100 Kinks Challenge|Exploring...

Oleh khaliaawritez

127K 200 70

Summary: A gift from me to you all, since somewhere during these two weeks I reached more than 50k+ Reads A 1... Lebih Banyak

|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
anybody still read this?

|Chapter 13|

4.2K 9 1
Oleh khaliaawritez

Warnings: Time travel, Underage, Jealous!Tom, slightly manipulative!Tom, Dark!Tom, possessive Tom, Harry has fallen in love and is slightly blinded, first time.

"Once you're mine, there is no going back. I told you that!" Tom snarled and Harry scowled at him. "And I say you can't just go with Orion or Abraxas to Hogsmeade!"

"And pray tell me why not, Tom?" Harry snapped back, glaring at the brown-haired wizard. At this moment uncaring that this would be the future Dark Lord. Because right now, Tom was just being petty... again.

If Harry had known what would happen when he ran through the Chamber of Time in the ministry and that it resulted in him being somehow blasted into the freaking past then he wouldn't have foolishly went to the Ministry in the first place.

Harry could only hope was that Sirius was fine and that Voldemort had not killed his godfather... Even now two years later Harry knew that the chances of him returning to his original time were low.

Right now however, Harry had more pressing matters, because he had no idea why he caught the attention of Tom in the first place when he arrived here. The worst part was that Tom seemed highly protective and possessive over him and it only grew as time passed. It unnerved him, but sadly part of him liked the young Dark Lord watching over him.

During the past two years Harry and Tom had a lot of arguments, but this might just be the stupidest.

"In case you forgot, Tom. I am not one of your stupid knights. YOU do not own me!" Harry snarled into the other's face, raising his voice in hopes that he would get his point across.

"In case you forgot, Harry," Tom mocked him with his own words and Harry's eyes narrowed. "I owned you since the moment we met."

Harry let out a laugh at those words, as she shook his head. He was truly disappointed at the other, but in truth he should have expected it. Tom didn't seem amused by it however as his scowl deepened.

"I am done with this." Harry told him and turned around, preparing to leave the dorm room. He had no intention of staying in the same room as Tom any longer.

Tom felt something inside him tense and he quickly reacted, grabbing Harry's arm and turning the smaller wizard around, as he pushed the other backwards against the still closed door. The green-eyed wizard let out a sharp gasp and Tom saw the shock in his eyes.

"Tom!" Harry yelled at him.

He couldn't let him leave. What if Harry went back to Orion and Abraxas? What if Harry enjoyed their company more than he did his? Tom felt a sting of pain at those thoughts, but honestly... Harry never laughed or smiled with him the way he did with Orion.

Harry even seemed closer with Abraxas than with him lately. It made him feel something that he had never felt before and he hated when he realised what it was.

He was jealous... Jealous of Orion and Abraxas, because they could make Harry laugh so easily. Despite those two years, Tom could still count the times he had seen Harry laugh or smile because of him on one hand...

"What is it about them that you like so much?" Tom screamed into Harry's face. His emotions getting the better of him. Harry seemed more shocked, as those green eyes looked into his, as if searching for the cause of his sudden anger.

For Harry it might be sudden, but for Tom it wasn't. It had been brewing there for maybe a year and only now did he let it out. His fingers tightened around Harry's arms, making the other wince.

"Tom, let go of me!" Harry said. His voice almost a plea.

Something inside of Tom broke, realising how badly Harry wanted to get away from him. What had he done? He couldn't recall doing anything wrong in Harry's presence... He had rarely showed his true self in front of Harry and even then the green-eyed wizard had not judged him.

Yet somehow Harry had always treated him differently than his followers.  But at the same time Harry had never been this cold towards him either. "Is it something I have done?" Tom asked him in a harsh voice. "Last time I checked you weren't so eager to leave my presence."

Harry shook his head and Tom could see the tears starting to gather in those emerald eyes. "You wouldn't understand!" Harry screamed.

Tom pulled back a bit, frowning. Harry's expression was pained as the other was clearly losing control of his emotions. "This is your entire freaking fault in the first place!" Harry hit him against his chest and Tom barely suppressed a wince. "You have destroyed everything! MY whole life!" Harry yelled at him and his voice rose with every word he screamed as Harry kept hitting and Tom had no idea what this came from...

Harry was panting as tears rolled from those beautiful emerald eyes.

Both were silent as they stared at each other. "Fuck this..." Harry groaned and those green eyes closed as instead of pushing him away, Harry pulled him closer, shocking Tom even more. Automatically he tensed.

Harry didn't seem to notice as the other started to cry on top of his shoulder and kept muttering that it was his fault. Tom had no idea what Harry was blaming him for, since nothing made sense...

He couldn't possible have destroyed Harry's whole life, since he only met him two years ago...

"I hate you, Tom Riddle..." Harry muttered then and Tom's eyes widened as he felt something inside him shatter. He stood there frozen as the words seemed to repeat itself inside his mind. Harry seemed ignorant to it.

Foolishly ignorant that he had woken a beast that he shouldn't have. Shock and pain quickly turned into a more familiar emotion for Tom. Pure fury.

He pushed Harry's body away from his and his hands wrapped around the other's neck, seeing Harry gasp as his air supply was cut off. Anger clouded Tom's mind as he furiously glared at the smaller male.

The same male, who had lived with him together in the Orphanage and made it a bit more bearable. The same teen that had captured his attention with those messy dark curls and those bright emerald eyes.

The same teen that he wanted to kill right here, right now. Because there was no way that Harry could hate him... it wasn't true. Memories flashed through his mind, as he felt Harry's fruitlessly struggle against his hold.

Tom's eyes were unseen as he was pulled in by those memories. Tom saw Harry laughing loudly together with Orion. Harry together with Abraxas as they whispered and grinned at some secrets they were keeping.

The next thing Tom felt was him being blasted away and his back painfully hitting the cold ground of the dorm. His ears were ringing, yet he could still hear someone spluttering and coughing. "Wha..." A raspy voice started and Tom pushed himself up, wide blue eyes staring at the scene in front of him.

Harry was on his knees, panting heavily, and one hand touching his neck. Tom's anger faded at seeing those emerald eyes stare coldly at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Harry demanded and Tom inwardly winced as Harry's voice still sounded rough.

What was wrong with him...? Was he so jealous that he would lose sight of everything around him...? obviously.

He closed his eyes and softly muttered. "I apologize..." It took all his pride, but he knew that if he didn't say he was sorry then he would surely lose Harry. Tom sighed and opened his eyes, knowing that maybe he had already messed everything up.

This was their last years at Hogwarts... It shouldn't be like this. Since Harry came into his life, everything had spiralled out of control.

"I don't understand anything about you..." Harry muttered as he slowly got up. Tom followed his example and stood up as well. "Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside your mind, Tom... but I doubt anyone would be able to truly understand you."

Tom didn't reply and Harry looked away, clearly uncomfortable. "I... didn't meant what I said just now..."

Tom gritted his teeth as he remembered those awful words that Harry had said. "Forget about it. Go play with Abraxas or Orion." Tom snarled as he moved towards his bed and grabbed a book from his night table, clearly dismissing the other.

It was easier to just shut people out, because then they couldn't hurt you... because then they had no power over you. Tom briefly wondered when he had fallen so low as to let someone as Harry in... to let him inside his heart even...

Maybe partly because the green-eyed wizard reminded him of himself. From what Tom knew Harry hadn't a great childhood either, because the other admitted this as he first was forced to stay in Wools Orphanage as well. Harry had said it was almost similar to where he had grown up, though he didn't elaborate and Tom never asked.

Tom knew that Harry hadn't left the dorm room. He hadn't hear the sound of the door and he could almost feel those eyes boring into him.

And even though the book was open in front of him, Tom didn't read a single word. Completely aware of Harry's presence. He glared up at the other, seeing Harry standing there clearly uncomfortable still. "I told you to fucking leave!" Tom snarled as he lost his patience once again.

Harry jumped and green wide eyes looked towards him. Then Harry seemed to brace himself and walked towards him. Tom scowled at the other, but this time Harry wasn't impressed as the other sat down on the bed next to him.

"You were angry about what I said before... It doesn't feel right to leave you like this." Harry muttered.

Tom snorted and glanced down at his book. "You don't care about me, so don't bother." Tom wished the other would just take the hint and leave. He couldn't allow Harry to hurt him more. He couldn't allow this to continue any longer. He couldn't allow to let those emotions control him.

A hand appeared in his line of sight as Harry gently pulled the book from his hands. Tom didn't react, just watched as Harry placed the book on the night table.

"You know... arriving here showed me how little I knew." Harry muttered as those green eyes looked up again. Once again Harry's words didn't make much sense, but Tom waited for him to continue.

"I hid the truth for two years now. I didn't exactly come from around here." Harry admitted and Tom found himself growing intrigued. It must have shown on his face somehow as Harry's lips curved upwards.

Tom shifted, leaning back against the headboard of his bed, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at Harry. "Where did you come from then?" Tom asked him.

"Not where, more like when." Harry muttered and then he sighed.

"When?" Tom frowned as his mind started working. It was rare for Harry to be so open and any information about the mysterious teen that suddenly appeared out of nowhere was highly interested.

Harry had told them all, that he had no memories of what had happened and Albus Dumbledore had eventually decided they couldn't let a young boy out in the world with Grindelwald there. It was a rare case of amnesia, because Harry did remember some stuff, like his name. Harry Potter. Yet the Potter family stated that there was no Harry Potter.

A blood test proved that Harry was indeed a Potter and they were forced to accept the new Potter, not even knowing where he came from. 

But now it seemed like all of that had been a lie. "You don't have amnesia, do you?" Tom inquired, though he already knew the answer. He had been doubting this since the beginning.

"No... It was a precaution I decided to take. My memories are... risky in this time. Me being here might already have messed up the future as I knew it." Harry said softly.

Tom had already put the pieces together, but Harry's words made it final. A time-traveller... "You are from the future..." Tom muttered in clear shock. There were few cases known of time-travellers and it was dangerous, because changing the past could completely change the future. The fact that Harry had already been here for two years, surely must have changed everything.

Harry nodded gravely and there were so many questions that Tom wanted to ask, but Harry spoke before he even had the chance. "Don't... please, Tom do me one favour and don't ask about it."

Tom closed his mouth again as he regarded the other. So many possibilities. Harry could tell him what was going to happen. If he was going to succeed in the future. But as he saw Harry's expression close off, he knew that asking it right now was off limits.

He would try later to get more information, when Harry was in a better mood. "The future..." Tom whispered, barely comprehending it. He laughed softly and Harry blinked at him.

"Is that why you were so hostile towards me when we first met?" Tom asked him with a grin. Harry blanched and Tom knew he was right. He could see many emotions inside Harry's eyes, the most notable one apprehension.

Tom chuckled and Harry narrowed his eyes. The other was planning to back away, but Tom grabbed his arm. This time more gently and he saw Harry freeze. "It is my future self that you were blaming." Tom stated and he could see Harry look away, unable to meet his gaze.

The other's body was tense and Tom quietly advanced on him. Harry stiffened even further as Tom wrapped his arms around him, but neither did Harry fight it. "What is it that he, or I, did to you?" Tom whispered into Harry's ear.

"Let go of me." Harry said suddenly in a cold voice.

Tom laughed. "Never." He replied, tightening his hold, making Harry squirm, yet the black-haired wizard still made no real attempts to free himself.

"Did you forget, Harry," Tom muttered as he leaned in closer and brushed his lips against the other's temple. "That I own you."

He could feel the shiver running through the teen in his arms and he grinned. He would use any means necessary. "Shall I tell you a secret as well, Harry?" Tom asked and Harry turned his head to look at him, a curious glance in those emerald eyes.

Tom smiled charmingly as he spoke in a soft voice. "I am jealous," He took great satisfaction in seeing Harry's eyes widen. Carefully he placed his hand on Harry's cheek. "Jealous of Abraxas and Orion, for making you laugh and smile." Tom could hear a taint of anger in his voice and Harry must have heard it as well as he pulled back a bit.

Tom relented and let Harry go, but was slightly surprised when the teen didn't leave the bed, only put a bit more distance between them. "Jealous... you?" Harry asked as he snorted and Tom felt something inside him flutter when Harry laughed, shaking his head.

"Sorry, but I find that a bit hard to believe." Harry said still laughing softly. Tom smirked as he kneeled closer to the other and he saw Harry tense again, his laugh stopping.

"I assure you that I am not lying." Tom said and Harry frowned at him. Tom realised that knowing the truth only made him want this wizard more. For all the knowledge Harry had.

This wizard could help him achieve greatness. "Liar..." Harry muttered, but it sounded unconvincing and Tom grinned.

It was if Harry could truly see through him, yet it seemed like the other teen wanted to give him the benefit of doubt. Foolish...

"You don't sound very convincing, Harry." Tom stated as he shifted, so he was sitting next to the other. Harry didn't move and he considered it a win.

Harry merely stared at him. "I know how you are... how you charm people and then use them." Harry muttered, remembering the Tom Riddle from the diary he met inside the Chamber.

Tom hummed. "People let themselves be used," He commented. "Now the question remains. Have I been able to charm you?"

Harry scowled, but Tom could see a flicker in Harry's eyes. And when those green eyes glanced down at his lips for one second, Tom knew enough. He was very much aware of his good looks, though he rarely used them to get what he wanted.

He never quite liked the idea of having sex and it never appealed to him, but he did know everything about the human body. Knowledge is power after all.

Tom took his chance and moved closer, placing his hand atop Harry's shoulder, he gently pushed the other down onto his bed. Harry let him and Tom smiled. "I think I did win your heart," Tom whispered as inched closer. Harry opened his mouth, clearly wanting to protest, but Tom continued. "Just like you captured mine."

Harry's breath hitched and those emerald eyes widened. Tom could see the internal struggle going on inside the other, but he knew he wouldn't let him go.

Closing the distance between them he placed his lips against Harry's and slowly moved them. Harry's lips were unresponsive against his at first, but then the wizard reached his hands up and Tom could feel the fingers tangling in his hair as they deepened the kiss.

Tom saw Harry close his eyes and he quickly moved one hand down over the small body next to his. He moved it down over Harry's chest, stomach and settled it between Harry's legs, applying some pressure against the clothed prick.

Harry's eyes opened and he gasped, pulling back from the kiss as two hands grabbed onto his wrist. Tom stopped his movements as he saw Harry's startled expression. "It is your first time..." Tom stated and Harry blushed as he nodded.

Tom smiled down at him, not admitting that it would be his first time as well. "Shh, don't worry I know what I am doing. It will feel good, I promise."

Harry still didn't look convinced and Tom sighed as he pulled his hand free from Harry's grip. "Do you want me to stop?" Tom asked him, despite that he wasn't planning on stopping at all. He wanted the other, now more than ever.

Harry seemed thought, before replying in a more whisper. "No... I want it, I think."

Tom raised his eyebrow. "You think?" Tom asked and Harry's blush deepened, making him chuckle. "Just relax. I will take it slow." He promised and inwardly he grinned when he felt and saw Harry relax.

Harry gave a nod and Tom smiled as he pulled the other up and discarded Harry's robe and shirt. He slowly pushed Harry down again and covered the smaller body with his own as he once again kissed him.

Harry returned the kiss with the same passion as before and Tom placed his hands on Harry's hips. "Open your legs." Tom whispered as he broke the kiss for one second. Harry followed the order and Tom felt something go through him at the way the green-eyed wizard submitted to him like this.

He lay down in between Harry's legs as he started kissing Harry's chest, keeping his eyes on Harry's face.

Harry's mouth was open in silent gasps as those green eyes followed his every move. Tom licked a trail towards Harry's left nipple and placed his lips around it. Harry's eyes flickered close for a second and Tom grinned as he licked the sensitive bud.

Harry shivered. "Ohh..." He groaned, his eyes closing at the feeling of a wet tongue against his nipple and Tom bit down lightly, feeling Harry's body shudder as another soft moan came from the other wizard.

Tom moved towards the other nipple and repeated the ministrations. When Tom saw Harry's head roll backwards and the emerald eyes closing, he moved his hands to Harry's trouser. As he opened it, he felt Harry tense, but quickly relax again.

He leaned up and slowly pulled Harry's trouser down, revealing a small, but clear bulge inside Harry's underwear. Tom glanced up seeing that Harry's face was flushed and his pupils dilated. "You alright?" Tom asked and Harry gave a small nod.

Smiling Tom moved off the bed as he completely removed Harry's trouser and underwear, leaving the other completely naked. He let his eyes roam over the pale body small body. Signs of malnourishment were clear, but Tom already suspected something like that... Harry was much too small for his age.

Tom stood in between Harry's open legs that were hanging off the edge of his bed. "You look divine." He told him and Harry snorted softly.

"Liar." Harry muttered the word once more and Tom smirked.

Slowly he kneeled down and Harry shot up, clearly not expecting this. Wide emerald eyes stared down at him as he wrapped a hand around Harry's cock, tugging on it.

Harry's mouth opened, but whatever he wanted to say was lost, as only a small moan came out. "Just relax, Harry." Tom whispered and he saw how Harry stiffened when he leaned in closer. Anticipation thrummed through them both.

Tom blew on the head of Harry's cock, seeing Harry shiver as his warm breath hit the sensitive tip. Harry could deny it all he wanted, but it was clear that he got aroused by this.

Encouraged by those reactions Tom slowly encased his lips around the shaft and he felt Harry thrusted upwards. "Fuck..." Harry moaned and Tom felt a hand being placed on the back of his head, gently pushing him. Harry clearly wanted him to take him deeper and he complied.

He closed his eyes as he focused upon sucking Harry. Remembering everything he had read, he swirled his tongue around the tip when he moved upwards and hallowed his cheeks when he bobbed his head down.

Harry's fingers tightened in his hair and he could hear the teen's moans increase.

Tom groaned around Harry's cock and felt how it twitched inside his mouth. Knowing that Harry must be getting close he shifted his hand lower and gently tugged on Harry's balls. Harry shivered and loudly moaned, making Tom grin around the hard shaft.

Glancing upwards he saw Harry was looking down at him, clearly enthralled by the view. It stirred something inside of him, seeing those beautiful eyes so fixed upon him. Tom was even slightly surprised when his cock seemed to be getting interested.

He pulled away, Harry's erection springing free. "I want to fuck you." Tom admitted in a husky voice and Harry seemed taken aback.

Tom swore that if Harry denied him, he would just take what he wanted and erase the whole event from Harry's mind. "Alright..." Harry whispered and Tom felt relieved as his body relaxed, unaware how tense he had been in the first place.

"Lay down further on the bed." Tom told him as he got up from the ground and threw off his shirt and kicked out his shoes. Harry scrambled back, lying down on his bed like some sacrifice. 'A virginal sacrifice.' Tom thought darkly.

Tom opened his trouser and pushed them down to his ankles, his underwear following closely behind. Kicking them off, knowing that no one would interrupt them any way he prowled towards the bed.

Slowly Tom covered Harry's body with his own, placing his hands next to the black-haired male's head. Harry was completely tense once again and he sighed. "Relax, Harry... it isn't as if I am going to murder you."

Harry only stiffened even more and Tom could see a flash of fear in Harry's eyes. Tom snorted at the reaction and Harry glared. "That isn't funny." Harry snapped, but Tom grabbed Harry's head and kissed him deeply, feeling Harry slowly relax into the kiss.

"Right, no jokes about killing." Tom whispered against Harry's lips, knowing he hit a nerve. He stored the information away for later.

Tom quickly muttered a lubricating spell and Harry gasped as he glanced down, feeling a strange sensation inside his ass.

Tom wasn't exactly prepared for this and had no lube on hand. If this relationship between them would continue, then he needed to make sure he bought some, one way or another. For now though... the spell and some spit had to do.

Tom sat back on his knees between Harry's legs. He glanced down and trailed one finger from the tip of Harry's cock, down to his balls and then slowly through the ass crack. He stopped when he felt the wet hole and glancing up he slowly pushed one finger inside.

Tom inwardly groaned in frustration when Harry tensed. Not letting up he pushed the finger in further as Harry closed his eyes at the intrusion. Tom wriggled his finger around, carefully watching Harry's face.

"How does it feel?" Tom asked him. 'Play nice...' He told himself.

"It... feels strange." Harry got out and green eyes opened.

Tom hummed and pulled the finger out, spitting on his finger, he placed two fingers against Harry's hole. "Relax." He warned the other and he saw Harry trying to relax his body. Not wanting to wait any longer, he pushed them in.

Harry's hands grasped into his blankets. Blue eyes darkened as Harry's back arched, green eyes fluttering close. Quickly and almost impatiently he started to scissor his fingers, stretching Harry.

As Harry started pushing back against his fingers and moans slipped from the boy's mouth, Tom applied a third finger. "Oh god..." Harry groaned as the third finger also slipped inside him.

Tom grinned as his other hand wrapped around Harry's leaking member. Harry's moans grew louder and Harry's muscles clenched around his fingers.

Tom bit his bottom lip as he could already imagine him fucking Harry. Hardly had he surrendered to his body's desire, but this time he felt like losing himself. He wanted to drown himself in the pleasure that was sure to come.

Tom didn't think he would ever let Harry go. He increased his pace, tugging harder and quicker as Harry's cock and thrusting his fingers in deeper. Harry's body became taut and Tom felt the cock twitch as sperm coated Harry's stomach and his hand as he kept jerking the other.

Harry shivered as he tried to regulate his breathing and Tom watched in delight as Harry came down from his orgasm. Yet he could feel his erection still standing proudly and he slowly pulled his fingers out of Harry, earning a small whimper from the male.

Tom spit in his own hand and coated his cock in it. Harry's glazed eyes looked at him, but didn't stop him as he shifted closer and placed his erection at the male's hole.

Harry opened his legs even wider and Tom leaned down as he kissed him, while at the same time slowly eased his way in. Harry let out a gasp as Tom fully sheathed himself.

Blue eyes closed as he felt the tight heat surrounding his cock. Tom placed his hands on Harry's hips and forced his eyes open, seeing Harry's eyes were tightly closed. "You alright?" Tom asked as he fought the urge to move.

Harry nodded. "Just move..." He gasped, not opening his eyes at all.

Tom took what was offered and started fucking him. Harry's hands landed on his shoulders, gripping them tightly.

Gently Tom moved his hands to Harry's thighs and moved them. Harry seemed to understand it and wrapped his legs around his waist as Tom increased his pace.

Harry's hands shifted as well and the black-haired male pulled him into a deep kiss. Blue eyes closed as he groaned into the kiss. He could feel Harry's muscles gripping tight around his cock, bringing him closer and closer to the edge.

When Tom felt his orgasm rush over him, he thrusted inwards as deep as he could go and his cock convulsed as his sperm filled Harry's insides, claiming the male completely. Breathing heavily against Harry's lips he rode out of his orgasm.

Opening his eyes he saw Harry looking at him as if he was seeing him for the first time. His lips turned upwards as he laughed and lowered himself.

"Oh... you are heavy!" Harry groaned.

Tom didn't stop laughing and placed kisses on Harry's neck. "But I am feeling so content," He admitted honestly. "I don't want to get up."

Harry let out another groan and Tom felt the smaller male push him off and sideways. Magic washed over them both and Tom knew Harry had just cleaned them and was getting up. Tom pulled Harry back and gathered him in his arms, hearing the black-haired male let out a yelp.

"Tom, I wanted to leave!" Harry snarled at him.

"No." He simply said and Harry stopped struggling, instead turning around and facing him. Blue eyes met defiant green.

Tom's hands roamed over Harry's back feeling the other shiver. An emotion crossed over Harry's face that he couldn't quite identify. "Tom, I shouldn't..." Harry muttered and Tom sighed.

"If you are going to regret it now, you shouldn't have let me continue in the first place." Tom hissed out.

"No," Harry quickly said. "I don't regret it... but..."

"It is difficult considering your past, or the future." Tom stated and Harry looked shocked for one second before giving a slow uncertain nod. "Will you tell me one day?" Tom asked.

"I don't think that is wise..." Harry whispered and Tom chuckled.

"Really. You being here is already enough to mess with the timeline," Tom muttered. "I doubt everything is still the same in the future."

A frown appeared on Harry's face. "I am not certain... but I do believe things have already changed since I came here."

"Like what?" Tom inquired, wondering if Harry would tell him more now.

Harry shrugged. "It doesn't matter." Tom inwardly groaned at the reply he got.

"A small change can have a huge effect on the future." Tom said as he closed his eyes.

Harry remained quiet for some time, but Tom was patient and therefore rewarded when Harry spoke softly. "Someone is still alive, while I believe she should have been dead by now."

Blue eyes opened and Harry stared at him. It was clear that whatever Harry was thinking about, it wasn't anything nice. "Someone I know?" Tom asked softly.

"No, not personally I think," Harry replied and then the green-eyed wizard let out a sigh. "I shouldn't be talking with you about this."

Tom hummed and moved closer, placing his forehead against Harry's. "You can tell me anything, Harry. After all, aren't we lovers now?"

Tom smiled as he saw Harry blush and mutter. "Ah... yes I guess."

Inwardly however Tom was very pleased with his progress. Harry was a huge asset to his followers and not only that but Tom felt closer to him than anyone else. Honestly he wouldn't mind being Harry's lover to keep the other close.

Those emerald eyes should only be focused upon him. Harry's heart, mind and body were his and he didn't share him with anyone.

A dark thought entered his mind. Harry locked away, only seeing him. No other people would ever be able to talk to his green-eyed lover. Tom closed his eyes, savouring the thought. Maybe... maybe when they graduated from Hogwarts he could achieve that dream.

No doubt Harry wouldn't mind it either. And if he did, Tom made sure that Harry would get used to it.

"In just a few days it is Halloween..." Harry muttered suddenly and Tom's eyes opened.

"It is..." Tom stated, seeing a sad expression on Harry's face. When Tom thought back on it, he realised that the previous year Harry had also been short-tempered and withdrawn during the end of October. Clearly it was a time of the year that Harry didn't enjoy.

Deciding he had already asked enough for now, he let it drop. "Want to take a nap before dinner?" Tom asked and he saw Harry smile sadly. Harry nodded and shifted closer. Tom could feel Harry's breath against his collarbone and a soft smile graced his features.

Harry was undoubtedly his.

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