By MoniqueTheRippah

70.4K 3.2K 559

A passionate, paranormal romance. Krissy Jones is misunderstood and alone. She was left all by herself in the... More

|Chapter One|
|Chapter Two|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Five|
|Chapter Six|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Ten|
|Chapter Eleven|
|Chapter Twelve|
|Chapter Thirteen|
|Chapter Fourteen|
|Chapter Fifteen|

|Chapter Four|

4.4K 256 26
By MoniqueTheRippah

^^^Dedicated to my editor Ally-Star =D Thanks for helping me improve! This story would suck without you! XD ^^^

A/N I can't say this enough, thank you for voting for this story and leaving such helpful comments! I hope you like this chapter!

© All Rights Reserved to D.S Lemonius.


Chapter Four

The following Monday I slipped into my Music classroom one minute before the lesson bell went off and Ms. Williams stood at her usual spot at the front of the classroom. The door was near the back row so I took a seat one away from the window. Ms. Williams hushed her already seated students. I got out my light blue book and copied out the paragraph on pitch and tone, silently preparing for the scariest part of my day.

This was my favourite lesson by far on my schedule though all subjects had a down side. “Now, who will do the demonstration today?” Ms. Williams asked herself, her grey eyes shifted between her students. She started to eyes student on the back row and I knew there was a chance she’d make me do it. “Please don’t pick me,” I silently pleaded. I loved to sing, but not in front of anyone or the classical music she usually picks.

“I think Jessica can definitely do it.” Jessica was sitting to my left next to the window, grimacing.

“Eric, you seem particularly eager to perform today.” Erik was two desks away from my right. He was literally under the table. It was a small room, only twenty students fit, four students to a row. Why do teachers do that? You know, pick on the kids who didn’t care or want to something. It was annoying.

I tried to take an approach that made it less obvious that I didn’t want to sing. I started to stare at the bright posters on the blue walls pretending to be really interested by the facts. I thought it worked when Ms. Called ‘Sarah.’; she was in the second row. I sighed with relief but just a little too soon.

“Ah Krissy! You’ll be perfect for the song I’ve chosen today! You don’t mind, do you?” I knew it was a rhetorical question; like I said all lessons have a bad side and in music you can’t say no. I slowly walked to the front of the class where Ms. Williams handed me a sheet and beckoned two boys from the front of the class. She gave them sheets to and one quickly unfolded a keyboard and another got drumsticks and sat by a drum kit. This room was seriously cramped; I was nervous and claustrophobic.  Both boys heads were constantly bowed but I could just about see their pale faces with dark scars behind their black hair. They were twins.  I read the song title and was taken back; it was actually a really good song! Normally, Ms chose classics like ‘Stand By Me.’ I didn’t complain since I wanted my first time demonstrating to be good.

“Go on Krissy.” She insisted and so I did. I sang my heart out.

When the music played I slowly began to lose myself. It was a though nothing else existed other than me and the music. The boys played very well.

The bridge in the song arrived I knew I was completely lost. I’m not sure how I managed to suddenly come back to reality but I did…by the sound of a door opening. There in the doorway was the boy I recently met and am trying to avoid. The boy I was not friendly to upon his sudden arrival at summer school. Sam Richardson.

I felt his horrible presence as soon as he walked in. I finished the song quickly, not wanting to sing in front of him but I was too late. He was already leaning on the door frame with his eyebrows raised and a sly smile on his face. His eyes were focused on me. Damn.

“Err Krissy that was brilliant but don’t rush, okay?” Ms Williams smiled at me and gave me a pat on the back to go back to my seat. She then turned on her late comer.

Before she could say anything he held out a piece folded paper and Ms took it to read. “Fair enough.” She told him. “Where should I place you?” Crap, I thought. The only spare space was next to me. I don’t suppose Ms Williams would put him on the floor?

“Go sit next to Krissy in the back.” He grinned at me. I really hate my life.

I sighed in exasperation when he sat next to me.

For the rest of the lesson we were unscrambling from famous pieces as Ms William’s idea of ‘fun’. No one could really do it other than me since…well we’re all in summer school for failing, what do you expect? I finished everything except the last one of a song I’d never heard of. Glancing over at Sam, I saw he was finished and playing ‘Angry Birds’ on his IPod touch under the desk.

“Stuck?” he asked.

“Um, yeah. How did you know?”


“Actually, never mind that. Have you figured out ‘You have Gorgeous Brown Eyes.’?”

“Aw thanks! That wasn’t so hard to say to me, eh?” Why does everything that comes out of his mouth so sarcastic?

“For your information, you do not have gorgeous brown eyes! It’s a song see,” I picked up my paper as evidence and he simply looked and shook his head.

“Honey, I think you are seeing things.” Sam laughed. What? I looked at my sheet and the song wasn’t there! I could have sworn it was!

“Like I said, just say what you mean.” He winked at me. I scrunched up my piece of paper and growled. “Alright, calm down tiger!”

Just then the bell rang. I jumped out of my seat and packed up my stuff. My heart was beating fast and fear threatened to take over me completely. I was seeing things again.

"What's wrong, tiger? Embarrassed?"  I didn't want to play any games; I just wanted to get away from him.

"Leave me alone Sam," with my bag on my side, I started towards the door but Sam grabbed my wrist and swung me around to face him.

"Did you not here me or do you not understand English? Leave me alone!"

Sam was staring at me intensely, like he was searching for something in my eyes. His eyes flickered up above my head and I followed to see Ms. Williams standing there watching us. I smiled at her as if to say everything was fine.

"I was only playing, relax. Plus we need to start tutoring real soon. Finals are coming up.

I looked at Sam's tanned face then his hand on my wrist. I closed my eyes to control the anger starting to boil inside me. How can he expect me to do him favours if he keeps 'playing' with me? It doesn't work like that unfortunately. Sam is no exception.

Calmly I ordered, "Take your hand off of me." He hesitated before releasing his grip on my wrist. "You can not force me to do anything. No matter how easy it will make your life or mine."


"I'm not listening!" I covered my ears and walked out of the room. My next lesson was science but before reaching the lab I heard Sam from behind "As childish as you are, your pretty cute when you're mad." my mouth fell open. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw he was on the other side if the corridor.

"Oh so now you're stalking me?!" I yelled back. He grinned and started running towards me.

"Oh please, I have better things to do. this is my lesson." he stated.

Was he in like all of my lessons?!

He pushed the door open for me. "Ladies first."

"Someone please kill me now!" I groaned walking in.

The lesson was book work since we were banned from practical; some idiots mixed chemicals they weren't meant to and singed their eyebrows off. I sat next to one of them and had to cover up my laughter at his drawn on ones. At least one teacher doesn't call on me for answers anymore. Teachers can't seem to get it through their thick skulls that I’m hopeless at most things. For example: pug faced Ms. Armoire.

When we were dismissed, a hand pulled me to the side. I was about to start screaming curses, thinking Sam had but it wasn't. It was Marcus.

Marcus was head of the basketball team. He towered over me. "Sorry Krissy but I was wondering...Is that new kid giving you trouble?" he asked. I was stunned. Marcus had never spoken a word to me ever before. I heard of him near enough everyday since Janie had a massive crush on him. I can see why though. 'Tanned, hot, blue eyed sports god' Janie called him.

"Um, kind of yeah. Why?"

"Your Janie's friend. This morning in art…I asked her out." he started to blush. Oh finally! Anyone could see he liked her except her. Like I said before, Janie is a stubborn type.

"Wait. That doesn't explain why you care." A smile started to spread across my face. I hope he means what I think he means.

"Well, Janie's so sweet and fragile you know. I want her to be happy and don't want her to worry. I just saw that new guy annoying you and you looked so flustered in class."

"Oh, he's meant to tutor me but I won't let him."

"Can I teach him a lesson or two?" Marcus held up his fists and kissed each of them. I grinned at him. This day won’t be as bad as I thought it would be.

"That would be lovely, thank you."

Hopefully Marcus will rough him up a bit. Then maybe he'll stay away from me. Though knowing Sam, I'm not to sure.


Will Sam get beat up?! 

Will Sam back off?!

Will Krissy feel bad?!

Vote and comment telling me what you think!!!

A/N: I'll try fit in one more chapter on sunday if I can since my holidays coming to an end :(

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