A Love Without Time (Remus Lu...

By ThatPunkEmily

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*From 1975-1998* *Switching POV Story* From 1975-1998, follow the love story of Eloise Greene and Remus Lupin... More

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By ThatPunkEmily

Ellie was all healed up by Monday, I spent all weekend with her at her side. I only left her for sleep and meals. I did my homework there and everything. I even spoonfed her some pudding, even though she assured me she could feed herself.
Our friends came to visit Ellie during the days she was in the Hospital Wing. Dorcas spent about as much time as I did with Ellie. I was sweet of her to do that. Ellie was back in her dorm by Sunday night. Dorcas assured me she'd watch out for her. It was just a broken elbow that was now healed, but I am still a bit shaken about watching her fall from that height.
I waited for her in the Common Room that morning before going down to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. She smiled when she saw me as I smiled at her. I greeted her with a kiss when she reached me, and I took her hand in mine and we headed to the Great Hall. The guys were saving us seats at the Gryffindor table, they were all very happy to see Ellie was healed and ready to get back to normal.
I couldn't believe we were in our seventh year at school already. It seems like yesterday I got my first letter, and now I'm in my final year. I remember when I first met the guys. James was so excited, and he and Sirius had become mates on the train ride to school. And that night in our dorm, James insisted that we would all become best mates. He was right. We did, and we're closer than ever.
After the first month of school, Marlene received a letter from her older brother, saying he had joined The Order of the Phoenix. The Order was a group that was made by Headmaster Dumbledore to fight against Lord Voldemort. Even though we were all of age, we couldn't join until we were finished with school.
James and Sirius were very excited to join, more than I was at least. Dorcas was also very excited to join. Mary was the only one of us that wasn't eager to join. She didn't want to fight in the war. Ellie said her brother felt the same way. Archie just wanted to play Quidditch and live his life as normally as possible.
During October, things started to get bad. Death Eater killings and they began to gain massive numbers. It's honestly terrible. I didn't want to think about what will happen if he actually gains power over the Wizarding World. It's absolutely terrifying. Ellie doesn't like to talk about it, it scares her, but I know that she plans on joining the Order of the Phoenix as soon as she can like the rest of us do.
Things weren't any better come November. I especially had a hard time. I had a feeling this upcoming full moon wasn't going to be a pleasant one. I just knew it. Since I have been transforming most of my life, I can usually tell if it's going to be okay or not. This time I could tell it was going to be rough.i try wasn't looking forward to it.
The professors have piled on the homework and even though we're taking less classes, we're using those free hours to do homework and essays. I swear they're trying to kill us. So that also wasn't helping any stress levels.
As I walked to the Shrieking Shack to transform, I felt more achy than ever. My bones hurt so bad, I was moving so slow, I didn't think I would make it to the Shack in time. I forced myself to move as fast as I could.
I began to tear into myself before I even fully transformed. It hurt so bad but I couldn't stop it. I was beginning to lose my mind, and soon enough it all went black.

When I woke again I was in the Hospital Wing. I looked around and saw Ellie was sitting there, looking like she never slept, and she sighed a big, loud sigh of relief when she saw I was awake. "Oh thank Merlin," she breathed, and then she stroked my hair with one hand and held my hand in hers with the other.
"Ellie," I croaked, my voice raspy and groggy.
"Hi darling," she said, her voice sounded on edge. Like she was about to cry.
"What happened?" I asked, looking at her.
Tears were falling down her cheeks, staining them wet. "When we arrived, you were lying on the floor of the Shack, you had tore into yourself so bad you were bleeding out. You looked like you were dead." She paused to collect herself, "I turned back into myself to perform the spell to make it stop."
"You what?" I ask, using all my might to sit up. "Darling, do you know how dangerous that was?"
"You were bleeding out!" She exclaimed, obviously very upset. I didn't care. What she had done was reckless.
"What if I had come to and attacked you?"
"I knew you wouldn't," she sobbed, "And I had Padfoot and Prongs to protect me if you woke up. They wouldn't have let you hurt me. All I did was muter a few words."
"That was so dangerous, Ellie, you shouldn't have done that."
Her face turned to one of anger, and tears poured even harder, "Fine!" She stood up, "Next time I will just let you bleed out and die!"
She walked away from me, I let out a frustrated sigh. "Bunny!" I called, she ignored me. "Ellie! Come back! Please!"
It was no use, she was gone. Madam Pomfrey came to check on me, and gave me a potion to drink to get some of my strength back. I thanked her but I wasn't exactly enthusiastic after I had upset Ellie so bad. She was just worried about me, and she did save my life. I was just so shocked when she said she turned back into herself in front of me while I was transformed. I was more scared for her safety then the fact that I was dying.
"That Greene girl loves you, you know," said Madam Pomfrey as she brought me lunch and more potion. "She refused to leave your side, even though I told her that she should go to bed and come back later."
"I know," I said, "I love her, too."
"I know you do," she assured me with a smile and she walked off.
It was lunch time, and my roommates came to visit me. They were all happy to see I was awake. I was glad that Sirius was here, because I needed to ask him something. "Will you please tell Ellie that I'm sorry for what happened this morning, and I'm very grateful she saved me."
"She was pretty passed, mate," said Sirius, as he took a swig of my leftover pumpkin juice.
"I know," I say, nodding, "I was stupid. When she said she turned back into herself in front of me while I was transformed, it only made me think about how I could have attacked her. It's just my reaction. I couldn't help it."
"It's going to be a minute before she's ready to talk to you again," said James, "When we asked her if she wanted to come with us, she just rolled her eyes and started talking to Dorcas again like we didn't say anything to her."
That didn't make me feel any better. I sighed and laid my head back in my pillow. "Shit."
"She'll come around, don't worry," said Sirius and he patted my shoulder.
They left soon after that. I took a nap after my friends left, and when I woke again I saw a mop of wavy brown hair and I startled awake. "Bunny?" I asked, my tone hopeful.
"Sorry to disappoint you, mate," said Sirius's voice. "It's just me."
I sigh and lay my head back on my pillow.
"She did ask me to come here to check on you." he admits. I turn my head and look at him. "I think she's worried."
"She did?"
He nods, "She did. She'll probably come see you tomorrow."
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
"Don't worry. I'll talk to her tonight. I told her that you're sorry for what you said this morning, and I think she understood. She won't be mad at your forever. She loves you too much."
That was a nice thought, she wouldn't stay mad at me forever. Sirius left after that, saying he was going to get some dinner. I took another nap. I was so tired. When I woke again I turned to turn my bedside lamp off and I saw Ellie sitting there reading.
"You sleep a lot," she said, calmly, and then closed her book.
"Bunny," I said, softly. "Am I dreaming, or are you actually here?"
She smiled lightly, like she didn't want to smile at me. "I'm here."
I smiled at her, I was so happy to see her. Sirius said maybe she'd come tomorrow morning, but she was here now. I felt so relieved to see her. She reached for my head and she touched my forehead. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better now that you're here," I admit to her. She smiled a little wider. "I'm sorry for this morning, darling. I'm so grateful you were brave enough to save me. Thank you so much."
"You would do the same for me," she says, tears pooling in her eyes. I wiped them away and smiled up at her. I sat up then and I kissed her. Which is what I should have done when I saw she was here this morning.
I pressed our foreheads together after the kiss, "I love you so much."
"I love you, too," she said and she kissed me again.

Here's part 20!

I can't wait for them to be finished with school because I got some THINGS planned for them when they finish.

I seriously can't wait. You're not ready.

-Emily Winchester.

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