Partners In Crime: An Among U...

By LunaOfChaos

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"Why didn't you kill me?" "A couple reasons. The main one is that you weren't having a typical emotional rea... More

Chapter 1: Uh... Hi.
Chapter 2: Why Am I Suddenly The Psychopath?
Chapter 3: Defending The Liar
Chapter 4: I Didn't Come Here To Be Psychoanalyzed.
Chapter 5: Should I Take That As A Compliment?
Chapter 6: I Dare You.
Chapter 7: We Need To Talk.
Chapter 8: Fear? Psychopaths Don't Know Fear.
Chapter 9: Begone.
Chapter 10: Expendable
Chapter 11: Framing The Innocent
Chapter 12: Order To Kill
Author's Notes - Part I
Deleted Scene: Part I Alternate Ending
Part II - Synopsis
Chapter 13: Why Am I Here?
Chapter 14: Home Sweet Home.
Chapter 15: That Was An Absolute DISASTER.
Chapter 16: He Knows.
Chapter 17: Trust No One
Chapter 18: Just Another Crewmate
Chapter 19: United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Chapter 20: Like A Lamb To The Slaughter
Chapter 21: Your Worst Nightmare
Chapter 22: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 23: You Fool.
Chapter 24: Ensuing Chaos
Chapter 25: Broken Glass
Chapter 26: Allies and Secret Agents
Chapter 27: What's The Plan?
Chapter 28: Oh, God, No.
Chapter 29: Whose Fault Would That Be?
Chapter 30: Worth It? Probably Not.
Chapter 31: Please Don't Give Me An Existential Crisis.
Chapter 32: Hurry Up. Please.
Chapter 33: Just Don't Look.
Chapter 34: Wrong Place At The Wrong Time
Chapter 35: Maybe They Already Succeeded.
Chapter 36: Prove It.
Chapter 37: It Can't End Like This.
Chapter 38: No Remorse
Chapter 39: Pick Up The Pieces
Chapter 40: Do I NEED A Reason To Want To Watch The World Burn?
Chapter 41: Tell Me The Truth.
Chapter 42: Anything You'd Like To Confess?
Chapter 43: Trapped
Chapter 44: That's A Lie.
Chapter 45: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 46: Black and White
Author's Notes - Part II
Part III - Synopsis
Chapter 47: Ice-Cold
Chapter 48: Wow. Rude.
Chapter 49: Not Again.
Chapter 50: Screaming
A/N: Just Want To Say Something
Chapter 51: To The Ship!
Chapter 52: Who, Me?
Chapter 54: Nobody Asked You.
Chapter 55: Web of Lies

Chapter 53: You Wouldn't Dare.

115 6 111
By LunaOfChaos


He sighed, knowing that he had long, agonizing days ahead of him.

Black came up to him with Talon in her arms, and she looked like she had something to say.

"What is it, Black?" Red asked her.

Well, right before the whole massacre happened, I discovered something about Green... When I was talking to him in the showers, he mentioned how much he cared about Blue, and I asked whether or not they had been friends. He confirmed my suspicions, and he even said that he cares about me because Blue would care about me if she was here. So, since they had apparently been friends, I asked him what Blue's real name was, and he knew that her name was Estelle.

So, I think Green has been telling the truth this entire time, and that Silver is wrong.

Red was a bit stunned by this discovery, but he considered it.

"Green does seem to have changed ever since we saw him last... and he didn't change up his story like a liar might have in his situation. I... Green did fool us all last time, so I wouldn't trust him just yet, but that is a good theory - might even be true."

Out of the corner of his eye, Red glimpsed Pink leaving Communications, and he beckoned her over to their conversation.

"Were you talking to Silver? " Red asked as she approached.

Pink sighed, shaking her head. "Yes, and she's being a lying, conniving b**ch. Keeps shifting between personas like it's a game."

"Wouldn't expect any less. Anyway, we think that Green probably was telling the truth from the very beginning," Red said, and then relayed Black's information to Pink.

"You know, I can kinda believe that, after the whole monster thing - still kinda salty about that, but anyway. What exactly do we say to Green now? What are we supposed to do in this situation?" Pink asked Red.

"I am not quite sure, this is a very unique situation - but I think starting off with an apology is the moral thing to do," Red muttered.

"I don't know, Green killed so many people - does he even deserve an apology? And does he even deserve to be trusted?"

"Well, he's evidently changed, if he was that close to Blue."

He has changed, Black insisted.

"We shouldn't simply trust him right off the bat," Pink chuckled, "let's not make that same mistake that we did with trusting Silver."

"Are we certain that Silver is not to be trusted?" Red asked Pink.

"Absolutely. To be safe, let's just not trust either of them."

Well, she did try to kill me, so I don't think we should have trusted Silver in the first place, Black reminded them.

"And this is why I hate myself," Pink muttered to herself. "Should have pressed harder for you guys not to trust her."

"Hey, hey, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Our mistake just happened to be a lot bigger than most other mistakes... We're idiots, aren't we?" Red realized.

"Yep," Pink stated bluntly. "We're all idiots, but I might be the biggest idiot of all."

Are you guys calling me an idiot too? Black asked, looking a little offended.

"No, no, you might be the smartest of all of us," Pink said, tilting her head at Black. "Maybe I should give you my detective ID instead... maybe the world would be better off."

Red blinked, thinking he imagined the last sentence. "What did you say?" he asked, incredulous.

"Nothing, nothing," she quickly said, brushing it off. "I just have a lot on my mind, ignore me."

Red looked at Black, and she had the same confused expression.

However, Red figured that if it was important, Pink would tell them straight.



Green was staring out the window at the stars that glimmered in the distance.

God, I wish Blue was here... she would surely help me with the others.

Ever since Green saw Blue turn into that monster, he had wondered whether there was a way to get her back or not.

Knowing Maelstrom, Green knew that he specialized in making his plans sadistic and hopeless to get out of. Green would not be surprised if there was no way to get Blue back.

However, Green did not want to think like that. If Blue had a chance, even the slightest odds of getting back, he should not think like that.

... But then there was the question of how she'd get back.

The presence of Whirlpool on the Skeld was also worrying green. He had not interacted with her ever since he first saw her with them, and he was nervous to do so, considering her habit of spreading lies and misinformation.

If they reacted that intensely to his presence, what exactly had she told them?

His thoughts were interrupted when he looked over his shoulder to see Pink, Red, and Black all talking about something, and glancing at him every now and then.

Were they talking about him?

Green felt a wave of fear wash over him. What were they discussing?

All he knew was that he was not quite ready to talk to them.

H**l, maybe he would never be ready.

He had to talk to Whirlpool first, to try and figure out what was happening.

So, quietly, Green slipped away from the crowd of people in Cafeteria, and headed towards Communications, where he had seen Pink take Whirlpool.

He crept inside Communications, and then he saw Whirlpool in the corner, with her telltale silver space suit that glinted in the dim light.

"Ah, I thought you'd never come talk to me," she muttered to herself.

"What, were you expecting me or something?" Green sighed, rolling his eyes. "Cut the s**t and tell me what you've told them about me."

"What makes you believe that I would spread lies about you? Because you're right, I can and will spread lies about you until the day I die."

"Are you going to tell me what you've said?"

"Oh, just some lies, some truth... you know, the usual." Whirlpool shrugged.

Ice-cold fear pierced Green's heart, but he didn't show it, instead giving Whirlpool the full intensity of his stare, despite the fact that Whirl could likely see right through it. "Something tells me that you're not quite doing "the usual," where you tell everyone I'm an unwanted failure who can't do his job properly. What exactly have you said?"

"Some lies, some truth. That's all."

"But they know you've been lying."

"Yes, but one does not necessarily need to be believed to stir up a little doubt and paranoia."

"To accomplish what, exactly? There are no killers on this spaceship other than you."

"And you don't consider yourself a killer?"

"Because I'm not that guy anymore, Whirl."

"It's a shame that you had to change. Pathetic, really. What good is change if no one believes that you won't relapse back into your old habits?"

Green stared at Whirlpool, knowing she was going with this. No. No.

Please, no.

"So, if I just spill a little tea about your past... who's to say that you won't be right back to square one?"

"... you wouldn't dare," he breathed.

"After all, it was you who gave me all those scars."

Green stared at his half-sister in horror. Don't. Don't tell them.

They can't know everything. They'll never trust me.

"You see, I'm at every disadvantage here, Lex. Dad's on Earth without me, I'm blind in one eye, one of my hands is too painful to use, everyone has seen through my web of lies, and I might never see the light of day again... so, forgive me if I just want to see you suffer and fall into the pits of failure one last time."

He breathed a shuddering breath.

Whirlpool's good eye glinted at him in the light. "There's no outrunning your past, Lexacon. Personally, I'd suggest just reverting back to your true nature, although I know you'll never do that - that Blue girl really did stuff to your mind...

"But you can't change the fact that you were once just as sadistic as I am."



The nuisance was bothering her again, but she managed to bury her with thoughts concentrating on the present.

Scourge was following Maelstrom down the hallways of the space center, and she was snacking on yet another body.

There were so many delicious ones lying on the floor, although they weren't alive and tasted a bit stale.

Maelstrom was angry about something, judging from how his fists were clenched and he kept muttering to himself about Maroon.

She didn't blame him, considering that that woman was not giving them much information at all, and kept rambling like a crazy, paranoid person - it was annoying, and she'd much rather chop up Maroon and just eat her.

After all, Maroon would probably taste better than the stale bodies on the floor.

They were walking to the camera room, where Scourge decided to simply sit on a chair and eat the fingers off the arm she had been nibbling on.

Apparently Maelstrom wanted to check up on something with the cameras - and while he did that, the nuisance known as Blue decided to scream.

"What the F**K is that sound??"

That sound is me. I'm eating, b**ch. Is that a crime?

"For you, yes."

Well, f**k off.

"First you take my body, and then you use it to eat HUMANS? Seriously?"

Do you have a problem? Just come and take back control, why don't you?

There was silence.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Scourge came back to reality when she heard a fist slam down on the camera desk.

"Well, SOMEONE'S not happy," Blue commented.

Stop interrupting, will you?

"What, are we watching a show together or something? This was my body first, so I have the godd**n right to interrupt you whenever I f**king wish."

And yet, as soon as I came in, I became the superior consciousness. B**ch.

Maelstrom turned to the guard at the door. "Did... did Whirlpool ever make it back?"

"No, sir, we haven't seen Whirlpool."

"They must have taken her into space with them," Maelstrom whispered. "Whirl, no..."

Scourge was so stunned by this sudden emotional moment that she stopped chewing.

"I should have checked in with her, but I was too busy with the symbiote and the space center attack - oh, Whirlpool, I'm sorry."

"Sir, she can handle herself, can't she?"

"Yes, but on the cameras, they have her with them, and she's in handcuffs - they got her. They f**king discovered her. And if they have any sense... she'll be dead before they come back to Earth."

"So now she's at their mercy," Scourge said, indifferent to this whole situation.

"False," Maelstrom corrected. "They're just as much at her mercy as she is at their mercy. It's just a matter of how many she can take down with her."


A/N: it's currently finals week for me aaaaaaaaaa-

I wrote this chapter almost solely by voice-to-text on Google Docs, because my therapist says it's a good exercise for my voice and diction (because, in real life, I talk super fast all the time). The grammar is terrible because voice-to-text is terrible at grammar and formatting, but I don't mind a little grammatical editing (or a lot).

This is making the writing process much slower and more difficult, but it is slowly helping me to slow down my talking. :)

By the way, my Discord server has been created - if you want to join, I would love to talk to you! The link doesn't work if I send it in the comments or copy it here, so if you want to join, just comment or message me saying that you want the link and I'll PM it to you.

Question of the chapter: do you have any music recommendations?

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