|Chapter 2|

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Warnings: Incest, Daddy kink

Harry knew how wrong it was, but it didn't change his feelings or his desires at all. Knowing how wrong it all was, only made him want it more.

His father was handsome, there was no denying this. People could often easily see they were related in one way or another. The only thing Harry got from his mother were his eyes and the colour of his hair, darker than his father's brown coloured hair. Yet whenever Harry said that Tom was actually his father, people still stared wide-eyed at them.

Harry couldn't blame them. His father had been young when his mother got pregnant after all and then when his mother died he had been forced to take care of his young son on his own. Tom Riddle had only been 19 back then and had admitted to Harry later on that they hadn't planned to get a child while they were so young, meaning it had been an accident. Yet people often complimented his father on it, for Harry knew he turned into a nice young man and they admired Tom Riddle for raising his son on his own, after Lily had passed away.

If only they knew of their hidden desires. Yet his father said that no matter what, this secret must be kept inside the family and Harry listened to him. He also knew what could happen if this got out.

People would look down upon them or be disgusted, instead of looking up or admiring them. Worse case scenario, his father would be imprisoned if the people of Little Hangleton played their cards right. Harry would never let anything like that happened. No, this was their little secret.

Harry grinned as he thought back on how it had all started. Like every teenager he started to get a sexual urge, yet every damn fantasy he had involved males and one male in particularly. Back then he lost count of how many times he had jerked himself off while imagining his father doing things to him that most people would find disgusting.

Not even Cedric got close to the image of his father. No, Harry hated to accept it at first that no one could arouse him as well as his own father, his own flesh and blood. He tried to keep his feelings in check back then, afraid that even his father would find him disgusting and would disown him or throw him out of the house.

Never in his wildest dreams had Harry expected the fetish would go both ways. He had a daddy kink and it seemed like his father didn't shy away from it either.

"What are you thinking about?" His father asked him from the other couch and Harry hummed softly, seeing how his father's eyes were fixed upon him in a rather hungry gaze.

"About you fucking me senseless, dad." Harry replied. His grin widened as he saw his father's eyes dilate in lust.

His father let out a soft chuckle. "You grew rather bold, didn't you, son?"

Harry shrugged, his grin only widening even more. "What can I say? I learned from the best." This only pleased his father more as a grin appeared on that handsome face. His father was arrogant and both of them knew it.

"I bet you can put that pretty little mouth to a better use, don't you agree, Harry?" His father said seductively as he opened his legs more, a clear invitation.

Harry got up slowly and made his way over, kneeling down in between his father's legs. "Hm... I think I can." Harry whispered as he moved both of his hands up from his father's calves, to his knees and his inner thighs.

He let them rest there as he saw those black eyes dilate even more. His father opened his trouser and freed his cock as Harry inched forward. He gave a small lick on the tip as his father held it out in front of him and grinned as he moved down, licking, kissing and sucking his way to his father's balls.

Brown eyes closed and Harry saw how the brown-haired male let his head fall back on the couch. Harry sat up a bit more sucked on the tip, slowly inching down on the shaft.

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