Lost Soul


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Freak. Human-obsessed. Insane. These are the words the Endermen use to describe little Mellohi. Sweet, innoce... More

Chapter 1: Mellohi Has Trauma
Chapter 2: Enderwalks Are Dangerous
Chapter 3: Crashland in the Sand
Chapter 4: Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Vomit
Chapter 5: Caution! Skeletons in the Woods!
Chapter 6: Help Can't Come Soon Enough
Chapter 7: Don't Wander Into A Massacre
Chapter 8: Trouble Stirs the Army
Chapter 9: Technoblade Never Dies
Chapter 10: Execute the Executioner
Chapter 11: Please Rescue the Suffering
Chapter 12: Liars Tell the Truth
Chapter 13: Stal is a Flower
Chapter 14: Ghostbur Has Blue For You
Chapter 15: Mellohi is Lost
Chapter 17: Dream Doesn't Have A House
Chapter 18: Problems Were Caused...on Purpose
Chapter 19: Betrayal is Never an Enjoyable Experience
Chapter 20: Doomsday
Chapter 21: The Dust is Settling

Chapter 16: Mellohi is Found

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The only sounds interrupting the standoff going on were the whistling of the wind and the bleating of Friend the sheep. Fresh, dry snow blew across the ground. The Avengers could almost hear cowboy music playing in the background.

Ghostbur glanced from Technoblade, to the Avengers, and back again. He hovered in between the factions nervously, blue essence staining the pure white snow.

"Ghostbur," Technoblade growled menacingly. "What have you brought to my doorstep?"

"Oh!" Ghostbur exclaimed. "These kind people were looking for Mellohi! They want to speak with her!"

"No dice," he refused immediately. Pointing to Steve, he seethed, "Don't think I don't recognize you. You're the one who tried to capture the kid. She came back to me with a massive gash in her chin and two chipped teeth."

Steve became very intrigued with his shoes.

"Please, Technoblade," Bruce begged. "We just want to talk to her. We want to know how and why she committed mass murder, and what she plans on doing next."

"So you can plot a way to punish her," Techno finished, reading the subtext.

"Alright, enough!" Tony snapped. He got nose-to-nose with the Piglin hybrid, though was clearly a struggle since Techno was nearly a whole head taller. "Yes, we're going to punish her. But only because she has to be stopped! She killed over two hundred people in less than a week!"

"I'm aware," Technoblade deadpanned. "But her acts are mere child's play to what I've done."

He gripped the hilt of his pickaxe, and the Avengers noticeably blanched.

"You should've thought better before coming to speak with a violent anarchist."

Before anyone could say or do anything, Ghostbur's face lit up. He pointed to something in the distance.

"Look!" he exclaimed. "It's Mellohi! Perhaps she's come to talk!"

Sprinting across the frozen plain, Mellohi came barreling toward the large group. Her posture betrayed nothing as she drew near.

"I don't think so, Ghostbur," Techno remarked, leaning against the edge of the house as he watched the swiftly approaching Enderman.

The Avengers cried out as she teleported behind them, sword drawn and blindfold missing.

Mellohi lunged, her weapon swinging in erratic yet precise movements. She slashed at the humans, her blank eyes staring deep into their souls. They barely managed to dodge her swings, but still she continued.

Ghostbur frantically tried to help, but his efforts were fruitless. Mellohi merely brushed him off, her sword passing right through his chest. The phantom rounded on Technoblade, who was watching the fight in amusement.

"Technoblade, do something!" Ghostbur cried.

"Nah." He waved him off. "This is the clout I was looking for."

Tommy, exhausted and out of breath, dashed up to his brother's side. He fearfully watched Mellohi's deadly dance.

The little Enderman teleported behind Tony, who wasn't expecting it, and brought the blunt of her blade down upon his skull. His friends cried out as he collapsed. However, when the remaining four tried to get close to him, Mellohi lashed out. She left Clint—who dared to get a little too close—with a deep gash in his leg.

"Mellohi!" Tommy howled. The Enderman swiveled toward him, but Tommy kept his gaze at her feet. She teleported directly in front of him, causing the boy to flinch. His distraction gave the Avengers time to check over their friends' wounds.

Tommy trembled under Mellohi's gaze, afraid of what she was capable of. He stood there, realizing he had nothing to say. No words came to mind that would be even remotely appropriate for the situation at hand. Mellohi, frustrated with the distraction, raised her weapon for a fatal blow. The boy's eyes widened in fear. In a move of pure desperation, Tommy wrapped his arms around his friend in a hug. He buried his face in her shoulder, bracing himself for his demise.

But it never came.

Tommy heard a thump in the snow, and he dared to glance up at his Enderman friend. Mellohi stared at her sword, then her hands, and finally at her best friend. In smoking trails, droplets sped down her sensitive cheeks. The little Enderman buried her head in the crook of Tommy's neck, weeping.

"Tommy. Oh, Tommy," she sniffled, clutching him tightly, as if she were afraid he would die right then in her arms. She pulled him to his knees with her. Tommy rubbed awkward circles on her back.

"It's okay," he assured. "I'm okay."

"I'm sorry," she whispered. She was trembling violently. "I am so, so sorry."

"Hey, hey," he murmured. "It's alright, mate. I'm here."

"It's not alright at all!" she wailed. "I tried to kill you!"

"But you didn't."

Mellohi couldn't speak anymore. She lamented the near death of her new best friend to a degree that went beyond words. The pain of her tears only made her whimpering worse. The silence of the tundra was broken only by her sorrow.

The Avengers dressed Tony and Clint's wounds. Ghostbur helped them by rushing in and out of the cabin with medical supplies, and occasionally some blue. They constantly shot terrified glances at the sobbing Enderman. Tony had regained consciousness, and was in a lot of pain. Nat confirmed he had a severe concussion.

"What the hell just happened?" he mumbled, his words slurred.

"I don't know, but right now, we need to get you to a hospital," Steve explained. "Clint, you too."

"What's a hospital?" Ghostbur wondered.

"Please tell me you're joking," Nat groaned. Ghostbur shook his head.

"This is just great," Bruce deadpanned. "Two of our party are wounded severely, we're lost and stranded in an unknown land, and we're in the presence of two of the most violent creatures in the country."

Mellohi's long ears twitched. With much effort, she lifted her weary head to glance at the Avengers. The skin beneath her eyes was raw and burned, and it was beginning to blister. Her bottom lip quivered, and she was still trembling in Tommy's grasp, but her eyes had run dry. She gazed sadly at Tony and Clint, and the rest of the Avengers almost believed it was sincere. Almost.

With the help of her new best friend, Mellohi pulled herself to her feet. Tommy handed her the blindfold, which she accepted gratefully, and he helped tie it over her scarring eyes. Shakily, she staggered over to where the injured were.

The Avengers took up a defensive stance as the little Enderman drew near. She halted a few paces away, lowered herself to her knees, and bowed her head. Tommy stood at her side protectively.

"I am very sorry for the pain I have caused you and your friends," she rasped, her voice hoarse from crying. "I wish to ask for your forgiveness. Not just for this, but earlier I realized that I was still very bitter toward you for the harm you caused me. I apologize for my angry heart, and I hope you can forgive me."

The Avengers traded glances, shocked. This girl was indeed nothing like they had ever seen. She was wise beyond her years, and overflowing with humility. Strangely enough, her hands were drowned in blood. The five wondered how she could be the way she was with her past looming over her head.

"I accept your apology," Steve said. "I also want to say sorry for hurting you at the execution."

"I forgive you," Mellohi replied without hesitation.

"I forgive you, too," Bruce nodded to her.

"So do I," Nat said. Clint weakly nodded, pale as the ghost hovering next to him. Tony glared at the little Enderman in a delirious state. Mellohi noticed this and gasped.

"Oh dear," she wailed. "You're hurt! The both of you! I have knowledge in basic medications, if you'll let me assist you."

"Yeah, right," Tony snarled. "You nearly killed me."

"Now listen here, you ungrateful little bitch-"

"Tommy, it's okay," Mellohi interrupted, holding her hand up. Tommy backed off, grumbling under his breath.

"We accept your help," Nat stated. Tony shouted in protest. "We don't have any other options. I'm willing to trust you, but just know that I will kill you if you try anything."

Mellohi nodded. Tommy glared viciously at the Avengers, but managed to hold his tongue, much to everyone's surprise. His new best friend held her hand up, and he yanked her to her feet. Brushing herself off, the little Enderman started for Technoblade's doorstep, Tommy flanking her.

"Woah, woah, woah," Techno said, holding a hand up to stop them. "Wait a minute, kid. You can't just bring those guys into my house."

Mellohi glanced back at the ragged group of friends. Bruce and Steve were helping an irrational Tony to his feet, and Clint was leaning heavily against Natasha.

"If I can't bring them in," she said, turning back to the Piglin, "then at least let me supply them with potions and some wood for a shelter and a fire."

"Fine," Technoblade reluctantly agreed. "But don't take too much."

"Thank you!" Mellohi chirped, returning to her joyous demeanor in an insanely short amount of time. She and Tommy burst through the doors to the right—the basement doors—and began sifting through the chests. Tommy got distracted as usual, and the Enderman had to scold him on multiple occasions because she caught him stealing.

After a few minutes of rifling, potion brewing, and cooking, the duo managed to collect a total of two instant health pots, five regen pots, five golden apples, enough wood to make a small shed, five beds, and a large amount of steak. They exited the cabin and hurried to the weary group.

Clint had lost a lot of blood, and his breathing was very shallow. Tony complained of a massive headache, his pupils were dilated, and he said his memory was spotty. Everyone else was exhausted and worried.

"Here, here," Mellohi fretted, her voice concentrated and precise. She directed Tommy to begin building as she gave the healing potions to Nat. "One for each of them."

Nat looked skeptical. Mellohi also handed her some bandages.

"It isn't poison, if that's what you're thinking," Tommy reassured from his place at the edge of the small forest, where he was building the shelter.

Nat glanced once more at the potion, then held it to Clint's lips. She assisted him in swallowing, and he sighed in relief as it began to mend his wound instantaneously. She did the same to Tony, though he took a little more convincing.

"These are regen potions," the little Enderman explained, passing out more bottles, along with the golden apples. "And golden apples."

"But these are solid gold," Bruce pointed out. "They'll break our teeth."

Mellohi and Tommy traded glances, then erupted into roars of laughter.

"Oh, you guys are so dumb," Tommy snickered, creeping over to them. He summoned one, seemingly from thin air, and took a massive bite out of it. The Avengers watched in awe as swirling particles danced off his skin. "See?"

They each in turn hesitantly took a small bite, and were surprised to find that the apples tasted incredible. They were juicy and full of flavor. The Avengers felt good feelings they couldn't describe wash over them as the particles began their dance.

The color began to return to Clint's face, and Tony's headache subsided a little. They were still weary and injured, but their wounds were no longer fatal. Nat finished bandaging Clint's leg right as Tommy finished the shack. It was rickety and ugly, but it worked well for shelter. Mellohi went in and placed five beds on the cold wooden floor, making sure they were comfortable and made neatly.

Bruce stared in awe at the speed of the construction, and the warmth the place offered. Nat and Steve half-dragged their exhausted wounded to the shack in the forest, where they collapsed in the beds. They fell asleep instantly.

"Thank you so much." Steve held his hand out for a shake after making sure his friends were comfortable.

"I only hope this helps mend what I have broken." Mellohi nodded, gripping his hand firmly.

"I must say, I'm confused," Nat said.

"With what?"

"You," she muttered, motioning limply at the lanky Enderman. "You murder the people of three whole villages, then act like nothing happened. After that, you nearly kill two of our friends, come to your senses when you almost kill your best friend, proceed to break down in his arms, then completely change your attitude in a matter of seconds when you see Tony and Clint injured. I don't understand what's going on with you."

Mellohi was hanging her head sadly, clinging to Tommy's arm like a toddler to her big brother. Tommy glanced compassionately at the tall child, then glared at Nat.

"Look what you did!" he shouted angrily. He swiveled on his toes, pulling his friend with him. "Come on, Mellohi. Let's go."

Mellohi complied, but not before mumbling a small "me neither". Nat seemed to hear, for her expression changed from steely to that of sympathy as she watched the two broken friends shuffle through the snow.

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