tell her that because she would torture me and anyone else who either agreed or said the same thing. Sometimes she pins you to the ground and makes you apologise over and over again. While she sits on you.

Sho somehow got out of his sleeping bag and got to the door in two seconds flat. He yells at us "Hitoshi look on the first and second floor. I'll look on the ground floor, parking lot, and all the training facilities. Hizashi look everywhere above this floor." He called me Hizashi. He's dead serious."All of you other jobless assholes double check everywhere and Nemuri you check in the womens washrooms, and somebody fucking tell the rat satan", Sho says as he leaves the room.

*Time skip to after Hizashi searches everywhere except the roof because I'm fucking lazy*

I was almost done looking and I was getting worried. Nezu would've said something over the speakers if they found her but there was no word about her location.

I climb the stairs to the roof and I hear some noise in a hallway nearby. I go in the direction of the noise and see a yellow light receding. Then I see two of Sho's students with injuries from what seems like the others quirk.

Then I see a site that haunts me. I see my baby Zu with her back against the wall, a tear stained face, lifeless eyes and her arm outstretched. She must've stopped their fight.

I run to Izuku and pick her up. She felt cold and sick. I hold her closer and she melts into my arms and makes herself smaller. I feel a whole lot of anger but my concern overwhelms it. I rush to Sho because it doesn't look like she has any injuries. I see him and somehow my speed increases. I hand her over to him and she does the same thing. She just melts into his arms. She didn't say anything. She didn't make a sound. She didn't move. I couldn't even tell if she was breathing. The only indication being the faint rising and falling chest.

What on earth happened to my her?

*Aizawa pov*

I saw Zashi with Izuku in his arms and I rushed to them. She looked like she didn't want to be noticed by anyone. He handed her over to me and she just shrank more. She started holding onto my shirt like it was her lifeline.

I told Nezu that I was going home with Izu and he immediately obliged after seeing the state she was in, he even offered to drive us there. Which I took up seeing that I wouldn't be able to drive. We got home and I went upto her room. We laid on the bed and she started whimpering and shaking.

I didnt know who did this to her but they were going to pay.

I pulled the blanket over us and the cats came over they made themselves comfortable around us. Well mostly her. Tea was in her shirt again I guess that was Tea's spot now. Coffee was on my head, cappuccino was on her neck Justin, latte and espresso somehow squeezed into the space between us.

Eventually she stopped shaking and whimpering. We fell asleep soon enough.

*Time skip to about 8PM*

Zashi woke me up and said dinner was ready. I didn't want to wake Izuku up but the cats woke up when I did and the started licking her and nuzzling against her.

She groaned and sat up. Justin still on her head, espresso and latte on either shoulders and Tea still in her shirt. "Daaaddd", she yelled. I guess she hadn't opened her eye's yet. I laugh a little and say,"yeah sweetie", "I'm hungry and I need to talk to you" she said still not opening her eyes. Zashi chimes in,"honey there's katsudon. Come down after a shower it'll make you feel better.", her eyes shoot open, probably because of the mention of Katsudon, she goes to her cupboard and grabs some clothes. She sets them down and pushes us out of the room. Then she opens the door says,"I'll be down in two minutes.", and closes it. There was something different about her but I couldnt place it.

I go downstairs to have my coffee and I see Hitoshi in the kitchen trying to make Katsudon.

I go over and help him, since I'd mastered it already. "Is she fine?", he asks "I'm not sure. She seems to be happy but there's something different about her." I reply. "She said she needed to talk to me but she didnt say about what."

Then I realise I didnt know what happened so I go to Zashi and asking him,"what exactly happened when you got there?", he looked hesitant at first but then I saw a little anger leak into his eyes which he hid immediately.

He sighs and starts speaking, "I was looking everywhere for Zu when i finally reached the roof. I was about to open the door when I heard some commotion. It was from a hallway near the roof, it was all but deserted. I got closer when the noises stopped and then I saw a light start dimming. I started rushing to the hallway because I was hoping it was Izuku's light that I saw. When I got there I saw three students. Bakugou Katsuki. Todoroki Shoto and Zu."

Zashi looked so sad, and mad at the same time. It took a lot to make him mad. And when he was I didn't compare to how scary he was.

"The boys looked like they had just had a fight but then I saw Izuku..........she looked so lifeless. She was slumped against the wall with her left arm extended in the direction of the boys. When I looked closely at her, I noticed her eyes didn't have the shine they usually do. No. they looked dead. I went and picked her up, ignoring the two boys, and when I held her she shrank. Like she wanted to hide from the world. She felt a little cold too now that I think about it. Anyway I picked her up and I brought her to you. That's about it."

He stopped and put his head in his hands. Toshi was still in the kitchen. That's when we heard, "KATSUDON!!!!!!!", then Izuku came running down the stairs. Somehow the cats were in the same place as before. Tea was meowing and gave Izuku's chin a tiny lick. She giggled a little and smiled.

We all sat at the table and Hitoshi yelled, "I call dibs on not setting the table", "damnit", izuku said while getting the plates. She set the table and we started eating dinner. She had two bowls and somehow had room for a third and that's when I noticed it. I got up and ran over to her side of the table and held her face in my hands(Not in a weird way you pervs)

"Dad? you're being weird", she says and I exclaim,"your eyes are different!!!", instead of being their brilliant green they were brilliant green with golden flecks. If was very pretty but worrying. Eyes don't just change out of nowhere. "We're going to Dr.Maru tomorrow." I say and I sit back down and eat my katsudon.

Izuku gets up and goes to a nearby mirror. "Wow. Pretty. But we don't need to go to Dr.Maru just because my eyes changed by a bit", she says, this time Hitoshi speaks,"Izuku eyes don't change color randomly. I think you should go to Dr.Maru", "but there's school tomorrow. I don't want to fall behind on the second day", she says worry lacing her words."I'm your bloody homeroom teacher you're not gonna fall behind", I say getting mad. Why doesn't she want to go, she always been open to going to the hospital."fine" she says and sits back down to finish her katsudon.

After dinner Izuku asked me if I was free. I said I was because I was curious. She takes me to her room and closes the door after the cats that followed her made their way in.

*Izuku pov*

"Remember when I used to get bullied." He visually tensed. "Yeah...", I sigh and sit on the bed next to him, the cats surrounding me."well I never really told you who did it to me. Did I." I say. He shakes his head and holds my hand. I look him dead in the eyes and say,"you have to promise not to kill, permanently injure, sue, intimidate, expel or make their lives hell....on purpose.", he looks hesitant but then he agrees and then looks at me in surprise,"expel? Is it someone from UA?", I nod my head and he stares at me, waiting for a name. "listen, I'm just gonna cut to the chase
It's Bakugou, he used to be my friend remember? Kachan.", he stares in surprise,"are you telling me your bestfriend from preschool was bullying you for 3 years?", I nod hesitantly. Then realization makes it's way onto dads face. I know what's gonna come next,"was he the one who gave you those burns?", he asks in a dangerously deep voice. I stand up and say,"you promised you wouldn't do anything so you can't"

"You broke your promise when you ran at that 0pointer, why the hell can't I do this?"

"Because that wasn't a bloody promise and it isn't nearly the same situation."

"That doesn't matter. I am your father and I am going to do something about this"

"I'm not some 3 year old that needs to be coddled all the time. You guys didn't know where I was for 5 minutes and you made everyone search for me like I had been kidnapped."

"And if I didn't do that you would've gotten hurt-"

"Of course I'm gonna get hurt!!" I scream."you cant have me under watch 24/7, you act like scraping my knee means it's broken. I'm gonna be a hero for christ's sake!!"I yell again

"But-", I didnt let him finish. I groan, push him out of my room and lock the door. He kept knocking and trying to open the door but I didn't let him in. Papa came and tried to get me to open the door but he didn't succeed either.

Then Toshi came to the door and knocked. I pulled him into the room and we slept next to each other.

My life was such a mess.


I'm not proofreading this chapter either because I have s cold and I want to sleep. I'm too lazy to read it in the morning.

Ignore all typos.

1775 words

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