|Chapter 13|

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Warnings: Time travel, Underage, Jealous!Tom, slightly manipulative!Tom, Dark!Tom, possessive Tom, Harry has fallen in love and is slightly blinded, first time.

"Once you're mine, there is no going back. I told you that!" Tom snarled and Harry scowled at him. "And I say you can't just go with Orion or Abraxas to Hogsmeade!"

"And pray tell me why not, Tom?" Harry snapped back, glaring at the brown-haired wizard. At this moment uncaring that this would be the future Dark Lord. Because right now, Tom was just being petty... again.

If Harry had known what would happen when he ran through the Chamber of Time in the ministry and that it resulted in him being somehow blasted into the freaking past then he wouldn't have foolishly went to the Ministry in the first place.

Harry could only hope was that Sirius was fine and that Voldemort had not killed his godfather... Even now two years later Harry knew that the chances of him returning to his original time were low.

Right now however, Harry had more pressing matters, because he had no idea why he caught the attention of Tom in the first place when he arrived here. The worst part was that Tom seemed highly protective and possessive over him and it only grew as time passed. It unnerved him, but sadly part of him liked the young Dark Lord watching over him.

During the past two years Harry and Tom had a lot of arguments, but this might just be the stupidest.

"In case you forgot, Tom. I am not one of your stupid knights. YOU do not own me!" Harry snarled into the other's face, raising his voice in hopes that he would get his point across.

"In case you forgot, Harry," Tom mocked him with his own words and Harry's eyes narrowed. "I owned you since the moment we met."

Harry let out a laugh at those words, as she shook his head. He was truly disappointed at the other, but in truth he should have expected it. Tom didn't seem amused by it however as his scowl deepened.

"I am done with this." Harry told him and turned around, preparing to leave the dorm room. He had no intention of staying in the same room as Tom any longer.

Tom felt something inside him tense and he quickly reacted, grabbing Harry's arm and turning the smaller wizard around, as he pushed the other backwards against the still closed door. The green-eyed wizard let out a sharp gasp and Tom saw the shock in his eyes.

"Tom!" Harry yelled at him.

He couldn't let him leave. What if Harry went back to Orion and Abraxas? What if Harry enjoyed their company more than he did his? Tom felt a sting of pain at those thoughts, but honestly... Harry never laughed or smiled with him the way he did with Orion.

Harry even seemed closer with Abraxas than with him lately. It made him feel something that he had never felt before and he hated when he realised what it was.

He was jealous... Jealous of Orion and Abraxas, because they could make Harry laugh so easily. Despite those two years, Tom could still count the times he had seen Harry laugh or smile because of him on one hand...

"What is it about them that you like so much?" Tom screamed into Harry's face. His emotions getting the better of him. Harry seemed more shocked, as those green eyes looked into his, as if searching for the cause of his sudden anger.

For Harry it might be sudden, but for Tom it wasn't. It had been brewing there for maybe a year and only now did he let it out. His fingers tightened around Harry's arms, making the other wince.

"Tom, let go of me!" Harry said. His voice almost a plea.

Something inside of Tom broke, realising how badly Harry wanted to get away from him. What had he done? He couldn't recall doing anything wrong in Harry's presence... He had rarely showed his true self in front of Harry and even then the green-eyed wizard had not judged him.

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