|Chapter 14|

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Warnings: Underage, Possessive Tom Riddle, Evil manipulative Tom Riddle, Slight Stockholm Syndrome, Slight bondage, Edging, Harry is blinded by love(once again lol). Kind of dark I guess(I don't know honestly)??

The classroom in the dungeon was famous for its hauntings and few dared to enter. Whispers of a dark maleficent spirit that lived there went all around Hogwarts for years.

People were dared to go in there and spoke of cold chills and a voice that surely belonged to a demon instead of a ghost. Moaning Myrtle or Peeves were nothing compared to the entity that made its home down in the dungeons and that one particular classroom.

Harry remembered quite clearly how his father told him of his entry in the room and what he had felt and seen. Without a doubt his father wasn't easily scared, yet James Potter stated that no matter what he would never set foot inside that room ever again. The dark and depressing atmosphere enough reason to leave the room alone.

Apparently Dumbledore had tried to make the ghost to leave or cross over, but nothing helped and the ghost remained.

Harry thought it was a sad way of existing. Lonely as well, but the fact remained that the ghost chased away all those who came near or entered his room. Still Harry couldn't help but think that maybe the ghost must be lonely... For he knew how Myrtle felt and therefore he couldn't imagine this ghost to be happy either.

Harry felt sad for the entity and decided to make a choice.

And they always said; curiosity killed the cat and maybe Harry James Potter should have listened. Maybe he should have listened, since everyone always advised to stay away from that classroom.


However, curious and adventurous as he was Harry gathered his invisibility cloak around him as he carefully made his way down to the common room. His footsteps silent in the dead of the night. Yet he could feel his heart beating quicker at the knowledge of what he was going to do.

He was either a fool or very brave and it was a thin line between the two. But now during his fifth year at Hogwarts, he had heard so much about the ghost inside the classroom down in the very dungeons that he wanted to see it for himself.

Harry was surprised he didn't see any professors or prefects on patrol and realised that they must have long gone to bed as well. It only made it easier and quicker for him to reach the dungeons.

In front of the classroom door he stopped, trying to calm down his heart as his gaze was fixed on the door. It was nothing special really... just another wooden door inside the castle. Yet beyond this particular door was a spirit that was undoubtedly angry and Harry wondered why he was even bothering coming here...

Did he really get a kick out of this? Maybe he indeed did. Maybe Remus would comment how he had a heart of gold just like his mother. Because he actually befriended Myrtle and now he would try and approach this spirit...

Carefully he reached out to the doorknob and turned it, slowly opening the door which made a creaking sound that sounded far too loud in the silent dungeons.

Harry let out a deep breath and entered the room, not seeing anything interesting and wondering if it was nothing but a rumour after all... But his father would never lie about something like this. Besides everyone always spoke about this haunted classroom... So there must be some truth to it.

The few chairs and small tables that stood in there were gathering dust. Proof that not even the house-elves dared to enter this room. The blackboard in front of the class was empty and it all gave him a kind of eerie feeling.

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