By NadaHera

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Third Instalment of The Queen Series. Sequel to OVERTHROWN QUEEN. Formerly known as revengeful queen. Natalia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

135 4 4
By NadaHera

• • •

The morning in New Orleans was gloomy and silent. Inside the St. Ann's church, Rebekah was talking to Father Kieran. Rebekah was in the confessional booth, talking through a screen to an annoyed Father Kieran.

"I should never have come back here. This is the town where I fell in love-- and where love failed us. I assume you know who I'm talking about?" Rebekah questioned him.

"You should know Marcel and I are not on the best of terms right now." Father Kieran answered.

"But you are an active priest, are you not? Ready and able to hear my confession?"

"Usually the word 'willing' falls somewhere in that sentence." He sassed. "Are you even Catholic?"

"I've been on this Earth for a thousand years. I can't say for certain that I believe in anything like a God. But, I need absolution from someone. Anyone. So, will you hear my confession or not?" Father Kieran sighed and nodded silently.

"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I am a liar, a betrayer. I have conspired against my own blood and one I considered my sister. I doubt even your God could save me."

• • •

24 hours earlier...

In Niklaus' bedroom in Mikaelson's mansion, neither Niklaus nor Natalia had woken up. They had been too exhausted from the passionate night they just had. They were still tangled up in one another underneath the white sheet covering their naked bodies. One of his arms were snaked underneath her neck down to her chest and the other were wrapped around her waist, hugging her like a pillow. Her hands rested on top of him, while he snuggled his head on her neck. 

Unfortunately, their peaceful sleep was interrupted by the incessant sound of vibrating phone which belonged to Natalia. She squinted her eyes in annoyance as her hand was trying to find her phone on the bedside table. 

When she finally found it, she answered it without looking at the caller ID since she was still too sleepy to open her eyes. "Hello?" She croaked. 

"Goodness sake Tal, did you just wake up?" She flinched a bit at how loud she was, praying it didn't wake Nik up. She glanced at the time on her phone and cursed Rebekah silently since it was only 7 in the morning – it was usually a late time for her but since she was still exhausted, she couldn't care less. She looked to her right and saw he was still sleeping peacefully, she smiled at the sight. Slowly she tried moving his arms while trying not to wake him. But failed as he just tightened his arms around her. Little did she know, Nik was awake already. 

"What is it, Bekah?" She grumbled in annoyance. She was still groggy and annoyed that she was awoken by her. 

"I'm bored out of my mind. Everyone is busy with themselves." She successfully removed his arms around her and went to sit up at the edge of the bed with only the bed sheet covering her naked body. "I'll go crazy if I go one more day with nothing to do." Rebekah sighed dramatically on the other line. 

"What do you want me to do about it?" She shivered in pleasure once she felt Nik who was now awake trailed his hand teasingly at her abdomen while he was kissing her neck. 

"Let's go grab a bite, then we can go shopping, gossip, whatever." She tilted her neck to give Nik a better access, closing her eyes, biting her lip, not trusting herself to speak at the moment. 

"Hmm I... don't know... if I-I can, Bekah." She tried her hardest to keep her moans in as Nik still continued kissing her neck, sucking it slightly. "J-just the other day...oh my God...Marcel." Hearing his name, Nik growled lowly and sucked at her sweet spot harder while one of his hands squeezed one of her breasts. "Bloody hell...t-told me not to m-miss any training this week." Her grip on the sheets tightened as she bit her lip harder. 

"I'll handle Marcel. Just get dressed and get your ass over to the quarter." Nik moved her hair to one side so he can switch the side of her neck. 

She cleared her throat. "Fine, but no Rousseau, kay? I'm so sick of the food there." 

"I mean real bite, Tal." Rebekah deadpanned. "Oh yeah ok sure." Natalia blushed in embarrassment while glaring at Nik who was trying not to laugh. "But still no Rousseau, I don't have the energy to deal with Cami's judgy eyes right now."

"No problem, how about that little Spanish bar across the compound? Spanish guys are usually quite tasty as well." 

"Mmhmm....sounds good." she accidentally let out a small moan as Nik continued his neck kissing.

"Okay then, see you at 12, darling." She chirped. "Oh and Nik, stop assaulting poor Nat." Rebekah said before she hung up. 

Instantly, Lia turned around and kissed Nik frustratedly. He returned the kiss with as much desperation. Her legs straddled him where there was no gap between their bare bodies. Her hands tangled in his hair whereas his hands were squeezing her butt. 

They pulled away breathless. He smirked at her frustration and God...she was delicious. Nik was snapped out of his victorious faze when suddenly Lia smacked him at the back of his head. "What's that for?" 

"That's for distracting me when I was in a phone call with Bekah." She gave him a pointed look. "She's your sister for God's sake." 

"So?" His tone was nonchalant. "She had walked in on me so many times anyway." He playfully teased her. 

Her mouth opened agape as she stared at him in disbelief. "Oh my God. You know what, Nik? I'm conflicted. I want to snap your bloody neck and kiss the hell out of you at the same time." 

He smirked. "I prefer the latter, love."

"As you wish." She slammed her lips to his before he pushed her back to bed and continued their passionate doings.

• • •

Lia woke yet again. After their morning make-out session earlier, they went back to sleep for a bit and now she was awake because she was feeling hungry. 

She shifted her position only to realize there were comforting hands wrapped around her body. She gazed to her right to see the now awaken Nik. 

"I'm sorry I woke you up, darling. Go back to sleep." She mumbled. 

"No, you didn't, love. Don't worry, I'm awake now." He smiled, in which his morning raspy voice Natalia found very sexy. "Good morning, little rose." He gave her a loving kiss on the lips. 

"Good morning, love." She smiled, teasing him using the nickname he usually used on her. 

He chuckled at her before teasing her back. "How did you sleep, love?" 

"Surprisingly pleasant." He raised an eyebrow at her teasing answer, or more like her joking smile and teasing glint in her eyes. "Surprisingly pleasant?" He scoffed. "Please love, I know you slept better beside me." He said with a cocky smirk before continuing with his husky voice. "And I know for a fact that last night was the best night you've ever have." 

She blushed at what he's implying. She couldn't even think of a come back or denied it since it was all true. It was the best night she ever had. Came to think of it, the best nights she had was all when she was with him. Whether while they were...doing the you know, or just sleeping. 

"It was. How was yours?" Instead she asked. Not bothering to deny his statements. But she got no response as Niklaus looked like he was in a daze. 

He didn't reply her as he didn't really listen to what she was saying, distracted by memories of last night and how beautiful she was in the morning. Her face was bare of make-up in which to be honest, he prefer since she could showcased the pure beauty she held. Her beauty was genuine unlike any other. While he had been with countless woman, she was the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on. 

It wasn't the first time he had been with her. But it still awestruck him like the first time. He was mesmerised everytime. Last night was certainly his best night too. 

Natalia stared at him confused. "Nik?" 

"You're so beautiful." He suddenly blurted out. Natalia's eyes widened at the sudden intensity of his gaze and what he just blurted. Niklaus had complimented her multiple times with comments like that but the way he said it this time caught her off guard. He stared at her like she was the only woman in this world. She instantly blushed under his captivating intense sea blue eyes stare. 

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears as she bit her lip unconsciously. His finger traced upon her bottom lip. "It was my best night too." He mumbled before capturing her lips. 

After a moment, he pulled away with an excited grin and kissed her cheek. Natalia looked at him confused yet amused at the same time. "What?" 

"I can't waste this morning light. It looks the best on you and I've been meaning to do this for a while." He said standing up, putting on his boxers and pants. 

Natalia was still confused on what he was on about, until he walked towards his canvas that was on the easel, preparing himself to paint. "Come on, love. Pose for me." He grinned excitedly. 

She looked at him incredulously. "You do realize I'm currently wearing nothing, right?" She then shrugged in a joking manner. "I mean I am aware I have perfect body and I'm down for stripping and all, but not like - " 

He chuckled, cutting her off in her mid-sentence. "It's funny that you think I'd let any man even has the chance to look at you in other way than innocent without taking his eyeballs out." 

She rolled her eyes at his response and had a small smile, amused at the same time. His protectiveness - or should she say his possessiveness - It was one of the things she found hot and annoying simultaneously about him. 

But she posed anyway. With a wrapped blanket covering her body, she positioned herself as to half-sit, half-lay on the bed while she made the blanket as if it was a long dress loosely wrapped on her left side, only showed a tease of her left cleavage and her long tan legs. Seductive yet still elegant as hell. 

"Except for me, of course." He winked. "That is why this will be in my personal collection" He gestured to the blank canvas in front of him. He smirked upon seeing her pose, 'it's the perfect pose.' He thought. 'It really suits her.'  And the morning light also helped in captivating her beauty better. With that, he painted his first stroke. 

While Nik was painting, glimpses of yesterday's 'Disney's Date' replayed in Natalia's mind. She smiled, remembering how happy she was. "By the way, thank you for yesterday."


After felt like forever, Natalia groaned in annoyance. "How much longer till you finish?" 

Niklaus rolled his eyes at her. That was like the billionth time she asked. Truth was he was almost finished, just a few finishing lines here and there. "For God sake, just be patient, sweetheart. It's almost done." 

"You said that 15 minutes ago." This time it was Natalia who rolled her eyes, though her heart still fluttered when he called her sweetheart despite his current annoyance. "You know what? I'm going there." She stood up. "Give me a blank canvas. I'll show you a good fast painting."

She neared the edge of the bed to pick up her dress only to held it up for her eyes to inspect the shredded fabric that was no longer eligible for wearing. Her head turned to Nik who was also looking at the shredded dress in her hands, giving him a pointed look that basically said: 'Really?' to which he just shrugged. "This is one of my favourites, you know." She told him.

"I'll buy you more." He told her easily. She rolled her eyes. "It's a good thing I bought two then." She smiled sarcastically. "I had a feeling this would happen."

He shook his head, thinking 'How is she always one step ahead of him?'

"It's adoring yet annoying at the same time that you won't let me spoil you." He grumbled. "It's bloody frustrating."

She chuckled. "What can I say? I'm an independent woman and a bloody rich one at that." she winked to which he let a hearty laugh. Since her dress was no longer wearable, she put on her underwear before taking one of Nik's shirt for now.

Luckily, since he was almost finished, so he didn't really mind she just ruined her entire pose and walked towards him. With a few last strokes, he finished his painting when he felt Natalia stood behind him wrapping her arms around his torso while resting her chin on his shoulder. Natalia smiled admiring his newest art of her, kissing his cheek. "You're lucky it looks this bloody good that it's worth the wait." 

He let out a chuckle at her compliment and brought her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. "Ok then, let's have breakfast. I'm in the mood for English breakfast." 

"I swear it's your everyday mood." He rolled his eyes. "Yea? So what?" she challenged back playfully, making him chuckle. "Fine." She smiled satisfied.

She pulled away and turned around but was pulled back by him. She looked at him confused. "Nottt yett. Let's go have a shower together." He wiggled his eyebrows as she looked at him funnily. She chuckled and shook her head. "Nope, I'm going to meet your sister later. The least I could do is to clear off your scent on me. In other words, I'm showering in my apartment."

He pouted upon hearing her answer. "But it's only Rebekah, love. Besides, she knows already." 

Lia still adamantly shook her head. "Nope, she's still your sister and it would've been a really awkward conversation." 

He huffed like a little child before continuing. "What about the painting? You said you want to show me 'a good fast painting', love." He raised an eyebrow, teasing her. 

"Yea, that's because you took ages. But you are finished now -" 

"But I still want to see you paint, love." Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at him uneasily. She was about to deny him straight no when he gave her his bloody irresistible puppy dog eyes. She cursed internally before giving him a very fake smile. "Very well." 

Her uneasiness didn't come from her unwillingness to draw but rather her knowledge of her own lack of ability to draw and been forced to do it right in front a master artist, moreover it's Niklaus. In addition, if she was being honest, she totally didn't mean what she said earlier, it was just a heat of a moment and she didn't see this coming. 

After a good 3 minutes of drawing, more like awkward silence, where Natalia tried her hardest to ignore the thoughtful looking Niklaus staring at her work, while inside she was squirming under his gaze. "Are you drawing a peanut, love?" He asked eventually. 

Her head whipped to face the man beside her so fast that she wasn't even sure if she got a whiplash because of that. Her expression was one could not mistaken as offended. "Are you fucking serious?" 

He raised his eyebrows innocently, questioning her in silent what was wrong. "It's a bloody mouse." She exclaimed exasperatedly. 

He looked at her dumbfounded then turned to the drawings and to her again. Suddenly, his face changed to one brittle stoic where everyone could see he was trying his best not to laugh before cracking up not even 10 seconds later. She gaped at him, mouth parted in surprise. 

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But it's just an awful mouse." He said in between laughter. "But it would make a wonderful peanut though." He quickly added upon seeing Natalia's reaction. 

"Ugh!" She groaned. She shoved him away while he was still laughing at her. "Shut up. I'm not that bad." 

"Hate to break it to you, sweetheart but you are." She pouted and squirmed away when he tried to hug her and pestering her with kisses all over her face. "Go away. I don't want to associate myself with someone who can't even tell the difference between a mouse and a bloody peanut." 

"Move." He reluctantly let go of her. "I'm bloody starving it takes ages for you to paint." 

"Come on now, don't be mad."

"Who says I'm mad? Why would I be mad?" she turned around. 

He held back any snarky comment with a ghost smile, instead raising his hands in surrender. "Ok ok, whatever you say, love. But you'll shower with me now?" 

She gave him a pointed look as they just discussed this like 5 seconds ago. "Nope, you'll shower alone while I will go and make us breakfast." 

"But -" 

"Now." She commanded. 

Instead of walking to the bathroom, he sped towards her and peck her lips. "You're so hot when you're bossing around, love." 

She rolled her eyes though she was smiling. Walking towards the door and was half way open when he called again. "Last chance, love." 

She rolled her eyes and just slammed the door shut. He chuckled upon her reaction and did what he was told.

• • •

The smell of appetizing omelette filled the air in the Mikaelson mansion kitchen. 'Heaven' by Julia Michaels echoed throughout the space in the otherwise silent room. there stood Natalia swaying her hips left and right, dancing to the music feeling the sensual tension it sang as she flipped the cooking egg on the pan.

The newly fresh after-shower Niklaus stood leaning on the doorframe drinking in the sight of the beautiful heretic. Her back was facing him as she was too into the song to realize his presence. He smiled at the scene. He could get use to this, he thought, and she looked so damn good in his shirt.

Silently, he sneaked behind her, put his hands on either side of her, trapping her between himself and the stove and kissed her cheek affectionately. The small action successfully made the heretic smile. "Smells amazing, love." She heard him say it before he kissed her neck, distracting her much like when she was on the phone with Bekah.

"It won't be if you don't stop." Her grip on the spatula tightened as she tried to focus on her cooking, doing her best to keep the egg from burning and not got carried away by his temptation. It was proven harder when he moved his hands slipping under the oversized shirt placing them on her bare waist as he continued kissing her neck. "I'm sure you'll manage."

"And I'm sure it's delicious." He purred in her neck. Luckily, this was the last egg she had to prepare since she had cooked the bacon and the other omelette and whatnot. Couldn't take it anymore, she decided to switch players. She took his right hand and slipped the spatula in before turning around. Their chests were now pressed against each other leaving no gap as she trailed her hands down his bare chest without breaking eye contact. "Good, since you're also a professional, you can finish cooking this last one, aye?"

One hand tangled in his hair while the other roamed his chest, she kissed his neck seductively like he did earlier. His hand that was still on her waist tightened by the second as her hands traced dangerously at his lower area. She could feel his bulge against her. 

In one swift moment, Nik turned off the stove and sat her down on the kitchen counter with him in between her legs. He claimed her lips hungrily as he trailed down to her neck and chest. Her back arched backwards with her eyes closed, moaning pleasurablpleasurably following every kiss, making her an absolute moaning mess. He pulled her closer if that was possible with her slamming her lips to his into her mind-blowing seductive kiss. Placing her hand on the back of his neck, she pulled him closer tracing kisses down to his neck leaving him moaning her name. His hands expertly removing her panties with such urgent followed by his pants but before they could do anything, she pulled back stopping him. "Stop...not now."

"Darling..." she panted. "I'm really starving."
He stared at her in disbelief as she casually putting the egg onto the prepared plate and shoved down a big spoon of her omelette.

Did she just...?

She just smiled at him when he shook his head chuckling. "You're lucky your omelette is a gift."

• • •

The Spanish restaurant was less crowded than usual when I got there. So was the street. The sun was shining brightly, like it was supposed to be a normal happy day except - called it years of experience - something seemed off. 

I didn't notice it at first but I felt like someone was following me. I was even more convinced when I saw the man with a cap and sunglasses, bringing a camera, wearing a black jacket leaning against a street pole, posing casually as if he was waiting or just enjoying the atmosphere.  Indeed, this is a tourist place and there are many interesting spots for photo inspiration, but thanks to the years of experience and the Elite training I have undergone since childhood, I can conclude that he is not an ordinary tourist. 

With that in mind, I looked around for Bekah to see her waving her hand to me, already waiting for me. luckily after showering earlier I felt a bit refreshed since it was so hot outside – and I knew she would've picked up Nik's smell on me otherwise. Walking towards her with a smile, I pulled her into the usual friendly hug we always did whenever we met up.  

Although I caught a sniff of vervain, I didn't question it since I assumed she just consumed it for tolerance-building. What I did find interesting, however, was the heavy smell of Marcel on her. We pulled away from our quick hug, each with different expression. Hers with a scrunched face, clearly disgusted whereas me with a knowing smirk. 

"You reek of my brother. Did you even shower?" I rolled my eyes at her, though you can see my blush from anywhere. 

Hey! Excuse you, Bekah. I just did a 45 minutes of showering using my most fragrant soap, thank you very much. 

"You reek of Marcel. Did you even shower?" I countered back. This time she rolled her eyes. She knew that I knew about her and Marcel that had been going on for a while now, so it came to no surprise that I knew this. 

"Speaking of..." I trailed my eyes around the restaurant, finding it a bit odd, it was much quieter than usual – and not because of the lack of visitors though, more like as if there was a tension in the air. "Is that what you have to do to get a free day-pass for me? Because I'm bloody sure he's so adamant that I'm not to miss any training or meeting this week or he will have my head." I joked, still feeling uneasy about the whole quietness.

"Does it matter? You got your bloody day pass. You're welcome." She rolled her eyes, obviously dodging my question, though her smirk was hard to miss. "Now, let's have a bite, shall we?"

She stood up but my hand stopped her from going further. "Is he good?" I wiggled my eyebrows and smirked at her flustered expression. She mumbled a quiet 'Shut up' before answering. "Definitely wilder than Damon." I barked a laughter at her answer. "I knew it."

When she moved towards me, closer to her prey, I stopped her once more. She looked at me confused. "Wait, Bekah."

"What's the matter? I'm starving, Nat." she grumbled. "I know, I know. But I just have an off feeling. It just seems odd." I frowned when I saw her reaction when I said this. There was a flash of uneasiness before it disappeared as quick as it came. "Don't be silly, now go get your meal before I steal it from you. How about that cute guy at the corner? He's been eyeing you since you came." She subtly pointed at the cute lean boy with the glasses – a college guy. The said guy looked down with a heavy blush, clearly embarrassed after being caught staring at me, who shamelessly eyeing him up and down.

"Nah, he looks too innocent. I don't have the heart." I chuckled, shaking my head. While she silently rolled her eyes in a joking teasing manner but I saw a glimpse of ...guilt? "Sure, whatever you say, Nat. how about that big jock over there?" she pointed at the buff guy who shamelessly eyeing me like a piece of meat, loudly whistled, winking at me. causing their friends to wiggled their eyebrows disgustingly at him with knowing smirks. 

"Sure, he'll do." I resisted my increasing urge to roll my eyes and gag at the gesture. I heard Bekah mumbled "Thank God, Nik isn't here." Before I ask "What about you?" 

"He's mine." I turned to the direction she pointed and saw an office guy calmly enjoying his tacos. 

She stood up and looked at me who was still calmly sitting at my chair. She raised her eyebrow in a sense 'What are you waiting for?'. I just shrugged and winked. "He'll come."

"Go get your meal, darling. Meet you in the back alley in 5?"

She nodded. "Be quick, I'm bloody bored I can't wait to shop."

Not even 10 seconds after Bekah left, a voice on my right. The big jock walking towards me with that big flirty smile. "Hello gorgeous, I saw you and your friend were talking about me earlier. Were you discussing how handsome I am?"

"No, we weren't, hotshot. She said there's a big jock who had been eyeing me like a creep since I stepped foot in here. I couldn't agree more." I smirked. "Now is there any particular reason of your approach?"

He laughed at my answer. "I can assure you I'm not a creep, doll. Besides, I want to get to know the prettiest lady in the room with the sexiest accent more, of course." He winked. "I'm Patrick, by the way. I've seen you around a few times now. Surely, you've heard of me before, I'm quite popular around here." He extended his hand for me to shake while I just stared blankly at him. Not moving an inch indicating me shaking his hand.

"No, I haven't." he instantly retracted his awkward hanging hand like my words burnt acid, supposed that was embarrassment felt like for him. "And I don't intend to share the same interest in giving information about myself to you."

He raised his eyebrow at my statement, challenging me. "Why is that, sweetheart? I promise you will find many interesting qualities in me more than my attractive looks. We can get to know each other. I can buy you a drink? It'll be so much fun."

"Oh, I'm sure." I chuckled, suppressing my intense itch to scrunch in disgust. "But I just don't think you could handle me." I got up smirking, leaving him mouth-opened hanging in shock.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to eat." I winked before walking off towards the back alley. I could see his eyes shone nothing but excitement and lust. At that point, I knew he was hooked.

And just like that, he trailed behind me like a lost puppy. How predictable.

"Now come on, pretty face. I haven't even catch your name." he called from behind me. "And you can always devour me." 

I had a ghost smirk before I turned around slightly and raised my eyebrow, challenging him. 

30 seconds... hmm that's a new record. 

Once we were at the back alley, I wasted no time in sucking him - his blood. I was bloody starving anyway. 

Bekah came out a while later with her meal. I was quite glad this jock had a pretty fresh blood hence why I devoured him longer than usual. However, that was a mistake. 

I was almost finished with him when I felt Bekah's hand on my shoulder. I turned around about to ask her what's the matter when my left side felt like on fire. True enough, she was injecting 3 full dose of vervain and a nice little dagger. "I'm sorry." 

The surprise and betrayal on my face couldn't match the guilt and fear strongly rolling off from her. 

"Take her." Instantly, a bunch of Marcel's vampires crowded me while I was coughing out blood. 

My vision went cloudy and hazy at once and I felt my own body was 'shutting off'. I tried to remember all their faces and the last thing I saw was the same black jacket guy still on the same pole staring straight at me.

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